Under the Red Sky

Let the bird sing, let the bird fly.
One day the man in the moon went home
and the river went dry. - Bob Dylan
Sometimes, like these times, the world appears strange even in newspapers.
Thousands of birds fall dead from the sky in Australia and dozens litter the streets of Austin Texas; New York City is bathed again in a mysterious stench, and again authorities assure residents it's harmless, though they don't know what it is and are no longer even trying to find out; multiple reports of fireballs, rock falls, strange lights and UFOs (one in Iran today, and a dramatic flap two years ago, a report of which the BBC illustrates with a photograph of Venus) compound the sense that's no longer nonsense: that the sky really is falling. (The O'Hare UFO story became the Chicago Tribune's most read article online, ever.) Weather patterns are breaking down and reconstituting in alarming ways, winning deathbed conversions from climate change skeptics. And perhaps most incredible of all - or it would be, if it represented something like a departure from script - the White House is about to escalate the war in Iraq and likely thereafter engage Iran, inviting a Stalingrad scenario upon US forces in the Middle East.
War-making may seem too familiar and explicable to be rightly considered alongside the bizarre phenomena that are usually relegated to "news of the weird" irrelevance because they don't fit rational narratives. But there has often appeared to be a symbiosis of war and the weird, as though one helps to manifest or memorialize the other in this world, and perhaps somewhere else.
In folklore around the world, ghost stories are largely the domain of dead soldiers. Hawaii's Night Marchers, the huaka‘i po, are said to be the torch-bearing spirits of slain warriors. Legends of Ireland's fairy folk tell of them waging war in the skies. Foo fighters were drawn to military aircraft. And ancient battlefields and their graveyards are among the most fraught locations on Earth for paranormal activity.
"Wherever there has been great suffering, people are always seeing strange things," says Edward Tinney, former historian and chief ranger at Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park. Chickamauga, like many Civil War battlefields, has seemingly been imprinted with the shadows of lives lost. Phantom cannons and drums are heard, and holographic representations of dead soldiers - "ghosts," commonly called - have been witnessed performing endless loops of routine. Most curious, Chickamauga is reportedly also home to a skinwalker-like shapeshifter known as "Old Green Eyes." Tinney describes an encounter one early morning in 1976 with a figure "wearing a long black duster, with shaggy, stringy, black, waist-length hair":
From the man's body language, Tinney feared he was about to be attacked, so he crossed to the other side of the road, he said. When the man became parallel with Tinney he turned and smiled a devilish grin, and his dark eyes glistened. Tinney said he turned to face the man and began to back-pedal, as his companion did as well. At that moment, a car came down a straightaway in the road, and when its headlights hit the apparition it vanished, he said.
On another battlefield, in the summer of 1969, three GIs were on guard duty near Da Nang in South Vietnam. Two years later one of them, Earl Morrison, told investigator Don Worley what they had seen:
And all of a sudden, I don’t know why we all three looked out there in the sky and we saw this figure coming toward us. It had a kind of glow and we couldn’t make out for sure what it was at first. It started coming toward us real slowly. And all of a sudden we saw what looked like wings, like a bat only it was gigantic compared to what a regular bat would be. After it got close enough so we could see what it was it looked like a woman. A naked woman. The color, she was black.
Worley: Her skin was black?
Witness: Right, her body was black, her skin was black, the wings were black, everything was black. But it glowed. It glowed in the night, kind of a greenish cast to it.
Worley: You mean she glowed or there was a glow around her?
Witness: There was a glow on her and around her. Everything glowed. Looked like she glowed and threw off a radiance. And we saw her arms toward the wings. They looked like a regular molded arm with the hand and fingers and everything, but they had skin from the wings going over. And when she flapped her wings it didn’t make any noise there at first. It looked like her arms didn’t have any bones in them or anything because they were limber just like a bat. She started going over us and we still didn’t hear anything. She was right straight up and when she got over top of our heads she was maybe 6 or 7 feet up.
Worley: What did you guys do, just stand there?
Witness: We couldn’t do anything - we didn’t know what to do. We just froze. We just watched what was going over cause we couldn’t believe our eyes.
Worley: Nobody went into panic, dove for the bunker?
Witness: No, we just looked because
Worley: Nobody fired at her?
Witness: No, it’s amazing what you would do under certain circumstances. And we just looked at it. We couldn’t believe it because we had never seen anything like this before in our lives....
Let's note here how often bizarre phenomena is ascribed to "outer space," when often it's simply because the events seem so out there. When we speak of anomalous sightings in the sky, we're referring to aerial objects, not objects beyond our own atmosphere. And with respect to war-making's interface with the weird, let's recall that Mothman's "nest" was an abandoned World War II munitions plant.
All of this is to suggest that war and conflict create fissures through which things can slip, the nature of which remain unknown to us, other than to say they don't appear to belong to this world. On the other hand, if we're talking about energies that desire egress into our world - or perhaps rather, our consciousness - then perhaps they don't simply wait for cracks to appear; they help to create them, and enter into co-dependence with the human actors who can create the disruptive conditions conducive to their manifestation.
According to West Salem's Coulee News, a 53-year old Native American and his 25-year old son were driving on Briggs Road the evening of September 26 when a figure the size of a man with a 10 to 12-foot leathery wing span flew at their windshield and up into the sky. "The creature had pronounced ribs, human-like legs with claws for toes and arm-like appendages tipped with claws. The creature’s eyes glowed yellow, and the face had a snarling expression, with rows of sharp teeth." To the older witness, "the creature seemed hungry. It also seemed angry to have been seen and gave an unearthly howl as it flew out of sight."
Both witnesses are said to have become violently ill after the sighting, and the father remained ill for a week afterwards. The son was so shaken by the encounter he won't speak of it, and the father will only because he wants people "to know what is out there," though "he believes the more he talks about it, the more power it gives the creature." I find this an intriguing construction. Not because, conversely, our ignorance might empower us, but for the man's intuition that this was not a flesh and blood creature, but an entity of thought-form.
Just a few years ago, much of the weird in the Western world appeared to be drying up and blowing away on the wind of mockery. That it's returned, along with war, may be more than the coincidence of psychology.
"I find this an intriguing construction. Not because, conversely, our ignorance might empower us, but for the man's intuition that this was not a flesh and blood creature, but an entity of thought-form."
Poignant observation indeed, and one I'd considered with my own observations and experiences in the past..
Not contributing further and deliberate energy to an existing phenomenon could be a worthwile exercise, but more importantly, what existing energies thwarted 'natural' law to permit an entities emergence in the first place..?
jeff wrote,
"War-making may seem too familiar and explicable to be rightly considered alongside the bizarre phenomena that are usually relegated to 'news of the weird' irrelevance because they don't fit rational narratives."
and *that's* why i keep coming back to RI--not to get a fix, but to put the weirdness in its weird perspective. i am all too often in danger of rationalizing everything away and am in need of constant reminding that THESE ARE RIGHTLY CONSIDERED BIZARRE TIMES. divorce yourself from your time and place as much as possible and you'll come to see it's true: we're weirdos (to a greater or lesser degree) living in a wierdo age where the real weirdos are professionals, as HST said, and RI (minus some of its commentary) is an oasis of sanity... bizarre that it has come to this.
btw, jeff, that current iranian ufo newslink should go here, i believe:
Excellent post, Jeff.
Brings me back to a quote from Jim DeKorne's excellent "Psychedelic Shamanism:"
"...The gnostic Archons, then, are intelligences existing in the imaginal realm in 'bodies' consisting of thought and feeling. They are able to tune into our awareness through our affinity with their wavelength, that is, our beliefs. They feed off of our allocation of energy to their dimension, and compete with other Archons on other levels in the overall hierarchy for their nourishment."
"...What may be a belief in the Christian Trinity or Islamic Jihad to humans, may be the equivalent of a T-bone steak to entities of the imaginal realm who depend upon that belief for their existence."
A rare T-bone steak, most assuredly.
And what do we make of this type of insanity?
In a Najaf soccer stadium, troops from the Iraqi army, the police and other emergency units paraded for an hour before a reviewing stand filled with U.S. and Iraqi dignitaries.
Then, in what seems to have been the high point of the affair, the members of a commando unit gave a dramatic demonstration of their courage.
According to published accounts, each commando plucked a frog from his pocket, bit off its head and flung aside the twitching lower parts. Then their leader cut open a rabbit and passed it to the others to chew on its still-beating heart.
Apocalypto Now?
"...Much of the wierd is drying up and blowing away on the wings of mockery."
Exactly why Dragon and I are enjoying posting our wierd stories on the discussion board here. And, of course, the mockery tries to outshout us.
Some folks are all too interested when it's third person stories, but when someone says, "Yeah, I'm actually doing it," this is simply too much.
Not sure if I should say "Thanks" for the link to the Australian bird deaths. I live in Austin, so that's more than a little unsettling for me. Part of me starts thinking things along the lines of Canaries in a coal mine.
Arggg... Had more to try to say, but work is calling....
After skimming through some of your recent posts, methought "Oh, no, not more of this old ritual abuse and UFO jazz," but this post banged my gong. You -- and many of your commenters -- are exploring some significant spaces. For chuckles, some of you might enjoy the Sci-Fi Channel showing re-runs of the darkly funny series DEAD LIKE ME on Tuesday nights. It's also available on DVD. You're gonna love the "gravelings." Rest in Peace (we never really die).
There was another story of dead crows from Lewiston, Maine...though the quantity seems to be somewhat less than the others.
What to make of all this is beyond me though. Apperently its beyond the US Dept of Agriculture as well.
Just another day in the New American Century.
Reminds me of the Space Shuttle Columbia breaking up over the skies of Texas in 2003, prior to the invasion of Iraq. Camille Paglia actually made an important observation on this in an interview with Salon.com in Feb 2003. Funny she mentioned the kings of Persia:
"As we speak, I have a terrible sense of foreboding, because last weekend a stunning omen occurred in this country. Anyone who thinks symbolically had to be shocked by the explosion of the Columbia shuttle, disintegrating in the air and strewing its parts and human remains over Texas -- the president's home state! So many times in antiquity, the emperors of Persia or other proud empires went to the oracles to ask for advice about going to war. Roman generals summoned soothsayers to read the entrails before a battle. If there was ever a sign for a president and his administration to rethink what they're doing, this was it. I mean, no sooner had Bush announced that the war was 'weeks, not months' away and gone off for a peaceful weekend at Camp David than this catastrophe occurred in the skies over Texas...
...Kings throughout history have been shaken by signals like this from beyond: Think twice about what you're doing. If a Roman general tripped on the threshold before a battle, he'd call it off."
Perhaps it was best that I was delayed in the rest of my comment. I was going to say that it was perhaps of sybolic note that the specific section of downtown Austin that was affected with the bird deaths (or at least the section that they felt the need to close down after the discovery) was centered along a stretch of Congres Avenue, running approxmiately 11 blocks, right up to the front lawn of the TX State Capitol building.
Happy Intuiting...
When you on patrol all your senses are sharpened.
This open you up to any change even the crawling or flying insect will not escape notice.
Weird sShit Happens...All the time.
An open mind helps.
There is a duality with ourselves which we must fight.
"Witch" Causes Police Officer of Guadalupe to Faint
Translated from the newspaper "El Norte" and Reporter/Writer: Luis Antonio Rivera
In Nuevo Leon, a top secret file was opened: "The Witch of Guadalupe."
The version of the witness, a municipal police officer, assures that the woman descended from the trees above when he patrolled the area. That the descension was slow, as if it was floating.
"She," as the witness describes, "Wore a black dress and had no eyelids to her eyes."
"It was a witch, and I saw her fly," assures Leonardo Samaniego Gallegos, of only 21 years of age and 8 month's of, ( police ), experience.
It was 3:15 in the early morning hours, on Alamo street, in the colony 'Valles de la Silla,' in Guadalupe, and the uniformed police officer began his escape in his patrol car when he noticed the woman approaching him at great speed.
"When the witch began to chase me, I had lost all back-up, ( by radio frequency ), that someone was coming, ( other patrol cars ), of emergency." Said the uniformed officer to reporters.
"She came down from within the trees, from a height of 6 meters...She stopped, ( paused ), and continued to descend slowly; I saw when she turned around, it was a complete black mass; and it turned completely, the light got covered which shown upon her eyes and she had them completely black without any eyelids."
"The situation," he added, made me faint."
"She got closer walking, ( towards me ), I placed the car in reverse gear...and she began to run, ( jog ), and I saw her fly," he explained.
"She crashed on the windshield of the patrol car looking in...I raised my arms and fainted."
The coordinator, ( police chief ), of the police of Guadalupe, Jes`us Garcia Krestsh, said that Samaneigo was submitted to drug and psychological examinations, to discard that he may suffer of hallucinations.
And then...What happened?
*Translated by Winter Steel.
A follow-up story also published in "El Norte": Viven vecinos noches de terror por 'la bruja' ( Neighbors live in terror at night because of "The Witch." ) 18-01-2004
For pictures ( still images ), and an audio/video clip of the interview, ( in Spanish ), see here:
For another eye-witness account, see here:
Police Officer Attacked By Flying Humanoid
Mexican Policeman Attacked By A Flying Humanoid Entity
What The Hell Was That Thing? - March 21, 2004
LILITH maybe?
In the spirit of siting sources, here's a link to an article with a nifty map of the closed-off section of Congress Ave.
Thanks, all, for the observations. Let's not forget the dead deer on Cheney's lawn. (Why, by the way, does the VP reside at the US Naval Observatory?)
The son was so shaken by the encounter he won't speak of it, and the father will only because he wants people "to know what is out there," though "he believes the more he talks about it, the more power it gives the creature."
Uh, yeah
Maybe that's whay Jesus ran away from fools....
Et tu, Jeffzebub?
Here's a joke from Hermy Nootick:
A Jesuit priest, a zionist Jew, a Nazi, and a Satanist in a bar.
The bartender looks up and says, "What'll it be, pal?"
rim shot
"What'll it be, pal?"
Think about it...
Date: September 18, 2006
***Although the sighting took place weeks ago, he made it known this morning***
Monterrey, Mexico (18 Sept 06) - A policeman from Santa Catarina claimed having seen two witches while on a routine patrol near a graveyard several months ago. He only made this information known today.
Gerardo Garza Carbajal explained his experience with the supernatural very near the Panteon Municipal, a few meters from the road to Villa Garcia. "It was nighttime, I stayed behind to stand guard on my own and suddenly someone started pelting me with stones. Then I saw two people with wings and wrinked faces."
"I was so scared that I got into my squad car. I could hear them laughing in an ugly way, flying a short distance. I thought they were witches--I saw them very close," said the officer, who has a long service record with the local police.
Garza Carbajal said that he immediately requested backup, and in a matter of minutes was surrounded by several municipal police cars even some from the Ministerial Police.
"The witches flew off, but the police officers who came to my aid saw what I saw. They can attest to the fact that I didn't imagine anything. What I saw was real. I'd never been so scared before," said the officer. He added that he was subsequently taken to a medical center, since his blood pressure dropped excessively. He soon recovered from the powerful shock.
Witnesses to this event stated that they do not know for sure if two witches were involved, but are indeed certain that they have no explanation for this phenomenon.
by the way
THE GATES OF HELL HAVE now BEEN re-OPENED.In case you have no inkling.
It's coming down fast motherfuckers.
A Jesuit priest, a zionist Jew, a Nazi, a Satanist, and a pederast sitting in a bar.
The bartender looks up and says, "What'll it be, pal?"
[rim shot]
"What'll it be, pal?"
Think about it...
Born into a life of their symbols of hypocrisy.
You came into their world noew you come unto ours.
Symptoms of the Kali Yuga
Writing itself is a symptom of the Kali Yuga. Human beings have been living on planet Earth for 100s of 1000s of years before we have any record of the written word.
Down through the ages, ancient wisdom was orally transmitted and eventually written down in Sanskrit around 500 BC. These sacred texts give us some idea of the other three cycles of time. Originally orally transmitted, the texts were faithfully memorized and handed down from generation to generation. We no longer possess such an amazing command of memory. Imagine memorizing complete books! What we have available to us now in the Kali Yuga as the sacred texts written in the Sanskrit script was transcribed much later than it was composed – meaning spoken.
Some of these ancient texts accurately predict the conditions we are now experiencing. Remember these are predictions from well over 6,000 years ago – before the advent of writing and written history! The ancients who made these prophecies considered them to be abnormal, unheard-of, and outrageous.
From the Sanskrit texts the Vishnu Purana and the Linga Purana:
Thieves will become kings, and kings will be the thieves.
Rulers will confiscate property and use it badly. They will cease to protect the people.
Base men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without having the virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages.
There will be many displaced persons, wandering from one country to another.
Predatory animals will be more violent.
Fetuses will be killed in the wombs of their mothers.
People will prefer to choose false ideas.
No one will be able to trust anyone else.
People will be envious.
There will be many children born whose life expectancy is no more than 16 years.
People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in underground shelters.
Young girls will do trade in their virginity.
The god of clouds will be inconsistent in the distribution of the rains.
Shopkeepers will run dishonest businesses.
There will be many beggars and unemployed people.
Everyone will use hard and vulgar language.
Men will devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power.
The state leaders will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will appropriate all wealth.
Water will be lacking.
[And my favorite]: Pre-cooked food will be readily available!
The fact that our food supply contains very little nutrition and is full of toxins reveals a great deal to me about the frequencies of Time we live in.
(The source of this information is in the Sanskrit texts the Vishnu Purana and the Linga Purana; and also a remarkable book entitled, While the Gods Play: Shiva Oracles and Predictions on the Cycles of History & the Destiny of Mankind, by Alain Danielou; Inner Traditions International Ltd., paperback, 1985.)
copyright© Thel Dar Publishing
They even had these mercury powered
Visions, The Third Eye, Hormones, EDCs, & the Phantasmal Hierarchies
Your visions and the awareness of other realms beyond the limitations of the five senses are activated by mysterious molecules, which are secreted within our endocrine system. The pineal and pituitary glands are the physical correlates of the Third Eye, as it is termed in eastern metaphysics. A healthy functioning endocrine system opens the doors to the perception of worlds within worlds, to higher dimensions, and to the eternal, the unmanifest – AKSHARA.
A crippled and confused endocrine system that is being sent misleading signals, an endocrine system that has to spend all of its energy fighting toxic chemicals in the body, has little left to produce the ability to ‘SEE’ beyond the narrow frequencies we mistake for reality.
In 1994 the book ‘OUR STOLEN FUTURE’ was the first serious attempt to educate the public on the ubiquitous dangers of endocrine disrupting chemicals – EDCs. The authors tell us that EDC’s go into the blood stream and mimic estrogen. They do not kill cells or attack DNA. They target hormones, the same hormones that also control the expression of the genes in our genetic blue print.
Theo Colborn describes them as ‘thugs’ on the biological information highway – thugs that sabotage vital communication. “They mug messengers or impersonate them. They jam signals, scramble messages, and sow disinformation.” Sounds like a description of the monopoly media!
EDCs include the group of chemicals known as organochlorines (chlorine by-products) - and in a more recent book, Pandora's Poison: Chlorine, Health, and a New Environmental Strategy, we are told that ORGANOCHLORINES NOW CONTAMINATE EVERY INCH OF THE PLANET!
According to the author Joe Thornton:
* the Chlorine Chemical Council (CCC) has been spending about $130 million per year to protect the industry
* 40 million tons of chlorine are produced every year world wide
* virtually all organochlorines examined to date cause one or more of a wide variety of adverse effects on essential biological processes, including development, reproduction, brain function, and immunity.
* organochlorines disrupt biological processes at the most fundamental levels.
* Organochlorines may also:
Affect memory and reduce cognitive ability
Lead to obesity
Reduce sperm counts and alter sexual behavior
Disrupt female reproductive cycles
Cause endometriosis
Induce spontaneous abortion and cause birth defects
Impair the development and function of the brain
Interfere with the controlled development and growth of body tissues
Cause cancer and compromise immunity
“Even if we stopped all further pollution today, these compounds would remain in the environment, the food web, our tissues and those of future generations for centuries.”
Sounds insane, doesn’t it? Why are we humans releasing chemicals into our environment that are so heinously damaging to every aspect of our lives? What are they thinking? Even the most avaricious greed cannot justify the use of EDCs.
Along with all the other consequences of the permeation of EDCs into our environment, our food and water, is an attack on our endocrine system. EDCs and other chemicals, such as fluoride, damage the human pineal gland and thus impair our access to the Invisible Realms and our Source, Self, IS-ness.
This realization has led me to a new and stunned comprehension of the Twilight of the Kali Yuga.
Fear not: because it is here now about to unfold before our eyes.
I dunno what the story is round Perth re the bird deaths.
they appeared to be mainly pollen/nectar eating birds with a few predators thrown in...
>> but more importantly, what existing energies thwarted 'natural' law to permit an entities emergence in the first place..? <<
Arcadia, the blackfellas feel that entities like that can be a part of the natural law, and that they can occupy certain areas of land. A genus Loci sort of thing. they would also say that the guy is right about his impression of feeding the thing.
There way of dealing with those things is to avoid them, tho as some people get older they get initiated into knowledge that might enable them to approach the situation differently.
IN one of the orgonite threads I talked about the shadowtime/dreamtime and its relationship to humans and consciousness.
Sacred sites are places for the making of art and the performance of it. the ritual performance of this stuff enables the dreamtime to be accessed. the reenacting of creation stories in the art performance context is a way of recreating "the creation" that occurred in the dreamtime.
This enables the part of the performers that belong to the creation spirits or ancestors or whatever they are called to relive or reenact creation. Also it could be the performers are accessing the original creation event and contributing to it.
In that context a pervertion of that natural law could lead to the invokation of some really nasty stuff. Especially if there was dodgy rituals being performed in the area. (These could have happened due to military bases, which are often on or near those sacred sites. Even a drill on the parade ground could be considered a performance that satisfied the criteria for accessing the dreamtime.)
The idea is that Genus loci points and sacred sites provide energy for earth, how the humans interpret and shape this energy determines what happens on earth.
Its not a creation story that is being reenacted tho. Its a destruction one in that case.
I wrote a paper on this at the indig college at SCU once, got very high marks for it, in the 90s and it was marked or reviewed by an lder so I think there is something in that theory.
Also just starting a book called "exit points" by Nick Gray. Its about a man who thinks he canlive forever if he avoids "exit points". he theorises these point are the only places humans can die and hence their soul leave earh. his theory is to map every one on earth and avoid them forever or something.
Dunno why but that story resonated with this post.
Pan DeKornes book is a good one isn't it. Although until I see a photo of that stadium thing I am keeping a grain of salt handy.
Also the red skies thing through me.
There is a prophect called the red sky prophecy that nexus once published.
That inage got to me Jeff it was cool and actually hauntingly familiar.
Wow thats the worst typing yet sorry.
You just fade into oblivion.
Read the symbols, read the signs and if you read very carefully between the lines.
You will see all we really wanted was to be free.
People dying to get in the cemetary.
Only in death can we be free.
Looking forward to the day we die.
Nihilistic savages that live for today.
Can't harm themselves.
You know what they say.
Nothing really matters anyway.
By R. Cedric Leonard
The ancient vimanas described in the Vedic and Puranic literature of India are so fabulous in their capabilities and construction, one might, with good reason, wonder if such things were actualities. However, we must keep in mind that for the most part they were the products of a civilization and technology foreign to this planet. However, good evidence does exist indicating that more modest versions were built in ancient times by the aeronautical engineers of India and a few other places.
A manuscript, composed in Sanskrit by King Bhoja in the 11th Century A.D., deals with techniques of warfare, and in particular with certain types of war machines. The work is called Samarangana Sutradhara, or "Battlefield Commander"(sometimes abbreviated "the Samar"), and the whole of chapter 31 is devoted to the construction and operation of several kinds of aircraft having various methods of propulsion.
King Bhoja, who used the Sanskrit term yantra more often than the more familiar vimana, claims his knowledge was based on Hindu manuscripts which were ancient even in his time. Some of the techniques of manufacture described therein have been in use by British and American aircraft companies since World War I, and have been found to be sound aeronautical principles even though described nearly a thousand years earlier in this old Sanskrit work. The word vimana is used only once in these passages, in spite of numerous appearances in some translations. In looking over the complete text, it is perfectly clear that several types of aerial machines are being described.
Translated into English from the Sanskrit
* * * * *
Strong and durable must the machine's body be made of light material, having wings joined smoothly with invisible seams. It can carry passengers, it can be made small and compact, it can move in silence. If sound is to be used successfully, there must be great flexibility in the driving mechanism, and all must be put together faultlessly. In order for it to accomplish its intended purpose, it must last a long time, it must be well covered in . . . it must not become too hot, too stiff, nor too soft, and its sharp-pointed battering ram must also be long lasting. Indeed, the machine's main qualities, which are remembered by one and all, include unending motion, which is to say perpetual motion. Smoothness is one of the machines supreme qualities, thus, the workings of the machines is versatile, complete, not given to expansion, not complaining, and always suitable. . .
At this point the text becomes most interesting . . . but also the most difficult. It is evident that essential elements in the propulsion system are deliberately vague--or completely left out. The reason for this is explained later in the text. I can see why this has never appeared in any of the English translations. (The hiatus indicated by ". . ." involves about five Sanskrit words, and "expanding" is one of them, and "wished for" is another. I wish I could offer a more complete translation.)
At the critical time the beam of fire must be released, which will make the action possible. The time-beam expands, accompanied by sound . . . the expansion performs work like an elephant in an endless cycle.
Further along in the text is a paragraph which mentions using wood as a potential building material in the construction of a yantra; then jumps into a description of a propulsion system which may use a fuel similar to gasoline.
The manufacturing of a conquering yantra is greatly desired . . . using light-weight wood to build a great air-going machine of a strong-bodied type. In the central container is the liquid consumed by the engine, which gradually burns away during complete combustion.
Fully renown is the conquering of the following motions: Vertical ascent; Vertical descent; Forwards; Backwards; Normal ascent; Normal descent; Slanting; Progressing over long distances, through proper adjustment of the working parts . . . And its musical sound and throbbing thunder can easily drown out the trumpeting of the elephant in panic. It can be moved by musical tones.
Shining in every direction, their machine (yantra) could travel wherever the imagination dictated. From their great height they saw stimulating dances, drama plays, and pristine dance ceremonies. The machine gained renown among Royal dynasties and various nations. In such a manner the High-Souled ones flew, while the lower classes walked. All those friends succeeded in their much-deserved acquisition of a yantra, by means of which human beings can fly in the air, and non-earthling, Celestial Beings, can come down to mortals in their visits to Earth.
Some of the aircraft seemed to be winged like a modern aeroplane, but such a craft could not go backwards, nor could it ascend or descend vertically. No doubt, the term "dual-winged" appears in the following text in conjunction with some sort of air, or jet, propulsion.
. . .Thus inside one must place the Mercury-engine; and properly mounted beneath it, the iron heating apparatus. Men thusly set the dual-winged, driving whirlwind in motion. The concealed pilot, by means of the mercury-power, may travel a great distance in the sky.
What follows is the description of a much larger, more complex vimana (Note: this is the only place the word "vimana" is actually used in the text), which is powered by four mercury-engines.
An extremely swift and nimble vimana can be built, as large as the temple of the God-in-motion. Into the interior structure four strong mercury containers must be installed. When these have been heated by a controlled fire from iron containers, the flying machine develops thunder-power through the mercury, becoming a machine much to be desired. Moreover, if this iron engine with properly welded joints be filled with fluid (mercury?), when ascending or descending over land it develops power with the roar of a lion.
The machine's construction and operating details are not publicly disclosed. For if their motivative power became known expressly to others--giving out results described elsewhere--elements of these machines would be wrongly used.
My apologies to Sanskrit experts for any deficiencies in the rendering of Bhoja's text. The script is difficult, and some words are used which are now defunct. I have been as faithful to the original text as my ability allows. When I learn of errors, I will be prompt in inserting the necessary corrections. There are fairly long passages (represented by . . .) with which we are still struggling. (R.C.L.)
Nihilistic savages
America is being wrecked on purpose by a combination of Neocons, fascists, intelligence connected crooks and conmen, certain "southern strategists", sympathetic foreign aristocrats and a diehard group of Islamic, Zionist and Evangelical Christian religious and racist extremists.
Why? To dismantle democracy and give all of these groups more power to pursue their wet dreams.
Buckle your seatbelts. It's going to be a rough year.
Nihilism is a philosophical position, often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche. Although Nietzsche ridiculed Nihilism, he had done so under the definition of Fatalism. Nihilism argues that the world, especially past and current human existence, is without objective meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. Nihilists generally assert some or all of the following: there is no reasonable proof of the existence of a higher ruler or creator, a "true morality" is unknown, and secular ethics are impossible; therefore, life has no truth, and no action is known to be preferable to any other.
This post addresses Jeff's question of an earlier post why South America particularly gets the 'violent alien' issues.
It ties into the black winged female "bat-witch" story as well, seemingly of the same kind of creature seen both in Vietnam as well as in that police officer story above.
(I was going to have to search up that police officer seeing that black-winged 'witch' floating out of the tree on its black wings and flying at his squad car, though another anon beat me to it. I remembered that story as well, and yes, it does fit well with "Jeff's version" above by another person.)
Perhaps Jeff would put together a "beastiary" post, for comparison of what shapes and entities are the most common? :-)
Someone wrote:
THE GATES OF HELL HAVE now BEEN re-OPENED.In case you have no inkling.
Could it just be the 'gates of HAARP'? It would make sense if the Montauk time-dimensional portal technology with the human manned Chair is considered a 'too dangerous' version of how to do it as innately releasing 'personal deamons' with its workings as much as it was a servicable method for it.
What is opined below is that another version of interdimensional rifting technology is currently being attempted via HAARP, seemingly avoiding the 'personal deamons' issues of using magnified psychic powers, though perhaps making a much worse side effect of interdimensional disasters much larger and perhaps even more permanently twisted and warped to allow many alternate realities creatures through.
Instead of 'gates of hell,' perhaps just gates of different co-dependent timelines or dimensions, etc.
Given high casualty wars, psychological stresses of soldiers, death experiences over and over in the same area, perhaps all these repetitive and 'pulsed death and pain' issues seem to 'imprint' an area of space-time psychically.
Ergo, you can do it electronically as well?:
I read (I wish I remembered where, perhaps you could search for the terms) that all this 'gates of hell' thing might be connected to scalar-weather warfare of HAARP splitting open dimensions with all the billions of watts it can pump and pulse into a tiny pinpointed space.
Food for thought: human mass electromagnetic mind stress imprinting a space, and HAARP artificially doing the same.
Search for the phrases "Atlantic Ocean" with it...Unable to find the article I read though here's something interesting I think about the same source of information I read, and certainly more thorough and what is fascinating is that this information was written up as long ago as 1998!
HAARP's Covert Agendas: The Big Picture
1998 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
All rights reserved.
A linking of the Montauk Project and HAARP, previously often suspected and which may have already existed, now appears definite. The two projects are converging on the Camp Hero location at this time.
Now here's where things get even more interesting. It has been known for at least a few years now and was commented on in "Montauk Air Force Station--Active Or Not", that particle accelerators are definitely in use in a number of locations on Long Island, such as at Brookhaven Labs, Montauk Air Force Station, and a number of underground locations in between these two sites. Despite endless denials and blank stares from Brookhaven flak catchers and their cohorts, there is positive proof of the existence of such accelerator units at Brookhaven, at Camp Hero and elsewhere underground on eastern Long Island including in the Westhampton pine barrens.
No one, not even Preston Nichols, has been able to say with absolute certainty what these accelerators are used for; well founded rumors from contacts involved in covert projects and/or in the area give strong indication that accelerators and accompanying particle beam weapons devices have been both tested and deployed. Investigators have suspected but have been unable to prove indisputably that particle accelerators and particle beams were somehow being utilized in HAARP operations as well, despite absolutely no reference to this whatsoever in any public or internal documents which have ever seen the light of day regarding HAARP.
In an absolutely astonishing event, some of the suspicions of these investigators regarding HAARP have apparently been unequivocally and massively confirmed.
'The Fax'
The contact of Nichols who had made the observation regarding the fact that the photo on the HAARP website actually showed a Long Island antenna farm adjacent to Brookhaven Labs received the following fax recently.
His fax machine is set up with certain security systems which provides among other things the originating point of any fax communications received. All such security systems were disabled and/or overridden when this particular fax was received.
On April 18 [of 1998 I suppose] the fax transmission was traced to Southampton L.I., via phone company records.
Whether it was a relay transmission of some kind is not known.
The body of the fax itself is full of completely classified and highly technical information; as well as completely classified internal routing codes; the document makes reference to top secret internal directives and procedures; it also makes reference to totally classified technology such as the Proteus particle accelerator; and to top it all off it specifically identifies this technology as being utilized in current HAARP operations.
[HAARP attached to a particle acellerator as generating dimensional rifts and gravity waves:]
What is even more astounding is that by inference, this document reveals that HAARP has yet another agenda, vastly more secret than even the mind and weather manipulation agendas for the project. This document basically indicates that particle accelerators and beams are apparently being used in the HAARP operations to effect interdimensional and time manipulations!
Perhaps since the portal apparatus at the Montauk underground has reportedly been rendered useless, another way of generating interdimensional and time portals is being pursued aggressively and massively.
And guess what?
According to the text of this fax, it screwed up--big time [and 'opened the gates of hell.']
Supporting evidence on the involvement of the U.S. Navy in some very advanced scientific research project and bizarre "extracurricular" covert activities was received in response to my posting of the "leaked" document which purportedly reports on a massive malfunction of the HAARP related particle accelerator on Ascension Island, being used in interdimensional experimentation.
"Hi John Quinn - I am Joyce Murphy of 'Beyond Boundaries' - We are a company investigating by expedition UFO related phenomena all over the world - have been following evidence that the Navy Seals are involved in all parts of the world with dimensional portal activity - I have some stuff on the Macrihanish Chinook that went down from a Navy wave beam - and then of course I could talk for hours about the dimensional portals involving the [Navy] [S]eals in Puerto Rico - I saw a video of a dimensional portal recently which had been filmed in Brazil".
Ms. Murphy went on to describe a major SEAL base at the supposedly closed Roosevelt Road Naval Base on Puerto Rico, which has underground levels beneath El Yunque mountain operated by the U.S. government and grey aliens, and a tunnel which connects the underground to the ocean.
Submarines are actually brought in through this tunnel to the underground facility beneath El Yunque; according to Beyond Boundaries there are definite signs of dimensional portals in the rainforest on the surface there.
Their group has observed, among other odd goings on, an incident where a grey was retrieved from the forest by Navy SEALs while numerous plainclothes agents patrolled up and down the road with monitoring equipment; the [Puerto Rico] road was lined with vehicles bearing Virginia license plates.
[And this goes with Jeff's previous attempt--what was the link Jeff?--to place the generally South American 'violent apparations' in some kind of context:]
Puerto Rico and Brazil have also been the locations for a tremendous number of sightings of the so-called "chupacapra" creature, which fits the general description of a "predatory reptilian animal" named in the HAARP document.
Before the skeptics out there begin rolling their eyes and muttering about science fiction and questionable tales of aliens, there is in fact solid scientific support for the manifestation of some very unusual effects, conditions and phenomena through the application of HAARP technology; from scientists like Dr. Sasha Kouskov of the University of Saskatchewan for example, who maintains that by focusing multiple HAARP (accelerator) transmitters on the same location, extremely esoteric, relativistic effects such as gravity waves and the like can be generated.
Opening channels to other dimensions would be also in this category.
Overall the evidence appears solid indicating how deeply involved the Navy is with some very advanced sciences and technologies.
At this time we can add one more item to the list of HAARP's covert applications:
* Generation of gravitic waves, interdimensional/time "portals" and other highly esoteric, relativistic phenomena
Official Info or Official Disinfo? [Commentary on 'the fax' leak as genuine, where all the above information comes from]
Nichols indicated right off the bat that he does suspect the fax could be disinformation, because in some ways it just seems too good to be true; the document confirmed so many suspicions and theories which Nichols has, such as multiple HAARP sites online worldwide, the existence and use of the "Proteus" accelerator, and the x-dimension project reported on by Al Bielek, to name but a few.
The overriding question still remains however--is the document the genuine article, making reference to real events and technologies, or is it in fact some very clever disinformation, originating nonetheless from intelligence or military sources? This is the question that neither Nichols nor anyone else can really answer with certainty, and none of them including myself, will try.
Now it is important to realize that this document and much of the information within it could most likely only have originated from deep within the intelligence arm of the U. S. Navy, due to the tremendous amount of classified information in the document, as well as the inexplicable way it was received.
Additionally, according to the recipient, the document was produced using a version of Adobe PageMaker which is only available to government.
It was not produced using the commercially available version of this software.
Granted a skilled and knowledgeable hacker could conceivably have enough knowledge of internal military security codes, routing information, internal directives and classified projects to fake the main body of this document.
However, there are some significant points which argue rather strongly against it being an outright hoax.
When the fax was received the recipient was out of town.
His digital cellphone, which can access up to 12 different networks, locked into one particular network at the very time the fax was received, and for days he couldn't get off this network.
Also, his beeper can either be on a nationwide or worldwide network; it had been on the nationwide network, and at the time the fax came in it somehow switched to the worldwide network, and remained locked onto that network for a number of days.
Nichols' cellphone can also utilize different networks. Starting at the time the fax was received, he was only able access the only Milcell (military) network, and couldn't access any other for ten days!!
These kinds of things are much harder for some hoaxer or hacker to implement than the document itself.
Interestingly as well, it is not commonly known that the recipient of the fax is in any way connected to Preston Nichols.
In other words this document almost definitely comes from the military/intelligence arm of the government.
One thing which is sure to be commented on and which some will say more than suggests this is disinformation is the fact that the document is dated April 1. That is an easy out, though perhaps worth considering. Nevertheless no one can say that intelligence or military agencies issue no documents and/or that nothing genuine or significant happens on April 1.
If it's not disinformation, then an extremely significant and rather earthshaking bit of evidence has been leaked, by someone, which in one fell swoop validates a tremendous amount of circumstantial evidence and informed assumptions regarding certain ultra-top-secret government projects.
If it's not disinformation, then I could say we're in deeper shit than even I thought possible.
There is one other oddity about the document itself which possibly diminishes it's overall credibility.
While retyping the document I realized that the zip code in the heading is not a Washington D.C. zip code. In fact it is a zip code for Fort Myers, Florida. What's very interesting about this is that Fort Myers is a major spook town known to have covert Navy projects in operation there, and also has known strong ties to the Montauk Project.
There is a huge government complex at 1455 Overlook Ave. in Fort Myers which correlated with the zip code on the received HAARP fax; yet at 4555 Overlook Ave. in D. C. is--guess what-- The Naval Research Lab!
I think the document is actually genuine, but that whoever kindly leaked it tried to save their own ass by making it seem like a hoax, with the disjointed address aspect (maybe the April 1 date also).
In other words, I think the gist of the document speaks the truth! Or if it's "official" disinformation, the funny business regarding the address is enough to officially discredit the document.
Weirder and weirder--just what one could expect with anything connected to the spooky boys in Naval Intelligence.
One final point: the document makes reference to the fact that the dimensional rift accidentally caused by the Proteus particle accelerator malfunction has duplicated a situation which also occurred in 1995, which allowed predatory reptilian beings to "invade" our time-space continuum.
This is an obvious reference to the extremely severe and never adequately explained wildfires in the Westhampton pine barrens during August 1995. As I relayed in my report on the Montauk Project, Preston Nichols was informed point-blank by Air Force officers at the time that the wildfires were being caused by serious malfunctions of the particle accelerator/beam operations on eastern Long Island. (What remains unknown about that event is whether or not a hostile action caused the particle accelerator malfunction or whether such a malfunction created certain problematical conditions for hostile groups.)
As I am somewhat over my head here, and not just regarding the technology, I am at Nichols' request disseminating (the text of) this document as far and wide as I can, in the hopes that knowledgeable individuals, who could help to either validate or invalidate the information contained within, will make public their knowledge regarding this incredible item.
I ask all recipients of this document to please assist us in such dissemination by resending or forwarding the document to the greatest extent possible; to the public at large and to any individual organization from which some input might be forthcoming.
This is without any doubt some kind of major evidence here; either evidence of deliberate, massive and malicious official disinformation, or somewhat muddied) evidence of a (yet another) mind boggling and truly unconscionable covert program being operated under cover of the officially acknowledged HAARP project.
The Text
N.U.S.C./N.U.M.A. J.C.S.
1455 Overlook Ave,
Washington, D.C. 33902
Office of The Director of Security
01 April 1998
To All Security Operatives, Sector EC/NE/48+I
It has been confirmed as of this date, that a failure of the H.A.A.R.P. 15-3 Proteus Unit at Ascension Island U.K. had lost it's targeting control during it's first operational trial. The accelerator was damaged at shutdown, and will not be operational until 12 June at the earliest.
This failure went undetected for approximately 17 minutes, and appears to have caused another series of dimensional rifts along the East coast of the U.S. and Southwest Africa. These dimensional rifts are x- dimensional and have a time frame of -100 million B.C. plus or minus about 20 million years.
As was the case in 1995, several predatory reptillian animals have entered our y-dimension and are as this is written, freely roaming in the Southern New York region, Northern Pennsylvania, West Virginia and a possible sighting ocurred this morning at 2:34 hours at Norfolk N.A.S. 150 meters off the beach.
All operatives are officially at level 4 alert, and are to be ready to go on 60 minute notice. (DOOTP) article 15-1 through 17-4 with all addendums are to apply.
Weapons are to be available at all times, .40 and .50 caliber minimum, with FMJ and EHP rounds only, minimum handgun to be carried .357 MAG/EHP.
Director of Field Operations,
Adm. Raymond D. Falvey III
CC: DCM/NOS/USAF/DOD/SS/QCD=Adjutant Generals Office, Pent. R-6-106/9c
All Pathway Field Officers/Terminators(orders are terminate NOSAVE)
Suspicions abound at this point about HAARP's relationship to the tremendous amount of severe weather disturbances over North America this year.
Obviously there are oceanic and atmospheric conditions which lead to the development of the fabled "El Nino" which very much impacts our experienced weather; my point is that this provides the perfect cover for HAARP operators to activate their new toy, and of course to amplify or boost the effects of El Nino as well, with the usual malevolent intent. Call it "El HAARPO".
The deadly "tornados" which have left scores of people dead and absolutely obliterated sections of sections of the southeastern U.S. and even areas such as Minnesota this spring were, as far as can be determined, completely unprecedented--literally unheard of, in recorded human experience.
What is so inexplicable and unilaterally astonishing about these "storms", aside from their mind-boggling ferocity, is the fact that in many cases few if any of the typical atmospheric precursor conditions--like clouds-- conducive to the development of such storms were present, as indicated by virtually all relevant weather monitoring and forecasting technologies and systems. Photographs from weather satellites, weather radar readouts, and vast amounts of other data from a wide variety of sensing, monitoring and tracking technologies failed to provide any indication whatsoever that such horrendous atmospheric turbulence was building preceding many of these extraordinarily vicious storms.
Does this seem perhaps just the slightest bit peculiar to anybody except me?
I think it's safe to say at this point that much of what has been claimed to be a result of the fabled (scapegoat) "El Nino" is in fact the result of weather control/manipulation and tampering to an extent never attempted before, due to HAARP technologies now on line. Personally I believe that manipulations of the upper-level atmospheric conditions which give birth to our experienced weather conditions is occurring on a massive, even global scale. This is in fact among the stated goals and intended uses for HAARP and is plainly stated as such within internal federal documentation for the project (see Angels Don't Play This HAARP, by Begich and Manning).
excerpted from:
HAARP could feasily 'fry' a flock of birds to drop on command in a particular location.
Exodus: Movement of Jah people! Oh-oh-oh, yea-eah!
Men and people will fight ya down (Tell me why!)
When ya see Jah light. (Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!)
Let me tell you if you're not wrong; (Then, why?)
Everything is all right.
So we gonna walk - all right! - through de roads of creation:
We the generation (Tell me why!)
(Trod through great tribulation) trod through great tribulation.
Exodus, all right! Movement of Jah people!
Oh, yeah! O-oo, yeah! All right!
Exodus: Movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!
Yeah-yeah-yeah, well!
Uh! Open your eyes and look within:
Are you satisfied (with the life you're living)? Uh!
We know where we're going, uh!
We know where we're from.
We're leaving Babylon,
We're going to our Father land.
2, 3, 4: Exodus: movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!
(Movement of Jah people!) Send us another brother Moses!
(Movement of Jah people!) From across the Red Sea!
(Movement of Jah people!) Send us another brother Moses!
(Movement of Jah people!) From across the Red Sea!
Movement of Jah people!
[Instrumental break]
Exodus, all right! Oo-oo-ooh! Oo-ooh!
Movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!
Exodus! All right!
Exodus! Now, now, now, now!
Exodus! Oh, yea-ea-ea-ea-ea-ea-eah!
Exodus! All right!
Exodus! Uh-uh-uh-uh!
Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!
Open your eyes and look within:
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
We know where we're going;
We know where we're from.
We're leaving Babylon, y'all!
We're going to our Father's land.
Exodus, all right! Movement of Jah people!
Exodus: movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!
Jah come to break downpression,
Rule equality,
Wipe away transgression,
Set the captives free.
Exodus, all right, all right!
Movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!
Exodus: movement of Jah people! Oh, now, now, now, now!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Uh-uh-uh-uh!
Move(ment of Jah people)!
Move(ment of Jah people)!
Move(ment of Jah people)!
Move(ment of Jah people)! Movement of Jah people!
Move(ment of Jah people)!
Move(ment of Jah people)!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!
-Robert Nesta Marley
Perhaps the world seems weirder because more people are discussing the weirdness sans the Internet. The Internet does lend itself well to such topics, afterall. In otherwords, perhaps the weirdness is always there, but with the advent and progression of the Internet, there is now a suitable forum in which to discuss the weirdness en masse without suffering the conventional social consternation that accompanies such a discussion in the physical public arena.
The world has always seemed weird to me, but then again, I was attuned to weird from a very early age.
I dreamed the other night that we had a leak in our roof above our bed. The next night it rained torrentially, and what do you know, there was a substantial leak with water running down the wall above our bed....just as I dreamed it. I dreamt about the plane crash in Dallas in the early to mid-80's several days before it happened. I was crying uncontrollably at the carnage. It was starkly realistic.
I'm having homemade pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for dessert to night. Ummmm......yummy!!!
Last poster are you refering to the RAPTURE?
You who are not of this earth.
As the venus transit of 2012 is nearing and is a focal point of many civilizations.There is to be a war both spiritual and physical.
War is coming closer now and things are going to get bad Father warned us of these things to come.
Why are these thing always near or coming out of the water is that also a portal/gateway?
41 years ago to the day..........
January 11, 1966 started like any other mid-winter day in the small suburban town of Wanaque, NJ. The air was clear and cold, kids were enjoying the holiday vacation from school, and residents of the Passaic County borough went about their usual daily routines. Little did they know that before the day was over something would happen, something fantastic and unexplainable, that would change the lives of many of the townsfolk forever. It all started in the early evening of that Tuesday night. It was about 6:30pm, and the winter sun was already long gone over the western horizon, past the great Wanaque reservoir, and behind the darkened Ramapo mountain range. Wanaque Patrolman Joseph Cisco was in his cruiser when a call from the Pompton Lakes dispatcher came over his police radio. It was a report of a "glowing light, possibly a fire." Then as if right out of a sci-fi movie Cisco heard the words: "People in Oakland, Ringwood, Paterson, Totowa, and Butler claim there’s a flying saucer over the Wanaque."
"I pulled into the sandpit, an open area to get my bearings," Cisco recalls. "There was a light that looked bigger than any of the stars, about the size of a softball or volleyball. It was a pulsating, white, stationary light changing to red. It stayed in the air; there was no noise. I was trying to figure out what it was."
Wanaque Mayor Harry T. Wolfe, Councilmen Warren Hagstrom and Arthur Barton, and the Mayor’s 14-year-old son Billy were on their way to oversee the burning of the borough’s Christmas trees, when they heard the reports that something "very white, very bright, and much bigger than a star" was hovering over the Wanaque Reservoir. They decided to pull into a sandpit near the Raymond Dam at the headworks to meet Officer Cisco and get a better look at the ‘thing.’ The Mayor’s son Billy spotted the object at once, flying low and gliding "oddly" over the vast frozen lake "like a huge star." "But it didn’t flicker," Billy told reporters the next day. "It was just a continuous light that changed from white to red to green and back to white."
"The phenomenon was terribly strange." Mayor Wolfe would later recall. He described the shape of the unidentified object as oval, and estimated it to be between two and nine feet in diameter.
The next thing that officer Cisco remembers is his patrol car’s radio "going bananas," as calls from all over a 20-mile radius flooded into the police headquarters. Cisco radioed Officer George Dykman, who was on patrol nearby. Just as Dykman received Cisco’s message, two teenagers came running up to his patrol car frantically pointing at the sky and shouting "Look, look!"
At that moment Wanaque Civil Defense Director Bentley Spencer drove up with CD member Richard Vrooman. "The Police radios are all jammed up!" Spencer said excitedly. Dykman and Spencer gaped at the sky along with Michael Sloat, 16, and Peter Melegrae, 15. "What the heck is it?" Dykman wondered out loud. "Never seen anything like it in my life."
Back at the sandpit Joseph Cisco’s radio crackled as another unbelievable message came across the airwaves: "Something’s burning a hole in the ice! Something with a bright light on it, going up and down!" Then another transmission fought its way through the din: "Oh boy! Something just landed in front of the dam!"
Spencer and reservoir employee Fred Steines raced to the top of the 1,500-foot long Raymond Dam where they described seeing "a bolt of light shoot down, as if attracted to the water...like a beam emitted from a porthole."
Patrolman Cisco, Mayor Wolfe and Town Councilmen Hagstrom and Barton climbed to the top of the dam to get a better look.
"There was something up there that was awful bright." Hagstrom recalls. "We don’t know what it was. We thought it was a helicopter, but we didn’t hear a motor. It looked like a helicopter with big landing lights on. We got goose bumps all over when we saw where the hole was."
According to John Shuttle, another Councilman who witnessed the UFO, there was no doubt about it: "It was there." He said. "I saw it, a brilliant white object, two to three feet across, and its color - no, not color, shade - it kept changing."
JANUARY 12, 1966
One day after the initial sightings of the UFO, Patrolman Jack Wardlaw reported seeing a "bright white disk" floating in the vicinity of his home in the Stonetown section of Wanaque, just west of the reservoir. "It seemed like only a block away, above Lilly Mountain, maybe 1,000 feet up," Wardlaw said. "Don’t ask me what it was. But I do know it wasn’t any helicopter, plane, or comet. It shot laterally right and left. It stopped. It moved up straight. And then it moved down and disappeared in the direction of Ringwood to the north." Wardlaw described the object as "definitely disc-shaped and at certain angles, egg-shaped."
Sgt. David Sisco said that he was on patrol at about 6:30 that evening when the UFO noiselessly hovered into view. "It glided, then streaked faster than a jet, " he told reporters, "and when it rose, it went straight up." Reservoir guard and former Wanaque policeman Charles Theodora and Sisco went to the top of the dam to take a look at the bright light. "We looked across the water and saw a cylinder shaped object," Theodora remembers. "It was moving back and forth like a rocking chair motion. We were astonished." A few minutes later the object shot straight up into the night sky, until it was indistinguishable from the other stars. Theodora said that he didn’t hear a sound while the light show was going on. "I didn’t believe in UFO’s, I thought they were a lot of bull. And then I saw it. It was a breathtaking sight; something I’ll never forget." After the January 1966 sightings, radar was installed atop the reservoir dam.
Always with a noiseless type of propulsion system.I believe these are extra dimensional beings.
I also believe haarp is quite capable of opening up a hole or tear in the dimensional capacity.The ionosphere is torn big time and Tesla warned them about such abilities, maybe that is why the did it anyway, they ( the US/alien coalition)want the gates open.
My brother in law has seen these craft their intense beams of light and the black helicopters also by bodies of water in beautiful UP-state NY.
Weird and you are all alone mostly in wooded areas when it occurs there.
Christ brings us a sword, yet we must NEVER do harm.
Alien Gods
People do not like to think.
If one thinks, one must reach conclusions
Conclusions are not always pleasant.
—Helen Keller
two interviews with Dr. Robert Boylan re: alien contact and government interaction with them.
"The saga of Star Visitors' contacts with humankind is the greatest unpublished headline of the Millenium, and the most important missing ... all » fact in our history books." -- Dr. Richard Boylan
Boylan on Coast to Coast
Boylan on Irish UFO Radio
There are two types of people: those who have directly personally experienced the deeply strange/weird other dimensional type phenomena and/or the mystical and those who haven't. Until you directly experience it you don't believe it's possible, after you do you know that what we are told is "real" is not . . . .
A VERY very very Interesting thing was the multi- spectral camera being operated by the Israeli on board in particular looking for the strange
over former Iraq and the middle east.Looking for the gateway.
The wreckage over Palestine texas was ominous.Yes?
The Space Shuttle's Secret Military Mission
Astronaut Ilan Ramon Spied on Iraq with a Multispectral Camera.
Were spectral emissions from the shuttle powered by americium-242?
by Yoichi Clark Shimatsu
Night vision actively makes visible things hidden in darkness. It is a subliminal technology that projects an infrared beam onto obscure objects, which appear through digital lenses as phosphorescent ghost-like images. Conventional optical devices, in contrast, are passive, receiving light from external sources such as stars and street lamps or the sunlight reflected off surfaces. Telescopes, even powerful ones, become grainy in low-light, low-contrast situations.
This is why farmers and sawmills around the world burn their fields and scrap wood on damp days. Optical air-pollution monitors in nearby towns cannot detect the smoke plumes through the mist. Likewise, anyone trying to dispose of waste gases – from chemical-weapons laboratories, for instance – uses the same technique of releasing emissions under cloud cover or at nighttime to evade detection by spy satellites.
The only way to spot such "smoking-gun evidence," as in the case of Iraq's alleged chemical weapons program, is to mount a beam-generating technology, basically a souped-up version of night vision, on to a platform circling over the suspect territory.
Thus, for 16 days in orbit, Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon made earth observations with a cluster of instruments, which NASA called "a multi-spectral telescope." Designed to survey the air quality over the deserts of the Middle East, his "telescope" was built by a research team at Tel Aviv University and a U.S. company, Orbital Sciences Corp. His research project was called MEIDEX (Mediterranean-Israel dust experiment).
According to Israel Line magazine, MEIDEX "called for Ramon to observe and take pictures of atmospheric aerosols in the Mediterranean area using ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared array-detector cameras." The acronym seems disingenuous because the letters ME are usually employed by Israeli research projects to stand for "Middle East."
The computer-controlled cameras were pointed earthward to detect desert dust and "pollution aerosols . . . to provide scientific information about atmospheric aerosols and the influence of global changes on the climate." The data was directly transmitted to Tel Aviv University and, according to investigative journalist Gordon Thomas, on to the Israeli Biological Institute, the hub of Israel's nerve-gas and bioweapons programs.
With computer enhancement, the collected images reveal the chemical composition of the stew of gases and droplets swirling over the desert. The ultraviolet and visible rays, originating from the sun, showed the normal background of the atmosphere – mineral particles, methane, car exhaust fumes and oil well burn-off – during daylight hours when Saddam Hussein's laboratories don't dare release their toxic wastes (assuming if indeed these are being produced or destroyed). The important data, however, must be gathered during chemical releases at night or under clouds, and this is where infrared cameras come into play.
Infrared cameras pick up the heat waves generated by artificial sources such as power plants and oil refineries. What if, however, Saddam's chemists were to take the precaution of cooling toxic emissions before dispersing them into the air? To detect cooler gases, an effective night-shot camera needs to generate its own infrared beam. It would have to be an extraordinarily powerful beam to penetrate the clouds far below.
Night vision, as any special-forces soldier or video enthusiast learns, is limited by the infrared beam's range. More power means more range. A space shuttle, however, simply cannot generate the staggering amount of extra power that the MEIDEX telescope requires on the sun-blocked side of Earth. To eliminate the risk of a power shutdown to the other experiments and the spaceship itself, a multi-spectral telescope requires an independent source of power, and the obvious solution is nuclear power.
During the search for Columbia debris, one of the sheriffs in Texas told reporters about the danger posed by radioactive equipment from the shuttle. NASA repeatedly warned of hazardous substances without disclosing any specifics. Most media commentators assumed that the space agency issued the bogus warnings to discourage souvenir collectors. Maybe the sheriff wasn't lying.
The Russians have been known to install nuclear reactors aboard their mammoth satellites. The shuttle, however, is a lighter craft with a human crew – not the place for a lead-lined thermonuclear chamber. It turns out, however, that Ben-Gurion University's nuclear physics department has produced an exotic type of fissionable fuel called americium-242.According to a university news release, americium-242 "requires only 1 percent of the mass of uranium or plutonium to reach its critical state. It was found that this fuel could sustain fission in the form of extremely thin films of these elements, less than a thousandth of a millimeter thick. In this form, the exceedingly high-energy, high-temperature fission products can escape the fuel elements and be used for propulsion in space - either by heating a gas for propulsion, or by fueling a special generator that produces electricity."
Searching for these radioactive wafers across the state of Texas goes one better than the proverbial needle in the haystack.
NASA is reportedly considering nuclear-fueled spacecraft for future missions, since an americium-242 engine is expected to 10 times faster than current rocket technology.A more immediate application of this exotic nuclear fuel is to provide the kick for space-based weapons, including laser cannons and electromagnetic pulse weapons. (Not by coincidence perhaps, Ilan Ramon and Commander William McCool were both specialists in electromagnetic warfare.)
Space weaponry mounted on orbiting platforms, however, is illegal under several United Nations treaties; international law is the major obstacle to their deployment. Therefore, the anti-missile missiles developed by the U.S. and Israeli militaries serve as a convenient ploy to sell the National Missile Defense program to a technology-illiterate public. The Arrow and Patriot series are hopelessly clumsy ground-based technologies.
How then can the Bush and Sharon administrations win public support for space-based weapons? A cynical solution is to make martyrs of an Israeli-American space shuttle crew. Show them to be victims of outmoded technology and, more important, obsolete thinking in NASA and in Congress about keeping space free of nuclear power and potential war-making technologies. Is it conceivable that an American president would deliberately sabotage the Columbia? If his agenda is to affect a shift of NASA from a hybrid civilian-military space agency to an arm of the Pentagon's ballistic missile defense program, then no sacrifice could be too great – especially if Ilan Ramon's telescope had failed to detect any smoking guns over Iraq. As for the Israeli leader, it must be recalled that the Likud movement is built on the cult of martyrdom – from ancient Masada and the Warsaw ghetto to the Irgun fighters killed in fratricidal violence by Haganah militiamen at the birth of Israel, from Yonathan Netanyahu's demise in Entebbe to – now – the death of Colonel Ilan Ramon, nonchalant bomber of Iraq's nuclear plant repackaged as a hero of science.
An Experiment Gone Awry?
Undoubtedly, the official investigation will determine the Columbia disaster was not an accident by design. Blue-ribbon committees will piously give their independent endorsements, even if martyrs were made to order. Instead of jumping to conspiracy theories, even a harsh critic of NMD must admit that the Columbia disaster could have been an accident – though not one caused by loose tiles but by an experiment gone awry.
Ilan Ramon's telescope was "multi-spectral." This is an interesting word because it could refer to either the electromagnetic spectrum or ghostly apparitions. Taking a cue from Derrida's "Specters," the mission may have been haunted, though not in the way those of apocalyptic mindset have linked the Columbia's destruction to the over-flight town of Palestine, Texas.
Naomi Elliman, in her article "Israel in Space" posted on the Israeli Ministry of Finance website, disclosed "Ramon also investigated sprites." Sprites and Ramon! His was a fascination resembling Nabokov's obsession with butterflies. Sprites, like butterflies, fly but they are traditionally classified as UFOs or as avenging angels. These spectral lights composed of ionized plasma (gas atoms stripped of electrons) are, Elliman explains, "rare forms of lightning that occur above thunderstorms at heights of up to 90 kilometers," or 55 miles above sea level.
As Columbia swung down to 36 miles altitude, an amateur astronomer in California snapped five shots of the descending shuttle with his Nikon. The photographs, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, showed a mysterious orange aura tinged with purple hovering over the ship's left wing.[9] Was this phantom-flame merely a trick of light or was it the luminous sprite that pilot Ilan Ramon had been chasing for years?
If Ramon had switched on his multi-spectral cameras – probably with childlike delight – as Columbia traversed the Pacific, he did not foresee the fatal consequences. The negative charge of the high-energy electron pulse from the americium-242 would attract the positive charge of the gas plasma generated by sprites (lighting is positive in the upper elevations). The strange attraction – half natural, half artificial – would have been as powerful as a Star Trek traction beam reeling in a Klingon interceptor.
A lightning burst would account for the sudden surge in temperature, the immediate shutdown of heat sensors and communications systems (why the ghostly "last words" were never transmitted to NASA monitors), and for the tumbling that sent Columbia, a flaming chariot of the heavens, to her doom.
Always with a noiseless type of propulsion system. I believe these are extra dimensional beings.
What makes you so sure? Why couldn't it be trickery using lights? Laser created images? Could explain the burnt hole in the ice. Where in the account you posted did it say anything about beings? People saw lights that took the shape of an object. That doesn't mean it was an object, and it certainly doesn't mean there were beings.
Also, don't you find it a bit suspicious that the colors were red, white and green and it was close to Christmas (Jan 11th). If it was trickery with lights/lasers, the bastards have a sick sense of humor....one I can appreciate seeing as I have one of those myself.
In regards to the O'Hare sighting, how could no one have snapped a image what with the ubiquity of digital technology these days? Cell phone cameras, anyone? People are using these God Damned things all day long, everyday, and they neglect to use it for something like this. Also, Richard posted some highly plausible explanations for the O'Hare sighting that were indeed weather related.
And finally, "they" ignore the smell in New York as though it's not happening, yet "they" shut down center city Austin thus drawing unwarranted attention to the dead birds. If it's the same people, why the contradictory behavior?
The weird is merely more brad and circuses for the fringe (but increasingly becoming so for the mainstream) whilst Mankind's biological clock quickly approaches midnight.
Marginalia on Contemporary Events
This obscure and ill-titled essay, written in 1945, contains what may be Jung’s most profound analysis of Nature’s loss of the spiritual dimensions. He begins by asking what happened to nature spirits – wood nymphs, incubi and succubi, dryads, werewolves, and undines – that used to populate the natural world around us. First Christianity and then scientific materialism reviled them as superstition and animism, dethroning Nature’s soul without so much as a decent ceremony, since nature spirits are objective, nonpersonal forces, they cannot simply disappear. Where were they to go? Jung suggests that they have taken up abode in the human domain. As a result we are now subject to possession by the whole range of nature spirits, positive and negative. Having unconsciously absorbed these Promethean powers, humans are prone to states of intoxication, leading to devastating consequences. When nature spirits lived within the greater Nature, they could do only so much damage; but when we absorb them and let them live in us unnoticed, the consequences can be lethal. The manner in which computers, cloning, cell phones, and irradiated food, for instance have suddenly sprung into being, without fair and open public discussion, are contemporary examples of this kind of possession. Jung cites the Holocaust as the most frightening example of these “psychic epidemics”. This essay is reprinted from The Symbolic Life, Volume 18 of Jung’s Collected Works.
Until a few centuries ago those religions of the world which have since been illuminated by science were shrouded in deepest darkness. Nature was still in her original state, as she had been from time immemorial. Although she had long since been bereft of gods, she had not by any means been de-pyschized. Demonic spirits still haunted the earth and water, and lingered in the air and fire, witchcraft and prophecies cast their shadows over human relationships, and the mysteries of faith descended deep into the natural world. In certain flowers there could be found images of the martyrs’ instruments of torture, and of Christ’s blood; the clockwise spiral of a snail’s shell was a proof of the existence of God.
Today we can scarcely imagine this state of mind any more, and we can form no proper conception of what it meant to live in a world that was filled from above with the mysteries of God’s wonder, down to the very crucible of the smelter, and was corrupted from below by devilish deception, tainted by original sin, and secretly animated by an autochthonous demon or an anima mundi, or by those “sparks” of the “World Soul” which sprang up as seeds of life when the Ruach Elohim brooded on the face of the waters.
One can scarely imagine the unspeakable change that was wrought in man’s emotional life when he took farewell from that almost wholly antique world. Nevertheless, anyone whose childhood was filled with fantasy can feel his way back to it to a certain extent. Whether one laments or welcomes the inevitable disappearance of that primordial world is irrelevant. The important thing is the question that nobody even asks: What happens to those figures and phantoms, those gods, demons, magicians, those messengers from heaven and monsters of the abyss, when we see that there is no mercurial serpent in the caverns of earth, that there are no dryads in the forest and no undines in the water, and that the mysteries of faith have shrunk to articles in a creed? Even when we have corrected an illusion, it by no means follows that the psychic agency which produces illusions, and actually needs them, has been abolished. It is very doubtful whether our way of rectifying such illusions can be regarded as valid. If, for example, one is content to prove that there is no whale that could or would like to swallow a Jonah, and that, even if it did, a man would rapidly suffocate under those conditions and could not possibly be spewed forth alive again – when we criticize in this way we are not doing justice to the myth. Indeed, such an argument is decidedly ridiculous because it takes the myth literally, and today this seems a little bit too naïve. Already we are beginning to see that enlightened correction of this kind is painfully beside the point. For it is one of the typical qualities of a myth to fabulate, to assert the unusual, the extraordinary, and even the impossible. In the face of this tendency, it is quite inappropriate to trot out one’s elementary-school knowledge. This sort of criticism does nothing to abolish the mythologizing factor. Only an inauthentic conception of the myth has been corrected. But its real meaning is not touched, even remotely, and the mythologizing psychic factor not at all. One has merely created a new illusion, which consists in the belief that what the myth says is not true; any elementary school child can see that. But no one has any idea of what the myth is really saying. It expresses psychic facts and situations, just as a normal dream does or the delusion of a schizophrenic. It describes, in figurative form, psychic facts whose existence can never be dispelled by mere explanation. We have lost our superstitious fear of evil spirits and things that go bump in the night, but instead are seized with the terror of people who, possessed by demons, perpetuate the frightful deed of darkness. That the doers of such deeds think of themselves not as possessed, but as “supermen” does not alter the fact of their possession.
This essay has no link, it is from a book I received for Christmas and wrote this down because it rings so true with thoughts I’ve been having and wondering. Jung wrote this in 1945 during the horrors of WWII, Nazism and the unbearable horror of man’s inhumanity to man The Holocaust. Many who today would like to deny this and say it never happened; just reread the above essay and you can understand why. Hard to believe that there are monsters in our own ids.
The Great Enlightenment according to Jung was purchased at great cost to our souls. By denying nature spirits science and religion have done great damage to man as evidenced by our oh so civilized society of today. Science and religion have told us that these things cannot exist and are impossible. But it was merely that what one “imagined” such spirits to be did not exist. They exist all right, here in the human psyche unperturbed by what the ignorant and the enlightened think. And the greater the accumulation of masses, the lower the level of intelligence and morality. And if any further proof were needed of this truth just turn on the TV.
Have you not read Shrub that all electical and electronic devices stop or cannot work in the Presence of these entities (what would you prefer to call them?)
Weird eh?
I mean even cameras, car engines ect. just stop.
I got the munchies for your cupcakes, but will have to settle for chocolate
chip cookies.
"In regards to the O'Hare sighting, how could no one have snapped a image what with the ubiquity of digital technology these days? Cell phone cameras, anyone?"
Reportedly there is at least one that has not yet been released:
it is now confirmed that at least one photograph was taken of the object. There may be more. Researchers, including yours truly, are trying to get the individual who took the photo to come forward. There are job considerations and privacy issues at stake, but there is still a chance we may yet see a photo of the UFO.
Rather silly, but an interesting article none the less:
Bush Sr. made the unusual move of attending the Hollywood premier of MY STEPMOTHER IS AN ALIEN, a Columbia sci fi comedy starring Kim Bassinger and Dan Akyroyd. He did it as a favor to his friend and campaign supporter movie producer Jerry Weintraub (who had managed Neil Diamond, Bob Denver, Wayne Newton, The Beach Boys, and Bob Dylan).
George W. Bush and Hollywood from
Michael J Weldon of Psychotronic Magazine.
The Earth was probably born by accident; but, in accordance with one of the most general laws of evolution, scarcely had this accident happened than it was immediatly made use of and recast into something naturally directed.
Teilhard de Chardin - The Phenomenon of Man
Is it only in our minds?
John Dee was told that we would not be able to grow as fast in spirit as in the technologies that in the end
it would destroy us or we would be doing the deed to ourselves in fact.
"The impression I get from TV snow images is that they may form a consistent language with a specific vocabulary of images due to limited parameters of TV (as opposed to structures of dreams) and the repetitiveness of images... Basically, what I do is tune into a non-broadcasting channel and stare at the 'snow', trying to look at one point, usually near the centre of the screen. After a time, moving patterns start to emerge from the 'snow', like spinning mandalas, or large colonies of black ants dancing circuitously into their burrow".
This is an instructive as well as, I suspect, engineered recollection of events in correspondence with the tradition of scrying in general and a re-enactment of the constructed Angelic language of Kelley in particular. Coil, former collaborators of P-Orridge, released, as a side project, a CD called 'Time Machines' that has a reflecting blob of pitch black paint on its cover for scrying purposes, while the inside sports the hermetic Glyph designed by Dee. Each track takes the chemical formula of some psycho-active compound as a title. The subtitle gives the meaning away for those aspirant diviners who didn't get it first time round: "4 tones to facilitate travel through time".
An interesting sideline in this history is a contraption called the dream machine, produced by Brion Gysin and Ian Sommerville in the early sixties. Both close friends of William Burroughs. The dream machine, a revolving cylinder with slits places such that the light bulb inside shines through them at a rate of 13 flashes per second that are supposed to produce alpha waves, the dominant waves produced by the brain in the early phase of sleep. You would gaze from nearby into nothingness with the machine near your eyes. According to Burroughs: "Subjects report dazzling lights of unearthly brilliance and color. ...Elaborate geometric constructions of incredible intricacy build up from multidimensional mosaic into living fireballs like the mandalas of Eastern mysticism or resolve momentarily into apparently individual images and powerfully dramatic scenes like brightly colored dreams." The theory behind the dream machine is at odds with everything we know about dreams, as they only occur during the REM phase which take place only after several hours of sleep. Gysin tried to mass-market his device but without success.
You do not need to be psychedelic to scry, and what is meditative to one is disturbing to another: "Radar observers, radio operators and other specialists who had to carry out monotonous work for hours on end, suddenly became the victims of strange delusions. They saw on the radar screen objects that were not there at all, or declared they heard messages which nobody had transmitted." (From Erwin Lauch, 'Manipulation',1975). The radar screen, as unconscious technical recreation of the crystal ball, seems a nice case of poetic justice haunting the industrial-military complex, but a scrying trooper on a B-52 might not be the best benefactor to world-peace.
Scrying has nothing to do with the ability of time to travel backwards and reveal itself. Even though a crystal clear explanation is still beyond current scientific knowledge, the phenomena of scryed images can be isolated as a property of the mind's expertise in pattern recognition. When sensory input is too monotonous for too long, as in the case of the trooper and the diviner, the mind somehow crawls out of this sensory deprivation pitfall. If the mind starts to recognise objects in the texture of the scrying surface, or in dead eyeball cells floating atop the pupil, or if the mind unlocks images at random from its own memory nobody can tell, but the scryers experience of seeing is very real, unprovoked as the images may be.
It is a given, that everyone familiar with UFO's and aliens, knows greys and reptilians are devoid of emotion. Also, it is recorded in the xian bible, when Moses asked to see "god's" face- the alien replied that no one could see him face to face- (Exodus 33: 20-23). Obviously, this being does not resemble a human being.
Many of us have seen Satan. He has nothing to hide. Satan and his Demons, (as well as some of the "angels" of the xian bible and their cohorts) are of the aliens they call "Nordics."
Aleister Crowley's "Illustrated Goetia" published by DuQuette, Hyatt and Wilson, second edition, © 2000, has numerous illustrations.
The illustrations of "Lucifuge Rofocal" and "Vassago" show beings with large bulbous heads. Now Lucifuge Rofocal is one of my Guardian Demons. I have seen him. He has a large bulbous head. He is obviously a hybrid of grey. He is friendly and has emotion, as a hybrid mix is unique. Valefor also is a Grey/Nordic hybrid. He has the large head, with greenish complexion; Clistheret who is a female is the same. I have never seen Vassago, but the illustration in the book supports what many of us have seen.
Nordics are frequently seen accompanied by greys. These Nordics are those who are normally hostile to humanity.
There is no reason one should fear Satan's Demons. When treated with respect and approached with honest intentions, they are truly wonderful.
Their greater purpose is to teach humanity. As for purposes of revenge and the punishment of enemies, this is a part of learning, as justice is essential. Turning the other cheek creates true lawlessness, chaos and the eventual collapse of civilized society. Revenge and justice are necessary, for without correction; offenders only continue in their abusive behavior and freely abuse others.
When we make friends with the Demons, they often visit revenge upon those whose intention is to wrong us, and they also watch our backs. I have seen my enemies and the enemies of my loved ones punished before I even had to ask.
Many of the Demons specialize in the teaching of ethics. This right here attests to the reality that Demons are not evil. Responsibility to the responsible. Honor and truth are VERY important to Satan. Satan looks with hatred upon those who are cowards and are too weak to take responsibility for their actions. Satan represents the strong and the just.
The Demons are the Nephilim, (the Original Gods) the ancient extra-terrestrials who came to Earth to mine for gold thousands of years ago. They are very intellectually, physically and spiritually advanced. Many took human wives/husbands and were cursed for this by other Gods who opposed anything that would educate or elevate human beings above that of an animal. Human beings were intended to be slaves and when the mining project was finished, they were to be destroyed. The Demons befriended humans and wished for us to become as the Gods, just as Father Satan attempted to bring humans godly knowledge and power. For this, they were cursed and punished.
The Demons are very human friendly. I have had the privilege of having them work with me and teach me. I have established true friendships with several Demons who have helped me in so many ways. I have learned so much from my Demon teachers. Given the destruction of ancient libraries and centers of learning by Xians, so much knowledge has been lost forever. Sometimes Demons can be strict in encouraging us to better ourselves, but this is for our own well being and development. Satan states in the Al Jilwah: “I lead to the straight path without a revealed book.”
The popular grimoires and occult books available in the mainstream bookstores are a major source of trouble. The grimoires were written by rabbis and Xians. The Demons are NOT "empty shells" as kabbalists claim. They are not the "qlippoth." The Demons I have worked with have very powerful, positive energy and are very much alive. Since we performed energy work on them, they have drastically increased their power. Many of them now have very bright auras.
Concerning vampirism and the "qlippoth,” the Xian "God" exemplifies both, as most Xians are spiritually depleted. Look at the Catholic Pope- he is an empty shell. The doctrines of the right hand path religions advocating asceticism, self-denial and other anti-life practices harmful to human beings are representative of "qlippoth." The teachings concerning the qlippoth are another way the enemy denigrates and slanders our Gods.
There is a lower order of Demons. They have fiery red eyes and the rubbery wings. They serve purposes such as protection, or chasing off enemy spirits and are assistants to higher ranking Demons.
When we summon the Demons, they sometimes manifest themselves through astral projection. Normally, they communicate with us telepathically.
Mixing Satanism and Christianity for example is like mixing water with electricity. I have seen and read accounts where certain people who had an interest in Satanism, still had sympathies with Christianity. There were still strong unconscious ties to the Christian religion, most resulting from intense indoctrination. Most of us come from Christian backgrounds and for many there are lingering issues and hang-ups. Christian programming is very intense and given the extremely large amounts of psychic energy that have gone into it through centuries of Christian prayers and belief, there is a lot of power one must overcome to be totally free.
People who are uncertain of their beliefs and who still have strong ties to Christianity or other related religions, either consciously, or in many cases subconsciously, are setting themselves up for some very frightening and negative psychic experiences.
Calling upon Demons and going deep into the occult can bring up some very unexpected negative encounters for dabblers. This is the work of enemy alien entities that use fear to keep humans away Satan. In most cases this works, as it instills terror in the dabbler and he/she usually goes running back to the nazarene and blames Satan. I strongly suggest those who wish to go this far, first become strong in Satan.
Very, very few, if any, progress in power unless they have a powerful protector. When one who is serious in developing the powers of the mind advances to any formidable level, or has any serious ability, he/she will be approached by powerful entities asking him/her to take sides in the spiritual war. The truly gifted who walk alone usually don’t live very long on this earth without the protection of a higher power.
I feel it is important to warn those who are undecided or lukewarm to stay away from calling up Demons or trying to contact spirit entities until they are spiritually ready.
Crowley's Lam is a gray too.Cult of Lam:
Since Crowley's time, several occult groups and individuals following in his footsteps have claimed to have intentionally and successfully contacted "Lam." Most notably, Michael Bertiaux in the 1960's followed by a group of O.T.O initiates in the 1970's. (The O.T.O. is the Ordo Templi Orientis, a Magickal order run by Crowley.) These individuals consider "Lam" to be a trans-mundane or extraterrestrial entity and claimed remarkable success in their invocations - if they are to be believed.
Following the success of these contacts, interest in occult circles, especially Crowleyian ones, gathered considerable steam. In 1987, Kenneth Grant, the generally acknowledged successor to Crowley, went so far as to formalize the Lam Workings into something called the Cult of Lam. To quote from Grant's Typhonian O.T.O. website:
"The Cult [of Lam] has been founded because very strong intimations have been received by Aossic Aiwass, 718'.' to the effect that the portrait of Lam (the original drawing of which was given by 666'.' to 718'.' under curious circumstances) is the present focus of an extra-terrestrial - and perhaps trans-plutonic - Energy which the O.T.O. is required to communicate at this critical period, for we have now entered the Eighties mentioned in The Book of the Law. It is Our aim to obtain some insight not only into the nature of Lam, but also into the possibilities of using the Egg as an astral space-capsule for travelling to Lam's domain, or for exploring extra-terrestrial spaces in the sense in which O.T.O. Tantric Time-Travelers are exploring the Tunnels of Set in intra-cosmic and chthonian capsules.
Members of the O.T.O. who feel strongly attracted to this Cult of Lam are invited to apply for participation therein. It is open only to Order members. They should contact Frater Ani Asig, 375'.' of the Sovereign Sanctuary, O.T.O. and submit a formal, typewritten and signed acceptance of the conditions of Working outlined here.
It should be understood that proficiency in the magical formulae of this Cult does not necessarily comport eligibility for advancement in the O.T.O., its parent Order."
Concurrently, a manuscript called "The Lam Statement" was circulated among O.T.O. initiates with a view to "regularizing the mode of rapport and constructing a magical formula for establishing communication with Lam."
Who is Lam?:
It is interesting to note that since Crowley's time, in occult terms at least, Lam is considered a class of entity rather than an individual being. When one invokes Lam, they are invoking an entity of that type, rather than a specific being. For occultists operating along O.T.O. lines, the idea is to invoke these Lam entities through Magickal Portals (intentionally created rents in time and space) into physical manifestation on planet earth. Why this is desirable is not always so clearly stated. (It often appears that within Crowleyian circles the working rule is often: "If Crowley did it, I want to do it, too.")
Michael Bertiaux, a Lam contactee and invoker of note, viewed Lam as the "subterranean burgeoning of Lucifer-Gnosis." Considering that Gnosis means an intuitive knowing, this would mean that knowing Lam is to know a welling-up from the unconscious of an inner knowing of Lucifer. (The Occult being the occult, it is important to bear in mind that occultists at least may not necessarily see Lucifer as the devil, but rather as a "light bringer" who fell to earth.)
Bertiaux goes on to say that Lam is the natural mode of human evolution in the present Aeon - indicating that to him and his followers this Lucifer-Gnosis is the appropriate path of human spiritual growth at this time.
Cowley termed the intentional cultivation of spiritual growth the "Great Work." And the Great work for Crowley, "...involved precisely the establishment of contact with non-human intelligences." Intelligences such as Lam. Using the language of Crowley's time, certain non-human intelligences such as Lam were what we today would term "extraterrestrial."
A Portal Opened:
It is generally agreed within occult circles that Crowley intentionally opened a portal of entry via magick ritual in the Amalantrah Workings which allowed the likes of Lam and other similar entities a passageway onto the earth-world. The rift "in-between the spaces of the stars," created by the Amalantrah Working, created a gateway through which Lam and other extra-cosmic influences could enter the known universe, and most particularly, our earth-world. According to occultists involved in such things, the Portal has since widened.
The Babylon Working:
According to occult lore, the Portal was further enlarged by a Jet Propulsion Laboratory founder and rocket fuel scientist named Jack Parsons, and Scientology and Dianetics founder L. Ron Hubbard in 1946, facilitating - so it is said - a monumental paradigm shift in human consciousness. This Magickal working was called the Babylon Working, and like the Amalantrah Working on which its ritual was patterned, it was based on ceremonial sex magick.
Together they "endeavoured to ... incarnate a physical aspect of Babylon, the Scarlet Woman of the Book of Revelations (17:3-6). They believed that Babylon was the herald of the new Age of Horus, and that Revelations was the understandably negative interpretation by those of the dying Age of Osiris."
The gist of it was that Parsons desired to take the spirit of Babylon, the "Whore of Babylon," and invest it in a human being. The idea was to create a child in the spiritual world, and then call down the spiritual baby and direct it into a human womb. When born, this child would incarnate the forces of Babylon, which they considered to be a good thing.
(Although Crowley had previously written the somewhat hilarious book Moonchild - concerning a similar experiment - he wrote in a letter: "Apparently Parsons and Hubbard or somebody is producing a moonchild. I get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts.")
In any event, the rites were duly performed as written from January 4th to 15th of that year. It is not known if a spiritual child was enwombed from them. What is known is that the Magickal Portal first created by Crowley, and which originally let Lam into the earth-world, was reestablished with considerable intensity by Parsons and Hubbard. From the diaries of the participants, it is also clear that they were not as adept as Crowley in the closings of portals. What they seemed to have accomplished was the drastic enlargement and ripping of an existing Magickal Portal and the subsequent non-closure of it. Perhaps the rip they created was not possible to close. In any event, the modern UFO era began exactly a year and a half later on June 24th, 1947, with Kenneth Arnold's sighting over the Cascade Mountains in Washington State.
Grey Aliens:
The "grey aliens," slight-bodied, big-headed, large-dark-eyed manikin creatures are primarily an American phenomena. And, it is interesting to note that all the Lam workings were done in America.
Reports of these UFO-associated entities became prevalent in the 1980's and made the big time with Whitley Strieber's book Communion. The "greys" appear eerily similar to Lam, with the exception of Lam not having the large insectoid wraparound eyes reported of the "greys." However, there are variations of these small manikins that very much resemble a Lam. See the second of the two pictures at the top of this page. This entity is a composite of a variation commonly seen in the 1980's. Rather than grey, its skin tone is clay-white and the facial features are different. In fact, the resemblance to the Lam pictured by Crowley is virtually exact.
Also and perhaps most significantly, Kenneth Grant, head of the current O.T.O., states that: "Lam is a Great Old One whose archetype is recognizable in accounts of UFO occupants." It would seem from this official Typhonian statement that the current invokers of Lam are absolutely clear that Lam and the grey-aliens are one.
I am not an expert on Satanism, nor do I intend to be. However, there are some reasonably obvious things I have gleaned. First, Satanism is not a unified movement like Christianity or Islam. It is comprised of individuals with their own distinct ideas about what it means to be a Satanist. Second, to some it is a religion, to some a philosophy, to others a magickal path. Third, there is usually a thread of magickal interest in most Satanists of most types. And, where there is an interest in magick among Satanists, it is almost universally an interest in Crowleyian derived Magick.
Knowledge should be open and available for everyone.
put this in your pipe. many of the articles on the SMELL have mentioned incidents occuring last year in which a "maple syrup" odor was reported in New York. My stomach turned. I smelled the SAME ODOR in downtown Phoenix sometime last year, i cant remember exactly when, but I know it happened more than once. Others around me smelled it as well, but it dissipated and went unreported as far as I know. I would venture to guess that this occured during the same period in New York.
Here in the Valley, dead birds on the pavement are not uncommon. The extreme summer heat sometimes causes them to simply fall out of the sky or trees. I have noticed this innumerable times on my bicycle, many of them during the cool months. Weirdness indeed. Someone care to comment on this, or second my observations here in the Valley?
The Plum Island boys at work perhaps now that the west nile is persistent and seemingly now part of the eco-system om the migratory patterns amake sure it gains a foot hold.
Genetically-Modified Mosquitos to Fight Disease
Gates Foundation Funding Re-Engineered Species in the Name of Malaria, Dengue
Without mosquitoes, epidemics of dengue fever and malaria could not plague this planet.
The skin-piercing insects infect one person after another while dining on a favorite meal: human blood.
Eliminating the pests appears impossible. But scientists are attempting to re-engineer them so they cannot carry disease. If they manage that, they must create enough mutants to mate with wild insects and one day to outnumber them.
Researchers chasing this dream, including an N.C. State University entomologist, know they may court controversy. Genetically modified crop plants such as soybeans and corn have become common in the United States, but an altered organism on wings would be a first.
Critics of bio-engineering, especially in Europe, view some genetic alterations as unnatural, even monstrous. People fearful of so-called Frankenfood could sound similar alarms over Frankenbugs.
But with advances in molecular biology and millions of dollars from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this quest may be within reach. And its promise is huge, the scientists say.
"We're looking at a timeline. But this is coming," said Fred Gould, the NCSU insect expert.
Gould is working on the project with scientists on four continents. They landed $19.7 million under a Grand Challenges in Global Health grant offered by the Gates philanthropy and a National Institutes of Health foundation. The funders selected researchers ready to collaborate rather than compete on risky research aimed at solving massive health threats in poor places.
The genetic tinkering is focused at first on dengue, a tropical virus re-emerging in Asia, Latin America and Africa. While dengue claims a fraction of the million or more victims that malaria kills annually, it strikes 50 to 100 million people each year with severe flu symptoms. Outbreaks disrupt families and communities and overburden health systems.
Dengue is a good starting point because it is transmitted almost exclusively by a single mosquito species (the smallish, striped- legged Aedes aegypti) while the malaria parasite is carried by several. Focusing the effort on just one bug simplifies the science.
To try to build a less dangerous Aedes aegypti, scientists broke a huge job into smaller chunks. First, they needed a means to make female mosquitoes immune to dengue. Only females drink blood (males prefer nectar), and only insects infected with dengue can spread it.
A breakthrough this year at Colorado State University may help. Molecular biologists there stitched laboratory-made DNA into Aedes aegypti that blocks dengue from reproducing in a bug's gut. That stops dengue from getting into mosquito saliva, which deposits the virus into human bloodstreams.
As important, the change sticks. Bugs pass the trait to their offspring.
"Things keep bearing fruit. So far, so good," said Anthony James, a biologist at the University of California Irvine, the lead investigator for the mosquito project.
But inserting strings of DNA into laboratory mosquitoes and spreading them in the wild are two different things.
Yes and if things go awry?
These smells.
I was told that nerve gasses are odorless.But you never know.
sraeli mad scientists develop "bionic wasps"
Submitted by Bill Weinberg on Sun, 11/19/2006 - 21:37.
Is this a great time to be alive or what? From The Independent, Nov. 19:
A high-tech and unmanned "bionic wasp" capable of destroying a cell of militants or guerrillas is among a series of futuristic weapons being discussed by a group of experts set up by the Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, Shimon Peres.
A spokeswoman for Mr Peres yesterday confirmed a report that the veteran politician had set up a 15-strong group of experts in security, high technology, business and academia to discuss the use of battlefield "nanotechnology".
The report carried by the mass circulation daily Yedhiot Ahronot said the emerging technology would allow weapons, based on "building blocks" the size of a millionth of a millimetre, and of the sort that "one sees today only in science fiction films".
It quoted Mr Peres, a holder of the Nobel Peace Prize, as telling a recent meeting: "The war in Lebanon proved that we need tiny weapons. There is no point in sending a hundred-million-dollar aircraft against a suicide terrorist. From this we will assemble the weapons of the future and also innumerable civilian developments. That is where the future is."
The report said that Mr Peres was seeking to raise "hundreds of millions of dollars" to develop various ideas using the same technology. These included a miniature robot which "will be able to act as a drone".
As for that Nobel Peace Prize jazz, we suppose Shimon Peres is at least slightly less ironic than Henry Kissinger.
I do know things are getting curiouser and curiouser.
Through the looking glass.
Alice in Wonder land
Speaking of omens... almost 30 years ago a friend of mine was interviewing for his first job out of college. It was with a military contractor, and he was driving down the road after the interview, pondering whether he should take such a job. A dove flew into his car and was killed. Unlike George W., he decided to follow the omen and turn down the job.
We need tiny weapons.
A scenario soon to come.
Like the nanobots could attack Somalia.
The US could say no we dropped no bombs Today, yesterday yes.
Today no.
Then let loose the nanobots.After they kill all of the Al quada boys and whatever else gets in their way.
Plausible deniability.
A million ways to achieve the coming holocaust.
Have you ever seen the picture of a humanoid creature with a lizard-man face on the front side of it's head and a beautiful woman's face on the opposite side of it's head? I saw it once in a music magizine in an advertisement for some sort of musical or stereo gear. If you know where I could find it I'd appreciate it.
to the anon goetia guy with the guardians.
Man even Crowley accepted that those Goetic forces were minor energy structures that offered sweet FA in the way of anything and sucked energy every chance they got.
But you may well be onto something linking that idea to UFOs and esp greys or Grays orwhatever they are (Tho are they really grey?).
Funny how some aspects of the UFO movement seems to be one those places where energy can end up.
Send in the Nanobots,but an AC-130 "Spectre" will do in a pinch.
US officials said Monday's strike targeted an al Qaeda cell that includes suspects in the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and a 2002 attack on an Israeli-owned Kenyan hotel.
Somali officials said many died in Monday's strike - the first overt US military action in Somalia since a disastrous humanitarian mission ended in 1994.
UN spokeswoman Michele Montas said: "The secretary-general is concerned about the new dimension this kind of action could introduce to the conflict and the possible escalation of hostilities that may result."
Monday's US attack by an AC-130 plane firing automatic cannons was believed to have killed one of three al Qaeda suspects wanted for the embassy bombings, a US intelligence official said.
Washington is seeking a handful of al Qaeda members including Abu Talha al-Sudani, a Sudanese who US intelligence believes is the network's east Africa boss, and Comorian Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, on the FBI's most wanted terrorist list.
The FBI has offered US$5 million ($7.25 million) for the capture of Mohammed, indicted in a US court for his alleged role in the embassy bombings.
Yes i am aware, both he (Crowley)and Blavatsky for the record also
picked up little buggers they could not shake.
Like the ole Hill Street Blues sargent would say
"Be careful out there."
All it takes is one time, clean your aura twice a day at least.
Watch out for the energy suckers.
They are out there like mosquitos.
Here's one for the guys with the cookies and cupcakes:
This guy goes to the doctor because he feels really tired all the time and has no energy and is worried about it, and after the doctor examines him he says "There's nothing wrong with you that some good old mother's milk wouldn't cure."
So the guy goes home mad and tells his wife what the 'Quack Doctor'said, and the wife says "Wait a minute, there's a young woman who lives on the next block who recently had a baby who is reportedly producing way more breastmilk than the baby can drink; I'll call her and ask her if you can have the extra milk."
So she calls the young woman and tells her what the doctor told her husband, and asked if she'd mind letting her husband have whatever milk the baby doesn't drink, and the young woman said 'no problem', and told her to tell her husband to come over that evening around 8:00, after the baby has finished feeding and he can have what's left.
So the guy goes over to the young woman's house and knocks on the door, and the woman while still breatfeeding the baby opens the door and invites him in. Soon the baby gets full and the young woman puts the baby to bed, and comes back and sits down on the couch and opens her blouse and motions for the guy to go ahead.
So he starts sucking on one of the breasts and is really going at it, then he switches to the other one and goes at it for awhile, then switches back to the other one, and so on, and after a few minutes of that the young woman starts to get sexually stimulated.
Then after a few more minutes of it she starts to get downright turned on. Then after a couple of minutes more of it she asks the guy "Is there anything else I can give you?" to which he repolies:
"Do you have any chocolate chip cookies?"
"...Truly, not upon earth alone do events take place -- in fact, earth events remain incomprehensible for us unless we are able to see them as images of events in the supersensible world and to find their causes there.."
R. Steiner
I even stopped with the
Hemi-Sync tapes at level 12.
Started to not like the feeling.
Of being out of my body.
Maybe I will continue when i am ready to go further.
Going too fast is not good in this department.
By the way you are told in the Hemi-Sync tapes that you are to meet guardians and beings that will help you progress.
If you are strong spiritually then you have nothing to fear.
Cleaning your aura is essential for spiritual hygiene. By cleaning your aura on a daily basis, you protect yourself against psychic attacks and illnesses. A clean aura is charismatic and will encourage better relations with others. People will naturally be more considerate and grant favors to one whose aura is clean and radiating with energy. Here is where we influence people and get them to do as we wish. Negative thoughtforms used in black magick and generated from the ill will, jealousy or anger of others attach to one’s aura and invite misfortune- accidents, illnesses and so forth. Cleaning the aura only takes a few minutes a day and is well worth it. When one is ill, depressed the aura is dirty and can take many meditations to clean. What is within reflects in one’s aura.
The eyes are the window to the soul.
I find chakra meditation with music and yoga more to my liking.
Well, I maybe going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride...
There were still strong unconscious ties to the Christian religion, most resulting from intense indoctrination. Most of us come from Christian backgrounds and for many there are lingering issues and hang-ups
Aside from the tense of the verb to be, it should be present not past, I'll bet ganja to demon poop thta this is the truest thing the "spritual" satanist has revealed about himself.
Satan and his Demons, (as well as some of the "angels" of the xian bible and their cohorts) are of the aliens they call "Nordics."
His infernal flatulence himself must have told his little pet when he "saw" him.
It must be true then, because "spirits" (assuming they aren't merely figments of rabid imagination and a wounded mind) are to be believed and worshipped.
Especially the ones who tell you they are Satan/Prometheus and are all powerful and good, just misunderstood and hidden from the "lessor" humans.
I love the fact that Satan is not only an alien (how trendy!) but a really tall white dude with blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe he should get a hollywood agent.
I betcha that "spiritual satanist" is white dude, too. Probably not as tall or good looking as "Satan" though
The Demons are the Nephilim, (the Original Gods) the ancient extra-terrestrials who came to Earth to mine for gold thousands of years ago. They are very intellectually, physically and spiritually advanced. Many took human wives/husbands and were cursed for this by other Gods who opposed anything that would educate or elevate human beings above that of an animal. Human beings were intended to be slaves and when the mining project was finished, they were to be destroyed. The Demons befriended humans and wished for us to become as the Gods, just as Father Satan attempted to bring humans godly knowledge and power. For this, they were cursed and punished.
Hey for all his bluster about "bookstore grimoires" I think he's conflated his Barnes and Noble issue Necromonicon with and old some old Z. Sitchin and blended it into a truly insipid melange.
But what's really is funny is that the all powerful Satan allows his (friends? allied?) Demons to be cursed and punished. How and by whom, I wonder.
Maybe it was the tidybowl man. Lard knows the shit should be flushed.
Or does that part of the story fit in with the satanist's feelings of inadequacy and victimization (damn those xtians the somehow have overpowered satans minions thru time!)
There is no reason one should fear Satan's Demons. [...] Their greater purpose is to teach humanity. As for purposes of revenge and the punishment of enemies, this is a part of learning, as justice is essential. Turning the other cheek creates true lawlessness, chaos and the eventual collapse of civilized society. Revenge and justice are necessary, for without correction; offenders only continue in their abusive behavior and freely abuse others.
This paragraph is emblematic of why I'm taking pot-shots at Satanists' piles of dung; Ignorance and Orwellian style doublespeak must be illuminated and ridiculed whenever it raises its ugly head.
Revenge is not justice. They are mutually exclusive. Revenge is "reason" behind midnight lynchings and suicide bombers. Revenge is flooding Iraq with the blood of innocents. Revenge seeks to create more victims. Justice, which is admittedly a rarity in this world, is an ideal that tries to heal not only the victim and society, but also "rehabilitate" the victimizer.
I swear "punishment" only creates fear and hatred, which are useful emotions for others to control people with, but really don't advance anybody.
"eye for and eye makes the whole world blind" Ghandi (not a xian!)
BTW I'm still waiting for my whammies, but I think I'll be waiting a very, very long time...
PS I think cribbing from Jeff's notes on Lam is a pretty lam(e)
I do not needlessly waste energy over what others think about me, that would be foolish.
Adepts work at being aware of yesterday,today and tomorrow so that they can better deal withtheir environment and its changing conditions,particularly those created by other people.
Already your awareness is increasing.
Get High and laugh enjoy life.
It is too short to fret over such minor details.
Lighten up.
Smoke break!!
The times they are a'changin'...but how? Here's an idea. Many of you are doubtless familiar with Ursula LeGuin's Lathe of Heaven, the story of a poor, guilt-ridden schmuck who dreams the reality in which we all live. For those unfamiliar, here's a quick synopsis (not sure where I found it):
George Orr is tortured by his dreams because sometimes they come true. The world he wakes up to has changed into the world that he dreamed, sometimes radically, sometimes violently. As a teenager he dreams the death of his aunt and he awakens to finds that she was killed in a car accident six weeks before. He is horrified, and attempts to control his dreaming, but over the years some of his dreams and nightmares come true.
Finally by the time he is thirty ( in the year 2002) he is becoming psychotic and he contemplates suicide but then turns to pep pills to stay awake to prevent dreaming. When he nearly overdoses, his landlord calls a medic who saves him but turns him in for illegal drug use - a minor offense that requires psychiatric therapy...(in steps the manipulative, world-changing psychiatrist...who takes his drugs away and...)
Great '70s sci-fi. Could it account for the weirdness getting higher? For those unable to accept the idea that life imitates art, here's the scientific version, found in a strange little article by Paul Levy called QUANTUM PHYSICS LOOKS AT THE 2004 ELECTION: Did Bush win the election or did he steal it?
...We have unwittingly literally hypnotized ourselves by our own power of effecting reality by the way we observe it. Because of the limited and limiting way we view the past it seems convincingly solid and objectively existing in a way that it simply is not. The past is much more malleable than we have been imagining. For what really did happen in the past? For that matter, what is actually happening right now?
In a circular, non-linear and acausal feedback loop, the past effects us in this present moment, while at the same time, in this present moment we effect the past. The way we observe the past in this present moment actually effects the past which simultaneously effects us in this present moment in what I call a ‘synchronistic, cybernetic feedback loop.’ The doorway is the present moment, which is the point where our power to shape reality is to be found.
In quantum physics the universe wasn’t created billions of years ago in the big bang but rather is being created right now by what (John) Wheeler refers to as “genesis by observership.” The mystery of this universe doesn’t lie at some point way back in the past, but rather, right now, in this very living present moment.
And what if we added certain sinister agents who nudge, maybe even manage the strange loops, the way we salt clouds to make rain where & when we want it? Now do you see why we need the Consciousness Be-In, Shrub--so we can take back our reality?
Be as the wind, a ghost who prowls at night.
No one knows where the wind came from or is going to.
Keep a low profile.
The truth is self evident.
Zaharoff-Killa says:
Have any of you heard of the phenomenon known as "The Night Crusher?" I had never heard of it, although I had heard of sleep paralysis. Anyway, a year ago, after a period of significant psychological pain, I had a dream that something was jumping up and down on my chest. A small thing, like a gremlin. It felt like it was "humping" me. Anyway, it felt so real, that I awoke to see a greyish gremlin like thing leap off my chest and dematerialize. It looked like the gremlin in the painting, "The Nightmare." The night before, I felt a presence in the room that made me nervous enough to install a nightlight. I'm someone who rarely if ever has a nightmare, merely because I empowered myself over them years ago. This freaked me out enough into beginning occult researches, starting with Dion Fortune.
A year later, I looked it up on the Internet, and found out that this is an old, common phenomenon known as "The Night Crusher." Apparently, "nightmare" means "night crusher." The hallucination, or manifestation, whatever it is, is relatively uniform.
Anyone else have this happen?
Spirit sex is real.
It requires some psychic work in order to open your mind to senses not normally accessible to the average person, but the way to do this is much easier than with other methods and a lot more pleasureable.
Many of us have experienced actually being physically touched by a Demon. The feeling is just like that of being touched by a human hand. This can go much further into actual sexual intercourse and lovemaking.
Uninvited it is scary I agree, it can and does take your life force energy,but you get to orgasm.
Some would call that a fair trade.
Now, for people that are new to this, to begin this and open up, just begin fantasizing about having intercourse with your Demon. Most Demons are very physically attractive as opposed to all of the trash written in the grimoires and the horror stories. Ask your Demon to show themselves to you. Relax, close your eyes and tune in. You should see an image of your Demon in your mind. Even if you can't, you can picture an ideal lover for an image your Demon can inhabit to start with.
When you begin to fantasize and do this a number of times, your Demon will feel this on the astral and enjoy it as well. You can masturbate yourself to orgasm in the beginning, until a full physical manifestation takes over. When you do this, your Demon will have an orgasm, as well. This will take time so be patient and persistent. The fantasies, done night after night will begin to get much more vivid and before you know it, you will feel your Demon and even see your Demon as you would another human being. Your Demon will work with you to open your psychic channels, as opposed to just plain fantasizing on your own.
Your Demon will more than likely come to you each night when you lie down to go to bed. Demons enjoy sex very much and they can wear out a human being. One man actually had to push a female Demoness off of himself in the morning in order to get up for work after having all night sex. She didn't want to stop. Pleasure is way beyond anything with a human being and spiritual sex can become addictive. Chances are, no longer will human sexual relationships be desired or satisfying. In addition, one does not have to worry about contracting sexually transmitted diseases or experiencing unwanted pregnancies.
A Demon lover will also be protective of you. They are wonderful with listening to any worries, concerns or problems and are often helpful in punishing enemies and taking care of things for you. When the proper psychic channels are open, two-way conversations can take place. This is an enormous help in spiritual empowerment and advancement. They will tell you things, teach you and in some cases, even contact other Demons for you.
Intense contact with Demons involves an energy exchange. The Demons, being on a higher spiritual level than humans have much more energy and extreme closeness can produce effects in us humans that feel like sunburned skin and/or oversensitivity, until we get used to this or advance our own energy levels, which is the goal of Spiritual Satanism.
Safe sex
Yes VirginIA you need an Imagination.
wayne madsen reported the funk as being in the DC area as well:
"January 10, 2007 -- WMR received a report that the strong natural gas odor permeated the area around Thomas Circle in Washington, DC the night before a similar odor wafted across Manhattan and New Jersey. Security at the Washington Plaza Hotel, located on Thomas Circle, was alerted to the odor.
George W. Bush was not in the area of Thomas Circle at the time of the incident."
The Force passing out the left hand of an adept will be restored through her right hand.
An adepts gift of knowledge will be repaidwith the interest of wisdom.
Never does an adept stand so tall as when she pauses to help another.
There is much to learn, much to teach and so little time in which to do it.
The legacy of an adept may be great or small, depending on desire to draw near to the Force and create and do.
Prudence helps us seperate the wise from the foolish.
Patience allows the energy to build up.
Patience is a slow but sure crafting of a desired state.
Sometimes it is best to let the sleeping dogs lie; other times,
it is prudent to run it off.
If one key fails to open the lock try another key.
Perserverance is the ability to keep on trying even though failure is first encountered.
The value of success is often determined by by the number and diligence of the attempts to required to gain it.
Our life lasts only a few brief moments as sand through the hourglass.
Read the message written on your heart.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how the plane that dissapeared in indonesia on new years day fits in to any of this (if at all)? I think it's strange that it's been 11 days and the plane has yet to be found, although they just found what they suspect to be a part of it today. The day after the plane vanished, the search "got off to an embarrassing start when police announced on January 2 that the wreckage had been found and Adam Air officials announced 12 people had survived. These statements were retracted after several hours." Weird?
Each transaction strenghtens us and brightens our awareness.
Practice makes perfect and we all have goals to achieve.
The most important lesson:
The Force will meet you halfway if you have the desire.
Another important lesson is to never doubt there is enough Force to go around.
Stay lucid, conscious, patient, focused, non-reactive and intentional.
Then you will advance in your wisdom.
The wind brings an answer to the question unasked.
The shadows play
Yet hold great secrets.
There is wisdom in the flame
And reflection in the water.
A falling leaf carries news.
An owl cries.
A life rises from the ashes.
And there is one who knows
The color of tomorrow
From the shadows of today.
It is often said that a person should know their limitations.
Many really belong to someone else.
Make a list.
Where did each one come from?
Chances are you learned most from other persons who taught them to you.
Once you realize that a limitation is really ysomeone else's limitation
cross it off your list.
When we are free from limitation we are free from fear.
Fear equals failure.
Never try to do something, always I will do this or that.
Never want, the universe has plenty and that is a wrong state to be in.
Desire instead.To desire is letting the universe know are in harmony with it.Lets it know you will have patience and your time will surely come.
Words and how we chose them are important.
The All is a Grand Creation of the
Objective Force and includes all things great and small.
>>Anonymous said...
Does anyone have any thoughts on how the plane that dissapeared in indonesia on new years day fits in to any of this (if at all)? I think it's strange that it's been 11 days and the plane has yet to be found, although they just found what they suspect to be a part of it today. The day after the plane vanished, the search "got off to an embarrassing start when police announced on January 2 that the wreckage had been found and Adam Air officials announced 12 people had survived. These statements were retracted after several hours." Weird?<<
There was also an Indonesian ferry that sank around the same time. They were still pulling in survivors from that sea disaster the other day.
I would not be surprised if the confusion was between those accidents, cos it seemed from the media here that the two kept getting mixed up.
Ishtar from whom we derive Easter went through the seven gates of hell to find Tammuz so that he could play the magical flute and smell the incense. The fertility goddess caused all natural processes to fail until she was rescued. The women in Ezekiel 8 lamented for Tammuz while the men held an early Sun Rise Service right there at the Temple in Jerusalem. Ishtar is worshiped in musical praise each year in thousands of churches.
Garnet cylinder seal showing Ishtar Neo-Assyrian, 720-700 BC From Mesopotamia
The supreme Mesopotamian goddess This very finely cut seal depicts Ishtar, Mesopotamian goddess of sexuality and warfare. She appears frequently on seals, relief carving, and in descriptions as a mighty warrior who protects the king by defeating his enemies. One Assyrian king, Ashurbanipal (reigned 669-631 BC), was even described as crying before the goddess like a child asking his mother for help. Her strength as a warrior is stressed here, as she is shown with weapons rising from her shoulders. Ishtar appears to have been associated at an early period with the Sumerian goddess Inanna and both deities are depicted with symbols of fertility, such as the date palm, and of aggression, such as the lion. The iconography survived relatively unchanged for over a thousand years. Here, Ishtar's astral quality is also emphasized: above her crown is a representation of the planet Venus. The goddess could be worshipped as both male and female Ishtar, reflecting her dual role of sex and war as well as the evening and morning aspects of the planet.
Of the Sleep of ISHTAR
Queen of Heaven
Bright Light of Nights
Mistress of the Gods
Set her mind in that direction
From Above she set her mind
From the Heavens she set forth
To the Abyss
Out of the Gates of the Living
To enter the Gates of Death
Out of the Lands we know
Into the Lands we know not
To the Land of No Return
To the Land of Queen ERESHKIGAL
ISHTAR, Queen of Heavens, she set her mind
ISHTAR, Daughter of SIN, she set forth
To the Black Earth, the Land of CUTHA, She set forth
To the House of No Return she set her foot
Upon the Road whence None Return She set her foot
To the Cave, forever unlit
Where bowls of clay are heaped upon the altar
Where bowls of dust are the food
Of residents clothed only in wings
To ABSU ISHTAR set forth.
Where sleeps the dread CUTHALU
ISHTAR set forth.
The Watcher
Stood fast.
The Watcher
Stood fast.
And ISHTAR spoke unto him
NINNGHIZHIDDA! Serpent of the Deep!
NINNGHIZHIDDA! Horned Serpent of the Deep!
NINNGHIZHIDDA! Plumed Serpent of the Deep!
Open the Door that I may enter!
NINNGHIZHIDDA! Spirit of the Deep, Watcher of the Gate, Remember!
In the Name of our Father before the Flight, ENKI, Lord and Master of
Open the Door that I may enter!
Lest I attack the Door
Lest I break apart its bars
Lest I attack the Barrier
Lest I take its walls by force
Open the Door
Open wide the Gate
Lest I cause the Dead to rise!
I will raise up the Dead!
I will cause the Dead to rise and devour the Living!
Open the Door
Lest I cause the Dead to outnumber the Living!
NINNGHIZHIDDA, Spirit of the Deep, watcher of the Gate, Open!
The Great Serpent
Coiled back on itself
And answered
Queen among the Gods
I go before my Mistress, ERESHKIGAL
Before the Queen of Death
I will announce Thee.
Horned Serpent
Approach the Lady ERESHKIGAL And said:
Behold, ISHTAR, Thy Sister
Queen among the Gods
Stands before the Gate!
Daughter of SIN, Mistress of ENKI
She waits.
Go, Watcher of the Gate.
Go, NINNGHIZHIDDA, Watcher of the Gate,
Open the Door to ISHTAR
And treat Her as it is written
In the Ancient Covenant.
And NINNGHIZHIDDA loosed the bolt from the hatch
And Darkness fell upon ISHTAR
The Dark Waters rose and carried the Goddess of Light
To the Realm of the Night.
And the Serpent Spoke:
Queen of Heaven of the Great Above
That KUR may rejoice
That CUTHA may give praise
That KUTU may smile.
That KUTULU may be pleased at Thy presence.
And ISHTAR Entered.
AND there are Seven Gates and Seven decrees.
At the First Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Crown
The Great Crown of Her head he took away.
And ISHTAR asked
Why, Serpent, has thou removed my First Jewel?
And the Serpent answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Rules of the Lady of KUTU
Enter the First Gate
At the Second Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Wand
The Wand of Lapis Lazuli he took away.
And ISHTAR asked
Why, NETI, has thou removed my Second Jewel?
And NETI answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Decrees of the Lady of KUTU
Enter the Second Gate
At the Third Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Jewels around her neck he took away.
And ISHTAR asked
Why, Gatekeeper, has thou removed my Third Jewel?
And the Gatekeeper answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Decrees of the Lady of KUTU
Enter the Third Gate
At the Fourth Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Jewels on her breast he took away.
And ISHTAR asked
Why, Guardian of the Outer, has thou removed my Fourth Jewel?
And the Guardian answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Rules of the Lady of KUTU
Enter the Fourth Gate
At the Fifth Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Belt of Jewels around her hips he took away.
And ISHTAR asked
Why, Watcher of the Forbidden Entrance, hast thou removed my Jewel?
And Watcher answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Rules of the Lady of KUTU
Enter the Fifth Gate
At the Sixth Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Jewels around her wrists
And the Jewels around her ankles he took away.
And ISHTAR asked
Why, NINNKIGAL, has thou removed my Sixth Jewel?
And NINNKIGAL answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Decrees of the Lady of KUTU
Enter the Sixth Gate
At the Seventh Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Jeweled Robes of ISHTAR he took away.
ISHTAR, without protection, without safety,
ISHTAR, without talisman or amulet, asked
Why, Messenger of the Ancient Ones, hast thou removed my Seventh Jewel?
And Messenger of the Ancient Ones replied
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Rules of the Lady of KUTU
Enter the Seventh Gate and behold the Nether World
ISHTAR has descended to the Land of KUR
To the Depths of CUTHA she went down.
Having lost her Seven Talismans of the Upper Worlds
Having lost her Seven Powers of the Land of the Living
Without Food of Life or water of Life
She appeared before ERESHKIGAL, Mistress of Death.
ERESHKIGAL screamed at Her presence.
ISHTAR raised up Her arm.
The Magician NAMMTAR
Saying these words she spoke to him
Go! Imprison her!
Bind her in Darkness!
Chain her in the Sea belov the Seas!
Release against her the Seven ANNUNNAKI!
Release against her the Sixty Demons!
Against her eyes, the demons of the eyes!
Against her sides, the demons of the sides!
Against her heart, the demons of the heart!
Against her feet, the demons of the feet!
Against her head, the demons of the head!
Against her entire body, the demons of KUR!
And the demons tore at her, from every side.
And the ANNUNNAKI, Dread Judges
Seven Lords of the Underworld
Drew Around Her
Faceless Gods of ABSU
They stared
Fixed her with the Eye of Death
With the Glance of Death
They killed her
And hung her corpse from a stake
The sixty demons tearing her limbs from her sides
Her eyes from the head
Her ears from her skull.
ERESHKIGAL rejoiced.
Blind AZAG-THOTH rejoiced
IAK SAKKAK rejoiced
KUTULU rejoiced
The MASKIM gave praise to the Queen of Death
The GIGIM gave praise to ERESHKIGAL, Queen of Death
And the Elder Ones were rent with fear.
Our Father ENKi
Lord of Magick
Receiving word by NINSHUBUR
He hears of ISHTAR's Sleep
In the House of Death
He hears how GANZIR has been Opened
How the Face of the Abyss
Opened wide its mouth
And swallowed the Queen of Heaven
Queen of the Rising of Sun.
And ENKI summoned forth clay
And ENKI summoned forth wind
And from the clay and from the wind
ENKI fashioned two Elementals
He fashioned the KURGARRU, spirit of the Earth,
He fashioned the KALATURRU, spirit of the Seas,
To the KURGARRU he gave the Food of Life
To the KALATURRU he gave the Water of Life
And to these images he spoke aloud
Arise, KURGARRU, Spirit of the Earth
Arise, KALATURRU,m Spirit of the Seas
Arise, and set thy feet to the Gate GANZIR
To the Gate of the Underworld
To the Land of No Return
Set thine eyes
The Seven Gates shall open for thee
No spell shall keep thee out
For my Number is upon you.
Take the bag of the Food of Life
Take the bag of the Water of Life
And ERESHKIGAL shall not harm you
ERESHKIGAL shall not raise her arm against you
Fine the corpse of INANNA
Find the corpse of ISHTAR our Queen
And sprinkle the Food of Life, Sixty Times
And sprinkle the Water of Life, Sixty Times
Sixty Times the Food of life and the Water of Life Sprinkle upon her body
And truly ISHTAR will rise.
With giant wings.
And scales like serpents
The two elementals flew to the Gate
NINNGIZIDDA saw them not
They passed the Seven Watchers
With haste they entered the Palace of Death
And they beheld several terrible sights.
The demons of the Abyss lay there
Dead but Dreaming, they clung to the walls
Of the House of Death
Faceless and terrible
The ANNUNNAKI stared out
Blind and Mad AZAG-THOTH reared up
The EYE on the Throne opened
The Dark Waters stirred
The Gates of Lapis Lazuli glistened
In the darkness
Unseen Monsters
Spawed at the Dawn of Ages
Spawned in the Battle of MARDUK and TIAMAT
Spawned by HUBUR
With the Sign of HUBUR
Lead by KINGU...
With haste they fled
Through the Palace of Death
Stopping only at the corpse of ISHTAR
The Beautiful Queen
Mistress of the Gods
Lady of all the Harlots of UR
Bright Shining One of the Heavens
Beloved of ENKI
Lay hung and bleeding
From a thousand fatal wounds.
Sensing their presence
Cried out.
Armed with Fire
Looked upon the Queen of Corpses
with the Ray of Fire
Armed with Flame
Looked upon the Queen of the Graves
With the Rays of Flame.
Mighty in CUTHA
Turned her face
Upon the corpse of INANNA
Sixty times they sprinkled
The Water of Life of ENKI
Upon the corpse of ISHTAR
Sixty times they sprinkled
The Food of Life of ENKI
Upon the corpse
Hung from a stake
They directed the Spirit of Life
The Dark Waters trembled and roiled.
AZAG-THOTH screamed upon his throne
CUTHALU lurched forth from his sleep
ISHNIGARRAB fled the Palace od Death
IAK SAKKAK trembled in fear and hate
Tha ANNUNNAKI fled their thrones
The Eye upon the Throne took flight
ERESHKIGAL roared and summoned NAMMTAR
The Magician NAMMTAR she called
But not for pursuit
But for protection.
INANNA ascended from the Underworld.
With the winged elementals she fled the Gates
Of GANZIR and NETI she fled
And verily
The Dead fled ahead of her.
When through the First Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jeweled robes.
When through the Second Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jeweled bracelets.
When through the Third Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jeweled belt.
When through the Fourth Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jeweled necklace.
When through the Fifth Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her Belt of Jewels.
When through the Sixth Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her Wand of Lapis.
When through the Seventh Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jeweled Crown.
And the Demons rose
And Spirits of the Dead
And went with her out of the Gates
Looking neither right nor Left
Walking in front and behind
They went with ISHTAR from the Gate of GANZIR
Out of the Netherworld they accompanied her
Scorned Queen of the Abyss Wherein All Are Drowned
Pronounced a Curse
Solemn and Powerful
Against the Queen of the Rising of the Sun
And NAMMTAR gave it form.
When the Lover of ISHTAR
Beloved of the Queen of Heaven
Goes down before me
Goes through the Gate of GANZIR
To the House of Death
When with him the wailing people come
The weeping woman and the wailing man
When DUMUZI is slain and buried
Kenneth Sublett
Venus low in the west now at sunset.
I soften so bright it is often mistaken for a ufo or incoming aircraft light.
She was known to the Canaanites as ASTARTE, to the Sumerians, she was known as INANNA, to the Babylonians, she was known as ISHTAR to the Assyrians and the Akkadians, ASHTART, ASHTORETH, ASHERAH, and ASTORETH, to the Egyptians, ISIS, ASHET AND ASET, to the Phoenecians, she was known as TANIT-ASHTART and ASHTAROTH. Her Ugaritic name was ANAT and to the Greeks, she was known as ATHENA.
* Zodiac Position: 10-20 degrees of Capricorn
* December 31st-January 9th
* Tarot Card: 3 of Pentacles (Azazel told me the Ace of Cups)
* Planet: Venus
* Candle Color: Brown or Green
* Animal: Cobra or Viper
* Metal: Copper
* Element of Earth
* Rank: Grand Duke of the Western Regions of Hell; Crowned Princess
* Astaroth is a Guidance Councilor for both Demons and humans. She deals in mostly human affairs
* Astaroth rules 40 legions of spirits and is a Day Demoness
* Astaroth is also The Treasurer of Hell
Astaroth is a very ancient Goddess. She has been with humanity, as have Satan and Beelzebub, since the beginning. Astaroth is Beelzebub's granddaughter. Her parents are Ningal and Nanna. She has always been very popular, much loved and revered in locales where she was worshipped. Because she has been with us since the beginning, she has been known by several different names as she has been the Chief Goddess in many different areas and cultures. She has been known as a Goddess of fertility, love and war.
Astaroth's Symbols,
derived from the Egyptian Ankh
Astaroth's Sigil
Wall of Inanna in Uruk
The clusters of three dots at the points of the star of her sigil are extremely ancient and denote her high spiritual rank.
As the Sumerian Goddess "Inanna" she was known as a powerful warrior and her sacred animal was the lion. Below are photos of the Lions that guarded her temple at Nimrud.
Her sacred city was Uruk, one of the oldest cities of Sumer where she had her temple, in the lower right photo above are the ruins. Under her rule, the people of Sumer and their communities prospered and thrived. She had shrines and temples in many cities in the Ancient Middle East.
Her Sumerian title "Queen of Heaven" was stolen by xians and used for their fictitious "Virgin Mary."
Astaroth was also the Babylonian Goddess, Ishtar. Babylonian scriptures called her the "Light of the World," "Goddess of Goddesses," and "Bestower of Strength."
The "Ishtar Gate," built approximately 575 BCE was the main entrance into Babylon.
It was the eighth of one of eight gates of the inner city. King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon dedicated the Gate to Ishtar. It was one of the most impressive monuments in the ancient Near East. The Ishtar Gate was decorated with dragons, bulls and lions.
Along with Ea (Satan) and Enlil (Beelzebub), she wound up in the grimiores when judeo/xianity arrived on the scene as one of the top Crowned princes of Hell. These three were the most popular and well known deities in the Middle East. Their reputations were destroyed, they were viciously slandered, blasphemed and demonized; labeled as "evil."
"Although Sidon is respected, it could not be forgotten that her goddess was Ashtart, a name the Israelite scribe wrote with the five consonants 'strt, and vocalized them by the vowels of the familiar Hebrew word for "shame," making the Sidonian goddess appear in the bastard form Astoreth."
-Excerpt from "Recovering Sarepta, A Phoenecian City by James B. Pritchard, 1978
"Of the various spellings of the name, Astarte, is found the Tel Amara letters. The Hebrew Astoreth arose when the rabbinical school of the Massoretes in the sixth century decided to adopt a conventional system to compensate for the lack of vowels in written Hebrew, and at the same time to insert in the names of foreign divinities the vowels from the word 'boshet', meaning abomination."
-Excerpt from "Who's Who Non-Classical Mythology by Egerton Sykes, 1993
Above are the remains of the Temple Isis, originally on Philae Island, had to be moved to Agilqiyya Island (above) during the construction of the Aswan dam to save them from flooding.
Astaroth answers truly concerning past, present and future
She discovers all secrets, and is an excellent teacher of the liberal sciences
She causes one to have prophetic dreams or visions about the future and gives insight into the unknown. She is also counsels humans who are close to Satan and actively working for him.
She obtains friendship of those in power and represents luxury and ease.
Easter (originally known as "Ashtar") was stolen from her by the Christians.
He is also known as the Goetic Demon "BAEL"
* Zodiac Position: 0-4 Degrees of Aries
* March 21st-25th *(March 21-30)
* Tarot Card: 2 of Rods (From Azazel)
* Candle color: Black
* Plant: Fern
* Planet: Sun (From Azazel)
* Metal: Iron *(Gold)
* Element of Fire
* Rank: King
* Bael is a Day Demon and rules over 66 legions of spirits.
Those who are close to Beelzebub know he is Enlil. This is from him personally. Enlil was the original "Bel" which later evolved into "Baal." "Baal" means "Lord," "Master" "Baal the Prince." Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well known God who had cities named after him with the prefix "Baal" all over the Middle East.
Most people who have studied the occult know he is very close to Satan and they both go back to the "beginning of time" here on earth; Enlil and Enki. He is Father Satan's half-brother. Along with his brother Ea/Satan and Astaroth, he wound up in the grimiores as one of the Crowned princes of Hell and labeled as "evil."
"Baal Zebub, the healing god of Ekron, later became one word--Beelzebub--which came to represent evil and idolatry in the New Testament of the Bible."
-Excerpt taken from- "Syria" by Coleman South, 1995
Beelzebub is best known as the God of the Philistines, He ruled over the city of Ekron. He is second in command to Satan. The Ancient Philistines worshiped Him under the name "Baalzebub." Beelzebub is "Lord over all that Flies". Wherever he was worshipped, he was known as God of the weather and meteorology. He also controlled the airways when the Nephilim came to Earth. His name was perverted by the Hebrews to mean "Lord of the Flies."
Beelzebub takes care of infighting between dedicated Satanists. Satan wants unity and Beelzebub enforces this. He can be very strict as Satan does not approve of dedicated Satanists cursing each other.
Beelzebub is the Patron of all of the Orient (Far East), Martial Arts and Asian Culture. He was Prince of the Seraphim and He has a raspy voice.
High Priestess Persephone relates her experience with Beelzebub:
Beelzebuth is very tall I would say about 8 foot. He is well built and has the most amazing energy and eyes you have ever seen. They change color depending on his energy at the time. He was and is always very kind and gentle with me and comes to me quite frequently. I have seen him be as kind and gentle as anyone could imagine to the most vicious when enraged.
Now we know why Donald Rumsfeld said that it is the ‘unknown unknown’ that keeps him awake at night. Silly people that think they can control the unknown. What demons have they released? Maybe the demons that will shock us so, that we wake from our slumber?
I miss starroute.
The High Priestess is also known as Persephone, Isis, the Corn Maiden and Artemis. The two pillars she's sitting between are Boaz and Jachim, the pillars of mercy and severity. The tapestry hung between them keeps the casual observer out and allows only those initiated in the High Arts to enter. The pomegranates on the tapestry are sacred to Persphone. They are a symbol of duty (because Persephone ate a pomegranate seed in the underworld, which made her have to return every year.) The blue robe the priestess is wearing is a symbol of knowledge. She is wearing the crown of Isis, symbolizing the Triple Goddess. The solar cross on her breast is a symbol of balance between male and female. The TORA in her lap is the book of the law, again symbolizing knowledge. The moon under her left foot shows her dominion over pure intuition. The palm means fertility of the mind and the cube she's sitting on is the earth. The planet associated with the High Priestess is the Moon.
The High Priestess is the Goddess Isis (Asat in Egyptian) who sits at the portal before the great Mystery, indicated by the Tree of Life in the background. She sits between the darkness and the light, the pillars of Solomon's temple, which means it is she who is the mediator of the passage into the depth of reality. Her image later became that of the virgin Mary (Miriam in Hebrew), the "Mother of God." And Isis too was the Mother of Horus, the androgynous God who contained both the male and female polarities in one being. She holds the half-revealed/half-concealed Torah, the exoteric and the esoteric teachings. She reminds the seeker that the written word is the lesser of the Mysteries, and to be obsessed with it may conceal from view the greater Mystery, which is shown by the Tree of Life behind her.
The high priestess represents wisdom, serenity, knowledge and understanding. This cards means the person has the ability to learn and teach. Any secrets that need to be learned will be revealed soon. Hidden influences can be at work here. If this appears in a reading for a man it represents the perfect woman all men want. If in a woman's reading, she can find those values - in herself or a friend.
The message is to not confuse the little with the great. Be not content with less than the grandeur in the situation, or the gain will fail to satisfy in the end. She also reminds us to trust our intuition, and for a male especially, he must learn of his "anima" or female side, or he will fail to grow. For a woman, it means to trust herself and not to fall for the delusions perpetrated by the world on females that would bend their natures to imitate those of males in the society.
The High Priestess represents a link to the subconscious mind, which cannot be accessed through the everyday world, but only through dreams and symbols. When this card shows up in a reading, pay attention to your dreams and intuition. When she appears, look for areas of your life that are out of balance. Knowledge of how to fix it will not come through logic or intellect, but through your intuition. Listen to the small voice inside. Put aside a time when you can meditate and listen to your own inner voice.
Key words - Intuition, mystery, unconscious, gate to the Other world. Mentally - an intuitive insight. Spiritually - Your path is guided by intuition, knowing the way through your own heart and your connection to the divine rather than logic or formal teaching; your higher self is communicating via dreams. Emotionally - attuned to heart, emotions, dreams; feelings have an unconscious motivation, dealing from a non-logical place. Physically - Take the job that your gut tells you is right, working as a counsellor or psychic. Business - Follow your gut feeling. Make sure you know all the hidden undercurrents in the situation. Relationship - Relationship is guided by intuition. Feeling a deep intuitive connection. Your reactions are coming directly from your unconscious. Are you dealing with the other person in the relationship or with your own Anima? The relationship itself is a secret. Problematic - Secretive, things going on under the surface, hidden agendas, ambiguous, flaky. Beneficial - One's intuitive sense provides useful and helpful information, being in touch with one's source.
The High Priestess is associated with Moon, and the rune Wyrd. Two is the number of Growth. Meditation Factors - When you need inner guidance; When you need to strengthen your psychic abilities.
This card represents knowledge and wisdom. This card also represents the ability to teach and to learn. It can represent the perfect woman. Also, be careful of quick judgements and prejudice.
She is the Keeper/Guardian of intuitive wisdom and magick. Whereas the Magician is a manipulator of matter and spirit using the formula "as above, so below", she is the magician whose formula is "as inside, so outside". She balances not only the Magician, but also the Hierophant. His knowledge is "received", it is not proven or discovered like the Magician's it is not felt or intuited as the High Priestess's, it is "Handed Down", not to be questioned, inspected or discovered like the Magician would like to do and yet not to be intuited and felt as the High Priestess would, but simply to be taken on faith, because you were told so by an "Authority". The High Priestess, thus has a busy job, balancing two very Male/Solar approaches to wisdom with her Female/Lunar wisdom.
Wisdom and feminine compassion may provide insight to problems. Hidden influences within yourself may provide you with the answers that you seek. Want to follow through with a course of action and/or to utilise an idea, skill or philosophy. Once you make a decision or decide upon a goal, make a commitment to it and let nothing divert you from it or keep you from attaining it. Recognise the patterns that have sabotaged you in the past and cut them off.
Possible health problems - Sickle-cell anaemia; dehydration; infertility; female; heart; alzheimer's; amnesia; menstrual; water-retention.
The High Priestess is often described as the guardian of the unconscious. She sits in front of the thin veil of unawareness which is all that separates us from our inner landscape. She knows the secret of how to access these realms. She represents spiritual enlightenment and inner illumination. She is a representative of divine knowledge and wisdom. She has a good understanding of the universe and uses this knowledge to teach rather than to try to control others. She generally appears when you need to listen to and trust your inner voice. The High Priestess is the feminine principle which balances the masculine force of The Magician. She is the Mysterious Unknown that women often represent. The High Priestess challenges us to go deeper, to look beyond the obvious. She reminds us of the vastness of our potential and to remember the unlimited possibilities we hold within ourselves. The High Priestess can also represent a time of waiting and allowing. It is not always necessary to act to achieve our goals. Sometimes we need to wait and allow things to develop within their own time.
Possible career paths: She is the keeper of knowledge and secrets. Combined with the Two of Pentacles - an accountant, especially at a high level where confidentiality is important; the Eight of Cups - a psychotherapist, perhaps specialising in lifestyle changes or 12-step programs; the Lovers - a confidante and/or mediator.
The abstract, spiritual and intellectual face of the anima, the feminine nature of the soul. Primordial female wisdom. Intuition, insight, sacred knowledge, feminine spirituality, the fruitfulness of nature and the cycle of the seasons. The ancient underground tradition of healing arts, magic and spiritual mystery.
Wisdom, Sound judgement, Serene knowledge, Common sense, Serenity, Objectivity, Penetration, Foresight, Intuition, Comprehension, Perception, Self-reliance, Emotionlessness, Platonic relationships, Practical.
This card is telling you to pay attention to your dreams and intuitions; a facet of you is trying to make itself known. When this card appears in a spread, it indicates that your life is changing. Things that once seemed so certain can no longer be taken for granted. Some puzzling mysteries become more clear, but all is not yet revealed at this point. On the bonus side, you will find that your intuitive powers are increasing and you may be inspired to be creative; this is a particularly good card for poets and writers. Depending on the surrounding cards, the High Priestess can mean that a noble and gentle influence will enter your life in the form of a woman, either as a friend or a lover.
Spiritually you are about to attain a new level of enlightenment. You may have realised the power of your intuition and have begun to study psychic matters. This card can indicate a particular attraction to the occult, a thirst for secret knowledge. At this point, you must pay attention to the lesson of the swan. She is a guide to the Otherworld consciousness, parting the swan-veil mist to allow access. Swan is telling you that knowledge will not come a this time through action or intellectual endeavour, but by listening to the inner voice of the spirit, which may be missed in the hurly-burly of chatter and business. Put aside times of silence when you can become aware and listen.
A selfish and ruthless woman. Conceit. If in a man's reading, he must be careful not to let a woman's selfishness destroy him. You also have the ability to judge events and issues clearly, but at the same time tend to be prejudiced and one sided.
If this card appears reversed, it may mean that you have been acquiring knowledge, but on a superficial level. You haven't been listening to your intuition. Have you come to terms with your feminine, emotional self?
The High Priestess can signify that you are not listening to your inner voice and may need to take time for reflection and meditation. She can also represent repressed feelings, over-reliance on the opinions of others, and an excessive need for approval and validation.
Ignorance, Shortsightedness, Selfishness, Passion, Physical ardour, Acceptance of superficial knowledge, Improper judgement.
If this card appears reversed in your reading, it can indicate that you have been gaining occult knowledge on a superficial level without any comprehension of its true significance, perhaps merely to impress others. It can also indicate that you have not been listening to your intuition or have been trying to ignore something that you know deep down is true; in either case this will cause problems for you. On a deeper level, the High Priestess reversed can mean that you have failed to come to terms with yourself as a woman. If you are a man, it can indicate a damaging refusal to accept the feminine, emotional, intuitive side of yourself.
For inner guidance and the strengthening of your psychic abilities you must practice this on a daily basis. Close your eyes and relax. Visualise yourself in the temple grotto. With the high priestess. Know that she exists only to help you and answer your every question. While galaxies circle above you pose your question without any attachment to the answer you will receive. In time she will take her hands from behind her back and in them will be the symbol of your answer.
"Planets. It remains for us to speak of the five stars which many have called wandering, and which the Greeks call Planeta.
One of them is the star of Jove [Zeus], Phaenon by name, a youth whom Prometheus made excelling all others in beauty, when he was making men, as Heraclides Ponticus says. When he intended to keep him back, without presenting him to Jove as he did the others, Cupid [Eros] reported this to Jove, whereupon Mercurius [Hermes] was sent to Phaenon and persuaded him to come to Jove and become immortal. Therefore he is placed among the stars.
The second star is that of Sol [Helios]; others say of Saturnus [Kronos]. Eratosthenes claim that it is called Phaethon, from the son of Sol. Many have written about him - how he foolishly drove his father’s chariot and set fire to the earth. Because of this he was struck with a thunderbolt by Jove, and fell into the river Eridanus, and was conveyed by Sol to the constellations.
The third star is that of Mars [Ares], though others say it belongs to Hercules … Since she [Aphrodite] inflamed him violently with love, she called the star Pyroeis, indicating this fact.
The fourth star is that of Venus [Aphrodite], Luciferus [Eosphoros] by name. Some say it is Juno’s. In many tales it is recorded that it is called Hesperus, too. It seems to be the largest of all stars. Some have said it represents the son of Aurora [Eos] and Cephalus, who surpassed many in beauty, so that he even vied with Venus, and, as Eratosthenes says, for this reason it is called the star of Venus. It is visible both at dawn and sunset, and so properly has been called both Luciferus and Hesperus.
Diana Lucifera, a late Roman statue...
She, bearer of light, also called Hekate,
carries the torch symbolizing spiritual resurrection and illumination.
"No one has lifted my veil"
"According to Greek Pagan tradition the Goddess has declared Herself "No one has lifted my veil."
It is a question not exactly of the veil, but of the garments which covers Her female nakedness, the veil is a later misinterpretation for the sake of decency. The meaning is:
"I am the Mother without spouse, the Original Mother; all are my children, and therefore none has ever dared to approach me; the impudent one who attempts it shames the Mother --- and that is the reason for the curse."
Seth and Horus are sometimes depicted as a single deity, illustrating the inseperability of light and darkness/chaos and order/growth and decay.
In ancient Greece, it was the Nemoralia, the Festival of Torches: the feast of Hecate, the Greek triple-headed goddess of the crossroads, and of Diana Lucifera, the Roman lunar light-bearer. (More themes of light in the darkness)
The date is also the traditional birthday of Aradia, the Italian folk-goddess of witches.
Some say Lucifer/Satan is half woman also.
Good call, Jules
"The idea is that Genus loci points and sacred sites provide energy for earth, how the humans interpret and shape this energy determines what happens on earth."
In our culture, we are surrounded by groups of seven that have deep symbolic significance. There are seven days to the week, seven notes in our music scale, seven virtues and seven vices, seven sacraments, seven archangels, seven wonders, seven seas and seven continents, seven colors in the spectrum, and seven Chakras. In the Bible, it took seven days to create the world including the day of rest, there are seven pillars to Wisdom's temple, seven seals in Revelation, and Jesus removed seven devils from Mary Magdalen. All together, the Bible mentions the number 424 times. In popular culture, we find fairytales with seven dwarves, seven wives, or seven brothers. Even in modern popular culture, we have heroes like Double-O Seven or the Magnificent Seven. Our culture has ancient mystical roots and all of these sevens remind us of that past.
Did you ever look at a die and notice that the numbers are arranged so that the numbers on opposite sides always add up to seven? The number seven is important in the game of dice as well as the structure and there is evidence that the ancient practice of divination with dice influenced the structure and use of the Tarot. For example, there are 21 possible combinations that can be thrown with two dice. This is three times seven. In the practice of divination with dice, each of these throws has a separate character and meaning. When we realize that the Fool is an unnumbered wild card and not considered one of the trumps in the game of Tarot we find that there are 21 trumps, just as they are numbered.
Each of the minor cards in the Tarot has fourteen cards, which is two times seven. Together they number fifty-six, which is the number of possible throws that can come up when we use three dice. The entire Tarot deck had eleven times seven cards plus the unnumbered observer, the Fool.
“Heaven” is a code word for the seventh chakra. “Seventh heaven.”
“Hell” is a code word for the base chakra that contains the kundalini Hell-fire.
The STOLEN creation epic in the bible is another allegory. ALL WRITINGS CORRECTLY INTERPRETED ARE ALLEGORIES AND THOSE WHO TAKE THEM LITERAL ARE MISLED, EASILY CONTROLLED AND ENSLAVED. The tree of knowledge is a map of the soul. The serpent is Satan. Satan is another code-word for the kundalini serpent. By “eating of the tree” one becomes all-knowing.
Look closely- the serpentine facial features which symbolize the kundalini serpent, the hermaphrodite body portraying both male and female features which is a powerful ALCHEMICAL message, AN ALLEGORY THAT WAS TAKEN AS LITERAL, here of bringing the ida and the pingala together AND- ALL OF THE GODS (CHAKRAS) BECOME ONE GOD, WHICH in ALCHEMY IS THE GOLD. "Yoga" also means "union" bringing together- FUSION. This is the goal! Powerful messages were left in stone and in relics, and artifacts for those who have had their eyes opened by the Gods.
Now, take a look at the popular Baphomet Goat:
The torch on the head is the ascended kundalini.
Look at how the "apostles" are grouped into FOUR sets of THREE (the four quarters and seasons of the year and zodiac). There is a hidden message here. Leonardo was trying to get it across that THEY ARE A CONCEPT and XIANITY IS A HOAX.
I could go on with the painting, but it is a stolen concept and a waste of time. Even the deal with the fictitious character "Peter" denying the nazarene THREE TIMES and the "cock crowing- this is another concept that has to do with alchemy. AGAIN, this was stolen and corrupted.
"Peter" is the sign of Aries- and is a fictitious jewish made character, just like that foul nazarene.
I can't put into words the extent of the corruption of the Vatican (the ORIGINAL xian church), and their jewish masters - the entire xian HOAX, regardless of sect. Meanwhile, you have deluded Satanists back at square one who actually believe in spooks and "yaweh" vs. Satan and the nazarene and the entire CHRISTIAN concept of "The Devil" and "Hell" and the whole jewish invented tale to remove spiritual knowledge and power form the Gentiles, while their jewish YHVH (which stands for the four points as anyone can see from their kabala)and nazarene act as the MIND POLICE for ULTIMATE CONTROL upon an ignorant populace.
I have seen and read stacks of books devoted to a so-called "wild goose chase" trying to make sense of nonsense and explain things the authors have been so heavily programmed into believing are real. Knowledge from Satan, when we are ready, transcends all of this.
link to Baphomet
baphomet2si.png (PNG Image, 299x439 pixels) - Scaled (67%)
The “Holy Spirit” is another STOLEN deal. It is the kundalini force. The “tongues of fire” upon the heads of those fictitious jewish apostles of the nazarene is again the kundalini. There are numerous images of the Buddha, sitting with the fire above his head, indicating the risen serpent. The 12 jewish apostles of that jew nazarene were stolen from the 12 signs of the zodiac, as were the 12 tribes. A little knowledge of alchemy proves how important the 12 zodiac signs are for the working in transforming the soul, as this must be timed.
The nazarene stating “upon this rock, build my church” was STOLEN from the Legend of King Arthur and how Arthur pulled the sword from the rock and the 12 knights of the round table.
“Jacob’s coat of colors” was also STOLEN and is his aura.
The "thing" is the chi/bioelectricity as I mentioned above. The "Dew" is the secretions from the pineal gland.
Alchemy is based upon the fire element and circulating all of the 5 elements, heating them and also circulating the "dew" and the chi into each of your chakras.
In some of the workings, chanting and certain breathing exercises are used for maximum power.
The "Gods" are code words for the chakras
"Heaven/s" = the upper chakras above the heart in some writings OR the crown chakra
Hell, the "Lower World" = the lower three chakras below the heart
The "temple" "vessel" is the human body.
Sulphur = the fire element. There are variations of the fire element. I will be writing on these later.
The fire element burns the seals and separates the dross that blocks our powers.
"The refined quintessence is found only in the upper divine fiery heaven. It was the goal of all alchemists to bring this fifth element down to earth through repeated transmutations that their work entailed."
This is one of the meanings of the Satanic Point down Pentagram and Satan's Sigil.
The eight pointed Star of Astaroth, which is otherwise known as "Sigil of the Beast" is of the elements: Fire at the top, followed by dry; Earth, cold; Water; wet; Air; hot.
Calcination is heating your chakras with the element of fire until they are white-hot
Distillation is adding the water element to the white-hot fire
Separation occurs with repeated applications of the fire element and circulating it.
Congelation and fixation are of the earth element. It is best to work with the fire and then the water and quintessence and later on, to fixate.
Dissolution and melting are also of the water element.
The chi and the dew (pineal secretions) are collected, condensed, and circulated through the chakras OR as in the example meditations below, run between two or more chakras for a specific effect. This is very similar to the "Ball of Light" meditation
The only difference is the condensed element or chi is used. ,p> "God" in SOME writings is a codeword for the SELF. Now, get this- here is further proof of how xians have been literally screwed in the ass. I am sure many of you are familiar with that xian "PAX" symbol; the "CHI-RHO in Greek, which is a symbol for that nazarene. Yes, it gets more and more sickening. Needless to say, this symbol was stolen from the Egyptian Ankh. The Greeks used as did the Norse- bind runes. The hoax of the physical nazarene as a real character, was stolen from Apollo and other Gods of the Sun. "The Greek tradition of bind letters or monograms became highly developed to express the name of Christ. The best known of these sigils is the Chrismon or 'Chi-Rho' monogram." "In the gematria, this has a value of 700."
(We can see here the 7 of the chakras and how all of this has been corrupted).
Ok, now I am getting a bit tired of Lucifers minion.
Power without perspective is poison.
Adept at what? You think having your 'power' is good for you or anyone else? Adept at being a fool and being used by discarnate entities?
Ahriman and Lucifer may be Gods necessary helpers who teach us through contrasts. They may even find redemption as implied by an old Jewish prayer that ends with...."and all the children of flesh will call upon thy name, when thou wilt turn unto thyself all the wicked of the earth."
Ley Lines
In truth, we are in the last days of the Age of Pisces and there will be drastic changes. Exactly what these changes will be remains open. The Age of Aquarius will not be upon us though, until the middle of the next century.
Now, concerning these prophesies. There have always been earthquakes, famine, pestilences and such. Only in the past century, have sciences such as geology, chemistry and physics advanced to where determinations of the magnitude and epicenter of earthquakes, the intensity of tornadoes and calculations of other natural disasters can be made. With the capabilities of mass media, it is now possible for these occurrences to be reported worldwide within minutes. 1,000 years ago, a massive earthquake would have only been recorded locally, and would not have been reported around the entire world, as there was no media to report it. Obviously, TV’s, newspapers, and radios did not exist in those times.
There are many arguments concerning the supposed “end.” Now, Satan tells us in the Al Jilwah that the Judeo/Christian Bible was the product of input from the “other gods.” This can be easily seen as the entire book is made up of myths, legends and characters stolen from other religions around the world that pre-dated Judaism and Christianity by hundreds to thousands of years.
Most of these prophesies were written for one reason and one reason only- to create fear in an unknowing humanity, and through that fear, enslave and enforce the obedience of human beings. Biblical prophesies are not based upon clairvoyance on the part of these gods, but upon information. Humanity has been stripped of ancient knowledge due to centuries of Christian control and remains ignorant, falling victim to believing these threatening forecasts.
Let me explain. Yes, there have been signs in the sky, such as the grand sextile, which has never been seen before in all of recorded history. The grand sextile is a six-pointed star. Its origin is the Hindu “Star of Vishnu.” The Hebrew "Star of David" was stolen from this. The Star of Vishnu predates the "Star of David" by thousands of years. At any rate, when one has knowledge, one can make predictions that have a very high probability of occurring. This is no different from when a Medical Doctor makes a prognosis or when a meteorologist predicts a hurricane’s path because they can see it from satellite images, and where it is heading. Both examples are the result of having enough data, knowledge, and experience.
The same can be said for the Gods. Beings who have a life span of thousands and even millions of years, some like Father Satan and his Demons who are immortal, obviously, have seen much, much more than any human being, given their life span and advanced technology, knowledge and intelligence. They have seen the planetary line-ups, and how the solar systems these have occurred in were affected for thousands of years.
For example, a tight sixty-degree planetary line up (stellium) preceded the Bubonic Plague in the 14th century. This line-up occurred one year before the outbreak of the first major plague in 1348. This same type of line-up also occurred in 1982 and with this AIDS came on the scene Both have taken a multitude of lives.
The Gods mapped out the Ley Lines when they lived on the Earth. This was done in order to accurately predict the magnitude and location of future earthquakes and other natural disasters. The Gods were much more advanced than our present day seismologists are. The information from the Earth grid also provided enough knowledge for accurate prediction of the shifting of the poles and other potentially catastrophic events. These predictions were not based upon clairvoyance, but upon knowledge and ultra-advanced technology.
Remember a lack of knowledge= fear!! Fear= compliance, obedience and eventual enslavement.
An insect who lives only 2-3 months during the summer season will never know winter, but winter occurs anyway. We know this from experience as we have lived through many, many winters. A lot can be done to manipulate the ignorant. Take the truth and mix it up with lies and you will have them believing the lies as well. This is what the enemy has done.
So next time you are faced with some frightened and enslaved Christian who rants and raves about how the apocalyptic predictions are happening, be aware of how and why these were made. Remember, the Christian is taken in by these lies due to a lack of knowledge or just plain stupidity. With enough data and experience, accurate predictions are not hard to make. Add in the lies about Satan and they run to the Nazarene out of fear.
my comment is put a space limit on the posts so peoples scroll bars dont get worn out scrolling past these ten thousand word inserts that have nothing to do with the original topic
I was waiting for someone to say they are learning nothing.
NOTHING AT ALL with the original topic are you that stupid or just faking it?
I know many others are beginning to put the puzzle together.
Is that the best you could muster up?
I guess your fat american ass would like 3 second SOUND BITES.
I will try my best to condense what I alreday know.
I will leave it all on the cutting room floor.
The end of my desire to enlighten you any further has arrived.
Dark Blessings
(may your light be put out)
Lurking is ok and easier on the brain.
Sometimes hilarious just watching the
waves in the pool of still water that i create.
Sometimes it is rewarding those people who at times DO GET IT.
They more than make up for the negative ones.
I just felt like helping ,you see the internet is like using a high tech ouiji board.
Smoke that in one bong hit , can you hold it all in without coughing your brains out? But then you are not off till you cough.
Ok here it goes real short...........
“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather.”
Bill Hicks an evil satanist if i ever heard one, funny as hell too.
People had problems with his goat boy skit big time fundies and that sort of ilk i guess.
Cheers sounder
its a little obsession of mine.
I am getting a bit sick of it too. its not like its nothing most people here don't already know.
I don't care what name you give it fundamentalism is still a wank.
"They may even find redemption"
They may indeed.
"Smoke that in one bong hit , can you hold it all in without coughing your brains out? But then you are not off till you cough."
You sound like my ole pop.
he used to say, "Put that in your pipe and smoke it." So did my olds.
Till I started taking their advice.
Now I rent out storage space in my lungs.
Hicks, who refers to the television set as Lucifer’s Dream Box, is now in Lucifer’s Limbo. He can’t get the Letterman show to send him a tape of his performance. He can’t get to the bottom of who censored him. And, as yet, he has no return date on Letterman. I called Robert Morton two weeks ago, and, when pressed, he finally grasped the nettle. He had begun by saying that the decision not to show Hicks’ routine was made jointly by the Letterman show and CBS and ended up telling me that the producers of the show were solely responsible. “Ultimately, it was our decision,” he said. “We’re the packagers and owners of the program. It’s our job to deliver a finished product to the network.”
Occasionally, the instinct for Goat Boy comes over him, and Hicks, a man of instincts, goes with it. Goat Boy is Pan, or Hicks’ version of him—a randy goat “with a placid look in his eyes, completely at peace with nature”—through which he celebrates his own rampaging libido.
“I am Goat Boy,” he would say in the act that night, in a grave baritone. “Come here, my little fruit basket.”
“What do you want, Goat Boy?” he answered, in a coy Southern falsetto. “You big old shaggy thing.”
“Ha, ha, ha, ha,” Hicks growled into the microphone. “I am here to please you.”
“Tie me to your headboard. Throw your legs over my shoulders, let me roll you like a feed bag.” Hicks brought the microphone close to his mouth. He snorted, slurped, and finally screamed, “Hold on to my horns!” Then, as suddenly as the impulse had come upon him, Hicks broke off the fantasy, saying, “I need professional help at this point.”
Thesecret of Hicks’ psychic survival has always been comedy. He started writing and performing his jokes as an alienated thirteen-year-old in Houston in 1975, and, by his own count, for the last five years he has been performing about two hundred and sixty-five days a year, sometimes doing as many as three two-hour gigs a night. Few contemporary comics or actors have such an opportunity to get their education in public. Hicks uses the stage time to write his material in front of an audience. “I do it all onstage, all of it,” he said, and then began to relate how he’d started on his eccentric journey. “When I was about eleven, it dawned on me that I didn’t like where I was,” he said, speaking of the subdivision where he lived, which was called Nottingham Forest; of Stratford High School, which looked like a prison and where he was bored out of his skull for four years; and of his father, who was a midrange executive with General Motors. The Hicks family lived in “strict Southern Baptist ozone.” The memory still rankled. “One time a friend of mine—we were nine—runs over and goes, ‘Bill, I just saw some hippies down at the store.’ I go, ‘No way.’ He goes, ‘I swear.’ My dad goes, ‘Get off this property! We don’t swear on this property!’
“We were living the American dream. This was the best life had to offer. But there was no life, and no creativity. My dad, for instance, plays the piano. The same song for thirty years—I think it’s ‘Kitten on the Keys.’ I don’t play the piano, but all my friends are musicians. My dad goes, ‘Do they read music?’ I go, ‘No.’ ‘Well, how do they play it?’ I go to the piano and I write a song. What’s the difference? He can’t improvise. That, to me, is the suburbs. You get to a point, and that’s it—it’s over.”
Oncehe’d seized on the idea of writing jokes, Hicks closeted himself in his bedroom and went to school on comedians. He started watching Johnny Carson. “I thought he was the only comic in the world, because I never stayed up later,” he said. Soon Hicks began burning the midnight oil, taping other comic acts on television. “I’d take their jokes and also write my own. I performed them around school, and what I loved was when both got equal laughs. I knew which one was me and which one I’d seen on TV the night before. I learned how to mesh these things. How to get into character. I was very, very popular and known as a comedian at school. I’d always have to have material, constantly, all day. It got to the point where my English teacher gave me five minutes to do before class. My older brother Steve encouraged me. I typed up about two pages of jokes—whimsical stuff in the Woody Allen vein, which really appealed to me—and slipped them under his door. He came in later that night and said, ‘What’s this?’ I said, ‘I dunno. I’m writing these things. They’re jokes.’ He couldn’t believe it. ‘These are funny, man. Keep doing this.’ “
Too bad he has left us with no good jokes of late.Yes?
And sometimes i post to get my point across with clarity, but this funny stuff is so much better than being normal.
Real fucking funny hahahahhahha
Real professional help, please.
I am rotflmao, tears rolling down my face.
We miss the real Bill Hicks.
I need new material is Bush really an alien, or does he just act in collusion with them.
No Ok,
Bill again via telepathy:
People come up to me and ask me what is wrong.
Why are you frowning it takes more energy to frown then to smile.
I replied ,
It takes more energy to tell me that than to leave me alone, now go away so i can really be happy
Get off OUR property .We do not swear around here.
More jokes we love Goat Boy of course the most, can you please find more goat boy stuff?
I am getting wet thinking about goat boy doing me on the couch, the table ,the stairs,ect enzo.
Horny young and willing hot young white female
I'm gonna post some lyrics too. ;-)
Look at the red red changes in the sky
Look at the separation in the border line
But don't look at everything here inside
And be afraid, afraid to speak your mind
It took a moment before I lost myself in here
It took a moment and I could not be found?
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment the moment it could not be found?
What's with the fascination with the Echelon
What's with the constant questions that you have this time
What's with this circumstancial consequence
Find oversight before this night will ever rise again
It's all you've got inside your head, better get up and leave instead
It took a moment before I lost myself in here
It took a moment and I could not be found?
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment the moment it could not be found?
To find ourselves lost here within we need reasons why
So we take this bridge with the other's that will thrive in the great divide
Look at the red red changes in the sky
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment before I lost myself in here
It took a moment and I could not be found?
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment the moment it could not be found?
30STM, my newest most favoritist band from a couple years ago.
http://www.songmeanings.net/lyric.php?lid=89068 (I love the idea of this song lyrics website btw)
Cut, paste, and repeat
^^^It's how Ideas reincarnate. ;-)
Stop me if you've heard this one:
There's a satanist, a fag, a zionist, a priest, an alien, and a pederast sitting in a bar in [pick your city: Washington D.C., London, Tel Aviv, Paris, New York].
Bartender looks up and asks, "What'll it be, fella?"
What'll it be, fella?"
You see, it's all the same person.
A metaphor, for government, industry, Jeff Wells, and the fools on this blog.
O tempora, O mores!
Or is it now:
O tempura. O morays.
You decide. After all, you're nothing but a lot of useless, raving, satanic loonies. Just like the "decider" and his minions.
All of the same ilk.
The same illk.
Mo' cut, paste, and repeat...
Professor Pan said...
"...The gnostic Archons, then, are intelligences existing in the imaginal realm in 'bodies' consisting of thought and feeling. They are able to tune into our awareness through our affinity with their wavelength, that is, our beliefs. They feed off of our allocation of energy to their dimension, and compete with other Archons on other levels in the overall hierarchy for their nourishment."
"...What may be a belief in the Christian Trinity or Islamic Jihad to humans, may be the equivalent of a T-bone steak to entities of the imaginal realm who depend upon that belief for their existence."
Ah hah, reminds me of what I wrote in the previous thread about "the pattern needing the pattern re-cognizer in order to be a pattern."
Hey Jools, we're not loony Satanists here (well, Jeff is Candandian), we're just cut, paste, and repeating here. Sorta like David Bowie writing his song lyrics.
The Laughing Gnostic: David Bowie and the Occult
The Cut-Up method: "Inspirations have I none"
The cut-up technique was originally devised by the Surrealists, and most famously used in literature by William Burroughs: you take a text, cut it into pieces, reassemble these pieces haphazardly, and thus create something new.
Because Bowie used the cut-up technique to 'write' many of his lyrics there is not much sense in trying to analyse them as a whole or each lyric individually word by word: instead one has to focus on the recurring images and codes that appear in the entire "David Bowie" 'opus', which connote his kind of gnosticism. Bowie defined his use of the cut-up method as his way of discovering his own past and future. He himself became a cut-up himself too - at least for those who followed his career closely throug the years - these followers were (and still are) confronted by reflections of themselves in the splintered facettes that make up Bowie's often odd-sounding lyrics; in Bowie's ever-changing styles of fashion images; in Bowie's constant name-dropping of keywords of books whenever a micro or a pencil of a journalist was and is at hand. It's probably also worth pointing out that he talks in fractals.
Bowie turned into a Gnostic who gave out Gnosis, a theme which constantly recurs in his live performances, lyrics, and music; for instance in his rôle as the messianic alien Ziggy Stardust (1971-1973), or as the 'Hanged Man' from the Tarot in his 1987 shows - or else in the photographs where he appeared with stigmata and a halo (1998).
The cut-up method makes it largely irrelevant whether or not Bowie is conscious of himself as a Gnostic; that is, whether he knowingly expresses himself in Gnostic terms - or whether he is hiding it ("in an all time low").
The Cabbala combines several factors: the analytical and linguistic aspects of it have certainly proved of interest to the erudite side of Bowie's character, while another part of him has been drawn to the meditative Cabbala, where one immerses oneself in the Divine attributes of words and numbers to ascend spiritually. There is also a physical way of Cabbalistic working, the 'Ecstatic Cabbala', which involves exercises in breathing and movement, as well as chanting and singing.
Cabbala became "the new religion of Hollywood" in the 1990's, as stars like Madonna, Barbra Streisand, Mick Jagger, Jerry Hall and Roseanne Barr took up what had previously been a highly recondite subject.
Bowie has described himself as a "post-modern Buddhist"; certainly his working methods look post-modern, with their nature being associatively handicrafted rather than concrete. Ordinary materials in the form of music and text are taken, arranged, and re-arranged. Bowie studies the result, and tries something else, as he navigates his way through revisions, corrections, and different material. This method goes some way towards explaining his apparently inconsistent changes in musical style, and how he views his own work - something he claims as a masterpiece one day, becomes defective the next.
David Bowie: The Laughing Gnostic
"A friend and I were travelling in the english countryside when we both noticed a strange object hovering above a field. From then on I have come to take this phenomona seriously. I believe that what I saw was not the an object, but a projection of my own mind trying to make sense of this quantum topological doorway into dimensions beyond our own. It's as if our dimension is but one among an infinite number of others."
Hey, and Jools (rhymes with fools?) what are you, if this is your knowledgable opinion, and you spend your time reading this blog . . . a very deep moron indeed . . . have a nice day.
This speech conforms to the methods recommended by the United States Army Manual on how to teach. You tell people what you're going to tell them. Then you tell them, then you tell them what you told them.
Now we'll first discuss honorable behavior, especially in peacetime, and we'll then comment on the information revolution - the astonishing fact that human beings can actually know what they're talking about in case they want to try it. From there, I will go on to recommend to those graduating from colleges everywhere in the world this spring that their hero be Ignaz Semmelweis.
You may laugh at such a name for a hero, but you will become most respectful, I promise you, when I tell you how and why he died.
After I describe Ignaz Semmelweis a little, I will ask if he might not represent the next stage of human evolution. I will conclude that he had better be. If he doesn't represent what we're going to become next, then life is all over for us and for the cockroaches and the dandelions too.
I will give you a hint about him. He saved the lives of many women and children. If we continue on our present course there will be less and less of that going on. O.K.
Now we come to the main body of the speech, which is an amplification of the first part. See how memorable it all becomes. No wonder we have the greatest Army in the world. Honor. I have always wanted to be honorable. All of you want to be honorable too, I'm sure.
A lot of the talk about honor in the past has had to do with behavior on the battlefield. An honorable man holds his country's flag high even though he is as full of arrows as St. Sebastian. An honorable little drummer boy drums and drums and drums rat-a-tattat, rat-a-tat-tat till he has his little head blown off.
General Haig should really be here to talk about that sort of honor. I was only a corporal. Modern weapons, of course, have made that sort of honor even scarier than it used to be.
A person in control of missiles and nuclear warheads could behave so honorably as to get everybody killed. The whole planet could become like the head of the brave little drummer boy rolling off into a ditch somewhere.
So I will limit my discussion to honorable behavior in peacetime situations. In peacetime it is honorable to tell the truth to those who deserve to hear it.
You guarantee that you are telling the truth by saying I give my word of honor that such and such is true. I have never knowingly lied, having said first I give my word of honor. So I now give you my word of honor that it is a courageous and honorable and beautiful thing you have done to become college graduates.
I give you my word of honor that we love you and need you. We love you simply because you are of our species. You have been born. That is enough.
We need you because we hope to survive as a species, and you are in possession of or can get possession of solid information which, properly understood and put to use, can save us as a species.
I give you my word of honor as the adult version of ''cross my heart and hope to die.'' We are drawing ever closer to Ignaz Semmelweis, in case you're wondering what on earth happened to him. Just be patient. Most of you, if not all of you, feel inadequately educated. That is an ordinary feeling for a member of our species. One of the most brilliant human beings of all times, George Bernard Shaw, said on his 75th birthday or so that he knew enough at last to become a mediocre office boy. He died in 1950, by the way, when I was 28, about 10 years before most of you were born.
He would envy you now. He would envy your youth, surely. Perhaps you all know what he said about youth, that it was a shame to waste it on the young.
But he would be even greedier for the solid information which you have or can get about the nature of the universe, about time and space and matter; about your own bodies and brains. about the resources and vulnerabilities of our planet; about how all sorts of human beings actually talk and feel and live.
This is the information revolution I promised to tell you about. We have taken it very badly so far. Information seems to be getting in the way all the time. Human beings have had to guess about almost everything for the past million years or so. Our most enthralling and sometimes terrifying guesses are the leading characters in our history books. Should I name two of them? Aristotle and Hitler. One good guesser and one bad one.
If you haven't heard of them by now, this is a bust of a graduation. And the masses of humanity having no
solid information have had little choice but to believe this guesser or that one. Russians who didn't think much of the guesses of Ivan the Terrible, for example, were likely to have their hats nailed to their heads.
Let us acknowledge, though, that persuasive guessers, even Ivan the Terrible, now a hero in the Soviet Union, have given us courage to endure extraordinary ordeals which we had no way of understanding. Crop failures, wars, plagues, eruptions of volcanoes, babies being born dead - they gave us the illusion that bad luck and good luck were understandable and could somehow be dealt with intelligently and effectively.
Without that illusion, we would all have surrendered long ago. The guessers, in fact, knew no more than the common people and sometimes less. The important thing was that somebody gave us the illusion that we're in control of our destinies.
Persuasive guessing has been at the core of leadership for so long for all of human experience so far that it is wholly unsurprising that most of the leaders of this planet, in spite of all the information that is suddenly ours, want the guessing to go on.
It is now their turn to guess and guess and be listened to. Some of the loudest, most proudly ignorant guessing in the world is going on in Washington today. Our leaders are sick of all the solid information that has been dumped on humanity by research and scholarship and investigative reporting.
They think that the whole country is sick of it, and they could be right. It isn't the gold standard that they want to put us back on; they want something even more basic than that. They want to put us back on the snake-oil standard again.
Loaded pistols are good for people unless they're in prisons or lunatic asylums. That's correct. Millions spent on public health are inflationary. That's correct. Billions spent on weapons will bring inflation down. That's correct. Dictatorships to the right are much closer to American ideals than dictatorships to the left. That's correct. The more hydrogen bomb warheads we have all set to go off at a moment's notice, the safer humanity is, the better the world our grandchildren will inherit. That's correct.
Industrial wastes and especially those which are radioactive hardly ever hurt anybody, so everybody should shut up about them. That's correct.
Industries should be allowed to do whatever they want to do. Bribe, wreck the environment just a little, fix prices, screw dumb customers, put a stop to competition and raid the Treasury in case they grow broke. That's correct. That's for enterprise. That's correct.
The poor have done something very wrong or they wouldn't be poor, so their children should pay the consequences. That's correct. The United States of America cannot be expected to look after its people. That's correct. The free market will do that. That's correct. The free market is an automatic system of justice. That's correct.
And if you actually remember one-tenth of what you've learned here, you will not be welcome in Washington, D.C. I know a couple of bright seventh graders who would not be welcomed in Washington, D.C. Do you remember those doctors a few months back who got together and announced that it was a simple, clear medical fact that we could not survive even a moderate attack by hydrogen
bombs? They were not welcome in Washington, D.C.
Even if we fired the first salvo of hydrogen weapons and the enemy never fired back, the poisons released would probably kill the whole planet by and by.
What is the response in Washington? They guess otherwise. What good is an education? The boisterous guessers are still in charge - the haters of information. And the guessers are almost all highly educated people, think of that. They have had to throw away their education; even Harvard or Yale education.
If they didn't do that, there is no way their noninhibited guessing could go on and on and on. Please, don't you do that. And I give you something to cling to; for if you make use of the vast fund of knowledge now available to educated persons, you are going to be lonesome as hell. The guessers outnumber you and now I have to guess about 10 to 1.
The thing I give you to cling to is a poor thing, actually. Not much better than nothing, and maybe it's a little worse than nothing. I've already given it to you. It is the idea of a truly modern hero.It is the bare bones of the life of Ignaz Semmelweis. My hero is Ignaz Semmelweis. You may be wondering if I'm going to make you say that out loud again. No, I'm not, you've heard it for the last time.
He was born in Budapest in 1818. His life overlapped with that of my grandfather and with that of your great-grandfathers and it may seem a long time ago to you, but actually he lived only yesterday.
He became an obstetrician, which should make him modern hero enough. He devoted his life to the health of babies and mothers. We could use more heroes like that. There's damn little caring for mothers or babies or old people or anybody physically or economically weak these days as we become ever more industrialized and militarized with the guessers in charge.
I have said to you how new all this information is. It is so new that the idea that many diseases are caused by germs is only about l20 years old.
The house I own out here in Sagaponack is twice that old. I don't know how they lived long enough to finish it. I mean the germ theory is really recent. When my father was a little boy, Louis Pasteur was still alive and still plenty controversial. There were still plenty of high-powered guessers who were furious at people that would listen to him instead of to them. Yes, and Ignaz Semmelweis also believed that germs could cause diseases. He was horrified when he went to work for a maternity hospital in Vienna, Austria, to find out that one mother in 10 was dying of childbed fever there.
These were poor people - rich people still had their babies at home. Semmelweis observed hospital routines, and began to suspect that doctors were bringing the infection to the patients. He noticed that the doctors often went directly from dissecting corpses in the morgue to examining mothers in the maternity ward. He suggested as an experiment that the doctors wash their hands before touching the mothers.
What could be more insulting. How dare he make such a suggestion to his social superiors. He was a nobody, he realized. He was from out of town with no friends and protectors among the Austrian nobility. But all that dying went on and on and Semmelweis, having far less sense about how to get along with others in this world than you and I would have, kept on asking his colleagues to wash their hands.
They at last agreed to do this in a spirit of lampoonery, of satire, of scorn. How they must have lathered and lathered and scrubbed and scrubbed and cleaned under their fingernails. The dying stopped - imagine that! The dying stopped. He saved all those lives.
Subsequently, it might be said that he has saved millions of lives - including quite possibly yours and mine. What thanks did Semmelweis get from the leaders of his profession in Viennese society, guessers all? He was forced out of the hospital and out of Austria itself, whose people he had served so well. He finished his career in a provincial hospital in Hungary. There he gave up on humanity, which is us, and our knowledge, which is now yours, and on himself.
One day in the dissecting room, he took the blade of a scalpel with which he had been cutting up a corpse, and he stuck it on purpose into the palm of his hand. He died, as he knew he would, of blood poisoning soon afterward.
The guessers had had all the power. They had won again. Germs indeed. The guessers revealed something else about themselves too, which we should duly note today. They aren't really interested in saving lives. What matters to them is being listened to -as however ignorantly their guessing goes on and on and on. If there's anything they hate, it's a wise guy or a wise girl.
Be one anyway. Save our lives and your lives too. Be honorable. I thank you for your attention."
All of this talk of sex with demons and goats is making me warm and moist.
I can't wait to try having sex with my demon tonight vis a vis the instructions above.
Humans can't completely fulfill my sexual desires. I can go all night and all day with multiple partners and it still doesn't seem to satiate me. I need it bigger, longer (as in duration) and with more feeling and I think having sex with my demon is what I've been missing.
What a wonderful religion. I always thought it was about blood and gore but the anonymous poster has allowed me to see it in a whole new light.
I'm looking forward forming a closer relationship with Father Satan.
Is it a full moon, or has the stark terror of coming calamity, even by simply mundane means, driven more than usual over the edge? ;)
Some of the theories and beliefs recent commenters seem to embrace border on pure escapist refuges.
Folks, nobody's going to save you, but you.
Hey Anonymous, don't you think it's time for another long post on electrophilic double-ringed psychoactively self-aware molecules? ;-)
jules, regarding the Red Sky Prophecy, related is the Red Kachina, Blue Kachina Hopi prophecy. I was thinking of these the other day as the "sky was falling" thing was going on, specifically about a modern analysis / exegesis of it in the form of the so-called Galactic Superwave Theory (a modern prophecy). Not sure if this has been discussed here so here's the background: http://www.etheric.com/LaViolette/Predict.html
Hey Anonymous, don't you think it's time for another long post on electrophilic double-ringed psychoactively self-aware molecules? ;-)
Hey Syn Diesel, I think you have me mistaken with my identical sextuplet twin, Anonymous.
Nothing more to say about that topic for the present, its been said before earlier.
May our purine and pyramidine plant psychedelic counterfeiting factory (DNA) provide you with a good trip, Syn.
Biologically and Etherially Yours,
Organic Chemist at Large
Surprised no one has posted this as well:
"Red skies at night,
red skies at night..."
The Fixx - Red Skies
Red Skies
Red skies at night, red skies at night
Wo oh, wo oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Red skies at night, red skies at night
Wo oh, wo oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Should have taken warning
It's just, people mourning, running, hiding, lost
You can't find, find a place to go
So it's red skies at night, red skies at night
Wo oh, wo oh oh oh oh
Should have taken warning
It's just, people mourning, running, hiding, lost
You can't find, find a place to go
So it's red skies at night, red skies at night
Wo oh, wo oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Red skies at night, red skies at night
Wo oh, wo oh oh
Someone's taking over
And it looks like they're aiming right at you
Someone says, "We'll be dead by morning"
Someone cries, leaving
Red eyes at night, red eyes at night
another appropriate Fixx song for this thread:
I thought of it...I just didn't post my thoughts.
I love that song by The Fixx. It brings back great mammaries.
I here you, Sounder. I miss Starroute, as well. She was like Mother's Milk for this board...and the Chocolate Chip Cookies juts aren't the same without it.
Not afraid of the dark.
Christianity was invented to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the mind) from the populace and place this power in the hands of a "chosen" few to the detriment of all humanity.
The powers of the mind and soul are very real.
People who are unaware of or who do not believe in these powers are easy to control and manipulate by those who are skilled in using these energies.
The Original Gods [Demons] were unjustly labeled as monsters and branded as "evil" to keep humanity from spiritual knowledge.
Because of this, the human race has drastically degenerated both spiritually and intellectually.
Spiritual Satanism strongly advocates all learning, knowledge, inquiry, and free thought.
There are times when we want to influence many people at the same time.
This can be done with a thoughtform programmed and placed in a certain room or area.
We all know how places become haunted or have certain vibes in them.
This usually happens because of an event the provoked intense emotions and left traces of these emotions behind by living people.
When we are powerful enough, through intense concentration and focus, we can project energy into our hands and mold it into a ball (we should be able to feel this if it is strong enough for a working) or project energy into a ball using our chakras. The energy ball can be placed in an area where it will remain undisturbed, to be worked on later, by projecting more energy into it to make it more powerful. When we project the energy, it should be of the color of the influence we wish to manifest; for example, yellow for friendship, pink for romantic love, red for hatred and discord, accidents, green for the attraction of money and so forth.
While projecting the energy and color, we need to program the thoughtform with focus and intensity. When the thoughtform is finished, we command it to go to the area where we want it to influence. We can put more than one in large areas, such as an auditorium, workplace, school, etc. After a while, they will need to be replaced, as they will dissipate as they influence people.
The elemental has to be given a form corresponding to the desire one wishes to be fulfilled. The form is to be created with intensive imagination. You can shape this out of the ball.
Give the thoughtform a name. This name should be unique and unusual because just saying the name either aloud or in tyour mind will immediately summon the thoughtform. Obviously you don't want other people calling out a common name and then here it comes!
You have to impress upon the thoughtform whatever task you wish it to carry out. This must be done with authority and a strong will, with desire.
In working with advanced thoughtforms, you must be specific as to how long the thoughtform has to complete the task. Is it ongoing? or limited to a certain finite time.
With the help of the elementals the magician can influence the mind of any other person optionally, he can strengthen or weaken man's mental and intellectual faculties, he can protect himself or others against foreign influences, transmute friendships into animosities or the other way around, he can produce a favorable atmosphere in associating with his fellow men, and he can bring under his control anybody's will that is not yet developed or profiled.
What happened to Starroute?
Pleiades M44 it is quite possible the starship has her now enroute to our old home.
M45 i am sure of it is the seven sisters constellation.
But is not this
ALCYONE- THE PLEIADES - [29 Degrees of Taurus]
This is a bad star.
Very bad for the eyesight and can indicate blindness.
It also brings sorrow and gives something to cry about.
Can give keen insight and a harshly judgemental nature.
Strong love of nature, ambition, possible injuries to the face, eminence
I prefer
BETELGEUSE - [28 degrees of Gemini]
This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars and is frequently seen prominent in the charts of those who have hit the top. Success, riches, honors, fame. Much luck in life. This is Satan’s Star a
nice star
- [28 degrees of Gemini]
This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars and is frequently seen prominent in the charts of those who have hit the top. Success, riches, honors, fame. Much luck in life.
Astrology, when interpreted accurately, is the most detailed and advanced method of divination and is essential to timing rituals and working magick. Nearly all of the ancient megalithic structures were designed to observe the stars and their movements. The four cardinal points used in ritual are based upon the points of the Zodiac, as are the elements.
The Gods referred to the planetary tables as the "tablets of destiny/fate." One interpretation of the number 666 is 6 x 6 x 6= 216. 2,160 years is how long it takes the synetic vernal point to travel through a house of the zodiac. This is the time of an astrological age. "666, is the number of a man" Aquarius, the water bearer. This will be the Age of Aquarius, the age of fire, the Age of Satan.
Astrology is a very detailed and advanced subject. Most of those who call themselves "astrologers" never advance beyond the elementary level. Ninety-five percent of all the books are elementary and this makes astrology look bad. Most of the books available only tell you about the various *methods* of interpretation, they are unable to interpret the information, so they are useless.
Important points:
* Learn the 12 signs of the zodiac
* Learn the symbols
Be careful what you believe when learning astrology, if something doesn't apply to you, more than likely it won't apply to anyone else.
a watcher and doer
The RED Sky at night although a sailors delight prevents me from observing the glory and wonders of the universe.
The red sky at morning came as warning.
You’re right, Isis. It is primitive.
It’s incredible that people can exist like this.
That, Miss Lincoln, is simply my cat.
Speaking of changing the past, I'm surprised someone hasn't mentioned yet Philip K. Dick's Man in the High Castle.
I am the one, Orgasmatron, the outstretched grasping hand
My image is of agony, my servants rape the land
Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain
Two thousand years of misery, of torture in my name
Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law
My name is called religion, sadistic, sacred whore.
I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit
I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet
I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain
And still you play the sycophant and revel in you pain
And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate
I am the politician, and I decide your fate
I march before a martyred world, an army for the fight
I speak of great heroic days, of victory and might
I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be brave (Bush in fighter pilot uniform)
I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave
Your bones will build my palaces, your eyes will stud my crown
For I am Mars, the god of war, and I will cut you down.
Read the symbols, read the signs and if you read very carefully between the lines.
You will see all we really wanted was to be free.
People dying to get in the cemetary.
Only in death can we be free.
Looking forward to the day we die.
Nihilistic savages that live for today.
Can't harm themselves.
You know what they say.
Nothing really matters anyway.
The Electric Hellfire Club
from the Album
Hey, goat, kiss my ass.
James S Ketchum, a scientist who worked on hallucinatory drugs for the US government, has released a self-published memoir about Chemical Warfare: Secrets Almost Forgotten. Interview at link.
"The book boasts charts, graphs and experimental reports — a veritable goldmine of information for those who are interested in psychedelics, deliriants, or chemical warfare. It’s also a funny, observant, and reflective personal memoir, casting a light not only on Ketchum and his work, but on a decade that saw 60s counterculture and the military share an oddly intersecting obsession with mind-altering drugs."
Hi Jeff, I've been reading RI for quite some time now; I find you interesting, informed, and insightful. The reference to Chickamauga is what led me to post. Even before the Civil War, the place had some interesting going-ons, I reckon. "Chickamauga" is Cherokee for River of Death or River of Blood. Perhaps the skinwalker is related to something long before the battle.
War is a force that has the capability to bring out the very best and the very worst in mankind. And the longer it goes on, the meaner it gets, despite the desires of most for the whole bloody business to be over. The beast takes on a life of its own. Take the Thirty Years War, especially the last 13 years of it, to really see the aimlessness, the pointlessness, and the wanton destructiveness of it all, and for no good reason except the rulers could not pay of the mercenary armies, and to simply end the war without such payment would lead to gangs of disgruntled marauders roaming the countryside. Nevermind that this was already happening. Endless destruction, war for the sake of sustaining war.
These are the attributes of the goddess of Love and War.
No one shall lift her veil.
The Catholic church has her with her foot standing on the moon.
She is Miriam/Mary.
She was stolen from us.
We are her children.
Altar Bell (Rung nine times to invoke the spirit Satan.)
Coven (Chanting Invocation in ancient language to conjure Satan from the infernal abyss)
"Bagabi laca bachabe Lamac lamec bachalyas
Lamac cahi achababe Cabahagy sabalyos
Karrelyos Baryolos
Lagoz atha cabyolas
Samahac et famyolas
High Priest (Enters to center of the altar and chants, while crossing himself in a counterclockwise direction with his left hand)
“In nominee de nostre “In the name of our
Satanas: Lucifere Satan; the glorious
Excelsis!” Lucifer!”
High Priest (chants)
“Introibo ad alatare “I will go up to the
Satanas.” Altar of Satan.”
Coven (chants)
“Ad Satanas, qui “To Satan, the giver of
laetificat gloria youth and glory.”
Coven (chants ancient conjuration to yield their souls to the devil)
“Palas aron ozinomas Geheamel cla orlay
Baske bano tudan donas Berec he pantaras tay.”
High Priest “In the name of Satan, ruler of Earth, the King of the world, the Chief of the Serfs, I command the forces of darkness to bestow their infernal power upon us. Save us, Lord Satan, from the treacherous and the violent. Oh Satan, Spirit of the Earth, God of Liberty, open wide the gates of Hell and come forth from the abyss by these names:”
High Priest and Coven “Satan! Beelzebub! Leviathon! Asmodeus! Abaddon!”
High Priest (chants)
“Gloria Satanas, et “Glory be to Satan
Belial et Spiritui and Belial, and
maloso.” to the evil spirits”
Coven (responds)
“Sicut erat in “As it was in the
principio, et nunc, beginning, is now,
et semper, et in and ever shall be, world
saecula saeculorum. without end. Amen”
High Priest (chants)
“Satanas vobiscum.” “Satan be with you.”
Coven (responds)
“Et cum spiritu tuo.” “And with thy spirit.”
High Priest (Calling the coven to prayer)
“Let us pray . . . Urged by our Lord Satan’s bidding, and schooled by his infernal ordinance, we make bold to say:”
High Priest and Coven (Recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, backwards)
“Amen . . . Evil from us deliver but . . . Temptation into not us lead and . . . Us against trespass who those forgive we as . . . Trespasses our us forgive and . . . Bread daily our day this us give . . . Heaven in is it as earth on . . . Done be will thy . . . Come kingdom thy . . . Name thy be hallowed . . . Heaven in art who . . . Father our.”
High Priest (Removes his headdress and approaches the coven, congregated a few feet in front of the altar)
“Children of my office. From high matters I spare the time to preside over this gathering. By the favor of our Lord Satan, I have the power to grant your wishes, should it please me to do so. Waste no moment in unnecessary babbling or you will incur my anger. Now, lift up your heads, and tell me your desires.”
(After a loud knock at the side door of the Altar Chamber)
“Who seeks entry here?”
Assistant Priestess “One who repents her past heresies and craves to be accepted into the grace of our Master, Satan . . . designated by the Creator. Lord of this World from beginning without end.”
High Priest “Enter, penitent, that you may abase yourself before the only true God.”
(The side door opens, revealing a scared young girl, who has been persuaded to join the coven. She enters, hesitantly, wearing a long white muslin garment, tied at the waist with a cord. Her ankles are bound in shackles)
“Penitent, the opportunity is offered you to redeem your past . . . Do you desire to take it?”
Probationer “Yes.”
High Priest “Are you prepared to serve our Lord Satan with your whole mind, body, and soul, permitting nothing to deter you from the furtherance of his work?
Probationer “Yes.”
High Priest “As proof that you have purged your mind of all false teaching, you will now break this crucifix and throw the pieces from you.”
(Sound of crucifix breaking)
High Priest “Stand up, and raise your left hand! Repeat after me, sentence by sentence, the words I am about to say:
High Priest and Probationer “I deny Jesus Christ the deceiver . . . and I abjure the Christian faith, holding in contempt all of its works. By the symbol of the Creator, I swear henceforth to be . . . a faithful servant of his most puissant Arch-Angel, the Prince Lucifer . . . whom the Creator designated as His Regent and Lord of this World. As a being now possessed of a human body in this world. I swear to give my full allegiance to its lawful Master: to worship Him, our Lord Satan and no other; to despise all manmade religions, and to bring contempt to them whenever possible; to undermine the faith of others in such false religions whenever possible; and bring them to the true faith when desirable. I swear to give my mind, body, and soul unreservedly . . . to the furtherance of the designs of our Lord Satan. If I betray my oath, I do now decree to have my throat cut, my tongue and heart torn out . . . and to be buried in the sand of the ocean that the waves of it may carry me away into an eternity of oblivion.”
High Priest “If you ever break this oath, we shall pronounce sentence upon you in the name of our Lord Satan . . . that you shall fall into dangerous disease and leprosy, and that, in the sign of his vengeance, you shall perish by a terrifying and horrible death, and that a fire shall consume and devour you on every side and utterly crush you . . . and that by the power of Satan, a flame shall go forth from His Mouth which shall burn you up and reduce you to nothing in Hell … ”
High Priest (Removes a bag from the altar; this bag contains the shavings of a clock)
“Now take these shavings in your hand and face the Goat of Mendes . . . repeat after me:
High Priest and Probationer “I deny God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and I adhere to thee, and believe in thee.”
High Priest (Leads the girl to the right side of the altar to a black throne, upon which is seated Satan in the materialization of a huge black goat with a human body, but with the hooves and head of a goat. The goat has three horns, the middle one being a lighted torch)
“Kiss the Goat!!”
(As the girl kisses the posterior of the goat from behind the throne, the ceremony of fidelity to Satan known as the Pax, the High Priest intones . . . )
“As the shavings of the clock do never return to the clock from which they are taken, so may your soul never return to Heaven.”
( . . . leading the girl back to the altar)
“Now . . . remove your garment and lie down at full length upon the altar.”
(As the girl drops her garment and lies naked on the altar, the High Priest stretches out her arms and places a lighted black candle in each outstretched hand. She is now a human altar in the shape of a crucifix; her ankles still being bound by the shackles. Some members of the assemblage, looking ahead to the ceremony where she must submit to the sexual desires of the coven, are beginning to express their emotions.)
“Brothers and sisters of the Left-Hand Path . . . the penitent has proved a worthy neophyte in our high order. It is now my happy duty to free her from the bonds of ignorance and superstition.”
(The High Priest removes the shackles from the ankles of the young probationer/neophyte and proceeds with the rite symbolic of copulation with the devil. If the Lord Satan or one of his demons is present at this portion of the Mass, the High Priest will step aside and lead conjurations of lust while the ceremony is actually performed. After this rite, the neophyte, still serving as the altar, has the Chalice containing the host and a skull filled with blood placed upon her prone body. The host is generally stolen from a Catholic church, dyed black, and cut into a triangular shape. The blood is generally from a previously sacrificed animal of bird; although for a major high Sabbath, the most effective sacrifice is an unbaptised baby)
High Priest (chants)
“Satanas gratias.” “Thanks be to Satan”
“Satanas vobiscum.” “Satan be with you.”
Coven (responds)
“Et cum spiritu tuo” “And with thy spirit.”
High priest and Coven (Walks to left of human altar to begin the Offeratory. He holds up the Paten containing the consecrated host)
“Lucifer, Save us! Master, Save us!
Astaroth, Save us! Master, Save us!
Shaiton, Save us! Master, Save us!
Zabulon, Save us! Master, Save us!
Maloch, Save us! Master, Save us!”
(High Priest walks to the right of human altar, and holds up the skull or other Chalice containing the blood)
“Satan, Have mercy! Master, Have mercy!
Baal, Have mercy! Master, Have mercy!
Azazel, Have mercy! Master, Have mercy!
Dagon, Have mercy! Master, Have mercy!
Mammon, Have mercy! Master, Have mercy!”
High Priest (Taking Communion, consecrates the Paten and the Chalice with the blessing of Death)
“Blessed be the bread and wine of death . . . blessed a thousand times more than the flesh and blood of life, for you have not been harvested by human hands nor did any human creature mill and grind you. It was our Lord Satan who took you to the mill of the grave, so that you should thus become the bread and blood of revelation and revulsion. I spit upon you! And I cast you down! In the memory of Satan, because you preach punishment and shame to those who would emancipate themselves and repudiate the slavery of the church!”
(He casts the consecrated host and blood on the floor in front of the altar and spits on them. At this sign, the entire congregation rushes up amidst screams of hate and tramples upon the mixture. They also scramble and fight for remnants to be used in casting private spells)
(High Priest – tearing off his vestments and trampling them on the ground . . . )
“These ornaments, badges of authority, serve only to conceal the nakedness which is alone acceptable to our Lord Satan!”
(Entire coven rips off their cloaks and any other garments amidst bestial shrieks and growls. This is silenced by the High Priest who rings a gong, causing the reaction of a thunder clap. The High Priest holds his left hand aloft helping the unsteady, and seemingly drugged, young neophyte off the altar to stand naked before the now naked coven)
“Neophyte, you have served me well! Stand up and join these assembled here so that they may look upon you, and do with you as they desire …”
(The neophyte is pushed into the midst of the assemblage, who stare at her and gesture and whisper among themselves. Later, at the end of the Mass, she will be submitted to the carnal desires of any member or members of the coven who request her. She will also assist in mass perversions)
High Priest (Announcing the dismissal from the formal Mass, proclaiming the Benediction for increased virility, and calling for the homage to Satan through feasting, dancing, and a general orgy till dawn)
“I, Joel, Prince of the Bats and High Priest of the Lord Satan, by this act do dismiss you from this service . . . Prepare to receive through me the Benediction of Our Lord Satan, that you may honour the Creator by the rite symbolical of his work …”
(As the altar bell is again rung nine times, the High Priest wanders among the assemblage, touching the genitals of each member of the coven with a special Satanic blessing to insure the success of the orgy to follow)
“Eva, Ave Satanas! Vade Lilith, vade retro Pan! Deus maledictus est!! Gloria tibi! Domine Lucifere, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen!!”
“Do What Thou Wilt, Shall Be the Whole of the Law!”
“Rege Satanas! Hail Satan!
Ave Satanas! Hail Satan!
Hail Satan!! Hail Satan!”
Old Floyd Smoots said:
Piss off, Die, and send ME a Telegram from HELL!!!
To Antiaristo: Hi there, John, I hope you're doing as well as the Lord allows.
Ritualized Sexual Magic
'If Sex Magick is the most popular subject within Occultism this merely proves that it is also the most misunderstood.' (12) This introduction to the subject of ritualised Sexual Magic by the Society of Dark Lily, indicates how some Satanists view sex. This view is also true of the Order of Nine Angles, who place Sexual Magic in a rational position amongst other forms of Ritual Magic.
From these examples alone the true use of sex cannot simply be reduced to the uncontrolled indulgence of the Satanist. To the Satanist sex is a powerful force, a force that is to be respected not misused, after all it is through sex that a being is born and this by itself indicates the vast amount of power that sex beholds to the Satanist. Sexuality in Satanism then is not simply reducible to sado-masochism, rape, child-abuse or sexual torture, such observations reflect a psychological problem within the opposers of Satanism rather than the Satanists themselves. For the Satanists say that it is the Christian religion that has disrespected the most important act of the animal kingdom by reducing it to a sinful act.
In Satanism a number of different approaches to sex are taken and whilst groups such as the Order of Nine Angles include numerous sexual elements in their rituals, including orgies, other groups such as the Society of Dark Lily view sex as an important aspect of self-knowledge. From this perspective the Satanist should understand and accept his or her sexuality, an understanding which requires 'a complete comprehension of one's attitude and behaviour in relation to [one's] sexuality...' (13) By experimenting with one's own sexuality one should eventually find the mode of sexual expression that he or she is best suited to and it is only by such sexual experimentation that this can be found.
An anonymous article in the Society's journal 'Dark Lily' entitled 'Sex and the Occult' (Dark Lily 10) refers to the practical use of sex in the context of accessing the participants' subconscious mind. The author of this article goes on to say that by performing a sexual ritual the participants are able to access their own subconscious mind far quicker than is possible in other circumstances such as prolonged meditation. Such methods of sexual magic, when performed under a ritualistic setting provide the participants with a focus for the conscious mind, which then enables the more advanced of the two participants to raise the level of contact to the psychological rather than the purely physical. Under such methods 'the work of many weeks can be compressed into days or hours.' (14) The transference from the physical to the psychological is a method whereby the energy raised may be directed within the psyche and used to balance and cleanse the individual psychologically, where the destruction of specific aspects of the individual's psyche are necessary for further development to be made. The use of sex is considered then, not to be - as the Order of Nine Angles perceive it - drawing forth energy, but rather in the speed that the changes in consciousness are made and in the creation of balance and the restoration of health.
Even though both the Society of Dark Lily and the Order of Nine Angles differ in their conceptual approach to ritualistic sexual magic the Order of Nine Angles Rite of Nine Angles provides a prime example of a method of ritualistic Sexual Magic. The sexual nature of the rite may be performed in two ways. Firstly, a Priest and Priestess perform the ritual naked upon an isolated hilltop. The rite itself involves the use of the Sound Magick technique known as vibration, which involves the Priest projecting, in syllables the following words of power: "Nythra Kthunae Atazoth." Thus the syllable "Ny" is sounded for a period of between ten and twenty seconds, then "thra" is sounded for the same period of time and so on. Such methods of Sound Magic enable the participants to activate hitherto unknown areas of their minds and cause changes in consciousness as though inducing a semi trance-like state. The Priest therefore vibrates these words in the direction of the Priestess who holds a quartz crystal tetrahedron in her palms. After this vibration has been completed, the Priestess lies on the ground, still holding the crystal whilst the Priest performs cunnilingus. When the Priestess is suitably aroused the Priest then begins copulation, during which the Priestess visualises a gateway situated in the stars above them opening and a black nebulous chaos flowing downwards to the earth.
The second form of the Rite of Nine Angles, known as the Cthonic form, is performed with the addition of a congregation who hold an orgy after the rite whilst the Priest and Priestess vibrate specific words of power and trained cantors chant a particularly difficult and elaborate Sinister Chant. The energy from the orgy is used to enhance the presencing of the Dark Gods who are then said to manifest. The changes of consciousness that may occur through such a rite can be equated on one level with the creation of the Antichrist, that is, the Satanist who absorbs the power brought forth through the ritual becomes akin to the Antichrist, an individual who embodies the power of the Dark Gods of the Sinister Tradition. Such an individual is considered to be, on a psychic level, a gateway to the abode of the Dark Gods.
The role of the orgy within Satanism has two main functions. Firstly it provides a release of any sexual repression, be it conscious or unconscious, that has been acquired during and prior to the individual's puberty. This period of sexual development has largely been corrupted, according to Satanists, by the rise of Christian morality concerning sexuality. By virtue of this repression during the most important period of sexual development, Christianity has distorted numerous psyches with an un-insightful advocation of celibacy that does not lead one to self-knowledge but to psychical disorder. This repression is therefore inevitably sublimated in numerous ways. Accordingly some individuals may sublimate the sexual energy in such a manner that they orientate towards sexual criminality.
The role of the Satanic orgy is therefore to indulge and delight in sexual congress in whatever manner the individual desires. The orgy takes place, according to the tradition of the Order of Nine Angles, after an external magical ritual, the Black Mass being one of the more common. The second function of sex within the orgiastic sphere is that concerning the direction of the energies raised through unrestrained sexual indulgence. With the inclusion of an orgiastic element within Traditional Satanic rites, the energy that the ritual would have produced is naturally expanded to include the sexual energy which is then directed towards a specific intent according to the preset aims of the Master and Mistress of the Temple. An alternative method is for the energy to be stored in a crystal for use at a later date.
Although the above are the balanced expressions of ritualistic sexual magic, there are cases where some Satanists utilise aspects of sexuality that are considered abhorrent, evil and that are unlawful. Yet, although there are cases whereby women initiates may become the so-called victim, there is no evidence whatsoever that paedophilia is occurring within Satanism and even though there have been numerous allegations from the media connecting Satanism to child-abuse, the only cases of ritual child abuse that have been successfully prosecuted in court are those that find the paedophile to be a Christian minister or Priest.
Just call me Lucifer
cause Im in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or Ill lay your soul to waste, um yeah.
It is stunning to me that Lucifer’s minion considers that flooding us with information somehow helps to make his case. For me he only makes the case that selfish lust for power produces negative things.
So, Who Authoried This(Fox?), just look at this person and see that lots of knowledge can be twisted and applied in selfish and corrupt ways. So it is more important to find a new means of creating correspondences between categories, rather than continuing to refine current categories.
It goes in waves, during more extended historical periods, categories (guesses) become fixed and we see how that model interfaces with reality. Some people, on recognizing the hoax like nature of cultural conditioning, instead of repudiating hoaxes, decide that they can present some piddling advance in knowledge as something more than a new hoax.
I view anger in much the same way I view astrology and religion. They are things to get over.
Altruism rocks!
Who left the Gate open and Who let the dogs out.
Not me.
I am just a product sum of my envirornment here on this third rock from the sun.
All souls that were residing in Hell in spirit form have all been reincarnated recently and will be joining the ranks of Hell here on Earth. This is total fucking war!
For centuries, xians have been relentlessly attacking us and continue to do it to this day. We are persecuted to where we are unable to openly have our own places of Satanic worship in public. We often have to conceal our beliefs and practices from others in order to keep our jobs, avoid major confrontations with our families and to avoid persecution and harassment. Places where we can purchase black candles and other Satanic items are becoming more and more scarce and access to Satanic books of prayer and inspiration are impossible to obtain in the mainstream stores that are flooded with xian filth. We have been turning the cheek for far too long. It is high time we begin to fight back aggressively and with a vengeance. The burning days are over and we have the psychic power.
Fundamentalist xians continually brag about "binding Satan" "binding and cursing Demons" and so forth. They all talk the talk. It is time we show them what *real* binding and cursing is. The burning days are over with and there are no laws against spiritual cursing and other works of psychic retaliation. What you do using the powers of your mind in the privacy of your ritual chamber in or out of doors is legal and free.
Satan wants the enemy completely drained of their massive vortex of psychic energy and destroyed.
Satan has asked every dedicated Satanist to participate in spiritual warfare. We must work together as a team and like a battering ram, relentlessly attacking the enemy through psychic means. Everyone can do at least one ritual or hook up an energy line and/or direct destructive energy towards the enemy. Many of you who are truly dedicated and able may want to perform a ritual to Satan dedicating your services as a warrior and making a commitment to carry out regular works of psychic destruction against the enemy. Covens can do this as well and the more people involved- the more power.
It is important to work in silence and secrecy here. Steel your heart and steel your mind. As the images of the Egyptian Gods have shown us with their arms crossed over their chests- the heart and human emotions are vulnerable to manipulation. The enemy exploits this. This is why the nazarene is usually shown with his arms open. This is to exploit human emotions. We must never forget the Inquisition and what was done to millions of innocent human beings under xian rule.
No human being is of more importance to Satan than a warrior is. Satan will reward you profusely as he has with me. Now is the time and Satan is asking each and every one of you to join in the fight and bring the enemy down to their knees and completely destroy them through psychic means. Power meditation is a gift from Satan. It has changed many of our lives for the better. It is time each and every one of us gives something back in gratitude. The more you do for Satan, the more Satan will do for you. Each warrior will receive special recognition and outstanding rank in Hell.
As for those who have this complacent "live and let live" attitude and prefer to ignore the ever advancing xian problem that curses and blasphemes our God, works to enact laws that are forever taking away our rights and is incessantly fighting against us- these people don't even deserve to be called Satanists. One only needs to type in "spiritual warfare" and "Satan" together in any search engine to pull up thousands of militant xian websites that prove how they are relentlessly attacking us. So far, most Satanists have turned the other cheek. This needs to be corrected.
Commander of the Devil dogs
Old Floyd Smoots Reiterates: (NOT an accidental re-post!!!)
Piss off, Die, and send ME a Telegram from HELL!!!
To Antiaristo: Hi there, John, I hope you're doing as well as the Lord allows.
The Judeo/Christian religion is a vicious hoax on humanity of catastrophic proportions. For a hoax to succeed there has to be a lack of knowledge on the part of the victim. The Christian religion and its cohorts actively suppress knowledge and free thought, encourage people to be slaves, and never advocate or teach anything for the betterment or advancement of humanity. As opposed to the stories of how the Nazarene healed people; Satan shows us how we can heal ourselves and perform so-called miracles, using our minds and the powers of our own souls.
Through empowering ourselves, we have confidence, self-respect and achieve spiritual advancement and independence.
Spiritual Satanism places no limits on developing the powers of the mind- known as "witchcraft" or "magick." We believe in justice and just as martial artists are versed in the uses of Dim Mak and other aspects of physical combat, Spiritual Satanists are versed in the Black Arts of "magick" should they ever need them. People who are unaware of these powers are defenseless against them, and the powers that be know this all too well.
They rewrite of history is by the winners ALWAYS.
The is a war (both physical and spiritual) going on.
They (who do what they do in his name)are fucking up the whole world and we must just sit on our asses.
the infernal underdog
and sweet polly purebreed
I was always hot for Sweet Polly Purebred.
This has to stop. ...
POLLY PUREBREED was UNDERDOGS (Satan's) girlfriend and SHOESINE BOY was (Lucifer)UNDERDOGS his alter ego.
I just figured this all out, cool eh?
Space man: Do you have any superpowers?
Space Ghost: I don't love Zorak! I love... (harp music swells in background) (to himself) Can it be? Do I love the Nanny?
Fran Drescher: (laughs) (more baby cries, dog barks, set shakes, with crashing noise)
Space Ghost: (to himself) Zuda lord, I do love the Nanny! I can feel it deep inside, in my icky stuff. Every fibre, every iota of my magnificent being feels it!
Gleep: Gibber gibber gibber. (subtitle: I love the Nanny)
Gloop: Gibber gibber gibber gibber gibber. (subtitle: Though I'm but an iota of Space Ghost's being... I too love this Nanny.)
Announcer: (dramatic organ music) So, this Space Ghost fella tell that Nanny girl he loves her? Will the Nanny feel, you know, likewise? Will that bug meet that actor fella he always talks about? And the other one, what's with him, ah, who knows?
Zorak: Hey hey, ho ho, Space Ghost has got to go. (sign says "DESTROY ALL TALK SHOWS") (repeats chant in background while others talk)
Space Ghost: (to himself) After lunch, we'll marry, in a simple ceremony. She'll grow to love the Ghost Planet after a while... (Zorak continues to chant) (aloud) Don't mind him, dearest. Labor dispute.
Fran Drescher: You can fire him, you're the star.
Zorak: Hey hey, ... He can't fire me! I'm the hardest working mantis in show business! Hi-yo!
Space Ghost: Forget him, my fair Nanny! He's but a lowly proletariat.
Zorak: Actually, I'm Episcopalian.
Space Ghost: (lounge music in background) You know, I've never met a woman guest quite like you before, Nanny.
Fran Drescher: Thank you, I know.
Space Ghost: Oh yeah, I can sense quality in a female of the species when I scan for it.
Zorak: (belches)
Space Ghost: Zorak! There's a Nanny present! Watch your mouth!
Zorak: I... I can't. It's... too underneathy.
Space Ghost: (laughs)
Fran Drescher: (laughs) My husband says that...
Space Ghost: Husband?
Fran Drescher: Right.
Space Ghost: I'm sorry Nanny, but... good-bye.
Fran Drescher: (looking puzzled; screen zaps)
Space Ghost: (melancholy violin music in background) Don't want no more of this cryin' game.
Zorak: (taunting, in sing-song voice) Space Ghost loves the Nanny!
Space Ghost: Do not!
Zorak: Tainted love!
Space Ghost: (sighs) I wonder what lucky citizen is her husband.
Zorak: Don't you know, Space Ghost?
Space Ghost: Mr. Belvedere? (Buzz!) Mr. French? (Buzz!)
Zorak: You've never heard of Nanny and the Professor!!
Space Ghost: No! No! It can't be true! (Fran Drescher's and Russell Johnson's images are superimposed over Space Ghost's head)
Fran Drescher: (laughs)
Russell Johnson: Space man, space master...
Space Ghost: MOTHER!!!!
Russell Johnson: You getting it?
Carol Channing: (sings) "Helloooo, Space Ghost, well helloooo, Space Ghost..."
Zorak: Ewww!
Moltar: Space Ghost! You got a Channing at three o'clock!
Carol Channing: Hello, Space Ghost!
Space Ghost: (dejected) Oh. Hello Carol. I'm sorry, but I don't feel up to this right now. I'm a downy clowny.
Carol Channing: Oh, please come out of yourself.
Space Ghost: (still dejected) Alright. I'll try. Carol, are you getting enough oxygen?
Carol Channing: No, I haven't...
Space Ghost: (with anxiety) Oh, what's the use!? I'm a fifty-car pile-up of misery!
Zorak: The Nanny dumped Space Ghost!
Space Ghost: Zorak!
Carol Channing: How dare she, she was miffed, she was mad, she had gained ten pounds over the Christmas holidays, it was fruit cake.
Space Ghost: I've... I've never known love, Carol.
Carol Channing: You haven't, Space Ghost? You'd be divine!
Space Ghost: I want to know what love is!
Zorak: Love is watching Jack Klugman!
apparently, on the bounding main, assholes appear to abound
Jesus of Nazareth, like Moses before him, came to root out satanism, to topple the idols, and to overturn the tables on the moneylenders.
When Moses left for Mount Zion, the Jews resumed idol worship, public fornication and child sacrifice. When he returned with the tablets of the Ten Commandments, he smashed them in front of them. God exiled the Jews for their satanic / Kabbalistic / blasphemy.
They are still in exile, and Israel is a satanic abomination. Just ask the true Orthodox Rabbis at www.nkusa.org
The Vatican today is ruled by Luciferians under "Pope" Ratsassburger. Malachi Martin wrote and spoke about it eloquently before he was assassinated in the 1990's/
Contrary to your lying denial, Satanic Ritual Abuse is real as the turd up your ass, you Satanic minions who post on this site with Jeffzebub's smiling agreement.
Muhammad was sent by God to destroy the idols in the Ka'ba, to which people practiced incantation and spells during the time of jahaliya, ie. before Islam, where there was also open fornication in the street, with people behaving like cats and dogs.
AND here we are again, in a time when the Jews have been co-opted by atheistic, blaspheming Kabbalistic satanists who pimp for the moneylenders of London and New York City, and their satanic temple called Israel, when the Vatican, as well as the born-again right-wing christian zionists nutbags are child molesting, bi-sexual satanists, and the Wahhabist Saudi Arabian "royal" family, keepers of the Muslim's most holy place, the Ka'ba at Makka, are also usurious, fornicating, child exploiting, minions of satan, who have literally paved over many of Islam's most historic sites, including the birthplace of Muhammad, and the home and mosque where he preached his first revelations, making them into parking lots and public latrines.
This is the state of the world. This is the work of "satanic" forces. This is the fruit of man unbound from God, seeking his own level.
This is what will never last, and this is what is doomed, damned, and condemned to fall and fail.
Which side do you choose? There is no true altruism within the prison of humanism, Sounder.
Humanism is satanism.
Satan is nothing but a crippled fly circling a tiny mound of putrid shit. God created all the shayatin as nothing more than a test for humanity, in order to bring those of us who will, back to God.
Wake up, my fellow sopho-morons.
Time is indeed short.
Mr. "spiritual satanist" really needs to get over his Southern Baptist upbringing and learn to love himself (I'm telling you sir, you have value because you ARE, not because some "spirits" use you as an etheric schmegma receptacle)
How ridiculous is it that the very word he uses to describe himself "satanist", is derived from Hebrew (what?! Those anti-satan Jews gave your god the name you use). In fact it means "one who plots against another"
Online Etymology Dictionary
proper name of the supreme evil spirit in Christianity, O.E. Satan, from L.L. Satan (in Vulgate, in O.T. only), from Gk. Satanas, from Heb. satan "adversary, one who plots against another," from satan "to show enmity to, oppose, plot against," from root s-t-n "one who opposes, obstructs, or acts as an adversary." In Septuagint (Gk.) usually translated as diabolos "slanderer," lit. "one who throws (something) across" the path of another (see devil), though epiboulos "plotter" is used once.
"In biblical sources the Hebrew term the satan describes an adversarial role. It is not the name of a particular character. Although Hebrew storytellers as early as the sixth century B.C.E. occasionally introduced a supernatural character whom they called the satan, what they meant was any one of the angels sent by God for the specific purpose of blocking or obstructing human activity." [Elaine Pagels, "The Origin of Satan," 1995]
Why would what is obviously a pejorative term be the chosen name of an all powerful spirit? Why would his worshippers call on him by a name concieved of and used by his "enemies"?
The only answer I can come up with is that Satan is a congenital idiot and his "followers" imbeciles with even more mental and emotional handicaps than their "master"
PS Mr. Satanist my challenge still stands. I'm still waiting for those whammies...
if allah was a real entity, which she is not, she would be nothing more than a small speckle of pig shit on the sandal of Yahweh. mo-ham-ass waz a lier and he's now rotting in hell
Rodney King, after "they" kicked his big fat ass, said, "Can't we all just get along?".
Okay Anon 9:43 you are officialy more ignorant than our Satanic brother.
Allah is the Arabic name of God, which is used by Arab Muslims and also by most non-Muslim Arabs. ilah, cognate to northwest Semitic El (Hebrew "El" or more specifically "Eloha", Aramaic "Eloi"), is the generic word for a god (any deity), Allah contains the article, literally "The God". Also, when speaking in English, Muslims often translate "Allah" as "God". One Islamic tradition states that Allah has 99 names while others say that all good names belong to Allah. Similarly, in the Aramaic of Jesus, the word Alaha is used for the name of God.
God (english) = Allah (arabic)
Somebody has obviously been listening to to any Micheal Savage radio vomit...
Another scoundrel bites the dust:
Rob't A. Wilson, 1932-2007
And to the anonymous demon scum:
If you had the guts to post your name, I'd exorcise your pencil-penis slime without a soul back to the fiery shithole you came from.
What is it with you guys?
I haven't seen this much displaced rage since the DEA busted the WWF's steroid dealer (can you smell what the rock is cookin'?)
RAW was many things, but I don't think "scoundrel" is the overwhelming consensus (esp. amongst the regular denizens of this blog).
Go find yourself a good dose and really blow your mind; it is terribly dirty at present.
Errant Thoughtforms
The most commonly known example of a thought form is the “haunted” house. For a place to have an energy about it, a very emotional event took place, usually a violent death or a murder. The fear, anger, and destructive emotions are so powerful they leave behind an essence most people (even the average person) can detect. There is no greater energy than that given off at the time of death and if the death was violent, the entire area can reek of it for centuries.
Thoughtforms create a mass of energy. They are the result of intense emotions and thoughts. Their lifespan is determined by how much energy is put into them. Continually dwelling upon something over a period of time gives the thought/emotion energy which takes on a form of its own. Every individual is different according to the strength of his/her aura and thoughts. Some people are born with a naturally strong mind and aura owing to previous lifetimes. Most people have thoughtforms attached to their aura. The results of daydreams, fantasies, anger, hatred, desires and so forth, when repeatedly dwelled upon, form permanent thoughtforms. Thoughtforms can be either positive or negative. Either way, they can interfere with a person’s thought processes.
When we meditate, we increase our energy. The thoughtforms we have, feed on this energy. Power meditation is a sort of cleaning house process. We can tune into and remove these, same as we can do with others who have attached themselves to our souls. Removing these will bring clearer thoughts and peace of mind. It is a healing process.
Peace be unto Him
So I channel it a mirror and focus it back to yo to make you think about it all.
It is upsetting this information and you now suffer from what is known as cognitive dissonance.
This takes time for you to rebuild your shattered world and being pissed off at all the years you were told lies.
I am the Great All
of Creation both great and small on earth.
How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura
People in our lives, especially those of whom we have emotions for - either positive or negative, are attached to our aura. Normally, we are attached at the chakras. These attachments can last for many lifetimes. They are most common in family members and those who are close to us.
There is another kind of attachment and that is what is called "psychic vampirism." Psychic vampirism is when another person attaches him/herself astrally to your soul and the relationship is of detriment. He/she usually attaches at one or more of your chakras and drains your energy. In all close relationships, there is a mutual soul attachment for better or worse. In the case of a psychic vampire, the relationship is analogous to that of a parasite and a host. A psychic vampire does not even have to be involved in a relationship, as it is natural for his/her aura to feed off of the auras of others.
There are symptoms of psychic attachment, the most pronounced are thoughts and/or feelings that are not your own. Your energy eventually becomes depleted, especially when you are around the psychic vampire. Whether they are physically near to you or at a distance, once a psychic vampire has attached him/herself to your aura, they can drain you. Psychic vampires are rarely strangers. in many cases, this can even be a family member. A good example is with love/sexual relationships. Following a break up, one party may not want to let go. Another case is that with obsession. Obsession is a bit different as the obsessed person is actually *giving* energy to the object of his/her obsession. This is where a psychic vampire enters into an ideal situation. There is a constant and willing supply of energy from the obsessed individual that the vampire benefits from.
In almost all cases of psychic vampirism, there is a weakness on the part of the host person. This weakness is usually of an emotional nature. The parasite/host relationship often satisfying an unfulfilled need for one or both of the individuals involved. The attaching person's energy feeds off this. In ridding ourselves of this influence, we must acknowledge that a problem exists and WANT to let go. If the host subconsciously does not want to let go, this exercise will be useless.
To remove an unwanted person from your aura:
1. During the cycle of a waning moon, (a few days after the full moon; and a few days before the new moon) find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
2. Relax and enter into a deep trance, for this working, the deeper the trance, the better. Now ask your mind to reveal anyone who has an inappropriate tie. (You can also ask your mind this before you fall asleep at another time, and this will be revealed in a dream). (If you know who it is beforehand, you can visualize them). If there are several, then work with one person at a time. This working can be time consuming. It is best to work with one person per session. You should allow yourself a few days in-between sessions ideally so your aura can adjust and your energies can rebound. Depending upon the strength of the bond, the working may have to be repeated.
3. Ask your mind where the connection(s) is. You may find that a mutual connection exists, where there are two or more attachments at the chakras. Take as much time as you need, using an astral knife, cutter, laser, or whatever you are comfortable working with, and dislodge the connections completely on both sides.
4. Place the connections in a pile as you work. Your will must be strong here, as the other person may not want to let go. Seal the areas on your aura where these connections were attached with healing light/energy, white/gold is the most powerful, but use whatever color you are comfortable with, as we are all individuals. You don’t want any injuries or holes left in your aura.
5. If you care for the other person, you can heal and seal his/her holes made by the detachments.
6. Invoke the element of fire and build an astral fire with this, by directing it, and burn all of the detachment strands.
When you are finished, clean your aura.
When you are ready, open your eyes, get up slowly and move around, do something physical- eat, exercise, or whatever to ground yourself.
One does not need props or other ritual items to cast a so called "spell." The power meditations, done long enough are more than effective in one's ability to influence one's environment and others. When one's field is strong enough, it is easy to put thoughts, feelings and other projections into the minds of others. Some people are stronger than others and projecting can be met with some resistance, of course depending upon how strong YOU are. The stronger ones, though, have their defenses lowered considerable when asleep.
Weak people are easy to deal with anywhere and everywhere. Just going into a mild trance of focus and concentration and you will notice if they are where you can observe these people, the obvious effects of your projections.
Always remember, it is very important to learn to control anger. When one reaches a certain level, offenders, whether they are outsiders or loved ones will meet with misfortune. This can be very upsetting when a loved one gets into an accident or comes down ill as a result of your anger. This comes with power and should be controlled. When one's energy field is powerful enough, it does not take much. We must always be sure we intend for offenders to get punished. Unintentional anger, then the offender apologizes and the hard feelings are gone and then the person meets with disaster, this can cause much regret.
I cannot overemphasise the power behind these meditations, when done long enough and with consistency- every day.
For certain specific things, like binding, props can be used as a point of focus. Most of the time, just dwelling on something with will, focus and desire will make it manifest, provided it is not worried about or dwelled on in a doubtful or desperate way.
Satanism and Power Meditation
Power meditation is a psychic cleaning house so to speak. When one begins a power meditation program, one can usually expect repressed emotions to manifest- anger, hatred, rage, grief, you name it. You may find yourself having upsetting thoughts and feelings and not knowing why these are occurring. These emotions can last up to a year or more given the intensity of which they were suppressed in your younger years. Many of us can’t even remember, but our minds do. In time, suppressed emotions will be cleaned out and the soul will be able to advance and be much more free. One will find inner balance and peace.
Learning is another thing. Satanism is intense and for many, embracing Satanism is a first time of coming into one’s own. When one acknowledges the years spent as a spiritual slave, without personal rights and is aware of years of unnecessary abuses, one may experience intense anger and other emotions. This is very normal and therapeutic. Just let it out in a constructive way. This is a time of inner change and cleansing; healing. In time, there will be inner peace and balance. How long this process takes or whether one goes through it is individual. I am posting this so everyone, especially those who are new will know this is normal.
In time, we all come into our own and are free from the indoctrination and intense programming that most others are slaves to. There is nothing more beautiful than a free mind, for this is when we can truly advance and to know ourselves for who we are- not for who we are expected or told to be.
At birth and death an enormous amount of DMT/pineal gland dump occurs.
That is why the spookies tell you do not belong in their realm when you cheat.By doing drugs dmt especially and so on.
By doing meditation it is safer and more natural.
Also you and not the drug are in control, this is very important.
Been there done that.
Except dying the Greatest trip of them all.
The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
Ill see you on the dark side of the moon
The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me till Im sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
Theres someone in my head but its not me.
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
Ill see you on the dark side of the moon.
It is said that we are food for the moon.
Hey TooStoned,
I thought "scoundrel" was about the nicest thing that could be said about another satanist/trickster. Even if he was a buffoon, he did advocate sex with children, like his "hero" A.C., rhymes with I.C., and his daughter did commit suicide, just like Tim Leary's daughter, and also his wife.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement for a human being, in my humble.
Maybe you've dosed just a little too much, eh?
Seeing trails still?
Little things jumping out of the corners of your visual fields....?
Lay off the cubes and blotter and ganja and dmt for a few years. You might actually wake up!
jesus christ! Satanists are fucking idiots. Dude, get over your third-hand gothed-out semblence of a real religion. You are NOT unleasing the secrets of occult magick to the world. Everything you've written can be found in the fucking new age section of Waldenbooks. Come on, at least find a fad that didn't go out of style in the damn 60's. Spiritual Satanism...what a crock of shit. Take a good long look in the mirror and all you'll see is an Evangelical Christian, though I've actually been able to have an intelligent conversation with one of those.
Listen, all of your teachings are old hat...hell, Starhawk did a better job of presenting it than you have (and at least she made some money off of it). You give teenage Wiccans a good name. Unfuckinbelievable.
All your preaching is pathetic. Tune in to Joel Osteen on tv and learn how a real preacher talks.
All your cut and pasting is just noise. Get over yourself. If your over-compensating ego simply must bloviate, learn how to use your fucking intellect to summarize, critique, and comment. You're smart enough to have learned how to shit in a toilet, right? Same principle.
Honestly, if you're the best and brightest that Satan has to offer then Jesus should win by default.
Oh, and quit quoting from the Al-Jilwa as if you alone have been granted "the secret knowledge." Just because you read about it in Lavey's Satanic Bible does not mean you can appropriate an entire culture's holy text (the minor one, by the way) and spout off random excerpts. If you don't know anything about the Yezidiz, their history, or their culture, don't fucking pretend to understand their spiritual teachings...
And they call me a disinfo agent...
your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent
I only worship Kali through her sacred marijauna.
I am very serious and dedicated to her.
Is this not the pan calling the kettle black, though?
Man we used to get liquid acid and make our own cubes or do drops right in the eye. Too intense and that was a step i went through a long time ago, as you advance you need not repeat and i never had flashbacks, just time to let pass out 3 days and no more tracers either.
I can get shrooms or whatever i need but chose not too.
I remember laughing and had a real good time mostly.
You have to be in a safe place to trip,for me anyway that means away from civilization.
Lennon told us to never forget the CIA and US Army for giving us LSD 25.
They did not expect it to backfire.
Instead of controlling us it set us FREE.
modern man, do I come across as a humanist?
For the record, I submit to God alone. Speaking of poison, religion gets in the way of that for me.
Thanks Dis-info guy, I consistently enjoy your patter.
The Al Jilwah
The Black Book of Satan
Chapter I
I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominion over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image. I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need. There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence. I participate in all the affairs, which those who are without call evil because their nature is not such as they approve. Every age has its own manager, who directs affairs according to my decrees. This office is changeable from generation to generation, that the ruler of this world and his chiefs may discharge the duties of their respective offices everyone in his own turn. I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.
No god has a right to interfere in my affairs, and I have made it an imperative rule that everyone shall refrain from worshipping all gods. All of the books of those who are without are altered by them; and they have declined from them, although they were written by the prophets and the apostles. That there are interpolations is seen in the fact that each sect endeavors to prove that the others are wrong and to destroy their books.
To me truth and falsehood are known. When temptation comes, I give my covenant to him that trusts in me. Moreover, I give council to the skilled directors, for I have appointed them for periods that are known to me. I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instruction. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.
Chapter II
I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know. Moreover, power and dominion over all that is on earth, both that which is above and that which is beneath, are in my hands. I do not allow friendly association with other people, nor do I deprive them that are my own and that obey me of anything that is good for them. I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have tried and who are in accord with my desires. I appear in diverse manners to those who are faithful and under my command.
I give and take away; I enrich and impoverish; I cause both happiness and misery. I do all this in keeping with the characteristics of each epoch. And none has a right to interfere with my management of affairs. Those who oppose me I afflict with disease; but my own shall not die like the sons of Adam that are without. None shall live in this world longer than the time set by me; and if I so desire, I send a person a second or third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls.
Chapter III
I lead to the straight path without a revealed book; I direct aright my beloved and chosen ones by unseen means. All my teachings are easily applicable to all times and all conditions. I punish in another world all who do contrary to my will.
Now the sons of Adam do not know the state of things that is to come. For this reason, they fall into many errors. The beasts of the earth, the birds of heaven and the fish of the sea are all under the control of my hands. All treasures and hidden things are known to me; and as I desire, I take them from one and bestow them upon another.
I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and in due time my miracles to those who receive them from me. But those who are without are my adversaries, hence they oppose me. Nor do they know that such a course is against their own interests, for might, wealth and riches are in my hands, and I bestow them upon every worthy descendant of Adam. Thus the government of the worlds, the transition of generations, and the changes of their directors are determined by me from the beginning.
Chapter IV
I will not give my rights to other gods. I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times and four corners; because they are necessary things for creatures.
The books of Jews, Christians and Muslims, as of those who are without, accept in a sense, i.e., so far as they agree with and conform to my statutes. Whatsoever is contrary to these, they have altered; do not accept it. Three things are against me and I hate three things. But those who keep my secrets shall receive the fulfillment of my promises. Those who suffer for my sake I will surely reward in one of the worlds.
It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them. Now, then, all ye who have followed my commandments and my teachings, reject all the teachings and sayings of such as are without.
I have not taught these teachings, nor do they proceed from me. Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do.
Chapter V
O yea that have believed in me, honor my symbol and my image, for they remind you of me. Observe my laws and statutes. Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.
The Yezidi Devil Worshippers of Iraq
There have been many conflicting articles concerning the Yezidi Devil worshippers of Iraq. The Yezidi people originally came from Southern Iraq and migrated north to Mount Lalish. It is believed they are descendants of the Assyrians who sought refuge after the fall of Nineveh in 612 BCE. ¹ Eridu also known as “Enkidu” was an ancient city in Southern Iraq. This was Father Satan's (Enki’s) city. The valley of Baten El Ghoul which is right over the buried ancient city is now known as "The Devil's Hole." "Belly of the Beast." The Jordanians and many others consider it to be haunted. Demons have been seen by many who have spent the night there, mostly soldiers in bivouac (camps). Those who have been there for any length of time claim it has a powerful energy which RHP people label as "evil."
Those who have spent the night there also claim the entire area is "bathed in a strange bluish grey light." "Apparitions" are also seen. (The above information was taken from the book "Psychic Warrior" by David Moorehouse). The author was a US Army soldier who was hit in the head by a mortar shell while camping with his platoon in that valley and experienced psychic phenomena and abilities he never had before the incident. He was eventually assigned to the US Army Psychic Warfare Dept.
Iraq has many ancient artifacts and evidence of Satan. Mount Lalesh is near the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh and along a three hundred mile stretch are the Ziarahs; the Seven Towers of Satan with the center tower on Mount Lalesh. The "Seven Towers or Power houses -a high white cone shaped structure with bright rays flashing from its pinnnacle."²
Each tower is topped by a brilliant heliographic reflector, and was intended to serve as a power house from where a Satanic/Yezidi Priest could beam his will to influence events in the world.
The Yezidis have often been described as a secretive people who are not permitted to reveal their religion to outsiders, they keep their real beliefs hidden. Modern Yezidism has changed somewhat from the old ways due to outside interference. The Yezidi people have been severely persecuted and are very suspicious of outsiders. It is obvious their doctrines have been altered to conform to xian beliefs as in the Qu’ret Al Yezid, Satan dictates he is a God and in other places it reads he is an “archangel.”
Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century. The Al Jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with its teachings. I asked Satan if the Al Jilwah was from him and he confirmed it was, but stated that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines.
The Yezidis have been victims of mass murder and genocide at the hands of others, mainly of those of the xian and muslim religions. In the year 1415 CE, Muslims desecrated and burned the tomb of Sheik Adi, ransacking his grave and removing his bones and burning them in front of the Yezidis. “Some of the Yezidi multitude they took as prisoners and made slaves of them, others they murdered. “Badr al-Din further ordered the execution of two hundred members of the sect and had Sheik Adi’s bones disinterred and burned.” ³
In 1892, Farik ‘Omar Pasa invited several Yezidi Chiefs to Mosul. His agenda was to collect 20 years back taxes and to try to convert them to Islam. A few xians were present at the meeting. He began to tell them that “if they would give up their Devil-worship, they would be rewarded with high place and rank, and would please the great Allah.” When they refused to answer, Farik threw them into prison, marched on their village and “slew about 500 of them.” 4
Most Yezidis are illiterate and the few doctrines they have are passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. In order to avoid persecution, the Yezidi people have purposely deceived outsiders concerning their beliefs and doctrines. This explains why there are so many conflicting accounts of their faith. The Yezidis have very few scriptures; in the Al-Jilwah, Satan instructs: “I lead to the straight path without a book.”
”Melek Ta’us taught “first by oral tradition and secondly by this book Jilwe.” 5
The Yezidi people are forbidden to say the name “Shaitan.” They refer to Satan as “Melek Ta’us.” Melek means “King.” He is known as the Peacock Angel because of his beauty and pride. He is the “Proud One” and “Ruler of the Earth.” He is a God of light rather than of darkness and is concerned with the destinies of the world. 4 The Yezidis represent Satan by both the peacock and the snake. “The peacock represents the beauty of the worshipped God and the snake represents his wisdom because he is both beautiful and wise.” Their holy relic is the copper sanjak, an image of the peacock. 6
They play the flute and tambourine at their festivals and dance; “a worship which led to every excess of debauchery and lust.”7
”The Jalwah and the Resh are the authentic holy scriptures of the Yezidis. The Yezidis not only acknowledge the loss of many copies of their scriptures but also Shaikh Hayder’s recording of the Book of Resh. The latter no doubt the Resh scripture was set down from memory.” The Yezidis indeed avoid mentioning the very name ‘Satan’ or any of his attributes; have kept themselves aloof for centuries and their books a mystery. They also are forbidden to wear the color blue as this is the sacred color of Satan. 8 The Yezidis sometimes use the name “Ankar” for Satan and the name Angar-Manyu for Ahriman in Zoroastrianism. 9 The Mishaf (Scripture) Resh (Black) the Yezidis believe was written by Shaikh Hasan al-Basri has been called “Black” because the word Satan is covered in it. Some believe it was the Quran with the words for Satan covered by wax. It measures 28 x 21 cm. and has a leather cover. The Yezidis also have a reputation for being adepts at black magick. 10
¹ The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975
² Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook 1927
³Yezidism- its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition
by Philip G. Kreyenbroek 1995
4 Ibid.
5 The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by J.S. Guest 1987
6Peacock Angel by E.S. Drower 1941
8The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975
10 Devil Worship 1919: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz
by Isya Joseph
Want to bet?
Qu'ret al-Yezid
Revelation of Melek Ta'us
Wherefore, it is true that my knowledge encompasses the
Very truth of all that is,
And my wisdom is not separate from my heart,
And the manifestation of my descent is clear unto you,
And when it is revealed to the children of Adam it will
Be seen by all.
And many will tremble thereby.
All habitations and desert spaces are indeed of my own creation, set forth,
All fully within my strength, not that of the false gods;
Wherefore I am he that men come with their rightful worship,
Not the false gods of their books, wrongly written;
But they come to know me, a peacock of bronze and gold,
Wings spread over Kaaba, temple, and church, not to be overshadowed.
And in the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?
Know that who knows me will I cast into paradisiacal gardens of my pleasure!
But the Yezid who knows me not will I cast into affliction.
Say then, I am the only and exalted archangel;
And I make prosperous whom I will,
And I enliven whom I will.
Say then, I alone am to be praised from the Towers of Lalish,
And from the mountain of Ararat to the western sea.
Say then, let the light of knowledge flash forth from the ziarahs,
Flash forth from the river of Euphrates to the hiddeness of Shamballah.
Let my Sanjak be carried from its safe place into the temple,
And let all the clans of Yezid know of my manifestation,
Even Sheikan, and Sinjar, and Haliteyeh, and Malliyeh, and Lepcho,
And the Kotchar who wander among the heathen.
So saith Shaitan
Peace Be Unto Him
My understanding surrounds the truth of things,
And the truth is mixed up in me,
And the truth of my descent is set forth by itself,
And when it was known, it was altogether in me
And all the habitable parts and deserts
And everything created is under me
And I am the ruling power preceding all that exists
And I am he that spoke a true saying
And I am the Just Judge and Ruler of the Earth
And I am he that men worship in my glory
Coming to me and kissing my feet
And I am he that spread over the heavens their height
And I am he that cried in the beginning
And I am he that of myself revealeth all things,
Verily the all-merciful has assigned unto me names,
The heavenly-throne, and the seat, and the heavens, and the earth.
In the secret of my knowledge, there is no god but me.
These things are subservient to my power.
O mine enemies, why do you deny me?
O men deny me not, but submit.
In the Day of Judgment, you will be happy in meeting me.
Who dies in my love, I will cast him
In the midst of paradise, by my will and pleasure;
But he that dies unmindful of me
Will be thrown into torture in misery and affliction.
I say I am the only one and the exalted;
I create and make rich those whom I will.
Praise it to myself, for all things are by my will,
And the universe is lighted by some of my gifts.
I am the king that magnifies himself,
And all the riches of creation are at my bidding.
I have made known unto you, o people, some of my ways.
So saith Shaitan
Yezidism got connected to occult Europe by the 1800s.
Hey mind moron (er..meld):
RAW was not a "Satanist"
He was a discordian and that is different kettle of fish(men).
he did advocate sex with children
Really? That's news to me. Care to provide a link to prove it?
Maybe you've dosed just a little too much, eh?
Seeing trails still?
Little things jumping out of the corners of your visual fields....?
Lay off the cubes and blotter and ganja and dmt for a few years. You might actually wake up!
You obviously are ill informed, about me and entheogens in general.
Come to the Telluride Mushroom Festival in August this year, smoke a doobie with me a Sasha Shulgin (although he rarely partakes) and Dr. Weil (andy to his friends) after the parade and we'll figure out how you became such an utter moron.
BTW Alber Hoffman (who is responsible for discovering LSD) turned 100 last year in has more wit and intelligence than you'll ever muster.
Riders on the Storm
Into this house were born
Into this world were thrown
We thank also Walt Disney for FANTASIA
More than just a film.
He tripped out too.
this film stands out today and is incomparable.
The sorcerers apprentice
Mickey Mouse
A common motif among Disney legends is the claim that various Disney animated films were drug-inspired; that Disney and his band of animators were users of hallucinogens such as LSD, and their experiences with drugs formed the basis for such fare as the fantasy world of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the colorful visual interpretation of musical themes in Fantasia, and the surreal psychedelia of Alice in Wonderland.
On a literal level, not much can be said to address these rumors other than to cite a litany of negative evidence. Walt Disney and his principal animators are well-known figures about whom much has been written, and no one who knew or worked with them claimed (or even suggested) that they partook of recreational drugs. And although drug abuse was enough of a social concern to prompt didactic scare films such as Reefer Madness and The Cocaine Fiends back in the 1930s, the "drug" of choice in Walt Disney's era was far more likely to have been alcohol than anything else. (Recall that the hallucinatory "Pink Elephants on Parade" sequence in 1941's Dumbo is triggered when the diminutive pachyderm inadvertently imbibes a tubful of champagne.) As for LSD, it wasn't even brought to the USA until 1949, too late to have been the driving force behind Disney's classic animated films (although alternative hallucinogens such as mescaline were certainly obtainable.) Of the notion that the imagination displayed in Disney's animated films was drug-induced, animator Art Babbitt, who drew the dancing mushrooms in "The Nutcracker Suite" portion of Fantasia, said: "Yes, it is true. I myself was addicted to Ex-lax and Feenamint."
The world will never know for sure.
How many people does it take to keep a secret?
Three if two are dead.
quote above by Franklin , a Hellfire club member.
Yes,i know the syphylis did him in the end.
So is it true you died of syphylis?
Franklin: No, I died of pleurisy.
Franklin was a member of the Hellfire Club -- hard to get more debauched and down , a randy rascal he was....
And rumours are just that, rumours.
Like most Enlightenment intellectuals, Franklin separated virtue, morality, and faith from organized religion, although he felt that if religion in general grew weaker, morality, virtue, and society in general would also decline. Thus he wrote Thomas Paine, "If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be if without it."
Like Leary told him if he could have been alive then "create your own religion."
Franklin became uncomfortable with an unenhanced version of deism and comes up with his own conception of the Creator. Franklin outlined his concept of deity in 1728, in his "Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion" . From this, Isaacson compares Franklin's conception of deity to that of strict deists and orthodox Christians. Isaacson concludes that unlike most pure deists, Franklin believed that a faith in God should inform our daily actions, but that, like other deists, his faith was devoid of sectarian dogma. Isaacson also discusses Franklin's conception that God had created beings who do interfere in wordly matters - a point that has lead some commentators, most notably A. Owen Aldridge, to read Franklin as embracing some sort of polytheism, with a bevy of lesser gods overseeing various realms and planets.
Setting a trend of sorts.
really? really? REALLY?
Dude, what part of "summarize, critique, and comment" did you not understand? Maybe I was a bit too generous when I assumed you know how to shit in a toilet. At the very least, for your own safety, remember "Don't shit where you eat."
And cutt'n and past'n something that is for all intents and purposes an encyclopedia article...Did you even go to school? Don't you know that's a big no-no. I mean, most people got over the "copying out of an encyclopedia" cop-out in the fourth grade. Hey look, I must know everything because I can cut and paste Wikipedia.
And ooh, nice citations. you must really know all about the Yezidiz. What is this, the Ann Coulter amateur-hour. "Look, I know what i'm talking about, I have CITATIONS."
Summarize, critique, and comment. Simple. And for the web, link. Thats it. Learn how to do those four things and you will magically no longer be a douche-bag (or maybe thats setting the bar a little high...)
And Satan can suck my cock. I deny thee, Lord of Darkness. You are nothing but the wet dream of suburbanite white kids (aged 16-24) who want to be EVIL, have white collar semi-professional parents, and listen to too much Marilyn Manson (or make fun of Manson because "he's too mainstream")--and don't pretend I didn't peg you right there, my little satan-loving ass-clown.
And Sounder, thanks. I'm more of a hands-off kinda reader, but occasionally I've got to try and help the RigInt faithful clear the muck.
Hey look, I'm a Satanist. Look at my pentacle-necklace (I know you have one, douche-bag) and FEAR ME.
your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent
Maybe i am a woman?
{Pat) snl
I like
The fight song by M Manson on my playlist.
I really like The Electric Hellfire Club.
You sound like you need an orgasm.
Go jerk off.
Sexy Sadie
"Sexy Sadie"
Sexy Sadie what have you done
You made a fool of everyone
You made a fool of everyone
Sexy Sadie ooh what have you done
Sexy Sadie you broke the rules
You layed it down for all to see
You layed it down for all to see
Sexy Sadie oooh you broke the rules
One sunny day the world was waiting for a lover
She came along to turn on everyone
Sexy Sadie the greatest of them all
Sexy Sadie how did you know
The world was waiting just for you
The world was waiting just for you
Sexy Sadie oooh how did you know
Sexy Sadie you'll get yours yet
However big you think you are
However big you think you are
Sexy Sadie oooh you'll get yours yet
We gave her everything we owned just to sit at her table
Just a smile would lighten everything
Sexy Sadie she's the latest and the greatest of them all
She made a fool of everyone
Sexy Sadie
However big you think you are
Sexy Sadie
Oh my god, you are a bigger douchebag than I thought. I knew that cut and paste seemed familiar, so I googled "Al-Jilwah" and lo and behold, the fourth site listed is your source...word for word.
And you tried to pass that off as your own knowledge? (And yes you did, with your snide little "Want to bet" and "Learn" at the end of your posts.)
You were (are) that kid that EVERYONE makes fun off in school, huh? I mean that's really pathetic...
your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent
Nothing suffocates you more than
The passing of everyday human events
Isolation is the oxygen mask you make
Your children breath into survive
But Im not a slave to a god
That doesnt exist
But Im not a slave to world
That doesnt give a shit
And when we were good
You just closed you eyes
So when we are bad
Were going to scar your minds
Fight, fight, fight, fight
Youll never grow up to be a big-
Theyll just cut our wrists like
Cheap coupons and say that death
Was on sale today
And when we were good
You just closed you eyes
So when we are bad
Were scar your minds
But Im not a slave to a god
That doesnt exist
But Im not a slave to world
That doesnt give a shit
The death of one is a tragedy
The death of one is a tragedy
The death of one is a tragedy
But death of a million is just a statistic
Fight, fight, fight, fight
Dear TooStoned,
Here are the answers to your questions:
1. R.A.Wilson advocated sex with children in volume 1 of the Illuminatus Trilogy. Read the book, Moe Ron. I don't need to provide some frikkin' questionable third-hand web "link", it's in his own words.
2. That book is the same place, among many others, you will find him extol the (non-existent) virtues of Crowley. If that ain't satanism then you need to redefine the term for yourself and the rest of the world. Discordianism was a goof, a dodge, a bullshit, made up, non-philosophy. Kind of like yours.
3. Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin has been a member of the Bohemian Club, a.k.a. the Bohemian Grove for over thirty years, as noted in extended profiles of him published in both Wired magazine and the New York Times magazine. Look it up, putz. In Pihkal, his book, he and psycho wack-job Ann his wife refer to it quaintly as the "Owl (as in the 40 foot tall idol effigy of Moloch) Club."
Shulgin plays violin in the band for the baby-eaters and child-porkers. So do Mickey Hart and Phil Lesh, formerly of the Grateful Dead. Buy a clue, numbnuts.
4. As an undergraduate at Harvard when Tim Leary was on the faculty, Andy Weil ripped Leary a new one in the pages of the Harvard Crimson, of which Weil was editor, advocating Leary's dismissal and arrest. Weil is nothing but a shucking and jiving Step 'n Fetchit for the man. He is an over-weaning egotist who never completed his residency training after medical school. A shill, in short....pick your cause.
5. Albert Hoffmann was a good chemist. He seems a nice old man. LSD-25 was indeed a mixed blessing, at best.
6. I've been to the Telluride Mushroom festival. Big whoop.
7. How are those trails and floaters now?? Got the munchies too?? How's your short term memory??
Quick quiz: What was number 2 above?? Number 3??
You're 0 for 2, schmuck.
Or is it 0 for 7??
Naive, yes. Arrogant, yes. Ill-, mis-, dis-, non-informed, yes yes yes yes.
But that doesn't mean you're not a nice guy. Indeed, you sound like a decent bloke. But you shouldn't go around calling people morons. Or else they might call you a schmuck in return. What a waste of breath.
Everything I wrote above is accurate. Check it out for yourself, and then re-consider what you think of certain people you think are some kind of heroes. The picture is way different than you surmise.
Peace, brother.
And to Sounder, sorry if a mis-pegged you as a 'humanist'. My bad. I fully concur with what you said to "submit only to God."
Right on.
All Hallows Eve Lyrics
Now the mist is on the land
before the hoards of the dead we stand
against the cold of the western wind
against the demons of the night
Let us Drink another drink
as we stand here at the brink
Let us dance, and let us feast
every man, woman and beast
On All Hallows Eve once again
On the First day of the year
let us shed another tear
let us all count the cost
and recall what we have lost
Let us kiss and have some fun
for we know whats done is done
and those who went before,
are lost forever more
On All Hallows Eve once again
On All Hallows Eve with the dead
Young girls dream of your true love
For he will soon be in your blood
may you see him in the fire
may you have your hearts desire
Young men be brave for the year ahead
Before the end you may well be dead
enjoys yourself while you are young
and think not of whats to come
On All Hallows Eve once again
On All Hallows Eve with the dead
Underneath the moon and stars
Now the sun is in line with mars
We can lose into the night
we can have both dark and light
On All Hallows Eve once again
On All Hallows Eve with the dead
sung in time to the broken washing machine beat,hahaHA
Is it true some people stil type everything?
I was so ahead of that my new great idea for today is to suggest cut and paste to save time.
I am having a great time and love the computer/information age we live in.
May I also say to you disrepectful brat.
Life before they shovel dirt on your grave.
Flight of the Wytches
Come join with us in our rune tonight
And feel the circle spin
Let your spirit soar in the lunar light
As the Spiral Dance begins
Come with us speeding through the night
As fast as any bird in flight
Silhouettes against the Mother Moon
We will be there soon
When the spinning ceases you can dance no more
Kiss the silent earth
We will tell our children of the Ancient Lore
At the moment of their birth
Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inanna
Inkubus Sukkubus
Ahhh, why am I torturing myself tonight? I guess I'm feeling a little masochistic...
"is it true some people stil type everything?
Well, no. I guess if you are not capable of original thought, and everything you know is simply what other people have written, then I guess cut and paste is a good way to go. But we have a name for people like that. Idiot. Moron. Intellectually-challenged. The kid who thought mars was hotter than mercury because mars is red. Okay, a couple of names. Basically, it means you are dumb. So cut'n'paste away lucy-lover...
"May I also say to you disrepectful brat.
Enjoy Life before they shovel dirt on your grave."
Disrespectful? Hell yea, to any and all idiots that think infecting a forum, blog, or board with cut'n'paste
proselytizing have any effect other than clouding and polluting the discussion. Get bent and take it somewhere else, or contribute to the conversation in a topical or relevant way.
Oh wait, we've already established that you have no capacity for original thought, which means you can't contribute in any meaningful way, so "baby, don't go away mad...baby, just go away." (see how i did that, its called logic, you shoulda learned that in school, too. That is, if you weren't an idiot.)
BTW, no one in my family has been buried in a grave in over 3 centuries (probably longer). We're a cremation clan, baby. We go out kissing flames...
your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent
The time has come for us to make infernal dreams reality
And turn the world into a funeral pyre
The gates of Hell are open
Filling hearts and minds with hope
The time has come to cleanse the world with fire
Television angels falling,
There's a revelation calling
This world will never be the same
No more false prophets preaching
An end to all the lies they're teaching
Everything is going up in flames
Synagogues and churches is burning
Can't you see the tide is turning?
How many fires will it take?
Before you realize that god is dead
Until you open up your eyes and see your god is dead
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
This is the new Way...Hail Hellfire!
This is the new Age...Hail Satan!
This is the age of lust and dark desire
It's the age of anger, it's the Age of Fire!!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
And the pulpit of lies is crumbling now
As the puppets of Christ come tumbling down, down, down, down, down, down, down..
Let the fire in our hearts become a fire in our minds
And let our minds light fires among all mankind
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn in Hell!
Burn in Hell!
Let the fire in our hearts become a fire in our minds
And let our minds light fires among all mankind
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Synagogues and churches is burning
Can't you see the tide is turning?
How many fires will it take?
Before you realize that god is dead
Until you open up your eyes and see your god is dead
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
This is the new Way...Hail Hellfire!
This is the new Age...Hail Satan!
This is the age of lust and dark desire
It's the age of anger, it's the Age of Fire!!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn in Hell!
Burn in Hell!
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
The time has come for us to make infernal dreams reality
And turn the world into a funeral pyre
The gates of Hell are open
Filling hearts and minds with hope
The time has come to cleanse the world with fire
Television angels falling,
There's a revelation calling
This world will never be the same
No more false prophets preaching
An end to all the lies they're teaching
Everything is going up in flames
Synagogues and churches burning
Can't you see the tide is turning?
How many fires will it take?
Before you realize that god is dead
Until you open up your eyes and see your god is dead
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
This is the new Way...Hail Hellfire!
This is the new Age...Hail Satan!
This is the age of lust and dark desire
It's the age of anger, it's the Age of Fire!!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
And the pulpit of lies is crumbling now
As the puppets of Christ come tumbling down, down, down, down, down, down, down..
Let the fire in our hearts become a fire in our minds
And let our minds light fires among all mankind
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn in Hell!
Burn in Hell!
Let the fire in our hearts become a fire in our minds
And let our minds light fires among all mankind
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Synagogues and churches burning
Can't you see the tide is turning?
How many fires will it take?
Before you realize that god is dead
Until you open up your eyes and see your god is dead
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
This is the new Way...Hail Hellfire!
This is the new Age...Hail Satan!
This is the age of lust and dark desire
It's the age of anger, it's the Age of Fire!!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn in Hell!
Burn in Hell!
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
The time has come for us to make infernal dreams reality
And turn the world into a funeral pyre
The gates of Hell are open
Filling hearts and minds with hope
The time has come to cleanse the world with fire
Television angels falling,
There's a revelation calling
This world will never be the same
No more false prophets preaching
An end to all the lies they're teaching
Everything is going up in flames
Synagogues and churches burning
Can't you see the tide is turning?
How many fires will it take?
Before you realize that god is dead
Until you open up your eyes and see your god is dead
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
This is the new Way...Hail Hellfire!
This is the new Age...Hail Satan!
This is the age of lust and dark desire
It's the age of anger, it's the Age of Fire!!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
And the pulpit of lies is crumbling now
As the puppets of Christ come tumbling down, down, down, down, down, down, down..
Let the fire in our hearts become a fire in our minds
And let our minds light fires among all mankind
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn in Hell!
Burn in Hell!
Let the fire in our hearts become a fire in our minds
And let our minds light fires among all mankind
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Synagogues and churches burning
Can't you see the tide is turning?
How many fires will it take?
Before you realize that god is dead
Until you open up your eyes and see your god is dead
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
This is the new Way...Hail Hellfire!
This is the new Age...Hail Satan!
This is the age of lust and dark desire
It's the age of anger, it's the Age of Fire!!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn, baby, burn! Burn! Burn, baby, burn!
Burn in Hell!
Burn in Hell!
God is dead, *Hail Satan* Satan lives!
Jungle Safari
©2002 Lee Perry
Blue supermarkets.
“Blue Moon” in space.
Grab his suitcase
and his briefcase.
Him say he: He got a supermarket—
“I know ugly where I’m going to park it!”
“Because it’s big—but I can park it.”
And I can tell you because I mark it:
Jungle Safari… got a supermarket.
And then the…? Eh—“Jungle Safari?”
Just grab his briefcase
and say, Hello alien in outer space.
Uncle Martin Luther King
and then—eh? From the U.S.A.?
He say he take out all the munch. “I take the bunch.”
“I take the dimes then I take the time”—Time Magazine?
Cash Box Magazine?
He say hello uncle Martin in space.
He say, “Hello, Ace of Base.”
Hey! Hello Ace of Base.
I like the way you do your thing
—these a’ coming from the king.
“Hello, Ace of Base. You are the Reggae Boss”
—and then I give you first class.
Jungle Safari. Grab his brief, brief, briefcase.
He say get up in a business space.
And then a come a business race
from alien in outer space.
Uncle Martin Luther King
and then—eh? Hello Mandela!
And then I give you our red umbrella Mandela
to hook it in the White House—hey!
Then give the president white louse.
And you hold the president white louse.
And the president white louse
I give Mandela a red umbrella
—and then I said to Uncle Martin Luther King,
Let’s conquer Rockefeller and pull on a sinning senate
and put a senior helper called Cinderella.
Yes you did: Jungle Safari.
Yes you did: Uncle Safari.
Yes you did… Jungle Safari.
Yes you did: J’ah Rastafari.
“You give me Rockefeller head!” a Cinderella said.
Rockefeller dead.
There’s a Cinderella in the Rockefeller bed
—and Martin Luther King in his king head.
Ah la. La. La. La.
Jungle Safari. Grab his briefcase.
And then we go into supermarket.
And say that we go’ park it.
And now don’t you “Skylark” it.
“Come on then! I give you hell!”
I give you S—I give you S: Space Godhead.
And Space Godhead said,
Fire in a Babylon.
Fire inna every land.
Fire, fire. Fire sound. Can you see me?
You can see but you can’t see my words now.
You hear me sound but you can’t see me sound now.
You can’t envision invisible ideas now.
Take up your quest and follow us to the sky.
With Reggae Ark! Reggae Ark! Reggae Ark!
Sorry at what point in vol 1 of illuminatus did RAW advocate fucking kids?
Are you talking about the 15 year old? Who was the leader of the Hagbards merry band?
Thats a bit different to advocating fucking children isn't it? Emotional maturity of 40 year old wasn't it. Didn't Hagbard hand over power to her cos she was the most mature and intelligent of the group.
Been a while since I have read that book, but thats about as close to advocating fucking children as I can remember.
Not exactly the 15 year old you would meet at the local mall. Anyaway I was fucking at 15 and certainly responsible for my actions. (And for the record, wish I wasn't till I was 24 when I met my missus.)
I wasn't a character in a book.
BTW wannabe rebel pretend Satanist
Ahhh shes a legend the ole lady.
She just nailed you buddy.
"Satanism, well I spose it means you want a religion, but haven't got the balls to have any faith."
Hit the hammer on the head of the nail with that did she. (see mind meld drugs don't up you fuck).
Now what was I typing...
thats right, the kid.
Hey get a life.
"And when that foul breathed eagle
comes to claim your firstborn.
What will you say?
Will you say that we have been flirting but we're not prepared to die just yet?"
Hey, just stopping in here before I crash into my soft, lovely bed. I wanted to ask, and hoped other's would ask along for me, if Jeff knows about Sue Rubin?
She's an intelligent mind trapped in not only a disabled body, but a grossly disfigured body. Most people would look away from her odd actions... she does "act" retarded... but most importantly she LOOKS RETARDED. BUT SHE'S NOT! HERE COMMAND OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IS BETTER THAN MOST OF US!
there's a story here. oh my, what a story awaits.
ps Blogger "sign in code" started with "jfk" today. Huh. ;-) j/k
Stephen Hawking looks retarded as wel, but we expect him to be retarded. He's Stephen Hawkings. But Sue Rubin was born "autistic" and oddly shapped from the get-go.
Why do we expect what we see on the outside to be what is on the inside?
Spoons and Keypads.
I really don't like blogger.
"but we expect him to be retarded"
should read
"but we don't expect him to be retarded"
I maintain that it is blogger.com which eats my letters.
Yep, I originally wrote "blogger.com"
we are all fucking retards in this damn world. save me.
Check out my other playpen:
Okay Mind Fart let me break it down in to little pieces, because otherwise your limited and gullible intellect won't understand.
R.A.Wilson advocated sex with children in volume 1 of the Illuminatus Trilogy.
Hello, is there any grey matter between your ears? I guess you can't tell the difference between FICTION and reality. But considering the content of your posts and the assinine assumptions you make it is not surprising.
Find a RELEVANT link the proves your contention that RAW advocated pederastry. But you can't can you?
BTW RAW wrote a lot on non-fiction you should start there.
extol the (non-existent) virtues of Crowley. If that ain't satanism then you need to redefine the term for yourself and the rest of the world. Discordianism was a goof, a dodge, a bullshit, made up, non-philosophy. Kind of like yours.
"Extolling the virtues of Crowely", is a mischaracterization based on passages in a work of FICTION. Crowley was a debauched pervert, but that does not mean that what he wrote should not be dismissed out of hand. There is a considerable amount of info to digest in his work and his story.
Only fool ignores wisdom and knowledge no matter the source, but you are nothing if not a fool.
The funny thing is you didn't even understand ILLUMINATUS at all. If you remember the "Satanists" were actually JAMMs using Satanism to de-program people from the Fnords and the rest of the mindprogramming.
RAW was no Satanist:
In Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (1977) and other works, he examined Discordianism, Sufism, Futurology, Zen Buddhism, Dennis and Terence McKenna, the occult practices of Aleister Crowley and G.I. Gurdjieff, the Illuminati and Freemasons, Yoga, and other esoteric or counterculture philosophies. He advocated Timothy Leary's eight circuit model of consciousness and neurosomatic/linguistic engineering, which he also wrote about in Prometheus Rising (1983, revised 1997) and Quantum Psychology (1990), books containing practical techniques for breaking free of one's "reality tunnels".[citation needed] With Leary, he helped promote the futurist ideas of space migration, intelligence increase, and life extension (SMI2LE).
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""There's a lot more there, but I doubt you can read many words at a time. You certainly don't know how to read closely or think critically.
Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin has been a member of the Bohemian Club, a.k.a. the Bohemian Grove for over thirty years, as noted in extended profiles of him published in both Wired magazine and the New York Times magazine. Look it up, putz. In Pihkal, his book, he and psycho wack-job Ann his wife refer to it quaintly as the "Owl (as in the 40 foot tall idol effigy of Moloch) Club."
Now you're really delving into speculation that you read on some CT website somewhere.
Sasha and Ann are personal friends, people I correspond with on occasion. "The OWL Club" is full of elites, and maybe used for recruiting for some who may be involved in other smaller circles that are up to no good, but the "club" is nothing more than a post-graduate fraternity.
Sasha isn't an elitest though, Pihkal and Tihkal ably demonstrate that. In fact the DEA suspended his license of thirty eight years to do research because he made his work widely available by publishing his work in those two volues.
And Ann, who is a lovely woman with more grace, wit, and humanity than has been a therapist in the bay area for years actually helping people But maybe that qualifies as a "psycho whack job" in your coloring book.
Weil is nothing but a shucking and jiving Step 'n Fetchit for the man. He is an over-weaning egotist who never completed his residency training after medical school
I think thou doth protest to much. I bet you haven't achieved anything in your life. Nothing like writing a literal canon of books or starting an entire School of Alternative medicine at the UofA Med School. I think you ought to find a link to prove your slander.
"over weening egoist" ? Look in the mirror much?
3)Albert Hoffmann was a good chemist. Yeah to say the least, but he is also an advocate of LSD(He does not proscribe taking it willy-nilly, but neither do I) In fact his 100th birthday was celebrated by holding a symposium on entheogens in Switzerland.
4) I've been to the Telluride Mushroom festival. Yeah okay, but you are obviously such an enormously self-involved asshole that nobody wanted to talk to you or invite you to the AWESOME after parties (Free azurecens anyone?)
5)How are those trails and floaters now?? Got the munchies too?? How's your short term memory??
Quick quiz: What was number 2 above?? Number 3??
You're 0 for 2, schmuck.
Or is it 0 for 7??
ASSume much? Just cause you think something is true does not make it so.
I can tell your brain isn't working correctly because of the substance of what you scribble. You obviously live in a world of crayons and coloring within the lines are impossible for you, but you really don't much about the long term effects of entheogens.
I'll pit my intellect and memory (and probably eyesight,too) against yours any day, but its not nice to pick on the retarded.
6)Naive, yes. Arrogant, yes. Ill-, mis-, dis-, non-informed, yes yes yes yes.
Like I said before, look in a mirror much?
7)But that doesn't mean you're not a nice guy.
Well, sometimes. But you are dickwad who goes around judging others without any clue about yourself, the universe around you, or the people you patronize.
Everything I wrote above is accurate. Not a scholar, eh? Nobody but gullible fools accept nonesense as gospel. Too lazy to find a relevant link? Or is it that your arguments can't be supported by fact. I suspect it is both.
of certain people you think are some kind of heroes. I have no heroes. Ya see I live in the real world, and placing anyone (or even and idea like "god") on a pedestal is making yourself a slave and setting yourself up for heartache.
10) I revoke the invite to 'shroom festival, you are not only an idiot but an unpleasant and self-inflated prick. I've got better ways to spend my free time.
Shutdown means stopping all psychic activity, totally but temporarily. Closing all psychic perceptions lets you stop to understand what you have experienced. It helps you recover from emotional surprise or shock and return to reality.
When psychic experiences frighten you, take a step back and relax. Breathe. Consider whether you really need to shut down, or whether you�d do better to think things over. Shutting down means you will have to completely stop thinking about what happened. Sometimes this may not be helpful.
If thinking about the experience bothers you too much, or makes your energy feel bad, go ahead and shut down for a while. If, instead, you can stop using the ability for a few minutes, sit back, and think, do that instead. Shutting down all abilities is an extreme step. It can always be reversed, but it will take some effort to open again. The section on personal changes discusses frightening experiences in detail.
Shutting Down
Shutdown happens when you focus all conscious thought toward the physical world. Become involved with other people, being social and discussing fun things. Do physical activity; walk around, stretch, jog, or do anything else that makes you more aware of your physical body. Let thoughts of the psychic experiences float away like a dream and stop worrying about them. If you like games, programming, writing, art, etc., do that. Do anything you can think of to keep yourself occupied, without memories of psychic experiences distracting you from it.
Returning to Psi
When you are ready to use psychic abilities again, start opening your perceptions as you would when you first practice any psychic ability. You can do this at any time, whenever you are comfortable and ready.
Dealing with Shock
Information and new experiences can be frightening. Try to find someone you trust to discuss things with. Realize that some of your perceptions may be inaccurate, especially if you were scared when you started.
If the perceptions really are true, what�s the absolute worst that could happen? Is the worst something life threatening? How likely is it to be true? How reasonable is it? If you received information about a person, is it something you have to tell them? Would they believe you, or would it be better to wait and see what happens?
Common Problems
Q: I can�t stay shut down.
A: Concentrate on the physical world. Don�t let memories distract you. Do something fun and involving, like watching a movie or reading a book. If you�re curious about your experiences, you may be too interested to ignore them. Make sure to stay as relaxed and calm as possible. If you feel insecure, try creating a shield instead.
* Ground and Center
* Relax, and focus on something fun
* You can stop psychic ability use when you choose to.
* You can restart psychic ability use when you choose to.
Grounding connects your energy to the earth in a stable, secure way. Ground to get rid of unwanted energy and take in clean, balanced energy. When you are well grounded, drawing energy through yourself is easier. Any time you are working with energy, grounding makes it easier.
Letting Go
First, let go of all the tension you can, relax your shoulders, calm yourself, and focus on what you are doing. Bring your attention to the current time and place. Let all the active energy you have release, and any that you don't want drain down off of you into the earth. Slow down and take a deep calm breath.
Extend your own energy down into the earth while keeping it also connected to you. Feel your energy as streamers or roots extending deep into the earth, as anchors. These roots balance your energy, so you're not dizzy, and they give and take energy to keep your overall level steady. When stressed, you may not anchor very well. Ground and stabilize your anchor to reduce the feelings of stress.
Releasing Negativity
Drain your unwanted energy down through the anchors into the earth. The more strongly you anchor, the better your energy balance will be. More energy will flow through you smoothly, without feelings of tightness or nervousness.
Common Problems
Q: I just don�t feel anything when I try to ground. Am I doing it? What�s happening?
A: Make sure you are relaxed, not scared, and not feeling defensive. Gently and playfully, reach toward the Earth with your feelings. If you are tense or scared, you won�t connect with the Earth very well. If you feel defensive, you will hold your energy in and stop it from flowing to the ground. You must share your energy generously with the Earth, and accept its energy connection to you.
Q: I am relaxed, and I think I might have grounded. How do I know if it worked?
A: Trust yourself. Look at how you are feeling. Do you feel connected and stable, or dizzy and uncertain? When you are strongly grounded, you will feel more confident and calm. Trust what you feel.
Q: I can ground for a moment, but then it slips away. How can I keep it there?
A: Practice. Notice how you feel when you are grounded. Then notice how you feel just as it starts to slip. Focus on staying stable and letting lots of energy flow between you and the earth. As you start to feel grounded, slide in deeper and more stable. Stay relaxed; don�t let the excitement of success stop you from enjoying the feeling and staying grounded.
* Let go of old energy and tension
* Anchor to the ground
* Balance your energy
* You can feel when you are grounded or not.
* You can ground when you decide to.
* Your grounding is stable, strong, and relaxed.
* You can stay grounded for at least 5 minutes comfortably.
Centering means finding your own identity and essence. This is you, separate from the influences of societal expectations and pressures. It can enhance shielding or make them unnecessary. It allows you to perceive energy clearly. It keeps you emotionally stable as you encounter new things.
Finding Center
Finding your center will be easiest when alone. Find some quiet time, where you can be alone for at least 30 minutes. Do what you can to prevent interruptions. Turn off the TV, radio, etc. Turn off the telephone ringer and let an answering machine answer instead.
Sit quietly for a few minutes, just breathing and noticing yourself. Pay attention to how you feel and why. Let each feeling surface and then pass on without judgement. Recognize your stream of thought and let it flow. Notice how your body feels and looks, and any tension you are carrying. Notice your daydreams, ideas, and everything that is a part of you.
Also, notice anything you are feeling that may be imposed on you by others. Look for tension, pressure, or expectations. Notice how you have reacted to them, and what your feelings are in response. There's no need to change anything unless you want to. Just be aware of these things. Consider the things you want separate from the things others want for you.
As you do this, you will get a stronger feeling of yourself. With time, you'll recognize more quickly what is a part of who you are, and what is temporary or societal. This will help prevent empathic flooding, and increase control of energy work you do.
Staying Centered in Crowds
With practice, you will be able to pause for a few seconds to center yourself in almost any circumstance. If you tend to be susceptible to empathic overload, staying centered in crowds will reduce the flooding. It may take practice to get good at, but will help significantly.
You may find that you have trouble staying centered around certain people. Their pushiness, their ideas, and their feelings overwhelm you. When you notice this happening, strengthen your grounding and centering. Stay as strong, stable, and calm as you can. Once you learn to shield, you may also want to add a shield around yourself. The shield will keep your energy separate from theirs, and give you more distance from them. The section on shields discusses this in more detail.
Common Problems
Q: I try to find center, but I�m not sure what�s me. How do I figure it out?
A: Spend several hours, or if possible, a few days alone doing hobbies. Read a book, or do any activities you enjoy. Creative or imaginative activities are the best. Look back over photographs of your childhood or the past few years. Look around your home at the things you own, and consider why you chose them. All of these things help you feel yourself. Make sure you get plenty of time alone to daydream and think.
Q: I start to find center, and then I lose it again. I can�t stay centered for more than a minute or two. Every time I go where someone else is around, I lose it. What should I do?
A: Start out by centering for a long time while alone. Practice that until it feels comfortable and familiar. Watch out for getting too involved in other people�s emotions. Make sure you recognize and understand your own emotions thoroughly. Remind yourself of what is you when you are around other people.
* Ground your energy.
* Recognize yourself and your thoughts
* Recognize thoughts imposed by others
* Focus on yourself
* You can feel when you are centered or not.
* You can center when you decide to.
* Your centering is stable, strong, and relaxed.
* You can stay centered for at least 5 minutes comfortably.
Drawing Energy
Psychic energy is a strengthening, encouraging energy that exists in nature. You will need psychic energy to use psychic abilities. Energy comes from many sources, including the sun, moon, earth, nature, water, wind, storms, fire, emotions, and movement. People carry energy with them at all times. However, this energy can become drained as you use your abilities. Because of this, having other energy sources to draw from can help you avoid getting too tired.
Choose a Source
Choose an energy source you enjoy to draw energy from. Feel energy from that source flowing into you. You can picture it as a garden hose pouring energy into you, or as a waterfall all around you. You might picture it as light surrounding and filling you, or a fire warming you. The energy surrounds and fills you, raising your energy to a much stronger level.
As you feel the energy flow through you, relax and focus on staying balanced. Don�t hold the energy in; let it flow through. Bottling it up will stop the flow. Raise the energy strength as far as you can comfortably go. Then, hold the energy flow at that speed and strength for a few minutes. Practice holding it stable.
Too Much Energy
If you begin to feel lightheaded, imagine a connection into the ground to let go of the excess energy. Lightheadedness usually means that you have too much energy and need to let some of it go back into the earth, like grounding an electrical system. As you draw energy, take only what feels appropriate. Don't force it; just gently draw the energy. Forcing it will only make it more difficult to get the right amount of energy.
When you are done, you will want to finish comfortably. Direct the energy flow back into the ground. Let the intensity gradually reduce. Send the energy securely into the ground, and bring yourself back to a normal state of mind. Close it down until it feels fully settled. Then let go of the final bit, and relax.
Common Problems
Q: I don�t feel anything. Am I drawing any energy?
A: Until you feel something, it�s hard to tell. Pay attention to subtle feelings. Are you actually not feeling anything, or do you just doubt what you feel? If you feel even slight tingles or pressure, you are probably drawing energy. Relax and be playful. Imagine drawing energy, even if you aren�t sure you are succeeding. When you�ve imagined it for a while, and imagined feeling it, you will succeed in actually drawing energy.
Q: I feel that I�m drawing energy, but it�s uneven and difficult to hold. How do I make it smoother?
A: First, relax. You may be trying too hard to control it. Let it flow naturally at its own speed. Get rid of any muscle tension you have by stretching and moving around, and then try again. Make sure you are breathing smoothly and deeply. Increase the energy flow as you breathe in, and keep it flowing steady as you breathe out.
Q: I was drawing energy smoothly for a while, and then it wobbled and stopped. Why did it wobble?
A: You probably got tense or excited, and lost your grounding. Ground and center, and then try again. Be sure to stay relaxed and playful.
* Ground and Center
* Choose a source
* Pull energy through
* Stay balanced
* You can feel the energy you draw through yourself.
* Drawing energy is smooth, without wobbles or abrupt changes.
* You�re relaxed and familiar with feeling the energy flow.
Creating Psiballs
Psiballs are balls of psychic energy. They can be any size, density, shape, texture, etc. They can be used to carry information, investigate an area, heal, warm, or cool an area, or simply to play with and to practice energy control.
Shaping Energy
Draw energy and direct it outward through your hands. Cup your hands as if you were holding a baseball or a ball of cookie dough, with one hand below it and one above it. Picture the energy flowing from your body, through your arms, and out through your hands.
Feel the energy swirling and building up between your hands. Make the energy into a ball between your hands, making it denser as you add energy. It doesn't matter whether your eyes are open or closed - do whichever is comfortable for you.
Let yourself feel the energy between your hands. Notice any push or pull between your hands, any difference in heat, changing density of the air, sparks of light, waviness of the background behind the energy ball, or anything else that changes.
If you have difficulty creating a strong enough psiball to feel, try drawing more energy and adding that energy to it. It may take practice to make a strong enough psiball to physically see waviness in the air, but you should be able to feel it quickly. Do not worry if you only feel it, and can not see it; that is normal. You may feel a lot of heat between your hands; this means you have drawn energy through them properly.
The sensations you feel may be very slight: tingles, pressure, or tightness. Trust your sensations. You're learning both to shape energy and to perceive it, at once. Both take some time to gain confidence with. If you think you felt something, you probably did.
Learning Control
After you are comfortable making a psiball, try working with friends. Each person starts by creating his or her own psiball. Then combine all of the psiballs into the center of the circle. Each person continues to add energy to the center. After a few minutes, discuss how each person perceives the energy. As a group, try changing the temperature or the density of the energy.
Practice regularly to improve your speed at creating psiballs and your control of them. As you become more comfortable making them, try variations. Make shapes other than a ball; try fire, a pool of water, a crystal, and any other shape you can imagine. Try changing the temperature of the energy, making it extra warm or extra cool. Make the energy carry different emotions, being agitated, or soothing. If you have a willing partner, try using an energy ball to tickle them.
Make a large energy ball of happy energy, and cover a friend in it. If you do it with a willing friend, but at a time they don't know what's happening, you can see how strongly it affects how they feel. (This often has the effect of making the receiver very happy and bouncy, as if they've had too much sugar or caffeine.) The energy can also be used to heal, by keeping the intention of healing as you create the ball and share the energy with someone.
Psiballs don't have many "practical" uses - their primary purpose is to learn basic energy perception and control. Beyond that, they can be used in all the same ways any energy can.
Common Problems
Q: I was able to make a psiball once, but it was weak and I can't do it anymore.
A: Try drawing more energy to make the psiballs. Since you were able to do it once, you have the technique, just not the strength. Let things happen gently, without forcing them, and be sure you are adding enough energy to make a strong psiball.
Q: I have drawn energy and tried to shape it, but I don't feel any energy ball forming.
A: Either you are not creating an energy ball, or you cannot feel the one that is there. First, open up your mind to feel any sensations around the ball, no matter how small. If you feel no sensations at all, try putting much more energy into the energy ball. It may take many times the amount of energy you expected. Also, let the energy leave your body; don't hold it in. Focus on letting go of it as it swirls around between your hands.
Q: I can make an energy ball but it immediately falls apart, or just doesn't do what I want it to.
A: Energy follows thought, so practice keeping your mind focused on the one thing you want the energy to do. As you practice, learn to keep your mind focused even through distractions. What you think and expect is what the energy will do, so as you practice, expect the energy ball to last longer and longer, until you decide to let it stop existing. You may need to continuously add energy to keep the psiball in shape.
* Ground and Center
* Draw energy
* Shape the energy
* Notice any sensations
* Ground the energy
* You can draw and shape energy into a ball.
* You can see, feel, or sense the presence of the energy ball.
* You can create the ball when you choose.
* You can get rid of the ball when you choose.
A shield is a bubble of energy that works like a window screen. It filters the energy that moves through it and defends against other�s negative energy. It also prevents people with psychic abilities from using them with you. Shields help empaths keep others' emotions separate from their own.
Begin by clearly thinking through your purpose for the shield. Why do you want a shield? What exactly do you want it to do? Will it keep out all energy, or just bad energy? Will it be temporary, or will it be permanent? Will it only be defensive, or will it attack in response to negative energy?
Once you have a clear intent, begin drawing energy and swirling it around you. Picture the energy as anything you wish. Common visualizations are soap bubbles, waterfalls, balls of light, fire, trees/vines, crystals, feathered wings or fur, tank metal, and armor. Choose an image that you enjoy thinking about and that isn�t cramped or heavy. Swirl the energy around you.
When you feel the shield is strong enough, let go. It will maintain itself with whatever purpose you gave it as you created it. If the shield depletes over time, repeat to add more energy.
A shield can have many effects, alone or in combination. A shield can keep energy on one side or the other, or act as a filter to allow only certain energy inside. It can convert energy from one form to another so that a filter is unnecessary. Shields help empaths keep out some of the extra emotional energy so they don't feel overwhelmed.
Shields also define boundaries in the physical world, which people will usually not to cross. Often they won�t even realize why they stopped there. The edge of a shield works as a psychic alarm. When someone physically crosses it, the shield gives the owner a psychic warning that someone is nearby.
Shields cause any effects you intend them to have when you create them. Just like any psychic ability, energy follows thought. Whatever you think about when you create the shield affects how it is created. Shield effects are not at all limited to what is listed here; anything you can think of, you can do.
Stress sometimes interferes with maintaining a shield. Under normal circumstances, a shield maintains itself for quite a while. However, large amounts of negative energy, attacks, illness, and lack of sleep all weaken a shield. This section explains how to maintain a shield under stressful conditions.
Daily Stress
Daily stress is the most common difficulty with shielding. While a shield often prevents psychic energy from adding to the stress, eventually the shield weakens. More rest, planned time alone, meditation, and avoiding stress are the best cures. Daily or weekly meditation replenishes a drained shield and helps relax you.
Empathic Overload
Empathic overload is similar to, but can be more intense than, normal stress. Large crowds, schools, and cities are filled with intense emotional energy. Empaths who are particularly sensitive to this learn to build very strong shields to keep other people's emotions separate from their own. The first few days of an emotionally intense environment can be particularly tiring if the empath has not yet made a strong enough shield.
Meditation and self-examination are important to protect from the empathic pounding of emotionally intense environments. Meditation helps relieve the stress and emotional energy in a controlled way. It also gives time to identify the difference between empathic emotions and personal emotions. By identifying yourself carefully (especially emotionally), you add an extra layer to the shield which defines "self" and "other." This helps external emotions bounce off harmlessly.
Electromagnetic Fields
Sometimes electromagnetic fields, from power lines or electronic equipment, can tear at a shield and cause it to weaken. If a person has grown up near power lines, his or her shield may already be adjusted to compensate.
For people who have just entered electric fields, though, it can be rather intense. Experiment with drawing energy from the field and changing it into a more useful form of energy. Also, try matching your own energy to the existing electricity. With some practice, adjusting your shield to that energy takes little effort.
Psychic Battle
Shields also become weakened by psychic battles. Though most people will never need to deal with this, some can't avoid it. They may have known they were dealing with it before ever reading a book on psychic abilities. Shielding is a natural defense to psychic attacks.
During psychic battle, people hold their shields in place by willpower and energy. Willpower controls the shield the most. Calm confidence is the best way to prevent a shield from being drained. If you are uncomfortable trusting in your own endurance, trust in the universe to do what is best for you, whether or not that is protection.
If the shield does feeling drained, draw additional energy from a comfortable source to replenish it. Keep drawing until you know you are safe. If you cannot hold up the strength any longer, place your psychic self some place safe (or even shut down) to avoid being attacked. A safe place is any place, real or imagined, where you feel secure. Attack rarely causes any symptoms worse than a headache, but headaches can be bad. Avoiding fighting is best.
Common Problems
For this, and all future skills, first check your grounding and centering. You should be strongly grounded, and strongly centered. You also need relax and avoid pressuring yourself.
Q: I can�t get a shield created. I can�t stay focused.
A: Ground, center, and relax. Draw energy just as you would to create a psiball. Instead of directing it through your hands, direct it outward around your body, as if you are inside the ball. If you want, use your hands to trace out the size and shape of the shield in the air. Add energy until you feel it strengthen and hold its shape.
Q: I can create a shield but it�s not very durable. How do I strengthen it?
A: Your shield strength is very closely tied to your grounding and centering. Be sure they are both very strong and stable. Relax and stay playful. Your shield should be somewhat flexible, not brittle. Keep it flowing and swirling around you.
Q: There�s unhappy energy inside of my shield. When I put my shield up, I feel bad, or I feel like there�s something stuck inside.
A: Drop the shield for a minute, and push away the energy you don�t like. Clear the space around you. Before you put up a shield, push a lot of energy out away from you. Start the shield tiny inside of you, and make grow bigger like a balloon until it�s around you. This prevents energy from being trapped inside it.
Q: My shields are fine until I enter a particular room, and then they wobble or fail. What�s going on?
A: Other people may be affecting your shields, either purposely or accidentally. Staying grounded and well centered will help that. You also may be getting interference from power lines, or an electromagnetic field. Adjust your energy to match it, instead of fighting it, and the shield will work again.
* Ground and Center.
* Choose the shield�s purpose.
* Draw energy.
* Swirl it around you until stable.
* Let go and ground.
* You can create a shield when you want to.
* You can control the strength of the shield.
* You can control what the shield keeps out and lets in.
* You can control the texture and visualization of the shield.
* The shield does what you tell it to.
I don't understand why you all have to be so mean and nasty to the anonymous poster of Satanic material. It has been highly enlightening for me and I am now going to become a Satanist because of it.
I had sex with my demon last night and I can tell you that it was the most incedible experience I have had in my sixteen short years in this physical realm. It was so intense I soaked the bed all the way through to the matress and I am actually dehydrated from losing so much fluid.
I know none of you so-called men could ever provide me with the same experience. Most men are just interested in getting their rocks off and could care less about a woman's sexual needs. My demon understands my needs and knows how to please me in ways I didn't even know were possible.
Thank you once again anonymous Satan poster for leading me down this path to true fulfillment. You're a good person and it hurts me to see the others here attack you like they do.
Shutdown means stopping all psychic activity, totally but temporarily. Closing all psychic perceptions lets you stop to understand what you have experienced. It helps you recover from emotional surprise or shock and return to reality.
When psychic experiences frighten you, take a step back and relax. Breathe. Consider whether you really need to shut down, or whether you�d do better to think things over. Shutting down means you will have to completely stop thinking about what happened. Sometimes this may not be helpful.
If thinking about the experience bothers you too much, or makes your energy feel bad, go ahead and shut down for a while. If, instead, you can stop using the ability for a few minutes, sit back, and think, do that instead. Shutting down all abilities is an extreme step. It can always be reversed, but it will take some effort to open again. The section on personal changes discusses frightening experiences in detail.
Shutting Down
Shutdown happens when you focus all conscious thought toward the physical world. Become involved with other people, being social and discussing fun things. Do physical activity; walk around, stretch, jog, or do anything else that makes you more aware of your physical body. Let thoughts of the psychic experiences float away like a dream and stop worrying about them. If you like games, programming, writing, art, etc., do that. Do anything you can think of to keep yourself occupied, without memories of psychic experiences distracting you from it.
Returning to Psi
When you are ready to use psychic abilities again, start opening your perceptions as you would when you first practice any psychic ability. You can do this at any time, whenever you are comfortable and ready.
Dealing with Shock
Information and new experiences can be frightening. Try to find someone you trust to discuss things with. Realize that some of your perceptions may be inaccurate, especially if you were scared when you started.
If the perceptions really are true, what�s the absolute worst that could happen? Is the worst something life threatening? How likely is it to be true? How reasonable is it? If you received information about a person, is it something you have to tell them? Would they believe you, or would it be better to wait and see what happens?
Common Problems
Q: I can�t stay shut down.
A: Concentrate on the physical world. Don�t let memories distract you. Do something fun and involving, like watching a movie or reading a book. If you�re curious about your experiences, you may be too interested to ignore them. Make sure to stay as relaxed and calm as possible. If you feel insecure, try creating a shield instead.
* Ground and Center
* Relax, and focus on something fun
* You can stop psychic ability use when you choose to.
* You can restart psychic ability use when you choose to.
Grounding connects your energy to the earth in a stable, secure way. Ground to get rid of unwanted energy and take in clean, balanced energy. When you are well grounded, drawing energy through yourself is easier. Any time you are working with energy, grounding makes it easier.
Letting Go
First, let go of all the tension you can, relax your shoulders, calm yourself, and focus on what you are doing. Bring your attention to the current time and place. Let all the active energy you have release, and any that you don't want drain down off of you into the earth. Slow down and take a deep calm breath.
Extend your own energy down into the earth while keeping it also connected to you. Feel your energy as streamers or roots extending deep into the earth, as anchors. These roots balance your energy, so you're not dizzy, and they give and take energy to keep your overall level steady. When stressed, you may not anchor very well. Ground and stabilize your anchor to reduce the feelings of stress.
Releasing Negativity
Drain your unwanted energy down through the anchors into the earth. The more strongly you anchor, the better your energy balance will be. More energy will flow through you smoothly, without feelings of tightness or nervousness.
Common Problems
Q: I just don�t feel anything when I try to ground. Am I doing it? What�s happening?
A: Make sure you are relaxed, not scared, and not feeling defensive. Gently and playfully, reach toward the Earth with your feelings. If you are tense or scared, you won�t connect with the Earth very well. If you feel defensive, you will hold your energy in and stop it from flowing to the ground. You must share your energy generously with the Earth, and accept its energy connection to you.
Q: I am relaxed, and I think I might have grounded. How do I know if it worked?
A: Trust yourself. Look at how you are feeling. Do you feel connected and stable, or dizzy and uncertain? When you are strongly grounded, you will feel more confident and calm. Trust what you feel.
Q: I can ground for a moment, but then it slips away. How can I keep it there?
A: Practice. Notice how you feel when you are grounded. Then notice how you feel just as it starts to slip. Focus on staying stable and letting lots of energy flow between you and the earth. As you start to feel grounded, slide in deeper and more stable. Stay relaxed; don�t let the excitement of success stop you from enjoying the feeling and staying grounded.
* Let go of old energy and tension
* Anchor to the ground
* Balance your energy
* You can feel when you are grounded or not.
* You can ground when you decide to.
* Your grounding is stable, strong, and relaxed.
* You can stay grounded for at least 5 minutes comfortably.
Centering means finding your own identity and essence. This is you, separate from the influences of societal expectations and pressures. It can enhance shielding or make them unnecessary. It allows you to perceive energy clearly. It keeps you emotionally stable as you encounter new things.
Finding Center
Finding your center will be easiest when alone. Find some quiet time, where you can be alone for at least 30 minutes. Do what you can to prevent interruptions. Turn off the TV, radio, etc. Turn off the telephone ringer and let an answering machine answer instead.
Sit quietly for a few minutes, just breathing and noticing yourself. Pay attention to how you feel and why. Let each feeling surface and then pass on without judgement. Recognize your stream of thought and let it flow. Notice how your body feels and looks, and any tension you are carrying. Notice your daydreams, ideas, and everything that is a part of you.
Also, notice anything you are feeling that may be imposed on you by others. Look for tension, pressure, or expectations. Notice how you have reacted to them, and what your feelings are in response. There's no need to change anything unless you want to. Just be aware of these things. Consider the things you want separate from the things others want for you.
As you do this, you will get a stronger feeling of yourself. With time, you'll recognize more quickly what is a part of who you are, and what is temporary or societal. This will help prevent empathic flooding, and increase control of energy work you do.
Staying Centered in Crowds
With practice, you will be able to pause for a few seconds to center yourself in almost any circumstance. If you tend to be susceptible to empathic overload, staying centered in crowds will reduce the flooding. It may take practice to get good at, but will help significantly.
You may find that you have trouble staying centered around certain people. Their pushiness, their ideas, and their feelings overwhelm you. When you notice this happening, strengthen your grounding and centering. Stay as strong, stable, and calm as you can. Once you learn to shield, you may also want to add a shield around yourself. The shield will keep your energy separate from theirs, and give you more distance from them. The section on shields discusses this in more detail.
Common Problems
Q: I try to find center, but I�m not sure what�s me. How do I figure it out?
A: Spend several hours, or if possible, a few days alone doing hobbies. Read a book, or do any activities you enjoy. Creative or imaginative activities are the best. Look back over photographs of your childhood or the past few years. Look around your home at the things you own, and consider why you chose them. All of these things help you feel yourself. Make sure you get plenty of time alone to daydream and think.
Q: I start to find center, and then I lose it again. I can�t stay centered for more than a minute or two. Every time I go where someone else is around, I lose it. What should I do?
A: Start out by centering for a long time while alone. Practice that until it feels comfortable and familiar. Watch out for getting too involved in other people�s emotions. Make sure you recognize and understand your own emotions thoroughly. Remind yourself of what is you when you are around other people.
* Ground your energy.
* Recognize yourself and your thoughts
* Recognize thoughts imposed by others
* Focus on yourself
* You can feel when you are centered or not.
* You can center when you decide to.
* Your centering is stable, strong, and relaxed.
* You can stay centered for at least 5 minutes comfortably.
Drawing Energy
Psychic energy is a strengthening, encouraging energy that exists in nature. You will need psychic energy to use psychic abilities. Energy comes from many sources, including the sun, moon, earth, nature, water, wind, storms, fire, emotions, and movement. People carry energy with them at all times. However, this energy can become drained as you use your abilities. Because of this, having other energy sources to draw from can help you avoid getting too tired.
Choose a Source
Choose an energy source you enjoy to draw energy from. Feel energy from that source flowing into you. You can picture it as a garden hose pouring energy into you, or as a waterfall all around you. You might picture it as light surrounding and filling you, or a fire warming you. The energy surrounds and fills you, raising your energy to a much stronger level.
As you feel the energy flow through you, relax and focus on staying balanced. Don�t hold the energy in; let it flow through. Bottling it up will stop the flow. Raise the energy strength as far as you can comfortably go. Then, hold the energy flow at that speed and strength for a few minutes. Practice holding it stable.
Too Much Energy
If you begin to feel lightheaded, imagine a connection into the ground to let go of the excess energy. Lightheadedness usually means that you have too much energy and need to let some of it go back into the earth, like grounding an electrical system. As you draw energy, take only what feels appropriate. Don't force it; just gently draw the energy. Forcing it will only make it more difficult to get the right amount of energy.
When you are done, you will want to finish comfortably. Direct the energy flow back into the ground. Let the intensity gradually reduce. Send the energy securely into the ground, and bring yourself back to a normal state of mind. Close it down until it feels fully settled. Then let go of the final bit, and relax.
Common Problems
Q: I don�t feel anything. Am I drawing any energy?
A: Until you feel something, it�s hard to tell. Pay attention to subtle feelings. Are you actually not feeling anything, or do you just doubt what you feel? If you feel even slight tingles or pressure, you are probably drawing energy. Relax and be playful. Imagine drawing energy, even if you aren�t sure you are succeeding. When you�ve imagined it for a while, and imagined feeling it, you will succeed in actually drawing energy.
Q: I feel that I�m drawing energy, but it�s uneven and difficult to hold. How do I make it smoother?
A: First, relax. You may be trying too hard to control it. Let it flow naturally at its own speed. Get rid of any muscle tension you have by stretching and moving around, and then try again. Make sure you are breathing smoothly and deeply. Increase the energy flow as you breathe in, and keep it flowing steady as you breathe out.
Q: I was drawing energy smoothly for a while, and then it wobbled and stopped. Why did it wobble?
A: You probably got tense or excited, and lost your grounding. Ground and center, and then try again. Be sure to stay relaxed and playful.
* Ground and Center
* Choose a source
* Pull energy through
* Stay balanced
* You can feel the energy you draw through yourself.
* Drawing energy is smooth, without wobbles or abrupt changes.
* You�re relaxed and familiar with feeling the energy flow.
Creating Psiballs
Psiballs are balls of psychic energy. They can be any size, density, shape, texture, etc. They can be used to carry information, investigate an area, heal, warm, or cool an area, or simply to play with and to practice energy control.
Shaping Energy
Draw energy and direct it outward through your hands. Cup your hands as if you were holding a baseball or a ball of cookie dough, with one hand below it and one above it. Picture the energy flowing from your body, through your arms, and out through your hands.
Feel the energy swirling and building up between your hands. Make the energy into a ball between your hands, making it denser as you add energy. It doesn't matter whether your eyes are open or closed - do whichever is comfortable for you.
Let yourself feel the energy between your hands. Notice any push or pull between your hands, any difference in heat, changing density of the air, sparks of light, waviness of the background behind the energy ball, or anything else that changes.
If you have difficulty creating a strong enough psiball to feel, try drawing more energy and adding that energy to it. It may take practice to make a strong enough psiball to physically see waviness in the air, but you should be able to feel it quickly. Do not worry if you only feel it, and can not see it; that is normal. You may feel a lot of heat between your hands; this means you have drawn energy through them properly.
The sensations you feel may be very slight: tingles, pressure, or tightness. Trust your sensations. You're learning both to shape energy and to perceive it, at once. Both take some time to gain confidence with. If you think you felt something, you probably did.
Learning Control
After you are comfortable making a psiball, try working with friends. Each person starts by creating his or her own psiball. Then combine all of the psiballs into the center of the circle. Each person continues to add energy to the center. After a few minutes, discuss how each person perceives the energy. As a group, try changing the temperature or the density of the energy.
Practice regularly to improve your speed at creating psiballs and your control of them. As you become more comfortable making them, try variations. Make shapes other than a ball; try fire, a pool of water, a crystal, and any other shape you can imagine. Try changing the temperature of the energy, making it extra warm or extra cool. Make the energy carry different emotions, being agitated, or soothing. If you have a willing partner, try using an energy ball to tickle them.
Make a large energy ball of happy energy, and cover a friend in it. If you do it with a willing friend, but at a time they don't know what's happening, you can see how strongly it affects how they feel. (This often has the effect of making the receiver very happy and bouncy, as if they've had too much sugar or caffeine.) The energy can also be used to heal, by keeping the intention of healing as you create the ball and share the energy with someone.
Psiballs don't have many "practical" uses - their primary purpose is to learn basic energy perception and control. Beyond that, they can be used in all the same ways any energy can.
Common Problems
Q: I was able to make a psiball once, but it was weak and I can't do it anymore.
A: Try drawing more energy to make the psiballs. Since you were able to do it once, you have the technique, just not the strength. Let things happen gently, without forcing them, and be sure you are adding enough energy to make a strong psiball.
Q: I have drawn energy and tried to shape it, but I don't feel any energy ball forming.
A: Either you are not creating an energy ball, or you cannot feel the one that is there. First, open up your mind to feel any sensations around the ball, no matter how small. If you feel no sensations at all, try putting much more energy into the energy ball. It may take many times the amount of energy you expected. Also, let the energy leave your body; don't hold it in. Focus on letting go of it as it swirls around between your hands.
Q: I can make an energy ball but it immediately falls apart, or just doesn't do what I want it to.
A: Energy follows thought, so practice keeping your mind focused on the one thing you want the energy to do. As you practice, learn to keep your mind focused even through distractions. What you think and expect is what the energy will do, so as you practice, expect the energy ball to last longer and longer, until you decide to let it stop existing. You may need to continuously add energy to keep the psiball in shape.
* Ground and Center
* Draw energy
* Shape the energy
* Notice any sensations
* Ground the energy
* You can draw and shape energy into a ball.
* You can see, feel, or sense the presence of the energy ball.
* You can create the ball when you choose.
* You can get rid of the ball when you choose.
A shield is a bubble of energy that works like a window screen. It filters the energy that moves through it and defends against other�s negative energy. It also prevents people with psychic abilities from using them with you. Shields help empaths keep others' emotions separate from their own.
Begin by clearly thinking through your purpose for the shield. Why do you want a shield? What exactly do you want it to do? Will it keep out all energy, or just bad energy? Will it be temporary, or will it be permanent? Will it only be defensive, or will it attack in response to negative energy?
Once you have a clear intent, begin drawing energy and swirling it around you. Picture the energy as anything you wish. Common visualizations are soap bubbles, waterfalls, balls of light, fire, trees/vines, crystals, feathered wings or fur, tank metal, and armor. Choose an image that you enjoy thinking about and that isn�t cramped or heavy. Swirl the energy around you.
When you feel the shield is strong enough, let go. It will maintain itself with whatever purpose you gave it as you created it. If the shield depletes over time, repeat to add more energy.
A shield can have many effects, alone or in combination. A shield can keep energy on one side or the other, or act as a filter to allow only certain energy inside. It can convert energy from one form to another so that a filter is unnecessary. Shields help empaths keep out some of the extra emotional energy so they don't feel overwhelmed.
Shields also define boundaries in the physical world, which people will usually not to cross. Often they won�t even realize why they stopped there. The edge of a shield works as a psychic alarm. When someone physically crosses it, the shield gives the owner a psychic warning that someone is nearby.
Shields cause any effects you intend them to have when you create them. Just like any psychic ability, energy follows thought. Whatever you think about when you create the shield affects how it is created. Shield effects are not at all limited to what is listed here; anything you can think of, you can do.
Stress sometimes interferes with maintaining a shield. Under normal circumstances, a shield maintains itself for quite a while. However, large amounts of negative energy, attacks, illness, and lack of sleep all weaken a shield. This section explains how to maintain a shield under stressful conditions.
Daily Stress
Daily stress is the most common difficulty with shielding. While a shield often prevents psychic energy from adding to the stress, eventually the shield weakens. More rest, planned time alone, meditation, and avoiding stress are the best cures. Daily or weekly meditation replenishes a drained shield and helps relax you.
Empathic Overload
Empathic overload is similar to, but can be more intense than, normal stress. Large crowds, schools, and cities are filled with intense emotional energy. Empaths who are particularly sensitive to this learn to build very strong shields to keep other people's emotions separate from their own. The first few days of an emotionally intense environment can be particularly tiring if the empath has not yet made a strong enough shield.
Meditation and self-examination are important to protect from the empathic pounding of emotionally intense environments. Meditation helps relieve the stress and emotional energy in a controlled way. It also gives time to identify the difference between empathic emotions and personal emotions. By identifying yourself carefully (especially emotionally), you add an extra layer to the shield which defines "self" and "other." This helps external emotions bounce off harmlessly.
Electromagnetic Fields
Sometimes electromagnetic fields, from power lines or electronic equipment, can tear at a shield and cause it to weaken. If a person has grown up near power lines, his or her shield may already be adjusted to compensate.
For people who have just entered electric fields, though, it can be rather intense. Experiment with drawing energy from the field and changing it into a more useful form of energy. Also, try matching your own energy to the existing electricity. With some practice, adjusting your shield to that energy takes little effort.
Psychic Battle
Shields also become weakened by psychic battles. Though most people will never need to deal with this, some can't avoid it. They may have known they were dealing with it before ever reading a book on psychic abilities. Shielding is a natural defense to psychic attacks.
During psychic battle, people hold their shields in place by willpower and energy. Willpower controls the shield the most. Calm confidence is the best way to prevent a shield from being drained. If you are uncomfortable trusting in your own endurance, trust in the universe to do what is best for you, whether or not that is protection.
If the shield does feeling drained, draw additional energy from a comfortable source to replenish it. Keep drawing until you know you are safe. If you cannot hold up the strength any longer, place your psychic self some place safe (or even shut down) to avoid being attacked. A safe place is any place, real or imagined, where you feel secure. Attack rarely causes any symptoms worse than a headache, but headaches can be bad. Avoiding fighting is best.
Common Problems
For this, and all future skills, first check your grounding and centering. You should be strongly grounded, and strongly centered. You also need relax and avoid pressuring yourself.
Q: I can�t get a shield created. I can�t stay focused.
A: Ground, center, and relax. Draw energy just as you would to create a psiball. Instead of directing it through your hands, direct it outward around your body, as if you are inside the ball. If you want, use your hands to trace out the size and shape of the shield in the air. Add energy until you feel it strengthen and hold its shape.
Q: I can create a shield but it�s not very durable. How do I strengthen it?
A: Your shield strength is very closely tied to your grounding and centering. Be sure they are both very strong and stable. Relax and stay playful. Your shield should be somewhat flexible, not brittle. Keep it flowing and swirling around you.
Q: There�s unhappy energy inside of my shield. When I put my shield up, I feel bad, or I feel like there�s something stuck inside.
A: Drop the shield for a minute, and push away the energy you don�t like. Clear the space around you. Before you put up a shield, push a lot of energy out away from you. Start the shield tiny inside of you, and make grow bigger like a balloon until it�s around you. This prevents energy from being trapped inside it.
Q: My shields are fine until I enter a particular room, and then they wobble or fail. What�s going on?
A: Other people may be affecting your shields, either purposely or accidentally. Staying grounded and well centered will help that. You also may be getting interference from power lines, or an electromagnetic field. Adjust your energy to match it, instead of fighting it, and the shield will work again.
* Ground and Center.
* Choose the shield�s purpose.
* Draw energy.
* Swirl it around you until stable.
* Let go and ground.
* You can create a shield when you want to.
* You can control the strength of the shield.
* You can control what the shield keeps out and lets in.
* You can control the texture and visualization of the shield.
* The shield does what you tell it to.
Instead of controlling us it set us FREE.
From what I heard Real LSD hasn't been around for decades. I recall Leary saying something about that.
My personal drug-induced trip has always been known as the scopolamine trip. Real heavy, empty, clammy gut experience. But wow, the fractal electron transport chain images were great.
Wait, that was the mushroom trip. Nevermind. The scopolamine trip was just the creepy, clammy, empty gut feeling I had doing "LSD" with a bunch of idiots that had no business doing these objects.
Dear WayTooStoned:
THanks for quoting the Mossadpedia as a reference. It is SO reliable, especially when it comes to informed analysis. My favorite section of the Mossadpedia is the one where it lists all the heroes and medal winners of the Mossad. Yes, that is certainly as objective a source for accurate information in the world as exists today.
Anyone like you, who has his last two remaining neurons connected by a spirochete in the calvarial space that may have once enclosed a functioning brain, who can write that the Bohemian Club/Bohemian Grove is just a "postgraduate fraternity" must himself be bending over butt naked in front of the idol Moloch and taking it up the ass from some slimy geezer while watching the babies burn.
Yes, you and Shulgin surely deserve each other.
Andy Weil has no more devised "an entire school of medicine" than you or the late Robert Anton Wilson have. You are all three shuckers and jivers and phonies, not to mention shills for the imperium.
If your last two remaining, but obviously quickly fading neurons which are connected by that thriving spirochete, weren't so encrusted with ganja and God knows what else, you might be able to string one coherent thought together.
But you can't.
I was wrong. You are not a nice bloke.
You are a fetid asshole.
Anonymous said...
Speaking of changing the past, I'm surprised someone hasn't mentioned yet Philip K. Dick's Man in the High Castle.
7:33 PM
"Syn Diesel said...
Re: reincarnation. Deepak Chopra was on the Colbert Repore selling his new book. Interesting watch: http://www.chopra.com/124149.html
Do we all assume, if reincarnation is "real," that it is also "really" linear? Maybe reincarnation works backward http://www.simulation-argument.com/ , or works in the here-and-now present? http://www.greylodge.org/occultreview/glor_010/dick_world.htm Or maybe it's wrong to say WE die, but rather just change our fractal machine (s)elf dance? http://www.edge.org/q2006/q06_3.html#rucker
What was it that the old Indian lady said? [i]"You have no idea how difficult it is to be reincarnated as a human..."[/i]
Some more as-above, so-below... http://www.miqel.com/space_photos_maps/galactic_info/position-of-milky-way-in-virgo-supercluster.html (the universe is a crystalline bubble)"
You are a fetid asshole
Yeah, sure, sometimes. But at least I can back up my arguments with references and I don't judge others without picking out the mote in my eye first...
I notice that when challenged you resort to a very limited vocabulary and baseless opinion rather than refute the facts.
How typical of the small minded.
All that your drivel demonstrates is that your discernment is entirely lacking, and consists of groundless, fantastical speclation and judgining others without any verifiable facts.
Why should anyone think your opinion is correct when you have nothing to back up your jack-ass assertions?
Very Rigorous, indeed. (/not)
Keep on using only your bloated ego to perceive the world and you will exit it(eventually) just as ignorant and mean-spirited as you came in...
I actually produce something real, tangible and valued in this world so I don't have much more time to waste on your intellectual dishonesty and general dimness but just to prove once again you misunderstand and mischaracterize what you read (along with eschewing posting relevant links or quotes or provable facts)and then make assinine judgements I offer the following final link and graf.
Andy Weil has no more devised "an entire school of medicine
No, that's not what I wrote, but in essence you are still wrong:
Arizona Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research Training Program
ACAMRTP, A National Research Service Award (NRSA)
Institutional Training Grant Program
Funded by the NIH/NCCAM
Application Process
(Choose the above link for information regarding the application process and stipends.)
The Program in Integrative Medicine (PIM) now offers an interdisciplinary clinical research training experience to prepare outstanding research scientists for academic careers in Complementary & Alternative Medicine/Integrative Medicine.
The conceptual foundation for ACAMRTP is a systems theory-driven approach emphasizing that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts...{etc}
Andy serves as Dean of this School and he was the a major part of the impetus to start it. Although, obviously to everyone beside mind moron, he is not the only force behind the school.
You've never met Sasha or Ann (or been to the bohemian grove) but you're sure they are baby eaters?
Well, I've never met you and I can't be sure of anything other than you are dumb (but that is based on quotes you've provided).
Enough, I'm done with you and whatever pathetic attempt at a flame you make in response will merely further demonstrate your fundamental studpidity and egocentrism...
TooStoned's best friend said...
fetid assholes?
Considering the way the sky can be exploited by the world, you're part of the reason we need to get a real job. OK, goodnight. Dammit people.
Look at that, will ya'. :-)
It is in Cosmic Trigger I, the first volume of R.A.Wilson's autobiographical trilogy wherein he gives the approving wink and the nod to Crowley and pederasty. Your adversary Mind Meld must've smoked too much ganja in his day, like you do now, dipshit.
Bohemian Grove a "postgraduate fraternity"? Well, yeah, a fraternity of practicing satanists and child killers, for starters.
You must've smoked too much DMT and PCP. Ganja alone couldn't have made you so stupid or deluded.
Or maybe it could have.
George Soros, billionaire currency trader who almost bankrupted the country of Malaysia in one day, famously said the reason why he is the single largest benefactor of the marijuana legalization movements is because "Marijuana makes people stupid. That's good for me in what I do....less competition."
Want fries with that?
Syn Diesel- My sentiments exactly. I'm just on a brief lunch break to joust with the windmills for the moment, but as Marcy Garvey said, "if you can't find a job don't blame the (White) Man, Make a Job.
To my only other friend:
With friends like you, who needs enemies?
It is in Cosmic Trigger I, the first volume of R.A.Wilson's autobiographical trilogy wherein he gives the approving wink and the nod to Crowley and pederasty.
I haven't read that book in 15 years (call it long term memory lost), so if you are going to deconstruct it I'd appreciate the quote and page number to determine if what you say may be true or if your just making shit up.
Providing refernces to support your contentions is an integral part of being rigorous...
Bohemian Grove a "postgraduate fraternity"? Well, yeah, a fraternity of practicing satanists and child killers, for starters
Yeah sure, whatever you say. But could I bother you for some verifiable factum to support your accusations?
Not every Freemason is part of the AMA plot to immanitize the eschalon, and I am certain at the gatherings at the grove that Sasha has attended no anal sex or baby sacrificing is going on in front of the rank and file.
I don't deny that secret societies of elites are problematic, and they are demonstratbly undemocratic at their roots. They very well may serve as recruiting grounds for those who would participate in such truly deviant activities, but most of the rank and file never know or take part. I don't know though, because I don't have enough data points to say with complete assurity. But Occams Razor tells me my estimation of prevelance of pederastry is likely to be true.
George Soros, billionaire currency trader who almost bankrupted the country of Malaysia in one day, famously said the reason why he is the single largest benefactor of the marijuana legalization movements is because "Marijuana makes people stupid. That's good for me in what I do....less competition."
George Soros should not be anyone's role model. I learnt all the way back in Prep School as a scholarship student (during the last ice age) that the ultra rich are weird and not to be trusted, but again I ask for a link or some other way of backing up what you say with something independantly verifiable.
Or would you eminent scholars prefer to BS and spew invective?
BTW Ganja doesn't kill brain cells, and may actually spur their growth:
A synthetic chemical similar to the active ingredient in marijuana makes new cells grow in rat brains. What is more, in rats this cell growth appears to be linked with reducing anxiety and depression. The results suggest that marijuana, or its derivatives, could actually be good for the brain.
Email (and ostensibly posting on message boards) may actually be worse for your brain
The distractions of constant emails, text and phone messages are a greater threat to IQ and concentration than taking cannabis, according to a survey of befuddled volunteers.
Doziness, lethargy and an increasing inability to focus reached "startling" levels in the trials by 1,100 people, who also demonstrated that emails in particular have an addictive, drug-like grip.
Respondents' minds were all over the place as they faced new questions and challenges every time an email dropped into their inbox. Productivity at work was damaged...
I want to apologize to all the thoughtful posters who have had to waste their time scrolling through my tiffs with the Meanie Morons.
I just can't let Ignorance and Hatred stand unopposed.
BTW I can go and dig up peer reviewed hard science journals to back up my claims about cannabis if anyone needs them...
Well, I'm off to do something constructive for myself and others (aka "work).
Al rato vatos
Satanism =Fat people Fucking!
Where do we go now? oh sweet child o'mine.
Americas lost prophet W.A.Rose.
Chinese Democracy can you dig it!
Thank You All
Those both + and -
We apparently got the beast in us all.
Everyone who helped in Our Experiment w/ using the pc in combination w/ our powers of the mind.
Fact not Fiction
Thoughtform inkling dissolve into the akasha.
It (the spell word)
came up quite often in the tread as you can see giving it even more power by those unaware.
for the anal.
Thanks for showing your true colors.
You're not a moron, just a shill for the PTB
Boho Grove is notorious for what you deny it is. There are scads of photos in the Stanford U. archives showing child hanging and burning.
And then there are all those films at infowars.com
(Ilk) dissolve into the akasha.
You helped to prove my point.
It's kinda creepy to be biting troll bait on the (temporaneous) death of a bright mind, so I'll be brief in response to the person who so aggressively mislaid his facts. Wilson's daughter, Luna, was murdered; the interesting part of your sneering contempt for those with suicided relatives is the judgmental, smug, and dogmatic callowness it displays. No wonder you hate Bob--you're just the sort of person he exposed. The rest of your complaints are base and hollow slander. Bob never advocated anything except thinking for yourself. I did like the weed-makes-you-stupid meme, though. (Aren't we lucky there's a perpetual War On Us, I mean Drugs?)
For those who didn't miss the point of Wilson's thought, here's a few tidbits.
from the eulogy by R.U. Sirius:
For this cosmic cub scout, Bob Wilson was the motherload. Books like The Illuminatus! Trilogy, Cosmic Trigger, and Coincidance killed most of what little dogmatism I had left in me, and opened me up to a world of possibilities as large as space travel and as small as quantum physics.
For those who don't know Wilson, here's a sample that should resonate with those whose intuition is not averse to rigorousness. Excerpts from Never Whistle While You're Pissing (by Hagbard Celine, from the Illuminatus! Trilogy, Seventh Trip, or Netzach ([the SNAFU Principle]):
The most thoroughly and relentlessly Damned, banned, excluded, condemned, forbidden, ostracized, ignore, suppressed, repressed, robbed, brutalized and defamed of all Damned Things is the individual human being.
Human society can be structured either according to the principle of authority or according to the principle of liberty. Authority is a static social configuration in which people act as superiors and inferiors: a sado- masochistic relationship. Liberty is a dynamic social configuration in which people act as equals: an erotic relationship. In every interaction between people, either Authority or Liberty is the dominant factor. Families, churches, lodges, clubs and corporations are either more authoritarian than libertarian or more libertarian than authoritarian. It becomes obvious as we proceed that the most pugnacious and intolerant form of authority is the State, which even today dares to assume absolutism which the church itself has long ago surrendered and to enforce obedience with the Church's old and shameful Inquisition. Every form of authoritarianism is, however, a small "State," even if it has a membership of only two. Freud's remark to the effect that the delusion of many men is religion can be generalized: The authoritarianism of one man is crime and the authoritarianism of many is State. Benjamin Tucker wrote quite accurately:
Aggression is simply another name for government. Aggression, invasion, government are interchangeable terms. The essence of government is control, or the attempt to control. He who attempts to control another is a governor, an aggressor, an invader; and the nature of such invasion is not changed, whether it be made by one man upon another man, after the manner of the ordinary criminal, or by one man upon all other men, after the manner of an absolute monarch, or by all other men upon one man, after the manner of a modern democracy.
Tucker's use of the word "invasion" is remarkably precise, considering that he wrote more than fifty years before the basic discovery of ethology. Every act of authority is, in fact, an invasion of the psychic and physical territory of another.
Every fact of science was once Damned. Every invention was considered impossible. Every discovery was a nervous shock to some orthodoxy. Every artistic innovation was denounced as fraud and folly. The entire web of culture and "progress," everything on earth that is man-made and not given to us by nature, is the concrete manifestation of some man's refusal to bow to Authority. We would own no more, know no more, and be no more than the first apelike hominids if it were not for the rebellious, the recalcitrant, and the intransigent. As Oscar Wilde truly said, "Disobedience was man's Original Virtue."
Finally, the last words of the man who was wise enough to never take himself seriously:
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night
Various medical authorities swarm in and out of here predicting I have between two days and two months to live. I think they are guessing. I remain cheerful and unimpressed. I look forward without dogmatic optimism but without dread. I love you all and I deeply implore you to keep the lasagna flying.
Please pardon my levity, I don't see how to take death seriously. It seems absurd.
Quite alright, Bob. We could always use a little of that. (As in lighten up, people. This heavy, fecal fuming ain't the kind of party Mr. Wilson's ghost is likely to show up at, now is it?)
I loved Bob, and consider him to be of the positive polarity of the luciferic impulse. Still I seek to balance order and liberty so as to reduce reactive mind entanglements with others.
The modern man that has visited expresses notions that ties him to a static worldview. I.E. ‘If you do not think the way I think, well you are doing the work of the devil.’ When in fact, by taking man made dogma, and selling it as being 'the word of God'; he blasphemes God.
A more proper order for things will become apparent when we see, through our inherent creativity, new ways for applying substance to our forms. (New forms will be found also, to properly contain greater substance.)
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