Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Demon Was an Idea (Part One)

The demon was an idea; the demon is awake - "Unmarked Helicopters"

In The Politics and Experience of Ritual Abuse (highly recommended, by the way, for those who find the field overrepresented by religious agendas and credulous conspiratainments), British sociologist Sara Scott describes her book as "stories speaking to arguments." Any account that contravenes deep assumptions about the world will have a hard time getting a respectful hearing from someone who can argue that it couldn't possibly be. To such people, even if the impossible were to happen before their eyes, it wouldn't happen behind their eyes - their experience would likely be either mediated by denial or suspended by their presumption of nonsense.

Scott writes that according "truth status" to difficult stories involves "ideas of rigour and clarity and a willingness to be hospitable to facts that could be more comfortably ignored." Assumptions and the arguments that support them are typically closed loops which very comfortably ignore facts - or "anomalies," or "swamp gas" - that fall without them. Scott herself for years adopted the dominant "moral panic" position, until her arguments were overpowered by the verisimilitude of survivors' accounts:

I first remember reading the term "ritual abuse" in newspaper reports...in 1989. Allegations of children being taken to "witch parties" and being given "funny drinks" seemed faintly ridiculous. I was annoyed and faintly dismissive - I "knew" what sexual abuse was, who did it and why; I "knew" it had precious little to do with "devil worship"....

I still have those "black magic" moments when I cringe...and have to remind myself that abuse is no less awful because it has such tacky trappings. Indeed, the idea of surrounding child rape with tawdry occultism may be an additional indignity with which survivors must contend.... When I look back towards the early 1990s, it is almost impossible to grasp how much my life was disrupted by coming to know about ritual abuse, or to really remember the fear, anxiety and confusion that enveloped my world.

It's not so long ago for me, so I can still remember how unwelcome this material was, and how unaccommodating my worldview. Because if this were true, it was going to overthrow everything. And a measure of its truthfulness, unlike that of lifeless argument, is its lifelikeness. Scott writes that "what counts as evidence, validity and representativeness in assessing life narratives has to be conceived in terms of the adequacy and authenticity of descriptions." This is, I believe, what Corydon Hammond meant to express in his suppressed address at a 1992 conference sponsored by The Psychiatric Institute of Washington when he said, "when you have people in different states, including therapists inquiring and asking, 'What is Theta,' and patients say to them, 'Psychic killers,' it tends to make one a believer that certain things are very systematic and very widespread."

Survivor "Kate" told Scott how, when she was 10, she was prostituted in army barracks. ("My father was still in the military at that time. Most of my clients were army, army men, and I actually had regulars at that age.") Survivor "Sophie" spoke of trips to Belgium to participate in different levels of pornographic production. ("...a higher class definitely.... It's just completely different stuff and all the equipment that they've got is much posher as well.") Sophie also described the bifurcation of belief states between the outer appearance of Christian form and the inner world of deep-black occultism:

It's a joke. 'Cos on the woods it's like Dagon and Satan and Baal and Malach [sic] and all this business, and then you've got God is wonderful, God is brilliant! It's like, what is going on? It makes you... I mean that's another reason you block it off, you soon realize it's two lives that actually lead and they are both completely separate to one another.

Speaking life stories to argument is the what the witnesses of the O'Hare Airport UFO now find themselves doing. Sometimes that means talking to oneself. One United employee appeared "emotionally shaken" by the sighting and "experienced some religious issues" over it, reported a co-worker. A day after the November 7 sighting, nearly two months before the story broke nationally, an eyewitness posted on Democratic Underground that "a few of our employees were upset about this sighting, but were not afraid. They just had trouble accepting what they just saw and exactly what it means."

An O'Hare employee provided this description of the event to the National UFO Reporting Center:

I am a taxi mechanic. I have the job responsibility of moving aircraft under there own power from gate to gate or the hangar complex for maintenance. We also accomplish the engine run-up testing needed. So I hope that does something for establishing a little of credibility for my report. I am still in absolute wonder and amazement at what I saw that afternoon.

Around 1630 a pilot made a comment on the radio about a circle or disc shaped object hovering over gate C-17 at the C concourse in Chicago. At first we laughed to each other and then the same pilot said again on the radio that is was about 700feet agl (above ground level). The day was overcast with the ceiling being reported at 1600 feet if I remember correctly. I was taxing a Boeing 777 from the Intl Terminal to the Company Hanger on the North side of the Airport. As we passed the C Terminal on the Alpha taxiway we observed a dark gray hazy round object hovering over O'Hare Intl Airport. Is was definitely over the C Terminal. It was holding very steady and appeared to be trying to stay close to the cloud cover. The radio irrupted with chatter about the object and the ATC controller that was handling ground traffic made a few smart comments about the alleged UFO siting above the C terminal.

We had to continue moving the aircraft to the hangar. After parking I noticed the craft of no longer there but there was an almost perfect circle in the cloud layer were the craft had been. The hole disappeared a few minutes later.

For the rest of the night there were jokes made on the radio about the sighting.

According truth status to an extraordinary account is sometimes difficult for those with their own extraordinary life experience, whose interpretations of the world are, naturally enough, contextualized by their own stories. So survivors of ritual abuse and their caregivers may presume UFOs and "High Weirdness" to have no validity beyond the subset of their screen memories, and UFOlogists may be blind to the occultic aspect of both their subject and of earthly power because they're fixed upon the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the O'Hare story is that it is a story at all. Encounters of unaccountable things generally go unreported, because they fall outside of our empirical categories. Richard Dolan remembers the sighting of an acquaintance and a companion outside Syracuse on a sunny day in 1980. ("Silent, hovering over trees, as large as a football field.") In the sky as well were a light commercial aircraft and a TV station's traffic helicopter that had to have seen it. After two fighter jets buzzed it, it took off "like a bullet" without a sound.

"The kicker of the story is this", writes Dolan:

He was sure that this would be on the TV news that night, and stayed up till 11 pm, specifically to hear the much anticipated report about a massive UFO seen just outside Syracuse. But not only was there no story on any UFO, but it seemed to him as though the talking heads...went out of their way to downplay anything odd at all. The news announcer actually said, "another boring day in Syracuse."

When I was very young, one night my mother got out of bed to use the bathroom and was compelled to glance out the window. She saw something she was never able to explain, but she remained steadfast that what she had seen was something that shouldn't exist. It was a centaur-like creature, with the body of a horse and the head of a man, and it was staring up into the bathroom window. She called excitedly to my father to come and see, but he was too tired to get up, and too inclined to believe there was nothing worth looking at. She watched until it turned away and clomped out of sight.

Another boring day.


Blogger Prof. Hex said...

Welcome back, Jeff. Hope you had a nice holiday.

1/02/2007 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I listened to Timothy Good the other day (http://www.abc.net.au/queensland/conversations/stories/s1752052.htm?brisbane)
and found his comment that an government insider told him that once, when the US military supposed shot down a UFO years back there were a series of inexplicable plane crashes that followed. Food for thought as the news is now coming in of another plane crash in Indonesia and this recent report of a UFO over an airport. Was this a threat?

1/02/2007 10:54:00 AM  
Blogger Jeff Wells said...

Thanks Professor, good to be back. Though it wasn't much of a holiday. I needed time away in order to work, so that kinda sucked.

1/02/2007 11:03:00 AM  
Blogger Professor Pan said...

Anonymous 10:54, I don't put much trust in Goode -- caveat emptor.

And another excellent post, Jeff. I wonder if the O'Hare incident, in all its "look at me!" brazenness, is the beginning of a new UFO flap.

I also find it interesting that the Tribune is covering it objectively, with little of the mocking tone that is reflexively tacked on to most UFO reporting.

Didn't know about your mother's incident... that explains a lot ;-)

1/02/2007 11:27:00 AM  
Blogger marykmusic said...

UFO sightings and reports of ritual abuse are not the only things people refuse to believe, even to the extent of not wanting to look for themselves.

Twenty-some years ago, when my family lived on a remote high-country ranch in New Mexico, my kids would often implore me to come to the window to see the UFO outside. I refused.

Five years ago, when the sky was suddenly brilliant blue again in the aftermath of 9/11, I realized that there was something going on up there. So when the haze reappeared, and I learned the word "chemtrails" from my brother Don Croft, it was obvious that something strange was happening. Still blows my mind when I point it out to others who refuse to see. Even my own daughter said, "But, Mom, why would our government want to hurt us?" She can't imagine.

Last May, we rescued a couple from Oroville, California, who were private investigators amassing evidence against a huge child porn, pandering, and RA ring in their area. They were under death threats, and I knew that there was truth in what they were saying. She had been pimped by her own mother from a very young age, and the perpetrators then were the parents of the perpetrators now. Of course, bringing them to our house meant we were caught up in their legal situation, too... I hated when the FBI came into our house screaming, guns drawn, to arrest the man. Woke up out of a sound sleep and groggy, coming out of our bedroom, I nearly got shot for putting my hands in my pockets, as I always do (luckily, I was wearing shorts with no pockets that day, shorts I hated for that very reason.) But there's a light at the end of a very long tunnel. The investigation has finally been taken seriously by some federal authorities.

Lately, Dragon has been postng his adventures in High Wierdness. Now, this is our everyday lives he's talking about... and those who cannot see or even consider that it may be true, are getting riled up. It wasn't so bad when the discussions were about Ponchatouls, or some other remote, third person location. When someone actually said on the board, "This is what we're doing," the reaction was extreme and often malicious.

It doesn't discourage us at all. As I said, this is our life, battling the Dark Side in whatever form it presents itself. I backed those FBI guys out of my house with the power of my words alone. Our buddy is still locked up, possibly because it's safer for him; his wife has continued the investigation and the witnesses are coming out of the woodwork. Could that be partly because before they left their town, they distributed a bunch of Agnihotra mudballs that Dragon sent, along with the gas money to leave?

Because there are some people who read the Captain's Log and want to participate, any good response is encouraging. We will both be talking about our own experiences. Because it doesn't only happen to someone else. --MaryK

1/02/2007 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man i caught a recap of this on a b-level local news last night and the tone was just absurd. i believe the anchor quipped that it was imaginary or something to that effect. of course this was the 9:30 news on some UPN affiliate and i'm sure the dude isn't going to be moving up the ranks by rocking the boat.

maybe i've missed this but why is this being reported now? it happened a solid 2 months ago. it seems strange to only now have (non)-news making note of it.

1/02/2007 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice photo of Charlie.He is a cia/army lsd experiment.Wind em up and watch em go.He spent much time in their care.

The Polanski/Rosemary's Baby (1968)
The On the night of August 9, 1969, Manson directed some members of the Family, including Charles "Tex" Watson, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, and Linda Kasabian to go to the former residence of an acquaintance, record producer Terry Melcher, and kill whoever was on the premises. It was stated at trial that others, including Catherine Gillies, wanted to go as well, but didn't because there "was no room in the car." There is no proof that they were under influence of drugs or that any of them challenged Manson’s wishes. They left their Spahn Ranch compound and arrived at midnight at the grounds of the Beverly Hills home of the film director Roman Polański and his wife Sharon Tate. Polański, highly acclaimed for his recent hit Rosemary's Baby, was in London working on his next film and had asked friends to stay with Tate, who was eight and a half months pregnant. Before entering the house, the Manson family members shot dead Steven Parent, an 18-year-old friend of Tate's gardener, William Garretson, who was leaving the property and had unwittingly seen the intruders while getting in his car. Kasabian, who was acting as the getaway driver, expressed horror at the murder of Parent and was told to remain outside and keep watch while the others entered the house. The quotation, "I am the devil, and I have come to do the devil's work" has been attributed to Watson when Wojciech "Wojtek" Frykowski awoke from his slumber on the living room couch. They assembled the four occupants of the house into the living room. The intruders asked if anyone had money, and, in replying that she did, Abigail Folger, heiress to the Folgers Coffee Company, was led to her bedroom to empty her purse. She was led back to the living room where the four occupants of the house were tied together. Jay Sebring, a noted hairstylist and friend of the Polańskis was visiting, and when he attempted to defend Tate, he was shot by Watson, who then kicked him several times in the face. Frykowski and Folger, who were staying in the house until Polański's return from London, were able to escape from the living room and were each pursued as they ran onto the front lawn. Quickly overtaken by the attackers, Frykowski was stabbed fifty-one times, shot twice, and pistol-whipped 13 times in the head; Folger was stabbed twenty-eight times. Tate remained in the living room and begged for the life of her unborn baby. Susan Atkins later testified that she had replied, "Look bitch, I don't care about you. I don't care if you are having a baby. You are going to die and I don't feel a thing about it," before stabbing her to death. Before leaving the house Atkins used a towel to soak up some of Sharon Tate's blood and then used it to write "PIG" on the front door. This was allegedly inspired by the Beatles song Piggies.


And the thing..........It all started early Sunday morning, January 16, 1909. Thack Cozzens of Woodbury, NJ, saw a flying creature with glowing eyes flying down the street. In Bristol, PA, John Mcowen heard and saw the strange creature on the banks of the canal. Patrol James Sackville fired at the creature as it flew away screaming. E.W. Minister, Postmaster of Bristol, PA, also saw a bird-like creature with a horses head that had a piercing scream. When daylight came, the residents of Bristol found hoof prints in the snow. Two local trappers said they had never seen tracks like those before.

On Monday, the Lowdens of Burlington, NJ, found hoof prints in their yard and around their trash, which was half eaten. Almost every yard in Burlington had these strange hoof prints in them. The prints went up trees, went from roof to roof, disappeared in the middle of the road, and stopped in the middle of open fields. The same tracks were also found in Columbus, Hedding, Kinhora and Rancocas. A hunt was organized to follow the tracks but the dogs wouldn't follow the trail.

On the 19th the Jersey Devil made his longest appearance of the week. At 2:30 am, Mr & Mrs. Nelson Evans of Gloucester were awakened by a strange noise. They watched the devil from their window for 10 minutes. Mr. Evans described the creature they saw:
It was about three feet and half high, with a head like a collie dog and
a face like a horse. It had a long neck, wings about two feet long, and
its back legs were like those of a crane, and it had horse's hooves.
It walked on its back legs and held up two short front legs with paws
on them. It didn't use the front legs at all while we were watching.
My wife and I were scared, I tell you, but I managed to open the
window and say, 'Shoo', and it turned around barked at me, and flew away.

The ufos are followed by black helicopters,hmmmm interesting.

1/02/2007 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I want to know is WHY The Holocaust happened? I'm not denying The Holocaust.

That there are laws against 'Holocaust denial' pops up a great big red flag for me and I'm convinced, through much consideration, that the controversy lies behind the rather ambiguous reasoning for why it happened. It takes more motivation than hate to get anything done, especially on a massive scale such as The Holocaust. Hate is merely the primer; dollars and cents explains everything. So far the only explanation has been hate, so I am awaiting the dollars and cents reasoning.

Jeff, the way you choose to handle anyone who has questions such as above is completely inappropriate, whether it's your board or not. You're either for intellectual honesty, or you're not, and I've never seen you behave so unreasonably as when you insult the 'kook' 'deniers'. That you don't literally call them kooks, but never miss a chance to call them 'deniers' really says it all.

Your excuses of luring the wrong crowd, be damned. You are the wrong crowd. Your ongoing disningenuousness on this solitary issue, in contrast to your seemingly considered approach throughout hundreds of blog posts, defines the growing distrust I conjure for your writing.

1/02/2007 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Masking is what they call it.
An overlay to hide the ulterior motive, so using such things that scare or repulse serves a purpose to hide,like seeing the great oz behind the curtain.

1/02/2007 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff runs this board. If he says Holocaust revisionism is not a suitable topic for his board, that's his decision.

There are many places to discuss the subject.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Apply the above comment to the following from the same individual:

I also find it interesting that the Tribune is covering it objectively, with little of the mocking tone that is reflexively tacked on to most UFO reporting.

My answer, using the same logic and arrogant dismissiveness would be as follows:

A few large corporations run the mainstream media. If they say UFOs are not a suitable topic (or a silly topic worthy of ridicule) for their outlets, that's their decision.

There are many places to discuss the subject.

Why is that so hard to understand?

To that, I would add this precious paraphrased comment:

It doesn't take much investigation to see the issue is owned by fascists, racists and Nazi apologists using disingenuous methods to lure the curious, naive and open minded to their extremes.

Regardless of Jeff's reason for quoting the text and broaching the topic, a Google search for it now turns up this board as one of its top hits. I hope members can understand why I would hate to see that.

And, finally, this:

Im not sure that it is the actual UFO discussion that I frown upon as much as it is the types of people such a discussion attracts. I for one would like to be able to have that discussion, in a principled manner, the problem is that in doing so you bring out a lot of really kooky people with bad haircuts and terrible taste in clothing. The last thing this board needs a muddy track of jackboot prints running through every thread. That being the case, its probably better that we just find other things to discuss, unfortunately.

The thoughts and words posted above not in italics in no way represent my thoughts and words, but the example for which they were used certainly is.

1/02/2007 12:37:00 PM  
Blogger TonyForesta said...

"Boring" indeed. A tyrant lynched, a president and healer fallen, the grim 3000 milestone in Iraq, and of course the obdurate fascist warmongers and profiteers in the Bush government bucking the ISG, our military leadership, and other focus groups like the American people and imponderably conjuring as escalation of the horrorshow in Iraq, and cravenly heaping the blame on the most convenient patsy.

The God Father of Soul passes in the Shadows, NHK goes wild and crazy, and something high and weird is witnessed over terminal C at O'hare.

Though the compression of forces has been building intensely for a number of year, - it would seem now with all the radiation, friction, and tension in the air, - that the very fabric of our socalled civilized society, the underlying structures of our imagine realities and pressed to the breakiing point.

It remains a constant struggle to confront these issues without the polluting obfuscation of the ego, and to attempt to recognize some measurable metric of reality amidst all the wild chaos, confusion, and robopathic somnabulance.

The potential for something really whacky, - a pollonium 210 exposure, a major bombing in a Western city, - lizard people crawling out of hidden catacombs, - our fascist leadership declaring marshal law, suspending the peoples rights, freedoms, protections, imposing a military state and abrogating military control of the government, and engorging detention centers with dissidents, recklessly attacking Iran, escalating the Iraq horrorshow to a conflageration engulfing the entire ME.

And then there's that Rosy and Donald battle.

"The times, they are a changin"

1/02/2007 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please say more about your views on the concept of 'moral panic'. Please also address specifically the McMartin Day Care case. Are you of the view that something happened at McMartin that would accord with the most lurid of the children's claims? Do you support the claims made by Roland Summit and the counter-investigation that claimed to actually turn up tunnels after the offical investigators claimed they failed to? If so, on what basis?

Moral panics exist; we're in one now regarding 'terrorism'. A moral panic over RSA existed, and to some extent still exists, though that does not mean the McMartin claims were untrue. Please point me to any evidence that Debbie Nathan's conclusions re: the McMartin evidence are unfounded. She argues, you'll recall, that overzealous questioning by psychiatric types and law enforcement, combined with a potent cocktail of other social forces including sweeping changes in family strucuture, media hype and religious background assumptions of the parents of the afflicted children were more responsible for the claims than actual physical evidence. In fact, she claims there was virtually no evidence supporting RSA at McMartin.

I'd be very appreciative. Thanks.

1/02/2007 01:20:00 PM  
Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

Nice post, Jeff. We seem to be, collectively, both here (notice the similar themes in TonyForesta's comment and mine here) and in that "larger world," finally coming to terms with the notion that perspective is reality to an unnerving, highly dissociative extent (even for those practiced in the fine art of suspending belief). It's not about the UFOs, really, or about the reality of Satanic ritual in high places, nor is it as simple as adopting the comic credo of the old Firesign Theatre album Everything you Know is Wrong! (If you aren't familiar with that one, you need to chase it down...)

The real difficulty lies in exercising both your reason and your intuition in order to assess contrary notions, and then in assimilating the new insight into an expanding, rigorously flexible worldview.

Here are two quick examples. Robert Crook, over at Robert's Virtual Soapbox, wrote a nice "review" of Darth Cheney's slimy hypocrisy at the Ford funeral, to which one of the "innocents" (an untroubled, smooth-as-glass) mind responded with some patriotic crap about the differences between our recently departed man in Baghdad and our current Fearless Leader. The rigidly of the stalwart citizen is stunning in its deep, deep foundations.

The other example is this Holocaust Denier Syndrome. The vast majority of us cling resolutely to either the official story or we abandon all reason and march over to the Nazi camp because something bothers us about the well-known narrative. Why is it so difficult to perceive that the official story in this case has been used by both "sides" to their own ends? Is the collaboration between American & German Nazis to kill off Eastern European Jewry and enslave the rest of us somehow easier to stomach than Norman Finkelstein's description of the Holocaust Industry, which, contrary to widespread belief, does not deny the central truth of that event?

Just because you're opening your frontal lobes to new invasive paradigms doesn't mean you need to surrender your ability to make distinctions. Or, does accepting the O' Hare UFO story mean that I have to subscribe to Icke's tales reptilian shapeshiftery, too?

1/02/2007 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back Jeff. I anxiously awaited your return (notice I didnt use the word patiently) heh ... anywayz ... nice to have you around. Not to make it front page news, or for that matter any news at all, I had one of the least stressful holiday experiences in memory, recent and otherwise. while hearts were broken in a fanning range of real life drama and tragedy I remained unmolested emotionally. to attribute what to this anomaly I am at a loss. Could be age or it could be understanding and the accompanying awareness of heart quieting resolve. here's to a pleasant return to interesting topics of discussion. Cheers!

1/02/2007 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Jeff! Glad that you're back.

About your mother's encounter, I found this:

The Muslims of India describe Buraq, the celestial steed that carried the Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Jerusalem, as possessing "the head of a man, the ears of an ass, and the body of a horse.

Must have been quite a sight.

1/02/2007 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, Jeff. I always look forward to reading them.
Today I was quite startled when I followed one of the links in your posting and read the account of the UFO in Syracruse, NY, in May 1980. That very same month and year is when my husband, my mother-in-law and myself witnessed a UFO in our neighbourhood. The description of the UFO in the Syracruse report was almost exactly the same as what we had witnessed. This took place about 9:30 p.m. on a country road on Vancouver Island. We were returning from a friend's house when we saw this object in the sky ahead of us. We stopped the car and got out and the UFO was directly above us just above the treetops which lined the road. It was very large and covered the area that we could see from one side of the road to the other. Beneath the object was a circle of lights, red, green, blue and white. It made no noise, and hovered for several minutes. When it began to move it did so quite slowly and then it streaked across the field and was gone within seconds. We could see it as it passed along the mountains in the distance.
For me, the encounter was not so strange but for my husband and mother-in-law it was an ubelievable event. In fact, my mother-in-law did not want to speak of it and never brought the subject up again. I was actually happy that this event had occurred as it verified for me that UFO's do exist and it allowed my husband a wider perspective on reality.
We have told this story to some people over the years and we can see the doubt in their eyes even though in all other respects they would trust us to tell the truth. Most of the listeners to this story, I'm sure, just feel that we were "seeing things."
In any case, it was a life-changing event for us. Again, I was startled to read the almost exact story re: the Syracruse sighting.

1/02/2007 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Satanic Ritual Abuse---age old conspiracy or age-old delusion?

"As for the initiation of new members, the details are as disgusting as they are well known. A child, covered in dough to deceive the unwary, is set before the would-be novice who stabs the child to death. Then they hungrily drink the child's blood, and compete with one another as they divide his limbs. On the feast-day they foregather with all their children, sisters, mothers, people of either sex and all ages. Now, in the dark, they twine the bonds of unnameable passion as chance decides."
Minicius Felix, a Latin apologist for Christianity, writing at the end of the 1st century about rumors spoken about Christians

"They bring together, in a house appointed for the purpose, young girls whom they have initiated in to their rites and throw themselves lasciviously on the girls no matter she be his sister, his daughter or his mother. And after waiting 9 months, until the time has come for the unnatural children of such unnatural seed to be born, they come together agai, tearing the miserable babies from their mother's arms. They cut their tender flesh all over with knives and catch the stream of blood in basins. They throw the babies, still breathing and gasping, on to the fire...they mix the ashes with the blood in the basins and so make an abominable drink with which they secretly pollute their food and drink."
Michael Constantine Psellos, a Byzantine scholar writing around 1050 about the sect of Bogomiles in Thrace.

&, sad to say, bad news for the RI tinfoil hat brigade. In 2005, a group of MIT scientists conducted rigorous(?) scientific testson the mind-ray blocking powers of the tinfoil hat.

They found that, while the hats had a modest attentuating effect,(cue spooky music) they in fact amplified certain frequencies, namely 1.2-1.4 Ghz, the range allocated to the US government.

Oh well, just no escape from those pesky mind-control rays is there?

&, so my fellow resident disinfo agents don't feel abandoned & overlooked, you can go here:
& tell your story.

As they say:
"Dear Mind Control PERPETRATOR:

This is a serious questionnaire, and is 100% safe for you to respond to.

Your answers are generated by a third party web service host, and are emailed to the website manager, by that host. No trace of your email address or ISP is sent to me.

You are part of the New World Order, which is many things but in any case is one of the most amazing undertakings this planet has ever seen. This is especially true now that a half century of incredibly advanced, but kept tightly secret, technology is in your hands, or the hands of those you work for, which can produce effects most people consider only science fiction.

By submitting answers to a few questions below, you will get a chance to tell your story in complete anonymity. While we all want the torture you are heaping on us to stop, at the same time, we would like to know something about you as well.

I will post responses which are judged to be probably serious and genuine.

Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to tell the world about your part in this historical undertaking. "

See, serious people are bound to have serious questionnaires.

Ok, now I return all of you arm-chair revolutionaries to your fantasies & delusions.

Be seeing you.

1/02/2007 02:13:00 PM  
Blogger ericswan said...

Pat on the back Jeff. Not for the post which did not have your usual hooks and ladders but for that deep down pull up your socks confessional concerning your mother's visit by Satyr which blows my mind. My mother (resting) had a similar (singular witness) experience which caused her no end of confusion.

My complaint on your post is the open endedness of it's inarticulated parts which allows me the opportunity to sew up some of the loose threads.

Here is a quote from this link


which may give some an insight to the recent demise of Mabus aka mirror image Sadam

"black magician Aleister Crowley performed a ritual that involved the use of an animal and a female, which ended with the animal being killed. The Fascists ritual ended with the human being killed. THIS WAS TO GENERATE ENERGY.

www.the7thfire.com/new_world_order/Freemasonry/aliester_crowley_33_degree_Mason_knew_about_human_sacrifice.htm .

f) Links between nazis and torture / child abuse as a ritual are not new and not limited to the german SS or secret police agencies of that regime.

www.newsmakingnews.com/mbchildabuseindex.htm ."

The UFO connection that I believe you are making is suppression of the unexplainable within the avatar we presently accept as the real world. I've never seen a UFO but I did see the Kecksburg fireball in 1966 and wonder to this day why it had to be hauled away by the MIB tainted Pentagon tarps seen on 911 or the tarps on 7/7 London Subway cars hauled away to who knows where.

Out of sight...?

1/02/2007 02:20:00 PM  
Blogger Jeff Wells said...

Follow up:

Federal officials say it was probably just some weird weather phenomenon, but a group of United Airlines employees swear they saw a mysterious, saucer-shaped craft hovering over O'Hare Airport last fall. The workers, some of them pilots, said the object didn't have lights and hovered over an airport terminal before shooting up through the clouds, according to a report in Monday's Chicago Tribune.

The Federal Aviation Administration acknowledged that a United supervisor had called the control tower at O'Hare, asking if anyone had spotted a spinning disc-shaped object. But the controllers didn't see anything, and a preliminary check of radar found nothing out of the ordinary, FAA spokeswoman Elizabeth Isham Cory said.

"Our theory on this is that it was a weather phenomenon," Cory said. "That night was a perfect atmospheric condition in terms of low (cloud) ceiling and a lot of airport lights. When the lights shine up into the clouds, sometimes you can see funny things." The FAA is not investigating, Cory said.

From the original story:

The sighting occurred during daylight, about 4:30 p.m., just before sunset.

A lot easier to suggest experienced pilots and airport employees were just "seeing weather" if you pretend the sun had first set.

1/02/2007 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the grim 3000 milestone in Iraq"

Grim milestone? I'd respond, but Riverbend over at Baghdad Burning does it so much better.

"3000 Americans dead over nearly four years? Really? That's the number of dead Iraqis in less than a month. The Americans had families? Too bad. So do we. So do the corpses in the streets and the ones waiting for identification in the morgue.

Is the American soldier that died today in Anbar more important than a cousin I have who was shot last month on the night of his engagement to a woman he's wanted to marry for the last six years? I don't think so.

Just because Americans die in smaller numbers, it doesn't make them more significant, does it?"

Then we move on to this:
"The potential for something really whacky, - a pollonium 210 exposure, a major bombing in a Western city, - lizard people crawling out of hidden catacombs, - our fascist leadership declaring marshal law, suspending the peoples rights, freedoms, protections, imposing a military state and abrogating military control of the government, and engorging detention centers with dissidents, recklessly attacking Iran, escalating the Iraq horrorshow to a conflageration engulfing the entire ME."

Christ, buddy, you're sure scared of a lot of shit. As a small reality check, left-wing leaning yoo-hoos have been predicting the marshall law canard since before the 2004 election. I think the Chicken Little Fan Club would be a helluva lot more credible if any of you actually predicted something that happened someplace other than in your own delusions.

By the way, you might want to check with your local MD to see if he has an innoculation against rampant & unchecked gullibillity.

"Lizard people crawling out of hidden catacombs" aside I read your post out loud to my wife. In between unrestrained giggling she managed to sputter out, "So what the fuck is his point anyway?"

I have yet to come up with an appropriate answer.

1/02/2007 03:56:00 PM  
Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

That really you in there, Richard? How's tricks on the ward? If not our old friend, then hi there! You're quite revealing of your position on the political spectrum, as well:

Christ, buddy, you're sure scared of a lot of shit. As a small reality check, left-wing leaning yoo-hoos have been predicting the marshall law canard since before the 2004 election. I think the Chicken Little Fan Club would be a helluva lot more credible if any of you actually predicted something that happened someplace other than in your own delusions.

Feeling all comfy-like, are we? In God & Country do thee trust? Btw, it's martial law, not Marshall (although that plan was at the heart of a conspiracy that is still active, don't you know?)

So, your point then is that since you think you're free you must be free? Do we have to do the Orwell-Huxley dance again, or am I unfairly assigning you to positions you and your wife haven't giggled about yet? Vaaastly curious...

1/02/2007 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, I was looking forward to your next post more than what was sittin under ye old christmass tree...

Glad to see we are still worthy of your musings...

1/02/2007 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear "Anonymous 12:09"

You wrote:

"What I want to know is WHY The Holocaust happened? I'm not denying The Holocaust."

[ . . . .]

"Hate is merely the primer; dollars and cents explains everything. So far the only explanation has been hate, so I am awaiting the dollars and cents reasoning."

Frankly, I don't know why you await the "dollars and cents reasoning," as it is staring you right in the face.

The Nazis murdered millions of Jews, as well as Christians, leftists, Communists, Freemasons, Gypsies, homosexuals, etc. etc. etc.

All of these people had . . . wait for it . . . property! Yes, that's right, property. Land, companies, stocks, bonds, jewelry, money, houses, factories, shops, buildings, jobs, etc.

Before the Nazis murdered the Jews, they passed a bunch of . . . wait for it . . . laws! What did the laws do? Why, like Jim Crow laws, they systematically disenfranchised Jews. The laws economically and socially alienated the Jews from Nazi-controlled German society. This made it easier to murder them.

What happened to the Jews during WWII has often been referred to as . . . wait for it . . . liquidation. Where have we heard that term before? Finance? Business. That's right.

The Jews were "liquidated" and the Germans got the Jews' stuff. Their houses, their businesses, their jobs, their property, etc.

See, the Jews have always been a "model minority." The problem? They're too good at the game. The game of capitalism, or life, that is.

Prior to the Nazi ascension, the Jews held a high percentage of positions in law, medicine, and academia. Why did they hold these positions? Could it have anything to do with the fact that Judaism tolerates doctrinal and intellectual dissent, even over sacred texts, and that most Jews had to be fluent in several languages, including one that you have to read backward, Hebrew? Would this be because such cultural traits automatically make one more competitive for positions that require intellectual faculties?

I'll let you decide.

Anyway, after the disenfranchising laws, they lost these positions. It was a big incentive for intelligent, upwardly mobile, gentile Germans to join the Nazis; they would get to take over those positions earlier, and in greater numbers. Likewise, the gentile businesses saw "opportunities" in that they would get to take over Jewish-controlled business.

These were the carrots that the Nazis dangled for the German people. The promise of upward mobility. Plus, if you're a typical gentile, you've been raised to view the Jews as weak, untermenschen. The fact that they succeed in certain areas, at your expense, since its a capitalistic system of winners and losers, is intolerable, since you should win since you've been raised to believe that you're so great.

So, you are right. It wasn't just about hate. There were huge financial incentives as well to appeal to the grasping nature of ordinary people.

Now, as for the proverbial, "whole truth" about the Holocaust; sure, it was a complicated event. It wasn't black and white. There were Nazis who were ethnically Jewish. There were tens of thousands of German Jews who were given the opportunity to Aryanize into the Germany army because they were deemed politically trustworthy. There was Jewish collaboration via the Judenrat in exterminating Jews, some of it done knowingly to save a select few's hides, and some done unknowingly. And then you have all of the standard fraud and distortion that comes with an even involving millions of people. But none of this changes the fact that the Holocaust was about liquidation and "purification." That's why, if you're a European Jew, and you go back to Europe to see where your grandparents or greatgrandparents used to live, you'll find that there are other people, non-Jews, living in their houses. Just like how the Native Americans look and see non-Native Americans living on the land of their ancestors. We keep them tucked out of sight too. Out of sight, out of mind.

All of this information is readily obtained from reviewing the source material.

1/02/2007 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jeff,

I am a regular reader here and greatly appreciate your articles and presence on the web but as an RA/MC survivor I resent that you often talk about the UFO's and Ritual Abuse in the same breath.

It's not that I have a hard time believing that there are UFO's or life beyond our planet. I would think it absurd for there not to be, but why do you continue to mix us up with them? There are many "conspiracy" writers who do this and I'm sick and tired of it. What is the agenda here? Infotainment? Discrediting survivors? Programming or confusing the general public?

It really irks me because it is the same thing that the perps did to us as part of their programming (theatrical and high tech torture). To confuse us, discredit us in case we remembered and hide their true identities - they are a league of psychopaths - they staged torture scenarios where they appeared as or they told us that they were reptillians or extra-terrestrials.

Understanding what's really going on is an important step to solving global problems and I feel that by mixing these two topics you are muddying the waters and creating confusion.

1/02/2007 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ho-ho-hum IC.
Yeah, I know how to spell martial but thanks for correcting me. My hunt & peck sausage-like typing finger doesn't though. Complain to it, not me. Here, I'll introduce you....finger meet IC...IC meet finger.

Life on the ward is just peachy pal....although the fuckers are late with my Thorazine again....bastards.

Please please please don't repeat the Orwell/Huxley rant again. Read it too many times. It bores me.

Never mentioned the state of my freedom, or yours for that matter, but that seems to be the way things are done around here. Read one thing, infer another.

If my agnosticism on all of this bugs you, tough.

Since I haven't seen any UFO's or centaurs or Satanists lately,& I'm not willing to take the word of a block of text on a screen as gospel truth, I don't think that will be changing anytime soon.

One question for you on the sacrosanct nature of eyewitness testimony...

Exactly what is the percentage of deathrow cons exonerated by DNA evidence who were originally convicted on 'eyewitness testimony?'

70%? 80%?

Since you mentioned the ward, I'll treat you to another Tales of the Mentally Retarded.

There's this client I work with...stone cold looney...spits at you...shits in is hand and tosses it at you...punches, bites, kicks...continually for 16 motherfucking hours a day.

His brother is an A-list Hollywood director.

I read an interview with the director brother a few weeks back where he rambled on about his fascination with mental illness. It turns out he's just enthralled by looney human nutballs.

He's so enthralled that he has never, in the 15 years I've been there ever ever visited his own, quite obviously mentally ill, brother.

This started me thinking on the obscure nature of fate or God or whatever...here you have one brother who hangs with A-list celebs, makes oodles of cash & bangs models & then you have the other brother who spends everyday shitting in his hand & flinging it at assholes like me. Just one little DNA kink means the difference between heaven or hell.

Given this little thought bubble to chew on, I surprisingly don't find pudgy little dinks like Cheney very threatening. Yeah, they have power, but in the greater scheme of life's unpredictable & unavoidable ass reamings, that power is way effing limited pal.

But please, don't let me stand in the way of the collective heebie-jeebies y'all quite obviously entertain yourselves with.

1/02/2007 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ho-ho-hum IC.
Yeah, I know how to spell martial but thanks for correcting me. My hunt & peck sausage-like typing finger doesn't though. Complain to it, not me. Here, I'll introduce you....finger meet IC...IC meet finger.

Life on the ward is just peachy pal....although the fuckers are late with my Thorazine again....bastards.

Please please please don't repeat the Orwell/Huxley rant again. Read it too many times. It bores me.

Never mentioned the state of my freedom, or yours for that matter, but that seems to be the way things are done around here. Read one thing, infer another.

If my agnosticism on all of this bugs you, tough.

Since I haven't seen any UFO's or centaurs or Satanists lately,& I'm not willing to take the word of a block of text on a screen as gospel truth, I don't think that will be changing anytime soon.

One question for you on the sacrosanct nature of eyewitness testimony...

Exactly what is the percentage of deathrow cons exonerated by DNA evidence who were originally convicted on 'eyewitness testimony?'

70%? 80%?

Since you mentioned the ward, I'll treat you to another Tales of the Mentally Retarded.

There's this client I work with...stone cold looney...spits at you...shits in is hand and tosses it at you...punches, bites, kicks...continually for 16 motherfucking hours a day.

His brother is an A-list Hollywood director.

I read an interview with the director brother a few weeks back where he rambled on about his fascination with mental illness. It turns out he's just enthralled by looney human nutballs.

He's so enthralled that he has never, in the 15 years I've been there ever ever visited his own, quite obviously mentally ill, brother.

This started me thinking on the obscure nature of fate or God or whatever...here you have one brother who hangs with A-list celebs, makes oodles of cash & bangs models & then you have the other brother who spends everyday shitting in his hand & flinging it at assholes like me. Just one little DNA kink means the difference between heaven or hell.

Given this little thought bubble to chew on, I surprisingly don't find pudgy little dinks like Cheney very threatening. Yeah, they have power, but in the greater scheme of life's unpredictable & unavoidable ass reamings, that power is way effing limited pal.

But please, don't let me stand in the way of the collective heebie-jeebies y'all quite obviously entertain yourselves with.

1/02/2007 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really Richard...

After taking the pledge and promising never to darken the doorway here again it seems you just can't resist your own banal-compulsiveness...hmmm?

Since that obviously hasn't worked why don't you try an entirely new tack on this very new year and simply shove your keyboard right up your ass instead?

I can assure you that you can give yourself a far sharper and much more direct jolt of pain than you've ever managed to scrounge for yourself from these miserable boards...hmmm?

Surely a dangerous and provocative mind like your own can appreciate the benefits of simply "cutting out the middleman" and going directly to the source after so many wasted and unsatisfying attempts?

So why not start out this new year in a truly dangerous and provocative fashion, one that's genuinely worthy of your efforts, and give that craving for a pain in the ass some serious treatment instead of merely giving everyone else one by trying but never quite finding a big enough one for yourself here?

1/02/2007 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard, you're not being completely honest which is not beneficial to your condition. When you fail to mention at the end of your insultive presuming admonition en masse, the details of having to open the viewing slot on your wife's cell door, showing her the post, and then the cue card demanding she twitter and giggle or submit to renewed physical abuse and witholding of nutrition, you neglect important visuals that provide us with the understanding we need to visualize your torment and source for hostility and broad contempt for the any and all that in your mind persecute by there mere existence.

1/02/2007 07:04:00 PM  
Blogger Sounder said...


Thanks for that post and for your efforts. I apologize (to you and Dragon) if anything I said earlier caused offence, yet if we walk in certain minefields we best be quite sure of our path.

Anyway I did toss a couple of virtual agnihotra mudballs at Hugh on the discussion thread called; If not for you babe, I couldn’t find the door.

They are working so far.

1/02/2007 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:48,

My confusion is over!!


Thank you for your simplistic, racist and obfuscating response.

1/02/2007 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A centaur my arse.

1/02/2007 08:00:00 PM  
Blogger ericswan said...

I don't recall that Richard recused himself from this discussion unless of course your nimble mind has concluded that he is in fact not who he claims to be. I could rattle on about some who think "others" are not who they claim but that's not the point. Richard put it succinctly when he says blocks of letters on a screen do not make it so.

On the other hand, this is what it is and this is what we get. We have an assignment. Find yourself in this white room and make black marks on it that will hopefully illicit a response from another entity that acknowledges your existence. When it doesn't go as planned, come back later and try again. Who made the rules and why would you question them?

1/02/2007 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Slash Dot has picked up on the Chicago O'Hare UFO story and has more about France as well:


HTH, Ray

1/02/2007 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Silverfox, or as I like to think of you, Herbert Hmmmmm??????????....don't recall recusing myself. That was Shrub.


That's quite the hoot puddin, considering that your long-winded ramblings have darkened every fucking post here.

I must thank you though, your pompous windbaggery has provided me & mine with many hours of furious guffawing.

& lower tiber...I must commend you. Your insight into my home life is so amazingly dead on that I'm tempted to go back & re-read every one of your previous posts. Y'know the ones that I labeled 'The Itinerant Ramblings of a Bullshitting Wanker,' & promptly ignored.


1/02/2007 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey folks...what good is all this shit-throwing anyway?

And don't tell me it is just a good medium thru which to show off your word-power. Now there's an irony huh.

1/02/2007 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

& because so many of you are waiting with fingers crossed, hoping I'll regale you with more of my tawdry ramblings, I'll oblige. A tip of the hat to Silverfox for asking so damn nicely, by the way.

You see, it's not that I don't believe in the reality of spacemen visiting our irridescent little orb, I just don't find stories about them all that amazing. Personally, I'd be more amazed if little green men weren't stopping by to check out what has to be the galactic equivalent of the Jerry Springer Show.Where else could the possibly find huge gobs of dysfunctional talking monkeys who ramble on endlessly about peace & love while slaughtering each other at a nice healthy pace. Hell, if I were a Pleidian, I'd be jetting here myself.

To steal from Mr. Hicks a bit, I can just picture those space fellars in the 40s, running in to their wives saying, 'Yee-ha Mable, the earthlings got the A-bomb. Me & Skeeter are going to hop in the pickup & head down & watch the fireworks. We just know those butt-crazy Earth Chim-chims won't be able to resist using them on each other."

& then we go & disappoint them.

They flap around for a few decades hoping for a good light show, then they fade away just leaving a few diehard 'Earthers' minding the store. They pass the time playing games of 'abduct the monkey' until a good war breaks out & then the others return because they're afraid they're going to miss something good.

It's an age-old story.

I do love bits like the taxi mechanic who thinks that because he can taxi a plane from point A to point B that makes him credible. Personally, I prefer when the witness is some hick cop in some small town & every ufo-yoo-hoo crows about how the law enforcement affiliation of the witness makes his testimony irrefutable gospel truth. Everyone knows that every Barney Fife infesting the back roads of America goes through many hours of intense training in psychology & observational skills, right?


Finally, just because you asked for it, one more Tales of the Mentally Retarded.

Recently, I had the intense pleasure of accompanying some of my batshit crazy clientele to their monthly psych review. This psychiatrist is such a wizard at diagnosis that he can schedule 30 psych reviews in 3 hours, yet complete them in only 2. What a man. He is so astute that he can diagnose without even seeing the client. There were times I'd walk in with my client & the psychiatrist would say, "That's ok, he's done. You can take him back out." & I say, "But he hasn't been in yet."
& they say, "No, no. He's done."
At $200 a pop the doc is a capitalist extraordinaire.

Now, here's an extra credit question.

Let's say that this doctor doolittle fuck who does little more than milk the healthcare system for all it is worth sees a ufo tomorrow.
In reading the story you saw that he was a psychiatrist but knew none of the above, would you consider that credible proof that his testimony is above reproach & yes he obviously saw a ufo?

Do you think you would be right?

1/02/2007 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but you see, richard, it *wasn't* the 'pro' psychiatrist. if it HAD been, you'd be providing us with your example of the one you know milking the system, trying to sow doubt about *that* story. as it were, it was a common joe-shmoe taxying a 777 on the tarmac of the country's second busiest airport. if the report HAD been about the head-shrinker being visited by little green men, you'd be asking why the joe-sixpack at, say, THE AIRPORT, maybe, never finds himself staring at a UFO....

one can't win for losing with some peeps, i guess.

1/02/2007 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i.c.: a question to you.
Why do the shapeshifting deceits of the adversary-among-us get placed outside the boundaries of this blog reality?
There are plenty of first person accounts.
Mine is simply that for several years, now, when better judgement leaves me, I can choose to see behind the false form. Problem is, when they see me watching, I usually get vicerally ill for a day or two. Stealth is warrented, and I don't yet have it.
I dislike their character, their arrogance. And around here, they are fairly common.
The bigger picture is another discussion.
What might be the catalyst for you to consider 'They Live' an almost literal portrayal?

1/02/2007 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Flaemon

WTF is going on here?

3 days into the new year and already intelligent discourse has gone out the window in favour of petty bitching and backbiting.

Richard, aside from his abrupt manner, has made a few valid points although judging from the attitude with which he addresses and generalises the RI community I wonder what he's doing here in the first place. If the RI crowd are part of the tinfoil hat brigade then what need of your's are you satisfying by being here on the discussion board.

However not everything is connected in one far reaching conspiracy involving greys/reptilians/dubya/satanic cults.

Also everyone knows the internet is the Most High Sacred Church of Wackos and Nutbags, and therefore some degree of proof is needed to verify some largely outlandish claims seen only as a bunch of text on some bloggers webpage.(This is not intended to be a jibe at Jeff.)

With a little patience from everyone I'm sure maybe we can shine a little light into the dark places, which is what I thought Rigorous Intuition was all about.

All the best for the new year to JW and all the RI crowd.


btw does anyone have any info regarding the guy in the Plame scandal who was bounced off a hotel building just before Xmas.

1/03/2007 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing for my friend IC....

I'm assuming that you've been watching the recent sitcom where they try to inflate a drip of a prez like Ford into a national hero.
Is this a gut buster or what?
I lived through his presidency & my only memory of him involves Chevy Chase & a pratfall.


Yep. I can see the heroic elements just dripping from this little hero sandwich.

Don't you get the feeling that these motherfuckers are grasping at whatever straw presents itself. Despite all of their power , both real & imagined by every arm chair internet addicted "spook groupie," they know exactly how hollow they are & how tenuous & how fragile their grip on power really is?

Don't you think its about time to kiss our fear on the mouth & follow in the steps of a true New Orleans National Hero & say, "Hey, Mr. Cheney...fuck you!"

1/03/2007 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Jon, I couldn't provide you with any taxiing mechanic examples because I don't know any because I don't, ummm....you know, work at a fucking airport.

My point wasn't that the story wasn't true. i wasn't there. But then again, neither were you.
My point was that huge inferences are made from the tiniest bit of information or have you never met any hallucinating or gullible or bullshitting "joe-shmoes?"

If not, I'd say that you need to get out more.

& to anon who said, "I wonder what he's doing here in the first place."

As I am a known disinfo agent/CIA agent/someone's alter ego/shill for Lizard-boy the OverLord/unrepentent rightwing buttboy/anal keyboard fetishist, let me ask you, Where else would I be?

1/03/2007 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day one and right back to the crapola, eh?

Hi Jeff. Great post and I'm glad to see you back. Hope you and yours had a nice holiday.

1/03/2007 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm..........under a rock?

Where else do little hydra-headed buggy snake things like you hang out?

1/03/2007 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why Shrub, oh, I mean "Richard," you would be back at the ward growing more bitterness and cynicism in which to bore us.

1/03/2007 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soneone made some smartass remark about having to read Hebrew backwards. Actually, ENGLISH is read backwards!

A more interesting note - acording to psychologist Robert Ornstein ("The Mind Field", "Multimind", etc.), right-to-left languages have the vowels as auxiliary markers, while left-to-right languages have the vowels integrated as additional letters of the alphabet. There's some neurological, right/left brain reason for this, but I don't think he went into a lot of detail on this.

1/03/2007 03:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rich--mind of i call you dick?--to quote your wife, "so what the fuck is your point anyway?"

as you said, i wasn't there, you weren't there; i don't know it's true, you don't know it's true; i don't know it's fake, YOU DON'T KNOW IT'S FAKE; and so on, ad nauseum---thanks for stopping by to "contribute", but we already knew that.

you remind me of this guy i knew who constantly treated everyone who'd listen to his wonderful penchant for stating the obvious...oh shit!...it's you i'm talking about so never mind.

(fyi--nobody gives a damn about your stories of running your family's business; i know your coworkers are inbred shit-for-brains, but we can't choose family, can we?)

1/03/2007 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff,

Great to see you've gotten your hands on Sara Scott - no other researcher has dared to go as deep or as rigorously into the material as she did.

To the "anonymous" demanding that Jeff refute Nathan's analysis of McMartin: "moral panic" is a metaphor and the name of a body of theory. It has no concrete "existence" beyond it's utility as a tool of critical analysis. The question is not whether "moral panics" are "real" or not, but rather, who finds "moral panic" a useful term and why?

In the 2001 edition of his book "Moral Panics and Folk Devils", the poulariser of the term "moral panic" (Cohen) noted that "moral panic" is a thirty year old term that has been superceded by theories such as social constructionism. He apologies for the perjorative nature of the term "panic" and he criticises "moral panic" as a whole for it's simplistic presumptions regarding how the public interacts with information from mainstream media.

Nathan is not persuant with the theoretical and methodological shortcomings of "moral panic" theory because she is a journalist. Ironically, her work is driven by the same forces that she claims to critique - the media's demand for sensationalist material over and above accuracy and objectivity. She is not an expert in psychology, forensic investigations or child abuse cases. Rather, she is an expert at writing in such a way as to sell books and sell newspaper.

Why should Jeff answer to Nathan's 10-year-old claims? Perhaps instead you should avail yourself of Sara Scott's book. At least Scott is open and honest about her relation to the issue, and the methodology and modes of analysis that have driven her conclusions. Nathan, like other armchair commentators on ritual abuse, proffers nothing more then comforting dismissals of ritual abuse cases to people who desperately want to believe that such things could not happen in their country.


1/03/2007 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you all. In particular, Jon the self fellatio expert & Silverfox & his band of Merry Hmmmms. It's always quite amusing watching a bunch of de-balled liberal peacenik spook groupie males attempt to work up a good insult. It's kind of like watching a cat yak up a hairball.

Quite amusing.

Here's hoping that when you armchair keyboard commandoes actually work up enough outrage to actually do something other than type furiously this little baby here:
will be center stage at your girlyboy revolution.

To quote from the film, "The dread is mountable on anything....from a Humvee to a helicopter. With a 360 degree firing area, 120,000 rounds per minute, no muzzle flash or heat signature, & the ability to be set anywhere from lethal to non-lethal, the Dread is ideal at quieting the uppity revolutionary zeal of the most rigorous intuitionist. With the Dread in your corner, hours of playful fun can had watching pot-bellied suburban white boy internet surfers pee-pee in their panties every single time."

Ah, the joy of heavy armaments.

Peace love & unrestrained heebie-jeebies to you all in this new year. While I may not be posting again for awhile(now, now, control your unrestrained joy Jonny boy) , I'll still be reading & chuckling heartily at your cut & paste philosophising & pseudo new age spirituality & the ever constant regurgitation of the Huxley/Orwell literary blueprint to your oppression.

I heartily endorse the cry of suburban typist revolutionary intuitionists everywhere....."Help, help....I'm being oppressed."

C'mon sing it with me.

1/03/2007 08:56:00 AM  
Blogger Tsoldrin said...

Anon on property as a driving force for the holocaust...

Interesting take, especially the parallels to Jim Crow laws and the Native American land grab. One other parallel conspicuously missing there would be the crime of apartheid being visited upon the Palestinian people by Israel.

1/03/2007 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger ericswan said...

Danziger Bridge Seven are cheered on by their fellow officers as they proceeded to turn themselves in. Fellow officers say they are being "railroaded".. CNN. Jan. 3, 2007

Was Saddam's execution a "ritual" exercise? The execution took place on the 33 degree north. All states with the 33 degree North running through it and every country in the world except Bermuda have the death penalty. All but one of the presidents in the U.S. that were "elected" in your lifetime came from a state with the 33 degree North running through it except one who was assassinated in a 33 degree state.












Around the world

United States - Yes

Japan - Yes

China & occupied Tibet - Yes

India - Yes

Pakistan - Yes

Afghanistan - Yes

Iran - Yes

Algeria - Yes

Morocco - Yes

Tunisia - Yes

Libya - Yes

Iraq - Yes

Syria - Yes

Lebanon - Yes

Israel - Yes

Ritual?? who really knows.

Alexander Litvinenko and Satanic Society Ritual Murders
By T Stokes

The police in Italy are still charging people from the "Monster of Florence" killings, which occurred between 1974 and 1985, when seven courting couples were murdered.

The attacks were always in Florence, on moonless Saturday nights, in places where the couples would gather, the couples were always shot while making love, stabbed, then mutilated by the expert removal of the vagina with a knife. 100,000 people were interviewed during the 20 years since the awful attacks took place.

In 1994, 69 year old Pietro Pacciani, an illiterate alcoholic farm labourer, with a record of rape and violence was charged and on the very flimsy evidence that he was seen near the crime scenes, was sentenced to life imprisonment.

On appeal he was released in 1996 and died conveniently before a retrial could take place. In the same year two other men known to Pacciani were also imprisoned for involvement in the murders. A moonless Saturday night, is interesting as it shows that Saturn the greater malefic is the god of choice, and as the Moon is associated with women, its reflector and protector, it had to be absent. A woman's power over men is mainly in her body, and the taking of the vagina, is symbolically and psychologically the confiscation of the nucleus of those psychic energies, into an area ruled by Saturn.

Commisario Michelle Giuttari, now head of the regional crime squad, announced that findings from a prosecutor investigating the suspicious death of a local doctor, showed ritual activity in Perugia and Florence, with new leads that suggest a satanic sect. Giuttari claimed statements of a highly respectable group of "above reproach" type citizens including magistrates, doctors, academics and the aristocracy, attended these ceremonies where women's genitalia was used. The significance and coincidence of this with the Jack the ripper killings in Victorian London, is not lost to parnormalists who often assist and advise in police investigations of this sort, with its occult genesis in the sorcerers of the Old Testament.

A new suspect has now been charged with being the "Monster of Florence" And that is Francesco Calemandrei, a wealthy pharmacist, who is said to have implicated Satanists from the very top of society, including those close to Silvio Berlusconi, the intimate circle of Tony Blair and even an ex US President, I must not say more at this time.

Strangely the little forensic evidence there was in the case, was lost, police bungling reached new heights, and articles found at the scene went missing, and anyone asking questions was hassled and held on mocked up charges. A book has been published which gives most of the story, "Sweet Hills of Blood" and this does not make for good bedtime reading. - But I would recommend it, particularly as the author when asking questions was arrested by police, who searchedhis home for seven hours and took away the black stone doorstep, this is a sign of someone with occult knowledge, and has its ancient psychological origin in "crossing the threshold".

He was told he himself would be charged with the murders and 17 other crimes. Similar crimes to this have been reported not by the British mainstream media, but by the underground press.

Such groups as this have always existed, with tentacles into the higher reaches of politics, the church and Britain's WWII war effort. In 1996 a case was broken open at Tilbury docks, and bush meat parts from an Africa war zone were intercepted en route, these included parts of women's sexual anatomy. This particular ceremony is demonic, and demands a particular mindframe that is not normal.

Many rough sleepers and children who went missing in the past, have ended their days with groups such as this, the recent Dutch paedophile case where two children were said to be used for the cream of society in their debauchery, has similarities here. Witness evidence, victims and survivor statements also tell of similar groups who often use the occult as a cover for plain criminality.


1/03/2007 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See the Gerald Ford "hero or zero" list.

Interesting stuff at the link already.

- Neocons came in with Gerald Ford.

- Ford changed the Warren Commission text to update the cover story--even though it further failed to fit to say Kennedy was shot in the neck, it made better textual verification for the empty 'single bullet theory'--the ultimate conspiracy theory I should add.

When official reality is a conspiracy, conspiracy theory is a consensus reality.

I would say the only good thing that Gerald Ford did was to avoid dying of assassination three times in his short tenure. If the neocons had had their wish in 1975 and killed off Ford,....

President Nelson Rockefeller would have been sworn in without having an election, and George H. W. Bush, Head of Rocky's CIA would have overseen a standdown on the WTC hit probabaly as early as 1976. After all the U.S. Army planned out a WTC attack as a "terror drill" in 1976, just to "find the holes in security".

If it sounds like a familar tune, it is. Same personnel in Ford's Administration as the regrouped Baby Bush's admin. Same forms of cheating and stretching the rules to get their candidate in the Presidency, whether Ford or Bush II (or Bush I for that matter).

The Neocon destruction of the USA really picked up in 1975 and has been barrelling on for 31 years.

More on that at the link above.

1/03/2007 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."

We all must bear in mind, the nazarene was the ultimate human sacrifice; also "eat his body and drink his blood" is repeatedly recited during nearly every xtian mass/service around the world.

Christianity was invented to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the mind) from the populace and place this power in the hands of a "chosen" few to the detriment of all humanity. The powers of the mind and soul are very real. People who are unaware of or who do not believe in these powers are easy to control and manipulate by those who are skilled in using these energies.

Spiritual Satanism strongly advocates all learning, knowledge, inquiry, and free thought.

Spiritual Satanism supports the separation of church and state. Satanists do not push Satanism or prosyletize.

Spiritual Satanists acknowledge science and believe everything of the occult/supernatural to have a rational scientific explanation. We believe humanity has been held back dangerously in this area due to the hoax of Judeo/Christianity and its relentless attacks upon science for centuries.

We practice power meditation to advance spiritually and to elevate ourselves. Power meditation is as essential for the human soul as food is essential for the human body. The serpent, a symbol of Satan represents the kundalini force coiled at the base of the spine, which upon ascending, transforms the human mind and soul to a much higher level of understanding and ability. This is the true meaning of "Raising the Devil." The Serpent symbol of Satan also represents the DNA helix of life.

Perhaps hindus are also going to hell too.

Take Ganesh, the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati, is widely worshipped as the supreme god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune.

He is embodiment of all sacral blessings.
The head of the elephant looks like the bones of the sacral area.
To connect us to this subtle energy which permeates into every atom and molecule, there is a power of pure desire which is placed in the sacrum bone (sacred bone) of the human beings, which is called as Kundalini. The Kundalini can be awakened spontaneously by the power of Sahaja Yoga.This Kundalini has to ascend and pierce through six solid centres which are placed in the spinal cord and in the brain. The last breakthrough is the actualization the Ruah; the Ruh; the Adi Shakti; the Athena emitting out of one's fontanelle bone area.

Of course their are those who cheat and steal energy (always have been),but the power is within us all.

1/03/2007 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Richard...

The topic is of course "demons", so it is perhaps understandable that your's should crawl out of the woodwork and once again have you in a frenzy at your keyboard spewing as much invective and hostility as you can muster...hmmmm?

I must say you're showing some distinct signs of wear and tear on account of it at this point. Running a little low on material...hmmm?

Damnably hard to have nothing worthwhile to say and not repeat yourself, isn't it? Just a measley "Herbert" for me and words like "pompous" and "windbag"...my, my... what a rollicking good guffaw my wife and my kids and my dog and my nextdoor neighbour and his cat all had over that one... har! har! de-har!

Did a touch of the truth take the wind out of your sails or something? Nothing but mouldy old chestnuts left in the bottom of your dirtbag for the poor old Fox?

If I didn't know you better I'd almost think you were trying to be civil. Why you'll have all the regular tweaks twitering about the "end times" if you carry on like that doncha-know?

Struck a nerve on what your demon wants out of you, eh? Why you dance your little jig here spouting "Look at me, look at me! See what a bad little boy I am!" and of course you are, and unfortunately that's all you are, and most likely ever will be.

Now as a matter of fact I do quite clearly recall some nuisance calling himself Richard stating in no uncertain terms that everyone here was a complete waste of his valuable time, (which is pretty much your usual spiel, just as it is now), and that he simply wasn't going to lower himself by casting any more of his thoroughly unappreciated pearls into the swill here. So you can give yourself a google on that one, not that suspect it will deter you.

That was on or about the same time as the Shrubster's somewhat uncharacteristic and uncontrolled outburst at Jeff caused him to depart in a huff taking his Tweedle-dee" half of your put-up routine along with him and leaving you all alone to carry on with the "dum" part...hmmm?

A cruel blow to your ego, no doubt, but it was your own machinations that sent him over the edge when he really wanted so much to belong.

Camped out here like a regular trooper, even did his homework once in a while and offered some genuinely thoughtfull moments trying to cope with his far smaller version of the same mental demon that completely dominates your every move.

You did your utmost to play upon his fear and convince him he never could simply to bolster your own sick and twisted ego. All the time pretending to be his friend while you tried to innoculate him with your poison to keep him from "going over" untill he embarassed himself so much he had to leave.

Of course your mind is quite impervious to anything or anyone besides itself. Seeing others merely as some prop for your own desperate antics to get some attention...any attention...any way you can.

Now as much as I or anyone else here regrets that you've got no other place to go and demonstrate what thoroughly misguided, mean-spirited, obnoxious and utterly selfish little child you really are, this isn't the place to do it.

What you do and why you do it isn't some profound mystery that requires any particularly rigorous intuition on our part to to either see or understand. That's your problem, not our's.

So it isn't we who "don't get it", get it? So instead of doing your own petty imitation of that shit-slinging mental defective that seems to preoccupy you, get used to that idea. You're not fooling anyone here but yourself no matter how hard you try.

So run along and leave us to our petty illusions and delusions. They're never going to be as important as your's are to you.

So take it from a fox and wise up, see those "sour grapes" for what they are and be on your way. There isn't anything for you here, never was, never will be.

1/03/2007 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same direction different path.

1/03/2007 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I only have a few minutes before my keepers find me I'll keep this brief.

Silverfox, old buddy old pal. Here i am thinking that you finally mastered your compulsion to drone on & on endless ad nauseum. After all, your last post only took you 5 paragraphs to tell me to go fuck myself.

But now, with your 17 paragraph fuck off, i fear you're once again drifting into the record books for hot air ballooniness.

Silverwolf says I'll huff & puff & huff & puff & huff & puff & puff some more & then huff a bit & then puff some more & then huff & eventually after you've died of complete & utter boredom & can't possibly say not by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I'll blow your charade down.

See foxy, you never have to fear those pesky government agents persecuting you for your seditious twaddle. They realize that by the time you work yourself into venturing out of your suburban tree-lined wonderland & actually walking the talk you so love to talk, you & everyone within earshot will be in a geriatric home.

Now I must leave you foxy one, for I fear that talking to you seems to make me very very sleepy. & all my banal compulsiveness just can't compensate.

1/03/2007 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MKUTLRA and its predecessor projects
were continuations of WW2 projects;
in some cases, possibly, of WW1 and prior projects (like the Spanish Inquisition)

The US, Britain, the Soviet Union and other of the allies took German scientists back with them to teach their techniques and explain their material to scientists there and to pursue their "research" further.

The US also availed itself of Japanese medical experimenters and their extensive material.

One wonders what it was that these "scientists" were working on for those many years.. was it all a waste? or, did they get enough useable results to keep going?

The cold war was a convenient reason for these self-serving immoral actions - that is, at the very least, not prosecuting these people as criminals.

It's not at all suprising that these scientists might discover powerful & startling insights & phenomena and that, if they did, the military and other power brokers would be most interested..

Otherwise why would their respective governments keep funding them? of course, maybe nobody knew except the precious few?

And in this regard, it's clear that we're talking about more than: "How long can someone survive in ice-cold water?" or, "What happens to a person at various altitudes?"

If, in fact, effective disassocative techniques were developed and that these and other discoveries could be used to manipulate people, would we not be surprised if this incredible information would be immediately ursurped by those who felt they could profit by it?

And, if so, that we would then see these types of reports by disconnected geographically-dispersed persons suffering the same abuses, using the same esoteric terms, and referencing the same medical & military people & places?

1/03/2007 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MKUTLRA and its predecessor projects
were continuations of WW2 projects;
in some cases, possibly, of WW1 and prior projects

The US, Britain, the Soviet Union and other of the allies took German scientists back to teach their techniques and explain their material to scientists there and to pursue their "research" further.

The US also availed itself of Japanese medical experimenters and their extensive material.

One wonders what it was that these "scientists" were working on for those
years.. was it all a waste? or, did they get enough useable results to keep going?

The cold war was a convenient reason for these self-serving immoral actions - that is, at the very least, not prosecuting these people as war criminals.

It's not at all suprising that these "scientists" would discover powerful & startling insights & phenomena and that the military and other power brokers would be most interested.. otherwise why would their respective governments keep funding them? of course, maybe nobody knew except the precious few?

And in this regard, we're talking about moe than: "How long can someone survive in ice-cold water?" or, "What happens to a person at various altitudes?"

1/03/2007 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jon's such a good catholic, isn't he? i remember that speech he gave about god and love several months back. me thinks jonny cakes has some skeletons in the closets. maybe he was more than an alter boy.

jonny, you best go back to your room where you belong. you can't hang with the big dogs without wetting your silky panties and tampon. stop the whining. no one wants to hear your vacuous crap. it's obvious to everyone here that you don't have an original idea of your own, so stick to your masturbatory voyeurism. it is what you do best, afterall.

1/03/2007 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/03/2007 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. You need to stay the hell out of it, Jon. Go back under your rock where you belong.

1/03/2007 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how after three threads lasting a couple of weeks that covered a wealth of stuff, much of which was spiritually and morally uplifting and informative, we come to the new year and Jeffzebub offers what? Demon....

No joke, when I saw the picture at the top of the post I thought it must be "Mr. Wells" himself. How ironic it was when I read someone refer to it as Charlie Manson. Funny how Mr. Photoshopmeister Wells himself managed to make a serial killer psychopath tool look cheerful and almost handsome.

Some dark shit psyop that is, my friends.

So then what? We have reams and reams of copro-verbosity from the re-appearing Richard/Jon/Schrubb troll, the darkside's equivalent of sherbert to clear the pentacled palate for.....an anonymous spouting Satanic dogma.

Does ANYONE on this post seriously doubt that it is nothing but a blackhole trap set by the very same evil forces it pretends to expose?

Dancer stated it clearly enough, that Jeff uses the very same rhetorical or psychological techniques as pederast perps. Not just a coincidence I daresay.

So, to conclude my words to you, and my monumental waste of time reading this blog, here is a piece from today's news on the REAL meaning of sacrifice. And how God rewards it:

Wednesday January 3, 2007 5:46 PM


Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Wesley Autrey faced a harrowing choice as he tried to rescue a teenager who fell off a platform onto a subway track in front of an approaching train: Struggle to hoist him back up to the platform in time, or take a chance on finding safety under the train.

At first, he tried to pull the young man up, but he was afraid he wouldn't make it in time and they would both be killed.

``So I just chose to dive on top of him and pin him down,'' he said.

Autrey and the teen landed in the drainage trough between the rails Tuesday as a southbound No. 1 train entered the 137th Street/City College station.

The train's operator saw them on the tracks and applied the emergency brakes.

Two cars passed over the men - with about 2 inches to spare, Autrey said. The troughs are typically about 12 inches deep but can be as shallow as 8 or as deep as 24, New York City Transit officials said.

Relatives identified the teen as Cameron Hollopeter, 19, of Littleton, Mass., a student at the New York Film Academy.

Hollopeter's stepmother, Rachel Hollopeter, said Autrey was ``an angel.''

``He was so heroic,'' she said early Wednesday in a telephone interview. ``If he wasn't there, this would be a whole different call.''

Authorities said Hollopeter had suffered a medical problem, but was in stable condition at a hospital.

Autrey, 50, of Manhattan, declined medical attention.

Autrey had been waiting for a train with his two young daughters. After the train stopped, he heard bystanders scream and yelled out:

``We're O.K. down here but I've got two daughters up there. Let them know their father's O.K.,'' The New York Times reported.

While spectators cheered Autrey, hugged him and hailed him as a hero, he didn't see it that way.

``I don't feel like I did something spectacular; I just saw someone who needed help,'' he told the Times. ``I did what I felt was right.''


May God bless you all and turn those of you toward the truth who are capable of receiving such blessings. May the scales fall from your eyes and may the cotton be pulled from your years, that you may know compassion and mercy, which is the eternal nature of God's presence.

God be with ye

1/03/2007 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...how they parry and pirouette; each a pretender to rapier-like wit. But, alas, all was lost when they spoke.

1/03/2007 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rule No. 1 is: don't get into arguments with the patients.

Because they're crazy, and you're not.

A good rule of thumb taught in psychiatry is:

If the patient makes you want to laugh, consider Manic-Depressive Disorder.

But if they make you frightened, think of schizophrenia.

Another good rule, frequently violated: sociopaths shouldn't work around patients. They can't deliver "patient care" because they're uncaring.

Any individual who laughingly refers to one of their "clients" as "batshit crazy," shouldn't be working with patients, mentally handicapped or not.

Vitriol does not masquerade well as virtue.

Rule No. 7: Haldol has its uses.

1/03/2007 01:48:00 PM  
Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

So it is really you, Richard! Nice to hear from you again. You seem…even more embittered. What happened to the fabulous humor hiding behind the bilious cynicism? Didn’t mean to cause offense with my pedantry over the spelling of “martial”--I was just hoping you had intended some sort of multiple entendre with your old Gladio-eye familiarity with the Marshall Plan's consequences. Maybe you did, on levels that even your finger doesn’t know about.

So what’s all this then about bashing the armchair theorists? From what I can gleam from your frenetic return to Rigorland, you find the Intuition ungirded by sufficient rigor, that essential level of skepticism--fair enough. But you yourself haven’t quite given up on the pursuit, have you? Let’s refer back to the masthead, the charming snake that informs Mr. Wells’ quixotic quest: What You Don't Know Can't Hurt Them. "Them" implies a they and despite your observation (with which I agree) that you “don't find pudgy little dinks like Cheney very threatening. Yeah, they have power, but in the greater scheme of life's unpredictable & unavoidable ass reamings, that power is way effing limited…”, there is still a discernable they doing something behind some sort of curtain.

Maybe the confusion here is over terms, or even perspective. Sure, no one with any active thought process really believes that Ford thought long and hard (or at all) before pardoning Nixon, since the order obviously came from a much higher authority, but to say that the actors playing their parts have no volition whatsoever is to oversimplify how the game works on your iridescent orb. Take the interesting question from the person asking how I can dismiss out of hand the whole Icke Reptilian scheme, or, more to the point, why I insist on a literal level of meaning when describing them. Well, I can’t; I don’t know enough to speculate on the other levels on which these creatures might be said to exist, other than the metaphorical, but this is precisely where it bothers me most because on some meta-level, the effect of the myth is that it flattens reality and instills fear and hopelessness. History becomes a two-dimensional parade of cut-out figures doing the bidding of illumined masters, Nietztsche only wrote what they told him to, etc, etc.

It seems to my intuition that it’s a bit more complicated than that. That we do have free will which is, however, constrained by the walls they’ve built to channel the chaotic eddies of individual wills and randomness itself. You can maintain a large aquarium without tracking and controlling the activities of all your specimens, right? Or even recognizing the patterns of their behavior, for that matter. The big aquarium keepers do have tools that your average tropical fish enthusiast does not, however. When you scoff at the paranoid feel-the-fascism crowd, you belittle the significance of the growing surveillance capabilities of the machine. You know that TIA stuff didn’t go away just because Sen. Feingold shook his democratic stick at it. The amateur aquarium doesn’t have sophisticated systems of data storage, nor any secret algorithms for analyzing the patterns in his fishbowl. Can you say the same for the acronym agencies watching over you?

And yeah, the Huxley-Postman thesis doesn’t explain the meaning of life, but it isn’t meant to, either. It’s just a tool, a lens to understand how a soft tyranny operates. The irony of your dim view of the pot-bellied whatever demographic we are peering out at the universe through our monitor screens is that this is the one activity that is most antithetical to the program of Amusing Ourselves to Death—awareness of the program. Now, I’m not suggesting that this awarness is enough, or that there aren’t filters and agents of all stripes working furiously to mislead and derail any burgeoning self-consciousness in the collective mind, but, as our leaders have said, this is where the real battle is being waged.

Let’s go back to the flat gameboard of history for a moment. Did the public’s awareness of Dick’s tricks have nothing to do with his eventual resignation? Sure, arguments can be made that Nixon was sacrificed to mollify the uppity herd, etc, but would they have had to that if that small portion of his transgressions in the service of the State hadn’t bubbled up to the slimy surface? Take a broader example. If the whole herd knew the secret history that is only glimpsed by those fascinated by the curtain, if the whole ugly game of Kissinger’s war crimes and Wall Street’s many disgusting collusions to protect their monopolies…if everyone knew that we could fix the world and lead lives of responsible abundance and personal fulfillment, would this stupid lie, this scarcity & war paradigm be sustainable, no matter how many bogeymen and Al-Qaedas they invented? I think not. Are you so pessimistic that you disagree?

To me, there are at least two valid pursuits here: finding out what they’ve been up to, and charting courses into those unknown abundant waters. Naturally, neither is an easy task, for all the reasons you know only too well yourself. But what’s the alternative? To join the poor soul separated by one gene (and the state of the psychiatric arts) from his “successful” brother and fling your feces at your owners and those who would try to make your world better? I’m not enjoining you to abandon your skepticism or to join some movement. I’m not telling you anything, except that no fat ladies are singing yet, so put the poop down. There’ll be time enough for that step. Peace brother. And I mean that. (Did you ever give any further thought to that little thought experiment I proposed before you flew this coop, the one where focus groups were subjected to an alternating diet of altruism and oppression to see which “we” preferred? Still curious.)

To those of you who are wondering why I'm so polite to Richard, well...why not? Tempers can flare and threads unravel, but there's a reason we attempt this thing, and no, it's not to affirm our own beliefs or to shout someone else's down. Peace be with all you cheerful idiots...and spread that vibe, please.

1/03/2007 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've become a regular lurker here for the last few months, but in my only other comment here I tried to communicate the unbelievability of the experience of the "other," even for a not-so-naive self described "sensitive" and "freak" (not that that makes me special; we're all wyrd). In that previous comment I shunned specifics; after all, what's the point to a sourceless anecdote compared to the well annotated and insightful writings of our benefecient host (no to mention a signigicant portion of the commetators contributions to this forum). Be that as it may, for some reason I now feel compelled (hmmmm?) to share a little bit of my bizzare stories. I do so in the hope it illuminates one of Jeff's excellent observations; witnesses are faced with the sysaphaen task of reconstructing a cogent world-view in the face of something utterly unbelievable.

Once the phenomena ends (or perhaps more accurately, can no longer be observed directly) the "real world" goes on like nothing ever happened and one is left questioning if it ever did occur. Doubt is in-escapable after "it" is over for witnesses. I know a lot of folks claim "the know it is real" but I'm fairly certain that somewhere deep in their minds a shadow exists. How could it not? The unbelievable is just that, unbelievable.

Please forgive my rambling wordiness, I mean no spam ('specially after that attack of schmegma last night!).

So here is one of my tales:

About 12 years ago my life's path found me, an itinerant drummer at the time, a vagabond in old econo-line van sleeping out on a cliffside pull off on the PCH (just south of the Odwalla Juice plant in Davenport,CA). The beach has often hosted "Raves" and operated as safe (no cops) site for bacchanalia for decades. But this early september night the beach was empty and the pulloff above served only as place for off tour deadheads (jerry died earlier that summer) and "Rainbow" types (the "tribe" of cast off kidz, not the gnarled,super-crunchy, not so innocent, "high holies").

A few heavily stickered hoopty tour cars parked near my van, and the partially hand painted "shorty" ex-school bus held an impromptu beer drinking session for some of my neighboring heads. That's never really been my scene, and I sat alone outside. I vividly remember the moonless night, my hands placed lightly on the goatskin head of the djembe, naturally mellow and feeling particularly peaceful on the periphery of a field that grew brussels to the cliff edge. The night was crystal clear, moonless and the low fog on the ocean horizon lay tranquil beyond. I had no ganja to smoke, and it had been several weeks since my lost tango in the imaginal realms of entheogenic ingestables. But a previous experience, high (in every sense) in the mountains of Wyoming instantly came to recall as low rumbling, machine-like sound rolled from the oceanside. Unlike the cars on the highway behind me this sound was also remarkable because it lacked a doppler effect (changes in pitch as objects approach and then recede). So I looked up from drum, which had completely captured my attention the moment before, and to the sound. It appeared to be highly directional; more contained than any "high throw" horn in speaker, and apparently projected from a single source. Seemingly 15 feet or so above the cliff level but a few hundred yards offshore I percieved two lights; a blue one and a larger white one. They appeared to be attached to a roughly rectangular object (this was seemingly much larger than the brazilian 'fridges). Truthfully, I am certain it was one object but the exact shape is iffy because the only light came from the stars and the reflections on the water of some lights from fishing boats a mile or so to the south and further out from shore. The top of the object appeared almost like an Escher print jumble of geometic "squares", but I'm not sure this perception really happened in 3-D space, and could just be imagination (seperate from the scientific probability that the whole incident was a "hallucination").

Rather than digress into another wyrd story, because of previous experience I immediately recognized this "thing" as "kin" to the phenomena I experienced in an altered (neat word, no?) state in WY (and NM and etc...), and knew they were not friendly. This knowledge is deep in all of us, and this form of the "other" is an old, old, enemy of mankind; even if what I was actually percieving was "machinery" operated by human agents (what my "intinct" tells me). In that moment, and it would change later, I felt real fear; I've fought for and re-possesed my "soul" more than once and I know that fear and anger is truly the "dark side" and the door way inside our "eggs". I was immune to the terror, but my inner peace was deeply disturbed.

I sat there somewhat stunned that these chi-vampires (which I use for lack a proper pricesly accurate appellation) would be here near so many humans. I sat still long enough for the object to pass to the north, just off the smokestack of the juice plant, and all the could be directly percieved was its bright white tail-light. My thoughts were somewhat jumbled, and I felt somewhat "off center" but at last I thought, " I should get the kids out of the bus and show them this." I then proceeded to do that. I don't remember how many of us were there. Probably more than 10 but definetely less than 20. All of them saw the white light, and commented it didn't look like a helicopter. I kept on telling them, "its the fucking nephilim" (a misnomer if there ever was one) most were skeptical, a few felt scared and excited, and one suggested we go down the path to the beach below to see if we could see it more clearly. 4 of us did it. The rest returned to the bus. The brother who suggested the expedition led the way spouting shit he had read about the pleidians and grays and seemed hyperkenetic and somewhat manic. I trailed behind with my drum, not at all easy, but definetely curious.

When we made it down to the beach the cliffs occluded our view of the white light at first, and we were considering going back up when it reappeared the entrance to the cove the beach was on. It was closer than ever, and continued to project the low hum towards us. A moment later a single red light flew out of the horizon. I couldn't tell if it flew out of the ocean or the low fog a few miles offshore, but it moved nearly instaneously and its straight trajectory seemed almost like it was on track rather than flying. The much larger blue and white lit object moved the same way. the two objects flashed a quick prismatic strobe of colors at each other and began to approach closer.

At this point my three companons started running toward the lights, waving their flashlights. I knew better and sat down with my drum and started to rip. I pounded as hard as a I could the fundeh, or "heart-beat" rythym and wordless song I had learned years before in the sweatlodge of a Okanagan traditional elder, his "heart song."

Everything happened in a rush, but for the first time the objects seemed to sway in offshore breeze, off their "tracks" as it were, and quickly reversed course. A brief primated strobe showed (like half a second) between the two, then they separated and returned from the directions they first appeared and at the same rate of travel (fast for the red light slow for rectangle). The only difference was that the rectangle stayed below the level of the cliffs.

I hope I haven't dragged this out too long, but I really just want to communicate that eventhough I witnessed the events above, and I have what I consider a fairly useful window to frame the experience in (Toad Venom rocks, but then again so does breathing!) I still doubt its reality in a significant way.

The unbelievable, the direct experience of "other", leaves a shadow in the bright light of your known mind-world construct, a nagging suspicion that you're we're deluded somehow.
The schism between what you know you've percieved and everyday reality is definetely part of human conciousness and can either be exploited or aknowledged and dealt with.

I'd like to believe I'm aknowledging and dealing, but who really knows?

Thanx for the space Jeff. Keep up the good work, and I apologize if I went on too long and created only a labyrinthe language to annoy and scroll quickly through.

1/03/2007 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tale to honor the inciteless incites of Oarwell....

about a month before xmas I was in the local grocery when this 19 year old check out girl engaged me in a little conversation. She asked me what I did for a living & I said i work with the mentally retarded.

She said, "Mentally Retarded? You can't call them that."

I said, "Oh yeah, well what do I call them?"

She said, "Mentally challenged."

I said, "That makes it sound like if they just try harder they'll get better."

She said, "Well, my uncle's retarded."

I said, "So what?

She said, "Well he's been in a home all of his life & I've never even met him."

I said, "well, why not?

She said, "Because he's in an institution."

I said, "Well, it isn't effing prison. They do have visiting hours."

She looked blankly into the distance for a bit & then said "Now you've made me feel bad."

Nothing like the moral superiority of those who never ever get anywhere near caring for those who need it, eh Oarwell?

& one final burst of Silverfox joy....I quite enjoyed your attempt to place the blame for the Shrub crucifixtion on me Pontius ol pal.
Although calling you Pontius Pilate would be a bit of a misnomer since Pilate at least had the good sense to wash his hands before the deed was done. Unlike a halfwit like you who only starts scrubbing afterwards. Ol sly silverfox isn't even man enough to take responsibility for the consequences of his own slimy babbling bullshit. What a pathetic excuse for a pathetic excuse ol silverfox is. Thanks booba, you've given me even more reasons to laugh at you.

1/03/2007 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Egads! there were quite a few typos in my spiel. The missing prepositions and letters are probably self evident but two mistakes were significant:

"I felt NO real fear..."

and "lAst tango with..."

Sorry, I ain't a writer, I'm just an over edumacated carpinter

1/03/2007 03:00:00 PM  
Blogger Vemrion said...


If what you say is true, then it would appear that the waters were muddied long ago. Hardly fair to blame Jeff for that, is it?

As for UFOs, if you read closely, you might notice that Jeff appears to be hinting that the UFO phenomenon (or at least part of it) is controlled by the same people involved with ritual abuse. Not sure that I would agree, but the possibility that these amazing crafts are not extraterrestrial (and are actually controlled by dark forces on earth), must be accounted for.

You're right that discrediting people is the name of their game. But it's all about how you frame your arguments. Most people are open to the idea of life on other planets. Just not that it's green and monitoring us.

1/03/2007 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for a really interesting story, TooStoned. You are a great writer, so please stop apologizing! I hope you can see past the noise, which is a necessary burden accompanying our freedom and curiosity, and continue to participate. Judging by the brief snippets of experience you've shared, I would guess you don't need the advice to 'not feed the trolls'; there's no point talking to those who won't listen. Thanks again.

1/03/2007 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Satanist "Anonymous",

The statement that Satanists "DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice" is false. Satanism is not a doctrinal religion with a set ethical code. The term "Satanism" stretches from teenage dabblers to committed theists to religious nihilists - to some involved in hardcore child abuse and drug trafficking.

The form of "Satanism" that we see in ritual abuse cases is usually an inversion of fundamentalist Christianity, so your points about the cannibalistic nature of the Christian host (etc) do not refute the notion that there can be an intersection between Satanism and ritual child sexual abuse. Ritual abuse perpetrators are often using the darkest aspects of Judeo-Christian theology in their abuse, including Satan, sacrifice and so on.

As for your critique of Christianity as "elitist" and so on - Christianity is usually criticised by Satanists in the Nietzschean tradition for the manner that it lauds poverty, meekness and the commonality of man. And now "spiritual Satanism" appears to be embracing the very ideals that Satanists have traditionally rejected in the Christian doctrine! The wheel turns ... Although, frankly, you don't sound like a Satanist, you sound like a neopagan.


1/03/2007 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


At this time, Timothy Leary, as patron saint of the hippie movement, was urging his followers to 'turn on, tune in and drop out' on LSD, a psychedelic synthesised from ergot in a Swiss laboratory. A generation later, he would switch his allegiance to the computer generation, announcing that 'the PC is the LSD of the 1990s'.

For Leary, there was a clear relationship between the consciousness movement and the new technology.

What is so intriguing about our own era in history is that the human quest for knowledge and understanding in the last 25 years has seen an amazing blend of shamanic techniques, psychedelic drugs and the international global boom in resurrecting the pre-Christian, pagan, totemic and Hindu traditions. At the same time, with these computers...you have a situation where you can walk around in realities of your own construction. So we are very much on a threshold. I don't want to put any limits on what I'm saying, but here we have ancient techniques merging with the most modern. Computers give us the ways to communicate with the basic language of the universe - which is quanta-electronic. Matter and bodies are just electrons that have decided to come together, buzzing around with information.

TIMOTHY: That's fabulous. I'm a great admirer of Terence McKenna, and what he's doing. I must put a caveat here. All of our language is suspect as we move from a mechanical factory society, which is state-controlled, into a much freer cybernetic society. Now, all of us who grew up in the sixties have a terrible bias against technology, because technology was what was polluting the air, and grinding down the soil, and making a parking lot out of our planet. Much of this understandable contempt for technology has flipped over into a contempt for computers.

But there's a great difference between mechanical technology, which uses oil, metal, concrete, and is in material form, and the cybernetic technology which is invisible. Within two or three years of the computers, instead of the mainframe's enormous bar and building it will be as small as a cigarette box. So that the basic virtue and ethical goal in the cybernetic society is no longer big is better, and more is better, but smaller. Throughout, the lesson is learned from Hermes Trismagistus: as above, so below, as in the larger, so in the smaller.

The greatest wisdom is always housed in the smallest package. I think I even said that in the Psychedelic Prayers twenty-eight years ago. Look at the DNA code. The DNA code is invisible, and yet the DNA code has enough information to build you an Amazon rain forest, or build a hundred David Browns. I mean it's there. The point is certainly obvious. We've now learned that the atom is not just a bunch of billiard balls going around Bohr's solar system. The atom, we have every reason to expect, is charged with enormous miniaturized information. The fact that we can't decipher it is not the problem of the atom. That's what quantum physics demonstrates.

See, matter and energy are frozen clusters of quarks. Matter is simply information which is frozen, and then it dissolves. So the smaller the information unit, the more efficient, and the more kindly, because you don't have to chop down a forest of trees to build books. It can just be put on tiny little silicon chip. See, we've gone from carbon to silicon, because carbon is much more precious. Carbon is organic, whereas silicon is cybernetic. You want to have the silicon do whatever you can to spare the carbon, because the trees, bees and flowers are carbon based.

DJB: How do you feel about scientific progress these days, and what do you think is missing?

TIMOTHY: There's been a wonderful surge of new and imaginative science in the last ten or fifteen years. Prigogine's system theory, for example. Sheldrake's morphogenetic resonance, and the notion of the hundred monkeys. Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis. Terence McKenna. I could go on listing. All of these wonderful intuitions growing out of science have been landmarks. There's just one little slip you have to add to it that makes it all click, and that is that all of these wonderful thinkers and prophets are talking about information. See, another thing I must say is that the key to information theory and quantum philosophy is the notion that there are no laws of the universe. That's such a typical Victorian British Empire piece of shit, because the Judeo God is up there--he's the judge, and he's emitting laws and commandments, of all things.

DJB: How do you see the process of evolution working?

TIMOTHY: The way that evolution works at the level of astro-physics, or at the organic level, and even the level of human knowledge, is that it's all based on algorithms. I won't go into the details, but algorithms can be summed up as: if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if--then. So, if the sunlight is such, if the temperature is this, if the water level is this, if the meteorological stuff is this, and if there is enough nitrogen--Click--then it happens in every island around, all the leaves turn green. See, they're programmed that way.

DJB: Have you thought about Bell's Theorem, how the mechanism of nonlocality occurs?

TIMOTHY: This notion of the non-locality of cause--Bell's Theorem and all that--seems kind of mysterious, unless it's all information, of course. If you program an algorithm, you don't set laws; you're the program, and if the program is if, if, if, if--then, the same thing's going to happen on the other side of the galaxy if it's going to happen here. That's the non-locality of cause. It's totally comprehensible and inevitable if you understand it's all information chains and codes, and they all pop up if, if, if, if--then. This is not in any way a reductionist perspective. Another one of the problems of a soft philosophy and hard philosophy is reductionism.

There's no reductionism here because if you've played around with algorithms, like fractals for example, you realize that you never know what's going to happen. They asked Fredkin--who's the great prophet of all this--"Are you saying that God is some crazed computer hacker in the sky, who's writing all these programs for stars, and atoms?" If there are two of you, and one of me, and you're hydrogen, and I'm oxygen, we get water, see? But, if that's the if.

Fredkin said, "Well, I don't know about trying to identify the intelligence that set these algorithms up; we're too crude right now to speculate, but I'll tell you one thing about it. Whoever he, she, it, or they were who wrote these algorithms, they're surprised as hell every time because—quick—oh my god—look what they're doing now!" If you've ever seen how a fractal program operates, you know that these incredible forms develop, and yet they always come back to the basic forms of cosines, which are like the linings of the esophagus, which are like the clouds.

See, coastlines and coast-like phenomena are wonderful, because they are a way of miniaturizing information. If you took a coastline and pulled it out, it'd be like ten miles long, but not if you crunch it together, like the DNA code is. It's a way of miniaturizing and packaging. Now, the notion of algorithms account for non-locality of cause. Whether it's Bell's physical experiments, or Sheldrake's hundred monkeys. It's so comforting to know that everyone is right. It's just that we can improve the theories, and make Sheldrake and Bell more precise and comprehensible.


Paganism is a Nature religion, rooted deep in the Earth, honoring the Gods and Goddesses, feeling the heartbeat of the Mother Earth, loving and honoring all of Her creatures. And now we have this wonderful new technology, along with computer graphics. We can link up with other people on-line, and now we can be techno-witches, and cyber wizards...I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound like much of a Nature Religion to me anymore... I need no on-line link to let me feel the power of the Goddess, I just touch the Earth and connect.

1/03/2007 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope that i am helpful.

I mean labels just but things or people in boxes....hahahaha

Whoever they elect we are ungovernable.

That is cool too.

1/03/2007 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Lennon said before he was wacked in the famous playboy article that.

We should never forget to thank the CIA an US army for LSD.

25 lysergic acid diethylamide.


1/03/2007 05:28:00 PM  
Blogger TonyForesta said...

Just a couple of retorts Richard before I leave you to your slime and giggling.

I read Riverbend religiously including her lynching post the day it appeared, but your missing the point. Iraqi horrors are indeed far more enormous, hopeless, and ghoulish than anything we here in the land of Oz endure. That said 3000 dead soldiers (22,000 wounded) would be (in my a opinion) a grim milestone if we were in any way succeeding on any of the stated Bush government objectives in the Iraq horrorshow, - but the fact that we are in fact FAILING, and LOOSING ground on all the stated Bush government objectives in Iraq - is a national tragedy, and grotesque missallocation of American blood, treasure, credibility, and perversion of our core principles for the singular and exclusive profit of the fascist warmongers and profiteers in the Bush government.

My general point which you failed to comprehend, and I accept responsibilty for not communicating the point in terms you could understand, - is that is was a exceptionally wierd news cycle, with many strange convergences.

Lastly, all the wingnutsia a fixated on promoting fear, and cravenly quick to heap accusations of fear, or assume to imagine they have some inkling of what theleft, or me in this particular case of scared of or concerned about.

You speak for yourself, and you might want to disinfect you keyboard with all that slime oozing out, - and I speak for myself, thanks.

That said, it is not fear that I feel, but indignation and frustration that we as people allow our socalled leaders to mangle, dismantle, pervert, and re-engineer the Constitution, our own laws, and the core principles that formally defined American.

Ford was a healer.
It was a decent thing to pardon Nixon.
Saddam wasn't lynched. It was all Maliki's fault.
3000 dead soldiers, and our fascist leaders are pimping escalation or a surge, and about to request a 70bn supplemental to fatten thier off shore bank accounts.
It's full steam ahead!
Freedoms' on the march!
The are no finders, no network of pedastery in our government, no UFO's, no underground bunkers, no reason to examine the reportage of Sibel Edmonds, or Indira Singh, no fascist cabals operating above, beyond, and outside the rule of law and perverting America's core principle in the Bush government, - and lastly Impeachment is the uncivil pipedream and mean bushhating scaredycats and conspiratorialists on the left.

The truth will set you free, - you and your wife might want to look into it.

Happy new year brother!

1/03/2007 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's so special about me as opposed to any other blood?

Keep sticking it to them, Richard. They can't hold a candle to you, especially that pansy, Jon.

God Bless all of you and may the peace of God be with you and may you receive his light and his sperm up your ass.

1/03/2007 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ironic how so many U.S. Citizens applaud my execution, yet New Jersey courts seek to abolish the death penalty in that state.

I so feel the Christian Compassion for which you are all so well known. Love your enemy, and all that.

See you in hell, hypocrites.

1/03/2007 06:24:00 PM  
Blogger ericswan said...

If UFO's are so good why don't they just appear on this screen?

Right here. Right now.

1/03/2007 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoooheee! looks like i got mail! i KNEW you wouldn't answer the question, dick; just more of the same vomit, blah, blah, blah. it IS good to have shrub back, tho--we all suspected that you and your brokeback buddy dick couldn't quit us...hmm..."shrub"? "dick"? is there something you two lovebirds aren't telling?

anywho--glad to have gotten your ire (and whatever else) up: it virtually guarantees you two'll take the bait every time. but now it's time for me to take Oarwell's excellent advice on you:

"Rule No. 1 is: don't get into arguments with the patients.

Because they're crazy, and you're not."

s'long, ladies.

1/03/2007 06:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The light and space of the internet zapped his mind."
--Col. Willard, "Apocalypse How?"

When you walk out into a public square, or a store, do you immediately launch into a caustic diatribe, using profanities, mercilessly ridiculing your fellow citizens? Even though you may secretly despise them, do you?

Most likely you don't.

One of the reasons, when you stop to think about it, is because people would consider you crazy. If you persisted in this behavior in the public arena, eventually the constabulary would be summoned.

If you continue your belligerence with them, well, they take you to Bellevue.

So why do people act that way on the internet? Well, the anonymity, foremost. But still...why for some is the veneer so thin that given a free, public forum on the "anonymous" internet, they resort to sociopathic interactions?

Is it because they're sociopaths?

It's one thing to lampoon bourgeios beliefs. It's quite another to use "anonymity" as an excuse for callous offensiveness.

1/03/2007 06:51:00 PM  
Blogger Tsoldrin said...

The only way to properly reward attention seeking behavior is to ignore it, completely and utterly.

Many think - "Yes, but I can..." or "Sure, right after I address..." and they are wrong. The attention seeker has no points which need to be refuted, or even validated by acknowledgement. The content is only the window trimming, regardless of how significant it may seem with a cursory glance. You can only do yourself, and your peers a disservice by lending power to such people.

Of course, this comment itself is an oxymoron, but someone had to say it... or at least remind it.

1/03/2007 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's disgusting how so many of you jumped on Richard as you did. I didn't take what he said personally so why did you? Are you all that insecure? I think you owe him an apology, and I think a couple of you need to find someplace else to levy your vitriolic attacks, namely that Oarwell and Jon guy. Someone earlier asked the Jon guy to keep his nose out of it and he didn't. Where did he come from, anyway? I've been reading this blog for a month or more and never saw that name then all of a sudden he just appears out of nowhere. Very creepy. Another poster earlier said these topics bring the kooks and boy he/she wasn't kidding. Some of you people really take your UFOs a bit too seriously. It's like a religion.

Butcher, you make a very valid point. I agree that there does appear to be a blatant double-standard at play.

I also agree with American Blood. It's senseless and callous to distinguish between the blood of an Iraqi and the blood of an American, unless you are a racist.

1/03/2007 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not fooling anyone Jon. We know you are Shrub and Richard. Go ahead and play your sick and twisted games. We're on to you and always have been. Nbody likes spooks.

1/03/2007 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrapped to tight for the NET

The machinist, the one they called Chef, was from New Orleans. He was wrapped too tight for Vietnam, probably wrapped too tight for New Orleans. Lance on the forward 50's was a famous surfer from the beaches south of LA. You look at him and you wouldn't believe he ever fired a weapon in his whole life. Clean, Mr. Clean, was from some South Bronx shithole. Light and space of Vietnam really put the zap on his head. Then there was Phillips, the Chief. It might have been my mission, but it sure as shit was Chief's boat.


Photo guy to Willard: He likes you because you're still alive.


The Truth About Human Sacrifice

Christianity has a long track record of blaming and accusing Satan and Satanists of everything they themselves do and promote. The nazarene is a human blood sacrifice they repeatedly celebrate during every Christian mass or service.

The Catholic Church being true to its mission of destroying and removing all spiritual knowledge went on an all out rampage of mass murder and torture unequaled in all of recorded history. See"Inquisition," and Malleus Malficarum; also known as "The Witch’s Hammer."

Examples include: Christians proved that a human being, skinned alive can survive until the skin is removed to the waist. Many innocent people were slowly boiled to death, to prolong the torture. This hideous list goes on and on. Extreme pain can cause anyone to do or say anything. Unfortunately, many "confessions" obtained under extreme torture are to this day assumed to be valid and used by the Christian Church as a tool to frighten people and enforce their lies.

So much knowledge of a spiritual nature was systematically removed, cutting humanity off from its origins. This knowledge was replaced with false doctrines that incited fear and worked to turn everyone against the truth. Elaborate horror stories and sick twisted information became the norm as these were deliberately heaped upon any religion outside of Christianity.

Racial and cultural memory is a fact. Those who look to alternatives find little if anything of a positive nature concerning Satan. Anything that does not conform with the Judeo/Christian concept of Satan is vehemently suppressed in the mainstream bookstores and media. Misinformation concerning living blood sacrifice, mutilation of self and others, drug abuse and self-degeneration is easily and readily available. People, who believe this sick garbage often commit so called "occult crimes."

As one can see with the inquisition, the torture was severe enough to force one into saying anything. Slavery, gang rape, genocide, cannibalism, sexual perversion, eating of feces, are all a major part of the Judeo/Christian Bible. One heinous accuser and interrogator of "witches," Benedict Carpzov, read the xtian bible "53 times." He also authored a manual "Practica Rerum Criminalum" advocating the use of extreme torture for "suspects." It is more than obvious to see where all these sick ideas come from. Ancient spiritual texts given to us from the Gods were destroyed and replaced with this sick, meaningless, literary filth, designed to keep psychic power in the hands of a select few.

As for sacrifice, this applies to time, effort and creativity.


Satan and his Demons, (as well as some of the "angels" of the xian bible and their cohorts) are of the aliens they call "Nordics." Aleister Crowley's "Illustrated Goetia" published by DuQuette, Hyatt and Wilson, second edition, © 2000, has numerous illustrations. The illustrations of "Lucifuge Rofocal" and "Vassago" show beings with large bulbous heads. Now Lucifuge Rofocal is one of my Guardian Demons. I have seen him. He has a large bulbous head. He is obviously a hybrid of grey. He is friendly and has emotion, as a hybrid mix is unique. Valefor also is a Grey/Nordic hybrid. He has the large head, with greenish complexion; Clistheret who is a female is the same. I have never seen Vassago, but the illustration in the book supports what many of us have seen.

Nordics are frequently seen accompanied by greys. These Nordics are those who are normally hostile to humanity. Azazel told me "they are abominable" (referring to the greys, when I asked about them communicating with him on a Ouija Board).

I strongly suggest those of you who are skeptics to read: "The Day After Roswell" by Colonel Philip J. Corso, US Army, retired ©1997. The author exposes the entire story, with names, dates, facts and documents released under the freedom of information act. He was personally in charge of the Roswell files under the Army Research and Development at the Pentagon directly under Lieutenant General Arthur G. Trudeau and was actively involved in the planning of project HORIZON.

Corso explains the reality behind the "Cold War" where the USA and the USSR amassed nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Earth five times over. If either side employed these, mutual suicide for the entire planet would be the result. The truth is- both world powers were well aware of the alien threat, which in reality is a hostile one that threatens the life of everything and everyone on this planet. This is the reason human attempts to establish any meaningful contact with these entities have met with evasion. Both the USA and USSR worked behind the scenes to develop defense technology, not to be used on each other, as the media falsely claimed to shape public opinion and to delude the masses, but to be used in defense of the Earth from a potential alien attack. This was also the main reason for the Apollo Moon Mission in 1969. This mission was not just space exploration. The defense dept was interested in establishing a base on the Moon that would act as a reconnaissance post for the Earth. The large number of satellites orbiting the Earth serves the same purpose, that of protection.

Corso concludes the book with documents. He explains how the technology recovered from the crash landing of the alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 was salvaged and clandestinely distributed by the US Army to various civilian laboratories who employed top scientists. These scientists used reverse engineering to develop the high level of technology we have today. This technology enabled the building of the "stealth bomber" and other high tech military weapons used to deter the aliens from invading the Earth.

The point is- we were successful in deterring them physically, but not psychically. Their strong telepathic influence is felt. The Christian religion and its cohorts provide these entities with the psychic energy they need. Close examination of the Roswell craft and the autopsies performed on the five greys who piloted the delta shaped UFO revealed their parasitical nature. The description of the entity called the "ALL" in the book "The Watchers" by Raymond E. Fowler, also supports the parasitical nature of these creatures that are devoid of emotion and how they thrive on the energy of souls. These creatures have tampered with genetic engineering and alteration to where they no longer have any genitals, sexual procreation, emotions or physical strength.

The examination of the alien craft revealed no controls, no on/off switches or visible circuits within the craft, only indentations shaped as the aliens' hand prints, like a hand print in wet cement outside of Mann's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. These were where the aliens placed their hands, becoming an integrated part of the craft. They navigated the craft by using their own bioelectricity, powerful telepathy and telekinesis. The adjustable bands they placed on their heads to navigate the craft acted as thought amplifiers.
Army officers upon examining them, placed them in position on their heads and the devices induced vivid colors, hallucinations and resulted in "searing headaches." In addition, they found that these bands stimulated various areas of the brain.

Yea baby.......

1/03/2007 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nazis FOO fighters and Perry's retreat from the south pole

who knows what goes on down there no one hardly goes there, or even wants to go there im surprised they aint got an area 51 like base there.

i think the 1946 just after WW2 activity there is interesting too as the Russians helped the USA there too in that operation.

Also dont forget when they got back from the mission above the
Perry said something about crafts that could travel from pole to pole in mins or hour???? any way super fast well beyond what we had then an even today tbh commercialy anyway, they were meant to be saucer shaped too, and were considered a threat an not friendly.

Lets see i just had a thought, ROswell 1947 was 1 year after the USA an Russia deploy a massive fleet to Antartica.........

1946: USA, Russia, deploy massive fleet to Antartica casualties happen, threat of disc shapped crafts that can travel from pole to pole super fast, are considered a threat.

1947: Roswell ufo, disc shapped, reported captured.

1952: UFO's buzz an hover Whitehouse lots people see it and is documented by pictures, goverment say it was birds, next night they return an do same thing again clearly not birds.

I read a story of a gentleman in Ireland in the 20th Century who as was his custom took a daily walk and smoked his pipe of tobacco. He wandered through the hills and entered a strange area that made him feel odd. As he continued this climb he noticed the nature of the stone surrounding the path was different, he touched it and it had a less than solid feel. As he continued he entered a cavern where a strange light was emitted. He tested the walls and became aware of being in a multi dimensional environment where the very nature of substance changed so you could fall or bump an object without hurt. He became aware of many anomalies and thought of the legends of the "Murias" where supernormal beings lived to fabulous lifespans in ancient times. There was a dark light to the cavern and it had a multi dimensional nature that extended beyond apparent solid walls. He felt light and decided to leave. This man was respected in his community and requested anonymity. The Indian histories make it clear a superior high tech culture existed tens of thousands of years ago existed and was scattered after a series of nuclear wars and earth changes. He believed this was the remains of one of those peoples possessed of higher scientific knowledge.
The time anomaly is not the only unexplained discovery in the Antarctic. In April 2001, a spy satellite image apparently located a man made structure under two miles of ice there. The military was less than forthcoming about this discovery, and many will remember a rather strange emergency medical evacuation during the antarctic winter in 2001. This may be connected with a huge lake and corresponding magnetic anomaly discovered under the eastern part of the Antarctic close to - actually right under - the Russian Vostok base there.


Time Can be Turned Back

03/01/2004 15:37

Time has been one of the most complicated and less studied scientific issues since ancient times
Eight years ago, American and British scientists who conducted investigations in Antarctica made a sensational discovery. US physicist Mariann McLein told the researchers noticed some spinning gray fog in the sky over the pole on January 27 which they believed to be just ordinary sandstorm. However, the gray fog did not change the form and did not move in the course of time. The researchers decided to investigate the phenomenon and launched a weather balloon with equipment capable to register the wind speed, the temperature and the air moisture. But the weather balloon soared upwards and immediately disappeared.

In a little while, the researchers brought the weather balloon back to the ground with the help of a rope attached to it before. They were extremely surprised to see that a chronometer set in the weather balloon displayed the date of January 27, 1965, the same day 30 years ago. The experiment was repeated several times after the researchers found out the equipment was in good repair. But each time the watch was back it displayed the past time. The phenomenon was called "the time gate" and was reported to the White House.

Today investigation of the unusual phenomenon is underway. It is supposed that the whirl crater above the South Pole is a tunnel allowing to penetrate into other times. What is more, programs on launching people to other times have been started. The CIA and the FBI are fighting for gaining control over the project that may change the course of history. It is not clear when the US federal authorities will approve the experiment.

Famous Russian scientist Nikolay Kozyrev conducted an experiment to prove that moving from the future to the past was possible. He substantiated his views with the hypotheses on instant information spreading through physical characteristics of time. Nikolay Kozyrev even supposed that "time could execute the work and produce energy." An American physics theorist has arrived at a conclusion that time is what existed before existence of the world.

It is known that each of us feels a different course of time under different conditions. Once lightning hit a mountain-climber; later the man told he saw the lightning got into his arm, slowly moved along it, separated the skin from the tissues and carbonized his cells. He felt as if there were quills of thousands hedgehogs under his skin.

Russian investigator of anomalous phenomena, philosopher and author of numerous books Gennady Belimov published his article under the headline "Time Machine: First Speed On" in the newspaper On the Verge of Impossible. He described unique experiments conducted by a group of enthusiasts led by Vadim Chernobrov, the man who began creation of time machines, devices with electromagnetic pumping in 1987. Today the group of enthusiasts can slow down or speed up the course of time using special impact of the magnetic field. The biggest slowing down of time made up 1.5 seconds within an hour of the equipment's operation in labs.

In August 2001, a new model of the time machine meant for a human was set in a remote forest in Russia's Volgograd Region. When the machine even operated on car batteries and had low capacity, it still managed to change the time by three per cent; the change was registered with symmetrical crystal oscillators.

At first, the researchers spent five, ten and twenty minutes in the operating machine; the longest stay lasted for half an hour. Vadim Chernobrov said that the people felt as if they moved to a different world; they felt life here and "there" at the same time as if some space was unfolding. "I cannot define the unusual feelings that we experienced at such moments."

Neither TV nor radio companies reported the astonishing fact; Gennady Belimov says the Russian president was not informed of the experiment. However, he tells that already under Stalin there was a Research Institute of the Parallel World. Results of experiments conducted by Academicians Kurchatov and Ioffe can be now found in the archives. In 1952, head of the Soviet secret police organization Lavrenty Beria initiated a case against researchers participating in the experiments, as a result of which 18 professors were executed by shooting and 59 candidates and doctors of physical sciences were sent to camps. The Institute recommenced its activity under Khruschev. But an experimental stand with eight leading researchers disappeared in 1961, and buildings close to the one where experiments were conducted were ruined. After that, the Communist Party political bureau and the Council of Ministers decided to suspend researchers of the Institute for an uncertain period.

The program was resumed in 1987 when the Institute already functioned on the territory of the Soviet Union. A tragedy occurred on August 30, 1989: an extremely strong explosion sounded at the Institute's branch office on the Anjou islands. The explosion destroyed not only the experimental module of 780 tons but also the archipelago itself that covered the area of 2 square kilometers. According to one of the versions of the tragedy, the module with three experimenters collided with a large object, probably an asteroid, in the parallel world or heading toward the parallel world. Having lost its propulsion system, the module probably remained in the parallel world.

The last record made in the framework of the experiment and kept at the Institute archives says: "We are dying but keep on conducting the experiment. It is very dark here; we see all objects become double, our hands and legs are transparent, we can see veins and bones through the skin. The oxygen supply will be enough for 43 hours, the life support system is seriously damaged. Our best regards to the families and friends!" Then the transmission suddenly stopped.

1/03/2007 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to re-exhume the whole Ford thing since the manufactured mourning is now nearly over (thank the great fiction in the I for small miracles) I'd just like to note that when the casket lay "in state" at the rotunda the public folks circumabulated the corpse widdershins (counter-clockwise)

Its probably insignificant and meaningless detail...

BTW here's a link to debunk the hype surrounding Ford and brings up the warren commission role he played, including a great photo of JFK shirt with the hole in the back.

(I hope that hyperlink worked. It leads to a conventional, politically, nominally, liberal blog. The story is written by a different author than the proprieter of the blog. Caveat Lector: Booman, the proprietor seems to be well intentioned dolt who never the less tried, but failed to retain employment with CIA as some sort of "analyst"

1/03/2007 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SqAssassination Attempt: "Red" was committed to making Manson proud of her environmental work, and when she found out that President Gerald Ford was coming to town, she stuck a .45 Colt automatic into a leg holster and headed out to Capital Park. As Ford came through the crowd, Squeaky "Red" Lynette Fromme pointed the gun at Ford and was immediately taken down by the Secret Service. She was charged for attempting to assassinate the President, although it was later disclosed that the gun she carried did not have bullets in the firing chamber.
Blades require no special training to use effectively against an assailant.

Any five year old boy can stab someone in the belly — but see how long it takes him to figure out how to jack a round into a .45!

She was shocked when it did not go off.

That is why we ALWAYS test fire and lock and load.

Never taking it apart until specific action is over.


Open Letter from Lynette Fromme

He has been requesting a tape recorder since he was first incarcerated in 1969. That is the only way that any of us can get a clear picture of MANSON and what he has to say. His sight and awareness is and has always been far ahead of mass consciousness, and for this he, like many KNOWN historical geniuses, is forced to suffer for what others do not understand. He broke NO LAW! Imagine how it feels to be living under all the people who are free to walk, swim, and fly the space, but do not know how to keep it free, clean and in balance. Let me put that another way. Say you have been sitting for thirty years thinking through a problem—not necessarily straining, but concentrating diligently on not what you want or hope for, but what IS.

Say that you have come to understand the problem in depth and have, in effect, become it, and know how solve the problem. Now you watch the parades and processions of hopeful and despairing people walking outside your tomb. They are all looking for the answer to the problem you know so well. They are all celebrating the search, or mourning the problem, analyzing or disguising it. You wave but they don't look to see you, even as they proceed by to their own funerals. When you have exhausted yourself yelling, and felt the deaths of millions for not having heard, and watched those who think they are too good to look at you, push their own children in the graves before them, and watched the children grow angrier, the land more destroyed, the air and water more poisoned, the men, women, politicians and gurus vying for positions of power over something rather than the God-given grace to love and care for what supports life—and much more sight than I could ever write on paper—then you see what Charles Manson sees, alone. Everyone in this family put our life's faith there.

The balance of the Christian mind is different than that of the Hindu.

You say that you are impressed that I am articulate. Every one in this family is articulate, and exceptionally bright. Reports to the contrary are part of a people's need to look down on something and someone, be it a criminal, a different class or race of people, or a simple child. It is also a result of the standard of sophistication measured by one's ambition and finesse for acquiring money. The murders themselves were mean and purposeful. They were respondent. They needed not be sensationalized. But rather than listening to the defendants themselves, lies, distortion, perversion and other of the public's own cravings were substituted for the truth. At that time they were forced to accept attorneys as if they were forced to wear disguises. They were forced to remain silent while a parade of charaders marched around the courtroom talking about things they little understood—The Bible, sex orgies, Christ and the Devil, LSD, E.S.P., the "Manson Family" and the murders themselves. The Supreme Court later handed down a decision interpreting the U.S. Constitution as giving defendants the undeniable right to represent themselves in court as long as they conduct themselves within a reasonable accordance of court procedure.

When I say they were "forced", I mean that they were required, and under that requirement in a situation determining the balance of their lives and the lives of many others, there was a tremendous amount of pressure. I do not appreciate crying injustices and dramatizing much of what the soft American public consider to be hardships. At the same time, I can empathize.

While sympathy toward a problem can often make weakness, empathy can call up strength. The public here could not even face their own children, let alone empathize with them. They did not even ask to understand the young people in the so-called "Manson Family" who they were sending to the gas chamber. Rather, they blamed one man who was not even raised in the society which fostered those killings.

I walked out of my trial; Sandra Good and Susan Murphy walked out of their trial; we did not put on our defenses because until all the family gets a chance to explain, none of us will. As a family, we can see a new money system where the money can work like a god for the people rather than people working like dogs for the money and not receiving the balance of healthful, experience-full life that the money exchange is supposed to buy.

Until then, this country runs itself to the ground from what it refuses to face; just as you, yourself, can see no solution to WORLD problems and can see no one who does see. When Nixon points a gun at Ford, someone may see that Manson's mind is miles over the U.N. and Rome, and that the United States Government has been sold nine times already.

I could take more time with this letter to be academic but that is not my concern. From what I have seen, most journalists would sell their own Lord's or child's heartbeat rather than come down to the love and soul in themselves, rather than getting on your knees to another of your own mankind, rather than conceding that you don't really know the connection between life and Death and why people are intent in moving toward self- destruction in their air, water, land, food and thoughts. It is by no means only journalists and media people who demonstrate this, and I am not condemning you. Everyone has done that for themselves.

1/03/2007 09:04:00 PM  
Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

The problem with Corso, however, is that he was up to his ears in Gladio. How do we trust an account of a cover-up put out by a guy who worked with Lymnitzer, Gehlen, and Hans Globke, the clever sadist who co-wrote the Nuremberg Racial Laws which Anonymous described upfield in the liquidation of the Jews scheme? These people engineered the postwar world; to put faith in any of their statements & positions is to endorse the death spiral in which humanity finds itself. Read about the American Holocaust if you want to see Corso's other face, the one that's not quite so concerned about humanity's pain & suffering. (Extra credit points for the connection between that gang and the neocons...)

(Did someone really say that Nixon's pardon was a noble deed? Flushing the toilet before the evidence is examined, or?)

1/03/2007 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry if this is redundant, but the real issue of the holocaust is whether or not there were large ovens specifically built to suffocate/burn/poison large numbers of people or if large numbers of people actually/just died in pitiful starvation "gitmo" like conditions.

I don't think anyone denies that vast numbers of people were treated horribly and millions of jews, gypsies, retarded and handicapped, etc., died. The pictures I've seen show skeletal people still alive, looking forlornly at the camera. As well as skeletal bodies heaped in large graves. It looks like those people died of starvation.

There have been any number of "holocausts" throughout history. Look at the Native Americans in the "new world". Again, vast numbers of dead. How specifically does the WWII "Holocaust" fit into our historical worldview? Does it have a role in the New World Order?

1/03/2007 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous said...8:50 of the
"Nazis FOO fighters and Perry's retreat from the south pole" offering.

Not to be insulting, but just what and why are you posting this disconnected drivel? Aside from straining to make sense of your semi-illiterate prose, the revelance of your post escapes me. Not to mention you never, never cite any of "your" sources. Yes, I know I can just scroll and shut up, but wouldn't it just be better for all concerned if you would learn the language and get a clue about writing and restrain yourself from posting what you think is informative knowledge? Or, to say it in your way, "Ain't you got sumpin' better to do like turnin' back time and not posting, you all."

One last rant: I think, considering Canada's new hate laws that are often enforced, it's unfair to get into the Holocaust issue here and put Jeff into jeopardy. Ironically, the more this issue is supressed, the more it will surface. Find an American blogsite to discuss this issue for now.

1/03/2007 10:59:00 PM  
Blogger Syn Diesel said...

^^^ internet alpha male


1/03/2007 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave the anon 8:50 alone.

You could have spent less time finding this link about Nazi UFOs, Antartica, and Neuschwabenland, and Byrd's failed "post WWII Allies" invasion of Antartica. WWII was hardly over in 1945.

The last battle seems to have been won by a Nazi(-allied?) outpost in Antartica where they sequestered high tech/occult technological prizes.

And Anon 8:50's post is relevant to the moral of Jeff's post so read the first paragraph once more:

Any account that contravenes deep assumptions about the world will have a hard time getting a respectful hearing from someone who can argue that it couldn't possibly be. To such people, even if the impossible were to happen before their eyes, it wouldn't happen behind their eyes - their experience would likely be either mediated by denial or suspended by their presumption of nonsense. Scott writes that according "truth status" to difficult stories involves "ideas of rigour and clarity and a willingness to be hospitable to facts that could be more comfortably ignored."

Antartic UFOs are an interesting topic for the rationales Jeff outlines. It could certainly "be more comfortably ignored".

However, it does go with the slowly dawning fact that the pithy summary of WWII would be "the Nazis lost Germany, though they won WWII and the Americas" (because none of them were punished, many actual Nazi Party members escaped to Latin/South America and the United States to run the same kind of human experiments. In the U.S., the Fourth Reich transplant was called Project Paperclip, basically meaning concentration camp experiments and experimenters transferred into the USA. Edwin Black has already noted that the whole international eugenics movement was run, even during WWII, with high level eugenics trading of information between the USA parties of interest and German concentration camps.

So, "Escaped Nazis" or "Nazi rat lines" are a false term in this sense: "invited Nazis" or "red carpets for Nazis" by the US Nazi contingent in the CIA is closer to the truth. The U.S. CIA illegally bent over backwards to break Truman's explict law prohibiting importation of Nazi Party members. CIA instead did it anyway, a rogue Fourth Reich in the making (carrying out its own separate foreign policy and empire creation and black budgets) from the moment it was invented.

The Bush family is of one contingent of traitorous First Nazi Families of America that should have been removed decades ago. Instead the Bush First Nazi Family is running the USA.

It's not Perry though, he invaded Japan for the U.S. :-)

It was Byrd.

A bit about that can be found here:

How High Can You Jump?
Operation "Highjump" & The UFO Connection
By Erich J. Choron

In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called "Operation Highjump", and at least one follow-up expedition. That is fact. It is undeniable. But... the part of the story that is seldom told, at least in "official" circles, is that Byrd and his forces encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from "flying saucers" and had to call off the invasion.

This aspect of the story was pushed forward, again, a few years ago, when a retired Rear Admiral, allegedly living in Texas, who had been involved in the "invasion" said he was "shocked" when he read material from a documentary, entitled "Fire From The Sky". He allegedly claimed that he knew there had been "a lot of aircraft and rocket shoot-downs", but did not realize the situation was as serious as the documentary presented it.

Operation "High Jump", which was, basically an invasion of the Antarctic, consisted of three Naval battle groups, which departed Norfolk, VA, on 2 December, 1946. They were led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd's command ship, the ice-breaker "Northwind," and consisted of the catapult ship "Pine Island," ['catapulting' airplanes] the destroyer "Brownsen," the aircraft-carrier "Phillipines Sea," the U.S. submarine "Sennet," two support vessels "Yankee" and "Merrick," and two tankers "Canisted" and "Capacan," the destroyer "Henderson" and a floatplane ship "Currituck."

A British-Norwegian force and a Russian force, and I believe some Australian and Canadian forces were also involved.


The story, of course, gets stranger, still. The Pine Island is not the only [catapult warmaking] ship involved in "Antarctic Research" or "exploration" to have disappeared. There were numerous others. The question is not so much "how many", that is fairly well established. The question is "how and why"... particularly "why"...

On 5 March, 1947 the "El Mercurio" newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article "On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas" which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta: "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he "didn't want to frighten anyone unduly" but that it was "a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds".

Interestingly, not long before he made these comments, the Admiral had recommended defense bases AT the North Pole. These were not "isolated" remarks... Admiral Byrd later repeated the each of these points of view, resulting from he described as his "personal knowledge" gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service.

So...who was the enemy that owned or flew these flying objects?

rest of article on Operation Highjump at the link.

So in 1947:

- The world saw the failure of Operation Highjump in 1947, an international invasion by WWII allies led by American Admiral Byrd after official ending of WWII to clear out a Nazi base at Antartica or something. These WWII Allies lost terribly this "Battle of Neuschwabenland" to some unknown Antartic group.

- Security Act in the United States setting up a "UFO security coverup" by 1947, the same year; CIA as rogue Fourth Reich over the Americas established.

- Roswell in 1947.

Continued Story: Neuschwabenland in the 21st Century?

One point the article fails to mention is that from the 1959 Antartic treaty which 'internationalized and demilitarized' the whole continent. However, one strange area of Antartica has always been declared off limits to even claims. It's officially claimed by no one.

What I want to know is why the area between 90°W and 150°W is the only part of Antarctica, indeed the only solid land on Earth, not claimed by any country....

The original Neuschwabenland or New Swabia (German: Neuschwabenland or Neu-Schwabenland) was a different section of the continent Antarctica between 20°E and 10°W (overlapping a portion of Norway's claim zone Queen Maud Land), which was claimed by Germany between 19 January 1939 and 8 May 1945.

So the current 'no man's land' is a different area from Neuschwabenland originally.

Is it because it's claimed by the Third Reich/or aliens?

Nick Cook's book on Zero Point technologies mentions some 'lost' Uboats with high tech manifests losing themselves in the Antartic.

It is additionally known that long after WWII, Nazi U-Boats were still turning themselves in, in a trickle, particularly in Argentina--one of the HQ's of the cloaked Nazis.

That 'no man's land' would be my bet for where "it" is, whatever it is if anything.

Back to the orginal article after that longitudinal segway:

"Now we get to the point... In late 1947, only months after the famous Roswell Incident, then Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal [who later was 'suicided' at Bethesda when he was planning to write an exposure of much of WWII doubledealing in his memoires]...sent a naval task force to Antarctic including Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Krusen and Admiral Byrd, called "Operation Highjump".

It was touted to be an expedition to find "coal deposits" and other valuable resources, but... the facts indicate otherwise... In actuality they were apparently trying to locate an immense underground base constructed by the Germans, before, during and immediately after the Second World War, with [hypothesized]...aid of Alien Entities which were described as "Aryans".

This base was allegedly located in Neuschwabenlandt, an area of Antarctica which Germany explored, and claimed, before the outbreak of the Second World War....In fact, Germany had done a very detailed study of Antarctic and were alleged to have built a small underground base there before the War....

One thing is certain....The United States did not "invade" Antarctica, at the end of a World War and the very beginning of a Cold War...using a disproportionate share of it's diminishing fleet...for "exploration" purposes. If they were looking for something, they surely knew what it was they were looking for...and...a "scientific" expedition does not go forth prepared for WAR...."*



This 1945-47 period was the small post WWII window of radical technological openness (for electrogravitics, see Nick Cook's The Search for Zero Point), and radical alien invasion openness.

Both memes were shut down the Orwellian memory hole, sealed into Project Bluebook which saw the rise of Wright-Pattersen Air Force Base in UFO lore, top security clearances, and exotic technologies, and rumors of an 'alien morgue'.

Nixon seemed to know about the morgue? He took his TV star friend to view the dead aliens there while President. I have yet to attempt to verify this story's points, so I post it as is for others mostly to ponder and add to it if they want:

Jackie Gleason's Trip To The Alien Morgue
By Marty Murray

"To the moon, Alice!" There was a time when you could say that phrase and immediately most everyone knew exactly who you're talking about: 'The Great One."

The fine actor and comedian Jackie Gleason will forever be associated with his role of bus driver Ralph Cramden on the popular TV series, "The Honeymooners."

But there was another side to Jackie that few people know about. Gleason was an extremely serious armchair UFO researcher, and prided himself on his huge collection of UFO-related books, which numbered into the thousands. As soon as a new title came out, even in Europe or the UK, Jackie had a copy.

Little did he suspect that his interest in that topic would one day gain him access to something that most people would never even believe, and would leave others who shared his interests either skeptical or forever jealous.

It was a chance conversation one afternoon, back in 1974 in Florida, while Jackie was playing golf with one of his regular partners, President Richard Nixon.

[Nixon departing the White House on August 9, 1974, making that date plausible.]

Jackie had mentioned his interest in UFOs and his large collection of books, and the president admitted that he also shared Jackie's interest and had a sizeable collection of UFO-oriented materials of his own.

At the time, the president said little about what he actually knew, but things were to change drastically later on that same night.

One can only imagine Gleason's surprise when President Nixon showed up at his house around midnight, completely alone and driving his own private car.

When Jackie asked him why he was there, Nixon told him that he wanted to take him somewhere and show him something. He got into the president's car, and they ended up at the gates of Homestead Air Force Base [in Florida].

They passed through security and drove to the far end of the base, to a tightly-guarded building. At this point, I will quote directly from Gleason himself, from an interview he gave to UFO researcher and author Larry Warren:

"We drove to the very far end of the base in a segregated area, finally stopping near a well-guarded building. The security police saw us coming and just sort of moved back as we passed them and entered the structure. There were a number of labs we passed through first before we entered a section where Nixon pointed out what he said was the wreckage from a flying saucer, enclosed in several large cases.

Next, we went into an inner chamber and there were six or eight of what looked like glass-topped Coke freezers.

Inside them were the mangled remains of what I took to be children. Then - upon closer examination - I saw that some of the other figures looked quite old. Most of them were terribly mangled as if they had been in an accident."

Gleason was understandably excited by all of this, but also quite traumatized, and said he couldn't eat or sleep properly for weeks afterwards, and found himself drinking heavily until he was able to regain his composure.

His wife at the time, Beverly, recalls him being out very late that night and speaking excitedly about what he had seen when he returned home. Later on, however, when she and Gleason were splitting up and she told the story to a writer at Esquire Magazine, which printed it in an article, relations between her and the entertainer deteriorated and Gleason became very upset and angry that the story had been made public.

For this reason many people, including Beverly herself, have wondered at the truth of the story.

However, in his interview with Larry Warren, who was invited to Jackie's house in person because Gleason wanted to hear firsthand about Warren's experience at Bentwaters Air Force Base in England, it was clear that Jackie was being honest and sincere:

"You could tell that he was very sincere - he took the whole affair very seriously, and I could tell that he wanted to get the matter off his chest, and that was why he was telling me all of this. Jackie felt just like I do, that the government needs to 'come clean,' and tell us all it knows about space visitors. It time they stopped lying to the public and release all the evidence they have. When they do, then we'll all be able to see the same things the late Jackie Gleason did."

The United States government's knowledge about UFOs and their occupants exists at the very highest levels of security, above even atomic weapons and things of that nature.

Information is imparted on a strictly "need to know" basis, and this has left even many presidents in the dark on the subject. [Clinton was one who was left in the dark about it.]

Obviously, Richard Nixon wasn't one of them. One can only imagine what technology and evidence of life outside of this Earth exists in the back corners and hidden labs of the American military, but for anyone who doesn't believe that this situation is real, this story about Jackie Gleason is just the very tiny tip of the [Neuschwabenland?] iceberg.

We may be waiting a very, very long time, indeed, until Jackie's dream of government disclosure comes true.


A public lobotomy about electogravitics and the reality of aliens is where the world has spent officially most of the past 60 years, in a media twilight zone, attempting to have a fake Era of Normalcy in a very Non-Normal period of world history. Thus the cartoon quality of world 'conflict' in the past 60 years--between cooperating USSR and USA according to some. By the 1970s, the Nazi wing seems to have gotten tired of playing second fiddle to the USSR global consolidation wing, killed off Kennedy, and started the 45 year neocon coup in the United States that is still going on.

The lobotomized world media group mind is still attempting to piece together what happened during the few radically open years of 1945-47, attempting to recapture what was once treated as quotidian information in popular science magazines before Mockingbird's scapel was applied, Bluebook slammed the door, and Groom Lake started building "black budget" triangles and many other exotic electrogravitics craft.

1/04/2007 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, jon , or can i call you potty?
I think we've proved precognition. Just you & I & the beautiful serendipity encompassed in our names. See, my folks just knew I'd grow up to be a Dick so they named me Richard. Your parents, ESP endowed as they were, just knew you'd grow up to be full of shit, hence the porta-potty handle.

God really does move in mysterious motherfucking ways doesn't he?

As for Oarwell, go fuck yourself. I've been here before sugarplum. I've seen you little netsurf Nazis in action. Remember the much maligned Shrub? You remember...the guy who lives in my head or my asshole or I live in his head or balls deep in his asshole....tell you the truth, not only can I not remember how it's supposed to go, I don't give a fuck. C'mon, you remember, the guy who would post something & then 3 or 4 of you sphincter-lipped little typists would descend on him & tell him what an asshole he was & how he should just shut up & go away.

& Silverfaux, I just have to ask one thing because it is driving me mad.

When you find yourself typing your little hmmmmmmmmm line, does your pinky kind of sneak up to your lips like oh, say, Dr. Evil?

Ok ok, 2 things.

Since your heartfelt wish involves my asshole & a keyboard, does this betray that secret bum fetish you've been working so diligently to keep the lid on all these years?

ok, ok, ok, 3 things.

& is this bum fetish the glue that holds the Silverfaux/Potty alliance together?

Truthfully bub, giving your monologues a Dr. Evil voice in my head almost makes them bearable.

Almost, that is.

To the rest of you caught in the middle, I apologize.

To those of you unfamiliar with the shennanigans of Silverfaux & co., do yourselves a favor & don't get all googly when one of these guys gets all angst ridden & Dark Knight-ish about the state of our democracy.
These fellows, and I use the term very fucking loosely, are goose-stepping clusterfucking Nazi Seig Heil-ers to their motherfucking cores.

With one small difference though, the Nazis could actually fight.

1/04/2007 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some sorry poseur who can't even come up with his own screen handle posted under my [now-retired] screen moniker at 8:23 p.m. It was not I. While I suppose I should be flattered that someone would try to pick up where I have left off, I am not. I have PERMANENTLY RETIRED from this bathetically, transparently satanic blogspace.

So if someones says he's Mojo Filter, or BILL HICKS RESURRECTED, or Ibn Sina / Avicenna, he ain't. At least he ain't me, or I. Now, of course I am not those (in once case imaginary, in the other historical) personages either per se, but I rather lament the lack of creativity, no less ethical behavior, and the inherent duplicity of hijacking a screen handle that someone else has adopted and posting something which that person has not actually written. How utterly gutless. Use your own imagination, mofo, don't suck like a leech at mine.

So if in future anyone hear, or elsewhere, says they are Mojo Filter et al, henceforth, THEY AIN'T. They are nothing but a damnable liar. And may they rot in hell, or wherever such hypocrites lodge, for their not so shimmering deception.

Here was, and is again, my VERY LAST POST:

BILL HICKS / Ibn Sina / Mojo said...

Funny how after three threads lasting a couple of weeks that covered a wealth of stuff, much of which was spiritually and morally uplifting and informative, we come to the new year and Jeffzebub offers what? Demon....

No joke, when I saw the picture at the top of the post I thought it must be "Mr. Wells" himself. How ironic it was when I read someone refer to it as Charlie Manson. Funny how Mr. Photoshopmeister Wells himself managed to make a serial killer psychopath tool look cheerful and almost handsome.

Some dark shit psyop that is, my friends.

So then what? We have reams and reams of copro-verbosity from the re-appearing Richard/Jon/Schrubb troll, the darkside's equivalent of sherbert to clear the pentacled palate for.....an anonymous spouting Satanic dogma.

Does ANYONE on this post seriously doubt that it is nothing but a blackhole trap set by the very same evil forces it pretends to expose?

Dancer stated it clearly enough, that Jeff uses the very same rhetorical or psychological techniques as pederast perps. Not just a coincidence I daresay.

So, to conclude my words to you, and my monumental waste of time reading this blog, here is a piece from today's news on the REAL meaning of sacrifice. And how God rewards it:

Wednesday January 3, 2007 5:46 PM


Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Wesley Autrey faced a harrowing choice as he tried to rescue a teenager who fell off a platform onto a subway track in front of an approaching train: Struggle to hoist him back up to the platform in time, or take a chance on finding safety under the train.

At first, he tried to pull the young man up, but he was afraid he wouldn't make it in time and they would both be killed.

``So I just chose to dive on top of him and pin him down,'' he said.

Autrey and the teen landed in the drainage trough between the rails Tuesday as a southbound No. 1 train entered the 137th Street/City College station.

The train's operator saw them on the tracks and applied the emergency brakes.

Two cars passed over the men - with about 2 inches to spare, Autrey said. The troughs are typically about 12 inches deep but can be as shallow as 8 or as deep as 24, New York City Transit officials said.

Relatives identified the teen as Cameron Hollopeter, 19, of Littleton, Mass., a student at the New York Film Academy.

Hollopeter's stepmother, Rachel Hollopeter, said Autrey was ``an angel.''

``He was so heroic,'' she said early Wednesday in a telephone interview. ``If he wasn't there, this would be a whole different call.''

Authorities said Hollopeter had suffered a medical problem, but was in stable condition at a hospital.

Autrey, 50, of Manhattan, declined medical attention.

Autrey had been waiting for a train with his two young daughters. After the train stopped, he heard bystanders scream and yelled out:

``We're O.K. down here but I've got two daughters up there. Let them know their father's O.K.,'' The New York Times reported.

While spectators cheered Autrey, hugged him and hailed him as a hero, he didn't see it that way.

``I don't feel like I did something spectacular; I just saw someone who needed help,'' he told the Times. ``I did what I felt was right.''


May God bless you all and turn those of you toward the truth who are capable of receiving such blessings. May the scales fall from your eyes and may the cotton be pulled from your years, that you may know compassion and mercy, which is the eternal nature of God's presence.

God be with ye

1/04/2007 01:56:00 AM  
Blogger jules said...

First up merry new years and happy whatever you celebrate all - well seeing as the not so ole gang or some of em have made an appearance I am gonna make one too.

Just so that wanker with the problems telling people apart can add me to the dickie/shrub/jon/fred/moscow ralph list of spook poster. (No plural)

Hi Rich good to see you are in one piece.

Nice to know the Naf nafs are still keeping you honest, and i hope the new years and chrissie was good for you your family, and everyone else that reads this.

For anyone who doesn't know this little shitfight, richard has a very strong sense of decency and that is what I think fires up his colourful commentry, and he has actually made some very relevant comments and even grudgingly conceded some of jeffs ideas. he has said this on this blog admitted that he had changed his view on some things, which is more than I can say for some of the posters here.

I remember you reckoning I am full of shit cos have spoken to dead people, Rich, but I am not cos its a real thing but I am not about to go all john Edwards about it either.

But ever since you have always been civil and decent to me. So good on ya mate, its good to know you are still kicking around.

Anyway I had to get that out cos otherwise me posting this is just gonna become part of the whole thing anyway:(And cos you pricks are always hassling him, and shrub and even if sometimes they may deserve it youse never acknowledge anything they brought here that was worth reading and some was if you had bothered).

Re Jeffs story about his mum, it reminds me of Robert Anton Wilsons story about seeing a giant spider and his mum's reaction, and the one in that recent UFO post about the ids and the mum who thought they saw demons.

Years ago my wife and I were driving home. it was midnight, foggy, and a 45 km drive from the uni bar at SCU where I had about 5 too many and several massive scoobs. So she was driving, and sober and straight.

A few kms down the road from here, so after about 4o kms we had some very unusual experiences. First we drove through the ghost of a tree. It was a massive old fig, probably a strangler and it was in the middle of the road and transperant. Well it was actually wider than the road, but when it was a seedling it would have been near the middle.

We both saw it and commented, and it was obviously not real, you could see through it, we weren't thinking oh shit where did that come from. A few hundred metres later at a notoriously weird spot we saw something else.

To me it looked like a cross between a hyena and a spider, only a bit bigger than a hyena, and flimsy like a spider, it was loping and had at least five legs but beyond that I have no idea what the fuck it was.

Now I was off my dial, so i could have seen a kangaroo and thought it was anything or a police car and thought it was an aligator. but my wife wasn't. She was as blown out as my cos of what we saw, so I asked her "Did you see that"
"The light spider?"

Well I didn't see anything that I would describe as a light anything. but it was spiderlike, just jet black.

It was a weird drive, 45 kms through the bush, on a foggy night, and that road has this quality. In those conditions multiple inversion layers a foot or so apart form. Usually they trap a layer of fog an inch thick, when its all still and quiet and you disturb them the effect is very spooky. So we had driven through 30 odd kms of weird foggy shapes, they probably got weirder and weirder as wqe went on, but it happens all the time - its only fog. Both of us had our eyes glued to the road and were watching every shadow for roos and other road dangers tho. We commented on that afterward.

It was only when we got to the aptly named Faraway road that the weird stuff happened.

Dunno what it (that weird thing, trees are everywhere) was, never seen anything like it before or since.

And i have seen heaps of weird stuff.

We both saw the same thing, but we both saw something obviously different.

Anyway I hope you ALL have a safe and fulfilling 2007.

1/04/2007 03:22:00 AM  
Blogger Sounder said...

Demons are an outgrowth of early attempts to rationalize ones relationship with all the stuff one did not know about. As you have a particular style of mentality, the unknown that you ponder on determines the manner of demon you ‘create’. If you are scared of your demon, well then negative things more likely happen.

An extreme representation of one style of mentality is the person that thinks it’s his natural prerogative to control his space. In turn he is frustrated at his inability to control the unknown, so coercive devices are developed. Functionally speaking these folk resonate with the static principle, or Ahriman.

The polar opposite style of mentality is more concerned about being controlled by the unknown, (rather than controlling). Effectively then, the first style of mentality is trying to ‘freeze’ the spiritual into the physical, while the Luciferians are trying to ‘split’ the spiritual from the physical, in their negative expression anyway. In their positive expressions the first is trying to bring proper order to society and the second is trying to create vitality and beauty for everyone.

Satan and Lucifer are God’s necessary helpers, but do yourself a favor and do not take either of them as being God. (Or even as anything more than metaphor for how we relate to the unknown.)

Peace and Love to all you beautiful people, and may the glories of God grace your life more everyday.

1/04/2007 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A newyear,a newpost and a new deluge of verbal masturbation.I come here for the literary skills of JW and the exchange of ideas not insults and yet here we go again.

My own ufo/et experiences revolve around the Spielberg nexus and yet I am grateful for the exposure to Dolan,Vallee,Nick cook etc.

What I have gleaned from this info exchange is the notion of inner space as opposed to outer space.Also NHI is an ongoing observerable phenomena which transcends history and culture.

The Chi town story resonated with me because a black triangle sighting was reported in the borough of putney in London around the same time ,end of November.Reporting amounted to a 'ufos innit' vox pop on london local radio and yet the witnesses were adamant at what they saw and said it had been an ongoing phenomena.

Putney as an area is on the bank of the Thames and although some 10 miles from the city centre is a leafy borough surrounded by wetlands,parks and vast commons.I am giving a geographical description because london is not an american city by any stretch of the imagination.I myself was intrigued as I walk along the river on a regular basis and enjoy the november winter light my attention had also been drawn to the increase in Seaking/military helicopters going up and down the area.

In short those who see/experience believe and the eternal question is?

Does language dictate reality or the
other way around.

Re :Holocaust yes it did happen but was not unique or the end of history.

If JW allows it to dominate it will make him legally accountable and morally vilified as a denier,anti semite etc.In short is it worth it? not only for him and his family but also us.Don't fuck with the ADL!

I myself studied for a year with a leading nazi/holocaust scholar at a world class institution and learnt that history is written by the victors and that you had more to fear under Stalin than under Adolf.

What concerns me is the rise of the holocaust as a secular religion.WWII being the apogee of the western liberal experience.The Good War etc etc......

Also Auchwitz has become a metonym for the holocaust.Tony Blair now wants to send school prefects to auchwitz to 'learn' at what is essentially a theme park/muesuem.

we did not go to war to save the jews and neither did we bring justice to the perpetrators and yet these statements alone would vilify me as a denier/anti semite by people who have a Schindlers list dvd and an Ann frank pop up book.

Read Michael Burleigh,Robert Jay Lifton,Michael Bower ,Norman Finkelstein and a Yale book called " Is the holocaust unique"

Western europe was a sideshow.It took a totalitarian state to destroy a totalitarian state and if it wasn't for the waffen ss we would all have been speaking russian in europe.Unpleasent but true I despise moral and cultural relativism and thats why I dally here.

re:the human detritus bugger off back to myspots.

1/04/2007 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The poster who posted under this same name at 1:56am is a poseur. I think it's the Richard/Jon/Shrubb psyops combo. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be hear. You can be sure of that.

1/04/2007 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon said "s'long, ladies."

You can shove that up your ass you chauvinist pig. In your childish attempt to insult them you have insulted me and every other woman who has any dignity. Contrary to your beliefs we are not weak and incapable. It's quite the contrary. I now see you for what you really are.

1/04/2007 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As apparently one of the few who doesn't think Richard and Shrubaggedon and Jules are one and the same, I'd like to welcome Richard and Jules back, but still don't miss the Shrubster. Signal to noise ratio was simply way too low with that dude. I enjoy your caustic insights, Richard--I think there is a definite place for them here--but I'd advise to lay off the sauce before you hit the keyboard. Look, been there, done that, and recognize the rhetorical traits that accompany drinking straight Kentucky bourbon while commenting on boards. You'll regret it later.

To Jon, Oarwell and Silverfox: don't delude yourselves into thinking you are in any way better than what you hold Richard to be. At least he has the (admittedly flimsy) excuse of being drunk.

Also, if any of us had to work with the "mentally challenged" day-in, day-out (does no one see the empty hypocrisy of changing labels but continuing to treat these folks the same as we always have?), we might also find ourselves using epithets such as "batshit crazy" after a day of enduring incredible workaday stress. The fact that Richard has the balls to call "us" (whoever that is) on this blantant hypocrisy involved in labelling shows he has the requisite sensitivity and competence for this work. (Any of you teach? And how do you refer to students whom you love in the classroom when away from work? Uh-huh.)

Hope you stick around this time, Richard. And I hope all y'all children stop calling each other names!

1/04/2007 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The 9:30 a.m. post by so-called Mojo et alii is, like the 8:23 a.m. by another poseur, who is such a pathetic fake and a damnable liar he even copied my error of mispelling "hear" when I had meant here. I denounce you as a whisperer of wiswas.

Since God works in mysterious ways I will take this FINAL opportunity to correct one other error in my last post and adieu, which was this:

It was not "Dancer" who called Jeff out on repeatedly using the psyops techniques of pederast perps in conflating satanic ritual abuse with ufos and aliens, it was the poster with the handle "Free."

Many apologies to you, Miss or Ma'am (or Sir), for that error.

Here is what Free said:

I am a regular reader here and greatly appreciate your articles and presence on the web but as an RA/MC survivor I resent that you often talk about the UFO's and Ritual Abuse in the same breath.

It's not that I have a hard time believing that there are UFO's or life beyond our planet. I would think it absurd for there not to be, but why do you continue to mix us up with them? There are many "conspiracy" writers who do this and I'm sick and tired of it. What is the agenda here? Infotainment? Discrediting survivors? Programming or confusing the general public?

It really irks me because it is the same thing that the perps did to us as part of their programming (theatrical and high tech torture). To confuse us, discredit us in case we remembered and hide their true identities - they are a league of psychopaths - they staged torture scenarios where they appeared as or they told us that they were reptillians or extra-terrestrials.

Understanding what's really going on is an important step to solving global problems and I feel that by mixing these two topics you are muddying the waters and creating confusion.

Whoever is the jokester, and I presume it is the dickless wonder known as the worst troll on this site, well, I don't want to leave spouting obscenities, but you can use your own imagination.

Herewith following then is, for the very last time (third time's the charm), my, the, final words from the poster who has been BILL HICKS RESURRECTED, Ibn Sina / Avicenna, & Mojo Filter and his acronyms, not some damned poseur who can go to hell, where he/she/it came from, or back under its slimy rock.

It incorporates for accuracy the needed correction of "Free" for "Dancer." Thanks for providing that opportunity in spite of your provocations, whisperer ~ Iblis. Your machinations are nothing but another way in which God may assist us to do better, if we are blessed with the presence of mind and heart to avail ourselves.

And one last parting goodbye to Iridescent Cuttlefish, who has never had the guts to respond like an honest man to one of my posts ever, not one, if I made them under the original handle of Mojo Filter, although you did converse for awhile with Mojo Workout. You were the primary reason I used the extra handles. I thought that maybe it would be possible to engage you without the Mojo baggage, and on occasion it was, but only superficially, and only when praising you and agreeing with you when you said something bordering on the noble ~ which was/is all to rare.

Whatever your gig is, I.C., I wish God's grace in opening your eyes and ears especially, for wittingly or not, you are often the biggest tool on this site (and no, that's not a compliment), not to mention your being an insufferable Jeff sycophant. Maybe that's why you respond so readily to flattery. So it goes. Peace to you in either case, and may you someday, somehow, somewhere, experience the simultaneous turning toward and turning away that is the grace of tawba with respect to the Almighty. Peace to you on your journey, my reluctant brother.

It is as true now as it was yesterday. I guess it's just my way of saying three times, "Get thee behind me, Satan."

Funny how after three threads lasting a couple of weeks that covered a wealth of stuff, much of which was spiritually and morally uplifting and informative, we come to the new year and Jeffzebub offers what? the Demon....

No joke, when I saw the picture at the top of the post I thought it must be "Mr. Wells" himself. How ironic it was when I read someone refer to it as Charlie Manson. Funny how Mr. Photoshopmeister Wells himself managed to make a serial killer psychopath tool look cheerful and almost handsome.

Some dark shit psyop that is, my friends.

So then what? We have reams and reams of copro-verbosity from the re-appearing Richard/Jon/Schrubb troll, the darkside's equivalent of sherbert to clear the pentacled palate for.....an anonymous spouting Satanic dogma.

Does ANYONE on this post seriously doubt that it is nothing but a blackhole trap set by the very same evil forces it pretends to expose?

Free stated it clearly enough, that Jeff uses the very same rhetorical or psychological techniques as pederast perps. Not just a coincidence I daresay.

So, to conclude my words to you, and my monumental waste of time reading this blog, here is a piece from today's news on the REAL meaning of sacrifice. And how God rewards it:

Wednesday January 3, 2007 5:46 PM


Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Wesley Autrey faced a harrowing choice as he tried to rescue a teenager who fell off a platform onto a subway track in front of an approaching train: Struggle to hoist him back up to the platform in time, or take a chance on finding safety under the train.

At first, he tried to pull the young man up, but he was afraid he wouldn't make it in time and they would both be killed.

``So I just chose to dive on top of him and pin him down,'' he said.

Autrey and the teen landed in the drainage trough between the rails Tuesday as a southbound No. 1 train entered the 137th Street/City College station.

The train's operator saw them on the tracks and applied the emergency brakes.

Two cars passed over the men - with about 2 inches to spare, Autrey said. The troughs are typically about 12 inches deep but can be as shallow as 8 or as deep as 24, New York City Transit officials said.

Relatives identified the teen as Cameron Hollopeter, 19, of Littleton, Mass., a student at the New York Film Academy.

Hollopeter's stepmother, Rachel Hollopeter, said Autrey was ``an angel.''

``He was so heroic,'' she said early Wednesday in a telephone interview. ``If he wasn't there, this would be a whole different call.''

Authorities said Hollopeter had suffered a medical problem, but was in stable condition at a hospital.

Autrey, 50, of Manhattan, declined medical attention.

Autrey had been waiting for a train with his two young daughters. After the train stopped, he heard bystanders scream and yelled out:

``We're O.K. down here but I've got two daughters up there. Let them know their father's O.K.,'' The New York Times reported.

While spectators cheered Autrey, hugged him and hailed him as a hero, he didn't see it that way.

``I don't feel like I did something spectacular; I just saw someone who needed help,'' he told the Times. ``I did what I felt was right.''


May God bless you all and turn those of you toward the truth who are capable of receiving such blessings. May the scales fall from your eyes and may the cotton be pulled from your years, that you may know compassion and mercy, which is the eternal nature of God's presence.

God be with ye

1/04/2007 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can somebody clue me in? Who's this Shrubb and/or Shrubster person? I now know Jon and Richard but what's up with this shrub person?

1/04/2007 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey workout you leave iridescent cuttlefish alone. he's my bitch.

is that really your last post? i don't believe you when you say it is. you're like nathan in the jerk when he said he was leaving and he kept coming back to get one more thing before he left for good and then he had so many things he kept coming back for that he just never left.

1/04/2007 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let my intrusion keep the Pie from flying, but:

"All I need is my credit card, my alarm clock radio, and my dog Shithead..."

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

1/04/2007 11:58:00 AM  
Blogger hoi polloi said...

Did your mother drop acid Jeff? But seriously, I just started to read the Brice Taylor book in full last night. What a page turner!

I was familiar with segments of the book but never read it in full because it was just too expensive on amazon.

I believe her story and it is terrifying. The onr thing that made me pause however was that she said the "higher-ups" were not interested in satanism and looked upon those who practiced it as lowly creatures.

I took this to mean one of two things. Either the "higher ups" she associated with never let her see their inner serious rituals, or they pretended they didn't believe in it.

I personally thought the "higher-ups" DID practice satanism and inf act that was their world belief...Any ideas?

1/04/2007 12:19:00 PM  
Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

Curiouser and furiouser. To whatever spirit that chastised me thusly for my toolhood:

And one last parting goodbye to Iridescent Cuttlefish, who has never had the guts to respond like an honest man to one of my posts ever, not one, if I made them under the original handle of Mojo Filter, although you did converse for awhile with Mojo Workout. You were the primary reason I used the extra handles. I thought that maybe it would be possible to engage you without the Mojo baggage, and on occasion it was, but only superficially, and only when praising you and agreeing with you when you said something bordering on the noble ~ which was/is all to rare.

Whatever your gig is, I.C., I wish God's grace in opening your eyes and ears especially, for wittingly or not, you are often the biggest tool on this site (and no, that's not a compliment), not to mention your being an insufferable Jeff sycophant. Maybe that's why you respond so readily to flattery. So it goes. Peace to you in either case, and may you someday, somehow, somewhere, experience the simultaneous turning toward and turning away that is the grace of tawba with respect to the Almighty. Peace to you on your journey, my reluctant brother.

I say, huh? Please, Sir/Madam/Motivating Spirit: re-submit your flattering request. I swear I've never ignored a question or hidden behind our host's skirts. Honest. What was the pressing question, anyway? Speaking of flattery, I think my response to anyone is pretty much the same, regardless of their tone. While it's true that many folks around here have been friendly toward me ever since I did my impersonation of a drowning rat escaping from the sinking ship of the ICH boards last summer, I don't remember being seduced by facile praise from anyone.

Sure, I talked to Shrub & Richard & Jules & Jon. Obviously, I'm deeply in love with my soul sister starroute. And yes, Mr. Oarwell and I have a sort of mutual admiration thing going here...but does this mean that I agree with these folks, disparate voices that they are? Fact is, I've told every single one of them they were full of shit from time to time.

Maybe it's my absurd, oatmealish friendliness which gives the impression that I wish as I wash. What purpose does it serve to go fecal? Is anyone really going to ram their keyboard into any tender orifice because someone commands them to? Here's the proof in this grim pudding of a theory: all those people to whom I've addressed my contrary opinion responded back, without rancor, bitterness, or any of the other infantile internet behaviors we've just seen reborn in this thread. It's dialogue, baby.

So, please, ask me something, anything at all, and I promise on your honor to respond, with the same idiotic good cheer that animates my buffoonish rhetoric. As to the assertion that I'm Jeff's tool, well, why do you believe that? Do I like this blog, this weird brotherhood? Sure. Do I enjoy Mr. Wells' writing? What's not to like? Do I agree with his take on issues great and small? Not necessarily.

Familiar readers will know that I don't much care for this whole satanic schtick. It smells funny. Not like sulpher, exactly (Hugo Chavez pretty much appropriated that metaphor at the UN lecturn recently), but more like the fresh plastic reek of those pre-fab sticky Icke Reptiles. To me, even if there were some hideous path to power in the ritual rape of innocents, there are two much stronger objections to investing the issue with so much energy.

First, the will of the people, that fabled, as yet unmanifested creature, has far greater power, fueled by the consciousness of billions, than the charnal gestank of a thousand slimy exercises in obsidian onanism. Why do you suppose the dark side would need to go to such lengths to maintain their power, if not out of fear of the awakening of the sleeping Gentle Giant? See Wade Frazier's speculations as to the cost of such sacrifices to those who perpetrate them for more on this in Two Diverse Outcomes Looming.

Secondly, the logical conclusion of this type of OMG-they've-got-so-much-power thinking is that we're screwed, since we have no magic talisman of our own. Might as well suck a bullet and save ourselves the tremendous effort of trying to wake up that sleepy goddamned pansy of a pacifist giant. Remember Glum from the Gulliver's Travels cartoon? "We're all gonna die!" was his response to every situation. Just as they would like you think, I'm sure.

Have I mentioned this in any of my serial postings? Go ask Jeff--I'm sure he's not above criticizing one of his submissive sycophants. Fact is, I've asked Jeff to write about certain topics I find extremely important many, many times and he's never once communicated anything to me or responded in any way to anything I've written here. He did get my discussion board profile working for me recently--big treats coming soon--but that was a mere technical question.

So there, fella. Whoever thou art. What was your question?

1/04/2007 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Have you ever seen a grown ma naked?

1/04/2007 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That should be "man" not "ma."


1/04/2007 02:28:00 PM  
Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

You gotta love the comedians--I'll even respond to them.

David Brin said...
hey workout you leave iridescent cuttlefish alone. he's my bitch.

No, you were my bitch, until I realized you were really a prick, and I may be flexible, but I can't really swing that far.

To the avatar of
Mojo Filter / Avicenna / ibn sina/:

It's the little room in the front of the plane where the pilots sit, but that's not important now.

1/04/2007 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mojo Filter / Avicenna / ibn sina / BILL HICKS ESCAPED said...

The two most recent 2:26 & 2:28 p.m posts immediately above, just like the 9:30 a.m. post today by so-called Mojo et alii are all, like the 8:23 p.m. post last night before them, counterfeits by a poseur who is such a pathetic fake and a damnable liar he even copied my error of misspelling "hear" when I had meant here, and who now attempts to feign authenticity with the use of a prefatory dot without having the slightest inkling of the meaning of the dot or its esoteric origins.

I denounce you as a whisperer of wiswas, one of the shayatin.

Whoever this jokester is, merely another dickless wonder in the legion of trolls and yammering ghosts on this site, well, I don't want to leave spouting obscenities, but you can use your own foul imagination to fill in the blank, while you

Since God works in mysterious ways I will take this FINAL opportunity to correct one other error in my last post and adieu, which was to have misplaced a paragraph within the section quoted from the poster Free.
Many apologies to you, Miss or Ma'am (or Sir), for that error.

It was Free, who called Jeff out on repeatedly using the psyops techniques of pederast perps in conflating satanic ritual abuse with ufos and aliens, and who wrote so eloquently and straightforwardly.

Here is what Free said:

I am a regular reader here and greatly appreciate your articles and presence on the web but as an RA/MC survivor I resent that you often talk about the UFO's and Ritual Abuse in the same breath.

It's not that I have a hard time believing that there are UFO's or life beyond our planet. I would think it absurd for there not to be, but why do you continue to mix us up with them? There are many "conspiracy" writers who do this and I'm sick and tired of it. What is the agenda here? Infotainment? Discrediting survivors? Programming or confusing the general public?

It really irks me because it is the same thing that the perps did to us as part of their programming (theatrical and high tech torture). To confuse us, discredit us in case we remembered and hide their true identities - they are a league of psychopaths - they staged torture scenarios where they appeared as or they told us that they were reptillians or extra-terrestrials.

Understanding what's really going on is an important step to solving global problems and I feel that by mixing these two topics you are muddying the waters and creating confusion.

Herewith following then is, for the very last time (third time's the charm), my, the, final words from the poster who has been BILL HICKS RESURRECTED, Ibn Sina / Avicenna, & Mojo Filter and his acronyms, not some damned poseur who can go to hell, where he/she/it came from, or back under its slimy rock.

It incorporates for accuracy the needed corrections of Free’s writings. Thanks for providing that opportunity to do this well-meaning person justice, in spite of your provocations, whisperer ~ Iblis. Your machinations are nothing but another way in which God may assist us to do better, if we are blessed with the presence of mind and heart to avail ourselves.

And one last parting goodbye to Iridescent Cuts-like-a-dull-butterknife-fish, who even now doesn’t display the guts, no less the heart, to respond like an honest man to this one or any of my posts ever, not one, when made under the original handle of Mojo Filter ~ although you did converse for awhile with Mojo Workout. You were the primary reason I used the extra handles. My mistake to think you were actually capable of intellectual honesty. I thought that maybe it would be possible to engage you without the Mojo baggage, and on occasion it was, but only superficially, and only when praising you and agreeing with you when you said something bordering on the noble ~ which was/is all too rare.

Whatever your gig is, I.C., I wish God's grace in opening your eyes and ears, because wittingly or not, you are often the biggest tool on this site (and no, that's not a compliment), not to mention your being an insufferable Jeffzebub sycophant. Maybe that's why you respond so readily to flattery. So it goes. Peace to you in either case, and may you someday, somehow, somewhere, experience the simultaneous turning toward and turning away that is the grace of tawba with respect to the Almighty. Peace to you on your journey, you who fight against your own fitra like it was the enemy.

What follows is every bit as true now as it was yesterday. I guess it's just my way of saying three times, "Get thee behind me, Satan."

Funny how after three threads lasting a couple of weeks that covered a wealth of stuff, much of which was spiritually and morally uplifting and informative, we come to the new year and Jeffzebub offers what? the Demon.......again.

No joke, when I saw the picture at the top of the post I thought it must be "Mr. Wells" himself. How ironic it was when I read someone refer to it as Charlie Manson. Funny how Mr. Photoshopmeister Wells himself managed to make a serial killer psychopath tool look nearly cheerful and almost handsome.

Some dark shit psyop that is, my friends.

So then what? We have reams and reams of fecal verbosity, coprologia from the re-appearing Richard/Jon/Shrub/Jules troll, the darkside's equivalent of sewer sherbert to clear the pentacled palate for.....yet another anonymous spouting Satanic dogma.

Does ANYONE on this post seriously doubt that it is nothing but a blackhole trap set by the very same evil forces it pretends to expose?

Free stated it clearly enough, that Jeff uses the very same rhetorical or psychological techniques as pederast perps. Not just a coincidence I daresay.

So, to conclude my words to you, and my monumental waste of time reading this blog, here is a piece from today's news on the REAL meaning of sacrifice. And how God rewards it:

Wednesday January 3, 2007 5:46 PM


Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Wesley Autrey faced a harrowing choice as he tried to rescue a teenager who fell off a platform onto a subway track in front of an approaching train: Struggle to hoist him back up to the platform in time, or take a chance on finding safety under the train.

At first, he tried to pull the young man up, but he was afraid he wouldn't make it in time and they would both be killed.

``So I just chose to dive on top of him and pin him down,'' he said.

Autrey and the teen landed in the drainage trough between the rails Tuesday as a southbound No. 1 train entered the 137th Street/City College station.

The train's operator saw them on the tracks and applied the emergency brakes.

Two cars passed over the men - with about 2 inches to spare, Autrey said. The troughs are typically about 12 inches deep but can be as shallow as 8 or as deep as 24, New York City Transit officials said.

Relatives identified the teen as Cameron Hollopeter, 19, of Littleton, Mass., a student at the New York Film Academy.

Hollopeter's stepmother, Rachel Hollopeter, said Autrey was ``an angel.''

``He was so heroic,'' she said early Wednesday in a telephone interview. ``If he wasn't there, this would be a whole different call.''

Authorities said Hollopeter had suffered a medical problem, but was in stable condition at a hospital.

Autrey, 50, of Manhattan, declined medical attention.

Autrey had been waiting for a train with his two young daughters. After the train stopped, he heard bystanders scream and yelled out:

``We're O.K. down here but I've got two daughters up there. Let them know their father's O.K.,'' The New York Times reported.

While spectators cheered Autrey, hugged him and hailed him as a hero, he didn't see it that way.

``I don't feel like I did something spectacular; I just saw someone who needed help,'' he told the Times. ``I did what I felt was right.''


May God bless you all and turn those of you toward the truth who are capable of receiving such blessings. May the scales fall from your eyes and may the cotton be pulled from your years, that you may know compassion and mercy, which is the eternal nature of God's presence.

God be with ye

1/04/2007 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh - if anyone cares - this is an audio interview with the airplane driver from O'Hare who witnesssed the UFO.

1/04/2007 07:58:00 PM  
Blogger ericswan said...

The controller sees fit to eat up nanoseconds. The controller wins by default.

IC.. Here's a take on your recent post

..right ear high pitch communication...HMMMM?


see pdf 18..

January 4, 2007.

1/04/2007 10:25:00 PM  
Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

Mojo Filter / Avicenna / ibn sina / BILL HICKS ESCAPED,

Hi there! Two things strike me this time around as being response-worthy. First, why is it that you want to engage me? Is my opinion of some value, or is it to correct the errors of my way? As I said, I'm open to reinterpretation. So what's the thing I didn't/wouldn't/haven't faced? It's not really, well, credible to say this has happened over and over again without a single example, is it? Ask and ye shall receive whatever swinish pearls I'm capable of bestowing. Is is about the rescue thing? Altruism is a self-replicating behavior, or can be if the right conditions prevail. I think it's called reciprocal altruism, but the spirit of participation still needs to be selfless in order for it to work; otherwise, it's merely another contractual obligation.

So potlatch me, and I'll respond. Like always.


Help me out here, dude. You understand Dan Winter's stuff far better than I do. There is that emerald something page on free energy that I liked a lot, but I haven't given the sacred geometry rap enough thought to really comprehend. So, help me on this one:

..right ear high pitch communication...HMMMM?

Someone is communicating with me, or the other way around, or? Is it the Brain Police again? It can't happen here, can it? (I couldn't get that PDF open--can you send me the relevant portions?)

1/05/2007 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Greek mythology, satyrs (in Greek, Σάτυροι — Sátyroi) are young humans, possibly with

Horse Ears,

that roamed the woods and mountains, and were the companions of Pan and Dionysus.
Satyrs were originally imagined as small, human-like creatures with exaggerated appetites who accompanied Dionysus. Their chief was called Silenus, a minor deity associated (like Hermes and the later Roman god Priapus) with fertility. These characters can be found in the remaining Satyr plays: Cyclops by Euripedes and Sophocles' The Searching Satyrs. The satyr play was a lighthearted follow-up attached to the end of each trilogy of tragedies in Athenian festivals honoring Dionysus. These plays would take a lighthearted approach to the heavier subject matter of the tragedies in the series, featuring heroes speaking in tragic iambic verse and taking their situation seriously as "straight men" to the flippant, irreverent and obscene remarks and antics of the satyrs.

The groundbreaking tragic playwright Aeschylus is said to have been especially loved for his satyr plays, but none of them survived.

Satyrs acquired their goat aspect through later conflation with the Roman Faunus, a carefree nature spirit of similar temperament. Hence satyrs are most commonly described as having the upper half of a man and the lower half of a goat. They are also described as possessing a long thick tail, either that of a goat or a horse. Mature satyrs are often depicted with goat's horns, while juveniles are often shown with bony nubs on their foreheads. Attic painted vases depict satyrs as being strongly built with flat noses, large pointed ears, long curly hair, and full beards, with wreaths of vine or ivy circling their heads. Satyrs often carry the thyrsus: the rod of Dionysus tipped with a pine cone.

In some recent works satyrs have become more human, with fewer animal characteristics, until only the tail remains to show that they are satyrs. In most books, drawings, etc., however, they still have their general half-goat, half-man appearance.

They are described as roguish but faint-hearted folk — subversive and dangerous, yet shy and cowardly. As Dionysiac creatures they are lovers of wine, women and boys, and are ready for every physical pleasure. They roam to the music of pipes (auloi), cymbals, castanets, and bagpipes, and love to dance with the nymphs (with whom they are obsessed, and whom they often pursue), and have a special form of dance called sikinnis. Because of their love of wine, they are often represented holding winecups, and appear often in the decorations on winecups.

Now IT MUST BE NOTED that wine back then was not strong in alcohol content at all and a etheogenic (pyscho-active)compound was added.

This led to the frenzied dancing and trancelike behavior of the Maenads.

Dancing with wild abandon in the forests


In Greek mythology, Maenads were female worshippers of Dionysus, the Greek god of mystery, wine and intoxication, and the Roman god Bacchus. The word literally translates as "raving ones". They were known as wild, insane women who could not be reasoned with. The mysteries of Dionysus inspired the women to ecstatic frenzy; they indulged in copious amounts of violence, bloodletting, sexual activity, self-intoxication, and mutilation. They were usually pictured as crowned with vine leaves, clothed in fawnskins and carrying the thyrsus, and dancing with wild abandon.

Angels of rain and lightning; there are spread
On the blue surface of their airy surge,
Like the bright hair uplifted from the head
Of some fierce Maenad, ev'n from the dim verge
Of the horizon to the zenith's height—

The subject of Dionysus is complex and baffling. The problem is further complicated by the fact that he appears in at least four characters: first, as the respectable patron of the theatre and the arts; second, as the effeminate, yet fierce and phallic mystery-god of the bloodthirsty Maenads; third, as the mystic deity in the temples of Demeter; and fourth, as the divine savior who died for mankind and whose body and blood were symbolically eaten and drunk in the eucharist of the Orphic-Pythagorean celibates. Beyond this, almost all barbarian nations had their own versions of Dionysius under many names.

From wiki

1/16/2007 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Styrs and Maenads both are shown with the

Which is
SYMBOLIC of the Pineal gland

"And I conceive that the founders of the mysteries had a real meaning and were not mere triflers when they intimated in a figure long ago that he who passes unsanctified and uninitiated into the world below will live in a slough, but that he who arrives there after initiation and purification will dwell with the gods. For 'many,' as they say in the mysteries, 'are the thyrsus bearers, but few are the mystics,'—meaning, as I interpret the words, the true philosophers." (Plato, Phædo, The Harvard Classics. 1909–14)

Note also from the reliefs that the Maenads had a snake on their heads which is
Symbolic of Kundalini being attained.

this was also from wiki


1/16/2007 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have studied many different writings and occult teachings. I have come to my own conclusions regarding what I have read. The old grimiores and occult writings, along with Enochian magick all emphasize the number 7. Many authors interpret this to correspond with the 7 planets. It is a well known fact that ancient (B.C.E.) peoples knew more about the solar system and universe than modern science gives them credit for. They knew of 12 planets, not 7.

The significance of the number 7 is not within the planets, but within the 7 major chakras. In Egypt, there are numerous heiroglyphs depicting the Gods using Ankhs and metal rods to tune their chakras. Initiation into the Ancient Egyptian Priesthood required one's opening all of these chakras with the methods I have been and will be writing about.

The 7 chakras are the powerhouses of the soul. Open these the correct way and empower them and you are indeed on your way to achieving equality with God. Father Satan breathed the breath of life into the body of man. This is where he met with serious confrontation and opposition from the other Gods. We were never meant to have these chakras. They have been sealed.

All high magick must have power. This power comes from the chakras.

These Awakening exercises are not very well known and are very effective for opening and empowering your chakras.

With the first exercise, if you have done this, you should feel a pressure or a knot in the middle of your forhead. This must be done 3 consecutive days, 24 hours apart. This is extremely important. You should never have to do it again after this. Once and it is a done deal for nearly everyone.

**There is a very small percentage of people who have their pineal gland so atrophied, they must do the exercise again after a waiting period of 2 weeks, but this is extremely rare. You will know whether or not you opened your 3rd eye because you should feel it. Pressure in the middle of the forehead, headache at the forehead, feeling a knot above the brows. These are all signs your exercises are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

It can be immediate or up to a month or more before you notice a powerful change in your psyche. The opening of the 3rd eye seal will enable you to have a lot of power normally dormant in outsiders.

It is my belief that the number 7 has to do with the chakras; "the seven lamps that burn before the throne of God" and SATAN is the true GOD.


Pineal Meditation

This meditation expands intuitiveness and creativity and helps to open one’s mind to comprehend information much easier.

1. Relax and go into a trance state
2. Inhale and visualize white-gold energy entering through your third eye into your pineal gland.
3. Draw the energy in with each inhale, then brighten, and expand your pineal gland with the energy with each exhale.
4. The first few times you do this, affirm to yourself: "I am breathing in powerful white-gold energy that is safely stimulating my pineal gland."
5. When you are finished, feel the energy for a few minutes and meditate on it. It should be very pleasurable.

This meditation activates and empowers the PINEAL gland.

The PINEAL gland is the psychic powerhouse of the brain.

White-gold is the most powerful of all of the colors. It is the color of the Sun and this is one of the reasons the original religions worshipped the Sun.


Astral projection is where your soul actually leaves your body. This is different from remote viewing where you enter into a trance and will yourself to a specific location. The following two meditations are just basic guidelines. I suggest for more in depth information to click on the PDF links below.

Meditation 1

This meditation feels weird. Just make sure you seriously want to project, otherwise, any hesitation can keep you in your body. You have to be relaxed, both mentally and physically. The first few times are the most difficult. Like with anything else, consistent practice will make this easier, until you no longer have to even enter into a deep trance, but can project any time at will. Some people find projecting easier than others, as they have done this in past lives.

1. Get real comfortable and go into a trance. When you are so relaxed you can no longer feel your body, you are ready.
2. Visualize your astral body inside your physical body, being held there by your seven chakras. The chakras can be visualized like colored knobs.
3. Take each spinning chakra and stop it from spinning and give it a quarter turn in the reverse of the direction it was spinning, like turning a doorknob.
4. Relax and let go and try to exit.

Meditation 2

This is more like a preparatory exercise. This one is not nearly as powerful as the one above, but less intense for those of you who would rather do this gradually.

1. Lie down and relax, as above. Go into a trance. Relax to where you feel like you are floating.
2. Now, lift your left astral arm up. Visualize this. You will need to imagine this, but energy follows where it is directed.
3. Lift up your right astral arm and touch your face
4. Touch both your astral hands together.
5. Do the same thing with each leg and foot.
6. Imagine your entire astral body floating above your physical body, or somewhere else in the room and concentrate on being there. Just lie there and focus on this for a while.
Keep repeating this exercise often and eventually, astral projection will follow.

More in depth information:

Treatise on Astral Projection by Robert Bruce


The THETA state is 4 - 7 cycles per second. This is where all of our emotional experiences are recorded and is of the subconscious. The theta level opens the door to descend even deeper into the psychic/astral world.

While it is possible to have psychic experiences in the alpha state, the most profound experiences occur at the theta level.

At this level, one is able to experience astral travel and psychic communication, achieve enlightenment, and enter into other dimensions.


1/16/2007 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Treatise on Astral Projection by Robert Bruce.pdf (application/pdf Object)

CIA Remote Viewing Manual.pdf (application/pdf Object)

1/16/2007 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In order for this to work properly, you must have already performed the
Opening of the Third Eye.

The effects of this exercise are extremely pleasurable. A feeling of lightness should follow. Some people may feel energy or tingling inside their heads, or completely covering their heads; a slight pressure in the crown area and intense euphoria. The pleasant light feeling is what makes astral projection and astral travel easy. The bliss state can occur hours and even days later.

When done properly, this exercise will stimulate the pineal gland and crown chakra. By continually stimulating the pineal gland, it will grow and become active. The pineal gland is the psychic seat of the soul. With this revised meditation, the chant is much more powerful and effective. It is based on the Böjrk rune.* Opening this pathway is also very healing for drug addicts as it naturally induces extreme pleasure.
This exercise should be done only to initially open your crown chakra and stimulate your pineal gland. The vibration is very intense and effective, but produces quite a headache which can occur the following day. If your crown chakra is open, you will feel a lightness and a sense of bliss. If you do not experience these indications after a period of 4-5 days, you can redo this exercise again as many times as needed to open your crown.
After this initial exercise, there are different meditations you can do to activate your pineal gland and stimulate your crown chakra further. I will be adding these to the meditation section and also link them on this page.

1. Breath in deeply and hold your breath for a count of 4; do this 5 times. This helps you to be relaxed, focused and enter into a trance state. Then focus all of your concentration on your 3rd eye. You should begin to feel a slight pressure sensation or awareness of your 3rd eye.

2. Now, place your hands in the position shown at left and take a deep breath as you did for the awakening one exercise and hold it for as long as comfortable- (do not push this) and release your breath vibrating b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b (vibrate with a deep, soft hum with the lips almost closed) The vibration should sound like a bee. The bee was sacred in Ancient Egypt and many other ancient cultures for this very reason.
It is ok to adjust your pitch. You should focus on and feel the vibration in your third eye, then focus on your pineal gland. You should be 1/3rd the way through of your drawn out vibrating exhale and feel the vibration in your pineal gland. Then focus on your crown chakra and feel the vibration in your crown chakra and continue to extend your exhale as long as you are able to. Breath in again, repeat this 4 times.
This exercise is extremely powerful, much more powerful than the former version.


Remember to concentrate on your forehead (3rd eye area), then your pineal gland and finally your crown chakra. You should regulate the exhale so it evens out. This is done for the duration of each chant.


1. Breath in
2. Begin to exhale, vibrating b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b
3. Concentrate on and feel the vibration in your 3rd eye
4. Concentrate on and feel the vibration in your pineal gland
5. Concentrate on and feel the vibration in your crown chakra

Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 times.

The Böjrk rune bestows intuition, protects energy, gathers
and directs the powers of the four elements, is healing and
revitalizes the life force.

Note the bee stinger SYMBOL
on the rear
of Tutankhamun's coffin headdress.
Artwork by Baldovinetti "Portrait of a Lady in Yellow" 1400's CE


1/16/2007 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As above
so below

when i get to the top ,i GO BACK TO THE BOTTOM

Helter Skelter


The reason for the inverted crucifixes, pentagrams, and reversed symbols in Satanism is to convey a very important message: THINGS ARE BACKWARDS! The Judeo/Christian religion and its cohorts are all false religions. They are the true evil, though they masquerade as benevolent. Their real purpose is to stop humanity from advancing spiritually and to keep spiritual knowledge and power in the hands of a few who have abused it for centuries. Humanity has suffered greatly as a result.

The Christian "God" had nothing to do with our creation, this entity and ilk hate humans and only wish to torture and enslave us. Satan is our True Father and Creator; THE TRUE GOD IS THE LIBERATOR OF HUMANITY, THE ONE WHO FREES US. The "God" that the Christians, Jews and Muslims worship is the enslaver; the Prince of Lies. In truth, God and the Devil are backwards. SATAN is the TRUE Father and Creator of humanity.

Ave Satanas

1/16/2007 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Bacchic Rite centers around the allegory of the youthful Bacchus (Dionysos or Zagreus) being torn to pieces by the Titans. These giants accomplished the destruction of Bacchus by causing him to become fascinated by his own image in a mirror. After dismembering him, the Titans first boiled the pieces in water and afterwards roasted them. Pallas rescued the heart of the murdered god, and by this precaution Bacchus (Dionysos) was enabled to spring forth again in all his former glory. Jupiter, the Demiurgus, beholding the crime of the Titans, hurled his thunderbolts and slew them, burning their bodies to ashes with heavenly fire. Our of the ashes of the Titans--which also contained a portion of the flesh of Bacchus, whose body they had partly devoured--the human race was created. Thus the mundane life of every man was said to contain a portion of the Bacchic life.

For this reason the Greek Mysteries warned against suicide. He who attempts to destroy himself raises his hand against the nature of Bacchus within him, since man's body is indirectly the tomb of this god and consequently must be preserved with the greatest care.

Bacchus (Dionysos) represents the rational soul of the inferior world. He is the chief of the Titans--the artificers of the mundane spheres. The Pythagoreans called him the Titanic monad. Thus Bacchus is the all-inclusive idea of the Titanic sphere and the Titans--or gods of the fragments--the active agencies by means of which universal substance is fashioned into the pattern of this idea. The Bacchic state signifies the unity of the rational soul in a state of self-knowledge, and the Titanic state the diversity of the rational soul which, being scattered throughout creation, loses the consciousness of its own essential one-ness. The mirror into which Bacchus gazes and which is the cause of his fall is the great sea of illusion--the lower world fashioned by the Titans. Bacchus (the mundane rational soul), seeing his image before him, accepts the image as a likeness of himself and ensouls the likeness; that is, the rational idea ensouls its reflection--the irrational universe. By ensouling the irrational image it implants in it the urge to become like its source, the rational image. Therefore the ancients said that man does not know the gods by logic or by reason but rather by realizing the presence of the gods within himself.

After Bacchus gazed into the mirror and followed his own reflection into matter, the rational soul of the world was broken up and distributed by the Titans throughout the mundane sphere of which it is the essential nature, but the heart, or source, of it they could not: scatter. The Titans took the dismembered body of Bacchus and boiled it in water--symbol of immersion in the material universe--which represents the incorporation of the Bacchic principle in form. The pieces were afterwards roasted to signify the subsequent ascension of the spiritual nature out of form.

When Jupiter, the father of Bacchus and the Demiurgus of the universe, saw that the Titans were hopelessly involving the rational or divine idea by scattering its members through the constituent parts of the lower world, he slew the Titans in order that the divine idea might not be entirely lost. From the ashes of the Titans he formed mankind, whose purpose of existence was to preserve and eventually to release the Bacchic idea, or rational soul, from the Titanic fabrication. Jupiter, being the Demiurgus and fabricator of the material universe, is the third person of the Creative Triad, consequently the Lord of Death, for death exists only in the lower sphere of being over which he presides. Disintegration takes place so that reintegration may follow upon a higher level of form or intelligence. The thunderbolts of Jupiter are emblematic of his disintegrative power; they reveal the purpose of death, which is to rescue the rational soul from the devouring power of the irrational nature.

Man is a composite creature, his lower nature consisting of the fragments of the Titans and his higher nature the sacred, immortal flesh (life) of Bacchus. Therefore man is capable of either a Titanic (irrational) or a Bacchic (rational) existence. The Titans of Hesiod, who were twelve in number, are probably analogous to the celestial zodiac, whereas the Titans who murdered and dismembered Bacchus represent the zodiacal powers distorted by their involvement in the material world. Thus Bacchus represents the sun who is dismembered by the signs of the zodiac and from whose body the universe is formed. When the terrestrial forms were created from the various parts of his body the sense of wholeness was lost and the sense of separateness established. The heart of Bacchus, which was saved by Pallas, or Minerva, was lifted out of the four elements symbolized by his dismembered body and placed in the ether. The heart of Bacchus is the immortal center of the rational soul.

After the rational soul had been distributed throughout creation and the nature of man, the Bacchic Mysteries were instituted for the purpose of disentangling it from the irrational Titanic nature. This disentanglement was the process of lifting the soul out of the state of separateness into that of unity. The various parts and members of Bacchus were collected from the different corners of the earth. When all the rational parts are gathered Bacchus is resurrected.

The Rites of Dionysos were very similar to those of Bacchus, and by many these two gods are considered as one. Statues of Dionysos were carried in the Eleusinian Mysteries, especially the lesser degrees. Bacchus, representing the soul of the mundane sphere, was capable of an infinite multiplicity of form and designations. Dionysos apparently was his solar aspect.

The Dionysiac Architects constituted an ancient secret society, in principles and doctrines much like the modern Freemasonic Order. They were an organization of builders bound together by their secret knowledge of the relationship between the earthly and the divine sciences of architectonics. They were supposedly employed by King Solomon in the building of his Temple, although they were not Jews, nor did they worship the God of the Jews, being followers of Bacchus and Dionysos. The Dionysiac Architects erected many of the great monuments of antiquity. They possessed a secret language and a system of marking their stones. They had annual convocations and sacred feasts. The exact nature of their doctrines is unknown. It is believed that CHiram Abiff was an initiate of this society.


THE most famous of the ancient religious Mysteries were the Eleusinian, whose rites were celebrated every five years in the city of Eleusis to honor Ceres (Demeter, Rhea, or Isis) and her daughter, Persephone. The initiates of the Eleusinian School were famous throughout Greece for the beauty of their philosophic concepts and the high standards of morality which they demonstrated in their daily lives. Because of their excellence, these Mysteries spread to Rome and Britain, and later the initiations were given in both these countries. The Eleusinian Mysteries, named for the community in Attica where the sacred dramas were first presented, are generally believed to have been founded by Eumolpos about fourteen hundred years before the birth of Christ, and through the Platonic system of philosophy their principles have been preserved to modern times.

The rites of Eleusis, with their Mystic interpretations of Nature's most precious secrets, overshadowed the civilizations of their time and gradually absorbed many smaller schools, incorporating into their own system whatever valuable information these lesser institutions possessed. Heckethorn sees in the Mysteries of Ceres and Bacchus a metamorphosis of the rites of Isis and Osiris, and there is every reason to believe that all so-called secret schools of the ancient world were branches from one philosophic tree which, with its root in heaven and its branches on the earth, is--like the spirit of man--an invisible but ever-present cause of the objectified vehicles that give it expression. The Mysteries were the channels through which this one philosophic light was disseminated, and their initiates, resplendent with intellectual and spiritual understanding, were the perfect fruitage of the divine tree, bearing witness before the material world of the recondite source of all Light and Truth.

The rites of Eleusis were divided into what were called the Lesser and the Greater Mysteries. According to James Gardner, the Lesser Mysteries were celebrated in the spring (probably at the time of the vernal equinox) in the town of Agræ, and the Greater, in the fall (the time of the autumnal equinox) at Eleusis or Athens. It is supposed that the former were given annually and the latter every five years. The rituals of the Eleusinians were highly involved, and to understand them required a deep study of Greek mythology, which they interpreted in its esoteric light with the aid of their secret keys.

The Lesser Mysteries were dedicated to Persephone. In his Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries, Thomas Taylor sums up their purpose as follows: "The Lesser Mysteries were designed by the ancient theologists, their founders, to signify occultly the condition of the unpurified soul invested with an earthy body, and enveloped in a material and physical nature."

The legend used in the Lesser rites is that of the abduction of the goddess Persephone, the daughter of Ceres, by Pluto, the lord of the underworld, or Hades. While Persephone is picking flowers in a beautiful meadow, the earth suddenly opens and the gloomy lord of death, riding in a magnificent chariot, emerges from its somber depths and, grasping her in his arms, carries the screaming and struggling goddess to his subterranean palace, where he forces her to become his queen.

It is doubtful whether many of the initiates themselves understood the mystic meaning of this allegory, for most of them apparently believed that it referred solely to the succession of the seasons. It is difficult to obtain satisfactory information concerning the Mysteries, for the candidates were bound by inviolable oaths never to reveal their inner secrets to the profane. At the beginning of the ceremony of initiation, the candidate stood upon the skins of animals sacrificed for the purpose, and vowed that death should seal his lips before he would divulge the sacred truths which were about to be communicated to him. Through indirect channels, however, some of their secrets have been preserved. The teachings given to the neophytes were substantially as follows:

The soul of man--often called Psyche, and in the Eleusinian Mysteries symbolized by Persephone--is essentially a spiritual thing. Its true home is in the higher worlds, where, free from the bondage of material form and material concepts, it is said to be truly alive and self-expressive. The human, or physical, nature of man, according to this doctrine, is a tomb, a quagmire, a false and impermanent thing, the source of all sorrow and suffering. Plato describes the body as the sepulcher of the soul; and by this he means not only the human form but also the human nature.

The gloom and depression of the Lesser Mysteries represented the agony of the spiritual soul unable to express itself because it has accepted the limitations and illusions of the human environment. The crux of the Eleusinian argument was that man is neither better nor wiser after death than during life. If he does not rise above ignorance during his sojourn here, man goes at death into eternity to wander about forever, making the same mistakes which he made here. If he does not outgrow the desire for material possessions here, he will carry it with him into the invisible world, where, because he can never gratify the desire, he will continue in endless agony. Dante's Inferno is symbolically descriptive of the sufferings of those who never freed their spiritual natures from the cravings, habits, viewpoints, and limitations of their Plutonic personalities. Those who made no endeavor to improve themselves (whose souls have slept) during their physical lives, passed at death into Hades, where, lying in rows, they slept through all eternity as they had slept through life.

To the Eleusinian philosophers, birch into the physical world was death in the fullest sense of the word, and the only true birth was that of the spiritual soul of man rising out of the womb of his own fleshly nature. "The soul is dead that slumbers," says Longfellow, and in this he strikes the keynote of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Just as Narcissus, gazing at himself in the water (the ancients used this mobile element to symbolize the transitory, illusionary, material universe) lost his life trying to embrace a reflection, so man, gazing into the mirror of Nature and accepting as his real self the senseless clay that he sees reflected, loses the opportunity afforded by physical life to unfold his immortal, invisible Self.

An ancient initiate once said that the living are ruled by the dead. Only those conversant with the Eleusinian concept of life could understand that statement. It means that the majority of people are not ruled by their living spirits but by their senseless (hence dead) animal personalities. Transmigration and reincarnation were taught in these Mysteries, but in a somewhat unusual manner. It was believed that at midnight the invisible worlds were closest to the Terrestrial sphere and that souls coming into material existence slipped in during the midnight hour. For this reason many of the Eleusinian ceremonies were performed at midnight. Some of those sleeping spirits who had failed to awaken their higher natures during the earth life and who now floated around in the invisible worlds, surrounded by a darkness of their own making, occasionally slipped through at this hour and assumed the forms of various creatures.

The mystics of Eleusis also laid stress upon the evil of suicide, explaining that there was a profound mystery concerning this crime of which they could not speak, but warning their disciples that a great sorrow comes to all who take their own lives. This, in substance, constitutes the esoteric doctrine given to the initiates of the Lesser Mysteries. As the degree dealt largely with the miseries of those who failed to make the best use of their philosophic opportunities, the chambers of initiation were subterranean and the horrors of Hades were vividly depicted in a complicated ritualistic drama. After passing successfully through the tortuous passageways, with their trials and dangers, the candidate received the honorary title of Mystes. This meant one who saw through a veil or had a clouded vision. It also signified that the candidate had been brought up to the veil, which would be torn away in the higher degree. The modern word mystic, as referring to a seeker after truth according to the dictates of the heart along the path of faith, is probably derived from this ancient word, for faith is belief in the reality of things unseen or veiled.

The Greater Mysteries (into which the candidate was admitted only after he had successfully passed through the ordeals of the Lesser, and not always then) were sacred to Ceres, the mother of Persephone, and represent her as wandering through the world in quest of her abducted daughter. Ceres carried two torches, intuition and reason, to aid her in the search for her lost child (the soul). At last she found Persephone not far from Eleusis, and out of gratitude taught the people there to cultivate corn, which is sacred to her. She also founded the Mysteries. Ceres appeared before Pluto, god of the souls of the dead, and pleaded with him to allow Persephone to return to her home. This the god at first refused to do, because Persephone had eaten of the pomegranate, the fruit of mortality. At last, however, he compromised and agreed to permit Persephone to live in the upper world half of the year if she would stay with him in the darkness of Hades for the remaining half.

The Greeks believed that Persephone was a manifestation of the solar energy, which in the winter months lived under the earth with Pluto, but in the summer returned again with the goddess of productiveness. There is a legend that the flowers loved Persephone and that every year when she left for the dark realms of Pluto, the plants and shrubs would die of grief. While the profane and uninitiated had their own opinions on these subjects, the truths of the Greek allegories remained safely concealed by the priests, who alone recognized the sublimity of these great philosophic and religious parables.

Thomas Taylor epitomizes the doctrines of the Greater Mysteries in the following statement: "The Greater (Mysteries) obscurely intimated, by mystic and splendid visions, the felicity of the soul both here and hereafter when purified from the defilement of a material nature, and constantly elevated to the realities of intellectual (spiritual) vision."

Just as the Lesser Mysteries discussed the prenatal epoch of man when the consciousness in its nine days (embryologically, months) was descending into the realm of illusion and assuming the veil of unreality, so the Greater Mysteries discussed the principles of spiritual regeneration and revealed to initiates not only the simplest but also the most direct and complete method of liberating their higher natures from the bondage of material ignorance. Like Prometheus chained to the top of Mount Caucasus, man's higher nature is chained to his inadequate personality. The nine days of initiation were also symbolic of the nine spheres through which the human soul descends during the process of assuming a terrestrial form. The secret exercises for spiritual unfoldment given to disciples of the higher degrees are unknown, but there is every reason to believe that they were similar to the Brahmanic Mysteries, since it is known that the Eleusinian ceremonies were closed with the Sanskrit words "Konx Om Pax."

That part of the allegory referring to the two six-month periods during one of which Persephone must remain with Pluto, while during the other she may revisit the upper world, offers material for deep consideration. It is probable that the Eleusinians realized that the soul left the body during steep, or at least was made capable of leaving by the special training which undoubtedly they were in a position to give. Thus Persephone would remain as the queen of Pluto's realm during the waking hours, but would ascend to the spiritual worlds during the periods of sleep. The initiate was taught how to intercede with Pluto to permit Persephone (the initiate's soul) to ascend from the darkness of his material nature into the light of understanding. When thus freed from the shackles of clay and crystallized concepts, the initiate was liberated not only for the period of his life but for all eternity, for never thereafter was he divested of those soul qualities which after death were his vehicles for manifestation and expression in the so-called heaven world.

In contrast to the idea of Hades as a state of darkness below, the gods were said to inhabit the tops of mountains, a well-known example being Mount Olympus, where the twelve deities of the Greek pantheon were said to dwell together. In his initiatory wanderings the neophyte therefore entered chambers of ever-increasing brilliancy to portray the ascent of the spirit from the lower worlds into the realms of bliss. As the climax to such wanderings he entered a great vaulted room, in the center of which stood a brilliantly illumined statue of the goddess Ceres. Here, in the presence of the hierophant and surrounded by priests in magnificent robes, he was instructed in the highest of the secret mysteries of the Eleusis. At the conclusion of this ceremony he was hailed as an Epoptes, which means one who has beheld or seen directly. For this reason also initiation was termed autopsy. The Epoptes was then given certain sacred books, probably written in cipher, together with tablets of stone on which secret instructions were engraved.

From the records available, a number of strange and apparently supernatural phenomena accompanied the rituals. Many initiates claim to have actually seen the living gods themselves. Whether this was the result of religious ecstasy or the actual cooperation of invisible powers with the visible priests must remain a mystery. In The Metamorphosis, or Golden Ass, Apuleius thus describes what in all probability is his initiation into the Eleusinian Mysteries:

"I approached to the confines of death, and having trod on the threshold of Proserpine I, returned from it, being carried through all the elements. At midnight I saw the sun shining with a splendid light; and I manifestly drew near to, the gods beneath, and the gods above, and proximately adored them."

Women and children were admitted to the Eleusinian Mysteries, and at one time there were literally thousands of initiates. Because this vast host was not prepared for the highest spiritual and mystical doctrines, a division necessarily took place within the society itself. The higher teachings were given to only a limited number of initiates who, because of superior mentality, showed a comprehensive grasp of their underlying philosophical concepts. Socrates refused to be initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries, for knowing its principles without being a member of the order he realized that membership would seal his tongue. That the Mysteries of Eleusis were based upon great and eternal truths is attested by the veneration in which they were held by the great minds of the ancient world. M. Ouvaroff asks, "Would Pindar, Plato, Cicero, Epictetus, have spoken of them with such admiration, if the hierophant had satisfied himself with loudly proclaiming his own opinions, or those of his order?"

The garments in which candidates were initiated were preserved for many years and were believed to possess almost sacred properties. Just as the soul can have no covering save wisdom and virtue, so the candidates--being as yet without true knowledge--were presented to the Mysteries unclothed, being first: given the skin of an animal and later a consecrated robe to symbolize the philosophical teachings received by the initiate. During the course of initiation the candidate passed through two gates. The first led downward into the lower worlds and symbolized his birth into ignorance. The second led upward into a room brilliantly lighted by unseen lamps, in which was the statue of Ceres and which symbolized the upper world, or the abode of Light and Truth. Strabo states that the great temple of Eleusis would hold between twenty and thirty thousand people. The caves dedicated by Zarathustra also had these two doors, symbolizing the avenues of birth and death.

The following paragraph from Porphyry gives a fairly adequate conception of Eleusinian symbolism: "God being a luminous principle, residing in the midst of the most subtile fire, he remains for ever invisible to the eyes of those who do not elevate themselves above material life: on this account, the sight of transparent bodies, such as crystal, Parian marble, and even ivory, recalls the idea of divine light; as the sight of gold excites an idea of its purity, for gold cannot he sullied. Some have thought by a black stone was signified the invisibility of the divine essence. To express supreme reason, the Divinity was represented under the human form--and beautiful, for God is the source of beauty; of different ages, and in various attitudes, sitting or upright; of one or the other sex, as a virgin or a young man, a husband or a bride, that all the shades and gradations might be marked. Every thing luminous was subsequently attributed to the gods; the sphere, and all that is spherical, to the universe, to the sun and the moon--sometimes to Fortune and to Hope. The circle, and all circular figures, to eternity--to the celestial movements; to the circles and zones of the heavens. The section of circles, to the phases of the moon; and pyramids and obelisks, to the igneous principle, and through that to the gods of Heaven. A cone expresses the sun, a cylinder the earth; the phallus and triangle (a symbol of the matrix) designate generation." (From Essay on the Mysteries of Eleusis by M. Ouvaroff.)

The Eleusinian Mysteries, according to Heckethorn, survived all others and did not cease to exist as an institution until nearly four hundred years after Christ, when they were finally suppressed by Theodosius (styled the Great), who cruelly destroyed all who did not accept the Christian faith. Of this greatest of all philosophical institutions.

Cicero said that it taught men not only how to live but also how to die.

Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies, Part Three

1/16/2007 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nazi Occult

We cannot fault the Neo pagans for their lack of knowledge since so much was destroyed.

They did not learn most everything from the Christians, Jews and Moslems, then they learned it from

the Hindus!!!!!!!

Satanism and Witchcraft did not exist before the Catholic, borrowing from the Jews, created them. There was no Devil, or Satan before christianity invented him, nor was there a Black Mass before there was a Catholic Mass.

Rather, Catholics created Witches as a heresy to provide worshipers for their newly created Devil. And while Christians could not destroy their devil, they could expose his followers by Inquisition and force them to confess their heresy before hanging them or burning them at the stake. Neither punishment of course shed blood, which somehow by christian logic, kept the executioners untainted by blood and imbued him with christian morality.

This is not to say that there were not Pagans who had many of the trappings of what christian called Witches. After all, much of what the Catholic Church believed to be Witchcraft was derived from Pagan practices. The Christian devil, became a composite of ancient Pagan gods. He had horns and hoofs like Pan and Dionysus, he carried a 3 prong spear or trident like Poseidon or Neptune, he had lizardy, reptilian skin and a tail like, Kecrops and Leviathan and was fiery red like Helios. He often had bat-like wings like the Babylonian cherubim.


1/20/2007 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks ur information

it very useful

3/24/2009 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous enemy territory said...

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7/20/2010 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous enemy territory said...

Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.

7/20/2010 06:39:00 AM  

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