Flight of Capital

They say I shot a man named Gray and took his wife to Italy.
She inherited a million bucks and when she died it came to me.
I can't help it if I'm lucky. - Bob Dylan
This may be old news to you, but just a quick note here of something I'd missed about Flight 77, thanks to "Bismillah" and the RI forum, that I hope you won't miss, too.
At least among those with a mind for such things, it's fairly well-remembered that on September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld made the shocking announcement that the Pentagon "couldn't track" $2.3 trillion of its transactions. "Iroquois" observes, "What's interesting to me is that he made his press release on a Monday. In DC, I always see bad news given on a Friday, usually late in the afternoon on Friday. The exception, of course, would be when someone happens to know that there is a far bigger story coming out."
And we know that Flight 77, allegedly piloted by an incompetent, made an aerobatic, spiralling descent over Washington, effecting a 270-degree turn to strike the Pentagon from a western approach at ground level. The side struck was the only one with an exterior wall hardened against attack, and was relatively empty while renovation continued.
Relatively. The unfortunate construction workers perished outside, but who were the expendables within?
From The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 20, 2001: "One Army office in the Pentagon lost 34 of its 65 employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office, called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines Flight 77 struck."
The Arlington County After-Action Report noted that the "impact area included both the Navy operations center and the office complex of the National Guard and Army Reserve. It was also the end of the fiscal year and important budget information was in the damaged area." And Insight Magazine editorialized that "the Department of the Army, headed by former Enron executive Thomas White, had an excuse [for not making a full accounting]. In a shocking appeal to sentiment it says it didn't publish a "stand-alone" financial statement for 2001 because of "the loss of financial-management personnel sustained during the Sept. 11 terrorist attack."
High Crimes of State often come down to the movement of capital, and so the high criminals generally share the gray and black economics of common felons. Money is money; it's the magnitude of the heist that's different, and the means to effect and cover-up the crime. And part of the cover-up of the Pentagon heist has been the no-plane shell game, played smartly by Rumsfeld himself who "misspoke" that a "missile" had struck the Pentagon the same week Thierry Meyssen's original no-plane website was launched.
It's such disinformation that has drilled irrelevance and folly into a once potentially dangerous and angry army of authentic skeptics.
Jeff - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for once again having the prescience make a "good catch" as one of my young computer hacker friends calls when I look over his shoulder and see that he has missed an OBVIOUS detail in something....
I didn't realize the full genius of this criminal cavalry, the laser precision of their disinformation assault, until now!
These guys are a cut above. The culmination of hundreds of years of refined Anglo-Saxon grand larceny.
….and now we are the Indians, and we don’t stand a chance!
Good to see you back up to no good.
I have had the following up at youtube for over a week w/not one comment nor rating except my own.
American Enantiodromia.. it's been view over three hundred times and crickets....
catherine austin fitts made a list of the top 20 areas of 9-11 profiteering, which is to say motives, for the attacks. the top two are (1) money missing from the u.s. treasury, including that announced by rumsfeld on 9/10, and (2) u.s. stock market pump-and-dump fraud. regarding the latter, she says:
"The events of 9-11 are alleged to have destroyed significant amounts of documentation related to investigations against Wall Street firms and leading New York Federal Reserve members. Subsequent to 9-11, enforcement bureaucracies attention shifted in response to the Patriot Act and a shift in budgetary resources away from policing white collar crime by corporate and banking leadership."
- - -
i've been laughing for several days about this cartoon:
god damn. powerful truthtelling.
as they say:
"sometimes the things your not supposed to see are right before your very eyes."
i'm off for a week vacation. where there are very few electrical outlets. depressurization and recooperation are the goal...
this is the example of the military-intelligence-financial-elitist-industrial complex in works....
oooh. i'll let John F Kennedy speak for us:
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."
“The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. ”
I think it is also curious that this story and the fact that the Meida seems to be sniffing around the un-prosecuted trading transactions on and prior to 9/11 that are in the hundreds of millions if not more.
Could they be sniffing out a story that ultimately can lead to the White House and PROMIS software?
Can we start talking about Cleveland now.
Interesting post. However, the Pentagon has not been much accountable financially to Congress or the American people for trillions of dollars from before 9/11. Past audits have revealed this already. It has been no deep, dark secret, and I find it odd no one much seems to care.
Well if it WAS a plane, and if it couldn't have been the incompetent terrorist pilot of Flight 77, the only thing that's left is remote control of the plane, isn't it?
"the only thing that's left is remote control of the plane, isn't it?"
But if we go down that road of assuming a remote controlled plane, I'm quite sure that plane was empty. The reason? Assume the remote control doesn't work, and suddenly the masterminds of 9/11 have to deal with survivors ... can anyone imagine those survivors stepping in front of a TV camera and reporting freaked out wanna-be terrorists and a remote controlled plane? No. If remote controls have been used, the affected plane(s) needed to be devoid of passengers from the get-go: In case of the remote control malfunctioning, the revelation of panicking terrorists inside the plane would have spoiled the whole plot for initiating a "war on terror".
Not if the passengers were already dead. If you were going to go so far as to use romote control, then why not gas the passengers to death in merciful fasion? Or could "they" be so ruthless as to want the passengers to experience a last moment of excruciatingly horrific pain before passing?
Another interesting point that reveals Rumsfeld's complicity is his playing Florence Nightingale on the Pentagon Lawn just subsequent to the crash. I mean, WTF was he thinking? The United States is allegedly under attack and he decides to play male nurse? What a Focker!! Was he stoned?
Hell no, he wasn't stoned. He knew that was it. He knew there would be no other plane, otherwise he would have been hiding under his desk with a load in his pants. These guys may be bold and audacious, but they are not brave. They're a bunch of sadistic cowards.
If they were ever found complicit and convicted for all of this, which of course is a pipe dream and will never happen, hypothetically speaking, what should their punishment be? I welcome all ideas.
Hi, Mom, this is your son, Mark Bingham.
Dumb ass flubbed the dub big time with that gaffe. I hope they kicked his ass up and down the street. I know I would have. He rehearses that shit for months on end, and then he fucks it up come show time. Off with his head, I say.
But if we go down that road of assuming a remote controlled plane, I'm quite sure that plane was empty.
I think the logistics of empty planes scenario - making all those people who were supposed to be on board disappear by other means, for instance - creates far more potential for operational failure.
My speculation: I believe the hijackers were themselves hijacked to ensure only the approved targets were hit. I believe this accounts for the lies regarding the recovery of the black boxes. If there were a failure of the control system, it would not be exposed, because there was no way the planes were going to land safely. Either the hijackers would crash the planes on their own, or they would be shot down, as in Shanksville. There were never going to be survivors.
Jeff and Shrubs comments weren't up on the main page yet.
you are right Jeff, the plane would have been shot down. I remember hearing years ago, back in the 80s about the anti aircraft defenses around Washington. The place is ringed with them.
One less sinister explanation i used to think was a possibility for the pentagon being hit, was that the plane was aimed at the white house and shot down. And the pilot managed to "luck out and at least hit the pentagon.
But its not that plausible. years ago I had a friend doing an electrical apprentaship with a domestic Australian airline, he used to get us in to mess around with the flight simulators, when he was working late night or graveyard shifts. Airliners are not that easy to fly, they are big and heavy and about as manouverable as a bath tub.
Wasn't one of the WTC buildings also used as a storehouse for an awfully large amount of evidence against all sorts of organised crime...
Heard that somewhere. It might have been that the fbi had leased space to store evidence.
The only thing against the empty plane idea, is what happened to its supposed passebgers. they would have to be killed at some point.
Interesting. Hmmmmmmmm. (Pulls chin). Hmmmmmmm.
Alex Jones gave a speech recently in Chicago and I watched the tape of it. He alleged to have interviewed some military officer down in Florida who said that the hijackers were government employees and were part of a "training" exercise that went live.
Thus, they thought they were playing hijackers as part of a wargames drill.
This would coincide with the other wargames.
Of course, then the guy, and others, were conveniently intimidated into silence, although the safest thing for them to do is run their mouths to every possible person.
I think it's almost certain that the planes were remote controlled. That explains why they don't show the plane hitting the Pentagon. If they set a precedent and show one tape, then they have to show more tapes, and then that leads to questions of pilotship and maneuverability.
One criticism, or tactic, that I DO find interesting, is the argument made by official line parroters that certain "facts" used by skeptics, such as the alive status of supposedly dead hijackers, have since been debunked with other facts, and that the skeptics rely on a false narrative that picks and chooses.
Of course, as any court case will demonstrate, all narratives do the same thing, playing up certain facts and playing down others.
On an unrelated note, I'm reading a book about the Chinese Triads written by Gerald Posner (and yes I'm aware of what else he's written).
The history of the Triads puts all of our homegrown and imported mafias to shame; or at least it did, back in the 1980's . . . and that's if you don't consider government agencies to be types of mafias.
But it's interesting to read how there were 300,000 Triad members in Hong Kong circa 1986. Posner also refers to the CIA complicity in heroin trafficking during the Vietnam era.
The Triads started out as secret, patriot organizations to throw out the Manchu and "white devils," and then degenerated into organized crime cartels.
The book speculates that the PRC takeover in 1997 will drive the Triads out of Hong Kong and into other countries, such as the United States, where presumably, they will wreak havoc, or at least compete with traditional organized crime syndicates.
What's interesting is how Posner only mentions them in reference to the Italian mafia, and not all of the other mafias.
Another interesting point: during WWII, the Triads struck a deal with the Japanese that involved the Japanese eradicating Hong Kong police records to wipe the slate clean.
And when the police started up again, the Triads immediately moved to infiltrate them.
As I continuously implore, please forget the necessity of details of how. There are a million scenarios, from a "sting operation" that was turned into a "remote controlled false flag" -- to an even larger scenario where Al Qaeda hijackers were infiltrated by ISI/CIA who were (in turn) infiltrated by Mossad, etc. (The entire 9/11 operation may have been hijacked & conducted by U.S. Neocons, but multiple governments knew something else was going on (see 2nd paragraph at link) and there is evidence that September 11 was intended to be wider and international. Even the Dutch Airline KLM shared the Put Option spike that week [source: USA Today, 9/26/01. Can't reach cooperativeresearch.org today to link]-- so speculate freely).
I will continuously implore: Follow the money. The missing Pentagon trillions one day before 9/11 has been noted by many. Ewastud's contention that missing Pentagon funds are routine is true ... but not $2 Trillion in one single swoop.
What's missing here is an appreciation of the term "Trillion":
One Million seconds ago was 11 days, 20 hours ago.
One Billion seconds ago was November, 1975 (31.7 years ago).
One Trillion seconds ago was 31,700 years ago (317 centuries).
The Canada GDP is around $1.07 Trillion. The U.S. GDP is around $11.8 Trillion.
The yearly budget for Canada's government is around $178 Billion.
$2.3 Trillion is a lot of money. What good is $2.3 Trillion, however, if you don't buy a New World Order with it?
(Funny term, NWO. It's got "New World" right in it -- a reference which, to me, calls to mind slavery, from the Spanish silver mines of Bolivia to the tobacco fields of South Carolina.)
$2.3 Trillion is a mighty big slush fund for some grandiose plan.
(re) the Triads mafiosa, check out Yale in China, a program funded by Skull n Boners that began nearly a century ago.
Yup. They even groomed Mao.
No shit, Sherlock.
Chew on that one.
George Sr. was what, the first Amabassador to China, yes?
Nixon, Prescott's gofer since the 40's, made the great "opening" with Kissinger's guidance.
And George Sr.'s brother, W's uncle, was the first head of the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, and held the post for something like 20 years.
Kind of brings it all together, don't it?
Mr. Wells said:
"It's such disinformation that has drilled irrelevance and folly into a once potentially dangerous and angry army of authentic skeptics."
I agree, but don't you think that there was such emphasis put on learning devious ways to effect public opinion primarily because the billy clubs & truncheons don't play well on the evening news.
Look at Rodney King & his video whomping by the LAPD....King may well have been at fault since there were 2 other men with him who stayed in the car & stayed unbeaten...I really don't know...but that video, to anyone but a diehard asshole, would be repugnant.
But if you convince people to believe what you want them to believe, well, you get the picture.
The control mechanism made soft & cuddly, albeit intensely creepy.
For example, i have a buddy who is a football coach at a predominately black high school. He also happens to be black. One day we were talking about his students & he told me that he had a hell of a time getting his students to read anything. They hated reading, viewing it as a white thing.
Now, at the time I'd been reading a bit about slavery & what popped into my head was Frederick Douglass explaining that slave owners really feared that slaves would learn to read, so much so that the slave attempting to read would lose 1 or both of his thumbs.
But here we are, 150 years later, & culture or media or race or whatever has indoctrinated & conned black youth into doing exactly what the white slave owner would have wanted.
Really amazing when you think about, the time that went into sugar coating such abhorrent bullshit until people would find the bullshit tastier than the truth.
Yum yum...they sure do eat it up, don't they?
I think Hunter S. Thompson once said " people just aren't getting billy-clubbed enough in America today."
I also remember reading about a psych experiment where they demonstrated that you could turn the healthiest person into a stone cold paranoic just by systematically lying to them.
Now what culture has raised the tasty lie to an art form?
Personally, I'd rather have the billy clubs, these quixotic windmills they've erected in our way are just too ephemeral, too easily brushed off as illusion or delusion.
Also, I think the nastiest irony of the situation is that we funded this whole thing. Our tax dollars built the instruments of our own enslavement, while we wander around, as Alan Moore said, "frisky & unaware, like sheep to the shearing."
Anyone ever see My Dinner With Andre?
The part where Andre Gregory talks about New York being a prison constructed by the inmates for their own confinement?
I'd have to say that H.P. Lovecraft & a bushel full of his eldritch & stygian terrors ain't got nothing on the creepy fucks who warder this little prison of ours.
Now I understand why they're calling this a "spam blog".
Google "Yale in China" and "Mao" instead.
m abernathy,
Hope you don't mind, but I've moved your lengthy comment "Satanic Activity in Oregon" to the "Data Dump" board of the RI Forum. It can be read here. It was just too long and off-topic for this comment field.
Hope you don't consider this spam. It isn't too long. And it is on topic, vis a vis China/Yale/follow the money.
It certainly makes one shudder to realize that Chinese premier Hu Jintao, Vladimir Putin, and Pres. Ahmadinejad of Iran all had a confab together in Shanghai this week, just after the Bilderbergers met.
Wonder which bonesmen were with that triad in Shanghai........
Put the info below together with what you know, eg. from those other Canadian truthtellers like former Canadian Naval Intelligence officer William Guy Carr's "Pawns in the Game" or Henry Makow's post yesterday on how the US and UK helped Germany keep World War I going after the Germans ran out of money and arms in the first year, and it's enough to make you spit, to wit:
"Skull and Bones is a secret fraternity at Yale University which is
restricted to a mere fifteen student members per year. The society was
formed in 1832 by General William Russell, whose shipping firm later
dominated the U.S. side of the China opium trade. Yale University was
founded by Eli Yale, who made his fortune working for the opium smuggling
British East India Company.
"Skull and Bones became the recruiting grounds and preserve of the most
important New England-centered families--families who also made their money
in the opium trade. These families, whose sons regularly join Skull and
Bones, include the little known, but powerful, Coffins, Sloanes, Tafts,
Bundys, Paynes, Whitneys. They are a dominant element of the U.S. 'Eastern
Establishment' to this day. The Bush family is one of a cluster of
lower-level Establishment families controlled by these interests.
"What has this to do with Bush policy towards China--or for that matter,
Bush's "War on Drugs"? (Note: the last television news reporter to ask Bush
a critical question concerning the many narcotics agents who are
complaining about how bad the "drug war" was going, was promptly fired from
his job shortly after the press conference - Branton)
"George Bush, the first U.S. diplomatic representative to the People's
Republic of China back in 1973, was a member of Skull and Bones. So were
his father, brother, son, uncle, nephew, and several cousins. Winston Lord,
the Reagan-Bush administration Ambassador to China was a member; so were
his father and several other relatives. James Lilley, the current
Ambassador to China, was a member of Skull and Bones, as was his brother.
Except during the Carter administration, every U.S. Ambassador to Beijing
since Kissinger's deal with Mao Zedong was a member of the same tiny Yale
cult. A mere coincidence?
"MAO WAS A YALIE - Back in 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number
of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as
'Yale in China.' It has since been shown that 'Yale in China' was an
intelligence network whose purpose was to destroy the republican movement
of Sun Yat-sen on behalf of the Anglo-American Establishment. The
Anglo-American "Establishment" hated Sun, because he wanted to develop
China. On the other hand, they loved the Chinese communists because they
intended to keep China backward, and were committed to growing dope. One of
'Yale in China's' most important students was Mao Zedong.
"During World War II, 'Yale in China' was a primary instrument used by the
U.S. Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install
the Maoists into power. 'Yale in China' was run by OSS operative Reuben
Holden, the husband of Bush's cousin, and also a member of Skull and Bones.
"The Maoists made China into the world's largest opium producer.
"'Yale in China' was also closely associated with the New York-based Union
Theological Seminary, which has been a center for U.S. subversion of Asia
(literal wolves in sheeps clothing - Branton). Every prominent radical
leader operating in Korea today, for example, was trained at Union
Theological. Union Theological was dominated for twenty years by Henry
Sloane Coffin, a U.S. intelligence executive from the Sloane and Coffin
families. He was a Skull and Bones member as were a dozen of his relatives.
"Nor should it be forgotten that Averell Harriman, the former Ambassador to Moscow who did so much to build up the Soviet Union, was a member of Skull and Bones. Harriman was also a business partner of Prescott Bush, Sr., the father of Maoist enthusiast George Bush."
NB: This Skull and Bones - Communist connection is also confirmed by geopolitical and economics researchers such as Dr. Antony Sutton.
Mao also took a hard line on opium smokers in China (they were a legacy of the British East India Company's triangle trade with China and India in the 19th century), executing over one million of them, according to mainstream historians.
That left all the more heroin for export.
And what has happened in Afghanistan since the US invasion on October 7, 2001. Afghanistan has become the grower/supplier of upwards of 90% of the world's opium/heroin supply, again, this is according to even the mainstream media.
Kind of makes you want to "take the pipe," as they used to say....
Yes please, let's lay off the book length posts.
And enquiring minds want to know- Where in the world is Barbara Olsen?
I kid.;~)
And what will they do with all that money?
And in whose bank account did it go?
Can I get a refund?
Jeff, M. Abernathy's obnoxiously long, off-topic 'comment', was not moved.
BTW, today's post by Jeff is another one destined to be cut-and-pasted into emails and linked to all over the net. While I don't agree with those who tell skeptics, "forget about HOW it was done!" or "forget about PHYSICAL EVIDENCE!", it's true that "what were they trying to hide" is the fatal question. In my view, if we knew nothing else, we'd know enough.
Also BTW, though it was somewhat buried in the avalanche of M. Abernathy's 'post', Richard, I wanted to let you know that I always enjoy your consistently thoughtful, sometimes very funny, comments, and the one above is a good example of why.
Alice, that's odd; I see it back too, but I had deleted it, and seen it gone. Anyway, it's gone again. Let's see if it stays gone.
It looks like a lengthy repost of newspaper articles about graveyard hysterics from the late Eighties is more important than (somewhat overboard) comments regarding feelings and observations of the hoax of a 757 hitting the Pentagon along with other Bush family shennanigans. This seems to be so even though that event was what appeared to be the grist of this partricular RI posting! Go figure....
"Hi, Mom, this is your son, Mark Bingham."
That was quite the fuck-up, wasn't it..?
Keep working the China thing, people; collectively, you're on a roll..And it's good to see so soon in v2.0.
ps: Jeff, I see the text-verification function is currently disabled. The spammers aren't far off in this case..
And that reminds me: at some point, the task of cleansing the archive comments from the excessive spam before you initiated the verification option could/should be done, as mundane as it is. I just hate to go back into those archives and see all that crap; I think it really takes something away from the synergy of RI's excellent blog posts and comments..
Kinda like leaving the last word to the clowns, which I'm totally against.
Jeff, I'm really glad you picked up on this. It's worth noting again that the information was originally posted on DU Forums by "Ezlivin" and "mirandapriestly", who in turn got it from god-knows-where - and this demonstrates the real strength of the Internet as a kind of decentralised computer.
And then we hit the Kevlar-reinforced brick wall that separates the Net from the corporate media and TV World.
Rumsfeld's shocking behaviour on that morning is one of the very weakest points in the Bush Gang's entire narrative. If the Democraps and the Brainwashington Post hadn't been so perfectly tactful, the Defense Secretary would have been in a high-security jail awaiting trial for mass murder and treason before 2001 was out.
Andreas Hauss's German website has an English-language page that really makes the case against Rumsfeld. Though Hauss's English is sometimes a bit Colonel-Klink-like, he does a great job of linking up various impeccably-sourced-and-referenced news itemnms and official statements:
"What did Rumsfeld do and what did he not do on 9/11?"
If any of this were to become generally known, the very least that's imaginable is that Rumsfeld would be out of work instantly for truly grotesque negligence and incompetence. As Hauss puts it, the Defense Secretary spent two hours "sitting on his hands" while the attacks took place.
P.S. - “On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.”
maybe it would be productive to try to figure out what offices with investigations and records flight 93 was supposed to hit but didn't.
How can you or anyone else possibly hope to figure that out, anyonymous? It's a prime example of the kind of unproductive, timewasting thought-experiments that have crippled "9/11 truth".
It would be much more productive to figure out a way of publicising what's already known, which is considerable - and which would easily be enough to sink them if it were generally known (and cared about, which is something else).
Okay, assuming "they" built failsafes into the plan, i.e. they had remote control as a back-up, then how the hell were the hijackers able to overcome the pilots so easily without a fierce battle? I cannot accept that Chip Burlingame, the All-American, cut from the same cloth as John Wayne, pilot relinquished control of his aircraft, and his responsibility without a fight.
And the whole Barbara Olsen phone call to Teddy was just too bizarre and chock full of inconsistencies that it's severely lacking in credibility.
Ted, what should I tell the pilot?
What? What should I tell the pilot? Why, dear, to use the profound words of that vaunted Pop Rocker, Billy Idol, tell him "it's a great day to.....start again."
That cork screw pattern they used to approach, and allegedly hit, the Pentagon is the very pattern they use to land in Baghdad every freakin day since the war occupation began. I guess they were practicing.
However, we can debate the specifics of this reality all we want, and, of course, that is precisely what "they" want, because whilst we are contained arguing minutia with the strategically planted spooks in Cyberspace, "they" are planning and executing a host of other realities for us to argue into infinity.
No, we have to go with Pascal's Wager on this one, and trust our instincts.
As Big Daddy said "ain't nothing more powerful than the odor of Mendacity." I love Tennessee Williams, and I love Burl Ives.
You know how you fight a reality? With another reality. Let's start creating our own realities and let "them" argue about it whilst we create more for their debate.
It's called turning the tables, and it works, if you have the nerve.
You're onto something there, Shrubageddon. So much information has now seeped into left-liberal Bloggerland that it's no longer very difficult to gain the upper hand rhetorically. I've begun starting posts by saying things like, "As anyone even remotely acquainted with the available evidence now accepts, the Bush Gang was at the very least criminally complicit through inaction..."
And very few people contradict that these days; they'll take it as an agreed starting-point. Now, that's a big contrast to three years ago, when the lazy words "conspiracy theory" were enough to intimidate almost anyone into silence.
So we shouldn't yet abandon hope.
To all those anonymous posters with comments about the connections between powerful factions in China and the US/British elite, there's a dearth of such information on the RI Discussion Board. Like Et in Arcardia Ego, I believe that understanding that connection (which I can't say that I do) is very important to current events and would appreciate reading more.
I'm the one who posted about the Triads earlier.
I just finished reading about how the Imperial British and French single-handedly built the opium markets in Asia, and how the Western Intelligence agencies continued the legacy.
The French ran Operation X for a profit, and the CIA allegedly ran something like it to ingratiate itself towards anti-Communists.
Of course, the CIA officer admits that it was a pretty stupid thing to do, it didn't help their cause; all it did was make people rich on the drug trade and offer a test market for selling heroin in America; the 40,000 to 100,000 heroin addict GIs who allegedly consumed an amount of heroin equivalent to 2 million American civilians, if I'm not mistaken, according to the book. Heroin was marketed pretty aggressively.
The book also talks about the CIA funding the KMT, and spreading propaganda about Communist China selling heroin, even though Posner writes that it never manufactured or exported heroin, at least not back in the fifties.
BTW- The book is called
Warlords of Crime: Chinese Secret Societies: The New Mafia by Gerald L. Posner. Published in 1988.
Per the manufacturing of other realities; that ain't the problem, it's the distribution and the method.
Sure, if you troll the internet enough, you can piece together an alternate reality; of course you'll never know with 100% certainty of it's the right one. It's interesting to note that vehement critics of the corporate media still rely on the corporate media to supply them with accurate details to fit their own narratives. It's a shitty situation we're in, but at least we can determine that the official narrative is bunk and sketch out other probably narratives.
My own opinion, narratives that support the LIHOP theory would be the most marketable, but I think they almost certainly MIHOP; mainly the poor training on the part of the pilots, the steep angle of descent, Building 7, the myriad, incestuous connections of international intel-mil-banking-etc., the police state legislation waiting in the wings, the PNAC, etc. etc. etc.
Here is the crux though; we've been conditioned to submit to authority figures. We're waiting for men on white horses to come out and rescue us. We're waiting for the perps to fess up. We're waiting for the TV to cover the story. We're waiting for the Establishment to investigate itself, admit its guilty, and then punish the perps. That just ain't gonna happen unless SIGNIFICANT political pressure is brought to bear. And frankly, people have typically only brought that kind of pressure when they've been desperate, or if they've been educated to do so.
Today, that doesn't seem to be our reality. But it could be.
(ezboard is not accepting my log-in. Hmmm.)
Hugh Manatee Wins said...
The Enemy Is Inside The Gates
by Colonel Donn de Grand Pre (US Army - Rtd.)
A dedicated group of experienced civilian and military pilots, including combat fighter pilots and commercial airline captains, just finished a marathon 72 hours of non-stop briefings and debate over the current crisis evolving from the use of commercial aircraft as cruise missiles against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 11 September.
The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation against the United States, requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles, and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets.
As a tactical military exercise against two significant targets (world financial center and the citadel of world strategic military planning), the attack, from a psychological impact on the American public, equaled the Japanese "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor 7 Dec 1941. The over-riding question: If we are at war, who is the enemy?
The group determined that the enemy is within the gates, that he has infiltrated into the highest policy-making positions at the Federal level, and has absolute control, not only of the purse strings, but of the troop build-up and deployment of our military forces, including active, reserve and National Guard units.
Following is a summary of the near-unanimous views of the assembled military and civilian pilots concerning certain critical factors relating to the WTC/Pentagon hit of 9-11:
Troubling questions arose about the alleged pilot-hijackers of the four aircraft, who were supposedly trained on Cessna aircraft over the past year at fields in Florida and Oklahoma. One General officer remarked, "I seriously question whether these novices could have located a target dead-on 200 miles removed from takeoff point... much less controlled
the flight and mastered the intricacies of 11FR (instrument flight rules) -- and all accomplished in 45 minutes."
The extremely skillful maneuvering of the three aircraft at near mach speeds, each unerringly hitting their targets, was superb. As one Air Force officer -- a veteran of over 100 sorties over North Vietnam -- explained, "Those birds (commercial airliners) either had a crack fighter pilot in the left seat, or they were being maneuvered by remote
He is convinced none of the pilots had control of their aircraft when they were flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The question then becomes, who was really in control?
"Even if I had a gun at my head, I'd never fly a plane into a building. I'd try to put it in anywhere -- a field or a river --and I'd be scaring the hell out of them (the hijackers) by flying upside down first," Hill said. In fact, the pilot has the best weapon in his hand when threatened with imminent death by a hijacker, namely, the airplane.
Another airline pilot stated. "On hearing a major scuffle in the cabin, the pilot should have inverted the aircraft and the hijackers end up with broken necks." That none of the four pilots executed such a maneuver points toward the
fact that none of them had control of their aircraft, but had been overridden by an outside force, which was flying them by remote control. As we consider all the options -- and enemies -- who performed this act of war, whether from China, Russia, Israel, an Islamic country, or from NATO, we must also consider that the enemy may be within the gates. If so, then we are dealing with high treason.
Paradigmatic Change
2.) Eliminate the corporate structure, poste haste, and avoid the proclivity to set up similar hierarchical/paternalistic organizations in its place.
I've always suspected that the missing trillions were for 'non-terrestrial' programs, and overall for weaponization of space. Seems like the only thing that could soak up that much money. The actions and words of Putin, and the quickly-emerging SCO, might be an indication that they're worried about this. I also remember a Senator (Shelby from Ala?), don't remember who, who was privvy to black budget expenditures a couple years ago and came out basically shocked in the press, of course couldn't say more because of national security.
The Triads have been on the the move, or the Tongs or whatever they are called. their influence has even been felt in some provincial Australian cities. Apparantly one group who are referred to as 5T have made big inroads into S E Queensland.
Drug trade and illegal trade in women working as prostitutes, well not working, slaving. Possibly they are right into importing arms as well, as I have heard reports of more, cheaper Chinese weapons being available in Australia than ever before. Ironic that the Australian populace was disarmed 10 years ago, well not everyone, but all the law abiding citizens were. Now we have so many illegal weapons floating about, and in such numbers we are probably better equipped in the way of weapons to take on the Government than we ever were.
And what role do falun Gung play in all this? Possibly competition?
That came up in the crazy conversation I had about the Grail the other night, so I hesitate to bring it up here on this thread - where credibility is important.
The Chinese and the US govt are searching for the so called messiah, who will build the device that enables free energy.
>>Here is the crux though; we've been conditioned to submit to authority figures. We're waiting for men on white horses to come out and rescue us.<<
But here's why it might be relevaent:
"Paradigmatic Change
2.) Eliminate the corporate structure, poste haste, and avoid the proclivity to set up similar hierarchical/paternalistic organizations in its place."
Remember free energy means you don't have to pay for it.
>>It's a prime example of the kind of unproductive, timewasting thought-experiments that have crippled "9/11 truth".<<
Thats not my intention BTW. Just something to think about. Because energy is becoming important, and some people could see that Pearl harbour like event in NY as the beginning of the full scale energy wars.
Also, traditional Chinese Culture is not like the one we associate with chinese Communism.
"... I believe that understanding that connection (which I can't say that I do) is very important to current events and would appreciate reading more."
One of my impressions of the American People in general post 911 has been of a people suffering PTSD. And it seems to be multiplied by the media, adding more stress to reinforce the situation. What with Anthrax, taping windows and multi coloured alerts.
Would the Cultural revolution have had a similar effect?? Disconnecting people from what they knew, and replacing it with the power structure of a state is a powerful form of control. Especially when large amounts of the population go along at the start. Imagine trying to control China without it (The cultural rev).
In China the paradigm has changed so fundamentally over the past 100 years, that the whole place is a resource (as far as power in the world goes) just waiting to be tapped. Imagine how scared TPTshit us would be if the one billion or so people in China stood up and said "we want real democracy now, and a say in whats going on".
One final and more mundane, (prolly more accurate too) reason for the spread of the Triads is the obvious value international criminal organisations give governments re getting dodgy stuff done at home and abroad. Perhaps Falun Gung are not willing to contribute in that way.
"The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation against the United States, requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles, and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets."
All roads lead to Rome.
If by "Rome" you mean Washington D.C.
Between the time the south tower of the WTC fell, and while the north tower was still burning, Bill Plante of CNN reported live on air that a "senior enlisted man in the Air Force" told him he had been outside the Pentagon and witnessed a US military helicopter circle the Pentagon, then drop down behind one side of the building, then saw an orange fireball arise from that spot.
So it was a missile fired from a US copter that rose up from the pentagon for brief seconds, did its dirty work, and landed. Clean and tidy, with few loose threads.
Pretty much case closed.
If you doubt it, listen to the account live, as broadcast from CNN's feed that morning on WINS 1010 AM newsradio in NYC. It's available here:
That part of the broadcast occurs between 13 min 30 seconds and 14 minutes of the video linked above, which is tape of the live WINS 1010 broadcast.
Any questions? (Other than from disinfopoids).
Exactly how do people expect that missing $2.3 trillion to be expressed? In paper currency, coins, bank notes, travellers' checks? All at once or spread over a long or short period of time? Where would it be expressed in our economy? Something that big has to make a huge "splash" somewhere.
I work in a city/county government agency involved in contracting the planning, design, and construction of a lot of public works projects. The federal system is somewhat different, but in principle the same. The legislative branch authorizes X amount of government expenditures each fiscal year, and the executive branch can spend no more than that amount. After all it is supposed to be approximately matched by the government's total revenue for that period of time (in theory, over the long term).
I suspect the "missing" $2.3 trillion is the accumulation of many covert expenses and contracts going back a number of years. The expenditures may be for black operations or possibly even money going into the pockets directly or indirectly of some people with high gov't or corporate connections, or into political campaign chests, or to pay for vote rigging here or abroad. Use your imagination!
The Pentagon has probably exempted itself from following generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and external audits and even accurate internal audits of their official books. The black/covert expenditures may be tracked in a second, secret set of books, like some private businesses and corporations maintain to evade taxes or for other nefarious purposes. It might include the CIA's budget which will not even be publicly released, as well as others of a similar character.
When a portion of the Pentagon was hit and destroyed, it gave Rumsfeld an excellent "dog ate my homework" excuse to claim that all records (even that second, secret set) were destroyed and there is no accounting for their expenses whatsoever, except perhaps what might be parcelled out from the memories of the operatives and the people they bribed, the NOC corporations secretly hired, etc., assuming they would be willing to divulge such highly classified information any way. It is unlikely that the $2.3 trillion could represent government expenditures not authorized by Congress as that would be extremely large and have a noticeable inflationary impact on our economy.
On the subject of what hit the Pentagon, I favor the speculation that an unmanned missile actually hit it, consistent with Rumsfeld's "misspeaking" about it. According to what I recall reading in Griffin's book New Pearl Harbor, two objects were seen in the sky by witnesses in the vicinity of the Pentagon before it was struck. Perhaps one was the unmanned missile and the other was the plane that was suppposed to have struck the building, but didn't. The plane's crew and occupants were reportedly extremely heavy in people with military and government occupations and backgrounds. That seems like no coincidence to me. I suspect they are now cooling their heels on some remote island somewhere or at "Reverend" Moon's hacienda in South America, perhaps waiting for their manipulated "Armageddon" to happen so they can re-unite with their families.
As for Mao, I find the anonymous poster's (Abernathy's?) claims regarding Yale and Mao's complicity with the Skull and Bones folk in ruling China and cultivating opium extremely implausible and totally absurd. Communist China under Mao was culturally and economically cut off from the world for nearly three decades, partly by the choice of Mao to build and develop his own country as an independent power, not beholden to outside powers, and partly due to the US government's strong ideological antipathy toward having relations with anything "communist." On the other hand, Mao's arch enemy Chiang Kai Shek and the KMT were notoriously involved in criminal activities, especially opium cultivation and drug trafficking in Burma and French Indochina. Chiang and his associated group of warlords were really just an organized crime gang. It is well documented in Alfred McCoy's book, The Politics of Heroin, and elsewhere, such as journmalist John Gunther's books. I personally think this nut Abernathy is a disinformation agent, causing a distraction from where people should logically look for nefarious geopolitical connections.
where did that post go "behold a white horse"....it just dissapeared
was it important?
This is an excerpt of an article from the Yale Daily News of September 25, 2005. You can shriek mainstream epithets all you want, each person can make up his or her own mind. Here is what the Eli's own college paper would have you believe. Note that they say "most" personnel had left by 1951.
Yale's storied history in China, which began nearly 200 years ago, and its early interest in Chinese language and cultural education have set the University apart from its peers. In 1854, Yale entered the record books as the first American university to grant a diploma to a Chinese student, Yung Wing.
"I think it's public knowledge that Yale has stronger ties," said Teng Kuan Ng, who coordinates Princeton's Beijing language program. "I think a lot of this has to do with one particular guy in the late 19th century [Yung] … Yale and Harvard are more well-received in Beijing than Princeton, because their names just ring more easily in the Chinese ear, and especially because Yale has a long history in China."
Yale's ties to China were forged in the mid-19th century with America's Second Great Awakening, which inspired many Christian missionaries from Yale -- at the time a religious school -- to seek converts in China's vast, uncharted lands.
At the turn of the century, Yale formalized its missionary involvement in China through the creation of the Yale Foreign Ministry Society, a private non-governmental organization that today is known as the Yale-China Association. In 1906, members of the society opened the Yali Academy, which was later known as the Yali Middle School, in the city of Changsha. The school, which exists to this day, was initially run by Yale graduates, who instructed students on a variety of Western and Chinese subjects.
The society retained a presence in China throughout the first half of the 20th century, founding Hsiang-Ya Hospital, Medical College and Nursing School and Huachung University in Wuhan.
But, with the establishment of the communist People's Republic of China in 1949 and Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, Yale's involvement in China came to an end. By 1951, most of Yale-in-China's staff had been evacuated from the country.
For the next three decades, Yale, like the rest of the western world, observed China from the outside. It was not until 1980, after China had reopened its doors to the West, that Yale-China returned to the country. The exchange between China and the West took off after then-President Deng Xiaoping's created an initiative to send Chinese students abroad to learn the ways of the West.
Sorry, that was Sept. 28, 2005.
Thanks Jeff for this info. It's the missing link in my thinking - something that has been troubling me for 2 years. Previously I used to think of some sort of counter-coup occurring to explain the Pentagon incident but could never work it out. This new idea has simplicity and uses the 'follow the money' heuristic.
I'm no great physical evidence analyst (for reasons laid out by Ruppert and some here) but just a glance at the stills from "Loose Change" should show anyone that no plane hit the pentagon that day. An aircraft is just an aluminum tube with engines on the side and could not have possibly gone through 6(?) reinforced walls and then vaporised. Only certain types of missile could have achieved this.
Finally, the missing trillions (did they check the back of the couch?!) could have been spent on underground bases that are rumoured to exist. If real they would have cost vast sums to excavate and build. Just a thought.
Peace (as if!).
Laurence Gardner rang me up to offer me a bier.
“Sops for Cerberus,” he cried. “But, Larry, he’s not here.
Siriusly, sir, he’s gone off trekking in Kashmir.
Order me around then,” Igor begged, stooped low in fear.
“Master you’re my psychopath – I’ll only work for you.
Every day to come to work to see if I might do
Something no one’s ever done – like Elmer and his glue.
Yesterday, by jinks, I almost crafted an idea.
Now I can’t remember, ‘cause my mind’s a jumping flea.
If it ever settles down, perhaps, you might meet me.
Speaking of the Peppers, no not Sergeant’s, Red Hot Chill,
Itching Sixty-fours have always given me a thrill.
That’s why now I’m like six Chinese linguists up a tree,
Fussing first and fighting next and opium makes three
Manchu candidates all fighting for a view to kill
Someone they have never met who gave them each a pill.
Witch’s mountain, then there is no mountain, then no hill.
Donovan, not wild Bill, the other, Sunshine Supe,
Told me once, ‘Don’t worry. Life is like a chicken coop.
Birds come in and birds go out. They lay eggs and they poop,
Sleep and drink and fertilize and then become chow mein.
Try to keep your wits about you. Most folks go insane
Trying to make nothing out of something. Wax and wane.’
Hello?” Igor hung the phone up, whisp’ring, “Loss is gain.”
Everyone who thinks that those responsible for 911 will be indicted, prosecuted, convicted and punished, please raise your hands.
Confuscious say "a crowd without hands silently claps."
So far, we have the following about the Pentagon, and just from the comments in this thread:
1.) Plane hitting via Remote Control with no passengers, or hijackers.
2.) Plane hitting via hijackers, with remote control as back-up failsafe just in case hijackers go awry
3.) Plane hitting via remote control with dead passengers.
4.) Helicopter firing missile into Pentagon.
5.) China, Yale, Skull&Bones and The Bushes.
Tons of information and theories, with much disagreement and pseudo bickering over semantics, but no god damned action.
Mission Accomplished!!
The Dems were wrong when they chastised Bush for that comment on the aircraft carrier that day. Like Kennedy's carefully crafted speech concerning the Shadow Government, Bush's words had two meanings.
"They" did accomplish their mission, and the idiotic leftists are a bunch of morons if they think those words were a gaffe.
Todays democracy now interview w/Journalist David Rose spoke today of Guantanamo: Detainee Accounts of US using a scapel on their genitals and it sent up a red flag as I had just watched the Open Discussion post on
A Dangerous Game, Cathy O'Brien video interview where she shows Cathy O'Brien showing her gentel scapel scars. Another Coincidance?
Uncle $cam,
That's interesting, and all, but what do think about Phil Michelson blowing the U.S. Open like that? Why the hell did he hit driver on the 18th, when he couldn't keep it straight off the tee with the driver, all day? All he needed was a par. His 4 Wood would have been just fine.
9/11 was brought to you by the same gov't that watched Germany prosecute Free Speech (Zundel). The same gov't that cages peaceful protestors and forces book outlets to stop stocking "America Deceived" by E.A. Blayre III. The same gov't that spies on ALL DOMESTIC calls in violation of the 4th Amendment.
Support Indy Media.
Last link (before Google Books gets a call from the gov't):
Beware today of real/mock attacks...
William M. Arkin on National and Homeland Security
By William M. Arkin
Sunday, June 4, 2006; B01
On Monday, June 19, about 4,000 government workers representing more than 50 federal agencies from the State Department to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will say goodbye to their families and set off for dozens of classified emergency facilities stretching from the Maryland and Virginia suburbs to the foothills of the Alleghenies. They will take to the bunkers in an "evacuation" that my sources describe as the largest "continuity of government" exercise ever conducted, a drill intended to prepare the U.S. government for an event even more catastrophic than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Where are the Men?
Sports, or eagerly awaiting Jeff's next post.
Great job digging this up, but I'm confused by the juxtaposition of pointing out the impossibility of the 77s manuvering and then joining the chorus of those who think 77 did hit the pentagon?
Honest to Christ a plane hit the pentagon, 9-10-01! I look forward to seeing the US Government "brought to justice" as Dubya Dubya Three WMD would say!
the war in cyberspace is heating up
digg.com vs the scientologists!
Website taken down by Scientology after being dugg
When asked to raise his hand and swear to tell the truth before giving testimony, Rumsfeld objected, saying that it was strange that laws applied to him. The Washington Post reported, The topic was the largest defense procurement scandal in recent decades, and the two investigators for the Pentagon's inspector general in Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's office on April 1, 2005, asked the secretary to raise his hand and swear to tell the truth. Rumsfeld agreed but complained. "I find it strange," he said to the investigators, on the grounds that as a government official "the laws apply to me" anyway.
"As for Mao, I find the anonymous poster's (Abernathy's?) claims regarding Yale and Mao's complicity with the Skull and Bones folk in ruling China and cultivating opium extremely implausible and totally absurd. Communist China under Mao was culturally and economically cut off from the world for nearly three decades, partly by the choice of Mao to build and develop his own country as an independent power, not beholden to outside powers, and partly due to the US government's strong ideological antipathy toward having relations with anything "communist." On the other hand, Mao's arch enemy Chiang Kai Shek and the KMT were notoriously involved in criminal activities, especially opium cultivation and drug trafficking in Burma and French Indochina. Chiang and his associated group of warlords were really just an organized crime gang. It is well documented in Alfred McCoy's book, The Politics of Heroin, and elsewhere..."
Widen that "elsewhere" outside your own reading box. McCoy's is a one sided lefty portrayal. Both the Communists and the Nationalists were deep into funding their civil war with each other via heroin.
It's hardly "absurd". You could even read about the high level Skull and Bones and Maoist connections in such "plebian" books like George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography.
I'm surprised anyone still holds to the "one side good one side bad, we're with God they're with the Devil" sort of thing that quote above seems so desperate to maintain?
I think Lenin called such people "useful idiots"--which is a great description. This is exactly what they are, whether they are true believers for the right or true believers for the left is unimportant--they are much easier to control. The point is convincing BOTH SIDES of the left/right spectra of ideology (without any inbetweens or any other choices), so that the same people can manipulate two totalitarian systems toward New World Order that is without any ideology except the ideology of power and management.
The Bones groups and Wall Street have funded both the Nazis and the USSR at the same moment.
If you want to stop being a pawn, you have to stop accepting the board as it is laid out.
Well said anon 5:06 AM, this aristotle left/ right, up/down, black/right binary straight jacket is killing us..
And interesting point on the NWO without any ideology, maybe that is why I keep failing to understand it in terms of systems theory. Their ideology, is just that, no ideology, and therefore harder to grasp, predict, research and study. I know there is a term for this, but it escapes me at the moment.
As Foucault sd, the system is set up in such a way that the individual never ceases passing from one closed environment to another, each having its own laws within the same liminocentric system. A liminocentric chain of cause and effect, like a recursive set of Chinese boxes where the innermost box paradoxically contains the outermost. A mental Panopticon. A mental Panopticon, more so than a kinetic one.
I don't doubt the possibility that Mao and Chou-En-Lai exploited the opium-heroin trade at times for hard currency. As Sterling Seagraves books make plain, Mao's China was never as insulated and isolated from the outside world as it appeared from official diplomatic arrangements. Even if they had wanted to, Maoist Communists couldn't dispense with the immense wealth and power of the mercantile networks of the coastal and overseas Chinese clans, the influence of guanxi networks that pre-dated them by centuries. Nor were the leaders of Communist China immune from the desire for fungible hard currency.
I don't blame Al McCoy for not including that angle in his book. It simply wasn't his field of research. He did a praiseworthy job of uncovering what he was able to find out about the history of the involvement of the Nationalist Chinese and the Western powers in the heroin trade- facing various forms of intimidation in the process, including death threats.
But upon examination, it stands to reason that the uniquely concentrated hard currency properties of opium and heroin, with the avenues of their financial impact so easily camofluagable due to the circumstance of global "prohibition", would be attractive to as many players as could afford to play, without respect to the surface imagery or pretenses of political ideology, national borders, etc.
The plane's crew and occupants were reportedly extremely heavy in people with military and government occupations and backgrounds. That seems like no coincidence to me. I suspect they are now cooling their heels on some remote island somewhere or at "Reverend" Moon's hacienda in South America, perhaps waiting for their manipulated "Armageddon" to happen so they can re-unite with their families.
That's waay too Rod Serling for my personal "rigorous intuition." Exile is exile, and jail is jail. That isn't something people volunteer for, even if it's exile in an island paradise. And that's the sort of project where word would get around, eventually. The servants would talk.
Parenthetically, abandoning ones former life for a new, disguised existence is extemely psychologically stressful, and very difficult for almost anyone to accomplish, even when they have the most compelling of reasons to do so.
And, as someone who has some familiarity with the Washington DC area and its residents, and who has flown out of Dulles airport quite a few times, I'm not overly impressed by the mere fact that a great many of the passengers on Flight 77 had connections to the government or military.
Of course, if someone manages to do some digging and finds that, say, the widower of Barbara Olson has at some point in the past five years mysteriously quit his job and disappeared from his former home without leaving any notice for his neighbors- I admit it, I'll be intrigued.
In the meantime, I'm still quite comfortable with my conclusion that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, not some alternate weapon substituted at the last minute. That's a needless complication, to the point of absurdity.
That's what I think some people like about the substitution scenario, its absurdity...
i'm posting this down here b/c your latest post didn't have the "post a comment" button up, but it goes with this post in general anyway, i would say:
Seven arrests over 'Chicago plot'
The FBI has arrested seven people in the US city of Miami who were planning to blow up Chicago's Sears Tower and other targets, officials say.
The seven, reportedly mainly Americans, were detained in the poor Liberty City district in northern Miami.
sounds like the PTB are gearing up for some elections...
Pentagon lost $2.3 trillion of its transactions.
yea, i tried to make a big deal about this long ago.
nice catch that some of the documents were destroyed, i didnt know wthat, but it sure doesnt surprise me.
Pentagon Missing Money
isnt a TRILLION like a LOT of money?
if sept 11 didnt happen, i think this might have been a BIG deal no ?
From 911Encyclopedia:
In early 2002, "a report came off the wires informing us that the Department of Defense was unable to account for $2.3 trillion dollars - or fully one-quarter of its budget(this past decade). This would be "unable to account for" as in "gone," "missing," "misplaced." ...And this has been going on for years. The military routinely loses weapons and supplies the way most of us civilians lose socks in the dryer. In June of 1999, for example, Defense Week reported that, "at last count the Navy had no record of receiving nearly $1 billion worth of 'ammunition, arms and explosives that the service knew had been shipped.'" $112 million of same had apparently been "in transit" for over six months..." Source: Where
did the money go? Carol Schiffler In an interesting coincidence, in December 2002 NewsMax reported, that the War against Iraq will cost $2 trillion, due to a study by American Academy of Arts and Sciences Source:
Pentagon lost $2.3 trillion of its transactions.
yea, i tried to make a big deal about this long ago.
nice catch that some of the documents were destroyed, i didnt know wthat, but it sure doesnt surprise me.
Pentagon Missing Money
isnt a TRILLION like a LOT of money?
if sept 11 didnt happen, i think this might have been a BIG deal no ?
From 911Encyclopedia:
In early 2002, "a report came off the wires informing us that the Department of Defense was unable to account for $2.3 trillion dollars - or fully one-quarter of its budget(this past decade). This would be "unable to account for" as in "gone," "missing," "misplaced." ...And this has been going on for years. The military routinely loses weapons and supplies the way most of us civilians lose socks in the dryer. In June of 1999, for example, Defense Week reported that, "at last count the Navy had no record of receiving nearly $1 billion worth of 'ammunition, arms and explosives that the service knew had been shipped.'" $112 million of same had apparently been "in transit" for over six months..." Source: Where
did the money go? Carol Schiffler In an interesting coincidence, in December 2002 NewsMax reported, that the War against Iraq will cost $2 trillion, due to a study by American Academy of Arts and Sciences Source:
I wonder if they chose a plane piloted by Charles Burlingame to make it look like his being in the plane had something to do with the exact spot that was chosen to attack at Pentagon?
This economical connection makes much more sense than whatever I´ve been able to construct about the CB angle.
Jeff. This is at the end of a lot of comments, but I hope you read it. I recommend people go to Russell Johnson's Pentagon research website, easily the best on the topic of what hit the Pentagon. For my own part, two things stand out in the question of what hit the Pentagon. First, a plane could not have flown at the claimed speed that close to the ground because of what is known as 'ground effect.' Secondly, for the required trajectory in order to hit the ground floor of the Pentagon (which is what happened) a Boeing 757 would have had its engines carving great gouges in the lawn. We know from photos taken at the time that there were no such gouges. Ergo, it could not have been a 757 or like sized plane.
“Just as we must transform America's military capability to meet changing threats, we must transform the way the Department works and what it works on. We must build a Department where each of the dedicated people here can apply their immense talents to defend America, where they have the resources, information and freedom to perform.
Our challenge is to transform not just the way we deter and defend, but the way we conduct our daily business.
Let's make no mistake: The modernization of the Department of Defense is a matter of some urgency. In fact, it could be said that it's a matter of life and death, ultimately, every American's.”
- Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, The Pentagon , Monday, September 10, 2001. http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/2001/s20010910-secdef.html
Response to Shrubageddon:
Shrubageddon said...
Okay, assuming "they" built failsafes into the plan, i.e. they had remote control as a back-up, then how the hell were the hijackers able to overcome the pilots so easily without a fierce battle? I cannot accept that Chip Burlingame, the All-American, cut from the same cloth as John Wayne, pilot relinquished control of his aircraft, and his responsibility without a fight.
There is a very believable explanation for this on the web site www.physics.net. Under the heading 'What May Have Happened' click 'Operation Pearl'.
Shrubageddon also wrote:
And the whole Barbara Olsen phone call to Teddy was just too bizarre and chock full of inconsistencies that it's severely lacking in credibility.
Also at the same web site there is a very well thought-out discussion of the alleged cell phone calls. Under 'What Did Not Happen', click 'The Cellphone and Airphone Calls from Flight UA93'.
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