Inside, Outside

Met Prince Phillip at the home of the blues
Said he'd give me information if his name wasn't used - Bob Dylan
It was nice to see, at first, a review in Saturday's Globe and Mail of Barrie Zwicker's Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11. Nice, like the fleeting thrill of validation whenever the press is compelled to acknowledge our realities even on the margins, albeit as a joke. And reviewer Martin Levin's meatless appraisal was all about the punchline:
Now I have little trouble believing it possible that plutocrats of the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld axis of ego are orchestrating things for their own benefit and that of their Fortune 500 cronies. Or that the war in Iraq is based on an unsavoury stew of misconceptions, stupidity, wishful thinking and deceit. But what I do have great difficulty believing is that the “perpetrators” are intelligent enough and, I suppose, quite evil enough, not only to concoct such a grand strategy, but to carry it off so deviously that only Zwicker and his allies can discern its true nature.
Levin pairs his review with one of the comic book adaptation of the official 9/11 report. Of that, he writes "though Barrie Zwicker would undoubtedly think the report itself a fraud, this work seems an accurate version of it." He recommends the comic "as a clear and concise record of events and deliberations," and adds a final raspberry in our direction: "But then, I'm just another dupe."
Well, yes. But let's see how he became one, because we're not beyond becoming dupes ourselves.
Levin's argument is not with the content of Zwicker's work; he's simply affronted by the work's existence. For the nerve of "Zwicker and his allies" to challenge the verdicts of conventional history and politics, it seems Levin can do no better than toss off a Who do they think they are? But his issue, and that of many others, runs deeper. Levine's cavalier dismissal of Zwicker's book and his endorsement of a comic is a pathetic appeal to authority that carries an implied Who do we think we are?
By "we" here, I mean the common rabble in whose company Levin includes even himself. The "us," in us and capital-T Them. We're the Outsiders, without privileged information, who can only put our heads together. What do we think we can know?
An appeal to authority is a strong attractor, even to many who profess to question it. The "9/11 Movement" has largely been lost to this crippling way of thought that perpetuates the myth of our own inadequacies. What we need, it's been said for years now, is someone on the inside to blow this wide open. And the Inside has happily obliged, providing a stream of dubious "whistleblowers" to muddy clear waters with sensational scoops and who soon vanish, leaving only confusion behind. The Inside has even gifted 9/11 with leadership: pied pipers who have shifted the focus towards the sexiest and least substantial arguments, and who are embraced and elevated according to the depths of their insider bona fides. Former Bush advisors, Republican bagmen and CIA operatives all speak with the seducing voice of authority, and when they say Nevermind that; look over here, too many of us look. (The rise to prominence of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" is another example of our too-easily exploited deference to authority, even when the authority addresses issues unrelated to its field of expertise.)
And what do we mean by Inside? Many who push 9/11 as an "inside job" seem to want to push Osama right out of the picture, but bin Laden is himself inside the security-narcotics-terror nexus, composed of factions that interpenetrate one another, which sometimes compete and sometimes strike strategic alliances depending upon what advantages they believe they can gain and how best they can outplay the other. Look at al Qaeda, NATO's silent partner in Bosnia. Look at the ISI, al Qaeda's patron and the CIA's proxy. Look at the drug trafficking common to all, and double agents such as Omar Saeed Sheik. But the fact they're all inside to a certain degree doesn't mean they act as one, without self interest or competing agendas. Inside, there can be a convergence of interests, even at cross purposes.
The pull of authority holds for other subjects that have been pushed even farther to the margins, for which established authority does not even exist. To whom should we appeal for an understanding of the ritual butchery of sheep on Prince Charles's estate (a perpetuation of the occultic slaughter reported last year in Dartmoor)? Necks broken, eyes and tongues gouged out, bodies arranged in a row. It "would have required a number of people and potentially been quite a spectacle," said an RSPCA inspector, adding "it is impossible to guess what the motivation for this brutal attack could be." Not impossible, just beyond the veil of reason, and true insiders will be reluctant to lead us there. So without authority to explain it, most choose not to see it.
But we don't need to get inside, and we shouldn't want to. Inside is a compartmentalized labyrinth that even insiders with the best of intentions would be unable to negotiate. Outside, and from a distance, is perspective. What we need is better Outside intel.
Yes, and well-put even! Jeff, were you timing this latest clear-eyed epistle to follow on the heels of the holding pattern in which you had us cooling our heels, or was it just Mrs. Serendipity nudging us with her typical nod and a wink? Of course, everything is connected with everything else, once you get beyond the dime store guru-ness of the concept, but we really were getting at this same idea with our rambling discourse on censorship, media control, and serial misdirection. Sandwiched between the Rob Reiner/Mel Gibson/John Mark Karr/Jewish Media Circus, one anonymous poster gave us a nice overview of the traditional, overt means of censorship, including book burnings, American-style, to which I planned to respond with the following post. but since it applies equally to today's post, I'm lodging it here anyway:
Thanks, Anonymous, for the brief history of censorship, but I think it's also safe to say that the larger mechanism for censorship is very much off-stage. They don't really need the public Vigilantes for Purity groups smashing the bookshops anymore, just as the FDA doesn't need to axe and burn heretical medical research facilities they way they conducted themselves in the '50s when suppressing Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Lab. Witness the "new" methodology at work in the sci-fi publishing industry, of all places:
Moorcock Blasts U.S. Publisher
Outspoken British SF and fantasy writer Michael Moorcock told SCI FI Wire that his latest novel, The Vengeance of Rome, has no American publisher and probably won't until, he argues, "the current political climate changes." The book, which concludes the Pyat Quartet, follows Colonel Pyat, a trickster, self-deceiver, anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic Jew, bisexual and friend of fascism—not an easy character to sell.
Moorcock argued in an interview that Random House and one of its imprints, Alfred A. Knopf, refused to publish the book because "they are all afraid of a backlash from fundamentalists who will fail to see the irony of Pyat's anti-Semitism and anti-Islamism, which of course is part of his character. The American public and reviewers, I should say, have never failed to understand the books. The publishers, with what strikes me as a typical contempt for their readership, feel they know best. So the chances of the books being published in the U.S. are probably 50-50, if we can find a courageous publisher. The likelihood of that these days is pretty slim, unless it's an independent who doesn't have to answer to stockholders, another problem mainstream publishers visualize."
Moorcock also claimed that Random House censored the first book in the series, Byzantium Endures. Moorcock added that he believes that when he refused to allow the second book, The Laughter of Carthage, to be censored, Random House refused to publish the final two books, Jerusalem Commands and Rome. Asked to comment on the allegations, Random House did not return numerous e-mails.
Moorcock's agent offered Knopf the books, but Knopf editor Sonny Mehta also declined. Mehta said through a spokesman that he turned down Rome simply because he didn't feel the manuscript was appropriate for the Knopf list, not for the reasons Moorcock suggested. When pressed further, Nicholas Latimer, vice president and director of publicity for the imprint, declined to elaborate.
Rome has been released in Canada and the United Kingdom. Moorcock said readers should try to buy copies online.
Moorcock added that he is happy to be done with Pyat. "The set of books ... were written to examine how the Holocaust could have been permitted by Western culture," he said. "I'm glad it's over. Living with Nazis and making them 'charming' took a huge toll. I think I'm done with the old rogue."
But are they done with us? And before we scramble to the Google engine to see if Moorcock's publishers were Jews, we'd do well to remember what Jeff just showed us about the confused life of the Inner Realm of Power. As Chris Floyd recently said
, the "real power" is still what it always has been, your basic WASP network of industrial cretins who are more than capable of putting the reins into the hands of their junior (Jewish) partners for the purpose of yet another misdirection. Once again, Jeff, you are spot on: far better to huddle our muddled heads together on the outside, since on the other side, it's a writhing mass of tail-biting snakes.
An appeal to authority is a strong attractor, even to many who profess to question it. The "9/11 Movement" has largely been lost to this crippling way of thought that perpetuates the myth of our own inadequacies.
I agree, I don't feel that way about supposed "inadequacies". I fail to blame myself for the huge corruption obviously there on so many different intersecting levels.
And what do we mean by Inside? Many who push 9/11 as an "inside job" seem to want to push Osama right out of the picture, but bin Laden is himself inside the security-narcotics-terror nexus, composed of factions that interpenetrate one another, which sometimes compete and sometimes strike strategic alliances, depending upon what advantages they believe they can gain by outplaying the other. Look at al Qaeda, NATO's silent partner in Bosnia. Look at the ISI, al Qaeda's patron and the CIA's proxy. Look at the drug trafficking common to all, and double agents such as Omar Saeed Sheik. But the fact they're all inside to a certain degree doesn't mean they act as one, without self interest or competing agendas. Inside, there can be a convergence of interests, even at cross purposes.
yes yes yes yes yes, and I think one more yes.
But we don't need to get inside, and we shouldn't want to. Inside is a compartmentalized labyrinth that even insiders have trouble negotiating. Outside, and from a distance, is perspective. What we need is better Outside intel.
Is that an authoritative statement? :-) Just foolin', you see, I see nothing the matter with authority, only authorities that are pretty unrepresentative. Further inside whistleblowers are fine with me. 9-11 Scholars for Truth are fine with me, because litterally within two weeks a whole shallow disinfo 'scholars' site was created against it. That's a vote for me that it's important. More about that here and in the comments to the big story in the first article of their 'journal'--that led to physical threats, so this is important for someone to come out of the woodwork to do that instead of just attempt to ignore it:
The Flying Elephant: Evidence for Involvement of a Third (& Fourth) Jet in the WTC Attacks
Date: 2006.07.13 01:28
Description: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth has been appalled to learn that the author of this study has received threats against himself and his family for having written this article [and made watching four videos of the third plane, totalling around 2:10 min, conveniently available in a single article's links. I have seen many still photos of this third plane, though these are the first videos I have seen documenting it.]" "The source of these threats has suggested that he drop out of our organization and that this study should "go away". He has withdrawn from S9/11T, but this piece of research cannot "go away". It has already been widely read and no doubt copied. Under the circumstances, it would be a huge mistake to allow this organization and its journal to be manipulated by external threats. Since the author has nothing to do with our decision to keep it in place, responsibility shifts to the organization. We hope others will pursue its leads." OK. I will. I hope it is clear that certainly official Bush administration in origin threats on 9/11 Scholars lives are signs of those people noticing something really important. When the stoic strategies of indifference and ignoring are tossed out the window toward active threats, particularly threats on little kids, you can bet that this is really important. I have one main thing to add to this article. I made an observation in one of these linked videos, and added some bracketed [comments] that it shows MORE THAN A THIRD PLANE, it shows actually a THIRD AND THEN SECONDS LATER A FOURTH PLANE (which the videographer tracks on both occassions, how did that guy miss this in wroting this?) going by in the distance as the WTC2 is struck at 9:02 a.m., in the video marked with a ***. I don't see how the original author missed that in that video.
Second, surely you've seen the video of the head of the scholars group, James Fetzer, basically decimating head Bush family henchman Ollie North, narcotrafficant militare, on live television at FoxTV? Ollie was literally quaking.
The fact is that these people like the Bushes and the Ollie Norths aren't authority figures, and they know it. Like the Wizard of Oz, are totally bumbling cowards who have stolen their way in through assassination--and without their electronic machinery that amplifies their pipsqueak voice in which they hide, they are nothing. They are handicapped that they can only "appear in public" from this electronic distance now. Everywhere they go they are booed in real public.
VIDEOS: Scholars for 9/11 Truth Under Attack, by FOX and by physical threats
..though the group is fighting back successfully, and Kevin will keep his job of course.
"These are the tactics of brown-shirts and totalitarians who fear the discussion of controversial questions that threaten the government's control over the governed. This is a despicable act and we are not going to back down!"
...this is a post on all the intellectually dishonest tactics being used against the Scholars for 9/11 Truth. Below, are links to both FOX News video with Fetzer as well as the other one with Barrett. Note that FOX simply regurgitates the same questions and tact that it askes one of them later!
None of them can stand any heat. The Fox News spin attack ends with red-faced anchors, their smarmy looks quickly over, and Fetzer's interview is cut immediately once he publicly reveals FBI recently said it had no evidence of Osama = 9-11
Fetzer--QUICKLY removed off camera.
In other words, pull back the curtain and they are all quaking like drug lord Ollie North.
That is why the Bush Admin is so desparate to pass laws that would stop themselves from being punished for war crimes. They see the writing on the wall, and they see us writing on the wall, and only the guilty would ever attempt to pass such a thing...
(Nice note on the Prince Charles related thing.. ick... )
Welcome to 9/11 Synchronicity, the podcast designed to strike accord in the public mind and inspire the American People to exercise their rights and take meaningful action in the search for the Truth behind the events of September 11th, 2001.
Some kind of super Daniel Ellsberg would be great, but how hard would it be to discredit or disappear such a person. The outting of Valerie Plame is an example of how weak the public's attention and grasp of the situation is. An act of pure, political reprisal that knowingly trumped any fallout for national security was undertaken by the highest levels of the Bush folk. Now, truly, the outting of Plame/Wilson is minor compared to the deeper syntax of the lies we are being fed. The Plame affair may have really been the old CIA fighting to keep it's grip, with a lemon twist of anti-bush politics by divergent agenda setters. So, a Sybel Edmonds can be muzzled, a Joseph Wilson can be played, and any other likely threat can either be chemically dissolved or politically disappeared. What we have to hope and strive for is our own ability to capitalize on their hubris and incompetence. Remember that every defeat for them is instantly redefined as victory, to the point even where, lately, little whispers are appearing from "left wing" realms that Bush should simply declare victory and withdraw from Iraq (except the bases, of course). The op ed writers even declare victory for Bush because the bounce in the polls (the ones they select) has him pushing in the upper 30's. Perhaps in their gut of guts they know that Bush's darkest hour has not yet come for he has yet to give us ours. Any actionable dissent will be managed from the cigar parlor of the same country club where they are all hooded, carrying their candles, chanting their gibberish, sellling their souls to be inside. Whatever hope we have is to keep our own chants rising against theirs, inessantly, until we drown them out before we are all destroyed.
More glitches in the matrix.
The fascade is crumbling.
But like the JFK assasination.
The men really running things like us to feel powerless.
Letting us know they call the shots.
Sure they may have to sacrifice a few underlings, but the show must go on.
They create reality.
As Pontious Pilate said, "What is truth?".
Not much when you create public perceptions.
The average tv watching american is oblivious and fed with a diet of bread and circuses.
Music with a message
This British invasion band has a political message.
Coming soon to a radio station near you.
MUSE have cracked America...despite singer Matt Bellamy's outspoken views on George Bush.
The fiery British trio have rocketed to No.9 in the US Billboard charts with their great new album, Black Holes And Revelations.
But Matt - whose passion for conspiracy theories has inspired their songs - has fired a broadside at wily old Dubya in The White House.
He said: "I'm fascinated by conspiracy theories. We're surrounded by them.
"Are we really supposed to believe that a man in a cave in Afghanistan managed to orchestrate the most unbelievable attack on the United States of all time?
"I think 9/11 was definitely an inside job done by a group of high-powered people looking for an excuse to invade the Middle East for oil and other natural resources.
"I think America needed another Pearl Harbor-type event in order to invade Iraq. It gave the US and UK governments the perfect excuse to go to war."
Censorship is so yesterday. It's much easier to take the opposite approach, and innundate The Masses with so much of the shit, they can't focus properly, let alone tie their intellectual shoelaces..
There's even a name for's my brother....Authorgeddon.
Here's a link to elaborate on what I just posited:
June 1, 2005 (Raleigh, N.C.) — The number of Americans who write and publish a book in a given year is set to exceed the number who read one, according to a startling projection of book industry trends, made by Lulu (, the world's fastest growing provider of print-on-demand books.
The Lulu study pinpoints 2052 as the year when “Authorgeddon” will arrive — and the number of new books published in America will first surpass the number of Americans who read even a single book each year.
“It may sound ridiculous,” concedes Bob Young, CEO of Lulu, “but the latest industry figures show yet another steep rise in the number of Americans publishing a book each year, alongside a continuing fall in the numbers reading them. All we've done is to extrapolate these two, well-documented trends.”
The Lulu findings come as the country's book industry gathers in New York for BookExpo America (June 2-5), the trade's largest annual get-together.
They also follow last week's announcement by R.R. Bowker, North America's leading source of bibliographic data, that the number of books published in America last year hit a record 195,000 — a 14% increase on the previous high of nearly 175,000, recorded the year earlier. The average annual rise over the last three years has been 14.6%.
The Bowker announcement itself follows a survey published last year by the National Endowment for the Arts, which showed that the percentage of Americans who read books has steadily declined over the last 20 years. Only 57% — 164 million Americans — of the U.S. population now read even one book a year; a drop of 4% in a decade.
A simple extrapolation of current trends shows that by the year 2052 148.4 million books will be published in the U.S., while just 129.4 million Americans will actually read a book. 19 million new books, in other words, will not find a single reader, presumably including their authors.
The human race as a whole now publishes a book every thirty seconds, according to one recent estimate. Some 100 books a day — over 30,000 a year — are published on Lulu alone, of which most are not even counted in Bowker's figures.
“Fancy publishers may soon have to start signing up readers rather than authors,” suggests Young. “And the star readers will be those able to read the most books in a year.”
Well, no... “What these figures really show,” says Young, “is that the publishing industry as we know it is unraveling — like the music industry before it — as new, more efficient ways of publishing, involving print-on-demand and internet distribution, emerge in its place.”
“What publishing is seeing is the growth of a vast new diversity of niche markets, no longer dominated by a handful of voices approved by the publishing elite.”
In short, says Young, a publishing revolution is taking place, with Lulu and others at its head. Viva La Revo
"The farmer, who would not be identified for fear of reprisals, added: "We believe they are linked to the Roman god Janus, the god of gateways. Dead sheep are often left in front of a gate - their heads twisted back as though looking through it."
Upside down
Came across this today in my searching and thought I would share it.
A person by the moniker of Insider claimed he was from a ruling bloodline and gave the people a chance to ask everything they wanted and Insider would answer. At first it looks like another internet hoax, some lightweight questions were followed by lightweight answers, but then things started changing drastically. Anyone who understands dialectics knows that the answers Insider gave were designed to force/provoke others to ask questions which went to the core of the matter.
Below is taken from the pdf.
I might add this which may sound contrary to what I said but read carefully:
When masses are made to believe something negative, they may create what they did not want, which is how for instance the "NWO" like you people name it, works.
You are believing it is taking shape, so it will take shape and theorists are major players in helping this taking shape by bombarding you with "facts" that it is taking shape.
Claiming you are giving in power everyday, and they control you more...while in reality you are in full control.
So the people who are "waking up" to it are the ones who are creating it.
Visualization also works that way around.
Is Earth a prison?
Yes and even worse.
The ones who believe the contrary will never escape.
If the name of an entity is public, it means it is fabricated.
Yahweh used to represent an age where mass-control was taking shape.
Interesting that you put this up the same day as a loosely related post at Cannonfire complaining about all the weird stuff that comes out of the woodwork at you once you're pegged as a conspiracy theorist.
Must be something in the water.
What strikes me most strongly, though, is your final statement:
But we don't need to get inside, and we shouldn't want to. Inside is a compartmentalized labyrinth that even insiders with the best of intentions would be unable to negotiate. Outside, and from a distance, is perspective. What we need is better Outside intel.
That relates closely to my own sense that with certain high-profile events the waters have been muddied as thoroughly as if a herde of wildebeests had trampled through them, to the point where nothing seems certain any more -- and that a great deal more light can be gained by examining more obscure events and individuals.
Part of this involves what I think of as "looking in the cracks." Live coverage of breaking events often provides such cracks -- things get said or shown that are later airbrushed out of the official record. But even carefully scripted events can have cracks -- like Rockey whatsis who recently showed up to tell Bush what a great job he was doing and turned out to be a GOP activist.
The other great tool we have is the "to enough eyes all bugs are shallow" phenomenon. There's still not enough data in play to really turn the collective consciousness of the Net into a powerful scientific instrument for penetrating disinfo -- it's amazing how often Google comes up short on the things you most want to know. And there are people trying desperately to make sure it never happens -- like whichever Senator put that anonymous hold on a bill to create a searchable public database of federal spending.
And yet it will come.
And then, Mama, look out.
Censorship Islamic Style:
In the 1990's, a British historical author, Paul Fregosi, was commissioned to write a book about Islamic crusades against Europe. By April, 1997, he had nearly finished the manuscript. Then his publisher, Little Brown was approached very quietly by Islamic groups. Executives in the British offices of the publishing house had visions of bombs & assassinations so they did what their Islamic visitors demanded. Without uttering a word to the public, they cancelled Fregosi's book.
At the same time , Simon & Shuster withdrew a children's book because Islamic activists demanded it. The offending book was World Religions/Great Lives by William Jay Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs crime involved included a painting of Mohammed holding a sword along with this paragraph of text:
"Mohammed. The Prophet. During his lifetime he was a man who loved beautiful women, fine perfume, and tasty food. He took pleasure in seeing the heads of his enemies torn from their bodies by the swords of his soldiers. He hated Christians & Jews, poets and painters, and anyone who criticised him. Once he had a Jewish prisoner tortured in ordered to learn the location of the man's hidden treasure. Then, having uncovered the secret, he had his victim murdered and added the dead man's wife to his harem."
Other authors who feel the weight of Islam & its inability to admit that it is a religion of violence & hatred are:
Salman Rushdie
Taslima Nasrin
Terence McNally
Isioma Daniel
Amal Kashua
Naguib Mahfouz
Doug Marlette
Konca Kuris
I'm probably mistaken, but I am totally unaware of any Jews or Christians who use murder as a tool of censorship.
Mel Gibson didn't have to apologize. A screaming horde of pissed off Jews weren't going to descend on him & lop his head off.
Mel just realized that making oodles of money was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important to him than any beliefs he may have.
Remember Bill Maher & his post 911 faux pas?
Mr. Ballsy Bush Critic backpedaled so fucking fast it wasn't even funny.
Mr. Maher realized that making oodles of money running his mouth was much more attractive than sticking to his convictions & maybe having to get a real goddamn job where he may actually have to work.
"Now I have little trouble believing it possible that plutocrats of the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld axis of ego are orchestrating things for their own benefit and that of their Fortune 500 cronies. Or that the war in Iraq is based on an unsavoury stew of misconceptions, stupidity, wishful thinking and deceit. But what I do have great difficulty believing is that the “perpetrators” are intelligent enough and, I suppose, quite evil enough, not only to concoct such a grand strategy, but to carry it off so deviously that only Zwicker and his allies can discern its true nature."
This is the kind of shit that just drives me up the wall. What he's saying is essentially "Sure, BushCo is a band of greedy, conniving, murderous sociopaths, but only when it comes to foreigners." This is patently ridiculous. Does he really think that the same group of people that would lie their way into a war, that would be responsible for, at the least, TENS OF THOUSANDS of civilian casualties (not to mention the slow poisoning of DU ammunition and so on), even blink at the killing of a few thousand folks here at home? Of course, what allows people to buy that line of shit is the notion, consistently reinforced through the way our media packages its little fables, that one American life is worth, at the very least, a few thousand lives of those dirty, uncivilized foreigners.
To Richard:
You said: Remember Bill Maher & his post 911 faux pas?
For those of us who may be suffering from short-term memory impairment, could you please provide a refresher?
fdMy snippet concerning people writing more books than are being read reminds me these lyrics...of which I have always been fond..
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence.
Fools said i,you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you.
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon God they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whisperd in the sounds of silence.
There does seem to be an abundance of opinion these days......but not much listening, hence more books written, and more blogs posted to then there are readers.
The Echo Chamber.
Readers might also be interested in another Martin Levin review at
The Terrorists Who Allegedly Piloted The Planes On 911 Were Brave.
I think that was what Maher said, or at least that's how it was taken.....I took it that way, and agreed with him. I don't have the nuts to pilot a jet into a skyscraper.
Maher siad the people that flew the planes into the building were not cowards...homocidal religious maniacs, but not coawrds.
The right wing corporate press hounded him for saying that...
Declaring someone reproachable only up to some limit is the same as declaring them beyond reproach.
Those, like Martin Levin, who use this limited reproach argument are dupes, because they have allowed themselves to be steered away from critical investigation of anything remotely related to 9/11.
On flying planes into buildings
Kamikazee style
I never want to forget. And then I realized... like I was shot... like I was shot with a diamond... a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought: My God... the genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were stronger than we. Because they could stand that these were not monsters. These were men... trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love... but they had the strength... the strength... to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral... and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling... without passion... without judgment... without judgment. Because it's judgment that defeats us.
Judgement clouds the mind and limits us.
Likewise when we judge, we should be prepared to be judged.
To Billy Shears.
In response to guest Dinesh D'Souza's assertion that people who are willing to die in service to their cause, whatever else they may be, are not "cowards," Maher said: "We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly."
Or the type of people that would rig the buildings to simultaneously blow up on 911!!!!!!!!
More of Col. Kurtz:
Have you ever considered any real freedoms? Freedoms from the opinion of others... even the opinions of yourself?
What do you call assassins who accuse assassins?
We train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!
I know he is a ficticous person, a montage of the collective american experience of Vietnam.
But it rings true today.
The more things change the more things stay the same.
That relates closely to my own sense that with certain high-profile events the waters have been muddied as thoroughly as if a herde of wildebeests had trampled through them, to the point where nothing seems certain any more
The evening gnus.....
Deschooling Society
Trust Us, We're Experts
"they say 'Nevermind that; look over here'..."
exactly: like the DVD "the mega fix" focusing on bashing clinton for not persuing the terry nicols-ramzi yousef connection, when that connection would have led right back to some shared pentagon/cia safehouse. jack cashill is a perfect example of the disinformationist: he purports to 'tell all' (TWA 800 was a pre-9/11 terrorist takedown! as was the oklahoma city and olympic park bombings! it was a rehearsal, folks!) while leading his listeners *away* from the gov't and back to a shadowy group of muslim extremists, and then calls THAT the big coverup or 'fix'.
Here's the cosmology/Creation Truth behind my long running RPG. I'm typing it in here, not to confirm that I'm a complete geek (which I am) but because the older I get, the more echoes I find for this bullshit (which I totally made up back in my mid to late 20s) I find in real world metaphysics.
In the beginning, there was the Rheesh, which means, literally, 'the One'. The Rheesh was a single thread of consciousness in the endless night that was reality at that time. It was sort of a diffuse smear of orderly self awareness amidst a sea of oblivious chaos.
The Rheesh's primary -- perhaps Its only -- sensation at this time was, as you might imagine, boredom. When yours is the only voice in the endless void, life gets pretty tedious. So the Rheesh set out to entertain itself, and realized that by using Its will, it could somehow force the chaos around it to become orderly... for brief intervals, after which it would lapse back into chaos again.
The Rheesh set out to see how much Order it could create, and how long It could make the Order last. Eventually, it learned to take small parts of Itself and place them within its Creations, where they would act as internal guides to the order, and help it stay coherent longer. Call these subprograms or subroutines, if you want to. There was one of them, at first -- the one that controlled Time and Space. Then the Rheesh added one to control Nature. That was still too complex, so it broke Nature down and added another sub program specifically to control Energy.
This gave it an Order object that was reasonably long lived, and very complex, and very beautiful. The Rheesh longed to see what this Order construct was like from the inside, but It was too large, and would destroy Its new toy if it tried to get 'inside'.
So the Rheesh took another part of itself and broke that part in an uncountable number of tiny subdivisions and threw them all at Its new toy. These pieces of the Rheesh were 'programmed' to become lifeforms inside the Order, to experience existence there, and then, when their orderly shells finally broke down, to return to the Rheesh through the surrounding chaos and be reabsorbed, so it could vicariously experience existence within Its toy.
To facilitate this, the Rheesh created two new subprograms, one to be within the Order and to keep track of all its little subparticles wherever they went, and one to exist just outside the Order, for the sole purpose of guiding the Rheesh's subparticles back to its greater whole after they had spent time within the Order.
This is the basis for every religion in my RPG, although few if any living in the RPG know it.
The next significant event occurred when the Rheesh dispatched these uncountable -- billions, or trillions, or more -- self aware subparticles of Its consciousness into its Order-Construct. Some of them -- fewer than 1%, but still, millions if not more -- refused to go. Abruptly self aware as individuals for the first time, these sub-beings realized that if they entered the Order-Construct, they would be reborn in matter-forms, and would no longer remember their brief existences 'outside' reality. This filled them with horror, so they refused to enter the world.
These beings continually dwell in the fringes of chaos outside orderly reality. They are afraid to lose their memories and identities by being born in a natural way into the world, but they covet above all things worldly, fleshly, material experiences. They eternally seek ways to enter the World that allow them to retain their full memories and their full self awareness, which requires the consent of a being already born and existent inside the world.
These creatures are called Demons, the fringes of chaos and order they inhabit are hell. They are ruled by the subprogram created by the Rheesh to have dominion over Chaos, especially this mixed region just outside the World. This subprogram is thought of, and worshipped by, the Demons and the entities living inside the world, as Death, because it is this subprogram that these entities see when they die and find themselves 'outside' the World.
The other subprograms are also worshipped as Gods -- the Gods of Time, Nature, Fire, and Life, respectively.
Many Demons have also discovered that they can manifest themselves within the dreams of sentient beings inside the Construct. If they can cause these living beings to focus attention on them, these Demons gain greater power, over the chaos they live in and over the fabric of the Construct itself. And of course, if they can gain followers within the Construct, they also have power there. Many of these Demons have also become 'gods', although they will never be as powerful as the 5 Above.
Long ago, Death chose to rebel against the Rheesh. It offered inducements to the subparticles (souls) of the recently deceased, to stay within the zone of chaos just around the Construct that Death controls -- chaos-constructs that simulate eternal life and material pleasures. Many subparticles of the Rheesh have accepted these blandishments and chosen to remain within Death's artificial Heavens. The other four Gods have also chosen to do this and constructed their own Heavens with which to attract souls, all to weaken the Rheesh by diverting fractions of Its essence.
Eventually, the Rheesh was weakened enough that the gods -- subprograms -- were able to break free of the Rheesh's will. Death no longer had to return 'lost souls' to the Rheesh; they either made a deal with one of the gods that had a heaven, or they wandered eternally in chaos, tormented and enslaved by bored Demons.
Some time ago, the Rheesh put a great deal of Its remaining essence into one mortal form with the Construct, having learned much more about the Construct over the lengthy time it has been in existence. This form taught certain things that are anathema to the powers that be within my RPG, and was crucified for its teachings. Upon arriving in Hell, this form demanded to be returned to the Rheesh, a demand which the 'God of Death' still must obey. Upon being returned, a new pathway was forged, and now any 'soul' can make its way back to the Rheesh, if it requires Death to take it there in the name of Miriam Orishna, the name of the Earthly incarnation that was sacrificed.
Wow, this has taken a really, really long time to type up.
Anyway, while I don't even expect anyone here to actually READ all this, it amazes me how many times I turn around and find some aspect of this imaginary/fictional bullshit reflected in some weird metaphysical teaching I encounter somewhere on the Internet.
And I was bored at work today, so, you know, I just thought I'd waste some time here. Hope I didn't waste too much of anyone else's.
Holy mother of God, that really WAS long.
Sorry again.
Yes, Richard, it’s true that Jews and Christians seldom kill for reasons of censorship, but they kill for other reasons, like dropping bombs on hapless Iraqis and Afghans, or dropping bombs on Beirut. Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
To whom should we appeal for an understanding of the ritual butchery of sheep on Prince Charles's estate (a perpetuation of the occultic slaughter reported last year in Dartmoor)? Necks broken, eyes and tongues gouged out, bodies arranged in a row. It "would have required a number of people and potentially been quite a spectacle," said an RSPCA inspector, adding "it is impossible to guess what the motivation for this brutal attack could be."
Who indeed? See also (for example):
Reports of dogs disappearing in certain parts of Clapham Wood attracted new interest. Dog owners reported that their dogs had wandered off in to the woods and were never seen again.
I have added my own insights in posting my story of surviving ritual abuse:
COINTELPRO agent Dave Von Kliest aside, the answers really are "in plain sight."
The "My Pet Goat" moment is revelatory because Secret Service protocol of whisking away Bush was not being followed. Presumably, if the US was under attack, so was Bush in danger. Yet somebody allowed Bush to sit there for 8 minutes (meanwhile, Cheney was spirited to the White House bunker immediately).
The real Pentagon mystery is not "where is the plane debris?" but "how could the Pentagon be hit 40 minutes AFTER hijackings were known to be underway and buildings had been hit?"
Other mysteries exist in plain sight:
Presumably, don't other nations and their governments recognize what a coup d'etat looks like?
Is the degree to which the "official story" was adopted by the US mainstream press -- with a handful of incongruent facts that slipped through during the first days afterward -- telling us the degree to which the press is willing to embrace any extreme? Or telling us the degree of reality (which appears to be random and rogue and incidental only) within the current Stenographers of Plutocracy?
Did Bush's "90% approval rating" following September 11 tell us how slim our minority really is, and will be in the days to come, as long as the "insecurity factor" is extreme enough?
And how weak and far-behind is the 9/11 Truth Movement when it's pre-empted in disseminating information by the likes of such slow-moving disinfo agents as Dave Von Kliest, Messan, and others?
Well anon 4:58, it seems that the only thing we've established beyond a reasonable doubt is that human beings kill each other.
Their reasons may be malleable & diverse but the outcome seems to be the same.
Not particularly revelatory is it?
Raising one group of religious loons above another seems to be pointlessly futile.
So why bother?
This is a link for the post above about the ritual sacrifice of dogs, occult activity and abuse in England.
We have no reason to mistrust our world, for it is not against us. Has it terrors, they are our terors [...] are dangers at hand we must try to love them.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
RE: Bill Mahr- when Jay Leno asked him about a month ago what he thought of the fact that so many Americans now believed in 9-11 government complicity, Mahr firmly said "Those people are wrong." To complete audience silence. No applause or boos- it was a surreal moment.
And a few weeks ago Colbert had Neil Young on, who has a new album out entitled "Living with War". They both sat down with guitars to play, when Neil sang out "Let's impeach the President..." and the crowd went wild as Colbert literally jumped out of his seat, waved his hand frantically while smiling at Young, and quickly tossed to a commercial.
Here's the lyrics:
Let’s impeach the president for lying
And leading our country into war
Abusing all the power that we gave him
And shipping all our money out the door
He’s the man who hired all the criminals
The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors
And bend the facts to fit with their new stories
Of why we have to send our men to war
Let’s impeach the president for spying
On citizens inside their own homes
Breaking every law in the country
By tapping our computers and telephones
What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees
Would New Orleans have been safer that way
Sheltered by our government’s protection
Or was someone just not home that day?
Let’s impeach the president
For hijacking our religion and using it to get elected
Dividing our country into colors
And still leaving black people neglected
Thank god he’s cracking down on steroids
Since he sold his old baseball team
There’s lot of people looking at big trouble
But of course the president is clean
Thank God
(Colbert's bread is buttered by Viacom (2005 revenues: $9.8 billion) including Music Television, Nickelodeon, VH1, BET, Comedy Central, Paramount Pictures...
Young's record company is Reprise/Time-Warner (2005 revenues: $43.7 billion), the largest media conglomerate in the world, with holdings including The WB Television Network, CNN, HBO, Cinemax, Cartoon Network, TBS, TNT, America Online, MapQuest, Netscape, Warner Bros. Pictures, Castle Rock, and New Line Cinema, and over 150 magazines...)
RE: Bill Mahr- when Jay Leno asked him about a month ago what he thought of the fact that so many Americans now believed in 9-11 government complicity, Mahr firmly said "Those people are wrong." To complete audience silence. No applause or boos- it was a surreal moment.
And a few weeks ago Colbert had Neil Young on, who has a new album out entitled "Living with War". They both sat down with guitars to play, when Neil sang out "Let's impeach the President..." and the crowd went wild as Colbert literally jumped out of his seat, waved his hand frantically while smiling at Young, and quickly tossed to a commercial.
Here's the lyrics:
Let’s impeach the president for lying
And leading our country into war
Abusing all the power that we gave him
And shipping all our money out the door
He’s the man who hired all the criminals
The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors
And bend the facts to fit with their new stories
Of why we have to send our men to war
Let’s impeach the president for spying
On citizens inside their own homes
Breaking every law in the country
By tapping our computers and telephones
What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees
Would New Orleans have been safer that way
Sheltered by our government’s protection
Or was someone just not home that day?
Let’s impeach the president
For hijacking our religion and using it to get elected
Dividing our country into colors
And still leaving black people neglected
Thank god he’s cracking down on steroids
Since he sold his old baseball team
There’s lot of people looking at big trouble
But of course the president is clean
Thank God
(Colbert's bread is buttered by Viacom (2005 revenues: $9.8 billion) including Music Television, Nickelodeon, VH1, BET, Comedy Central, Paramount Pictures...
Young's record company is Reprise/Time-Warner (2005 revenues: $43.7 billion), the largest media conglomerate in the world, with holdings including The WB Television Network, CNN, HBO, Cinemax, Cartoon Network, TBS, TNT, America Online, MapQuest, Netscape, Warner Bros. Pictures, Castle Rock, and New Line Cinema, and over 150 magazines...)
your writing reminded me of the Living Continuum:
It is both the Force that Expands our Universe as well as the Form which Contains it. It is both the active Willful Ability to Assemble as well as the Material Parts that make up this Assembly. It is both That Which Is as well That Which Is Not. It is both the Alpha and Omega of the Lighting Flash.
The above is occultic.
Science is making advances.
Darkmatter what many believe comprise the bulk of the universe.
Physics of the Soul
There is a sub-atomic particle, discovered in 1956, called the neutrino. This particle, because of its extremely tiny size, and elusive behavior is difficult for scientists to study. The missing 9/10ths of the universe is thought to be comprised of neutrinos and neutrino-like particles. Although neutrinos have mass, they pass right through physical matter. It has been estimated that a neutrino from the sun would stand a good chance of penetrating a thickness of lead stretching from Earth to the nearest star without colliding with anything.
Recent developments in physics, astronomy, and neurology provide an unexpected breakthrough into the understanding of psychic and paranormal phenomena. The atoms of our physical bodies contain the much finer and faster vibrating neutrinos and neutrino-like particles. These finer and faster vibrating particles compose the substance of the soul, that is joined to our physical body by a magnetic cord that breaks at the moment of death. The soul breaks loose from the body when the body is no longer able to function as a home for it.
That's the first quantum mechanics discussion I have ever heard for the soul.
Yes indeed breakthroughs in both inner and outer space and throwing convention physics out of orbit.
I always ask myself what would the pope do?
Him being holier than say a cardinal.
Freethinkers are just that free to think.
At times gasping and weeping behind a large video screen set up to shield her identity, a woman testified Tuesday that she was gang-raped in 1994 by paramilitary soldiers loyal to notorious Haitian strongman Emmanuel ``Toto'' Constant.
The masked men burst into her home in Port-au-Prince and ``raped me in front of my children,'' she told a Manhattan judge through an interpreter in a hushed courtroom.
The five small children ``were, with their own eyes, looking at everything that was being done to me,'' she said.
The witness, who fled to the United States in 2003, testified in a lawsuit accusing Constant of sanctioning the systematic rape of women in the early 1990s to silence slum-dwellers still devoted to the ousted former president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. U.S. District Judge Sidney Stein granted her anonymity based on fears she still could be targeted for retribution.
Earlier this month, Stein ruled in favor of a human rights organization that sued Constant because he never responded to a complaint filed in December 2004. The hearing on Tuesday was held to determine whether he should pay damages to three women named as plaintiffs.
The defense table was vacant: Constant remains in jail on Long Island after being charged in July with mortgage fraud. His attorney in that case has declined to comment on the suit filed by the San Francisco-based human rights group Center for Justice and Accountability.
Constant emerged as the feared leader of a right-wing paramilitary group, the Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti, or FRAPH, after Aristide's presidency was toppled in 1991. FRAPH terrorized and slaughtered Aristide loyalists between 1991 and 1994, human rights groups say.
Once Aristide returned to power in 1994, Constant slipped into New York, where he lived in exile while battling deportation.
Using the name ``Jane Doe,'' the alleged rape victim testified that her ordeal began when her husband, a taxi driver and fierce Aristide supporter, vanished in 1992. She described taking to the streets and voicing her despair.
``I was yelling and crying out for justice,'' she said. ``I couldn't remain silent.''
Even after being jailed and beaten, she remained vocal until five men arrived at her door in April 2004. They beat up her 8-year-old son, her eldest, then took turns raping her, she said.
Two months later, the nightmare was repeated: five armed men, raping her in front of her children. The men, she said, slashed open one of her breasts as a parting gesture.
``The only thing that kept me alive was God,'' she said.
The traumatized family fled to the hills and survived by begging. Three months later, she finally saw a doctor who delivered some shocking news: She was pregnant by one her attackers.
A son was born on Feb. 12, 1995. He and the rest of her children still live in Haiti with relatives while their mother prays for a reunion.
``I'm always thinking about his future, considering the type of blood line he came from,'' she said.
1010wins ny
Good insights as always, Jeff. Especially concerning "insiders," many of whom may be little closer to the Truth, at least in its big-picture form, than the rest of us. Worldwide Organized Evil (WOE) is compartmentalized for good reason. As Sun-Tzu wrote, a general intent on winning must often mislead his own soldiers.
I happened to run into one of these soldiers who is, from our perspective, an "insider." He is, in fact, a former U.S. Navy Seal who was on the inside of a number of black and sensitive operations and also held some sort of intelligence position with SOCOM (Special Operations Command). He claims to have been in Panama hunting down Noriega, in Uganda taking "potshots" at Idi Amin, in Iraq in Gulf War I on a small team ordered to steal into Baghdad to get Saddam (the operation was canceled at the last minute, he says, under orders from the Pentagon). And yes, he says he was in Afghanistan in the '80s where he helped advise and train the enigmatic personage known as Osama bin Laden. He also, by the way, claims to have visited Bohemian Grove as personal bodyguard to some Very Important Person -- who, he wouldn't tell -- and is in the habit of saying that "the Owl always knows" who will become the next president.
I believe this guy is real not only because of the manner and place in which I met him and his evident knowledge of weapons, tactics, tradecraft, etc., but also because he nearly broke in tears, over a few drinks, as he related his remorse over his career of killing innocent women and children. It gave him nightmares and led him to put a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger. (Thankfully, the gun didn't go off.)
However, even this guy, with his inside knowledge and experience, does not seem to know the ultimate aim of those giving the orders. He is struggling to put the pieces together just as we all are. He seems to believe in some version of the global conspiracy theory, yet claims to be a "real Republican" and seems to feel that if Bush were ousted and a "conservative" were elected in his place, lots of problems would be solved. I consider that understanding of politics shallow to say the least. But then, he doesn't claim to be an expert in politics. He is an expert in killing people and blowing stuff up.
Now my take on Perkins. Viewing him with cautious optimism, I think he is a guy, plagued with guilt just like my former SEAL acquaintance, who is trying to do the right thing. Of course, he's been labeled as a "limited hangout disinfo agent" by deep-politics researchers. But it's absurd to expect one individual player -- as it turns out, a minor player -- in a tightly compartmentalized role to even know "the whole truth," much less to have the extreme (and perhaps reckless) courage to expose it all. If Perkins' account is taken at face value, he is relating what he knows, and implicitly, what he knows that he feels prudent to talk about. And what he does discuss in Hit Man is big and shocking enough, and credible precisely because of its limited scope, that it functions quite well as a paradigm-shifting wake-up call for the average snoozing American. He stood up and shouted, loud and clear, that the ostensibly benevolent American postwar economic empire is in fact malevolent, built on force and fraud. I think that's all that can be expected of a man who was in his position, and for that purpose I don't think he did too shabby of a job.
I don't go for all the shamanism and shape-shifting -- I believe that messing with those types of spirits is treading on dangerous ground. But I think Perkins was led into this territory by a drive to make sense of the world, a search for truth and perhaps for some sort of supernatural mystical solution to the political, economic and ecological jam that he and his erstwhile puppetmasters have gotten us into.
Shame on you people! This is not the time to question, it is a time to be vigilant! We can sort out mistakes that were made AFTER the war on terror is over. We are at war people!
We should be thanking God every day for the Bush family and the leadership they have so graciously provided over the years and the sacrifices THEY have made.
What sacrifices have you people made? I think you would all change your tune real quick when Bin Laden launches another attack!
Besides, if there was any substance to these bizarre theories, why haven't we seen anything about it on Fox news? You people really need to get a life and enjoy your freedom!
Yes our thoughts can accomplish much.
Our brains have also been proposed to be reciever/transmitters.
A focused mind matched with determination and perserverance can accomplish anything if it is possible.Then it can be a reality.
Patience is also needed to succeed.
We think first before any action,we visualize.
Then we can DO.
Our body and soul comprise a powerful energy field (Aura is one but component of this)
Ancients knew back then.
What we only today are relearning.
Together with the chakras, the nadis - variously translated as "conduits", "nerves", "veins", "vessels" or "arteries" - constitute the composition of the subtle or yogic body in Tantra. Like the Chinese meridians, the nadis constitute channels of flow of subtle vital force (prana)
The idea of nadis first appears in the earliest Upanishads (7th-8th century b.c.e.). The heart for example was said to be the centre of the 72,000 nadis.
Whaleshit bullshit and mouseshit; what I see happening on this site is a huge ignoring of the three most intellectual and authoritative writers on the internet, namely Michael Hoffman who's website is titled 'Campaign for Radical Truth', Henry Makow who's website it titled 'Save The Males', and Daniel Pouzzner who's website it titled 'Architecture of Modern Political Power.'
I have an idea that several of the regular posters on this site are Illuminati shills who are always changing the subject away from any discouse that might expose the world takeover scam being foisted onto the dear public through the Illuminati owned and operated media democracy engine.
The fact that most of the other bloggers seem oblivious to it makes me wonder about them too, for one thing as to whether or not they even have an original thought as they go Baahhhhaa, Baahhahhaa, behind whoever is the biggest loudmouth on the site, of which on this site there is no shortage, evidently.
If you want a real look at what's going on, please get off your speculation ridden self satisfied asses and go take a look at Daniel Pouzzner's site, paying particular attention to his intro 1.5, then after perusing it if you think yourself worthy of commment, please let's hear it.
just heard a loop on fox news
"fox news ..fair true and unbiased"
i took it as unfair fake and biased
I was passing through the living room earlier today while my husband was watching a Law and Order rerun (which for some reason he has a bizarre addiction to) and I caught a line of dialog which went something like, "The problem is we're living at a time when all three great world-religions are in crisis."
I have no idea what that was intended to mean in the context of the show, but it struck me as insightful enough that I've kept thinking about it.
Suppose we forget for a moment about Bush and Cheney and Halliburton and big corporations and capitalism and everything else we might normally blame for our problems and just think about the three great monotheistic religions -- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
All three were the product of an overpowering impulse which hit the Middle East and the eastern Mediterranean around 500 BC -- the impulse to find a single explanation for all of existence. Not the haphazard whims of the ancient trickster figures. Not a rabble of individual gods, each with his or her own agenda. Not even an eternal struggle between Good and Evil. But one single Creator with one single Plan unfolding throughout the course of time.
Heavy stuff, that.
On one hand, this impulse seems to have focused human thought wonderfully -- leading to philosophy, to science, to modern cosmology. On the other, the unity of conceptualization that it demanded generated intolerance and an inability to accept anything that didn't fit into the mainline narrative.
But whether it was a good thing or a bad thing on balance, it's coming to an end now. We live in a world of evolution, diversity, and multiculturalism -- where no single explanation covers everything -- and we're just going to have to get used to it.
Most of us seem to be handling the transition fairly adequately, with a little grumbling and groaning here and there. But the great world-religions are constitutionally unable to change. They were born out of singularity of belief, and a multivalent world negates their existence.
They're perched on airy nothingness right now, like the coyote just after he dashes off the cliff and before he notices his situation and starts to fall. That neither Judaism, Christianity, nor Islam has noticed its own situation as yet may be partly because there are enough individuals who are scared of the multivalent world to give them continuing flocks of followers -- and partly because the death-match among them gives them the illusion of a continuing reason to exist.
That death-match is itself an aspect of the transition. A few centuries back, Moslems, Christians, and Jews could all look on one another as the people who had it *almost* right -- at least compared to the unregenerate pagans out there. They might offer one another either tolerance or persecution, depending on the cultural mood of the moment, but in either case it was because they saw one another as almost-okay. They were all worshipping the same God and only arguing about the details.
But now that's changed radically. The Christians and Jews can still agree they're worshipping the same God -- though just barely, in some cases -- but the Moslem God has already been tossed out of the club. That's a strange and radical departure.
It might because they're all stuck together on a shrinking island, fighting for the last bit of territory. Or it might be that in a multivalent world, *anything* that challenges your claim to have the ultimately correct version of things is rightly perceived as a death threat. But one way or another, they're in freefall, and they know it.
The coming trainwreck isn't going to be pretty. It may be no coincidence that the two up-and-coming powers of the 21st century, China and India, are standing well outside it. It will be interesting to see what things look like once the dust clears.
Anyone who is (still) married to someone who is addicted to 'Law And Order' reruns, by association has no foothold in reality and so has no business trying communicate on a forum of so-called 'intellectuals.'
Think about the subconscious negative influence such a person would be subjected to through their brainwashed spouse. Yet such people are regular posters on this site, and have evidently been granted carte' blanche forum for their off the wall thinking.
In view of this I'm more and more tempted to forego ever looking at this site again. seeing the people who post it and run it don't have the balls to call out and reprimand airheads like those who are married to people who are addicted to 'Law and Order' reruns.
It's a pity starroute doesn't live up to the intellectual standards of 'He Who Can Not Be Named 10:27.'
Unless we all wise up & rise up to hitherto undreamt of heights, 'He Who Can Not Be Named 10:27' threatens to leave us cold & alone in this very confusing world.
Without the guidance of 'He Who Can Not Be Named 10:27,' where will we go? What will we do?
Please, turn off the offending 'Law & Order' blasphemy lest 'He Who Can Not Be Named10:27'
takes away whatever future chance we have to learn the Name Of "He Who Can Not Be Named 10:27.'
&, most of all, do not accept false prophets.
There are many here who aspire to 'He Who Can Not Be Named 10:27-Ness.'
Do not believe them.
Do not acknowledge them.
& above all, never ever EVER watch Law & Order re-runs with any of the vacuous pretenders to the throne of 'He Who Can Not Be Named 10:27.'
You have been warned.
I think Mr. Wells has his finger on the archetype laden pulse of the collective dream we call reality.
Or maybe someone "inside" is waving hello to him.
Cyber Security Specialist Named to Lead In-Q-Tel
Darby Has Built and Sold 3 Tech Firms
By David S. Hilzenrath
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 29th
In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the CIA and other intelligence agencies, has hired an Intel Corp. manager with a background in cyber security as its new chief executive.
Christopher A.R. Darby, 47, has led and sold three technology companies and has "demonstrated leadership as a successful entrepreneur," said Lee A. Ault III, chairman of the In-Q-Tel board.
Darby replaces Amit Yoran, who resigned in April after less than four months on the job. Yoran was also a businessman with a background in cyber security.
"I'm an operator at heart," Darby said in an interview yesterday. "I've been hired over the years to nurture and build companies."
In-Q-Tel, an Arlington-based not-for-profit organization, was created by the CIA in 1999 to help the intelligence agency gain access to advanced technologies being developed by entrepreneurial companies in places such as Silicon Valley. In-Q-Tel invests in start-ups and other companies alongside traditional venture capitalists and assesses commercial technologies for use in the intelligence community.
Darby became general manager of an Intel Corp. division after Intel acquired the software company Sarvega Inc., which Darby headed, last year. Before that, Darby headed @stake, an Internet security consulting firm that was bought by Symantec, and Interpath Communications, which was acquired by US Internetworking.
In a 2003 article in Harvard Business Review titled "The Myth of Secure Computing," Darby and a co-author wrote about the hazards hackers pose to corporate networks.
Born in the Canadian capital of Ottawa, Darby, a naturalized U.S. citizen, said he was recruited for the In-Q-Tel job by an executive search firm. He said he already had the required security clearances.
Darby said he had not spent much time in Washington and was looking forward to doing so. He spoke in the interview in only general terms about his priorities at In-Q-Tel, saying he had a mandate to listen to his customers and expand In-Q-Tel's business.
Ault, the board chairman, said the most pressing needs facing In-Q-Tel and its government clients include developing nanotechnologies and batteries with longer lives.
On the other hand, Richard, you gotta admit that some of the most deranged intruders are at least entertaining, in a freak show kind of way. I was just chuckling to myself over a link from another Strange Person who was upbraiding us for our intellectual laziness and irresponsibility for not abadoning Jeff post haste and taking up discipleships with this guy's guru, the (apparently) great Daniel Pouzzner.
So I go to the great man's site and guess who he's found as the hidden Antichrist? None other than progressives who exhibit unabashed socialist tendencies! The Horror! The Shock! The Outrage! God's bodkin, man, did you realize that socialism was actually feudalism? And, simultaneously, fascism? Who'da thunk? And here I was thinking that capitalism was getting a little too feudal for comfort and that our particular flavor of capitalism (and the governments it owns) were getting rather fascist!!
Thank God we've still got men of vision, like the honorable Pouzzner to keep the light of truth shining in our eyes (at least it prevents the Law & Order reruns from ruining our retinas...)
I don't post, haven't much to say. I re-read your "ring them bells" post today, and it brought about a much needed moment of tears for those sacrificed one year ago. Thank you for your thoughtful quotes and photos that meant so much to me that day, as they did today. And to all you who read this blog, go back and visit that posting, it's listed under "katrina".
We lost so many souls that day, and the days that followed. And for what? For the powers that be to make a human sacrifice on the "day of thoth" the god of real estate?
It's been a hard day today. They shouldn't have had to die. Let's all have a moment, shall we?
Anonymous said...
Sorry, can't seem to manipulate text in cyberspace, but I originally wrote:
Jeff...we all talk, but this is still YOUR site. And you're pretty much accountable for just about everything put up here... You might want to think about the fact that everything published here, to some extent or other, bears your imprimatur.
And some moron responded:
That's right, Jeff- FEAR the posting of unpleasant facts on your blog. The display of obvious truths, particularly concerning Jewish power in the media and government are RISKY, and "anti-semetic" simply by thier very mention! Do you want to be put in prison? Be careful! Watch your tongue, young man! FEAR revealing this ***** *******! My G-d, I'm terrified to even mention these things myself!
Uhh...thanks for making my point. Find it interesting, Jefe, that you did not respond. Guess it's OK with you to harbor a bunch of raging anti-Semites on your site.
White people hate: that's what you do. You hate us "Injuns," you hate our black brothers, and you hate our Jewish brothers. Jeff writes with such magnificent fluidity and logic that i was drawn to this site. But no one here is dialectic. Let me explain it to you: you take some, you discard some, and what you take you take to the next level. Most people who come here just gather what they want to see and discard all the rest. And Dear Leader (Jefe) does nothing to dissuade them. So all the anti-Semites flock here like the proverbial flies to shit. And Dear Leader doesn't even bother to raise his hand...he's obviously cool with it.
To all you white people: continue enjoying your circle jerk. It'd be mighty fine if you could actually recognize it for what it is. But ultimately you're right...all of us darkies are all inferior. And its all the fault of the Jews. (I wish those fucking Jews would come to our reservation and fix the fucking plumbing! You white fucks never seem to get around to it!) You want 9-11: you voted for it, you enabled it, you saw it happen, and you believed the official story, even it you're here. The whole goddam event is tatooed on your every pore. So stop denying it. What you think about it now doesn't make a goddam bit of difference.
I guess I'll be getting my fun elsewhere from now on. Thanks for the kicks, Jefe. Maybe you can get your minions to hold a silent vigil outside the White House. Or outside Rob Reiner's house. It wouldn't fucking matter to them.
I'm sorry Mr. Cuttlefish, but the thought of losing 'He Who Can Not Be Named 10:27' has left me feeling cold & alone.
Frankly, I find your thinly veiled insinuations
a tad bit insulting.
It's a well known fact that 'He Who Can Not Be Named 10:27' only pays lip-service to pompous ass-dom. In reality his overbearingly preachy blather contains hidden codes that, when properly deciphered, leads one to a Nirvana beyond one's wildest imaginings.
We sir, must mount a campaign to remove ALL references to 'Law & Order' re-runs from every nook & cranny of this blog.
Only then will 'He Who Can Not Be Named 10:27' cease to imperil our very souls with his threats of an apocalyptic abandonment.
Can I get an Amen, Mr. Cuttlefish?
Can I get an Hallelujah?
hmmm, speaking of In-Q-Tel:
Privacy groups slam use of CIA-backed software to manage Canadian health files
anon 6:59,
Putting a name on something does not explain a damm thing. Your trust in our dualism driven authorities is charming. Really its the charmed quarks that bind the soul.
Just like in the movie THEY LIVE.
TPTB want us to take the glasses off so they remain invisible.
Now what some call hate.
I never once read here any hate saying people should die or deserve death.
Here I find people trying to find the truth no matter where it leads.
TPTB who use fear to intimidate.
So that we are silent and dare not talk about taboo subjects.
We all should bow our knees to only to the TRUTH.
If you do it is
at our peril they warn.
TPTB programma
History repeats.
Just shutup.
It will be drearily familiar to any who know the history of the displacement of the Indians from the lands they occupied in North America. Today it would be called "ethnic cleansing."
Many things are said that maybe I should take offense at but mud slinging detracts from what we are seeking.
Maybe it is not only useless exchanging information, but dangerous they warn.
Be afraid be very afraid they chime in unison.
Maybe we are getting to close for their comfort.
And now for perspective from the Moody Blues,
Breathe deep in the gathering gloom Watch lights fade from every room Bedsitter people look back and lament Another day's useless energy's spent Impassioned lovers wrestle as one Lonely man cries for love and has none New mother picks up and suckles her son Senior citizens wish they were young Cold-hearted orb that rules the night Removes the colors from our sight Red is gray and yellow white And we decide which is right And which is an illusion?
I love ALL people there are good and bad in each and every one of us.I have had my mind programmed like all the rest of us.
It is hard work to free myself from all this programming.
To think freely requires courage and the strength to take a stand.
Perhaps we are taking a risk.So be it.
That is the way things are.
The power brokers play one group against the rest creating a dynamic tension.That stifles free expression.
TPTB really hate the web and want to shut it down,
ever get that feeling?
Jeff I first came to your site from another cool site.
At’s funny, one would think that an American Indian might have more sympathy for Palestinians. At least he has his priorities straight, computer modem before plumbing.
We here, I think have sympathy for all who suffer because of false agenda’s, promoted for personal profit. This includes Jews manipulated by the Sabbatean inversion; Moslems messed with through Wahabism, or Christians taken off track by rapture fantasies. But mostly our sympathy is for the kids and the yet to be born, fated to live with the effects of the sins of their fathers.
And clear this up for me; are Jews white fucks, or something different?
where the hell did these crazy comanches come from, all of a sudden? "jeff, you must be a [fill in blank here] to tolerate the comments on your blog" and the like?
shit, jeff tolerates *your* fucked up comments, mr. parker, so what does that make him now? [btw--how the fuck you get a white devil's name like "parker" anyway?]
One thing I see happening on this site is that there are a couple of people who are subtly in control of the forum who are either consciously or uncousciously upholding the status quo by constantly changing the subject away from issues that really matter over to nebulous issues that have no solution which they can control because they've had lots of practice and therefore speak with a contrived authority behind their confidence that they are immune from being challenged. They evidently have no life outside of this forum and therefore have endless time to dedicate toward perfecting their open ended and unanswerable speculations about things that don't really matter, and to developing their compatibility of deciet that they use to defuse all challenges. But it gives them something to do and keeps them off the street I suppose.
One thing that tipped me off about them is that in unison they subtly villified Daniel Pouzzner whos shoelaces neither of them can tie, with one of them attempting to discredit him by making an assumed joke out of his take on socialism, which the guy evidently didn't understand. And out of his misunderstanding he responded in the typical sophomoric fashion of making fun of what he doesn't understand. Another thing that tipped me off about where those two guys are at is that they both ran to protect their TV idol by their mutual making fun of something that was posted earlier that challenged it (having to do with Law and Order reruns).
I see their agenda in this most recent exchange as a ploy to divert subsequent readers away from checking out Daniel Pouzzner's Architecture Of Modern Political Power website, and away from his intro 1.5 in particular. Why they would want to do that is open for debate. Is it because the information contained in it exposes something they hold dear? Or is it because the information containted in it by contrast upstages their intelligence, showing them up as the mental lightweights they really are?
I think attacking the 9/11 truth movement is a little silly, particularly scholars for 9/11 truth. What gives? They are, at least, struggling and making slight headway and they are a great resource for those few people still alive who are searching for truth about their world. It takes a long time to wake up and it is often painful.
I agree, of course, in the larger vision you hold though I think you miss this point: the "average" citizen is really no better from a moral standpoint than the elites who play the perennial game of power. It is our illusions about democracy (a bankrupt notion at this point in history) that hold us back and freeze us into this perpetual waiting game hoping people will get it--they won't but some will and those are the natural aristocrats.
I'm sick and tired of the persistent rehashing of 911 and Katrina. Please give us new and juicy realities to chew on......cuz this shit is getting old. I think it is really inconsiderate for TPTB to allow us to languish like this between sacrificial blood-lettings. The least they can do is abide by the the concept of On Time Delivery in this New Twist on Bread & Circuses.
JAWF - Just Another White Fuck
I thought those comments about the terrorists not being cowardly were completely wrong: killing innocents is cowardly, doing it because the faith in your cause is great is cowardly. They had nothing to be scared of, they were going to heaven right? Dying instantly? Easy.
Anyway, as this is getting lyrical, here's Talking Heads.
I always thought David Byrne had a handle on everything.
Signs are lost
Signs disappeared
Turn invisible
Got no sign
Somebody got busted
Got a face of stone
And a ghostwritten biography
Dogs start to run in,
Hungry for some food
Dogs start a-twitching
And they're looking at you
It was light
By five
Torn all apart
All in the name of democracy
He's hurt
He's dying
Claimed he was a terrorist
Claimed to avert a catastrophe
Someone should'a told him
That the buck stops here
No one ever said
That he was involved with thieves
And they're blind, blind
blind, blind, blind, blind, blind
blind, blind
blind, blind, blind, blind, blind
No sense of harmony, No sense of
time, Don't mention harmony, Say:
What is it? What is it? What is it? Give
a little shock, and he raises his hand
Somebody shouts out, says: What is
it? What is it? What is it?
He was shot down in the night! Peop-
ple ride by but his body's still alive
The girl in the window what has she
done? She looks down at me ...
says: "I don't want to die!"
And I'm blind, blind
blind, blind, blind, blind, blind
blind, blind
blind, blind, blind, blind, blind
Somebody could have told us where they go
Crawling all around looking for foot, foot, footprints
Now tell me what the Hell have we become?
Some dirty little bastards What the Hell is going on?
No sense of harmony, No sense of
time, Don't mention harmony, Say:
What is it? What is it? What is it? Give
a little shock, and he raises his hand
Somebody shouts out, says: What is
it? What is it? What is it?
He was shot down in the night! Peop-
ple ride by but his body's still alive
The girl in the window what has she
done? She looks down at me ...
says: "I don't want to die!"
They're blind and they're blind
blind, blind, blind, blind, blind
blind, blind
blind, blind, blind, blind, blind
blind, blind
blind, blind, blind, blind, blind
blind, blind
blind, blind, blind, blind, blind
The point is that the alleged Terrorists who flew the planes into their intended targets took themselves out in the process, whereas, the faggoty, pussy willows in the Western World's Airforces drop bombs from above unscathed and without discernible risk, or launch them from naval vessels miles away. I mean, it's easy to launch bombings from miles away with little or no risk of personal injury to oneself....and then return home to a hero's welcome and all of the accompanying perks that accrue because of that misperception of bravery.
This doesn't preclude the fact that the Suicidal Hijacker is an idiotic dupe being used more deeply than he could ever imagine. However, when you isolate the physical act itself from the moral implications, it's pretty damn ballsy to willingly catapult yourself into a building at 500mph, just like it's pretty damn ballsy for Robby Knievel to jump a 100 buses.
i've never seen "Law and Order," but i love you, Starroute!
I'd love her more if she and her hubby watched reruns of The Brady was, is, and will always be one of my favorites.
You just know Alice had a Dildo stashed away somewhere....nobody can be that celibate....not even Priests, for Christ's Sake.
How did the Double Root Canal go?
Anonymous 8:03am.
A couple of quotes from Daniel Pouzzner's core philosophical construct cause me to "deny the legitimacy of" Innovism:
"The innovist ethic denies the legitimacy of mystic faith —"
" Importantly, innovism features the view that individuals (particularly, individual minds) are physical objects within one single universal reality that they share with each other and with all other physical objects, and that there is no non-physical dimension or aspect to individuals."'s easy to drop bombs on people from afar when they are mere physical objects.
I implore all of you to race over to Daniel Pouzzner's website. Read it, learn it, live it.
Only through the purifying sanctity of his holy writ will we be saved from all manner of indescribable nastiness.
Only through the ritual tying of Mr. Pouzzner's immaculate shoelaces will we be freed from the stultifying & mind-numbing horror of Law & Order re-runs as spoon fed to us by our cathode ray idols.
Their is no hope without Pouzzner....there is no Pouzzner without hope.
I have seen the light.
& I am healed.
Thank you brother anon...
I think the world needs another 911 Truth Organization. We don't have enough....we need to add more...I mean, there's Scholars for 911 Truth and Pilots for 911 Truth.
Why don't we form our own 911 Truth Organization right here at RI.
We can call it White Fucks for 911 Truth.
Anybody interested? Coem on, folks, we need to get to the bottom of all this deceit and expose it for what it is.
Shrub, thanks for asking.
The root canal went as well as any 2 hour tooth drilling session could go, I suppose.
I'd have to say the high point came when I could smell my own teeth burn.
It is nice to be able to think of something other than, "OW."
The ample amount of pain meds are a double bonus.
I've spent the last day & 1/2 just kind of floating along.
Highly recommended.
Shrub, I'll join on the condition that you call it 'Pouzzners for 911 Innovism.'
I'd have to say the high point came when I could smell my own teeth burn.
I hear ya....I love that smell....especially in the morning.
The ample amount of pain meds are a double bonus.
Did Rush hook you up...or did the doc take care of you this time?
Is it Hydrocodeine? If so, I will give you my shipping address and a premium price.
Shrub, I'll join on the condition that you call it 'Pouzzners for 911 Innovism.'
How about a compromise? We can call it Law & Order Rerun Addicts for 911 Truth.
I don't like Ray Nagin for other various reasons, but I saw nothing wrong with his comments to the press about New York not being able to fill in a big hole created 5 years prior. What a great come back. And, of course, the 911 FanBoys got their collective panties in a wad over it because, of course, it's sacrilegious and blasphemous to cast aspersions about such a sacred and religious event and the potential shrine that symbolizes it.
Huckleberry Finn
Revisionists censure Mark Twain.
Boy o boy, I remember taking out this old book from the library.
The language let me tell you.
I am sorry put PC prevents me from divulging to much of this book.
I am afraid you will never ever read a copy of this book in its old form.
It seems the old book slipped through the memory hole.
Samuel Clemens was a man who came and went with Haley's Comet.
He left a rich collection of both fiction and non-fiction.
I wonder what he would have to say about all this here revisionism going on.
Orwell revealed much on control.
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. -- O'Brien in 1984
Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed. -- I. F. Stone
So what is a person to do.
They suggest watching the 6 oçlock news.
I was always a vorocious reader.
Reading even labels on cereal boxes always as a child inquisitive.
Much can also be said for sharpening your mind with others.
Seeing how ideas float or sink.
That is why our mind is my most important possession.
All warfare is spiritual and of the mind.
I have a friend who had insider information who on Sept. 12, 2001 told me that the WTC 'attack' was an insider staged event, involving the neocons and the owner of the buildings (his name is Silverstein). Apparantly the buildings were in need of a lot of expensive repair, so expensive in fact that it wasn't economically feasable to repair them, for one thing because they contained huge amounts of asbestos. Apparantly Silverstein had already considered demolishing them but ran into a huge snag over the asbestos issue and couldn't do it without the environmentalists going nuts over it; they would've no doubt demanded that the asbestos be removed first which would've cost more than the buildings were worth. In other words, because of the asbestos in the buildings Silverstein was stuck with a horrendously expensive problem either way, whether he decided to fix the buildings or to demolish them. So, the neocons got together and saw in the situation a mutual benefit to be derived by staging the fake attack, namely, Silverstein would get the buildings demolished for free (and would later be compensated for his 'loss' by the government), and the neocons could use the event as an excuse to steal Iraq's oil.
So I've known about all this the whole time. From day one I tried telling people about it but wound up being hated for it and/or thought of as being a fool for it, either that or people acted like hearing it upset them, so I've pretty much kept quiet about it. Now what I see happening is the neocons are using the media democracy engine to spread a blanket of confusion over the whole issue, repeatedly hammering the debate from every angle in an attempt to escort it out into the void, and to make the goyim sick of hearing about it, so that nothing will ever be done about it. But because of the frantic nature of the goings on I wonder if there could be a chance that the whole scam will be exposed. But then you have to consider what would be done, which I suspect would be nothing seeing the judicial branch of the government is in the neocons' pockets. True to their style they'd no doubt drag the 'investigation' out for decades just like they did with the Kennedy murder 'investigation' which never got solved and never will in this life.
Apparantly also the plan was for the third building to be hit by an airplane but it somehow wound up in Pennsylvania and was shot down in order to destroy the evidence. That this is obvious is proven by the fact that the third building was demolished at the same time as the other two. Whether the planes were flown by remote control we can't tell; one could speculate that the reason the third plane missed it's target was because of an equipment failure, or maybe because the guy operating the remote control of that plane all of a sudden had a heart attack and the plane went off course, or he suffered from a momentary shock of a guilty conscience and he purposely flew the plane off course. And like Mark Twain said, 'Speculation leads to more speculation.' But several of the posters on this site love it because it gives them something to do besides watch TV.
Wow a Mark Twain glitch in the Matrix...............Way cool.
see they can play with time....
I know.....we're so close to crackin this 911 Nut you can smell it......the shit in our rectums, that is, because we have our collective head up our collective ass.
The collective mind of conciousness reflected in RI forum.
Okay, speaking in rerun then, does anybody else get the sense that whenever one of these indignant loons starts chastising us for our illuminist/commie/masturbatory fascism it's really Major Charles Emerson Winchester III who's somehow crossed the dimensional barrier of the ubiquitous TV screen to hoist us by our wretched petards? They just sound so...puffed up, so indignant, so full of their own wind. When I was teasing that one Anony about polishing the holy Pikestaff, I thought he was going to cross over my computer screen he was so outraged. Maybe the Law & Order freak was onto something. Is TV really real and we're living in a pale shadow, an approximation of the real thing?
Yes Shrub, it's the sacred & holy dihydrocodeine.
I'm afraid that no price is high enough.
I'm even considering ruining a few more teeth if I'm guaranteed her lovely caresses.
"The magnitude of pleasure reaches its limit in the removal of all pain. When such pleasure is present, so long as it is uninterrupted, there is no pain either of body or of mind or of both together." -Epicurus
Maybe the Law & Order freak was onto something. Is TV really real and we're living in a pale shadow, an approximation of the real thing?
Exactly why I don't like to throw the baby out with the bath water. There is more than a kernel of truth in what Anony said, aside from the insulting nature of the delivery.
I saw V For Vendetta this past weekend.
Perhaps Anonymous 10:27 PM's "subconscious negative influence" of a "brainwashed spouse" or broader societal brainwashing can be found in Starroute's phrase "Three great monotheistic religions."
I began thinking of our collective brainwashing regarding the "Three Great Religions" while doing work on my computer with a Barbara Walters special on the TV in the background. She was talking about Jerusalem as being the center of "Three Great Religions." I've heard this before, of course, as have all of you, over and over again.
Let's see, what are those three great religions? We have Chrisitianity which has about 1.2 billion followers around the world. We have Islam which has about the same number of people, over a billion. What's the third GREAT religion? Well, Judaism has between 25 and 30 million believers worldwide making up about ONE QUARTER OF ONE PERCENT of the world's population. Would this qualify?
So, what's the third one?
Where did the "Great" status come from for this faith? They seem to be a teeny tiny minority to me. In fact, there are more Sikhs in the world than Jews. We never hear Sikhism refered to as a "great" religion, do we?
I'm even considering ruining a few more teeth if I'm guaranteed her lovely caresses.
I hear's like returning to your Mother's Womb, in a metaphorical sense....the bliss before being vomited into a cold, harsh life of torment in comparison.
I don't know about you, but it made me horny as hell, as well. My wife couldn't run fast enough.
Well, Judaism has between 25 and 30 million believers worldwide making up about ONE QUARTER OF ONE PERCENT of the world's population. Would this qualify?
For being such a tiny religion, they get quite a return on their investment, wouldn't you say? It's all about where you concentrate your efforts.....and, of course, the nature of those efforts itself.
Yes Shrub,
It has been said that
LIFE imitates Art,
you can reason that art is a reflection of the collective conciousness.
Think about songs that are written at the same time with the same theme.
Or inventors coming to the same ideas at once.
Or people having the same idea at once.
This thoughts are broadcast into the ETHER.
Our brains have TX/RX capabilities
ART imitates Life
indeed it does.
Art is a form of expressing ideas.
MRI studies are showing us more than ever of the workings of the brain.
Food for thought
So through LAW and ORDER an AGENDA is pushed.
It is just like watchung SOAPS pick up on the latest social issue.
The people who know that television is the greatest tool of propaganda and MK ever.BAR NONE
See what I mean.
This is used to great effect with SEMI-REALITY shows such as LAW AND disORDER.
Molding shaping,herding the publics awareness into certain arenas of thought.
Also once things are scripted it gives people a template on which to mimic, and act upon.
This is the MAGIC of HOLLY wood.
I love the comment how the reviewer claims that ONLY the authors can see what's going on - an obvious attempt at making it seem that the authors are nuts.
That the US government and Israel had something to do with 9/11 is so visible it's undeniable.
In the past these sort of things (the ship 'attacked' off cuba that started the spanish american war, the provoking of japan in the pacific and foreknowledge of pearl harbour, the gulf of tonkin 'incidents', USS Liberty, Beirut Marine barracks bombing) were successful because there was no way to bring the facts together independently of government and corporate media.
The internet changed that.
Shrub said:
"I don't know about you, but it made me horny as hell, as well. My wife couldn't run fast enough"
Ah yes, perk # 2.
Proving the old "Better living through chemistry" adage, eh?
Of course "Globe & Mail" isn't the only operation mockingbird affected publication to apply an (somewhat less than) unclouded lense to the "9/11 truth movement". Witness the Village Voice's analysis of of 9/11 films (thank God for that liberal biased media).,halter,74115,20.html
We should recognize by now that media outlets, especially those reaching the mainstream populace, do not have the chutzpah to offer us a clarified or exhaustive dissection of anything close to "fringe" elements. Frankly, the ever growing fog/smoke growing around 9/11 truth only convinces me that there is a fire struggling to be set free at the bottom of this mound.
Reading this reminded me of another comic book retelling of real events, but this one pretty accurate, Richard Belzer's JFK, UFOs and Elvis: Conspiracies you don't have to be crazy to believe a bit old now and not up to date anymore, but very good in the areas it does cover.
At its best it does show some examples of what you may be talking about with "Outside Intel", like when it suddenly drops out the fact that other than the typical evidence used to show that Oswald owned the gun alleged to have been used, there's nothing to suggest he even owned a gun (he apparently had no other bullets in his possession, nor any gun oil, though the gun in question was well oiled).
I particularly remember a two page spread that destroys John McAdams' attempts to paint Oswald as a lone killer, even though it does not mention McAdams once, it shows how the portrait of Oswald as a angry loner that underlies his thesis is based on a tiny group of carefully selected facts.
That's a small point, though, Perhaps a better example might be Mike Rivero's observation that if you want to know who killed and covered up the murder, look at the background of the Warren Commission members (Why was a lifelong banker put into an investigative commission?)
Enough of me preaching to the choir, though. You probably already know more than the book can tell you anyway. The real question is what do we do now?
The real question is what do we do now?
Ummm...we could always consume more of Christ's Flesh in the hopes it offers us immunity from the culling to come.
Otherwise......there's always Reruns of Hawaii Five-O......screw that Law & Order Bullshit.
The Lord rules!! And that's the fact, Jack.
God is a mushroom,a pyschedelic one at that.
Maybe we all should trip.
good idea
I remember the first time.
I went with a knowledgable person right after one of the beatiful florida afternoon thunderstorm.
At some right in the field.
Then we went home and made purple tea.
The seventies.
Cool show too.
Love that redhead.
Keep on truckin
Though the conversation seems to have been continuing quite well without me, I thought I should step back in at least long enough to defend my husband's honor on the matter of Law and Order.
The unique thing about that show is that it does make some attempt at dealing with real issues, in the form of plots ripped directly from the headlines.
Granted, those plotlines are processed through a the-system-knows-best, we-will-protect you filter. Thus the aspect of propaganda.
But there are also cracks. Boy, are there cracks.
The raw reality of the stories they're working from often trumps the attempted propaganda overlay. The New York City setting, combined with a need to find motivations powerful enough to result in murder, allows a certain amount of truth about race and class to seep through. Many of the shows end with the characters looking horrified at whatever travesty of justice they've just been part of.
I don't recommend coming to the show with a naive mind and expecting it to show you the truth. But for someone who's already well grounded in what lies outside the official reality, it can provide a revealing window into the contemporary state of American society, with all its self-doubts and internal contradictions.
A gardening book I once read suggested that in garden design, the most important thing is to look not at the objects but at the spaces between the objects. The same could probably be said of tv watching. What's left unsaid -- but implied by the shapes around it -- is far more significant than what's openly stated.
Yahoooooooooooo can hardly type.
Back when I went to school typing was for girls, so I thought.
flashback city.
Tripping gives things a new perspective.
Mushrooms are better than lsd,
friends did windowpane and saw colors.
One time I did two hits of blotter for the Sabbatage Black sabbath concert tour.
The next day still tripping,no off switch.
Shrooms are mellower.
Ancient man knew.
I hear ya, Starroute. I felt the same about the late 60's, early 70's show Mannix. If you looked at the spaces between the objects, you realized that there were magical mushrooms as far as the eye could see, and for that reason, Mannix has always been a cult favorite with us Shroomers.....until Cannon upstaged it.....then all you could see between the objects were bloated Burritos bursting with lard laden refried beans.
Hard not to respond to the (as of now) eternal question, "The real question is what do we do now?" On the off-chance that Jack Lord and Danno don't save us, here's what (sort of) intrigues me: remaining as skeptical as possible in the face of these towering clouds of bullshit seems the only protection against becoming ensnared by some unseen tentacle, but it's not really a course of action, is it?
I was thinking about a strange little post from a few days ago, don't remember who posted it, where some alleged "insider" was answering questions for one day, like some illuminist/Delphic oracle or something, which is about as believeable as ethics in a politician, but one thing in that screed did catch my eye, because I've come across it elsewhere, in my hobby of trying to follow the trippy physics of the fringe.
The "insider" said something to the effect (I couldn't find the original post) that yes, earth was "a prison, and worse," but only because we lent the power of our belief to the reality of the situation. In other words, the Big Boys have got it all figured out, and yes, we are doomed, but only because we haven't yet realized that it's our belief that creates reality, or collapses the probability waves, whatever explanation floats...before getting into the exciting worlds of anthrocentric monist idealism and retrocausation, or maybe in lieu of doing so, since no one wants to be hit over the head with cosmic concepts and the phraseology of Carl Sagan squared, let's just go back to bumfuck-crazy old Nietzsche instead.
When Nietzsche declared that God was dead and His churches cold stone tombs, he meant that God was once very much alive but had slowly faded into non-existence as the belief in him slowed to an insignificant trickle. It was old walrus moustache's great and weird hope that a new horizon could have life breathed into it by the revolutionary means of consciously directing our belief into some new Geistesgestalt of our own construction. This is, of course, the classic route of insane Supermen from time immemorial, but the mystical physicists I sort of follow are all excited about the barely explored role of consciousness in the phenomenological world. Now I know we're all a little nervous about accidentally conjuring demons, and I sense that Jeff would be the last person to advocate experiments with DMT (although, to be quite honest, I don't think it changed me all that much 30 years ago), but what I had in mind is far more innocuous anyway.
I'm thinking, why not organize a sort of Be-In, along the lines of John & Yoko's Bed-Ins? Or maybe the Yippie attempt to levitate the Pentagon? It could be very simple, maybe even harmless, and we could use that Beatle-vibe which is still surprisingly well-known around the world, across generations. In fact, we could even model this test of the latent power of consciousness on that famous around-the-world simulcast that the Beatles pulled off in 1967 when they sang "All You Need Is Love" and it went out as far as it could in those pre-Net days (26 countries, I think).
Okay, I'm guessing some nervous Nellies are wondering what would happen if it actually worked (would Thoth and Beelzebub materialize over downtown Tokyo with only Godzilla to protect the hapless citizenry?) but I think we could safeguard against such unintended consequences by designing a very specific focus. Some sort of anthem would be needed, of course, and Lennon's "Imagine" is probably right out with all its not-so hidden anti-religious, one-world imagery, but surely there must be some safely neutral theme song for the new age? (Okay, I'll put the pipe down now...any thoughts?)
in response to starroute's musings on religion:
All religions are created by those in power to control the masses and make them complacent and accepting of their lot in life as slaves. They take a "movement" or a "prophet" and twist it around to represent the powerful elite's standpoint.
In our own culture, Capitalism, the worship of money has taken the place of God, and the apostles of finance, like Donald Trump, are worshipped as prophets. The "Horatio Alger" lie that anyone can become a millionaire if only they work hard enough has become a mantra that those who are poor are lazy and don't want to work. (Therefore they should not be helped by the rich, i.e., the government). We ignore the fact that the rich stay rich and those allowed to join their ranks, like fashion models, talk show hosts, rap stars, tv stars, actors, are annointed, chosen, and turned into spokesmen for the worship of money. Those who vary from the status quo message are smeared and removed from the vanguard of the elite.
Three thousand years ago, the Hebrew scribes made up the early books of the bible, things like Adam & Eve, Noah, Moses, etc, to create a rationalization for why the Hebrews were the "chosen" and should continue to fight wars of conquest with their neighbors, and in the meantime "be fruitful and multiply."
That outdated school of thought is still being used to justify wars today.
Maybe it's time for some new ideas, like "humanism", "environmentalism", and "population control" to try to make the planet a place for us all to share, instead of elitist religions pitting one population against another, and plundering and destroying the environment for the profit of those at the top.
Once the facts about 911 are known to the world, things are going to be very different in the USA. And those who stand to gain from keeping the facts hidden are going to do everything in their power to prevent it. Are you with us, or with the "terrorists" ?
only Zwicker and his allies can discern its true nature.
This sounds similar to:
"If God made the earth round, how is it that only Columbus and his Allies can discern its true nature?"
"If the earth really revolved around the sun, why do only Gallileo and his allies discern its true nature?"
The answer is obvious - not everyone learns at the same rate! Duh! It takes some folks a bit longer to understand the basic concepts and thus to them, it all takes on the appearance of a foreign language or magical tomes.
And learning to think critically is not a skill that most people are taught. The very traits that made Levin desirable as a newspaper columnist also make it hard for him to think these things through on his own.
Are you with us, or with the "terrorists?"
I'm with the guy who has the largest supply of dihydrocodeine.
All other concerns are monumentally insignificant.
William Rivers Pitt writes:
"ABC intends to mark the occasion in far more grand a fashion. Starting September 10th and ending September 11th, the network will show a miniseries titled 'The Path to 9/11.' According to reports from early screenings, the writer/producer of the miniseries, Cyrus Nowrasteh, has crafted a television polemic intended to blame the entire event on President Clinton."
Sorry, I just caught myself slumming here in RI lalaland, and couldn't help but notice that Jeff and the subordinate wankers Richard, Irate Cutthroat, and the shrub have finally come fully out of the closet as shills for the imperium, to wit:
J: dissing the 911 scholars for truth? As incomplete as their stories may be, at say 85-90% correct, you get a Z for zero.
R: Pimping for the publishers of anti-muslim hate speech and then rising to defend their minions as the poor, downtrodden free-speechers? Give me a frickin' break...
I: Rhymes with eeyecch. You are the unrepentant knob-polisher champeen. Well, at least you have a skill... A "Be-in?" Oh, how touchy feely. Maybe it'll be covered on local-access cable, next Thursday at 3 a.m.
s: Eat some shrooms and sit in the corner. There's a good boy. woof...
Gee, all i said was The real question is what do we do now?
So many responses to my simple question :)
Most giving in before even trying >:(
Peace and Love hippyism is loved by goverments because its always about doing nothing. Drugs and TV won't save us.
(actually, TV might if we could get our views out. Drugs'll only help if we can get them into THEIR water though.)
Tarring and feathering the offenders we already know would be the ideal solution.
Failing that, hippyism might still help if it means dropping out of the system entirely, and living as self-sufficiently as possible. The system depends ultimately on stealing from us to keep working.
It wouldn't be some agricultural subsistence life we need to return to, either. Just one where people are honest and fair toward each other.
Actually, i was just reading a review of a new Army book on counterinsurgency, one that actually seems to know what its doing, and one line stood out "only kill insurgents if they get in your way, don't be lured into a reactive situation in the hope of killing them, instead attack the enemy's strategy"
That's the key, i thought. Our side does occasionally have 'victories' in the sense that one or other villan is put away, but the system itself continues.
So, then, what is the enemy's strategy?
Me First....cuz The Shills always go first.
Obfuscatory Innundation Whilst "They" Raid Our Metaphorical Gardens
He Who Can Not Be Named 3:16, you are a vile pretender to the He Who Can Not Be Named throne.
The true He Who Can Not Be Named will smite thee with terrible fury, dragging your imposter ass off to the nearest dungheap for a proper burial amongst the rotting corpses of those who previously attempted to supplant His Holiness.
Repent or burn, that is your choice.
Repent or burn.
You have been warned.
ahem....(clears throat)...the Brady Bunch does not, has not, and never will exist, it was simply a case of mass-hallucination...thank you, we now return to our regularly scheduled 15 episodes a day of Law & Order...
I wonder if Trine Day would consider Moorcock.I enjoyed "behold the man".For those who haven't read it:
"A slim novel of theology and time travel, Behold the Man was expanded from the 1966 novella version which won a Nebula Award. Non-hero Karl Glogauer has a traumatic history of bullying and abuse as a Jewish refugee child in 1950s Britain. When grown, he rides a strange time machine to the Roman-ruled Judaea of AD 28 and finds himself hailed as a magus by John the Baptist and the Essene sect"
That was from Amazon.If you fancy reading the book,don't read any more of the relevant page; it's a spoiler.
Authors outnumbering readers.."everyone has a novel in them" misquote.
Those who doubt the sincerity of this blog should join the forum and debate the man - and his evil minions.
I'm at a bit of a loss as to what sacrifices the shrub family have endured,apart from those at the altar of Moloch.Granpa financed Adolf.Daddy is reputed to have abandoned his crew on a crippled plane,but admittedly I realise I haven't researched that yet,so please educate me on the legend.He can't remember where he was the day 'They' killed JFK;I always saw his likeness in the (probable) optical illusion that is 'Badgeman'.The man currently at the helm dodged Vietnam and didn't even complete his milk runs for the national guard.
The sacrifices they make are other peoples lives.
Richard..join the forum.You're a talented writer.You should be writing something more substantial than comments here.Personally I think you should get together with that modern day deepthroat character who has an obsession with Condi Rices' aroma.You're a funny fella.
It is curious how much flak this particular post has inspired.I wonder if this reaction to the jets story is repeated on other boards.
Well, Pretender 3:16 (are you by chance the guy in the rainbow day-glo wig who was harrassing all the baseball fans who just wanted to get drunk in public with his John 3:16 Whosever ultimatum a few years back?) I can get touchy-feely if you want, at least on some sort of metaphorical level, since I don't swing that way in the tactile dimensions...So what exactly bothers you about my Be-In? Having given it nearly two hours of thought, I'm thinking it might really be an interesting experiment, even if it doesn't solidify a bowl of jello out of thin air for the astonished masses, because what it might just do is to get these masses of shiny hopeful people whose dignity, or lack thereof, won't get in the way of indulging in a quiet bit of loony experimentation to come together, to see if there really might be something to this "reality is congealed consciousness" thing, as my friend Sounder memorably spake it and the physicists doth imply. And why not?
We know, or think we know, that the overlords don't want us to unite in opposition to their diabolical plot(s), although maybe they don't really give an intercourse, but the idea of these shiny masses all focusing their thoughts on something might have other, unanticipated consequences. It doesn't really matter what the target of this focus is--maybe the success of the Steorn challenge that my shillbrother Richard mentioned the other day; maybe something more classical, say a new Tower of Babel, since Silverstein didn't insure the old one; we could resurrect the muchly revered Albert Pike and then you and your ilk could get all touchy-feely in a really big way...
Nah, I've still got that Major Winchester image of you in mind and 10,000 of your ilk offering the apple of your devotion to the fearsome Pikester is too repugnant a picture to countenance any further. Hey, wait! That's it! The meditational icon could be all you Ickean Rensfucks melding together into a gargantuan statuary on the sanctified Ground Zero, held together by secret handshakes and brooms of initiation firmly planted wherever y'all like to plant them thar things. Nope, there is no suitable solution to an army of Winchesters flummoxing their outrage at the spiteful darts of their inferior fellow men.
We'll have to think of something much more wholesome. How about the Stay-Puff'd Marshmallow Man--wasn't he a safe alternative to the dreaded demon in one of Minister Spielberg-Goebbels deep-programming flicks? C'mon, guys--help me out here, my imagination may not be up to the task. (I am going to write to one of my lab-coated buddies for his input, but these guys tend to think in odd ways as well...has anyone ever seen the Nobel Prize-winning chemist's Ode to Breasts?) Public access Channel 13 or not, I stand by this idea, or will do so, as soon as I can banish the Winchester/Pike-lover army from my mind's eye. Helpful suggestions as to focal points and theme song will be appreciated in a cutthroat, shillish kind of way...
Anonymous 3:26 said -
Actually, i was just reading a review of a new Army book on counterinsurgency, one that actually seems to know what its doing, and one line stood out "only kill insurgents if they get in your way, don't be lured into a reactive situation in the hope of killing them, instead attack the enemy's strategy"
That's the key, i thought. Our side does occasionally have 'victories' in the sense that one or other villan is put away, but the system itself continues.
So, then, what is the enemy's strategy?
Marvellous question. I've been wondering since I was 13 why "our side" (whoever "we" are) always seems to be satisfied with short term victories and then goes off to party and lets the bad guys take control of events again. What you say suggests the beginnings of an answer.
I've also been thinking a lot lately about the difference between looking at things and looking at the spaces between things -- and your counterinsurgency quote seems like another example of that. You don't look at the insurgents -- you look at the strategy. Anything else is just playing whack-a-mole.
Or, alternatively, you don't get hung up on the latest Rove abomination -- you look instead at what the man behind the curtain is doing while he's got everyone distracted.
Or you don't get frightened by the spooks and monsters -- you look at what the spooks and monsters are really accomplishing.
I read once that the top-ranked chess players don't think in terms of individual pieces but see the board as a sort of forcefield and move their pieces in order to change the shape and intensity of that forcefield. We need to see the world situation the same way.
But the question remains: What *is* the enemy's strategy?
What is the game really about, and how can we enter it as players and not as pawns?
Come on guys. Life is dull without enemies, hence, there will always be enemies, because we get bored much too easily.
In that sense, we are our own worst enemies.
Dear 3:16 Anonymous blogger,
So, I see that you too discern what's happening to this site; I see it as having been hijacked by the three martiarchal guys you identified who hover over the site like mother hens making sure their Rigorous Intuition flock doesn't absorb any information that originates from outside their think tank umbrella, and if they suspect their flock may have begun to absorb some of it to attempt to neuralize it with lots and lots of bullshit.
I wonder if their superiors are as embarrassed as I would be if I were in their position of having spent no telling how much time with them training them to be effective shills, only to have the whole thing blow up in their faces by them overplaying their hands and getting themselves exposed. Like their daddy Bush, behind their immense arrogance they thought they were smarter than everyone else and could say whatever they want and get away with it forever, but it bacfired in their faces, this time at least. But true to their style, they'll no doubt wait it out and hope guys like you and me go away so they can happily continue on in their tiny world without challenge.
One thing that convinced me where they're coming from was their obvious hatred for Daniel Pouzzner. At first I couldn't figure out why they picked him in particular to villify, after all, I did mention Michael Hoffman and Henry Makow, each of whom has a hundred times the renown and internet exposure as Pouzzner does.
After reading their repeated disdainful references to Pouzzner it dawned on me that the reason they so hate him is because he's the one they fear the most; we know that people almost always hate those who they fear. Not that I think Pouzzner is above reproach, I know of things he has posted on his site that I disagree with, there are flaws in everyone's knowledge. But I do have to say that I believe his intro 1.5 reveals more about our current dilemma than any single article I've ever read. The fact that these three guys so hate it is proof to me that they're shills for the enemy.
It's hard to imagine that some people actually buy the crap the three guys on this site post, but the ongoing 'success' of this blogging site is proof that there are people out there who relish bullshit, in mass quantities evidently. I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in seeing it for what it is, thanks for writing what you did, it encouraged me at least. What's kinda sad about all this is that a year ago this site was one of the premier blogging sites on the web, but now it's a forum mostly for people who are content with fluff.
Hey anonymous who posted at 8:25,
I kind of agree with you about the comments section on this site. However, what Jeff offers is still interesting, intriguing and entertaining. Mind blowing at times. Ignore the comments page and read only what Jeff posts. Problem solved.
And to everyone else who visits this site and posts comments, no matter what you say or postulate the world ain't gonna change. Enjoy spouting your opinions but that's all they are in this virtual connected disconnectedness.
After reading their repeated disdainful references to Pouzzner it dawned on me that the reason they so hate him is because he's the one they fear the most; we know that people almost always hate those who they fear.
So...why does the irreverence, for that's truly what it is, bother you so much? Why the deathly serious tone? I don't hate your boy Pouzzner and why should I fear him--from what I read he just seemed to be yet another whacked-out rightwing pseudo-philosopher, as if there's a shortage of them these days. Here's the problem I have with his view of "reality," or, at least the political end of it. He has this real aversion to utopian socialism, because (and oh boy, is this original!) he thinks that the realization of a socialist utopia would stifle competetion and ultimately crush the human spirit and thereby bring the steady march of "progress" to a screeching halt. Along the way, he tosses out some very odd interpretations of history and class struggle. At one point, he equates socialism with feudalism!!
Since that is just so deeply bizarre, I might as well start there with my brief reaction to your guru. A single aristocrat was supported by a thousand peasants living in abject poverty. The noble lived in relative luxury as the direct result of the dehumanizing exploitation of the peasant who was worked literally to death, and in return for what? What was the social contract, where was the socialism that the astute Pounzzer gets himself all worked up about?
I suppose the luckless peasant was better off than the modern serfs will soon be (as soon as the pitiful social net is completely shredded by the gluttinous capitalists who have already reversed the modest gains in health care and old age pensions so bitterly fought for by the progressives and so staunchly resisted by the fat cats' armies of Pinkertons who didn't need a license to kill striking workers and the brave souls who sought to unionize them.) At least the feudal lords felt some sense of noblesse oblige toward them, in addition the the feudal "contract" which at least afforded them some protection against other marauding nobles.
Pounzzer's snarling animosity toward utopianism wouldn't be so terribly hard to stomach if it weren't for the fact that we're already so far along the road to dystopia. I mean, WTF! What more do these greedy bastards want? Do we really have to reverse the slim progress of the last thousand years in this vicious winner-take-all late stage capitalism that has engulfed America until we're once again indentured servants suffered to live at the pleasure of the new aristocracy? And what's all this crap about competetion? Does the son of a Walmart stocker really have the same chances in life as the son of some rich fuck with a rolodex full of connections of which the poor man's son doesn't even understand the importance in "getting ahead"?
Bootstraps and the free hand of the market, right? Pure, unadulterated bullshit--propaganda so ubiquitous as to be a given. The rich fucks even believe it, if belief has any meaning at all in their down-sized machiavellian hearts. The poor know better, or did, until the rightwing propaganda machine got all kinds of clever in the digital age. Now we see the working class louts glotzing the Rense & Icke Show, where they're treated to the CIA's leftover anti-communist propaganda, infused with unhealthy doses of hysterical and ridiculous "Jewish Bolshevism" rants taken verbatim, if in translation, from Mein Kampf, re-packaged with UFO updates and Illuminati/NWO scary stories so that the poor slobs are so turned around they think that capitalism is their friend and negroes and Jews their blood enemies, just like John Wayne and the John Birch society always told them.
Why should I be afraid of another Ann Coulter? Yeah I know, they think they've won, but hasn't it always been that way? Haven't the wealthy pretty much always been able to do what they wanted to those "beneath" them? The heartening thing about recent events is that our porcine overlords feel they have to resort to fake (and real) terror to keep the sheep in line. They have to blow up buildings and tell the common man twenty times a day that the terrorists want to kill him, and then they try to scare him even further with stories of supernatural secret societies with the power of gods who mean to enslave him even if the terrorists don't blow him up.
And yet, look what's happening. The sheep are getting tired of hearing about the wolf already. They're starting to think for themselves and they know, instinctively and by the observation of their senses, that what it's really about is the same old oppression of the faceless masses by the few, the sick, the fat cats. One day, they're going to find out that the whole wealth and poverty thing is a crock of shit too; that it's all predicated on economies of scarcity, which are not the reflection of resources and distribution but rather artificial, arbitrary constructs which keep them shackled and their "betters" in charge.
And when they've chopped off the last head, they'll tell their children "No, we're humans; it's time we started acting like it," and this time a new world really will be built, the dream won't be co-opted by the agents of the age old elite. Economies of abundance will finally emerge. War will be banned. The planet will be healed. Everyone will have meaningful and rewarding employment helping in that healing, doing work that they decide to do with others who are as committed to ideals which mean something more than a bank balance swollen from the abuse of other humans.
Or maybe, probably, they'll accomplish those things without guillotines, maybe the transcendant power of love will guide them, since the ends never do justify the means. No matter how many times you wash your hands, some spots never come out, because you become the means that you employ.
It's Pounzzer and the other apologists for the imperialist swine who still rule the world who need to be scared, 'cuz for the rest of us, we been down so very damn' long, that it looks like up to me...
In the meantime, Anony, lighten up! Do you really believe in your paranoid spluttering heart that the people who use some sort of names here in the comment fields are "paid agents of Bush," or whatever nonsense you suggested? Can't you tell, with your mythic, Pike-enhanced vision that it's just a bunch of middle-aged people stretching their grey matter for the exercise, the insights, the laughs? Of course not; you think Pounzzer is a fucking genius. Good luck!
Oh I get it, you believe in the coming utopian society, and you see guys like Pouzzner as somehow standing in the way of it's realization. How you concluded that Pouzzner is 'an apologist for the Imperialist swine who still rule the world' is beyond me seeing his intro 1.5 is aimed specifically at exposing them for what they are. Maybe you speedread it and missed the gist; from what you've written here it appears that you didn't make it past the first couple of paragraphs. Anyway you somehow got it backwards which isn't the only thing you got backwards out of this discussion.
As for me believing you are in the employment of Bush and Co. (or some think tank group), I don't know whether you are or not and I don't care, but one thing I do know is that you are united with him in spirit as I will point out. And your accusing me of having a Pike-enhanced vision is comletely off the wall, seeing, unlike yours, the doctrine I endorse is diametrically opposed to any sort of man induced utopian age like he touted.
You wrote:
And when they've chopped off the last head, they'll tell their children "No, we're humans; it's time we started acting like it," and this time a new world really will be built, the dream won't be co-opted by the agents of the age old elite. Economies of abundance will finally emerge. War will be banned. The planet will be healed. Everyone will have meaningful and rewarding employment helping in that healing, doing work that they decide to do with others who are as committed to ideals which mean something more than a bank balance swollen from the abuse of other humans.
Or maybe, probably, they'll accomplish those things without guillotines, maybe the transcendant power of love will guide them, since the ends never do justify the means. No matter how many times you wash your hands, some spots never come out, because you become the means that you employ.
So the world is going to become a place of love and peace with everyone having meaningful and rewarding employment eh? If you believe that then I have some beachfront property in New Mexico I'd like to sell you. And you tell me to lighten up calling me paranoid because I see somthing the near opposite of that on the horizon and because I don't swallow your idiotic dreamworld utopian new age crap? I won't waste my breath even suggesting to you that you lighten up because it's pretty obvious to me that you have crossed over into a realm where lightening up is impossible, which is evidenced by the fact that whatever is driving you is obsessed to manifest it's personality through your endless bantering on this website. And good luck to you too.
I don't normally quote myself being quoted, but to throw it back, one more time, So the world is going to become a place of love and peace with everyone having meaningful and rewarding employment eh? Yes. If we don't manage this thing we will end up not just virtually enslaved but truly and verily so. Why is utopianism so repellent to you and your guru? I gather that Pounzzer and his brethren have claimed that BushCo's "vision" is some sort of socialist utopia--could anything be farther from the truth? And what is with the Social Security bashing? Isn't that just a little too obvious in its rightwing Rensspiel origins? Do Pounzzer & crew also disapprove of child labor laws, since they so unfairly limit competetion and smack so soundly of satanic socialism?
It seems only obvious to me that those who most disparage, mock and sneer at the promise of utopia are those who are working hard to put the finishing touches on this disgusting dystopia in which we live. Of course false leaders and false promises have used utopia as a kind of lure, an empty panacea. But that doesn't mean it can't be done, or doesn't ultimately need to be done to save the species from the greed and bloodlust of the victorious elite who, having come out of the "crucible of competetion" squarely on top, now seek their just rewards.
You claim I misread Pounzzer, but you don't respond to the points I've made in your typical evasive behavior. What was it last time? "Er, and those groups were illuminized" I believe? Typical blather and hot air; typical fiery condemnation without ever discussing any issues--and who's working for whom?
ic that was fucking gorgeous but this cat clearly isn't worth the effort.
By the by Jeff, I sent Levin a link to the post.
For those who care, here's something I just posted to my blog, on something in this comment thread.
I don't normally re-quote other people's re-quotes that they normally don't re-quote, but this one is such a hoot that I'm going to go ahead and do it:
"So the world is going to become a place of love and peace with everyone having meaningful and rewarding employment eh? Yes. If we don't manage this thing we will end up not just virtually enslaved but truly and verily so."
When I read it I burst out laughing, but then I realized that it's no laughing matter, that you and probably millions like yourself actually believe this utopian crap. And just who is going to 'manage this thing', people like you I presume? And I couldn't help but notice that Tracheas (windpipes) had to squeak in with his comment about me not being worth it; how appropriate and timely of him to squeak in (or should I say cough in) when he did.
Your reply reminded me of something I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears: About twenty years ago I went to hear Timothy Leary speak at a local university and he was touting a kind of utopian ideology, but his take upstaged all the rest because it had to do with building massive space stations and then culling the world population and selecting only the best human specimens to occupy the stations. After the 'lecture' I expected for there to be a question and answer session, but to my disappointment there was none; I dearly wanted to ask him "And who is going to pay for the project, the good ol' American tax payer?" Another question I really, really wanted to ask him was "And are you going to be one of the special people who gets to go?"
You wrote:
"You claim I misread Pounzzer, but you don't respond to the points I've made in your typical evasive behavior. What was it last time? "Er, and those groups were illuminized" I believe? Typical blather and hot air; typical fiery condemnation without ever discussing any issues--and who's working for whom?"
Here you went off onto two rabbit trails of untruth, first of all, during the course of this discussion out of all you've gone on about name one thing I've tried to evade, and as for my supposed statement about some groups being illuminized, during the course of this debate I never once mentioned one word about any such thing. On that issue what I suspect is that in your speedreading and driven manner you obviously got me confused with some other blogger.
In my previous entry I gave you the benefit of the doubt by suggesting that you had actually gone to Daniel Pouzzner's Architecture Of Modern Political Power website had speedread his intro 1.5 expose' of the establishment and it's rulers; what it turns out to be is that either you didn't read it at all, and/of if you did you plainly lied as to it's content. But what you wrote was 'fucking gorgeous' as Tracheas would no doubt say.
I can't believe you are actually so naive as to think that humans are going to be able to pull off some utopia, especially in view of the fact that as history has progressed man has become more and more depraved, not the other way around. And are you so brainwashed as to actually believe that at some point that trend is suddenly going to miraculously reverse itself and out of the mirage is going to appear honest and qualifed leadership? And according to Tracheas you're the one who is wasting his time with me?
A few minutes ago I read Jeff's last post in the comments section following his new article titled 'Lost Girls' in which he said something to the effect of that this website doesn't endorse holocaust denial. Until I read it I was unaware that this is the case. My ensuing thought was that in my effort to reach some of the readers and posters on this site with the truth and to expose some of their deceptions by presenting some contrasting ideas, I have inadvertenly waded out into shit creek (bullshit creek actually) up to my waist and have come to realize that it's time to wade back to the bank, get out, and go take a shower.
Why is it illogical to assume we can't save ourselves in the manner I've suggested simply because we haven't been allowed to, yet? Who's talking about some Fearless Leader coming to the rescue--haven't we had enough of those? If the tightening noose could be broken, by whatever means, an egalitarian form of government could be built and a new social contract could be forged. These things will happen, eventually. as soon as TPTB are made TPTW. It's evolution--or don't your scientists believe in such commie notions?
Hilda Martinez wrote:
Where did the "Great" status come from for this faith? They seem to be a teeny tiny minority to me. In fact, there are more Sikhs in the world than Jews. We never hear Sikhism refered to as a "great" religion, do we?
Sikhs don't own control the major media, nor did they practically invent the PR and advertising industries.
Shrubageddon wrote:
For being such a tiny religion, they get quite a return on their investment, wouldn't you say?
Jews? Investments? Careful ... I think I hear the Anti-Semitism Police approaching.
Anon 3:01 made some pretty good points about money-worship, but then spoiled it all with this:
Three thousand years ago, the Hebrew scribes made up the early books of the bible, things like Adam & Eve, Noah, Moses, etc, to create a rationalization for why the Hebrews were the "chosen" and should continue to fight wars of conquest with their neighbors, and in the meantime "be fruitful and multiply."
That outdated school of thought is still being used to justify wars today.
The fact that ancient sacred writings are being twisted, abused and misused, out of all context, by modern poseurs does not in itself invalidate those writings. The fact that the Old Testament records God using one ancient nation to punish another does not confer a license upon totally unrelated people 3,000 or 4,000 years later to duplicate those actions.
Modern Zionism in fact is anti-Torah and anti-God and has nothing to do with the original worship as prescribed in the Hebrew scriptures. Only a few select scriptures from the Bible are cherry-picked and massaged to give Zionism a facade of righteousness.
The "chosen people" theme was not about the Israelites being some kind of super race with the right to dominate all others. Nor yet was it about granting Jews some kind of eternal and unconditional title to a piece of land. It was a promise of divinely granted blessings, with conditions: the fulfillment of certain responsibilities. Israel was to be Yahweh's model nation, a light of truth and justice and fear (respect) of God throughout the earth. In return, he promised to bless them.
Now, as recorded in the very same Bible that also records the promises, the Israelites broke all the conditions via their continual disobedience. As their own prophets prophesied, they were stripped of their nationhood and their land. They failed in their mission and they paid the price. Zionism, in its religious guise, is no more and no less than an arrogant and corrupt attempt by some calling themselves Jews to play God and reverse "divine judgment."
Left, right, cappies, commies .... "our form of feudalism is better!" "No, OURS is!"
Both following slavery schemes and failing to notice that both flavors are being sold to you by the same salesmen.
Knowing the roots of this blog in a Democrat-oriented forum, I realize there are lots of well-meaning and zealous lefties here. But it's time to drop the one-eyed approach to reality and see things from both perspectives, or better yet, see the big picture.
Same for any self-identified "conservatives" who think capitalism is the gospel truth.
Look carefully and you will see that both systems contains elements of good and evil, truth and falsehood. Both are candy with just enough poison to kill. They are designed that way, and designed by the same forces.
The idea is to Divide and Rule by keeping people caught up between two false and unjust constructs. One of extols Liberty while trampling Justice, while the other upholds Justice while trampling Liberty. Neither ideology, as promulgated to us by the establishment, is capable of uniting both values.
Clue: excessive power is excessive power, whether it purports to be "left-wing" or "right-wing."
Clue: Any system involving the STATE, no matter what it's called or how it is administered, will eventually become tyranny.
Clue: The Nazis were national SOCIALISTS.
Clue: the USSR was financed and set up by "CAPITALIST" bankers and industrialists.
Clue: Mussolini defined fascism as "corporatism."
Clue: Bush is an obvious corporatist/fascist but has presided over the biggest expansion in government in American history. (How much bigger does it get than ruling the world?)
The common threads are MONEY POWER and STATE POWER. Both exist in state capitalism and both also exist in state socialism. They are not enemies, they are best friends, and they both intend to have us for dinner. Left and right are myths that obscures this basic reality.
It's not LEFT vs. RIGHT. It's about OVER vs. UNDER.
africkinamerican, I've been waiting for someone to write about Jews as the chosen ones and you did quite well with it. I do have distinctions to add about Yahweh, (why he was such a prick), but I will save them for later.
Then your third post used language quite similar to my speculations on the contrived nature of the left/right dichotomy. That is, ideology as being poison to the mind. My blog may be of interest to you.
You attack utopianism yet espouse Innovism, a "complete moral system, in that it is in itself a sufficient guide for successful conscious living."
Too rich. You were a member of the campus Objectivist Club but left when you decided that discussions lacked 'scientific rigour' ... am I close?
Not to put too fine a point of distinction on the camps into which you seemingly lump me, but my personal utopian vision is not any part of the reductionist dichotomy into which you split the world. Yeah, I very much admire Victor Berger and the Wisconsin Progressive movement--they did great things and would've done more, had they not been squashed by the patriotic fervor whipped up by Wilson's fat cat bosses and the Espionage Act (and Berger & Co. were not some cardboard cut-out characters blindly fulfilling the roles set for them by the illuminist chessboard masters)--but what I'm spieling about really is something new under the sun, something that does actually agree, in part, with your cap 'n commie false dichotomy theory.
That new thing is something I've talked about at length here at RI: economies of abundance. The economies of scarcity are artificial constructs, arbitrarily manupulated for economic and political gain by those always behind the scenes, but once the curtain on that game is ripped asunder, the sensible new world of modest abundance will certainly incorporate many of the progressive's ideals, which are simply commonplaces of logic and compassion. If we don't need to set the old folks loose on one-way ice floes, why would we? If everyone had a beautiful hobbit hole built as Roger Dean has in his implementation of the Golden Mean in his designs (google them--they're awesome, indestructible, efficient and aesthetically pleasing), free energy for the modest energy needs his of his h.h., and sufficient resources and goods to live a good life, local autonomy would be the political scale of import. Coming together on larger questions, such as the toxic clean up which will take at least a century, will be accomplished by diplomacy and negotiation, not by pseudo-democratic shill politics and geo/petrol/realpolitik.
For expanded views of this view, see the following visionaries: Vernor Vinge, Kim Stanley Robinson, Philip Jose Farmer, Charles Stross, Spider Robinson, Rudy Rucker...I could go on with another 50 or 60 names, but they've all seen what's possible, once we come out from under the reptilian grasp. (Not the sticky Icke non-sense; the old evolutionary territorial imperative that still informs most of modern politics. See Robert Ornstein's Evolution of Consciousness.)
Dear Indescent Cuttlefish,
The reaon it won't work is because every utopian scheme has always wound up as a top down control scenario with some man at the top. The reason being that any time people try to set themselves up as God they automatically give the spirit behind it rights to prop up a man at the top as a human representation of itself. The Jim Jones fiasco is but one example, and according to the Christian Bible there is someday going to appear the ultimate Jim Jones type, who, like Jim Jones will be adored by his followers, which the Bible indicates will be the majority of the world's population at the time, and who will lead his subjects to a similar (but worse) fate.
I see the current worldwide trend toward utopianism as evidence of something brewing in the spirit realm, which many spiritual people are picking up on and resonating with. The problem facing most spiritual people is that they become targets of the forces of evil who aim to sidetrack them into myriad deceptions in order to remove them as a threat to their ploy.
Anyway, utopianism has been tried lots of times in human history and each time it has wound up in top down control and in the endless negatives associated with it. Your proposed version sounds like just another 'better mousetrap' to me. My understanding of it is that any time people opt to strike out independently of the Holy Spirit into some religious agenda they always wind up in some top down control scenario with a man at the top, who is a human personification of the spirit driving it which is the spirit of Antichrist. And not considentally, according to the Christian Bible, the ulimate Jim Jones type will be known as 'The Antichrist.'
And by the way, most people think the name 'Antichrist' means 'Enemy of Christ'. The actual meaning of the word 'Antichrist' is 'Other than Christ.' or 'Counterfeit Christ.'
As for the 'Jews' thing, here's my take on it which I wrote in response to a ridiculous email a friend sent me this morning; my response is under 'Continued':
Recently, while going through an airport during one of his many trips,
President Bush encountered a man with long gray hair, wearing a white robe and
sandals, holding a staff. President Bush went up to the man and said, "Has
anyone told you that you look like Moses?"
The man didn't answer. He just kept staring straight ahead.
The President said, "Moses!" in a loud voice The man just stared ahead,
never acknowledging the President.
The president pulled a Secret Service agent aside and, pointing to the robed
man, asked him, "Am I crazy or does that man not look like Moses to you?" The
Secret Service agent looked at the man and agreed.
"Well," said the president, "every time I say his name, he ignores me and
stares straight ahead, refusing to speak. Watch!" Again the President yelled,
"Moses!" and again the man ignored him.
The Secret Service agent went up to the man in the white ro be and whispered,
"You look just like Moses. Are you Moses?"
The man leaned over and whispered back, "Yes, I am Moses. However, the
last time I talked to a bush, I spent 40 years wandering in the desert and ended
up leading my people to the only spot in the entire Middle East where there was
no oil."
And so they lived there for 1000 years but insisted on worshiping Baal ( the spirit of Antichrist) the whole time, so God finally had enough and kicked them out and disperesed them, the ten tribes of Israel into all the nations of the world, and the tribe of Judah (the Jews) into Northern Africa and Europe, but the great majority of them wound up in Spain and became known as Ladino and their language became known as Ladino (which was a blend of Hebrew and Iberian).
Then in 600 A.D. there was this evil king who wanted to gain more worldly power who found out there was occult power in the old Jewish 'tradition of the elders' of the Pharisees which became known as 'Judaism', so he forced his entire kingdom convert to the religion of Judaism. His kingdom was the Kingdom of Khazaria which was located in what is now Northen Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, and Yugoslavia. He and the people of his kingdom were descended from a grandson of Japeth named Ashkenaz (Gen. 10:3 of the Christian Bible) who's tribe migrated to Turkey in ancient times; his descendants held it as a tradition to honor their ancestry to Ashkenaz, hence their being known as 'Ashkenazi Jews.
After the death of the evil king the kingdom of Khazaria became weaker and weaker and was eventually taken over by the Bulgars, Mygars, Pechings, Arabs, etc., - and, finally by the Vikings and the Russians (see 'The Thirteenth Tribe' by Arthur Koestler page 1). The people of the kingdom disperesed north and west into Poland, Hungary, Czechoslavakia, S. W. Russia, and later into Austria, Germany, and the rest of N.E. Europe.
True to their style of honoring old traditions, they retained their Judiac religion (which Jesus negatively referred to as 'the tradition of the elders'), and over time they became known as 'Jews' even though their racial ancestry went all the way back to Ashkenaz, a son of Japeth, not Shem. In the Christian Bible Jesus made reference to false Jews, calling them the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9).
As for the fate of the real Jews who migrated to Spain (who became known as Sephardic Jews because in those days Spain was known as 'The land of Sepharad'), in 1492 King Ferdinand persecuted them and kicked them out of Spain and the ones that survived dispersed into all of Europe, the British Isles, and Northwestern Africa. By the end of the 18th century they had so interbred with the indigenous peoples of those places that their pure ancestry was completely diluted out of existence.
As for the real nation of Israel, according to numerous verses of the Christian Bible they were dispersed throughout all the nations of the world and their ancestors remain so until this day. At the end of the Assyrian Captivity (around 740 B.C.) after they were kicked out of Assyria, the king of Assyria tried to do them the same thing the king of Egypt tried to do to the Hebrews, which was after he let them go he chased them with the intent of killing them all. They fled north into Southwestern Russia, then directly west into Europe and all the way to the British Isles.
Their steps can be traced as in the course of their migration they named places after Bel (the Assyrian name for Baal), some of which are these: there is a region (now a nation) on the Poland - Russia border known as Belarus, the capital of Yugoslavia is Belgrade, there is a city in Northern France named Belfort, the largest city in Northern Ireland is Belfast, there is the nation of Belgium, and there is the British colony of Belize (formerly British Honduras). But as historical research reveals, they settled mostly in the British Isles and in the northwesternmost countries of Europe, namely The Netherlands (formerly Holland), Denmark, Belgium, northwestern France, and northwestern Germany, particularly in the coastal regions of those places. Then from those places their descendants migrated throughout the rest of the world.
As for where today's so-called Jews came from, they are by their own admission 'Ashkenazi Jews', who as the above historical evidence proves are descendants of Ashkenaz, one of Japeth's grandsons, not from Shem - Abraham - Isaac - Jacob - Judah as the modern Judiac leaders claim. They are Jews not by race but are Jews by religion only, behind their former ascestral king's move to cause their forefathers to become proselytes of Judiasm. And why their race and religion has always been surrounded by controversy, misery, and worldly wealth (misery and worldly wealth so often go hand in hand) can be explained by a statement Jesus made to the progenotors of Judiasm which was: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. Mt. 23:15.
Then in the mid 20th century one of their leaders, an evil king named Rothschilds, decided to retake a region of Palestine and name it Israel. He wanted to establish a nation that he could use as a springboard he could use to take over the whole world (that was the plan the progenitors of Judaism had from the beginning). He used an ancient occult symbol of unity as the logo for their flag, what has falsely been tagged with the name 'the Star of David.' knowing that those who accept it would by that acceptance automatically accept the spirit behind it, which is Baal (the spirit of Antichrist). There is some speculation amongst Bible scholars that the upcoming 'mark of the Beast' will be the so-called 'Star of David.'
The book 'The Thirteenth Tribe' was written by Arthur Koestler, who was considered the all time authority on the history of the modern Jews. After he had the book published in 1975 he and his wife were murdered for it by the Moussad. The entire book is posted in e-book form online and is offered to the internet public free of charge.
africkinamerican -
Granted, state socialism and state capitalism are equally bad things -- mainly because they both have "state" at the heart of what they're about. But that doesn't mean the division between left and right is an illusion. I see the most meaningful political divide of the near future as being between anarcho-syndicalists and anarcho-libertarians, and it would be a nice change if we could argue about that for once without getting into commie/fascist name-calling.
However, what I'm really scratching my head over is your statement:
The idea is to Divide and Rule by keeping people caught up between two false and unjust constructs. One of extols Liberty while trampling Justice, while the other upholds Justice while trampling Liberty.
The problem is that I honestly can't tell which of your constructs is which. According to the left, the right extolls free trade for the rich while trampling on social justice for the poor, but it also upholds the growth of the prison state while trampling on human rights.
The left, on the other hand, is accused by the right of promoting do-your-own-thing freedom while scanting social responsibility -- as well as of fostering a nanny state that makes sure everyone gets equal slices of cake at the expense of freewheeling entrepreneurship.
Since both left and right regularly accuse the other of being on the wrong side of both of your "constructs," I really don't see where you perceive the dividing line as falling.
Anyway, utopianism has been tried lots of times in human history and each time it has wound up in top down control and in the endless negatives associated with it
So, the first airplane built flew? I would also like to point out the fact that nearly all the so-called "utopian schemes" started out as top-down, not the other way around. The vision I advocate can only function as a local-autonomy based anti-system. The idea is to get away from your Hitlers and Bushes and Blairs, not to make them guru of the commune. That utopia "won't work" is very much the hope of those leading us into this dystopia. It's propaganda, plain and simple. (Maybe you don't mean to be repeating rightwing propaganda, but there's so much of it out there that it's bloody hard not to.
You're right that most of the utopian movements have begun as top down control schemes; I suspect it will always be that way or else they'd never get started in the first place. That's because people will always look for a leader they can prop up to lead them, for one thing because they don't want to be responsible for their actions, wanting someone else to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. For another thing the spirit of top down control (the spirit of Antichrist) will always obtain rights to infiltrate and eventually take over any group or movement that originates out of an independent spirit (religious energy that springs from any source other than the Holy Spirit, which includes all religions including all so-called Christian denominations).
Any group, political, religious, or otherwise, that gets infiltrated and taken over by the spirit of Antichrist will always wind up with a man (or woman) at the top, because as history proves, the spirit of Antichrist must have a human representation of himself to operate through. That is why the true Christian Church was persecuted and pushed into obscurity (and remains so to this day), because it was arranged by the Holy Spirit in such a way that there could be no man at the top. That goes a long way to explain why it is so hated by top down control entities, by so-called Christian denominations (and their men at the top and people like the televangelists) in particular, and why it has always been forced into obscurity (but not out of existence).
The left and the right are both involved with order and liberty. The distinction relates to where the claimed source of causality lies. Conservatives generally consider that the ‘spiritual’ is the source of order, while liberals consider that the physical is the source of order, (hence the PC thing). To achieve a shallow kind of balance the conservatives look for liberty in laissez-faire capitalism. You can imagine an equivalent for liberals. Both attitudes are self-validating and wrong because the spiritual and the material are the same thing rather than being fundamentally different as the current meta-narrative prescribes them to be.
Oh yes, outsider thinking does not relate closely to accepted authority structures, so do not expect that the re-boot needed for our psychic health will make a lot of sense in conventional terms.
to the Anonymous entity of 9.13.06 @3:17
Thank you for the link of the Cassiopaeans. Fascinating reading and a study in of itself.
New links, new vistas, new ideas...the interconnectivity of it all. See you on the Wave.
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