Are You Being Served?

These hard times come down like an avalanche
And I'm lost and detached
Along with all those who never had a chance - T Bone Burnett
And it's just like that.
I've been having a hard time lately, and it's largely because of the times. I don't think I've ever regarded this world, or even any other, with less hope than I do now, and frankly it's costing me. Though bearing the cost feels like an indulgence, because it seems so superfluous to the everyday business of just getting on with things.
Know what I mean? Life goes on regardless of what states we worry ourselves into, and all our effort to understand the forces at play does nothing to keep them in check. However much we know - and who can know how much that is? - knowledge does not change our condition, but adapts us to its accommodation. Charles Fort said "I think we are property." If so, what becomes of property when it knows it's property? More pointedly, would it be better if it never knew?
Hiroshima, 1945, August 6th, 16 minutes past 8 AM
Question: Who really gave that order?
Answer: Control. The ugly American. The instrument of Control
Question: Who really gave that order?
Answer: Control. The ugly American. The instrument of Control
An odd story appeared a few weeks and made the usual, credulous rounds: "Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA." As I posted on the RI forum there is nothing to corroborate the story, nor even that there is a "Sam Chang" associated with the Genome Project. And while DNA programming makes an intriguing hypothesis, and it's something that we've entertained here, that a scientist might say that the program's off-world genesis is "now a verified fact" is simply silly.
Greg Bishop picked up on the article for the blog he shares with Nick Redfern,, and while he too dismissed the particulars of the story, he regards the premise of intelligent encryption a credible proposition for consideration.
Most significantly, Bishop was reminded of the claims of a mystical Swedish artist from the turn of the 20th Century named Hilma Af Klint, who "convened a circle of women who claimed to receive messages from 'ascended masters'":
They gathered once a week for seances and readings from Af Klint, who later ventured off on her own and produced a series of incredible paintings from 1906 to about 1916 based on the messages she claimed to have received. Just before her death in 1946, she requested that the works not be exhibited publicly until at least 20 years after her death. One of the received messages said "Protect your drawings. They are pictures of drenching waves of ether that await you one day when your ears and eyes can apprehend a higher summons."
One work in particular resonates with this alien DNA argument. Entitled "What A Human Being Is," it depicts a twisted double strand that looks remarkably like a DNA molecule. This was almost 50 years before Francis Crick and James Watson won the Nobel prize for the discovery. Aliens talking? Remote Viewing? These sorts of "coincidences" are just the sort of thing that orthodox Ufologists routinely ignore, to their peril.

"What a Human Being Is" - ca. 1910
As well, on the RI forum thread, "Attack Ships on Fire" smartly noted that along with the DNA-like double helix, "there appears to be a prism effect happening near the base....another odd connection/premonition about DNA being able to emit photons of light."
Of course, even when we admit the possibility that the painting suggests some manner of information transference beyond Af Klint's ability to hoax or even to recognize - as we may do with the shamanistic art of ayahuasca's writhing vines and snakes, and shimmering UFOs - we have just the schematic, only slightly more impressionistic than that inscribed on Voyagers' golden discs. The answer from Klint's "ascended master" is no answer. The answer is that we should ask different questions.
Question: If Control's control is absolute, why does Control need to control?
Answer: Control needs time.
Question: Is Control controlled by its need to control?
Answer: Yes
We've seen how aspects of the new physics can curiously resemble the old metaphysics. For instance, in the holographic model of the universe, in which consciousness precedes matter and is the ordering principal of the wave pattern out of which the observed universe arises. In this construct, time can be construed as the record of matter's separation, and recapitulation, to universal consciousness.
Amit Goswami puts it this way in The Self-Aware Universe:
The brain/mind is a dual quantum system/measuring apparatus. As such, it is unique: It is the place where the self-reference of the entire universe happens. The universe is self-aware through us. In us the universe cuts itself into two - into subject and object. Upon observation by the brain-mind, consciousness collapses the wave acting self-referentially, not dualistically.
In altered states, the shaman and the mystic shed his or her "skin-encapsulated ego," as Stanislav Grof calls it, in a transpersonal experience of undifferentiated unity. "In the extremes," Grof notes in Ervin Laszlo's Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos, "it is even possible to experience an extension of consciousness, which is so enormous that it seems to encompass all of humanity, the entire human species.... in rare instances, it is possible to experience consciousness of the entire biosphere, of our planet, or the entire material universe."
But in the normal course of our lives, the human ego serves as a temporary "fiction suit" through which consciousness experiences the world. Consciousness tries us on for size. And consciousness, so conceived, has an insatiable thirst for experience. Which means we get played.
If so, we are not being taken for a ride. We are the ride. And it's a thrill ride.
Question: Why does Control need humans, as you call them?
Answer: Wait, wait. Time, a landing field. Death needs time like a junkie needs junk.
Question: And what does Death need time for?
Answer: The answer is so simple. Death needs time for what it kills to grow in for Ah Pook's sake. Death needs time for what it kills to grow in for Ah Pook's sweet sake, you stupid, vulgar, greedy, American death sucker.
If consciousness hungers for experience - a dinner and a show - then we're on both the menu and the playbill. And what are we serving up to sate the universal appetite? It's not exactly family entertainment. Just as in our ego's own recursive fictions, it's the villains who have run of the stage. So what kind of universe is coming to self-awareness, if its experience is shaped, beyond the ego-bound categories of good and evil, as much by our monsters as by our saints? Ain't nobody here but us chickens.
How many maniacs have claimed "God made me do it"? How many states have adopted the same defense? And how many "gods" have spoken, if only by a whisper in a solitary ear, and been nourished by the experience of ghastly worship?
America is rapture ready. The signs and wonders are not only appearing in its skies (in Chicago, the disc above O'Hare; in Charlotte, "911 callers report lights in sky"; in Hawaii, "UFOs seen over south shore sky"), but also in its WalMart aisles:
An unaccompanied little girl around four years old appeared [late Saturday night] on the aisle and was just staring at [employee "Chelsea" and two friends] smiling. They all just looked back and in the awkward silence finally said hello, wondering where her parents were and why such a little girl was alone. She looked at them and replied "Did you have a good Christmas?". Chelsea and her friends smiled and kindly replied "yes we did, did you have a good Christmas?" No answer, few seconds of silence, and she asked the same question again, "did you have a good Christmas?", again they answered yes and with no answer to their question, she asked again, "did you have a good Christmas?". They thought wow, this is getting kind of weird but again answered just yes hoping she would go on and find her parents. The little girl just stood there staring at them with still no expression on her face and this time said, "hope you had a good Christmas because it was our last here on earth, we won't have another on because God told me Jesus is coming back before then." The girls looked at each other in amazement and tears started filling their eyes and they looked back for the girl and she was gone. All three girls were left there in the toy isle crying because as Chelsea said deep down inside we felt it was true. Was she an angel I don't know, but as they say out of the mouths of babes. Let the Holy Spirit guide your heart with this, but to me it is just another confirmation to me that Jesus is at the doorstep just waiting for God to hand him the key to get in.
In Iran, state radio has announced the imminent return of the Mahdi, who will appear suddenly with Jesus at his side, working great miracles and apocalyptic wrath. "According to reports, [President] Ahmadinejad understands that mayhem and global chaos will precede this coming." Even in profane Hollywood, Tom Cruise has allegedly been tapped by Scientology's David Miscavige as the church's pop Messiah. Miscavige is said to believe that "in the future... Cruise will be worshiped like Jesus for his work to raise awareness of the religion."
Strange days, that appear to many to be intimations of the Last Days, because they seem to promise, for the first time in Our Time, a limitless potential for ruin. To consciousness, until the End of Experience, that's entertainment.
In 1969, the United States Government Printing Office issued a 400-page volume study by the Library of Congress commissioned by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research entitled UFOs and Related Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography.
In her preface, the reports senior bibliographer Lynn Catoe wrote the following:
A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing, and invisible entities, as well as phenomena like poltergeist manifestations and "possession."...
Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomenon which have long been known to theologians and parapsychologists.
The religious, occult and psi characteristics of UFO phenomenon are often edited out of accounts by "nuts and bolts" proponents of the ET hypothesis, and naturally unknown by those who regard the whole business with suspicion. But perhaps now, since the United States is undergoing a new "flap" (globally, the phenomena never went away), more consideration may be paid to the mystery of the manifestations, and their connections to ego and consciousness. Even when they're of this world.
A few weeks ago, Retired Colonel Brian Fields, a 32-year veteran of the US Air Force, claims he witnessed and photographed a display of hovering lights in the sky over western Arkansas two weeks ago that were "not anything I ever had any experience with.... They were some kind of energy or something." Since then, the US Air Force has explained them to be flares from an A-10 training mission. But before then, photographs of Fields' lights were analyzed by "digital-production expert" Mark Kirby, president and CEO of EIC Research. "I was kind of surprised," Kirby said. From a black-and-white analysis of an image of yellow light, he saw what "looks like a clean silhouette of someone sitting behind a console or flight control." Analysis of the orange light was "a bit scary.... You could literally see two eyes and a mouth," Kirby said. "It looked like someone looking at you."
A religious newswire picked up the story, calling the alleged occupant of the craft a "possible angelic creature." The author of the wire item also claims to have seen a similar light in the sky the same night, though in Louisiana. Meanwhile in Texas, a national sales manager for Clear Channel Radio says that in late December he "observed a bright, white round light looking exactly like Col. Fields' pictures."
Fields himself described his sighting in stark religious terms:
I believe it's prophetic, something do with what's happening in the Middle East today. If this is some kind of event with visitation, it's entirely possible. When the anti-Christ comes into power, it's not going to be something we expect. The deception that is going to be attached to it is going to be so powerful, you're gonna have to go against your reason to reject it.
Be awake, be mindful you can be deceived. There are things that can shake our world.
Even when we deceive ourselves, the world can still shake.
Our planet is "very rapidly heading back toward the greenhouse world of the dinosaurs." After that, it's straight on to Venus. The Iran pre-game show is almost wrapped, and "a certain degree of fatalism" pervades the capitals of the world, Washington included. Another carrier group has been dispatched to the Persian Gulf to tell Tehran to "back off," according to a straight-faced US official, though with diplomacy rejected out-of-hand, and the White House again in Cheney's thrall, the "last resort" of warcraft is once again the first and only choice. Ahmadinejad could tap dance Yankee Doodle on the grave of Khomeini and it wouldn't stop this falling hammer in mid-swing.
Contactees, from the beginning, have been sharing the warnings of the saucers' bizarre occupants (who often say of themselves, "we are one") that the world is heading to nuclear and environmental ruin - the end of experience - and that this somehow impacted gravely upon their own existence, and even existence itself. I don't see a way around the nonsense of this, if we regard the occupants as interstellar travelers and off-Earth residents. There is enough space for all, that our world's calamity would not doom their own. But what if they themselves are fiction suits: a dramatic eruption into our ego's reality by deep consciousness - the "universal mind" - to grip our attention, and to keep us from shuttering this production?
I don't know. It sounds crazy, but then so does everything else these days. I just know it's a shame what signs and wonders usually portend, because we're seeing quite a few of them. And I've seen enough to know I've seen enough, already.
Ah Pook, the Destroyer, is here
i'm feeling the same way but i also wonder if we are being egotistical that we live in the endtimes. If i lived during the plague or the inquisition I bet i'd be even more likely to believe this was it.
Thank you for a very powerful post. For what it's worth, I had a fairly long conversation with somebody at the COS's PR dept. in Washington DC yesterday, because I was following up on the Cruise/Christ story. She emphatically denied it, naturally, ("there are no deities in our church") and promised to send me an official statement (it never came). She blamed the "extreme right" for an ongoing smear program against the church.
If so, we are not being taken for a ride. We are the ride. And it's a thrill ride.
came to a similar conclusion at the zone last week. yet, as the cards are shuffled and dealt, there is no way to not ante in and start placing bets. the knowledge buried behind the scene is there, just not available. i understand your frustration completely, can empathize, but i am only privy to the forms that i can reconstruct as i put it together again in a way that i can make some sense of it. how do we drop the pretense, when the game is rigged and to fold means something entirely different than the projection of the meaning onto reality.
and the beat goes on
I'm reading the piece on junk DNA and I can't seem to find a Sam Chang working for the Human Genome Project. Did you put this in as a joke - or did you not fact check this?
Whoops. Sorry, I didn't see your explanation.
My bad.
All one can do is accumulate and dispense knowledge.
You have done that and hopefully will continue to do just that.
In the face of realities both commonly and uncommonly seen we are left with the option of destiny.
Indifferent cycles run their course and long standing jokes finally receive their brutal punch lines.
To admit that we are victims of our destinies is a fist sized pill to swallow.
Not only does it mean that we have to admit that that wheels had fallen off of the wagon a long time ago but that we had wasted time postulating and debating the loss of the wheels long after we had careened over the edge of the abyss and plummeted headlong into the dark yet, to some extent, knowable unknown, (for those who honestly did the work, collected the clues and peeked behind the curtain).
Viewing the incremental revelations of the multiple realities that run counter to each other as they coalesce for the next stage of the multi-universal course is wearying at worst and invigorating at best.
Observing the herds of humanity cry out to their very destroyers for salvation when puzzle pieces begin to fall into open view is a hard bit of theatre to watch.
Begging the alligator to help you out of his mouth will always leave a bitter taste when his jaws close and snuff out the last ray of light.
Perhaps it is best to learn the nature of the predator that you might avoid the jaws when the death roll feeding frenzy reaches its peak.
Nobody gets out alive,
(well perhaps the extremely exceptional yet corrupt practitioners of the lost arts who will eventually realize that immortality was not all it was cracked up to be when they sit under fiery skies or deep in the bowels of the unusable Earth),
but we can all strive to pack a sort of astral textbook memory of all the knowledge we have gathered and attempt against our “reality’s” constraints to take it with us when we go.
Laugh because we’re ugly when we cry.
Jeff, you posted this quote by Rumi:
Whenever a feeling of aversion comes into the heart of a good soul,
it's not without significance.
Consider that intuitive wisdom to be a Divine attribute,
not a vain suspicion:
the light of the heart has apprehended
intuitively from the Universal Tablet.
- Rumi
It only stands to reason that if we have this ability it's not without consequence. Surely whomever or whatever put that ability in us isn't going to leave us without the ability to overcome the evil it is averse to.
I have followed your posts for quite some time and commented a couple of times: WANT CHANGE? KEEP IT IN YOUR POCKET. YOUR DOLLAR IS YOUR VOTE. Everywhere it seems people are discussing this feeling of desperation. One verse the right-wing Christians love (I was one myself, once) "[in the latter days] ...even the very elect shall be deceived." Well, it does seem Falwell, et al, have been.
They have followed it hook, line, and sinker. One of the most basic deceptions has been the "global economy." "Go shopping," said our illustrious leader. If ever there was a reason to not, that little request would be it. For some reason, consumption is very important to TPTB. If they already have control, it would seem our spending fake money would be unimportant, yes? Not buying may be the first way to begin disassembling the machine.
However, my concern is for this pervasive depression, or "what's the use" mentality that seems to be creeping around. If 'What the Bleep Do We Know' taught us anything, it's that our thinking is everything. I don't know the ins and outs of this weird world, and neither does anyone else, but to give up, in light of Rumi's beautiful admonition, seems a bit premature to me.
"A new world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arudhati Roy
Jeff- perhaps, though this is your bread and bones, you should start doing some posts on the ability to fight this evil. If "it" exists, and its' ability to "control" exists, then the ability to have the complete opposite exists, as well. If evil exists beauty exists. I think they only will win if those of us who love Rumi, if those of us who love Arundhati Roy, if those of us who love peace and joy and light and love and kindness and goodness, give up.
I read you and I know you are trying to expose evil, but perhaps expose' is not what is needed now as much as instruction on how to resist?
Jeff ,you tie all these known events that are happening faster and faster every new day together very good.
I always find it interresting to hear what you have to say and learn something new.
There are indeed storm clouds approaching and we seek shelter from the storm,
to save our physical bodies.
Just what exactly is coming I myself think it is the Kali Yuga.
You can never prepare for every contingency and it is always something else that pops up, that is
We can see the signs all around us.
Forewarned is forearmed if we take heed.
On making choices.....
A quote from the film
Apocalypse Now.
Never get out of the boat. Absolutely god damn right. Unless you were going all the way. Kurtz got off the boat. He split from the whole fuckin' program. " ( Captain Willard )
UFOs, Hussien, Democrats, Rosie/Trump, Hillary/Barack, global warming, Iraq War, all distractions. As the mass media creates illusions, Big Brother clamps down by opening our mail, suspending habeas corpus, stealing private lands, banning books like "America Deceived" from Amazon,America Deceived (book) rigging elections, conducting warrantless wiretaps and starting wars based on blatant lies. Soon, the sinking of an Aircraft Carrier(by Mossad) will occur and the US will 'retaliate' against Iran. Which AIPAC-lobbying country benefit's from that?
Just Parachute Flares not a UFO
According to officer D'Aurizio at Barksdale AFB told WND there were four A-10 planes as part of the training mission the night of Jan. 9, and they used LUU-2 flares.
According to, "The mechanism has a timer on it that deploys the parachute and ignites the flare candle. The flare candle burns magnesium which burns at high temperature emitting an intense bright white light. The consumption of the aluminum cylinder that contains the flare 'candle' may add some orange to the light."
"I did not know that such 'parachute flares' existed and never considered the possibility," Col. Fields told WND upon learning the reason behind the mysterious lights. "I am grateful, however, that the truth has been determined and those that may have been disturbed by this event will be able to rest."
Fields, a Christian who originally speculated his sighting might have had something to do with End Time prophecies from the Bible, still wants people to remain vigilant.
"Because this event was explained does not change the fact that we live in perilous times – and we must still be awake, alert, and know that a great deception is still coming."
The Air Force has a history of covering up these events, but we must remain open minded too.
Initially he said:
"I believe these lights were not of this world, and I feel a duty and responsibility to come forward," said Col. Brian Fields, who spent nearly 32 years in the military piloting F-16 fighter jets. "I have no idea what they were."
"I'm certain it wasn't an aircraft [from Earth]," said Fields, who also ruled out the possibility of flares, saying they didn't descend like flares typically do. "It's not anything I ever had any experience with . ... They were some kind of energy or something."
So he changed his tune, magnesium burns white though, he saw an orange glow.
Anyway we do know he has a big fat pension from 31 years of service.
He would not want it to be
taken away from him now would he?
So whatever the USAF says it was he will back them up regardless it appears to me.
I'd like to put forward an alternative scenario for all this fear mongering: the politicians are drumming it up. Politicians on the left and the right are beating the fear drum frantically-- for the right, it's the war on terr; for the left, it's global warming and environmental catastrophe. They're doing this because it's the last appeal they have... the last way for them to convince us that *we need them*.
As far as the space brothers, channeling, ghosts in Wal Mart, etc. having the same message... I think that weird borderland things really do happen but that when they do we tend to do a fair amount of projecting. If we're all being told by our leaders and leader-wannabes that we're all going to die, we're likely to project that onto the canvas of borderlands experiences.
I'm inclined to believe that we are headed for a little nastiness with Iran but that it's not going to be the end of the world (though I would not want to live in Tehran or Tel Aviv right now). As far as everything else goes, I'm inclined to believe that we're actually headed for some good times.
Good times?
Yes, good times. When everyone thinks that things are going to go left, they usually go right. Pride cometh before a fall, and doomsday whimpering sometimes cometh before a golden age (or at least a time of decent progress).
Fort also said "I think that we're fished for."
I don't know. It sounds crazy.
Really? I've believed that for years, ever since a samadhi experience (only later identified as such.) I believe that Br. Seraphim Rose wrote a book on this topic, and Charles Upton's System of the Antichirst had similar arguments.
I don't think I've ever regarded this world, or even any other, with less hope than I do now, and frankly it's costing me.
I can't put it into words, Jeff, but I promise, I PROMISE: there is a Foundation, a Kaaba, the Rock, a... I don't know, a point to things. Something that actually deserves the names God, Fate, Creator...
"See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed." -Is. 28:16
All the imagery of all the apocalypses only begins to approximate the true Revelation, in which all of creation is extinguished, then on the exhalation... you find your way back here somehow, to live and worry yourself sick and love and play music and laugh. The Apocalypse is always happening and always has been happening and always will be happening, it is just the unveiling, the dispersment of illusion. Nothing is really lost. (Sorry for the hippy dippy stuff, maybe a spark of what lies behind it will make it through my clumsy clumsy writing.)
Jeff, why is it that so many of your citations, from the USAF ret'd who sees lights in the sky to the Imam Mahdi warnings, all come from WorldNetDaily, a notorious disinformation site whose operatives have been filmed on the streets of NY manufacturing their own supposed "footage"?
Just a question.
You need to have more faith in yourself and whatever it is you are dreaming for your future? Do you know why we are in Iraq right now? Because a lot of people with "smaller" dreams bought into the "bigger" dreams of the Neocons. Now that we realize that Dream sucks, most of us still lie back with our smaller dreams and take it in the rear without uttering a peep.
In 2000, many had the dream that Y2K was going to end the world... didn't happen did it. Will it happen in 2012? I doubt it.
Who's Dream exactly are we living in? Well for 99% of people its not one of their own design. If our Dreams suck, it's time to ask why some people seem to be able to achieve their dreams while the rest of us can't or simply must be content to be secondary actors in the Dreams of others.
How does a woman become stuck in the abusive dreams of her husband?
How does an employee get stuck in the bad dreamd of his boss?
How exactly did 20-30 Neocons get Americans stuck in Iraq while those same Neocons stay safe and cozy back in Washington? Very simple answer and the only one you need ever understand:
Because we let them.
from the 1986 preface to Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger:
There is a great deal of lyrical Utopianism in this book. I do not apologize for that, and do not regret it. The dacade that has passed since the first edition has not altered my basic commitment to the game-rule that holds that an optimistic mind-set finds dozens of possible solutions for every problem the pessimist regards as incurable.
Since we all create our habitual reality-tunnels, either consciously and intelligently or unconsciously and mechanically, I prefer to create for each hour the happiest, funniest and most romantic reality-tunnel consistent with the signals my brain apprehends. I feel sorry for people who persistently organize experience into sad, dreary and hopeless reality-tunnels, and try to show how to break that bad habit, but I don't feel any masochistic duty to share their misery.
"Jeff, why is it that so many of your citations, from the USAF ret'd who sees lights in the sky to the Imam Mahdi warnings, all come from WorldNetDaily"
Actually I believe those are the only two, and the stories have other citations as well. Which isn't to say they are more than disinformation. As I posted, Fields was possibly deceiving himself. In fact what's important about the stories, and what links them, is our capacity for deception.
Inspiration for creating a better future:
Peace Train from Tehran, Iran
Peace Train across the U.S.
Peace Train with Yusuf Islam for War Child
This is from just one of the 70 or so comments from the previous thread that are buried in the "Post a Comment" page for that thread, but which are not displaying on the main board.
Censorship? Data cache overload?
Karma running over dogma?
Waddup widdat?
This is anonymous from 4:05 again, adding one little bit I left out which is in sync with what anony from 4:08 said...
"optimistic mind-set finds dozens of possible solutions for every problem the pessimist regards as incurable"
the reality-tunnel thing is very important... an optimist at times will find doors synchronistically blasted apart for him/her... whereas the pessimist will find more doors shut tight.
Life by odds alone shouldn't exist... what are the odds that my family tree would last long enough in this world of tooth and claw... yet here I am.
Relax a bit...Let the universe help you find the correct path down the pike! ;)
"Censorship? Data cache overload?"
I hadn't checked into that thread for a few days and hadn't noticed the discrepancy. I've just tried republishing it and keep getting an error message at 80%.
Jeff writes of one side of the view:
"Life goes on regardless of what states we worry ourselves into, and all our effort to understand the forces at play does nothing to keep them in check. ....knowledge does not change our condition, but adapts us to its accommodation."
Well, that is one perspective.
I don't acknowledge that this knowledge automatically leads to accommodation, however, since Jeff sort of passes off the baton of Young Werther rather quickly over this issue, ignoring how from understanding one is put into a position of choice: revolt or accommodation.
I was unaware that you, Jeff, took your own blog here as so seriously as an "either/or" sort of thing, totally one side or the other: as either an update to the letters of Young Werther, or a slowly crafted manifesto for action. I can see you struggling with both, attempting to decide which persona to exhibit more than the other all the while.
On the "Werther side", a great part of the whole 'end times religiosity' fatalism that you cite above comes from corporate media promulgations of dubious reliability, so you should be more rigorous yourself in these areas on its pointed purpose--in other words, it serves someone to select such things. That's where the Jeff I expected would take that up. Instead you sort of numbly roll these things off like they were fatalistically true instead of giving an opinion or analysis of their strategic purpose during this context (perhaps just keeping the Christian Zionist/Zionist Christian base intact would be motivation enough to concentrate on such National Enquirer sort of 'news' from the major networks).
There's that interesting blurb that I will pluck from the last thread, like a needle in a haystack, on an insider view of the Grand Wurlitzer supposedly in the book Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press, where:
Charles Reina, formerly of Fox News, reveals the existence of "The Memo," a daily Bush-era e-mail "addressing what stories [would] be covered" and how;...
All this "sell the end times fatalism" only plays into the neocon hands.
However, I don't see much TV land virtual fatalism transferring into meatspace where I'm coming from. Instead, I see steadily building anger instead of anguish--still well over 50% of the U.S. want to see Bush impeached immediately for past lies. That's not mass fatalism, that's a tiny group of powerful people attempting to gatekeep against it and psych you out.
I think you may be falling surprisingly for your own critique of the "consensus reality myth", attempting to place such fatalism blame on mass society when clearly from various polls and whatnot, it's not really a case of fatalism, its a case of huge disgust and anger with existing leadership.
Fatalism would register in polls differently (for instance "when queried, 55% of the U.S. said they were too fatalist to care about impeaching Bush."). However, that's not what the polls say.
And the global neocon 'thin (black-and-)blue line' knows how small are their numbers, so they encourage NUMBness attempting to make up for lack of supporting numbers.
All I wanted to say is that you are selling yourself and your own choice short there: your own response.
Light a candle or damn the darkeness has always been the outcome of each.
Looking for this following quote, I found an interesting and witty list worth reading--more of them there:
"One of my favorite stories recently is about a Native American grandfather talking to his young grandson. He tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with each other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The other wolf is fear, greed and hatred. "Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy. "Whichever one I feed," is the reply. Every day -- every moment -- we have the choice to feed the wolf of love or the wolf of fear.
Don't feed the Wolf (Blitzers).
NOTE BENE: "This is from just one of the 70 or so comments from the previous thread that are buried in the "Post a Comment" page for that thread, but which are not displaying on the main board."
They are readable for me if you go to "add a comment" and the whole thing comes up in the longer (truer) version of the thread.
Is it just me, or do none of these people seem at all death-obsessed? Call me crazy, but to me they look joyful, vibrant, engaged in life, and completely beautiful. The architecture is pretty amazing too! Geez, maybe the neocons and their puppetmasters are lying to us? Ya think? I don't know.....could be. Maybe one and a half BILLION people can't be all wrong. Sounds reasonable to me. Likely, even. I see beautiful hearts and minds here.
anyone here read much of Wilber and his AQAL model?
curious that he put a very similar but different Hilma af Klint on the cover of his book.
anyone know which Klint painting this is?
Be as cautious as you can, of course, for you know that as soon as you have anything like a kingdom, enchanters and conjurers will always drop in from all over Creation to take it away from you, naturally enough ...
Brion Gysin and Terry Wilson. Here to Go - Planet R 101.
Nothing Is True - Everything Is Permitted: The Life of Brion Gysin
Published Summer 2005--haven't read it yet...I'm too busy 'milking the [fabricated] malcontents.'
Interesting to ponder the parapolitical relations of why Yusef Islam ("Cat Stephens") was stopped from making a visit to Dolly Parton in 2004 in the USA, on humanitarian PR peace issues.
The CIA didn't want peace alliances between Christians and Muslims of course.
Seems the real motivations were that the masters of the CIA didn't want to mess up the whole planned religious wars they had set up with the Mossad for the past two decades....
Yusuf Islam aka Cat Stevens-His Life And Conversion (Part 5)
or start at part one here.
in the don Juan world of castaneda's books the seers of old could directly perceive energy as it flowed throughout the universe. Their interpretation of death was as they "saw" it. After expiring a person's life energy was pushed into the mouth of large bird similar to an eagle and consumed. The person's life experiences are fed back into the whole so that the cycle might continue.
Anyone here read "The God Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God..." by Matthew Alper? (Sourcebooks 2006 ISBN 13: 1-4022-0748-8)...
I know what balance means to me. Go there. Be that.
F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote in his autobiographical CRACK-UP, "The mark of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless, yet be determined to make them otherwise." Sometimes i feel we're all puppets on strings (and wonder what Forces pull the strings - a reason i find this blog interesting). Othertimes, i intuit that there are ultimately no puppets, only strings. And that whole ball of yarn is the only REAL BEING. Eternal, infinite Brahman playing with maya (illusions). According to Hindu mythology, all will be destroyed in Kali Yuga - the end game. This has happened countless number of times, planets, universes...and will ever be so. So, yes, it's hopeless - yet it's blow-your-mind magnificent, magical mystery.
Wow. That was intense. I've had those thoughts myself.
However, I've had other thoughts too.
How do we know Watson and Crick discovered DNA first? Perhaps the information was discovered by private researchers earlier in time. They kept it a carefully guarded secret.
The government is puny. Wealth, whatever that is, controls everything.
Fort thought we were property. Property is virtually immortal. It's empty space, land, buildings, fields, information, gold, silver, platinum, works of fiction, music, poetry, etc. Catch my drift?
Humans are mortal, fleeting, problematic for ruling elites. We're not property, to them. We're chattel, like cattle. It's like property, but different. It's perishable, so you have to exploit it for all its worth. If you can't exploit it, you destroy it because it gets in your way. After all, there are plenty more where that came from.
There have always been signs of the end times, and there always will be. Maybe this is because for all of us, our time is the end time, because we don't live past it. Or maybe its because the apocalypse happens endless across the spectrum of other dimensions, but consciousness always stays in the dimension that survives, like the hero in the film who surives impossible encounters through sheer will and what appears to the outside observer as "luck."
And if we are realy outside entities riding human bodies for thrills and fun, then the whole thing is a big fucking joke. Our human bodies are no more real and valid than our best dreams and worst nightmares.
The whole thing is just one big roller-coaster ride that is ruined, or enriched by the knowledge that it is.
And if it makes you feel any better, Royal/Dutch Shell is ignoring Bush and working with the Iranians to produce oil.
Maybe we're all just R&D slaves for an alien race though, like in that classic SF story, "Microcosmic God." That would be freaking hilarious.
One thing I'll say though, even if the worst is true, I'm glad to say that the soul-rending fear and paranoia got old after only a year.
I mean, remember, we all have to die, no matter how long we cling to our suspect lives.
I find that picture "What a Human Being Is" to be quite pornographic. One might even call it an orgasmic diagram. As for the double helix of dna being represented... even in 1910, it would be an extreme late comer in in that game. The symbol of intertwining strands dates back at least 4000 years into anqiquity and is featured in many ancient and occultic designs. The Caduceus comes to mind because of its relation to medicide, though I think that itself is likely a late comer as well. Perhaps the symbol is from a past, highly developed and mostly forgotten society, or a fractal-like manifestation of our basic building blocks?
Doomsday folks... and other Self-fulfilling fools. I think this may be evolution in action; nature clearing away the useless debris that threatens the whole. These people are the most likely to be at the epicenter of any catastrophy, the most likely to be completely unprepared for survival (by choice!), and the most likely to aid in locally (to themselves) maximizing any damage that occurs. Natures little enema if you will, expelling the toxic (irrational) so that the rest (rational) may remain healthy. Sure, there's likely to be plenty of collateral damage, but who thought the universe was fair? Personally, I plan to capitalize this time around... after I've accumulated enough of my Doom Prophet profit, I'll snap up all the real estate the idiots think they won't need anymore at bargain prices. Projected retirement... early 2013. ;)
Anon who wrote... "WANT CHANGE? KEEP IT IN YOUR POCKET." - I love that saying. I think I first saw it on ...unsure of that actual origination, but nothing could be truer. IMO this could well be the only way to real revolution and also the achilles heal of the corporate mega monster ruling this planet. A massive movement of people spending the absolute minimum to survive for a single month would rock the corporate world to it's foundations... several months could well kill the beast. The monster has an insatiable appetite and must be fed constantly to survive. I think it's position as apex carnivore of dreams makes it so precarious that even a single day of non-consumerism would send out strong vibrations of pain.
I agree on the Kali Yuga andalso that the ride is most the exciting, beautiful and terrifying emotional roller coaster ride ever created.
New stars and planets are formed and
life goes on and on, we cannot begin to percieve to wonders of the universe with such a myoptic, narrow vision we possess.
I gaze in wonder at the stars above and I am in awe.
That is why we chose to come to earth.
To experience emotions and all that a life of flesh and blood offers us.
In exchanging our clothes of skin to come again and again, to live in its richness and magnificient wonders.
And all things shall be in commotion; and surely, men's hearts shall fail them; for fear shall come upon all people.
Fear Not
nice post, jeff.
lots to think about....
i've learned to appreciate RI as a place to practice relative objectivity in the face of weirdness that might otherwise entice me to subjectively diminish my subjectivity for easy answers.
sure, elsewhere i've learned to strengthen my etheric field and my subjective consciousness for their own sake -- and while combatting weirdnesses at large in high wu-wu manner.
but here, i dig the way you dip into the weird without buying the plot summaries, and without selling out for X brand of groupthink.
"harnessing end-times anxiety in service to the real, wherever the hell things wind up."
or something....
By asking new questions, we can indeed create new Fortune, sidestepping the seeming inevitable demands of Fate.
Let go of hope and despair and we will get there. (Or at least have a better time on the road.)
Anyone entertaining these thoughts will need to read Nick Bostrom's "New Physics" approach to the Simulacra.
Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?
Then again, how about some good old-fashioned metaphysical psychosis to explain it all?
If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others
"Across from the Programmer-Reprogrammer sits a counterentity, whom Joseph Campbell calls the dark counterplayer. God, the Programmer-Reprogrammer, is not making his moves of improvement against inert matter; he is dealing with a cunning opponent. Let us say that on the game board -- our universe in space-time -- the dark counterplayer makes a move; he sets up a reality situation. Being the dark player, the outcome of his desires constitutes what we experience as evil: nongrowth, the power of the lie, death and the decay of forms, the prison of immutable cause and effect. But the Programmer-Reprogrammer has already laid down his response; it has already happened, these moves on his part. The printout, which we undergo as historic events, passes through stages of a dialectical interaction, thesis and antithesis as the forces of the two players mingle." - PKD
That drawing of "biophotonic DNA" from 1910 is interesting particularly it was actually named:
"What a Human Being Is".
The lines seem to indicate "transcription" from DNA, or even creation of the "holosphere" so to speak, where the lines indicate that from the double helix 'life spins out' in solid white light in a heart shape sort of geometry wider until a sphere ("the body"?) is generated as a field around it...and the edges at the base get morphed or warped into colors like at a prism. Moreover, a field of animated life is sort of indicated by the little faint resonance lines drawn into the paint in the circle "body".
As Tsoldrin said above yes, though:
"Even in 1910, it would be an extreme late comer in in that game. The symbol of intertwining strands dates back at least 4000 years into anqiquity and is featured in many ancient and occultic designs. The Caduceus comes to mind...
...though I don't know of any old caduceus image that actually imply some sort of 'field generation' that involves light diffraction somehow approaching a holograph-body being generated around it.
Though despite all that, interesting image you have found there. Sort of looks like a Sonya Delaunay print of the same era.
As for Watson and Crick, "cherchez la femme." It's pretty much established that they stole the X-ray crystallography inspired idea from Rosalind, already toying with the idea of the helix, though she had already died by the 1962 award (died from cancer only a few years before) and posthumous Nobel Prizes don't exist.
Watson and Crick even cite her in the original paper providing some information, though they don't mention they did see her unpublished diagrams or that she was working on the same project of what DNA looks like herself.
They sort of "forgot to mention that" it seems.
As for high weirdness in DNA and in high politics, it's hard to get weirder than her family in some points. Who else would whip Winston Churchill over a political point, and go to jail? (her uncle)
Rosalind Elsie Franklin (25 July 1920 – 16 April 1958) was an English physical chemist and crystallographer who made important contributions to the understanding of the fine structures of DNA, viruses, coal and graphite. Franklin is best known for her contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953. In the years following, she led pioneering work on the tobacco mosaic and polio viruses. She died in 1958 of ovarian cancer.....Other members of her family have died of cancer, and the incidence of cancer is known to be disproportionately high amongst Ashkenazi Jews.[62]
Rosalind Franklin was born in London into an affluent and influential British-Jewish family.[1] Her great uncle was Herbert Samuel (later Viscount Samuel) who was Home Secretary in 1916 and the first practicing Jew to serve in the British Cabinet.[2]
He was also the first High Commissioner (effectively governor) for the British Mandate of Palestine. As such, Samuel was the first Jew to govern the historic land of Israel in 2,000 years.[post WWI]
That's not all about him--assuredly Sabbatean instead of "Jewish":
As High Commissioner, Samuel was at pains to demonstrate his neutrality and attempted to mediate between Zionist and Arab interests acting to slow Jewish immigration and win the confidence of the Arab population. Islamic custom at the time was that the chief Islamic spiritual leader, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was to be chosen by the temporal ruler, the Ottoman Sultan in Constantinople, from a group of clerics that were nominated by the indigenous clerics. After the British conquered Palestine, the Sultan was no longer the secular ruler. This led to the bizarre situation where a 'Jew,' Herbert Samuel, was to appoint the 'Islamic leader,' in this case Hajj Amin Al Husseini, who later proved a thorn in the side of the British administration in Palestine and spent World War II in Germany as a personal friend of Hitler. [So a Zionist ("Jew") intentionally appoints a violent "anti-Zionist" Mohammad Amin al-Husayni (ca. 1895 - July 4, 1974) who collaborated with Nazi Germany [as did the other Zionists] during World War II and helped recruit Muslims for the Waffen-SS.
This is "too bizarre" to be mere coincidence about him. It was well known he was anti-Zionist even before the Zionist appointed him! They were attempting to set up WWII as WWIII as well, though that aspect of the equation didn't work out so well it seems:
Amin al-Husayni was born in Jerusalem in 1895 (some sources say 1893). He attended Al-Azhar University in Cairo (where he founded an anti-Zionist society) and studied Islamic Law for about one year. In 1913 at the age of 18, al-Husayni made the pilgrimage to Mecca and received the honorific of Hajj. Prior to World War I, al-Husayni studied at the School of Administration in Istanbul.
With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, al-Husayni joined the Ottoman Turkish army [i.e., fighting against the British], received a commission as an artillery officer and was assigned to the Forty-Seventh Brigade stationed in and around the predominantly Greek Christian city of Smyrna. In November 1916, al-Husayni left the Ottoman army on a three month disability leave and returned to Jerusalem where he remained for the duration of the war. After the [enemy] British conquered Palestine and Syria in 1918, he was employed in various positions by the British military administration in Jerusalem and Damascus, including one where he recruited soldiers for [get this!-->] Faisal's army.
Could be sheer coincidence? Or they wanted a trustworthy dual agent? Sabbateans can be Muslim cloaked as well.
After ol Zionist Herbert Samuel appointed a hardcore anti-Zionist Muslim hoping to foment WWIII before WWII, he goes back to England.
On his return to Britain in 1925, Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin asked Samuel to look into the problems of the mining industry. The Samuel Commission published its report in March 1926 recommending that the industry be reorganised but rejecting the suggestion of nationalization. The report also recommended that the Government subsidy should be withdrawn and the miners' wages should be reduced. The report was one of the leading factors that led to the 1926 General Strike.
Thanks, Samuel. Could be intentional?
Herbert Samuel returned to the House of Commons following the 1929 General Election. Two years later he became leader of the Liberal Party (the first practising Jew to lead a major British political party) as well as Home Secretary in the National Governments of Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.
He led the Liberals (except the small National Liberal faction of Sir John Simon) out of the government in 1932. He remained leader of the Liberal Party until he again lost his seat in 1935.
In 1937 he was granted the title Viscount Samuel and later became the leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Lords (1944-55).
Holy crap. And Holy crap, part two, back to his grand-niece, Rosalind Franklin, DNA researcher:
Her aunt Helen was married to Norman Bentwich who was Attorney General in the British Mandate of Palestine. [while her other relative was lording over the whole place, with another relative of hers as married to the Attorney General, under her own family. Watch that bloodline...]
All in the family. They have to be Sabbatean, particularly to come into the equation when Lord Rothschild gets his Israeli theocracy project started up from post WWI.
Though some can't be all 'bad' (in a strange way) if her uncle literally publicly whipped Churchill. Gee, that's certainly the first thing that I think of when I have a political disagreement. Where's my trusty bullwhip, I'll go pay Churchill a call (sarcasm).
Rosalind Franklin's uncle Hugh Franklin was also a supporter of women's suffrage, and spent six weeks in prison in 1910 for attacking Winston Churchill with a dog whip because of Churchill's opposition to this cause.
Her family were actively involved with a Working Men's College, where Ellis Franklin, her father, taught electricity, magnetism and the history of the Great War in the evenings and later became vice principal.[11][12] Later they helped settle Jewish refugees from Europe who had escaped the Nazis.[5]
Recognition of her contribution to the model of DNA
On the completion of their model, Francis Crick and James Watson had invited Maurice Wilkins to be a co-author of their paper describing the structure.[80][81] Wilkins turned down this offer, as he had taken no part in building the model.[82] Maurice Wilkins later expressed regret that greater discussion of co-authorship had not taken place as this may have helped to clarify the contribution the work [with Rosalind Franklin] at King's had made to the discovery.[83] There is no doubt that Franklin's experimental data were used by Crick and Watson to build their model of DNA in 1953 (see above). That she is not cited in their original paper outlining their model may be a question of circumstance, it would have been very difficult to cite the unpublished work from the MRC report they had seen.[84] It should be noted that the x-ray diffraction work of both Wilkins and William Astbury are cited in the paper, and that the unpublished work of both Franklin and Wilkins are acknowledged in the paper.[85] [though no mention of the diagram they saw].
Nobel Prize
The rules of the Nobel Prize forbid posthumous nominations.[86] Since Rosalind Franklin had died in 1958 she was not eligible for the Nobel Prize awarded to Crick, Watson and Wilkins in 1962.[87]
"Recognition of her contribution to the model of DNA", yes.
Though very little recognition that two of her very close Viscount Samuel family were the first "Jews" to run Israel in 2000 years and first "Jews" in British Cabinets as well to lead parties in Britain. In post WWI, Palestine one headed up (and intentionally appointing hardcore anti-Zionist future Nazis) and the other married to his very attorney general.
And this Samuel branch was related to the other Zionist bankers:
The first Viscount Samuel was the nephew of the banker Samuel Montagu, 1st Baron Swaythling. He founded the bank of Samuel Montagu & Co. in 1853.
Definitely Sabbatean with the known Sabbatean Weismann connection:
David Samuel, 3rd Viscount Samuel OBE (born 8 July 1922) is the grandson of Herbert Samuel and thus also a second cousin of Rosalind Franklin. He was one of the founding fathers of the Faculty of Chemistry at the [Zionist Sabbatean leader, who contributed to murdering real Jewish Hertzl] Weizmann Institute of Science. Late in his career, his scientific interests moved from physical chemistry (particularly chemical kinetics) to neurobiology....He is almost certainly the only Israeli to have been a serving member of the British House of Lords.
Some on Sabbateanism in Chamish books, or watch this video, Chamish fleeing for his life after writing the Israeli bestseller "Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin"...:
Barry Chamish: who murdered Yitzhak Rabin and Utah Congressman Wayne Owens
2 hr 40 min 23 sec - Jul 15, 2006
"On July 15, 2006 Barry Chamish, author and journalist, spoke in Salt Lake City, Utah about the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel, as well as the death of Utah Congressman Wayne Owens. Barry also gives other insights to what's currently going on in the war in Israel.
This was after his well recovered stroke, that might have been engineered, though he can talk about all that...
Of course you're down, Jeff. You spend all your time imagining that some shadowy pederast elite controls all we do and think. And then you look at your comments and see the worst collection of reactionary-Satanist-anti-Jewish simians on the web. (Of course, when you link to the likes of xymphora, well, maybe you have yourself to blame for that one.) Amazing to me that the IC-Oarwell-Shrubageddon-Richard cabal has yet to pipe up on this post. Guess they had to attend to family and retards and utopias and such.
Perhaps the ruling elite is not as well-planned as you think it is. Perhaps things are a bit more random than you could ever imagine. Perhaps you need to spend more time thinking about the positive (gasp!) aspects of creation. Perhaps you need to entertain the possibility that not every elite is a slimy little pederast just waiting for the right opportunity to fuck your daughter. Perhaps you need to look at the sun rising over your Toronto home and think there's so much good in the world. But, of course...I'm just a disinfo agent.
´Terror´ now comes in four unique fragrances.
You also forgot this.
Btw, your collage is a ´nice´ synthesis of Gee Voucher and Winston Smith.
"If so, we are not being taken for a ride. We are the ride. And it's a thrill ride."
I don't how it is going for you, but there isn't very much of a thrill ride goin on with this flesh suit. Something on the order of a lamp post. The big C must need a break from all the thrills now and then.
Disinfo retard, there are different factions vying for CONTROL!!
Open you narrow mind or must we spell out these groups again, they are to destroy each other in the ME and the last group destroyed is the xians, OK.
Albert Pike's Plan is not a PIPEDREAM!!!!!
I think you are not playing stupid,
Always criticize and never adding on anything worthwhile, go away baby!!
Both Lenin and Hitler openly revealed their real aims years before they ever came to power. Did the nations heed the warning? No, they preferred to go on sleeping. It is no different today.
The Illuminati know this.
Pike's plan was ingeniously simple. The inherent antagonism between different ideologies was to be stirred up and made to explode in three world wars and three revolutions. The first world war was to destroy the three European empires, at that time being the last remaining bulwarks against Illuminism. One of these (Russia) Was to be made a centre of atheist totalitarianism (Communism). The second world war was to erupt from heightened tensions between the Jewish race (and its spiteful Zionism) and extreme European nationalism (Nazism and Fascism). This war would weaken Europe economically and politically and Communism would expand and become as strong as all Christendom, but not stronger, until the time was up for the final destruction of society. A third reason the second world war was to create a Jewish state in Palestine. Gradually it would be possible to thereby heighten the tensions between Judaism and Islam until tbey broke out in a war which would bring in all of the world powers. The three revolutions, which would aid this carefully planned dissolution of all human civilisation, were the Russian, the Chinese and Indo-Chinese. (Des Griffin, "Descent Into Slavery'" South Pasadena 1984, pp. 38-39.) The reader will realise. that most of this evil plan already become reality.
Concerning the last stage, General Pike wrote following:
'We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists and provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment on without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.'
"Whatever you do will be
insignificant, but it is
imperative that you try
If the nasty bits of our collective blind spots are to become conscious, then those nasty bits will be represented in the mediascape. If the mediascape is your main source of information then it might look as if things are getting weird.
A couple hundred years ago, there was a thoughtless and ubiquitious brutality that merited no mention in the mediascape (such as it was) because it was so taken for granted.
Although man's inhumanity to nest is accelerating, man's inhumanity to man is diminishing at an astounding rate. This
article emphasizes that "the number of conflicts between nations, civil wars, battle deaths, coups and genocides has been falling steeply for more than a decade."
This fact can be apprehended if you experience the emotions of the collective directly. If you experience life through the mediascape you can get very depressed.
The soiling of the nest is a problem that will be dealt with. When the attention turns from carbon-emission-reduction to carbon sequestration many collateral problems will be unintentionally addressed.
Get out in nature more. Take a deep breath. Count to ten, if you have to.
Very good.
Yes Ghandi,what a headache he was for the British with his passive resistance strategy.
Gandhi encouraged Indians to boycott British goods and buy Indian goods instead.
This helped to revitalise local economies in India and it also hit home at the British by undermining their economy in the country.
Gandhi preached passive resistance, believing that acts of violence against the British only provoked a negative reaction whereas passive resistance provoked the British into doing something which invariably pushed more people into supporting the Indian National Congress movement.
Indeed all the world is a stage and we all must play our part no matter how small with gusto.
A thought from another man-overboard.
Friedrich Nietzche:
"If you keep gazing into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
I guess he would be one to know. I am sure we don't want to wind up like old Friedrich.
"A massive movement of people spending the absolute minimum to survive for a single month would rock the corporate world to it's foundations... several months could well kill the beast. The monster has an insatiable appetite and must be fed constantly to survive. I think it's position as apex carnivore of dreams makes it so precarious that even a single day of non-consumerism would send out strong vibrations of pain."'
Hey, look, an eco-guerilla! Fighting in the subterranean paths of glory, chopping holes in the multiplier effect of credit by ...
And when you don't buy the garbage they can't pay THEIR debt, either.
Call it credit card celibacy.
What it really is, of course, is Voluntary Simplicity, which is anathema -- ANATHEMA! -- to the debt-mongers.
"All the problems with the world come from man not being able to sit still in a room."
--Blaise Pascal
How true. We can't sit still.
Quiz, fellow idiocracy-dwellers: What percent of human DNA (that probably includes yours) is actually genetic material?
Huh? What man mean?
Only DNA that is encoded is genetic, right? The rest is so-called junk DNA.
At least according to the Mighty Wurlitzikipedia, only 1.5% of our DNA is actually transcribed, and used as genetic material.
The rest, almost all of it, has no apparent function.
Like certain elements of Jeff's post.
Angels in WalMart. Aisle 16,352.
Like the angel hitchhiker tales of the late 90s (spread by the same guy and all those other idiotic prophecy sites which really, Mr. Wells, you should avoid).
But the DNA painting was pretty.
DNA has these things called Transposons, that act like the agents in the Matrix, and can move along the sequence, inserting themselves at will to change the code, causing mutations and other effects.
They are "jumping genes."
They can't sit still in a room.
(For the technically-minded:
TRANSPOSONS are sequences of DNA that can move around to different positions within the genome of a single cell, a process called Transposition. In the process, they can cause mutations and change the amount of DNA in the genome. Transposons are also called "jumping genes" or "mobile genetic elements". There are a variety of mobile genetic elements, they can be grouped based on their mechanism of transposition. Class I mobile genetic elements, or retrotransposons, move in the genome by being transcribed to RNA and then back to DNA by reverse transcriptase, while class II mobile genetic elements move directly from one position to another within the genome using a transposase to "cut and paste" them within the genome.)
Snore. I'll make an unfounded, abstract, and somewhat tangential leap here and posit that when we'uns get up and do stuff we're kind of acting like transposons, ourselves.
Sometimes we just insert ourselves into the reality chain and it's all fisticuffs and grease.
Other times it's cheer and beers and laughter.
Are transposons intelligent? What governs their tremendously complicated behavior?
And please don't tell me "local electrochemical interactions."
Cause I'll yawn.
Think about this, and tell me it's not a little stranger than lights in rural Arkiesaw:
Class II transposons encode a transposase, an enzyme, that allows them to enable transposons to be cut from genomic DNA and inserted at another location.
Now ain't that clever.
How on EARTH do they know to do this?
After all, what is knowing if not being able to say "I am a DNA sequence. I want to be over in that part of this huge peptide helix. Luckily part of my code allows the creation of an enzyme which will allow me to cut into and insert myself over there, where I want to be."
And then there's the microtubules, dozens or hundreds snaking out near the centromere and grabbing onto little built-in chemical hooks to allow for mitosis to occur.
And on and on, in every nucleus of every cell of every BODY on earth.
Even Dick Cheney's. I think.
Grok it, faery-folk.
Life goes on regardless of what states we worry ourselves into, and all our effort to understand the forces at play does nothing to keep them in check. However much we know - and who can know how much that is? - knowledge does not change our condition, but adapts us to its accommodation. Charles Fort said "I think we are property." If so, what becomes of property when it knows it's property? More pointedly, would it be better if it never knew?
Jeff, I have to agree with Mark here: if you give the notion of Goswami's self-aware universe any credence at all, you have to realize that the promise of this is much, much greater than the perils of that awareness being manipulated by the (relatively) few parasitical elites who've enjoyed such remarkable success at our expense.
It worked for them in the past because only a very few mystical,
Meister Eckhardt types had any awareness of the greater awareness of the universe. Nowadays, this knowledge is available to every poor schmuck access to a computer. Not only that, but there's also the tipping point to consider, the critical mass at which this type of awareness throws the ball (finally!) in our court. As Mark suggests, we're not that far from it right now; it's been building for many generations. Our grandparents knew that money was power, our parents knew that the small group of grim suits who controlled the Military/Industrial complex controlled the government, and now we're finally beginning to understand what Meister Eckhardt was on about all those centuries ago when he said "In order to see color, my eye has to be free from color (which might not make much sense in terms of this concept of participatory reality unless you read Alan Watts' very full description of emptiness, but it's true and even relevant nonetheless.)
For a lighter dish that explains the inevitability of the coming transcendance, you might try following the dizzying links pinballing around these Fusion Anomaly pages on Sheldrake's monkeys. Or maybe Bucky Fuller's Desovereignization:
"Never before in all history have the inequities and the momentums of unthinking money-power been more glaringly evident to so vastly large a number of now literate, competent, and constructively thinkingall-around-the-world humans.
There's a soon-to-occur critical-mass moment when the intuition of the responsibly inspired majority of humanity, in contradistinction to the angered Luddites and avenging Robin Hoods, faced with comprehensive functional discontinuity of nationally contained tecno-economicsystems, will call for and accomplish a world-around reorientation of ourplanetary affairs."
-- R. Buckminster Fuller, _Grunch of Giants_, p. 89
So take heart, Jeff: you're not just exposing those elites (yes, disinfo man, they are all, by definition, a nasty lot)--you're helping guide those better worlds into our orbit. And thank you for it.
The Vedas are arguably the oldest surviving scriptures in the world. The Vedanta and Mimamsa schools of Hindu philosophy assert that the Vedas are apaurusheya ("unauthored"), that is,
Neither a
Origin, and are
Eternal in nature.
They exist in space eternally and are accessible to seers.
If the cosmos of sound (sabda-prapanca) enfolds all creation and what is beyond it, it must naturally be immensely vast. However voluminous the Vedas are, one might wonder whether it would be right to claim that they embrace all activities of the universe. "Anantah vai Vedah", the Vedas themselves proclaim so (the Vedas are endless). We cannot claim that all the Vedas have been revealed to the seers. Only about a thousand sakhas or recensions belonging to the four Vedas have been revealed to them.
Brahma, the Creator, alone knows the Vedas in their entirety. Before the present Brahma there was a great deluge and, preceding it, there was another Brahma. And, similarly, before him too there must have been another Brahma. But through all these vast vistas of time, through successive deluges, the vibrations caused by the Paramatman's breath have existed in space, the vibrations that urged the first Brahma to do the work of creation. These vibrations are indestructible. The Brahma who appears after each great deluge performs his function of creation with them.
Brahma created this world with the sound of the Vedas and this sound is not destroyed even during a great deluge. We build a village or town with stone, earth, timber, iron, etc. All these materials are derived from the will of the Paramatman, from his thought, from the vibrations that are his will or thought. Brahma saw the sounds corresponding to these vibrations as the Vedas and the chanted them and brought all the world into existence.
We often see reports in the newspapers of trees flowering or fruiting in abundance in response to the vibrations of certain sounds. Some vibrations have also the effect of stunting the growth of plants. Here is proof of the fact that sound can create, sustain and destroy.
Brahma could create the universe with the sound of the Vedas because of his power of concentration. A siddha can cure a sick man if he intones the Pancakasara mantra - the mantra that we mutter every day - and applies holy ashes to the patient's body. He is able to do it because he has greater power of concentration than we have. If the mantra is to be efficacious it has to be chanted without any tonal error whatsoever. Only then will it bring the desired result. Brahma had the power of concentration to the full since he came into being as an "instrument" for creation.
Much could be accomplished from the void of space through electricity. From the spiritual reality called the Nirguna Brahman (the unconditioned Brahman without attributes) emanates everything. During the deluge, this spiritual reality goes to sleep. Take the case of a sandow. When he is asleep his strength is not evident. But when we see him wrestling with an opponent we realise how strong he is. Similarly, during the time of creation, the spiritual reality is revealed to perform manifold functions. From the Nirguna Brahman comes a flow of energy to perform such functions. Brahma came into being as a part of this flow. Since he was all tapas all concentration, he could grasp all the Vedas with his extraordinary power. He created the world with their sound. The Vedas are infinite and so too creation takes forms that are countless.
The great sage Bharadvaja kept chanting the Vedas over three lifetimes. Paramesvra appeared before him and said to him: "I will grant you a fourth life. What will you do during it? " The sage replied: "I will keep chanting the Vedas again. " It is not possible to learn the Vedas in the entirety even over many, many lifetimes. Paramesvra took pity on Bharadvaja for all his efforts to accomplish a task that was impossible to accomplish. Wanting to change his mind, Paramesvara caused three great mountains to appear, took a handful of earth and said to the sage: "The Vedas you have learned all these years are like this handful of earth. What you have yet to learn is vast, like these mountains. " It is believed that Vedagiri or Tirukkazhukkunram is the place where the Vedas appeared in the form of these mountains. When I was circumambulating the hill there, people accompanying me intoned instead, "Veda, Veda, Mahaveda".
The story of Bharadvaja occurs in the Kathaka of the Vedas. We learn from it that the Vedas are so infinite. The classification into the four Vedas and the one thousand or so recensions was a later development. Brahma came into being, his heart was filled with all Vedic sound. The Vedas showed him the way to perform his function of creation. he recognized that the sound of the Vedas pervaded everywhere. To him occur all Vedas. Only some mantras have revealed themselves to the sages and these constitute the Vedas that are our heritage.
At the time of chanting a mantra we usually mention the rsi associated with it, its chandas or metre and the name of the deity invoked. In the Telegu country they mention the three for all mantras. The sages learned the mantras with the power of concentration acquired through austerities. They were bestowed with celestial ears, so they could hear the mantras in space. It is said in the science of yoga that if our heart-space becomes one with the transcendent outward space we will be able to listen to the sounds in it. Only those who have attained the state of undifferentiated oneness of all can perceive them. It is in this way that the seers became aware of the mantras and made them known to the world. It must be remembered that they did not create them. They brought us immeasurable blessings by making the mantras known too us.
The entire universe vibrates to the tune of a certain frequency, as does the earth to the schumann resonance of 7.83 hertz.
Everything is composed of vibrating molecules that are on tuned into a certain frequency.
The world powers are aware of this, and certain departments of the government have experimented with these frequencies.
Sounds we cannot normally hear can affect our thoughts moods and emotions, also our psychic and physical selves.
Our chakras are very sensitive to vibration, and specific chants relative to each chakra stimulate the chakra beyond visualizing and breathing techniques.
With each chakra, the tone of the chant should get higher, beginning with the root chakra where the chanting is in low tone (The crown chakra is soundless).
Chanting does much in stimulating and opening the chakras.
Great stuff, Jeff. And thanks for exposing me to some interesting art.
It seems that we are willing to eviscerate ourselves every nanosecond in the guise of avoiding suffering. Yet without the absurdities of geopolitics and warfare, how would we be collectively compelled to turn inwards? I have come to see material causation as illusory as the sermons given by today's Freemasonic cultists (Hello, Mr. Robertson). We are face-to-face with our shadow. Do we externalize and feign ignorance, pointing outward at those poor souls who are poisoned by Self and watch "helplessly" as the whole mess is flown into the sea? Or do we stop playing the X-Box, stop fucking away the pain, stop being so willfully ignorant of our own destiny, and calmly remember that we have always been the pilots? Our Gods are dying. Let them go or die with them. Only the servile and selfish will continue to piss on their birthright of creative expression made manifest.
Each and every one of us is capable of enlightenment. I like Michael Tsarion's take on enlightenment having more to do with weight than light. When we are troubled and then relieved of the perceived cause, do we not feel like the weight has been taken off our shoulders? Taking on the role of Atlas is a choice. Swimming in externalized shadow projections is a choice. There will always be someone from central casting ready to feed on our cowardice as a means of our unconscious confronting us.
I have witnessed the battle between Ego and the unconscious through ritual a few times. One is presented with the option to journey inwards or to remain in servitude to the Ego. The first time one goes through the ritual, they almost never let go completely, leaving their dreams to reveal things at a later date. But the beauty lies in the fact that for the first time, one actually has a frame of reference for their shadow. I have learned that if I am not in communication with my shadow, it will pass through all of the layers of consciousness to make itself known. This gives the illusion of gravity to the walking, breathing, smoldering archetypes we are facing today. Behind the face we see in the mirror lies a grinning skull.
To the person who posted the link to Paul Levy's site (, you and I were sharing the same mind, my friend. I suspect that it was sounder, due to the subjects he fearlessly enters into here, even when surrounded by the very antithesis of his beautiful ideas in this forum. You rock, sounder. Your philosophy has had an impact on me and I hope that more will come to appreciate it for what it is, my friend.
"What is happening within us, the microcosm, is a reflection of the same process that is happening collectively, in the macrocosm. Just like the dark other within ourselves is the very figure that can awaken us to a greater and more comprehensive state of being, the darkness that is playing out on the world stage can potentially activate the light of consciousness in our species, thus serving as a catalyst for collective evolution. Jung said, “And so we can draw a parallel: just as in me, a single individual, the darkness calls forth a helpful light, so it does in the psychic life of a people.”
Becoming intimately acquainted with the dark other within us empowers us to relate with and effectively deal with the darkness in the outer world. The inner experience of getting into conscious relationship with and integrating the other within ourselves is reflected in the outside world, as the more we embrace the other within us, the more we are able to re-connect with others in the outside world, and vise-versa.
Any one person integrating the darkness within themselves could be, as Jung said, “the makeweight that tips the scales,” precipitating a realization in the collective psyche of all humanity. Because we are all interconnected, we can co-relate, inter-act and hook up with each other to become the instruments through which our lucidity becomes collectively made real (materialized) in space and time. We are then able to intervene en masse and change the dynamics and direction of the waking dream we are sharing. We are being invited by the universe to be the engines of our own, as well as the universes’, evolution. It is an invitation we should not decline. Let us assent and say “yes” to what is being freely offered to us."
- Paul Levy from his article "Meeting The Other Within"
Namaste, dear friends. It is time for us to go to work.
The Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you.
I greet that place where you and I are one.
I salute the Light of life in you.
I receive the free spirit in you.
I recognize that within each of us is a place where peace dwells, and when we are in that place, we are One.
My energy salutes your energy.
The life in me sees and honors the life in you.
May the life within you be strong.
The light within me sees and honors the light within you.
When you combine the seven deadly sins with high technology, you get some really serious problems. You get turbo-sins. It's dreadful to imagine what goeth after turbo-pride.
James Howard Kunstler
Gandhi: “The individual has a soul, but the State is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from the violence to which it owes its very existence.”
I would second this:
"So take heart, Jeff: you're not just exposing those elites (yes, disinfo man, they are all, by definition, a nasty lot)--you're helping guide those better worlds into our orbit. And thank you for it."
277,000 pages on the web mentioning the phrase "rigorous intuition" is some form of popularization awareness indeed.
And is your book out, Jeff? It says so here:
Rigorous Intuition
What You Don't Know Can't Hurt Them
Jeff Wells (Author)
Political discourse that challenges the status quo
"In Jeff's hands, tinfoil hats become crowns and helmets of the purest gold. I strongly suggest that you all pay attention to what he has to say." —Arthur Gilroy, Booman Tribune
A welcome source of analysis and commentary for those prepared to go deeper—and darker—than even most alternative media permit, this collection from one of the most popular conspiracy theory arguments on the internet will assist readers in clarifying their own arguments and recognizing disinformation. Tackling many of the most difficult subjects that define our time—including 9/11, the JonBenet Ramsey Case, and "High Weirdness"—these studies, containing the best of the Rigorous Intuition blog as well as original content, make connections that both describe the current, alarming predicament and suggest a strategy for taking back the world. Following the maxim "What you don't know can't hurt them," this assortment of essays and tools, including the updated and expanded "Coincidence Theorists' Guide to 9/11," guides the intellectually curious down further avenues of study and scrutiny and helps readers feel empowered rather than vulnerable.
Jeff Wells is the author of the novel Anxious Gravity. He lives in Toronto, Ontario.
Category: History, Essays, Small Press Selection
Pages: 322
Book Type: Paper
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
ISBN: 0977795322
Trine Day
It's yet to be listed on Trine Day's website? What's up? Give us an update.
"...helps readers feel empowered rather than vulnerable."
Are you editing out the 'helps readers feel empowered bit', is that what's taking so long?
The life of a naïve, born-again teen can sometimes seem God-awful, as Gideon discovers at Overcomer Bible Institute. Having given himself over to religion, Gideon quickly finds his newfound faith challenged by sexually aggressive women, a disturbed student armed with a power drill, and Siamese-twin evangelists. A satiric look at the religious and secular worlds, Anxious Gravity succeeds at the daunting task of being both thoughtful and wildly entertaining. "Jeff Wells is the most consistently funny humorist in Canada today." -Michael Bate, Editor-in-Chief, Frank
About the Author
Jeff Wells is national affairs editor and principal satirist for Frank magazine. He has written for a number of Canadian and American periodicals, as well as for radio and television.
Anxious Gravity is his first novel.
I desire to play the part of one the sexually aggressive woman in the
upcoming movie if at all possible.
Life imitates art imitates life imitates art bell @ 3 A.M.
X-Files Season 6, Episode 1, "The Beginning"
Mulder: Wait a minute. I don't understand. You're saying that Gibson Praise is infected with the virus?
Scully: No. It's a part of his DNA. In fact, it's a part of all our DNA. It's called a genetic remnant. It's inactive junk DNA, except in Gibson, it's turned on.
Mulder: So, if that were true, that would mean that Gibson is, in some part, extraterrestrial.
Scully: It would mean that all of us are.
(cue spooky music or laugh track. your choice)
On the Wal-Mart visitation (actually I'm relieved that there are more than overly-armed crazy as hell rednecks shopping at Wal-Mart.)
First off, ever shop at Wal-Mart at 3 in the fucking morning? You'd be amazed at how many little kids are running wild through the aisles.
Second, you left out the best parts of 'ol Jim's post.
"One reader thought this might be an Internet rumor or urban legend. No way. It happened."
Thanks Jim. I always take the word of folk I couldn't pick out in a line-up.
"We do not know for sure that this was an angel. It sounds like it to me but we cannot be 100% sure. The behavior of the child was very strange, and dialogue was also strange. It is all most unlikely, especially the prophetic words that came out of the child's mouth, which are very relevant to the times in which we live, something the child would probably not know. Readers seem to believe it was an angel, some of whom reported goose bumps!"
Oh my gosh. Readers reported goosebumps. Well hell's effing bells, there's a deductive yardstick if i ever heard one. I bet R.L. Stine is just poised to shift his hack fiction catalog to the non-fiction section and make a killing once again.
& prophetic language the child wouldn't know?
Jim's being a bit disingenuous here, don't you think?
I mean, ever see Jesus Camp?
Jimmy boy goes on to say: "I choose to believe the little girl was an angel, and I hope her prophecy is true"
Gee, I wonder if the Jimster pops in Atomic Cafe when he wants to wax the weasel. Nothing like a good healthy burst of apocalyptic fury to get ones gonads a-swelling, eh?
Good Golly Miss Molly, another laundry list of shit I'm supposed to be afraid of.
Ya mean I might (gasp) actually die one day?
Why not add a coronary or cancer or the old car brakes failing on a steep hill?
So, how many people thought we were living in the end time during the cold war or world war 2 or world war 1 or the effing 100 years war for that matter?
Every single time I read one of these chicken little posts I can't help sensing a bit of barely restrained glee at the prospect of at least one of them coming true so the oodles of rigorous syncophants can jump up & down screaming "SEE, I TOLD YA SO!!!!
right before they're vaporized in the mushroom cloud or sent screaming down to hell, etc., etc.
Never fear though, if we're still sitting here next x-mas, you can rest assured that the typing will include much bashing of consumerism & (shriek) ponderous odes to the real pagan nature of this supposedly christian holiday. (simultaneous gasp & yawn)
Because we all know that when doomsday doesn't stop by for tea, it's primarily because we scribbled our ponderous odes of warning on the bathroom walls of little internet cafes like this one, & the PTB's or the PB & J's were infected with a case of the furious heebie-jeebies when faced with our smarty-pants cleverness.
If my snarkiness is a bit too snarky for you, I vow, if proven wrong when the really big scythe starts a- swinging in the near future, to eat a nice big plate of undercooked crow ... right before I'm turned into a shadow on the wall or the space aliens spelunk my innards.Whichever comes first that is.
"Keep me clean. Keep me warm.
Keep my soul away from harm.
Keep the night. Keep the day.
Keep the in-between away.
Hold that second. Hold that time.
Hold that picture in your mind.
Hold the smoke. Hold the fire.
Hold all that now you desire.
Show me trust. Show me love.
Show me heaven up above.
Show your soul. Show your mind.
Show it to me all the time."
"This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper"
December 22nd-23rd
Although the Solstice begins on the 21st-22nd of December, the 23rd is a very special Personal Day for Father. The Sun enters the sign of the Goat which represents Satan. The Night of December 22nd- the eve of December 23rd is the Highest Satanic Holy Night of the year. (This was dictated from him personally to his secretary, me after offering my body to him).
It is the day after the longest night of the year. Again we look foreward to beginnings, as the days will begin to get longer as the year goes on. This is a time for intense celebration and devotion to Lord Satan.
Indulgence, decorating the home, family celebrations and get togethers.
The Night of Dec. 22nd should be spent in dedication to Satan. This is an excellent time to focus on planning for the year. If one wishes to make personal resolutions this is a good time to do so.
At the high point of a ritual or offertory for a Black Mass, personal resolutions can be written on paper and burned. Father is always there to help us in having the strength to carry through with our intentons. After the rite, intense celebrating should take place.
The Yule holidays for Satanists are times of indulgence and taking pleasure in the physical and material aspects of life. Actually, xmas trees and wreaths are Pagan BELIEVE IT OR NOT in origin, so there is no reason not to celebrate this holiday with our families. Gift giving, baking, decorating. This is what the TRUE Yule season is about, not baby jesus who i remember reading about a year ago.
All the teen devil worshippers stole all the baby jesus's in the town, the had like 50 and were caught after the police staked out the last baby jesus in town.
They were going to have bonfire to Father Satan and offer all the baby jesus's to him but he did not want them things near him and let them get caught. THE END
Now,so many of our holidays were destroyed by the evil, mean and nasty xians, who smell bad and abhore sex even to this day, I love sex!!
That we do not even know what the real name of god is, I say Enki, but
he is only now getting popular, I was always so avant-garde.
Come on, little girls talking about Jesus scare me silly!!!!
We just cannot say shit does not happen because it is quiet outside tonight can we?
And i still am afraid of the story about the little orbs of people everywhere, SCARY i was very afraid.
I lost my composure after visiting that website.
I mean they (the RI junkies) are never satified and their appetite is always demanding to put their fingers in the holes, sorry the paranormal is boring as a third party.
Maybe experiencing it firsthand is better.
Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
Until i saw on the morning news over my coffee, the horror of the revbilly bus shredded to pieces, miles from my home, i was a consumer. oh no, not your normal comsumer. being of modest means i have lived a life of frugality, sometimes vegitarianism, never going to wall-mart, etc.
But the GIRL, rev what do you make of her.
Rev: git reddy sonny
ah sabrina,
and you were doing so well...topical comments,the chance of dialogue...well, it couldn't last could its the vedas you must corrupt with your moronic satanism...oh well, nothing ever lasts, does it....btw Ma Kali laughs at satan..."what a pussy-fucking diety," She whispers in my ear...
i really must've gotten under your skin cause even the mention of "disinfo agent" and you start screeching like a harpy...puts a smile on my face...
but just for your information, the anonymous posting at 9:51 wasn't me, i sign my posts, so please, dear, don't be confused, when i ridicule you you'll know it was me...
(oh my, have actually begun to enjoy the resident, satanists? my bad...)
"your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent"
thanks so much for the pointer to Hilma af Klint, i have never heard of the "group?" before and they seem fascinating...expecially the paintings...
And please don't be so down. Yes the world is gonna end, but if we keep our wits about us we may be able to shape the new one into something Divine rather than Horrific...
And for all the Kali Yuga advocates (i may or may not be one), please remember that after the present yuga ends, The holiest yuga will begin. Kali births Satya, where the Divine knowledge is reestablished and the difference between the Transcendent and the Material is nonexistent...
something i caught on the tele last night: "hope is only necessary when you are living without Grace"
"your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent"
Another alternative:
The human species is in the process of trying to wake up to the reality of the cosmos and of its own nature.
But this truth to which we are trying to awaken is frightening and overwhelming. Not because there is evil out there. Not because we are controlled. But simply because the greater reality we glimpse is so large, and so full of unknowns, and so demanding of our taking responsibility for ourselves and our world that it quickly becomes unbearable.
Or, which may be a more accurate account, because what we see out there is simply Us, but reflected back so large and frightening that we are terrified.
We are like the dog in Aesop's fable who, carrying a bone in its mouth, happened to see its own reflection in the water. Believing that what it perceived was a hostile stranger trying to wrest its own bone away from it, it opened its mouth to growl -- and the bone dropped into the pond and sank.
Like that dog, every time we as a species start to recognize a higher reality, we become caught up in fear and greed and lose our grip on the situation.
There was such a moment at the time of the Renaissance, when we in the West simultaneously became aware of a larger physical universe and a larger mental universe. But with that extended knowledge came a great rush of fear -- manifested primarily in the witchhunts of the 1600's -- followed by a retreat into extreme rationalism. The episode left us with the broad but curiously sterile new territory of material science to explore and exploit for a few centuries -- a treasure in itself, but far from the treasures we might have had.
Another such moment came in the first few decades of the 20th century -- the years that brought us both relativity and quantum physics, along with a great flowering of occultism and exploration of consciousness. But again, there was correspondingly great fear of the wider physical and mental universe we had glimpsed (H.P. Lovecraft being the most clear-eyed and comprehensive documenter of that fear), and a retreat in the 1930's and 1940's into rationalism and mechanistic sterility.
Things are moving faster now than they did a few centuries ago, so the time for a renewed psychic and scientific opening up is already on us again -- and with it the portents and wonders, but also the fear.
Only this time, there is no going back, no graceful way to retreat. This time, the intimation that was present in both the 1600's and the 1920's -- that it is our inescapable human duty to make common cause with the universe and accept the guardianship of our world -- is not merely a fantastic dream, but an onrushing reality.
This time, we have no choice but to press on beyond the barrier of fear -- or the dragon guarding the treasure -- or our own distorted reflection in the water -- and discover at last what awaits us on the other side.
You people are a hard to please crowd!!!
Word is made flesh as God reveals himself... as a fish
Edward Helmore New York
Sunday March 16, 2003
The Observer
An obscure Jewish sect in New York has been gripped in awe by what it believes to be a mystical visitation by a 20lb carp that was heard shouting in Hebrew, in what many Jews worldwide are hailing as a modern miracle.
Many of the 7,000-member Skver sect of Hasidim in New Square, 30 miles north of Manhattan, believe God has revealed himself in fish form.
According to two fish-cutters at the New Square Fish Market, the carp was about to be slaughtered and made into gefilte fish for Sabbath dinner when it suddenly began shouting apocalyptic warnings in Hebrew.
Article continues
Many believe the carp was channelling the troubled soul of a revered community elder who recently died; others say it was God. The only witnesses to the mystical show were Zalmen Rosen, a 57-year-old Hasid with 11 children, and his co-worker, Luis Nivelo. They say that on 28 January at 4pm they were about to club the carp on the head when it began yelling.
Nivelo, a Gentile who does not understand Hebrew, was so shocked at the sight of a fish talking in any language that he fell over. He ran into the front of the store screaming: 'It's the Devil! The Devil is here!' Then the shop owner heard it shouting warnings and commands too.
'It said "Tzaruch shemirah" and "Hasof bah",' he told the New York Times, 'which essentially means that everyone needs to account for themselves because the end is near.'
The animated carp commanded Rosen to pray and study the Torah. Rosen tried to kill the fish but injured himself. It was finally butchered by Nivelo and sold.
However, word spread far and wide and Nivelo complains he has been plagued by phone calls from as far away as London and Israel. The story has since been amplified by repetition and some now believe the fish's outburst was a warning about the dangers of the impending war in Iraq.
Some say they fear the born-again President Bush believes he is preparing the world for the Second Coming of Christ, and war in Iraq is just the opening salvo in the battle of Armageddon.
Local resident Abraham Spitz said: 'Two men do not dream the same dream. It is very rare that God reminds people he exists in this modern world. But when he does, you cannot ignore it.'
Others in New Square discount the apocalyptic reading altogether and suggest the notion of a talking fish is as fictional as Tony Soprano's talking-fish dream in an episode of The Sopranos .
Stand-up comedians have already incorporated the carp into their comedy routines at weddings. One gefilte company has considered changing it's slogan to: 'Our fish speaks for itself.'
Still, the shouting carp corresponds with the belief of some Hasidic sects that righteous people can be reincarnated as fish. They say that Nivelo may have been selected because he is not Jewish, but a weary Nivelo told the New York Times : 'I wish I never said anything about it. I'm getting so many calls every day, I've stopped answering. Israel, London, Miami, Brooklyn. They all want to hear about the talking fish.'
A devout Christian, he still thinks the carp was the Devil. 'I don't believe any of this Jewish stuff. But I heard that fish talk.'
He's grown tired of the whole thing. 'It's just a big headache for me,' he added. 'I pull my phone out of the wall at night. I don't sleep and I've lost weight.'
oy vey
You know me not,fool for I do indeed worship Gowri, Kaali and Tara the bright one.
We worship all the gods.
You know not of my ways.
I devote myself to her and know more than you think, babyface.
Why do you insult my diety?
Now go fucking off jerkoff
disrespectful punk!!!
Hail Satan
Kaali says FEAR NOT!!!
I am not afraid of any man or little boy, now go away nice and jerk off for me, you disrepectful little boy.
Dark Mother
The corn is high underneath the moon
And Winter comes, it seems too soon
For Time waits not for woman or man
And Death rides out across the land
Our dark mother Queen of the Night
Through Death's door guide us to the light
Through the pain set us free
Our dark mother Queen of the Night
Let us be reborn again
Now Death has come, and Death has kissed
Death's bitter song is upon the mist
The dreams of youth bring a cynical smile
But my true love shall never die
Our dark mother Queen of the Night
Through Death's door guide us to the light
Through the pain set us free
Our dark mother Queen of the Night
Let us be reborn again
The buds have blown and the flowers have gone
The once firm breasts hang wrinkled and long
The Wheel of Fate is a spinning round
The Autumn leaves are upon the ground
Our dark mother Queen of the Night
Through Death's door guide us to the light
Through the pain set us free
Our dark mother Queen of the Night
Let us be reborn again
lyrics by Inkubus Sukubus
So let it be known to you who scoffs at my ways that I am
not afraid to die or to be reborn again.
Leave me in Peace
I am duty bound to strike back at you
disrespectful little boy!!!!!!!!!
ONE DAY YOU WILL pay for your loose tongue and someone will show you the time of your life.
You will be left picking your teeth up off the floor.
Remember there is always someone who is bigger and badder toughguy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lies Your Parents Told You:
1. Just be nice to them and they'll be nice to you.
Remember this one? Didn't work in the sandbox either, did it? Be warned, there are people out there that will interpret your niceness as weakness and naivety and either terminate you just for the fun of it or jack your hat, shoes and money after they rip off your face. Try telling a rabbit to just be nice to the fox...don't fool yourself, everyone on the street starts as a rabbit, (read - "victim"). Nice is the best way to get along with strangers but it isn't enough when you don't know the rules, the players or the action. A good street teacher can save a lot of learning the hard way but every teacher has his price that you must pay.
Lesson: Don't be naieve and waltz into places you can't handle. Fade into the room, step sideways to get your back out of the door and casually look things over. Take your time.
Variation 1.a Just Ignore Them...
Ignoring a fox locking onto him is not going to do a rabbit any good at all, now is it? Oh, getting tired of being called a rabbit? Some tournament trophies and a brown belt prove that you are a lion, and that old fox better watch his tail or you'll fly it from your car antenna, right? Well, even a lion cub will get eaten by the jackals if he gets out on his own too soon or strays too far. Rabbit just means 'victim' and even tough guys get to be victim. Tough seldom wins over sneaky and nasty. Trying to convince the jackal that you are lion enough to take him by puffing up just gives the game away.
If your disguise is cool and the scavangers and predators of society can't tell right off whether you are a victim or a warrior in disguise, they will interview you. They will move into your space, stand in your blind spot and crowd you or they will make conversation to put you at ease so you don't bolt before they are close enough to grab you. They will surround you and blind side you. If you don't know what a blind spot is, (because your tounament opponents were always ordered to stand straight in front of you and to bow before they attacked) or don't notice them moving on you because you really are ignoring them, then you really are a bunny.* If you relax during the vocal part of the interview, you are a bunny. Not only are you a bunny but you are not a particularily aware bunny so now you are a dead bunny!!
So if being 'nice' and ignoring don't work; that is, they don't convince the scavenger//predators that you are not their next meal, what might? You scope them as in "to get them in the cross hairs of your cannon." Scoping is not glaring or sneering which will just get you pounded for a different reason. Scoping is a message sent by a look that says, "I see you. I peg you. I have your number, and I know your games and I can handle it." Then you look away. If you look down to break eye contact, you lose. "I'm a victim in disguise" sign just popped out of your head for him to read. Slide your eyes sideways and scope the rest of the room. Glaring, staring or sneering are not scoping, they are showing your teeth. If he sees little bitty scardy teeth, guess what? Believe it, your best bunny glare will not impress a true coyote, and neither will your best lion cub roar. Better to scope and leave him guessing. Of course a cub trying to pull this on someone much older or bigger than himself is just as futile...give it up and go back to the briar patch until the fox is gone.
Sun Tzu wrote that we should only fight battles that we can win and no one has said it better yet. Everyone knows that some years and practice are necessary to make you really bad so don't try to bluff out of your league. Practice on your friends.
After you scope him and decide that a predator is eyeing you but he doesn't look that bad then, if you have back-up, you may be able to hang around and enjoy the scene but keep him in your periferal vision and follow his moves. Watch him without looking at him. Martial artists call it "to look at nothing and to see everything." By using a soft focus you can increase your periferal (sideways) vision up to about 200 degrees.
Remember the movie Little Big Man where Dustin Hoffman's sister is teaching him to be a gunfighter? She tells him to make snake eyes--this was her way to soft focus and gain periferal acuity because the periferal vision processes fast movement better.
If bad guy slips out while you are getting up to leave, go to Red Alert. If you feel safe when he leaves because he's gone, you just got yourself some free flowers...he may just be moving the scene to a more private place. Do yourself a favor and go out a different way which you checked out before hand. Or stay. Or leave with a group. Acting unaware can bring an attack upon yourself and paying too much attention can cause the same thing but for different reasons.
A scope/check slide is between equals. A scope /pin is for scavengers that you are confident that you can handle (or at least are willing to try) and lasts just a bit longer than the check so that the message is a short, unemotional, "If you want me, try me. I'm not going anywhere."
Of course you may be blowing it and get pounded for challenging someone with a rep to make or a low self esteem hairtrigger type who needs to fight everyone to find all those he can beat. Better make sure that your scope doesn't carry any hidden fear or worry messages in your body language or you just may have to prove that you really are tough.
The other thing you have to do in the real world outside your house and home is to show respect. Something like 60 to 70 per cent of non-hospitalizing assaults on young women by strangers happened when the young woman in question was followed home and pushed or slapped by strangers pissed off over her aggressive and rude driving.
Most young males are pounded for rude body contact on the sidewalk, giving the wrong person the 'punk bump' as you pass. The street will make you pay for rudeness until you get tired of it and mellow out. Being on a skate or a bike is no guarantee that you won't get called for buzzing the citizens either. Two Gold's Gym heavies I knew saw a skate buzz some folks and though he had enough sense to avoid them they took the two steps necessary to hip check him...he bounced off one into the other, then into traffic. Tough lesson.
*Blind spot: one blind spot is behind the corner of the jaw, under your left the ear which the mongrel in front of you will hit with his right fist when you look to your right at one of his boys who just got your attention by yelling or swearing at you. Hint, hint.
2. Just stand up to a bully, and he'll run from you.
Some guy is giving you the eye or some lip so you stand up to him. "Bullies are looking for victims, not a fight," is current social wisdom. What they don't tell you is that bullies may in fact be motivated by fear, insecurity and other manifestations of low self-esteem but they are also very practiced at being themselves...they have spent years perfecting their style at home and school. They practice knocking down those who stand up to them every day.
How many times do you get to practice standing up to a bully?
The internal chemistry of the street is a lot different than in the dojang. A dedicated bully knows his stuff, and has no scruples about fairness. Just because he's a jerk doesn't mean he's stupid. Also, I've talked to a lot of street people and just about everyone of them has had martial arts training some time or other.
If you obviously outclass him and he's in your face, is he bluffing or does he have a secret weapon? They have people stand up to them all the time and they have their backups in place whether it's a punchdagger, steel toed Docs or a back-up buddy. Are you ready for that? If you do take on a jerk, win or lose you must know that it is not over yet. You suspect that if you lose, it hurts. (Do you know that winning hurts almost as bad?)
Losing has other costs you may have to pay...if he hangs where you hang, he just might make a career out of wrecking your fun and face in front of the ladies. If you can't win, must you give up and eat his crap for the rest of your life? If he is seriously knocking you, you must choose on how you take the pain, because hanging where this kind of jerk can have at you is guarranteed pain. The pain comes from fear and your feelings of cowardice if you don't fight, the juice of anger at yourself for letting him get away with it, OR it comes from standing up to him and taking what comes. (Even staying out of his way has some pain to it.)
Surprise folks, standing up to him may be the best thing to do but not because he will back down.
If he learns that every time he messes with you that even if he beats you he must really fight for it he will sooner or later shoot his shot on easier targets. Make him work for his fun and it may not be worth it to him. The physical pain of being trashed is, to some people, less than the pain of feeling inadequate.
Of course you don't want to try this on a crazy or a gang-banger who may just feel that he has to kill you to save face.
Now, if you win, it ain't over yet, either. He's got something to prove now and he won't care if it's fair. A carload of drunks in your face can seriously ruin your whole evening, no matter what you see in the movies about trashing a whole gang with one super-kick! Being hunted by a pack of jackals because you stomped one of them may sound like ultimate cool but the pay is bad and the down time only able to eat through a straw and piss through a tube is the pits.
In some places these things are taken care of by a shotgun as you leave your house so add up the profit / pain ratio. It is fairly easy to take a punching without getting more than a few bruises on your forearms, (if you practice) and everyone may just go away happy. Then it may be really over. Replying to some jerk later in revenge is a sure way of signing up for a never-ending game of escalating violence!
Variation 2.a. Stand up to or beat the leader of the group and the others will run.
Time to die, folks. Most deaths in fights not caused by weapons are caused by a group stomp on a person who has gone down. Every group leader has his sargeants who will back him or tie you up for him to take out. Taking on a group is nonsense if you have any other choice at all. I hope you haven't put your training on hold and reached a pack a day yet, because it is time to get out of Dodge! Running will spread them out so if you have to fight you have a better chance at one to one. Did you let them surround you? Oh dear, too bad, so sad.
Variation 2.a.i...only cowards run.
Yeah-right and only kryptonite can hurt you. Get out of there pronto. Wiley Coyote may be as smart as a doorknob but it is Roadrunner's speed that saves him. (Actually I hated the Roadrunner, what a clean-cut suit and tie type jerk. I always wanted to be able to rewrite ol' Wiley into a gourme roast-runner meal.) If you don't want to be a roast-runner you had better learn how to outrun a car and how to leap tall fences without slowing down, which can be done if you know how and practice, practice, practice.
Just remember, never run home! The civilians are always protected. This rates right up there with the #1 rule for girlfriends; never grab my elbow! Speaking of girlfriends and running in the same breath here, don't. Don't leave them that is. Bad form. Uncool. Bad, bad, bad. You never leave your own when you cut out, you must always take them with you. If she's not prepared to fight or to run then why are you playing the role? Remember, this is the 'stand up to them' section.
If she can't back you up then you back up before it hits the fan. Way before. Really. No fooling here, guys.
3. The police are there to protect you.
The police are there to protect the system as a whole but can do little to help any one part. They clean up, listen to the lies and put away any identifiable bad guys they can. Your problems are small stuff unless you get snuffed, which isn't likely anyway. If they can't keep Mr. Bigg safe at all times, how can they help you from getting a broken nose? Strutting your stuff, being a jerk and smart mouth and depending on: "I'll call the police!" to save you is dumb, dumb, dumb.
If you want safety out there with the big boys then you have to do it yourself...lift weights for strength, wrestle for stamina, train your martial art for balance and timing, and practice your moves. Practice soft focus, practice broken-field running at night, practice sizing up the players without giving yourself away (i.e. is he tough or bluff, has he experience, where is his knife, his back-up knife, has he boots or runners, is his lady holding a weapon and ready to back him? etc. etc.) The jerks and bad guys think of this stuff and practice, why don't you?
What the police can do is to help you defend yourself if you get in over your head. They can put on the pressure that may take the hit out of the sting. They know who's who and may be able to step in if you are being hunted. They can't act without info but if you are facing death or destruction, they may be able to cool the flames or move a serious player to a back burner.
Variation 3.a. The cops are your enemies.
Just as silly as hoping a cop will save from your own foolishness is thinking that the cops have nothing better to do than dust you off for being alive. Man, they will let the jackals do that. Playing silly bugger with the police, harrassing them for fun and frolics can get you in their scope. If the nasty boys decide that you must go, no cop will do a favor for the one who spends his time giving them trouble. Street enemies are enough, why make enemies of the cops just to show off? Even career criminals don't make it personal with the cops because it is just too dangerous. If you aren't planning an anti-cop lifetime, don't start or you may not be able to quit later.
4. Always back up a buddy, even if he's wrong.
It depends on what you call back up. If he expects you to play his game with him and he wants to rassle aligators then you can say no. Suicide is not in the buddy contract. If he gets jumped then it's different, you fight your way clear together. But if he's knocking down the hornets nest for fun, don't stay unless you think it is fun too.
If he's drunk then try to haul him away before his 'targets' start to pay serious attention. If you can't get him away, then it is your call as to whether you will take a trashing for trying to save his butt or whether you just might be able to is your call and no mere aquaintance has the right to force you to clean up his garbage for him just by calling you brother.
True brothers is different but most steeters are quick to 'brother' you when they are in need but won't be there to back you up. A true brother will not let you growl in the face of the wrong jackal or will take you out himself with less injury to keep the pack off you--sort of like not letting you drive if you are drunk. If he is not a real brother but it is still low key stuff and not costing you any teeth yet then help, but as soon as you can, drop this guy, especially if you carry the bruises from fights he started but couldn't finish. This way you salvage some honor and some teeth.
Sun Tzu wrote in 500 B.C. in China, "The best general is not the one who wins a thousand battles but the one who avoids a thousand battles."
No one has improved on this since. If all you do is fight someone else's battles because he has a big mouth and hides behind his black belt buddy, ain't something wrong?
5. It's a free country, I can do what I want.
Other ways of saying this are: "If you believe in yourself you can go anywhere and do anything," and "trust your feelings and just go with them."
Surprise, guys, (ladies included), your feelings, desires and motivations don't mean a thing to anyone else out there but you. They are not the definition of reality or of right or wrong, and they shouldn't be, either. Who made you God? Sure your feelings are rampant and important and your hormonal desires are a forest fire but if you expect the world to lay at your feet so you can indulge your little self on them then you are so immature as to be a social liability to those of us who are still sane!
Why is it always some manipulative son of a monkey tailed furball who screams at me that he has a right to abuse me because it is a free country? If you are free to start the game by your rules then they are free to finish the game by their own rules and if that means getting you out of their face by sending you on a vacation in the bandage ward then it is your own fault that it will cost your friends so much in flowers, if you have any friends.
Only the utmost immature selfishness is so foolish as to claim that our political and religious freedoms allow someone to act like a jerk without paying the price. Learn now the easy way or later the hard way but if you play in public you had better learn to fulfill your desires in acceptable street ways or someone will pin your ears back and swallow you whole.
Not everyone who beats on you is victimizing you; some just may be trying to get your attention to save you from someone much worse. A sparrow was freezing to death in the snow when a cow shit on him. Amazingly the warm pile brought him back to life and he started to sing and eat the seeds he found. A cat going by heard him and dug him out and ate him. Moral of the story: not everyone who shits on you is an enemy and not everyone who digs you out is a friend. (And also, if living in shit is getting you what you want, don't sing too loud about it, cats are everywhere!)
Another point about this is that feeling right does not mean being right!
Feelings lie to you all the time. Feelings are chemical by-products of life depending on when you ate last, what you ate last, how are you getting along with your lady or at work or being out of work, etc. You use feelings to justify doing what you know you shouldn't do, but if 'feeling like it' makes it right, then anyone is justified to do anything to your scrawny butt they want to. Why should you get to be the only one that can do whatever you want because you feel like it?
Believe this guys and get a grip, don't trust your feelings--use your head and control your feelings and make decisions that will get you where you want to go or someone bigger and nastier has a surprise for you.
Variation 5.a. If you believe in yourself then you can go anywhere and do anything.
This sounds cool if all it means is that you should develope your abilities to your best and go with what you know but it is constantly used to justify the most blatant selfishness you will ever hear.
Take your skinny little butt into a bar and grab the best looking lady in there and just have a reality check on whether your confidence and five of years training will make you superman. Being confident is more than being rude, aggressive and nasty. In fact, most aware people know that nastiness is usually a cover for a lack of confidence and they feel real secure in giving you a lumpy street lesson in politeness.
Just make sure that you are not believing in a fantasy of competence, sometimes called a false sense of security, and are not underestimating your adversary or the victim of your selfishness.
If you want to play hardball then you had better learn how to catch. The Wild West is not the only place that you will always meet a faster gun sooner or later.
6. xxxxxxxxxxxx: are all cowards and can safely be abused.
Fill in the blank from your personal hate list. How about some of these:
Fags, fat people, old guys, longhairs, W.A.S.P.S., blacks, the minority of your choice, shrubs, low-life scum, maggots, rag-heads, yuppies, tree-huggers, jocks, homies, rappers, skates, wannabes, suits or hats or bitches...take your pick.
This is 'go ahead and make my day' time, folks. One steeter to go down under 250 pounds of weightlifter-bouncer started with his hands empty and landed on his back with a knife in his hand working on cutting off the guy's ear. No judgment here on right or wrong, just a mention on how little can get big real fast.
Just because your bigotry doesn't allow you to even think the thought that they might beat you doesn't mean that they can't!
More on warriors later but Variation 6.a What you see is what you get is applicable here.
Don't you believe it. Warriors come in all shapes and sizes because it is the spirit that counts, not the body. Try the same stuff on a Sikh that you get away with on a turban wearer from a different culture and you'll be eating two of your own small, round body parts for h'or d'oeurves.
Warriors also come in disguise.
Just as every outlaw biker isn't necessarily the toughest person when alone, neither is that older gentleman or YOUNG WOMEN always going to be an easy target.
Leave me in Peace,
It's a good time to recall "Project Blue Beam"
The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen space-based, laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to every part of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according to region. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faiths. No area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness. The various saviors will then merge into one after "correct" explanations of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations will have been disclosed. This event will occur at a time of great political and general tumult.
The Blue Beam Project, developed by NASA scientists, consists of 4 parts, 4 steps toward the implementation of the NWO religion with the Antichrist at its head.
First, earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet will result in new archaeological discoveries, revealing that all religions' basic doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted.
Second, a gigantic 'Space Show' with laser projections of multiple 3-dimensional holographic images worldwide, will appear to be the image of God, speaking in all languages.
Third, electronic telepathy involving ELF, VLF, and LF waves will reach people by the inside of their brains, interlacing and interweaving with the natural thinking to form diffused artificial thought and making each one to believe that God is speaking to them from within their own souls.
Fourth, electronic universal "supernatural" manifestation designed to deceive will create the following illusion: make mankind believe an alien invasion is imminent, make Christians believe a rapture is imminent and the aliens have come to rescue them, and convince all that global satanic supernatural forces and manifestations penetrating worldwide - able to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable, electric and phone lines - are everywhere and inescapable.
The star in the Night of Anger (Krodha-ratri)
Tara is regarded as the second object of Hindu transcendental consciousness. Also she is the great goddess of Tibetan Buddhism. Like Kali, she can be viewed as the devouring Star who consumes wicked unbelievers, or as the LIGHT, which leads the good when they are threatened by evil forces.
Like Kali, born of the Great Goddess Devi, she can devour and regenerate the worlds, or show herself as the goddess who consoles and appeases those who hunger.
Like Kali the warrior, she controls the power of the weather, she blesses the physical deprivations of the ascetic, who tries to deny the body in order to become more in touch with the spirit. The power of Tara is so great that she can destroy a whole solar system.
" She is the great void, the STAR from which everything was born and who leads towards the unending cycle of liberation… " (Mahasundari Tantra).
" It is she who deserves to be served by the Great Being (Brahma), the Immanent (Vishnu) and the Transcendent (Maheshvara). It is she who creates, nurtures and destroys the world, maintains the Universe, who removes the fear which is inherent in all existence; she is the supreme energy which can prevent us from being reborn indefinitely. She is the vessel which allows us to cross the Ocean of the world. " (Tantra from the Tararahasya, Kalyana, Shaktianka).
Like Vishnu and Shiva, Tara can appear as a creature of GREAT BEAUTY, who can command the King of kings, who reigns over the vast universe…
Or like a shrew with 4 hands standing on a cadaver, she holds a severed head in one hand, a sword in the second, a blue lotus in the third and in the fourth a begging bowl. Her disheveled red hair has blue venomous snakes twisting around in it. Her red flashing eyes remind us of the flames of hell and Her forehead is decorated with a crown of blanched bones.
She is a terrible vision, which changes fom great beauty to a nightmare full of horror.
Too much is enough. I can no longer keep up with the spam. I read and write for a living and it's gotten to the point where the comments here are equaling everything else I do reading wise combined and the substance is almost imeasureably low - signal to noise. You win, Sabrina collective, you've ruined this outlet for me. I'll continue to read Jeff's posts, but the comments are now more trouble and time than they are worth. Page-Down should never be the first key to wear out.
On a parting note, thanks Star for reinvigorating my belief in the power of words and the magic of language with your last post... it was worth scrolling down to find. Still, these little gems, diamonds in the rough, are not worth the repeated visual abuse of Sabrina and co, thus I must bid this community farewell.
I don't believe in the apocolypse,
I don't believe in the end of time.
I don't belive in the solar eclipse,
I don't believe in valentines.
I don't believe I asked opinions,
I don't belive I stretch the truth.
I am not looking for a bargain,
All I really belive in is you.
I don't believe in everything I read,
I don't belive in promises.
I don't belive in compromisin'
My own beliefs inside my head.
Idon't believe I asked opinion,
I don't believe I stretch the truth.
i am not looking for a bargain,
all I really believe in is you.
-Roshambo by "the Network" (aka greenday)
and this is why slaves...i mean satanists...are boring:
1) can't have a discussion, can only steal what other people have written or said, pretends to know what the hell they are talking about
2)pretends to hate christianity(whch no doubt has its issues) yet acts exactly like an ignorant christian (note: all christians aren't, the satanist just choose to emulate the idiots)
3)jumps to violence when they're own ignorance is pointed out (which is a sure sign of mental deficiency):
"I am duty bound to strike back at you
disrespectful little boy!!!!!!!!!
ONE DAY YOU WILL pay for your loose tongue and someone will show you the time of your life.
You will be left picking your teeth up off the floor.
Remember there is always someone who is bigger and badder toughguy!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
4) never learned that multiple exclamation points are the sure sign of mental idiocy and a "lack o' learn'n"
5)steals ideas from other cultures which they have no understanding of and then meshes them together in a meaningless new-age stew called "spiritual shit"...i mean "spiritual satanism"
listen, these Goddessess are not the same thing, they are very different divinities with very different attributes from very different cultures. To just throw them together with no regard of anything just shows you to be the new-age idiot that you are. Kali would have nothing to do with Isis, and Hectate would never, in a million years, consider Demeter a friend....
and also, thats a very patriarchial misogynistic attitude to act like all the goddesses are the same and that you can just pick and choose cause there's no difference.
wake up, little girl, my guess is you need to learn something of the modern feminist movement before you tackle the Sacred Feminine Divinites...
And in response I will get nothing but veiled threats and a couple of pages more of stolen cut and pastes...pathetic
I should probably just take tsoldrin's lead (but i would so miss sounder and starroute's wonderful essays, oh well)...
"your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent"
For decent church-goin' women,
with their mean, pinched, bitter,
evil faces.
Thanks for heroin addict alcoholic poets with misanthropic daydreams
Thanks for misogynistic junkie creeps that shoot their wife to death accidentally, and never do time for it-thanks!
Thanks for horror nightmare novels of pederasty and child molestation that get acclaim from closeted hipsters!
Thanks to similar junkie horror addict filmakers for putting this on the big screen!
Thanks for no talent wasted intelligence violence junkies who assemble material from wasted archaic cultures to serve themselves- Thanks Bill, you BullLee
Thanks, Proteus;
A resonant line;
Our Gods are dying. Let them go or die with them. Only the servile and selfish will continue to piss on their birthright of creative expression made manifest.
I might change the big G to a little g, otherwise it's fine.
The patient application of observation to experience overcomes the impulse to create artificial excitement in ones life. Focus on the task at hand, finish, and move on to the next task. In my personal life this enables me to do finish work, inside, while the rest of the crew works out in the cold. No body messes with me and I minimize my co-dependent relations. How? By getting the work done. I lack patience, so I practice patience.
Jeff said;
“So what kind of universe is coming to self-awareness, if its experience is shaped, beyond the ego-bound categories of good and evil, as much by our monsters as by our saints?”
The kind of universe that is coming is one where our criteria for understanding is structured in such a way that “wicked’ actors can not so easily co-opt the common understanding towards selfish objectives. This happens when we find criteria that relate dynamically to reality rather than current static models. (This IS that.)
Hey sabrina, maybe some day we will laugh and hang out comfortably, but right now, no; who needs the drama.
A laugh riot of cosmic proportions.
sabrina, thinking she is educating the rest of us.
"Life goes on regardless of what states we worry ourselves into, and all our effort to understand the forces at play does nothing to keep them in check."
Maybe Jeff you should change the sub title of this blog site to...
"What you do know can't hurt them"
I saw the horses that carried the souls of those who thought they were sick and dying ride into the clouds their tails streaming behind them...and as they began to touch the darkness beyond the clouds their tails and manes became as brilliant multicolored fire, with their hoofbeats becoming a deafening roar...then I heard the laughter of the children they had once been rise above the sounds...and they called "look oh brothers and sisters, truely the weight of the illusion is lifted from us"...and the ramuda of lights became so many as to not be countable, streaking across the heavens so brghtly that even the sun could not dim their brightness...
Then I saw the elders sitting in the circles of the world, saying "what must we do to stop the suffering?" and into their circles the Owl flew to rest on the centerpole of the lodge. Many said "It is the Owl, great mystery is upon us", while others said "It is the Owl, disaster is near", and while still others said "It is the Owl, someone will be plucked from the illusion"... Then the Owl spoke, and as he did the smoke in the lodges began to churn and become two, side by side pictures of what was to come. "I am Owl, the watcher of all dreams, and I have a message. Both of these paths are possible, but only one will be chosen"...In the smoke shapes formed events, on one side was the decimation of a planet and its peoples...Wars fought with clubs and sticks and even humans feasting on others as all other food became tainted with the foulness of the wars. Disease and pain were rampant, as was cruelty and suffering...
In the other smoke was a planet of plenty and Spirit where it's peoples created all they needed as easily as thinking it, where creation was honored and life within the illusion was recognized as a step, not a destination. The animals had voices and the people heard and understood their wisdom, and the Spirits of those who had left the illusion gave wisdom to those still within. In this illusion the trappings of time were recognized as simple reminders to live to the fullest, and they held no fear for those there. Again the Owl spoke. "If you would live in the first world, you have only to continue as you are. The prophesied times are upon you, and you have chosen to dream this lesson into your world... But, if you would live in the second world, you have only to rechoose your dream. Once chosen, it will change the path of the prophesies, and your intent in every action will create the new illusion..."
I saw the elders in the circles begin to choose, some in the first direction, others in the other, until all had made the choice, and while I could not understand why any would choose the first, I knew that Creator had a reason for the choice. Then all at once I saw the very fabric of the illusion multiply into two, not as one and a new one, but two old ones that were close together. They merged and the rules of creation changed, where each could manifest their destiny according to their chosen intent, with a single thought...And once again they split into two, the two illusions mirroring the events of the smoke shapes. I stood in a lodge in the second illusion, as I had chosen, with the other elders that had done the same. The Owl slowly looked at us all once more, and flew off... We stepped out of the lodge to see a bright sky full of fiery horses thundering across the sky, and riding all upon them were the Spirits of those who had thought they were sick or dying, each flaming with energy and health so intense, that the sun grew brighter from their energy as they passed...and as we listened above the sound of our own joyous hearts, we could plainly hear their voices sounding like children reborn, as they flew overhead ... and laughed...
This is as I saw it, this is as it was. This is as I, will dream it to be...
- Mitakuye dysasin ... nake nula waun –
No Big Bang? Endless Universe Made Possible by New Model
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A new cosmological model demonstrates the universe can endlessly expand and contract, providing a rival to Big Bang theories and solving a thorny modern physics problem, according to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill physicists.
The cyclic model proposed by Dr. Paul Frampton, Louis J. Rubin Jr. distinguished professor of physics in UNC's College of Arts & Sciences, and co-author Lauris Baum, a UNC graduate student in physics, has four key parts: expansion, turnaround, contraction and bounce.
During expansion, dark energy -- the unknown force causing the universe to expand at an accelerating rate -- pushes and pushes until all matter fragments into patches so far apart that nothing can bridge the gaps. Everything from black holes to atoms disintegrates. This point, just a fraction of a second before the end of time, is the turnaround.
At the turnaround, each fragmented patch collapses and contracts individually instead of pulling back together in a reversal of the Big Bang. The patches become an infinite number of independent universes that contract and then bounce outward again, reinflating in a manner similar to the Big Bang. One patch becomes our universe.
"This cycle happens an infinite number of times, thus eliminating any start or end of time," Frampton said. "There is no Big Bang."
An article describing the model is available on the e-print archive and will appear in an upcoming issue of Physical Review Letters.
Cosmologists first offered an oscillating universe model, with no beginning or end, as a Big Bang alternative in the 1930s. The idea was abandoned because the oscillations could not be reconciled with the rules of physics, including the second law of thermodynamics, Frampton said.
The second law says entropy (a measure of disorder) can't be destroyed. But if entropy increases from one oscillation to the next, the universe becomes larger with each cycle. "The universe would grow like a runaway snowball," Frampton said. Each oscillation will also become successively longer. "Extrapolating backwards in time, this implies that the oscillations before our present one were shorter and shorter. This leads inevitably to a Big Bang," he said.
Frampton and Baum circumvent the Big Bang by postulating that, at the turnaround, any remaining entropy is in patches too remote for interaction. Having each "causal patch" become a separate universe allows each universe to contract essentially empty of matter and entropy. "The presence of any matter creates insuperable difficulties with contraction," Frampton said. "The idea of coming back empty is the most important ingredient of this new cyclic model."
This concept jolted Frampton when it popped into his head last October.
"I suddenly saw there was a new way of solving this seemingly impossible problem," he said. "I was sitting with my feet on my desk, half-asleep and puzzled, and I almost fell out of my chair when I realized there was a much, much simpler possibility."
Also key to Frampton and Baum's model is an assumption about dark energy's equation of state -- the mathematical description of its pressure and density. Frampton and Baum assume dark energy's equation of state is always less than -1. This distinguishes their work from a similar cyclic model proposed in 2002 by physicists Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turok, who assumed the equation of state is never less than -1.
A negative equation of state gives Frampton and Baum a way to stop the universe from blowing itself apart irreversibly, an end physicists call the "Big Rip." The pair found that in their model, the density of dark energy becomes equal to the density of the universe and expansion stops just before the Big Rip.
New satellites currently under construction, such as the European Space Agency's Planck satellite, could gather enough information to determine dark energy's equation of state, Frampton said.
A copy of the paper may be downloaded at
Source: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Oh and forgot to mention "Ground Hog Day" is upon us. One of my favorite movies also.
I second that emotion Tsoldrin.
R.I.P rigint comments board.
All good things come to an end.
I just never expected it to be the effluent of the marilyn manson semen receptacle society.
No wonder you're down JW , I'm being objective when I say this but its all gone to shit!
What has happened to the exchange of ideas,info,knowledge etc........
The paradigm shift for me was when richard and shrub started discussing dental problems and foodstuffs back in 06.
Now we have to endure the worst type of 'fat people fucking ' xatanism.
Dennis Wheatley lives!
I in no way advocate censorship but the downfall of democracy for me is that their is no requirement for an INFORMED opinion.
ps Jesus was a crossmaker.
Sun is Shining
sun is shining, the weather is sweet
make you want to move your dancing feet
to the rescue, here i am
want you to know, y'all, where i stand
(monday morning) here i am
want you to know just if you can
(tuesday evening) where i stand
(wenesday morning)
tell myself a new day is rising
(thursday evening) get on the rise
a new day is dawning
(friday morning) here i am
(saturday evening) want you to know just
want you to know just where i stand
when the morning gathers the rainbow
want you to know i'm a rainbow too
so, to the rescue here i am
want you to know just if you can
where i stand, know, know, know, know, know
we'll lift our heads and give jah praises
we'll lift our heads and give jah praises, yeah
sun is shining, the weather is sweet
make you want to move your dancing feet
to the rescue, here i am
want you to know just if you can
where i stand
(wenesday morning)
tell myself a new day is rising
(thursday evening) get on the rise
a new day is dawning
(friday morning) here i am
(saturday evening) want you to know just
want you to know just where i stand
when the morning gathers the rainbow
want you to know i'm a rainbow too
so to the rescue, here i am
want you to know just if you can
where i stand, know, know, know, know, know
we'll lift our heads and give jah praises (repeat)
sun is shining, the weather is sweet
make you want to move your dancing feet
to the rescue, here i am
want you to know just if you can
where i stand, no, no, no, no, where i stand
sun is shining, sun is shining
- Prophet Bob
"It is a just a matter of mind over matter, I do not mind and you do not matter."
Hail Satan,
Ground Hog Day REDUX
Alea iacta est!
Past Life Amnesia
Many things are fated with one’s being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong people, again at the wrong time, accidents, illnesses, missing something by a day or minute. All of this is the result of a lack of knowledge. Reincarnation is a fact. When we enter a new life we bring ourselves with us. This includes past hang-ups and former conditioning, mistaken beliefs, grief, pain and so forth. When we enter a new existence, we do so under amnesia.
There is information available concerning certain experiments. Many of these have been kept from the public because of their cruel nature, studying the effects of artificially induced amnesia on both animal and human subjects and how it directly affects the feedback circuit in the brain. With self-awareness, one can exercise control, but on the other hand, when the feedback circuit is blocked through amnesia, one is prevented from reforming problem programming in one's mind.
Russian psychologist, Ivan Pavlov conducted a series of experiments on dogs. Most of us are familiar with the theory of conditioning, taught in Psychology 1001. Dogs were given food after a bell was rung. The bell, after several times, caused the dog to salivate (anticipate food), whether or not the food followed. The sound produced hunger in the dog. Two separate stimuli, applied within seconds of each other will create an involuntary response in the brain.
Many of his experiments went beyond the conditioning. He was able to produce nervous breakdowns in dogs and other animals, again, by association. The hungry animal would go for the food and he would apply painful shocks, extremely loud noises, blasts of scorching heat or other stimuli creating a survival verses fear/pain situation. This created neurosis and mental illness in the animals, in the same way the xian church has ruined the mental health of billions by enforcing the abstinence of sexual intercourse and denying other normal and natural needs. Sexuality is equal to the life force; abstinence creates neuroticism. The enemy gods know all about the human mind and how to destroy it.
Another Russian scientist, A R Luria continued Pavlov's experiments, but this time on humans. (The CIA does this as well, although much has been kept from the public). Luria found that humans, being able to remember, were able to resist the programming and restore their minds through rational thought and the application of will. Luria, (along with the CIA in later years) induced amnesia in his subjects through electric shock treatments, and drug induced trance states where 99.9% of humanity can be hypnotized and reprogrammed.
Electric Shock treatment (EST) has been used to treat and control mental illness. EST causes retrograde amnesia. Memories are destroyed, corresponding with the intensity and frequency of the shocks. With high level EST, one is unable to remember one's name, identity or past. The subject becomes extremely clam and focused in the present. The 1975 movie, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is a good example of the effects of EST especially in the ending where the character, portrayed by Jack Nicholson, was shocked into irreversible brain damage with no memory of his identity or past.
Disturbing thoughts and false memories can be implanted in subjects' minds by the operator's regressing the subjects into early childhood or infancy. At this stage, the mind becomes defenseless and helpless. The operator is perceived as and assumes the role of a parent figure. A prime example of this was where false memories were implanted by an xian psychiatrist in the subject of the book "Michelle Remembers."
Inducing neuroticism usually, though not always, requires the operator to regress the subject and implant false memories, such as the rape of the child by a parent. One hundred percent of the time, amnesia must be suggested to the subject so the subject will have no recall of the session or implanted suggestions. Reprehensible false memories, fears, and all kinds of psychological problems can be implanted by suggestion in the subject’s mind such as the murdering a loved one, irrational fears, shame, and guilt.
Amnesia prevents the subject from understanding the hang-ups and dealing with them. The subconscious mind retains them and acts on them. The subject is unaware of them, other than having strange, irrational feelings, unexplained neuroses, and abnormal behavior. Regardless, the problems are still there and affect the subject's future behavior. This is what happens when we experience amnesia concerning past lives. We have more experiences than we know hanging around in our subconscious minds and affecting us in this lifetime. We don't understand why bad things happen and we are powerless in many cases to prevent or stop them.
The movie, Hannibal, is an example of what can be done to someone in a drug induced trance state, where psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter offered Mason Verger a popper (amyl nitrate), and suggested to him to peel off his face. In this fictitious case, there was no amnesia.
We can begin to really know ourselves and take better control of our lives, by accessing past lives through self-hypnosis, learning, and understanding as much about them as we are able to. We all should take the time to enter our own trance states and explore our own minds, childhood memories, and past lives. Because of the curse of amnesia and the lack of knowledge, there is so-called "karma." Karma can only be overcome and defeated with knowledge. Knowledge is the key to everything. Knowing everything about ourselves, past lives and so forth will set us free.
Secret, Don't Tell : The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery © 1998
Damnant, quod non intellegunt. (People) condemn what they do not understand.
Yes, yes yes!
More people need to hear this message.
I found it written on a dollar bill once...
Jeff Wells is coming across like any other website operator who ignores the constructive criticism of the sincere while allowing the trolls and disinfo agents to get away with whatever crap they want to post. How is anyone supposed to post a meaningful comment when this is taking place? How long is one supposed to ignore the warning signs that the forum operator might be a paid actor?
Whoever these people are, it is true that they steal others' writings. Where are the links? More important, why does Jeff Wells allow this to continue?
Why should I think you are for real Jeff Wells? Why do you ignore the few left who actually do their own writing and none of it is some type of cryptic mind game?
The thing about the Wizard of Oz was that when the curtain was finally pulled back on the evil operator, there was actually nothing to be afraid about. It was all a scam.
So Jeff Wells thinks it's wrong to think that anybody posting might be a disinformation agent. Fine. Yet, your inability or refusal to clean things up makes one wonder about what you (they?) are really trying to accomplish with your blog and forum. Would it be that difficult to have someone moderate this blog comment section and start deleting and banning this crap?
You commented that you couldn't even get to the last 100 comments on the previous thread. It's because the spammer/disinfo jammed the pages, and here they seem to be at it again. When are you going to address this? Are you?
If you are legit, then this must be what is bugging you. Maybe you figure if you ban the trolls/disinfo spam, they will just come back through proxies. But you simply ignore it and let it fester. One might think that this place is all about making people feel that nothing can ever be figured out, that we all need to be prepared for waking up screaming more often.
I think people like myself are more likely to be banned than the disinfo/spammer trolls. All indications are that you are just another wizard of oz, with one image on the surface with the reality being something quite different.
What did you write a few blogposts back, that your mother once saw some half creature/half human form outside the window? Wasn't it presented as if it really happened, and that it was unexplainable?
The more you let this section and your forum deteriorate, things like what you say your mother witnesses and other things make one wonder who the frick you really are, of what you really are tring to accomplish.
I'm starting to think Fintan Dunne was correct about internet fakes. Unfortunately, he also appears to be a strawman for such a profound and disturbing realisation, that the internet is overrun by disinfo and mass psychological operations.
Maybe the thread running through all this misdirection and conditioning is all about the more you know, the more danger you are in, so just move along, nothing to see here, or if need be, go check out Rense or any of the other "truth" websites for entertainment purposes only.
You there Jeff Wells? Are you going to atleast tell these "satanists" and any other spammers that this is not proper posting, and that if they want to stay here, that this has to stop? How long are people supposed to wait until like some above decide that there really isn't much of value to be attained by visiting your websites? Or is that the plan? Are real people with real questions and comments the ones who are not wanted on the internets? You are the decider, this is on you.
(I apologize for the length of this)
your whole "enki as satan" thing had been tickling my memory for a while now, as well as some of the loooong and uncalled for cut'n'pastes...just something in my past that I could not put my finger on...
it finally hit me...
you guys are cribbing from the Joy of Satan ministries (yeah, i mentioned that before, but didn't realize what i had stumbled across).
About 7-8 years ago when i was actively researching the occult I got into satanism, from lavey to theistic, and came across a bunch of xeroxes from the Joy of Satan. They were everything I have been describing in my comments, basically an idiotic mishmash of new-age bs. I just ignored 'em outright as there were other, philosophically sound, branches of satanism (no, really).
Then the news reports slowly trickled in over a the years. Ya see, the other satanists where getting annoyed that this Joy of Satan bs were tying themselves to a bunch of neo-nazi groups. It came out that the founder of Joy of Satan, Maxine Dietrich (real name: Andrea Herrington), is married to Cliff Herrington, founder of the National Socialist Movement.
It was (or is) dogma of JoS that the jews are of a separate reptialian race that are traitors to
humanity and...well, a buch of other anti-semtic shit I can't really remember off the top of my head. Something about when satan returns the first thing he will do is wipe out the jews...slimy shit.
Maxine would also routinely accuse people inside and outside of the joy of Satan of being "dirty jews", etc.
Here's an anti-hate site discussing the National Socialist stuff (scroll down to the very bottom to see the NSM ties to Joy of Satan):
It turned out that Joy of Satan wasn't even welcome in the Neo-nazi movement, once the association between JoS and NSM came out, both satanists and neo-nazi's started blacklisting the Herringtons' groups.
Thats pretty bad when both satanists and hate-groups dislike your company...
for everyone else's information,
JoS is apparently a cultish satanist (in addtion to the racist) group that is set up to make maxine money in "donations." Most of the members seem to be teenagers rebelling against mommy's religion. Here's a website set up by an ex-member who was a high-priest in the organization:
Here are some quotes about the JoS from an satanic discussion forum:
I have one word: bullshit. Why are we even bothering to give such an in-depth examination to this bunch of misguided jokers? I put them in line with the Heaven's Gate cult or the followers of Charlie Manson. Just wackos looking for a place to fit in.
I used to be a member of this cult, I was stupid to say the least. Once I found out this was a nazi cult I quit though. After that I dropped satanism all together. Reciently though ive gotten back into the LaVey stuff.
virginmarydildo (great fucking name):
had thought that the Joy of Satan was a joke. Something put out there by a christian trying to discredit satanists. Are there really people out there who believe it? That is more absurd than the christian bible.
According to this High Priest Dann, he joined when he was 15, and wasted 3 years of his life with the group... so he was 18 when he left. How can a group ran by kids be taken seriously? Yes, I know Maxine is an adult...
and finally RaveCorell:
At JoS one of the names they use for Satan is Enki...a supposed ancient Sumarian god, who also just happens to be an alien...but what really captured my attention was the familiar style of the writing and the terminology in general. I would be willing to bet that it was Maxine Dietrich herself. I have read most , if not all of writings, more than once, and it just seemed way too familiar. In fact a lot of what was posted seemed like it was right off the pages of her website. In the group they close their posts a lot with " Hail Enki ".
from the forum, topic titled Satanism, Aliens & the Joy of Satan
so sabrina, please tell me, do you believe all this bs about the jews...are you a neo-nazi...cause i'm sure the intelligent folk here would like to know whether you are a racist or not...
And if you were truly suckered and had no idea, please check out Diane Vera, she actually makes sense and doesn't make up shit about other religions and intelligent Satanist, if you will:
And if you are a racist fuck then just leave, we don't want none....
Again, to everyone, I am sorry this is so long...
"your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent"
You are an ASSHOLE,DISFAGO!!!!!!!!!
So deep, deep as the sky is high
In my sleep your song has spun my dreams
Darker than the night
Wider than the sea
Oh, Sabrina, wild and free
Oh, Sabrina, sing for me
Each breath of wind shall shape your form
Who would guess your life would rise and fall
How I fear your power
How I miss you now
Oh, Sabrina, wild and free
Oh, Sabrina, sing for me
You want it so bad you can taste it.
I go to lots of site to gather INFO.
Satan hates THREE THINGS!!!!
What they are?
You know WHAT?
They say the Illuminati are also with Satan/Lucifer too.
We are on the OFFENSIVE NOW according to our PLAN, because 2012 comes TOMORROW.
Lick your blood off their KNIVES.
Hail Satan
Jeff, the fact that you are wondering whether it is better not to know about things is a bad sign.
I wrote this a couple of years ago:
Here’s an idea. What if EEQT or Event-Enhanced Quantum Theory is true? Under this theory the observer “crystalizes” or, more accurately collapses various alternate, potential realites as in standard quantum theory. EEQT incorporates chaos and non-linear dynamics by proposing that the more accurate the observer’s view of the situation, the higher level of order the resulting collapsing. Conversely, the less accurate the observer’s view is the more disorder in the resulting reality. That is why facing the truth about our own reality may be more important than we realize.
Pathetic, just pathetic...
from now on your name shall be:
And yes, thAt is a magickal siGil the gods of ChaOs have empoWered...good're gonna NeeD it...
Don't fuck with a Chaote....
"your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent"
It's coming down fast, motherfuckers!!!
The humans finally led to slaughter,
Your blood will flow like water,
It will be the worst HELL on earth.
You will learn the meaning of ultra-violence!!!!
Your world will be destroyed,
so have a NICE RIDE!!!!!!
on the warpath,
"why does Jeff Wells allow this to continue?"
I can't babysit here. Apart from word verification to prevent spam I can't block anyone from posting a comment, and if I spent my energies trying to clean up the comments field I wouldn't have time for anything else. And I already don't.
"Why should I think you are for real Jeff Wells?"
I don't know. Why should I?
And I'm done...
I'm with the others, I can't waste my time here anymore wading through shit and making fun of racist satanists (who are just.fuckin.pathetic),
until jeff cleans these comments up i'm gonna have to miss the insightful essays.
have fun people...
"your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent"
Dissy, i know you have not gotten laid in years and all this sex talk just kills you!!!
Go play with your magic stick then,Practice because you are a dummy and unenlightened your
chaote, coyote.
I know the pressure must be unbearable.
no offense to you, jeff, if there's nothing you can do about the comments so be it, your life is more important than a comment thread, i'm just not wading in anymore...
just keep up the the fascinating blog posts and I'll surely check them out...
Be Good,
"your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent"
Censorship & STUPIDITY??
They walk together hand in hand I hear.
What is up with THAT,
he started a game and
now he wants to boss us around too.
As most of you know, I have been fighting against xianity and the enemies of Satan.
Lately, I have been working to organize our dedicated people to fight the enemy right back using spiritual warfare.
Within the past two weeks, we were attacked both psychically and in the material world.
High Priest Dann left us and turned against the JoS.
This is his decision.
He has now been attacking me, as all of our enemies have, as I am the founder of the JoS.
One by one, they have worked to turn the other clergy against me.
One of our High Priests was well aware of the psychic attacks telling him to leave and another has been harassed with e-mails full of attacks and hatred against me.
I could pull up a bunch of old e-mails as I started to and post them in reply to HP Dann's attacks on me.
I refuse to waste my time with this gossiping and fighting.
It serves no purpose and is nothing more than a distraction when every dedicated Satanist should be fighting the *real* enemy.
Everything I have said has been twisted and perverted along with outright lies.
People are free to judge for themselves and to believe what they want to about me.
I don't really care.
It appears when I posted the Spiritual Warfare section, the enemy came unglued.
The meditational program for this was met with even more opposition. There is no more holding back on any knowledge. I intend to finish the meditational program section. Whatever happens to the e-groups, this is in the hands of Satan.
I am speaking to those of you who know the truth about the enemy and are dedicated.
People have twisted things I have said.
I am not the one who tells others what to think or believe.
I state my own experiences, take them or leave them.
The recent attacks are concerning my promotion of "pseudo-history" where "99%" of my website is supposed to be bogus.
Remember, the history books were written by the winners of all of the wars.
I have always looked for alternative answers when faced with lies. The secular history books are chock full of discrepancies and doubletalk.
I am historically literate.
For my enemies to devote entire websites that are extensive and require hours and days of work to slandering me and trying to destroy the Joy of Satan, this says I must be making some waves.
These people are out to ruin me and my credibility any way they can.
Obviously, I am a threat.
Come what may, whether the groups continue on or whatever comes, don't let the enemy distract you away from the spiritual warfare issues at hand.
They distract you, Wasting time on Petty Gossip and Disruption, in the end, regardless of what our certain beliefs are or are not, we, as Satanists will *all* pay the ultimate price.
There are some who soft soap this and lie to themselves, but we are all in this for real.
People who think the enemy is without power have their heads up their asses.
For all that has happened, Satan will handle this in his own way.
I have total faith in him and trust in him. HP Dann worked with me for several years and regardless of what he says against me, I am not going to play this game as I know nothing would please the enemy more.
In closing, I am very against fasting. Fasting has been used by various cults and the xian churches for centuries to break the mind and will. Fasting also weakens the aura and opens one for psychic attack. The body also needs protein. In addition to weakening the aura and mind, prolonged fasting can cause a fatal drop in blood sugar for certain people which can result in a coma and death. Reaching altered states and opening one's mind for psychic communication can be achieved through power meditation. Fasting and vegetarianism are not needed. As for vegetarianism, a B-12 deficiency can result in addition to other health problems. I am not telling anyone what to do here as my enemies would like to twist this. I am merely stating my opinion and knowledge concerning something HP Dann has been advocating in the groups. Fasting also lowers one's metabolism to where the body grabs any calories it can as it senses starvation mode, when eating is resumed and for people trying to lose weight, the weight loss from fasting is in the short term.
As for those of you who so vehemently *hate* me and the JoS?
So many of my enemies have stolen my teachings and material, yet they say I am a "liar" and have false teachings.
Yet, most of the meditations and other information on this website finds its way to the websites of those who hate me the most, to have it rephrased and reworded.
As for those who go on about *hate,* they should look at their own hatred.
They are nothing but a bunch of fucking hypocrites!
-High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
and her helper sabrina
Jeff hit a nerve with this post and came to the central issue we face. We do live in a transition time where we have to open up to our true nature. Ego and its realm no longer functions. Time to see that so many great souls have been pointing to--time to give up the fictional self--it was useful and interesting, a fun ride but its time to get real now. For anyone reading this who takes Jeff's researches to heart you must understand that you'll either grow numb or be fueled by delusions (I've seen it happen) or look desperately to fill the pain with whatever escapists habits you have. As far as I can see we need to cultivate spiritual practices whose purpose is to bring you into the eternal now. That is the source of strength in the face of the gathering storm. If you read this Jeff then I hope you have some contact with a very deep practice.
It is clear you feel strongly about your beliefs, but you must understand: long quotes in these comment boxes are hard to read and really disrupt the conversations.
Also, you don't really need to reply to every single offensive comment. This is the internet, you need thicker skin.
Maybe you could start a blog of your own where you could post long quotes, and if they are relevant to the conversation, point to them with a discreet link?
This commenting style you have been using makes it very difficult to read.
This thing called "sabrina" will be the death of Jeff's blog...
Jeff said...
"why does Jeff Wells allow this to continue?"
I can't babysit here. Apart from word verification to prevent spam I can't block anyone from posting a comment, and if I spent my energies trying to clean up the comments field I wouldn't have time for anything else. And I already don't.
"Why should I think you are for real Jeff Wells?"
I don't know. Why should I?
Thanks for the response. What you should do is shut down the comments on this blog. People including myself do like to read what you come up with. Since you also have a forum, your essays could be cross-posted at your forum where if people wanted to comment, they would have to register and deal with other members' bs detectors along with moderators who could easily put a stop to this nonsense. (I recently signed up for your forum but am still waiting to be activated.) I agree that it is impossible to babysit trolls and spammers on this page. That is why you should shut down the coments here and move such comments to the forum. You could also consider putting a word limit on the posts here. Perhaps there is also a program where people wouldn't be able to make more than perhaps 5 posts on any given blogpost. I'm sure there are tons of people out here in the blogosphere willing to help you with the technical aspects of implementing the advice I have offered.
As to why you should believe in yourself, that was a strange comment to make. I'll just say what Cher said in that movie Moonstruck--- Snap Out of It!
Hey fake satanists, Jeff Wells in these comments about babysitting pretty much shows that he agrees that you are nutjobs.
And thanks "friendly disinfo agent" for getting to the bottom of this money making cult scam.
The truth is 99% of internet people do not go to blogs and forums to read cut and pastes, especially the strange ones. Most of us know how to use search engines and how to click on links. Personally, I like forums and comment sections when I am able to read and interact with people's own personal ideas about things.
I do not know whether these "satanists" are disinfo agents or from a money making scam, but I do think that there comes a point when the scroll button just isn't enough. That is the point where this page has arrived.
First off, to Tsoldrin & the many others disheartened by the invasion of the dark lord's alleged minions (sabrina & co.): don't give up so quickly. If the kind of discussion you enjoy can be stifled so easily, without even recourse to heavy-handed measures like taking down blogs & websites, but merely by flooding the comment fields with noxious spam, then what does that say about our psychic stamina, the very thing that starroute points to in her delicious essay?
The task at hand is difficult and daunting--we know that--but what choice do we have? I don't mean to suggest that there aren't other venues where the good fight can be fought; the point is that it's just when Jeff's efforts and those of this community are just gaining that necessary momentum when...suddenly, suspiciously even, the murky waters begin to rise, driving away the schools of thought-fish to "safer" pools. Will the new sanctuary be proof against this happening again? Of course not.
The solution is very simple. On the boards, Jeff has already expanded the moderator staff (not without some grumbling, of course, but it works.) We could clean up our pool far more easily than we can clean up the mess in the bigger world, right? If not, then why do we even talk about the larger struggle? The rules of decorum are self-evident: no "fuck yous," no five-page, irrelevant, unattributed cut & pastes. (We could even set up a cutting room floor page with a very basic template hack so that anyone interested in what "sabrina" wasn't allowed to regurgitate could go and see for themselves.) Any one of us could do this job--three or four could keep it clean in real time.
Now, back to the heart of the matter. Starroute, you're as right as rain about the cyclical nature of our awareness & retrenchment (and about the need to finally face the dragon), but there's something you left out in those cycles. Not everything is lost when the walls come tumbling down. The fact that we know and recognize those intimations of greater things that flowered briefly in the past (the 1600s, the 1920s, and many more besides) indicates that Mr. Sheldrake is correct when he says that this kind of growth is cumulative, even when spread out over many successive, cyclic waves!
I'm going to leave you with a longish quote that ties this together somewhat, I hope, from an excellent, excellent source, The Moral Basis of the Life of the Earth, from THE FINAL EMPIRE: THE COLLAPSE OF CIVILIZATION AND THE SEED OF THE FUTURE, by Wm. H. Kötke:
The control of the public definition of reality- what humans are, what nature is, even the definition of life itself- is not just a matter of scientific dialogue, it is an item of central importance to the power of empire itself. If the context of reality in the public mind is narrowed to a chemical reaction, people will more willingly march in lock step than if they were to realize the mystery, awe and immensity of reality. If the public is conditioned to believe that humans are with original sin, have an African primate genesis that is vicious and brutal, they will be more willing to agree to a military/police state. It will be just "common sense" to them that humans are so brutal that they can only be controlled by strong governmental force. If the public were to understand that each of us is a conscious being living within other conscious beings, such as Gaia, the whole life of the earth, the purpose of public life would change. This would threaten the status of the scientific/military/industrial elites who now control and profit from the production of material goods and the control of money.
Materialist science, is a cult. It is a mass social institution and also a method of knowing. It continues the split between Being and Doing and between body and mind. When we look at Natural cultures we see great attention to Being- in relationship to the world. When we look at the scientific ideology we see great attention devoted to abstracted Doing, with little attention paid to our inherent being...
I can't recommend this e-book highly enough; it collates many of the topics we visit into a compendium of hope and a blueprint for change. I'd also like to reiterate my statement on this forum: RI has not outlived its usefulness, and Edna St. Vincent Millay can explain why:
"Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour,
Rains from the sky a meteoric shower
Of facts...they lie unquestioned, uncombined.
Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill
Is daily spun, but there exists no loom
To weave it into fabric..."
Jeff and the rest of you loonies are that loom--don't give up now, just when we need you most!
Facing the facts.
JoS, UNLIKE some other well-known organizations has a free and open membership to EVERYONE.
No Dues or fees, this is total nonsense.
There is no formal membership in the JoS.
The jews in particular are now screaming that I am "teaching kids to hate" and to "masturbate and use sex magick" and have relations with Demons.
As for the "hate" - how many Middle Eastern children right now HATE the jewish people?
Nearly all of the Arab world and many others around the globe ABHOR the jews.
Reality check people, just watch the news.
As for what I write, I only state information.
I can't put into words the extent of the corruption of the Vatican (the ORIGINAL xian church), and their jewish masters - the entire xian HOAX, regardless of sect. Meanwhile, you have deluded Satanists back at square one who actually believe in spooks and "yaweh" vs. Satan and the nazarene and the entire CHRISTIAN concept of "The Devil" and "Hell" and the whole jewish invented tale to remove spiritual knowledge and power form the Gentiles, while their jewish YHVH and nazarene act as the MIND POLICE for ULTIMATE CONTROL upon an ignorant populace.
I have seen and read stacks of books devoted to a so-called "wild goose chase" trying to make sense of nonsense and explain things the authors have been so heavily programmed into believing are real. Knowledge from Satan, when we are ready, transcends all of this.
As for using one's sexual powers- here the opposition smacks of xianity again.
Of course it is the also the jews who are screaming as they are the root of xianity, simple enough.
First off, abstinence DOES NOT WORK AND IS NOT HEALTHY, EITHER PSYCHOLOGICALLY OR PHYSICALLY! With sex magick, there are no breaking any laws, contracting STD's or unwanted pregnancies. We can all see how the they twist this.
They always make sex to be dirty- off- limits and so forth.
Using kids and children has been their major tactic against their enemies. Satanists have long suffered because of this bullshit. Child sacrifices, infant sacrifices, child sexual abuses and so forth. I think people should be aware of the REAL abusers.
Donations have gone for books and study materials. My enemies have attacked me for not “opening a Satanic temple.” As for opening a temple, the insurance alone would be sky-high and of course, it would either be completely vandalized and/or burnt to the ground in short order and of course, being local, only a few could ever attend. There you go- money down the drain. Of course, that is what the they would like.
Also if someone chooses to help others better understand and thereby decide for themselves, that is not wrong.
HP Maxine
& sabrina
One of the [ironically] self-proclaimed "disinfo agents" wrote:
"Of course you're down, Jeff. You spend all your time imagining that some shadowy pederast elite controls all we do and think. And then you look at your comments and see the worst collection of reactionary-Satanist-anti-Jewish simians on the web. (Of course, when you link to the likes of xymphora, well, maybe you have yourself to blame for that one.) Amazing to me that the IC-Oarwell-Shrubageddon-Richard cabal has yet to pipe up on this post. Guess they had to attend to family and retards and utopias and such.
Perhaps the ruling elite is not as well-planned as you think it is. Perhaps things are a bit more random than you could ever imagine. Perhaps you need to spend more time thinking about the positive (gasp!) aspects of creation. Perhaps you need to entertain the possibility that not every elite is a slimy little pederast just waiting for the right opportunity to fuck your daughter. Perhaps you need to look at the sun rising over your Toronto home and think there's so much good in the world. But, of course...I'm just a disinfo agent."
Too bad you had to bring up the "usual bunch of suspects" because now they've almost all surfaced since you summoned them. I guess Shrub is still jacking off in a corner over one of the fat old tranny man Scabrina's latest posts.
The "original" disinfo agent then wrote: "[J]eff, if there's nothing you can do about the comments so be it, your life is more important than a comment thread, i'm just not wading in anymore..."
Cuttlefish then makes this plea:
"First off, to Tsoldrin & the many others disheartened by the invasion of the dark lord's alleged minions (sabrina & co.): don't give up so quickly. If the kind of discussion you enjoy can be stifled so easily, without even recourse to heavy-handed measures like taking down blogs & websites, but merely by flooding the comment fields with noxious spam, then what does that say about our psychic stamina, the very thing that starroute points to in her delicious essay?
The task at hand is difficult and daunting--we know that--but what choice do we have?"
"Jeff and the rest of you loonies are that loom--don't give up now, just when we need you most!"
Well, I for one, say to my fellow "disinfo" comrades, who are probably among the least agenda-ed folks heretofore posting here: Right the fuck on!
To I.C. and the rest of the usual bunch of idiots: Enjoy your time "woven into the loom" of another fool's design.
If you have ever read any of the juvenile tripe that passes for humour, no less political commentary, at Frank Magazine, you would have already sussed that it is itself a defamatory anti-brown skinned, anti-arab, anti-muslim, anti-black skinned, anti-people of colour RAG, no doubt a tool of the same Zionist and WASP money people to whom Jeff so disingenously feigns to be opposed.
What a sorry farce indeed.
And now an avowedly satanic, Nazi, S&M farce at that.
Such a loom I do not need.
Nor want to be woven into.
It is nothing but a trap.
An illuminati-bred sink hole for the "useless feeders."
A dump for dumbasses.
A scat hole.
An oubliette.
This blog is your world, O loonies!
And welcome to it.
Gatay, gatay. Paragatay. Parasamgatay.
Bodhi. Svaha.
Master Of Puppet your new name is so cute!!
I am a tri-sexual slaveboy, I will try anything!
"No other people has ever been so conscious of ultimate primacy through supernatural intervention.
This has given them cohesion and courage to persevere in the face of persecution and decimation.
The conviction that every jew will
one day share in his divine destiny as a member of the world's ruling race has made him proud and has enabled him to survive unassimilated among the nations of the earth."
"Included in the promised inheritance was a deliverer or messiah to bring about "the kingdom."
This messiah would be either a temporal, human leader who with his armies would overthrow the enemies of Israel, or a supernatrual being who would do likewise, establishing an "everlasting" Jewish kingdom as well."
"The Jewish imperialism would thus come as the awaited deliverer destroyed the enemies and gave their booty to Israel.
As Larson says 'This Messiah shall bring judgement upon the Gentiles and they shall become the slaves of Judah..."
The above two paragraphs were excerpts taken from The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S. © 1999 taken from pages 325 and 326
Live by the Sword or
Die like a slave,
To masturbator of puppets:
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Occult knowledge can be used by anyone for any purpose.
Any fool can readily see the above is not of Satan, nor does it have anything to do with him and these so called “occult groups” are infiltrated from top to bottom by Catholic Jesuits and others who wish to delude those who might be Luciferian or Pagan and keep them under their control.
This can be seen with their judeo/xian occult symbols, Jehova/YHVH “god” names and angels.
It is much easier for people to blame Satan than it is for them to realize they have been deceived by their own “god” and their own beliefs.
Satan has been conveniently used both as a distraction and as a scapegoat for centuries by the xian churches.
Just blame everything on Satan, preach to the world that they are “good” “humanitarian” and above all “God.”
A lie repeated and enforced often enough will eventually be believed, no matter how ludicrous it is.
Trillions and trillions of dollars have been channeled into promoting this lie publicly, while their top religious leaders clandestinely work to enslave the world as they have in the past through their root, the Catholic Church.
The Protestants no different with their Salem Witch Trial murders and compulsory church attendance in Colonial America.
The names and the faces change, but it is still the same agenda with the same people.
Mao marched on Tibet, murdering and torturing native Tibetans en masse. The Chinese Army, under orders from Mao traversed steep mountains and dangerous terrain for the primary purpose of destroying ancient knowledge, regardless of what the history books claim.
The Tibetan monasteries, because of the surrounding Himalayan Mountains, have been secluded from the rest of the world and as a result were able to keep ancient knowledge out of the control of the destructive xians.
Anyone who has any serious knowledge or spiritual power is a threat to the state.
Slaves must neither possess knowledge nor have access to occult power.
Knowledge and power are kept in the hands of the controlling few.
Of course, Billy Graham’s “East Gate Ministries” was permitted to flood China with bibles; a project that totaled in the millions of dollars- all tax-exempt.
The concept of world domination by a select group who rule with an iron fist and use mass murder and terror to achieve their ends is spelled out through the entire judeo/xian bible.
a thin line between love and hate,
With these petty fools who have been harassing us, don’t bother.
Never allow anything to distract you from the main enemy.
Go for the root.
There will never be peace in the Middle East as long as the bandit state of Israel exists!
They are the thought police.
They are the ones who work against Satan and try to convince us “goyim” that the powers of the mind and soul do not exist.
Because of their total and complete emphasis on materialism, WE ALL HAVE TO PAY OUT THE ASS!!
Nearly everyone is a slave to the almighty dollar, which is in the hands of the jews.
They know what they are doing and have been doing for centuries.
Spiritual knowledge was systematically destroyed, twisted, and corrupted to FINANCIALLY ENSLAVE US ALL.
Because of the removal of this knowledge, anyone who has any ailments or afflictions must pay to the jewish run medical profession. Those of you who have dealt with this, know the astronomical costs and vicious USURY!
The jews themselves have a network they call the “Sanhedrin” where a brother jew will help another brother jew, for example, student loans that are owed, are clandestinely deleted from a network by key individuals and so forth.
Us Gentiles take up the burden and have to pay out the ass.
They have connections all over the place.
They run the legal system and make the laws so complex and complicated and COSTLY- MORE USURY, as the spiritual knowledge that would make crime and injustice impossible was systematically removed. THEY PROFIT ON YOUR MISERY!
Oh, yes, they fear me. Many claim to be Satanists, but are actively working against Satan and doing everything they can to create disunity. They openly ridicule the gifts Father Satan has given us through meditation and knowledge and try to convince the public these are not real. KNOW THEM BY THEIR WORKS!
As for that bible of theirs that DICTATES to the Gentile people how we are supposed to live- EVERYTHING WAS STOLEN FROM OUR GODS AND OUR PEOPLES AND SHIT ON, CORRUPTED AND THEN TURNED AGAINST US.
By turning everything into total materialism, the jew has profited.
the truth hurts,
The true meaning is the "Temple of the Sun" which is the human body.
The uncapped pyramid on the US one dollar bill is the unfinished work.
This was what our Founding Fathers intended.
"The Sun is the center of all things, it is called 'the lamp' 'the spirit' and 'the ruler of the universe.'
"For Hermes Trismegistus," (Thoth) "it is the 'invisible god."
"It is the all-seeing."
This is the meaning of the all-seeing eye atop the separated cap of the pyramid.
Those crazy xians ranting and raving have all of this wrong.
On the front to the left of Freemason George Washington, are a balance and a key- both Egyptian symbols for the great work.
I hear people time and again stating how they would like a Satanic government.
The USA was it.
Most of you know Benjamin Franklin was a Satanist.
Our Founding Fathers were nearly all Freemasons and true Freemasonry before it was infiltrated was Luciferian, with Satanic principles.
The more you know about alchemy and the meaning of the symbols, a whole new world opens up.
The three knots of the chakras and the three serpents of energy- the Ida, the pingala and the sushumna all meet at the third eye; there are other threes, were the basis for the three branches of US Government.
That xian "trinity" was STOLEN and corrupted into more fictitious jewish characters for gentiles to slavishly worship to the tune of trillions and trillions of dollars.
Needless to say, Israel and cohorts have SHIT upon the US Constitution and have made this country of which is under the power of Astaroth (the real Lady Liberty) a hated nation among all countries of the world.
Thomas Jefferson said:
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
The Federal Reserve Bank only creates the Principal - not the usury or interest that it lends to the U.S. government. Therefore the usury can NEVER be repaid and the end result is foreclosure and bankruptcy.
Federal Reserve Founder John D., said:
"Among the early experiences that were helpful to me that
I recollect with pleasure was one in working a few days for
a neighbour in digging potatoes—a very enterprising, thrifty
farmer, who could dig a great many potatoes. I was a boy of
perhaps thirteen or fourteen years of age, and It kept me very
busy from morning until night. It was a ten-hour day. And
as I was saving these little sums I soon learned that I could
get as much interest for fifty dollars loaned at seven per cent. — the legal rate in the state of New York at that time for a year—as I could earn by digging potatoes for 100 days. The impression was gaining ground with me that it was a good thing to let the money be my slave and not make myself a slave to money" (Ida Tarbell, History of the Standard Oil Co., p.41).
Maier Amschel Rothschild said:
"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writes its laws"
Puppet Master of the Disinfo Agents,
Please tarry yet a while, that my ignorance might be diminished. I'm vastly puzzled by your latest holy writ. On the one hand you seem to complain that this board is overrun with cretins and is worse than worthless, fooling fools into thinking they can accomplish anything at all, while on the other you seem to suggest that you have better places to go, where like-minded saints might convene in sacred congress for the betterment of Life. Where, Master, is it safe to talk?
If nowhere is safe, then the gig is up because there's nothing we can do. If, on the other hand, the internet has any promise whatsoever of providing communication links between the divided, then it doesn't really matter what the controllers do to subvert the conduits (short of shutting them down) because the truth will always outshine the BS (belief system/bull shit/boring screeds).
I could link twenty or thirty groups similar to Jeff's denizens here, some much larger, like all the folks at Global Mindshift, who have to face the same perils. Of course there's a war on information and the discussion of it; Lord Rumsfeld told us of it so long ago. Would you prefer we not engage, or do you advocate only secret discussions between highly enlightened individuals such as yourself, a sort of elitist spiritual intelligensia, while the rest of the "fools, idiots, useless feeders, dumbasses" and what was that last one? Oh, yeah pieces of shit (those who belong in "A scat hole").
Do you really feel so justified in your superiority that other humans are pieces of shit compared to you? What was that refined religious sensibility to which you subscribe, anyway? What do you guys do with the inferior humans by whom you're surrounded? Good thing you're so much more enlightened than those Zionist/WASP money people/satanic/ Nazi/S&M groups you so righteously oppose.
Tell you what, O Tathagata, instead of wasting your time telling us what pieces of shit we are, why don't you do something constructive, like share your unbounded illumination--the world according to you--so that we might better emulate your grace & splendor? One day, after countless annihilations and reincarnations, we might even ascend to your level and join you in the celestial circles you frequent.
Be a boddhisattva, help your fellow man out (despite our miserable shortcomings.)
How true were my words when I said this site reminds me of the Pink Floyd lyrics in reverse, "told how to feel bad....then told to feel good?"
I must admnit that this place makes me laugh so hard I cry and piss myself. It's one wild-ass don't need to smoke, snort, or drop a substance, because RI is Eddie Money's New Drug.
By the way, we told our 8 year old daughter last fall that there was no Santa Claus. She was very upset, at first, but she snapped out of rather quickly, and this past Christmas came and went wihtout a hitch.....almost. She had to go and blab to some of her classmates that there was no Santa Claus and they were highly traumatized....she was reprimanded by the teacher and we were admonished by the Administration. We gave her strict instructions to keep it to herself and she broke her promise. She was sorry for it, and we gave her consequences (sleep deprivation and water boarding).
Any way, like I said, Christmas came and is gone and it went smoothly. We still haven't told our 4 year old son....but we also don't facilitate the charade with him, either.....almost. We don't mention Santa, and if he does, we just change the subject....of course, he forced me to put oats out for the reindeers and cookies and milk out for Santa....I couldn't say no..he was very persistent...and so sweet about it.
Anyhow, how's that tooth you had the root canal on? Have you been able to lay off the smokes, or have you started back up?
I know I don't have to tell you, but don't look up...cuz the sky is falling....but if you think positive thoughts, it will turn into life-sustaining carbohydrates.
Hail Crumb
I think i too am going to have to giveup this site which has become a limited hangout for nutjobs to posts pages and pages of faux Christian / Neo-Nazi Satanist rants yet for some reason like Cannonfire if you bring up controlled demolition all hell breaks loose.... OMG... CD theory is just to cwazy to discuss! Slimy aliens that want to abduct you and sniff your panties? Well that's ok!
Let's see if this post gets deleted because I used the CD word. Please don't do it? I'm well under the the 6 page rants above!
A word of advice to the rational people still reading this site...Go out into the world and do something to make your life and world better and help other people to do the same. We really should stop wasting time here if it continues to develop further into what is becoming a "loom of fools."
If this site is genuine and wants to keep the rational people reading, then some sort of effort will be made to go in and delete some of those stupid mega page spam rants being used to derail the forums.
p.s. - I'll be watching to see if my two meager paragraphs mysteriously dissapear.
Whatever, we call it thinking outside of the box, as a matter of fact with our MINDS free from the negative xian programming we know the truth and can see clearly.
If you are happy being a slave to tptb, you missed the boat totally.
Everyone keeps trying to figure it out -- "what the hell are we doing in Iraq?"
Everyone has a theory. It's the oil. No, it's because Saddam Hussein had become an erratic employee and Cheney had to fire him and the only way to do that was to invade. No, it's the slave and drug trade routes. No, it's the U.S. attempting to trigger an Islamic civil war to completely destabilize the region. No, it's something else, or something else, or something else.
Yet all it really seems to be is carnage for the sake of carnage. Is there a goal? Apparently not. Is there anything for the U.S. to achieve over there, any real 'victory' that can be won? None that anyone can actually envision. What conditions would have to exist on the ground that would satisfy Bush/Cheney? Exactly the conditions that were there when we started this thing. Is there any way to get back there from here? No.
So what are we fighting for? We're over there killing people, maiming people, raping people, torturing people, and in return they are killing us, maiming us, raping us, and torturing us, and Bush's big plan is to send another 30,000 troops over there to kill and be killed, maim and be maimed, torture and be tortured, rape and be raped. What's the point?
There must be some POINT, right? Even if we can't see it, Bush must have some agenda, there must be some goal, they must be trying to do SOMETHING, right? Especially with 'the surge' -- I mean, seriously, Bush couldn't possibly be sending another 30,000 heavily armed U.S. citizens over there to fight and die if he didn't think it could accomplish something concrete, right?
Unless the point is the carnage itself. Unless Iraq is just the latest trendy restaurant on the emo-vampire-deity circuit, and the only purpose to 'the surge' is to keep the blue plate specials rolling out as long as possible. Sure, eventually we'll manage to shut down this particular cafeteria, but it will churn out a lot of hamburger first... and then, once it gets boarded up, well, they'll just reopen at another location, the way they always do.
Deeply, deeply depressing. But disturbingly plausible.
NOW demanding total Censorship, part of their plan for CONTROL involves shutting down the internet.
We are free and practice freedom of expression here at the
They will use any excuse,porno, people who think for themselves, Control must be maintained to guarantee our security.
Dionysus is loose.
Most people are programmed to not think bad thoughts about these people or else god will get you.
Their internal mind is so controlled no EXTERNAL
control needed any more, the prisoners self-police themselves in their prison.
War for wars sake,feeding the MIL IND machine.
The weapons contracts have Daddy Warbuck's making money hand over fist.
Plus all the new weapons systems developed and tested real time,ect.
PLUS AIPAC who have the BELTWAY covered so their policy is US policy.They want us to kill their enemies, conservation of energy means using our boys to do this, very simple and ingenious.
Israel has the biggest influence on the US, bar none.
The forefathers warned against the US ever playing favorites.
Insights for the jaded.
Are you sitting comfortably? then I'll begin.
Sabrina = shub
sabrina = richard
sabrina = disinfo agent
sabrina = gothick sobriquet for a fat spotty emo casualty who couldn't make friends on myspace/myspots.
"I'm Jeff Wells and so's my wife"
Presley from out of Austria equals well lets see, useless eater what a nice girls name.
And here I thought Sabrina was's obvious, isn't it?
It's so confusing.
I'm surprised you never quote any Tool lyrics.
"Shadows shedding skin, I've been picking scabs again". - 46&2
"in this body, this body holding me, reminding me that I am not this body..."
Just a few of the lyrics that came to mind after reading this post.
"First off, to Tsoldrin & the many others disheartened by the invasion of the dark lord's alleged minions (sabrina & co.): don't give up so quickly. If the kind of discussion you enjoy can be stifled so easily, without even recourse to heavy-handed measures like taking down blogs & websites, but merely by flooding the comment fields with noxious spam, then what does that say about our psychic stamina, the very thing that starroute points to in her delicious essay?"
Agreed. Sabrina is a little nothing, easy to ignore.
And then there's always that "offer you can't refuse" that has twice now been held out parallel to the sudden storm of spam--always telling Jeff to "shut down the comments." :-)
I don't think he'll do that.
What I say to Jeff is know the importance of something by the waste of disinfo expended to kill it.
Take it as a compliment.
What did Ghandi say?: "first they ignore you, then they fight you, then you win."
We're well into stage two, thanks for the recognition.
This place really must be annoying the right people.
I even put the "twilight zone look" in my dentist this afternoon--"do you want the peach fluoride or the lime fluoride rinse?" Oh the ironies. Sounded like "which do you want Democratic Party fascism or Republican Party fascism?"
I said, "Neither."
Then I started telling my dentist about U.S. military's Atomic Energy Commission experiment to test out fluoride toxicity LONG TERM on unsuspecting Americans....and call it humanitarian dental aid, as well as as a cheap remediation for industrial wastes. She was unamused. Maybe she'll look it up. She'll sure remember that next time though when she happily offers peace or lime death to her next patient.
Humanitarian aid from this sack of shit corporatist military government?
Fluoride, Teeth And The Atomic Bomb
Project Censored
Watch this great black and white film made by the U.S. government after WWII, when it was still publicly democratic--before the BUSH FAMILY NAZIS took over the USA using exactly the strategies shown in this film to warn Americans against internal fascist movements:
Inspirational 1947 film from the Defense Department that connects the dots between prejudice, fearmongering, and fascism.
Nation Of Suckers = Dont Fall For Bush Regime! "Don't Be A Sucker" film from 1947 - 17 min - May 11, 2006
Can you imagine what its like to be jeff wells?
I saw the ad for the book, and THAT’S one ill be buying when it finally comes out! Busy guy! Wells put it all together, holds down a job as a writer and still finds time not only to respond to a few comments here and there, but to manage to satisfy an insatiable audience—of whom I am a member. I know there are many of us who check this site every day, waiting for the next post, or wading through the crapshoot of whether the latest thread’s c&p hackjobs are worth the wade (Mexican royalists, great; all the satanic advocacy, eh, not so much). I know he must sometimes feel a vibe from his readers, a little voice saying “whats the fuckin holdup, mate? Make with the next post already!”
All you people who want to pull the poor bastard this way or that way, who want RI to say what you want it to say to you instead of just letting the man do his thing…wouldn’t it suck if he just up and went kurt cobain on your ass? Didn’t we just read the guy had a cold or some other form of Canadian winterbug? Give the man a break already!
Hey theres lots of people out there who have all kinds of angles on how to fight the power. Many of the greats of the last century have blazed those trails rather well and continue to inspire us. That there isn’t a lot of that here—yet the readership is so huge—oughta tell yall something about what it is we are coming here for. It’s a fix, for me. Its been described before, that tingly whiskey mctango to the foxtrot feeling, that feeling of brushing up against the truly fucking weird. I know im not the only one. It’s a peculiar voyeurism for which I make no excuse or apology, and neither should anyone else.
Some of the RI posts fall flat, and others are good for a high weirdness orgasm or three. The man behind this curtain is, after all, only a man, with the occasional sniffle, a bad day, and all the rest that comes with mortality. People should remember that.
I wouldn’t change a thing. Go Jeff!
Wells said, homeslice, wells said.
Why should I think you are for real Jeff Wells?
Keep it up and Neff Mells will show up again here...a thought too terrifying to contemplate.
Perhaps a nice deodorizer will purge that unwanted odor.
They say rock 'n' roll is the devil's music. Well, let's say that it is; I've got news for you. Let's say that rock'n'roll is the devil's music and we know it for a fact to be the absolutely, unequivocally true.--Bill Hicks
Give me the Satan worshipping family down the block--the ones that have the good albums --Bill Hicks
The Devil has always had the best tunes; this has been known for centuries. Along with literature, theatre, and art, the xian church has always regarded music with great suspicion, when it wasn't completely under their strict and oppressive control.
Satan is master of the violin and flute. 18th century Italian composer Giuseppe Tartini was inspired when Satan appeared to him in a dream. He heard Satan playing the violin. He said it was the most beautiful music he had ever heard. It was "indescribably beautiful." He immediately awoke and tried to write it down to copy it, but it never turned out the same way. He did the best he could to duplicate it. He published it and named it "The Devil's Trill."
19th century violinist Niccolo Paganini came under intense suspicion of "collaborating with the Devil." In other words, no one could write or play anything so beautiful without help from Satan. Here the xian church indirectly admits that the beauty of Satan outshines what they worship.
Modest Mussorgsky composed "A Night On Bald Mountain." The music portrayed a witches’ sabbat. In the original piece, Satan reigned triumphant at the climax, but this was too much for Mussorgsky's xian contemporaries. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov revised it, ending the piece with the ringing of a church bell.
Satan also inspired Carl Orff in his dreams when he wrote "Carmina Burana." This music is best known from the soundtrack of the movie, "The Omen." Orff told his wife that he saw Demons many times in his dreams when he composed the music.
Jazz is synonymous with Satan. The rhythmic beat, the dances the music inspires, and of course, it opened the door to rock and roll.
Music has always been a great friend to humanity. Music is a tension reliever, as it relaxes the left (logical) side of the brain so that the creative right side can manifest itself in new ideas and solutions to things, in the same way meditation helps us. Satan can speak to us through the music. Music makes any activities more pleasant. Work becomes easier, a fast beat can get one going, a soothing beat can calm one's mood, and sexual intercourse to music is blissful.
William Blake once stated that all true poetry was the "work of the Devil." Satan inspires creativity. He works to bring out creativity in all of his disciples. With Satan, we learn and grow as individuals. Each one of us is unique.
The enemy wants everyone to be clones, drones and drabs.
Take a look at the women under the Taliban, the xian Quakers, the Amish and the Hasidic jews with their strict rules on how to dress.
There is no room for any personal creativity whatsoever.
These religions desecrate and kill the human spirit, while they enslave the soul.
Satan stands for freedom and individuality.
There are books written about magickal practice, I believe some by Aleister Crowley. These teachings instruct the readers that they must do certain things to break down barriers.
This is utter bullshit and I equate it to walking out in front of a large truck in order to see what it feels like to get run over (if one survives).
I am adept.
I have never had to resort to any of this misinformation and garbage. Neither should anyone else.
There are many different ways of empowering one's self and overcoming limitations, both physical and psychic, without having to resort to harmful actions.
For example, advanced martial arts training gives one an enormous amount of power. This, when properly directed and applied can accomplish all kinds of feats.
Most martial artists do not have the knowledge of how to apply this power outside of physical combat.
We Satanists do.
People who use kids or claim to have an "in" with the Devil in order to manipulate others and feed off their energies are in reality very weak.
The ONLY initiation one needs is between one's self and Satan.
No "High Priest/ess" or anyone else should have any control or power over another person.
Satanic clergy offer guidance and support- that is it.
Members of the Satanic priesthood are gifted people who can act as mediums in imparting knowledge, BUT IF YOU ARE EVER IN DOUBT, GO TO SATAN YOURSELF. IF SOMETHING DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT FOR YOU, THEN DON'T ACCEPT IT.
Many of us have experienced actually being physically touched by a Demon. The feeling is just like that of being touched by a human hand. This can go much further into actual sexual intercourse and lovemaking. Sexual intercourse with a Demon is blissful ecstacy. Because Demons come to us in etherial/astral form, they are able to penetrate our bodies and stimulate areas not easily accessible by other humans. Male Demons have no trouble finding and stimulating the G-spot in their women partners. Female Demons can get right to the prostrate gland in their men, resulting in a full deep orgasm.
First off, it is important to perform a ritual to Father Satan, stating your needs, whether they be just sexual, a love/sexual relationship, an open relationship, where you are free to have other sexual partners without any jealousy on either side; be specific.
Some Demons are monogamus, in that they only have one partner and this goes both ways. These Demons take monogamy VERY seriously and if a relationship is violated by a human being, the partner of the human being could in the worst of cases wind up dead. Demons are known like humans to become very jealous. If a human is in an empty marriage and is just having sex with their spouse out of a sense of duty, Demons can be very understanding regarding this and will often overlook it, provided, in monogamus sexual love relations, your Demon is always #1. Keep in mind, once a commitment is made it will last a lifetime and beyond, so don't take this lightly. Your Demon will remain monogamus, also.
You should find a Demon who is compatable with you. Remember, if you want a free, open relationship where you are free to have other sex partners, you must specify this in ritual.
After your ritual, YOU MUST BE RELAXED AND OPEN, more than likely, your Demon will come to you when you are lying down and relaxed in bed. This will feel like electrifying energy and like kundalini, it feels exhilerating.
Now, for people that are new to this, to begin this and open up, just begin fantasizing about having intercourse with your Demon. Most Demons are very physically attractive as opposed to all of the trash written in the grimoires and the horror stories. Ask your Demon to show themselves to you. Relax, close your eyes and tune in. You should see an image of your Demon in your mind. Even if you can't, you can picture an ideal lover for an image your Demon can inhabit to start with.
When you begin to fantasize and do this a number of times, your Demon will feel this on the astral and enjoy it as well. You can masturbate yourself to orgasm in the beginning, until a full physical manifestation takes over. When you do this, your Demon will have an orgasm, as well. This will take time so be patient and persistent. The fantasies, done night after night will begin to get much more vivid and before you know it, you will feel your Demon and even see your Demon as you would another human being. Your Demon will work with you to open your psychic channels, as opposed to just plain fantasizing on your own.
Your Demon will more than likely come to you each night when you lie down to go to bed. Demons enjoy sex very much and they can wear out a human being. One man actually had to push a female Demoness off of himself in the morning in order to get up for work after having all night sex. She didn't want to stop. Pleasure is way beyond anything with a human being and spiritual sex can become addictive. Chances are, no longer will human sexual relationships be desired or satisfying. In addition, one does not have to worry about contracting sexually transmitted diseases or experiencing unwanted pregnancies.
A Demon lover will also be protective of you. They are wonderful with listening to any worries, concerns or problems and are often helpful in punishing enemies and taking care of things for you. When the proper psychic channels are open, two-way conversations can take place. This is an enormous help in spiritual empowerment and advancement. They will tell you things, teach you and in some cases, even contact other Demons for you.
Intense contact with Demons involves an energy exchange. The Demons, being on a higher spiritual level than humans have much more energy and extreme closeness can produce effects in us humans that feel like sunburned skin and/or oversensitivity, until we get used to this or advance our own energy levels, which is the goal of Spiritual Satanism.
When people pray for me, I will pray for them in return, and then they get worried. I've seen firsthand what has become of the fools who have been stupid enough to "pray" for me. Satan and the Demons punish those who harass us, not always right away, but just give it some time.
The Pantheon of Hell
use the link above to find a demon or demoness to help you.
When one is a newly dedicated Satanist, Demons will usually offer their assistance. The objective of Satanism is for the advancement of the human soul and making use of the gifts of Satan: knowledge and the wisdom to control and affect our own lives.
Many books on witchcraft, séances, channeling, and mediumship advocate an elaborate process in order to contact the deceased. In reality, it is not all that difficult to summon someone who is hanging around on the astral.
There are many who are "lost souls" and are trapped on the astral. In the case of those who have been reincarnated, if you are in tune enough, you will be able to pick this up and know it is of no use to try to contact them, as they are already in another life.
Deceased Humans are "spirits." These are of a lower order. They are not as powerful as Demons or angels, unless the person empowered his/her soul.
The astral is usually a lonely place for these souls and often, they wish to make contact with the living. Ghosts that are seen or sensed in old houses (often the person died there), those who cannot part from living family members or loved ones; usually the ghost attaches itself to something - the house, the place of employment, the living family or a surrogate family.
There can be unfinished business where the deceased needs help from the living, as with a burial, solving a homicide, missing person or something where the deceased cannot "rest." Most often, the deceased will make him/herself known. Objects can be misplaced, electrical appliances can be turned on or off, he/she can be felt, even by untrained individuals.
How to Make Contact:
The deceased does not need to be hanging around to establish contact. If he/she is dead, he/she can be contacted, provided he/she has not reincarnated. A summoning can be done at any place where one can focus.
Tarot cards can be used to make contact. A Ouija board or pendulum can be used to communicate. In cases where there is a group, all participants should be in tune and serious. One person will act as the medium.
1. The person closest or the nearest in contact with the deceased (in the case of a known spirit), shuffles the cards, concentrating on a reading to contact and give information about the one being summoned. The medium then begins to read the cards. Do the same, if you are substituting a Ouija board. In using a Ouija board, the medium should sit opposite the person wishing to call on the deceased. Having a personal object of the deceased can be a help for those who are inexperienced or not as psychic, who are acting as the medium.
2. Usually the person closest to the deceased will feel him/her before anyone else. The person acting as the medium will draw in the soul and speak for him/her. When finished, direct the soul to depart. Do not bind in any way with the soul. Keep it as impersonal as possible.
A Pendulum can also be used. The medium should have some experience with a pendulum, should he/she decide to use this method. Begin by asking if there are any spirits in the room/house/building/area. If the pendulum answers "yes" then you can go on to ask more questions or use a Ouija Board to get a conversation going.
Human spirits are fairly easy to invoke. They do not in any way have the energy of a Demon, as I have invoked both. The energy from a human, usually, can only be felt when he/she enters your body. A Demon on the other hand is electrifying and the residual energy can make your skin tingle for several days afterward.
Never try to force the spirit into answering questions they do not wish to answer. Being rude will give your aura a bad vibe on the astral and future attempts at contact or invocation of other spirits may be thwarted.
Void meditation is essential here, as is a strong mind and spirit, with total control over your own thoughts and emotions. The ability to turn off and block out anything unwanted is of extreme importance when invoking anything from the astral. Some spirits feed on fear, an untrained mind, or other emotions.
People who are fearful, overly impressionable or prone to excessive emotion/hysteria; unstable behavior, should not take part in any séances! One must be cool, calm and collected at all times during a séance. The medium must always remain in total control of the situation.
When souls of the departed are contacted, they are as they were when alive. The personalities do not change, at least from the experiences I have had. This is another reason we all should make the most of our life here, as we all need to work toward developing and empowering ourselves spiritually.
FYI, there is a moderated thread on the RI forum regarding this post. (If you're not already a member you'll need to sign up, and have your membership activated, before you can comment.)
Hate to do this but Sabrina, you are a disinfo agent IMHO. You serve no purpose here other than to spam up topics with crap. Over and over and over you just copy and paste utter crap for no reason other than to make this thing unreadable. My guess is that you are spamming it up on purpose.
There seems to be a pattern lately, that when certain high energy ideas start to filter out into the mainstream, those ideas are immediately set on by an endless stream of garbage from certain unseen actors.
Now WHY would that be? Well, my first thought is that something is coming to light which is uncomfortable to the spammers or their paymasters.
The only high energy idea that I see in this topic is the idea that people don't need to sit back with their thumbs up their ass and take it while we are all converted into slaves by a bunch of fascists hell bent on lying to us and screwing up the planet for their own gain.
It happens all the time. Any agent for change is immediately smeared... tarred and feathered with some stupid lie or meme to discredit it.
Reading a thread that suggests we get out of Iraq? Watch as it is immediately filled with antisemites or angry Muslims, or freaks who believe in Flat Earth theory.
Got a Democrat who calls for change? Associate him with something nutty to discredit him.
Want to bump up the minimum wage? Stick a line into the bill that advocates free condoms for hookers.
Don't like some of the shennagins of AIPAC? Well then you hate Israel and the line of Abraham.
Want to see better health care for Americans? Watch it get associated with Commies and France.
The administration taking too much heat? Then release another news cycle of "OJ the crazy black man" stories to make neo-nazis angry.
Want to know what really happened on 9/11? Well question it and be called a conspiracy theorist whacko by news anchors with oversized heads.
Is it all a bit too scary?
Fine, remain a slave. And have a great life licking boots.
Mayan Folk Catholicism, syncretic as it is, worships as saints: Lucifer, Judas, San Simon or Maximon (pronounced ´ma-shee-mon´), and others...much to the chagrin of the Vatican, I might add...but it has absolutely nothing to do with the Church of Satan variety of Devil worship espoused in the ´first world.´
Very briefly, Mayan Priests utilize these saints as intermediaries or helpers to cast out illness, ´evil spirits,´or misfortune as God has enlisted these fallen ones to perform duties as healers for earth bound men and women in order to redeem their souls.
'007 will go down in history as the year of the barrier.
Let this elitist, exclusionary, humourless, intellectual snob clique of Baby Boomers hide behind their Koolaid Separation Wall for the duration.
Every member of your filthy over consumptive generation is fucking cursed anyway.
Your punishment will be to live in a overt and full blown global fascist police state.
Thank you for destroying the Earth.
Good riddance.
Lets use our jumping genes to dodge the (serving) knife.
There was a segment on NPR today (Jan 31) that used the tag line that modern neuroscience is validating 3000 year old Buddist ‘truth’. The book writer/promoter twice assured the listener that no ghostly element was required. The second time she included the old saw that eventually all expressions of mind will be seen as a product of activities of the brain.
Call me paranoid, but it’s my opinion that one imperative for the PTB is to maintain systems whereby being is said to come before consciousness. As long as that detail is maintained the rest of any “alternate story” can be moulded and made to seem to fit.
The question for me is; Does the freakin enlightened Dali Lama have any idea of the philosophical quagmire he is being led into, or does he consider himself a leader in this regard? If thats fucking enlightenment, he can have it, as I can see no good coming from this.
Dearest Cuttles, here's your final nugget, bit of pith, and you can thank Sounder for it:
The Dalai Lama is an illuminati tool. There, I said it.
How do I know?
I spent enough time over a period of years in his personal company to see the little monk for what he really is..... a wannabe rock star with delusions of godhood.
Don't worry Sounder, that ain't enlightenment.
And you are right. He can keep it.
And as always, I.C., you make your own lies out of what other people have said. I never hurled ad hominem epithets at anyone along the lines you so typically lied.
A person can fall into a scat hole or oubliette.
Just as you and so many others here are doing on a many-times-per-day basis.
But if "shit" is what you think of yourself and others, so be it.
Just stop impugning others with your penchant for projection, and quit imputing your corrupt little mind's self-deceptive ideas onto others.
Thanks so much.
There's a good laddie.
That's it.
Old Thing,
Really? Projecting? Those were quotation marks, Bub--every single epithet was from your post. But let's not get caught up in the unseemly details, let's focus on the overall tone & content. I was projecting your holier than everyone else tone? How about this part: you haven't contributed one thought to the discussion. Sure, you're right there to call "sabrina" an agent of whatever (now that was a tough call, wasn't it?), but you don't contribute anything yourself, except to criticize all and sundry for any and all contributions they attempt. And this makes you different from "sabrina" in that...?
Presley Auchwitz said...
Insights for the jaded.
Are you sitting comfortably? then I'll begin.
Sabrina = shub
sabrina = richard
sabrina = disinfo agent
sabrina = gothick sobriquet for a fat spotty emo casualty who couldn't make friends on myspace/myspots. left one off your list
Presley Auchwitz= delusional halfwit skeezer with a broken crystal ball
How do Shrub?
Or should I say sabrina or richard or effing Santa, for that matter?
Yeah, I agree. I think we're proving that we don't need no stinking laugh tracks to tell us when to giggle.
If you don't mind, I'll use prickly outhouse's
shorthand to answer your ?s.
Smoking = not ever again pal.
Belief in Santa...
a. 3,5, & 7 year olds=yep
b. 9 year old=nope
My 9 year old son pretty much figured it out by himself. We just confirmed it.
The funniest part of it all occured through his school. He was instructed to write a letter to Santa. Let me reproduce it:
Dear Santa,
Why would I write you a letter when you don't exist?
His teacher wasn't pleased.
Some folk just have no sense of humor.
Peace pal.
anonymous says to International journalist for BBC
anyone here read much of Wilber and his AQAL model?
curious that he put a very similar but different Hilma af Klint on the cover of his book.
anyone know which Klint painting this is?..
this painting is "what a human being is"
From Robert Steele's "Golden Candle Awards" page:
Mr. Arno Reuser, Arno the Curious, is a Master Librarian who has done more for the practice of Open Source Inteligence (OSINT) in support of national security than anyone else in Europe. He has been a pioneer in the explotiation of badly-delivered OSINT from private sector vendors, writing original PERL programs to make sense of their feeds; he has known how to make the most of the Internet; and above all, he has known how to find and engage human intellects around the world, each capable of producing unique tailored knowledge not available online or in print. He is the Master Librarian of the OSINT world and all seven intelligence tribes."
The picture shows a gnomish older man with a white beard to his chest.
How do you exploit "badly-delivered OSINT from private sector vendors?"
Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population
Blockbuster interview. Links provided for following up everything in connections.
Dying of cancer, Hollywood director Russo goes in-depth for first time on the astounding admissions of Nick (Nicholas) Rockefeller, including his prediction of 9/11 and the war on terror hoax, the Rockefeller's creation of women's lib, and the elite's ultimate plan for world population reduction and a microchipped society
Summary before article:
Who is Nicholas Rockefeller?
9-11 insider Nicholas Rockefeller ---> Nick Matzorkis ('discovered' the dead bodies of the Heaven's Gate cult which was likely a "terminated" MKULTRA operation; since Matzorkis hired and paid the cult members; Matzorkis works for Nicholas Rockefeller now-- and likely then) ---> Matzorkis sold production rights of the Heaven's Gate story of their death, then Matzorkis recognized on TV by a police officer in another state and arrested for car theft ---> Matzorkis sold Heaven's Gate production rights to Adnan Kashoggi's Genesis subsidiaries (and beforehand, Adnan Kashoggi provided first media coverage about it, then invested in his own investment so to speak); 9-11 insider Nicholas Rockefeller ---> 3 different links to Matzorkis (who runs three separate global people monitoring databases for Rockefeller, after his clame to fame was the Heaven's Gate handler(?) connection and being a car thief?!...) Nicholas Rockefeller is a 9-11 terrorist insider, certainly one more remove inside the 9-11 planning network--and the 9-11 network has Kashoggi money fronting to protect itself by infiltrating the 9-11 movement, noted below as well
Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population (14 minute interview excerpt)
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, January 29, 2007
Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo has gone in-depth on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, who personally told him that the elite's ultimate goal was to create a microchipped population and that the war on terror was a hoax, Rockefeller having predicted an "event" that would trigger the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan eleven months before 9/11.
Rockefeller also told Russo that his family's foundation had created and bankrolled the women's liberation movement in order to destroy the family and that population reduction was a fundamental aim of the global elite.
Russo is perhaps best known for producing Trading Places starring Eddie Murphy but was more recently in the spotlight for his exposé of the criminal run for profit federal reserve system, the documentary America From Freedom to Fascism.
Currently undergoing more treatment in his fight against cancer, Russo made time for a sit down interview with radio host and fellow documentary film maker Alex Jones in which he dropped bombshell after bombshell on what Rockefeller had told him about the direction the world was being steered towards by the global elite.
You can watch a fourteen minute segment of the interview below.
After his popular video Mad As Hell was released and he began his campaign to become Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing Russo's passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the elite.
During one conversation, Rockefeller asked Russo if he was interested in joining the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) but Russo rejected the invitation, saying he had no interest in "enslaving the people" to which Rockefeller coldly questioned why he cared about the "serfs."
"I used to say to him what's the point of all this," states Russo, "you have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need, what's the point, what's the end goal?" to which Rockefeller replied (paraphrasing), "The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."
Rockefeller even assured Russo that if he joined the elite his chip would be specially marked so as to avoid undue inspection by the authorities.
Russo states that Rockefeller told him, "Eleven months before 9/11 happened there was going to be an event and out of that event we were going to invade Afghanistan to run pipelines through the Caspian sea, we were going to invade Iraq to take over the oil fields and establish a base in the Middle East, and we'd go after Chavez in Venezuela."
Rockefeller also told Russo that he would see soldiers looking in caves in Afghanistan and Pakistan for Osama bin Laden and that there would be an "Endless war on terror where there's no real enemy and the whole thing is a giant hoax," so that "the government could take over the American people," according to Russo, who said that Rockefeller was cynically laughing and joking as he made the astounding prediction.
In a later conversation, Rockefeller asked Russo what he thought women's liberation was about. Russo's response that he thought it was about the right to work and receive equal pay as men, just as they had won the right to vote, caused Rockefeller to laughingly retort, "You're an idiot! Let me tell you what that was about, we the Rockefeller's funded that, we funded women's lib, we're the one's who got all of the newspapers and television - the Rockefeller Foundation."
Rockefeller told Russo of two primary reasons why the elite bankrolled women's lib, one because before women's lib the bankers couldn't tax half the population and two because it allowed them to get children in school at an earlier age, enabling them to be indoctrinated into accepting the state as the primary family, breaking up the traditional family model.
This revelation dovetails previous admissions on behalf of feminist pioneer (and documented CIA asset) Gloria Steinem that the CIA bankrolled Ms. Magazine as part of the same agenda of breaking up traditional family models.
[Gloria Stinem, CIA asset, is sponsored into the public eye "as feminist leadership"--directly by CIA's Cord Meyers'--CIA's Cord Meyers prints and sponsors her articles into CIA-started Fortune Magazine, and the rest is history. Gloria Stinem earned her CIA stripes in the late 1950s for the CIA, by writing dissident reports for their "Information Research Service."]
Rockefeller was often keen to stress his idea that "the people have to be ruled" by an elite and that one of the tools of such power was population reduction, that there were "too many people in the world," and world population numbers should be reduced by at least half.
One issue which has spiraled out of control of the elite according to Rockefeller's conversations with Russo, is the Israel-Palestine conflict, with serious thinking at one stage revolving around the bizarre notion of giving Israeli citizens one million dollars each and relocating them all in the state of Arizona.
Comments (88) | Trackback
06.Feb.2005 00:03
Feminist Gloria Steinem of the CIA: "Ms. Emmanuel Goldstein" attracting/guiding dissent
...writer and consulting editor for Ms, which she cofounded in 1972--and CIA background. She became a media darling due to her CIA connections. MS Magazine, which she edited for many years was indirectly funded by the CIA. Steinem has tried to suppress this information, unearthed in the 1970's by a radical feminist group called "Red Stockings", which she was actually observing /witnessing. In 1979, Steinem and her powerful CIA-connected friends, Katharine Graham of the Washington Post and Ford Foundation President Franklin Thomas prevented Random House from publishing it in "Feminist Revolution." Nevertheless the story appeared in the "Village Voice" on May 21, 1979.
THE CIA SPONSORSHIP MEDIA EMPIRE: CIA's Cord Meyers ---> CIA Clay Felker (Esquire Magazine, others) ---> Gloria Steinem (Ms. Magazine) ---> Ms.'s first publisher, Elizabeth Forsling Harris, CIA-connected PR executive/planner of John Kennedy's Dallas motorcade route on which he was assassinated.
'In 1958, Steinem was recruited by CIA's Cord Meyers to direct an "informal group of activists" called the "Independent Research Service." This was part of Meyer's "Congress for Cultural Freedom," which created magazines like "Encounter" and "Partisan Review" to promote a left-liberal chic to oppose Marxism. Steinem, attended Communist-sponsored youth festivals in Europe, published a newspaper, reported on other participants, and helped to provoke riots. One of Steinem's CIA colleagues was Clay Felker. In the early 1960's, he became an editor at Esquire and published articles by Steinem which established her as a leading voice for women's lib. In 1968, as publisher of New York Magazine, he hired her as a contributing editor, and then editor of Ms. Magazine in 1971. Warner Communications put up almost all the money although it only took 25% of the stock. Ms. Magazine's first publisher was Elizabeth Forsling Harris, a CIA-connected PR executive who planned John Kennedy's Dallas motorcade route.'
Nicholas Rockefeller Predicted "Event" To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11
Hollywood director Russo recalls remarkable "forecast" of coming 9-11 attack coming from Nicholas Rockefeller
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison October 28 2006
Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo, currently receiving a wave of plaudits for his latest release, America: From Freedom to Fascism [watch for free at Google Video], told The Alex Jones Show that Nicholas Rockefeller had personally assured him there was going to be an "event" that would trigger the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq eleven months before 9/11 took place.
Saying he had been approached many times by the Rockefellers and other members of the CFR elite in an attempt to recruit him, Russo recalled a conversation that would come home to roost on September 11, 2001.
"Here's what I do know first hand - I know that about eleven months to a year before 9/11 ever happened I was talking to my Rockefeller friend (Nicholas Rockefeller) and he said to me 'Aaron there's gonna be an event' and he never told me what the event was going to be - I'm not sure he knew what the event was going to be I don't know that he knew that," said Russo.
Russo related how Rockefeller knew precisely what the event would lead to and which countries would be militarily targeted by the elite.
"He just said there's gonna be an event and out of that event we're gonna invade Afghanistan so we can run pipelines through the Caspian sea, we can go into Iraq to take the oil and establish bases in the middle east and to make the middle east part of the new world order and we're going to go after Venezuela - that's what's going to come out of this event."
"Eleven months to a year later that's what happened....he certainly knew that something was going to happen."
"In my relationships with some of these people I can tell you that it's as evil as it really gets - this is it - this is the game," stated Russo - also relating how members of the elite were routinely obsessed by creating a world identification society where people had to carry ID cards and prove who they were at all times.
04.Nov.2006 00:14
9-11 Insider Nicholas Rockefeller's Proprietary Cashless Society Technology and Databases
The Very Visible Nicholas Rockefeller's Invisible Panopticon: His United Nations Aired Ideas for a Private Proprietary Database and Technology for a Global Wireless Cashless Consumer Panopticon, all under Nicholas Rockefeller, a 9-11 Insider.
9-11 "security" issues only set up wider "state driven appeal" for the his proprietary technology platform for a cashless society.
9-11 Insider Nicholas Rockefeller, predicts 9-11 justified Middle East invasions a year in advance--and only months before 9-11 sees fit as well to start up a pilot project for a cashless society.
He has additionally been involved in THREE separate global people monitoring database corporations detailed below.
"The cashless society will be controlled by the Rockefellers, and it will be microwave based, wireless, and controlled off the phone tower network"--if he has his way. China is his model. See what he is doing in China below, and see how there is huge synergy between his fingers and his minions' fingers in the corporations US Search, Zebasearch, and GlobalAgora--all linked to him.
2006.10.29 07:11
The 'Genesis' of the Adnan Khashoggi Wing of the 9-11 Truth Movement (infiltration)
Author: hopsicker with commentary
Description: This is an interesting assortment how many of the false 9-11 truthers like Ruppert (and surprisingly, Barry Zwicker gets later caught up in John Gray money ("Men are from Mars" book ). And John Gray money and his book's popularity came from international drug lord Kashoggi's operations.
Thus below is a summary of the twisted tale of the "Genesis" of the infiltrated side of the 9-11 Truth Movement, the Genesis named operations in a convoluted money trail of Adnan Kashoggi.
Kashoggi's organizations have simultaneously taken to hawking "anything that needed to be hawked" for psyop purposes from John Gray's "Men are From Mars" books (with its Kashoggi connections), to perhaps (...Hopsicker leaves this open, though it would make intuitive sense for the 'genesis' of this branch of hawking as well) various other "PGI Corporation connections" that Michael Ruppert openly hawked for which became shortly thereafter "perhaps the largest tax fraud scam in U.S. history"; to, of all things, the Hale Bopp Comet Cult itself--keyed off by 'false reportage' of the same 'Genesis' connected network off Kashoggi; later Kashoggi bought the rights from Matzorkis to the story--after Kashoggi was responsible for hawking it's popularity in the first place!
Second, there is interesting information on the SAN DIEGO and TAMPA aspects of the 9-11 false flaggers--which had Kashoggi networks around them; as well as had traitorous FBI networks in San Diego according to the FBI Investigation of itself!
The main theme is the implanted artificial culture industry and its main vehicle--under Kashoggi networks? With a different 'subsidiary' for each operation, each named "Genesis" Something?
Read on. "...let's begin our journey with a visit to the psy-ops murk of 'Saudi Genesis'."
What's a ufo flap without a nifty interactive map?
What's an airport sighting without a couple of pictures?
& Nevada, jealous over all the attention Chicago is getting, starts flapping too.
Now repeat after me....
I want to believe.
I want to believe.
I want to believe.
Dearest Tumescent, Pubescent, Suckassfish:
You wrote, and I quote:
"...and what was that last one? Oh, yeah pieces of shit."
Your words, you lying scum sucker. Not mine.
But oh, I guess those are words of enlightenment, since they came from the dark passage of your own little carpel tunnel.
And "useless feeders" was used with extreme irony. But then, you're probably a fan of Kissinger, and simply objected to being placed in the wrong class [in your estimation].
In any case, back atcha bro', but with love:
So kiss it and say Adieu.
Zoot allures, 'fish, sacre bleu.
Enjoy the scat you so love.
I prefer the sound of a cooing dove.
Not the squeals of a Shrubby pig
Or his ersatz Richtard wig.
"Tarry," you if.
Go smoke another splif.
Take a draught of morpheus, clod.
Then type away, old sod.
I won't catch your next retort,
Whether it be long or short.
This doggerel's the last gasp.
Think of it as an asp
To bite the neck of the bull
Whose shit of which you are so full.
A picador poised to quell
Such cloven beasts from hell...
To you, your Scabbie friend,
Pax vobiscum. End.
Thrum your fins and flippers,
Tap your ruby slippers,
Chant "No place like Rome,"
Deny it till the cows come home,
Whisper taunts, make brouhaha,
Twirl your tutu, sing tra la la,
Fait bruit, suck wind,
Get your fish flesh tinned...
No matter how you slice it,
Pickle it or dice it,
Nothing you say matters,
Your rhetoric's in tatters,
Rent asunder by the lies,
You spew like MacD's fries.
Eat your junk food blogger,
Go in peace, warring fogger.
I do not care a whit
For what you say, you git.
Iblis can chatter all day long.
I'll listen to a better song,
A song of truth, a song so real
That to the likes of you will not reveal
Its sacred secret, its blessed gift.
Sorry, pal. You blew it. Thumb a lift.
This ride has passed you by.
You should have been more honest, guy.
The barriers are manifold,
The passage very small and old,
And yet as wide as open space.
It really is a funny place
To get to, here. Not here, nor there.
And yet it's always everywhere.
A lovely garden, flowing streams
Of beauty, peace, beyond all dreams,
A gift betowed by the One, the Only, the Giver,
The Beloved, Love, and also lover,
The Hidden, Witness, Seen, and Hearer,
Which to each of us is nearer
Than our neck veins. What is clearer?
La ilaha illa Llah
La ilaha illa Llah
La ma' buda illa Llah
La maqsuda illa Llah
La mawjuda illa Llah
La ilaha illa Llah
La ilaha illa Llah
God, how I actually do pity you Cudgelfist.
I just read your latest post on the forum.
You actually believe the Malthusian nonsense you parrot from tools like Kotke, don't you?
Have to reduce the population, you implied???
How sad.
You and Kissinger would make great mates.
D.S. al Fine
La ilaha illa Llah.
La ilaha illa Llah.
The rest is........
Great post Jeff ;)
God Bless America....
....I dont think so.
Luv from Australia.
That's a pretty great post Jeff.
Dude, sometimes you really rock it.
I doubt I agree with your conclusion, I have young kids and I've elected to keep my head firmly stuck in the sand - knowingly and without apology.
There is a seductive quality to banging on about doom, but the real juicy stuff - the stuff I return to your blog for and have for a couple years now - is the synthesis of prominent event and the subconscious/supraconscious.
You really rock it well. Thanks.
And what the fuck is up with that 'Sabrina' shit? He should get his own blog and be done with it. As well as crowding out other often pertinent insights, it's kind of rude and dumb. A real nuisance - I was sorry to see that.
Have a great day.
Here comes a plague of idiots blinded by their faith
Liberty lies raped, crushed, broken
Neath the Christian war machine
Nation after nation falling
In the shadow of the Christian sword
With death they bring the lore of love.
There seems to be an abundance of
stupidity and foolishness in proportion to my attempts to help.
I know the lies and exposed them for what they truelly are, and wanted to share.
There are others who feel it is imperative to destroy any attemps to free to sheep.
I hope those who are on the path are not discouraged from seeking the truth.
They want no part of the truth and believe the sweet lies of submission.
If i was am bothering them it only means the truth hurts and that they are spiteful people who would cut off their noses to spite their faces, rather than looking objectively and being of an open mind.
Hecate Cerrydwyn
Dark Mother, take us in
Hecate Cerrydwyn
Let us be reborn
Patience, Prudence, and Peresistance
Get in on, bang a gong, get it on!!
Kiss my ass, losers.
Your attempts are sophomric at best.
We who know are obliged to tell you what is coming, most deny and pooh-pooh the truth all around them, but the world is in turmoil.
Satan told us to be strong and not to let fear overcome us.
patience, prudence and persistance,
Some men are so sophomoric, stupid , foolish, and full of spite babies.
They teach nothing and are disruptive, they feel that it it is me who is trespassing.
I go in peace and those who do not let me shall be destroyed.
We listen only to SATAN,
The profane of heart may attack us
The pain is worth the price to free
even one you!!!
Regardless we are strong and fight back EVERY DAY AND NIGHT.
The demons protect us and back us up to punish those who are against the truth about THEM ever being told.
AnonymousOne,Wow Sabby chill!Most of these folks know not what they do,later.
Gulf Breeze, FL- This has been all over "Sightings" and on the specials on TV. You can go to the beach on the Gulf panhandle near Pensacola and be entertained for hours by all the lights moving about. Sort of a parnaormal 4th of July. It's a nightly event.
Corydon, Indiana- This has been listed in one resource over a long time as being a top sight. It is a small town just west of Lousville, KY in the southern part of the state. There is a lot of activity in Indiana and I will give you the rest coming up.
Anza Valley, California- I am assuming this is just just west of San Diego.
Elk River, Minnesota- Just to the north and west of Minneapolis, another little town.
Lincolnton, North Carolina- Here is yet another little hamlet just outside of Charlotte to the northeast.
Pine Bush, New York- This teeny town of about 1500 is located in southern NY state just north east of Middletown.
North Bergen, New Jersey- Situated on the Hudson river directly opposite New York City, this small city has experienced over 7,000 sightings over a 5 year period.
I personally have seen these triangular craft back in 1985, and last May at 1 pm at night I saw a bright flash in the north-east sky, the light was so powerful it cast shadows with a powerful blue-white light it lasted more than 30 seconds, I thought maybe it was a satellite but it was stationary fixed in the sky.
Troubled Times: Triangular UFO
Apr 9, 2005
On 04-09-2005 I saw what I believe to be a UFO in Comanche County Texas at 9:12 local time. I offer some unique observations.
That evening, I was walking back to my motor home after wildboar hunting in an unpopulated area that I lease for hunting. The sky was clear; wind calm and the sun had just set. The sky was growing darker and darker blue straight above and stars were beginning to show. The sky was becoming black in the east. The setting sun was still keeping the western horizon illuminated and indirect lighting from the west made it possible to see my way without a flashlight.
I had my .243 Win. Remington 700 varmint rifle of which I am a quite an accomplished shooter. It is considered a "high-powered" rifle. I do quite a bit of bench rest competitive shooting with it as well as hunting. The rifle is set up with a high-tech "Leupold" optical sight, (scope) which is extremely accurate and highly specialized for great light gathering ability and performs best in low light conditions. It is not what is called a "night vision" sight. The scope magnifies the target image with great sharpness and definition and the magnification is adjustable from 4.5 to 14 times that of the natural image.
Upon my return to the motor home, I was tired after a long walk. I had carried quite a bit of equipment with me. I sat on a chair, took my eyeglasses off and toweled my face as it is already becoming hot in Texas. While I rested, without my glasses on, I noticed three very "unfocused" lights to my south and these lights were moving toward me. Immediately I put my glasses back on and saw what I believe was a UFO. (SEE ATTACHED ANIMATIONS) (a) Is the appearance of the vehicle without my glasses on and (b) is the view I had with my glasses on.) (I drew the images on my pc) The object approached from the south-southwest and while moving north-north east, passed almost directly overhead making no sound whatsoever. I estimate its altitude to be somewhere about 800 feet and its airspeed speed approximately 30 mph. It "floated" and did not fly as it obviously had insufficient airspeed to fly. (I am a Physicist & an FAA Licensed Pilot) While the sky was almost entirely black behind it, I could clearly see its underside as it was illuminated from the fading sunlight to the west. I estimate that the machine was about 60 feet wide and 80 feet long and 10 feet thick at the rear. Under its belly, there was a straight line going from its leading tip toward the center of the aft edge of the fuselage, which was perpendicular to its travel. This straight edge clearly showed its shape to be three-dimensional. The straight line showed that its belly was V-shaped, much like the hull of a speedboat. It was similar to the space shuttle as when viewed from in front and below the shuttle.
This machine was directly over me and I was alone in the middle of nowhere, therefore, I felt quite "uneasy." It made no threatening moves whatsoever, but I aimed my rifle at it and through the riflescope, which was set on 8.5 power, I could clearly see surface detail in explicit detail. The machine's surface detail appeared to be covered with well-fitted tiles, much like the ceramic tiles used on the United States Space Shuttle. Then in the fading light, I noticed a distinct marking.
This marking was absolutely shocking, as I could actually read it! It was white print outlined in black on a red arrow pointing toward a rectangle of sorts. The arrow pointed at a something rectangular that I cannot define, but I clearly could read these three words, "EMERGENCY RELEASE and RESCUE." In the same place were other words that appeared too fuzzy to read. I suspect that these words were "PULL FOR..." Instantly I realized that this was a military machine and no "flying saucer." I felt much better as I knew that these were surface details that were intended to help rescue people access and then be able to remove the pilots on board in the event of a crash.
I kept the crosshairs on the center of the aircraft as it disappeared into the darkness but as I realized it was "one of ours" and it was not a threat to my own personal safety (I think) I put the rifle safety back on. I can see however that others may have "defensively" shot at it - and that may have resulted in a crash of the vehicle.
I am somewhat "pissed off" at the military as while this area is directly under the Ft. Hood, Texas MOPA and practice flights are flown daily, really - they should not be taking chances like this where someone on the ground could actually be shooting the damned things down! I am sure that the military pilots (if it even had a crew…) were aware of my presence but they NEVER expected possible "offensive action" to be taken against them on this low level flight. The last thing I would have ever have wanted would have taken a "defensive" shot and then find American military pilots onboard in the wreckage.
Science fiction, right?
My, my, at Waterloo Napoleon did surrender
Oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way
The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itself
Waterloo - I was defeated, you won the war
Waterloo - Promise to love you for ever more
Waterloo - Couldn't escape if I wanted to
Waterloo - Knowing my fate is to be with you
Waterloo - Finally facing my Waterloo
My, my, I tried to hold you back but you were stronger
Oh yeah, and now it seems my only chance is giving up the fight
And how could I ever refuse
I feel like I win when I lose
Waterloo - I was defeated, you won the war
Waterloo - Promise to love you for ever more
Waterloo - Couldn't escape if I wanted to
Waterloo - Knowing my fate is to be with you
Waterloo - Finally facing my Waterloo
So how could I ever refuse
I feel like I win when I lose -
Waterloo - Couldn't escape if I wanted to
Waterloo - Knowing my fate is to be with you
Waterloo - Finally facing my Waterloo
Hail Satan
Deja Vu
Past Life Regression
This exercise requires deep relaxation. Lie down in a comfortable position.
You should begin by breathing in to a count of six,
Hold for a count of six
And exhale for a count of six.
Do this several times until you feel completely relaxed and you can no longer feel your body. Turn your attention inside and to your entire back side and free fall. Just let go and a falling sensation should manifest. For inexperienced meditators, this might make you dizzy. If you feel real uncomfortable or dizzy, just focus on the front of your body to stop the free fall. The deeper you free fall, the deeper your trance state and the easier it is to work with your mind.
When you have reached a deep trance state, visualize yourself walking towards a door in your mind. As you walk towards the door, tell yourself when you walk through the door, you will enter into your past life. This should be the life that preceded your life now. Walk through the door, look around at your environment.
To go back several lifetimes, just visualize the door and tell yourself you are going back to whatever year you wish to regress to. To go forward in any past life, will yourself forward by asking your mind to take you to a specific stage of your life or year. Take the time to look around and ask your mind questions. To regress further through each past life, will yourself backwards by telling your mind to take you back further until you can regress no more, and again, walk through another door, telling yourself you are entering the lifetime before this life you are observing. You will be further back in time. To go foreword into your next life- use the same technique, only be aware this is only one of many possible futures. To bring yourself out, walk back through the door into now.
Hemi Sync - William Buhlman - Exploring Your Past LIves - ( 1 to 5) - (Complete)
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Conspiracy Central | XBNBT File InfoAudio Books - develop_telepathy_-sublimi[1].mp3
plus this
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Robert Anton Wilson - Secrets of Power
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RAW Explains Everything - Robert Anton Wilson
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Robert Anton Wilson 3 talks
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The Great Beast Speaks -Aliester Crowley- 1920 Audio ( Converted mp3s) VERY RARE
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Mind-Tek - The Ultra Meditation Transcendence System
Info Hash: 2f5e35f310d000a65de5b30
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Past Life Regression
This exercise requires deep relaxation. Lie down in a comfortable position.
You should begin by breathing in to a count of six,
Hold for a count of six
And exhale for a count of six.
Do this several times until you feel completely relaxed and you can no longer feel your body. Turn your attention inside and to your entire back side and free fall. Just let go and a falling sensation should manifest. For inexperienced meditators, this might make you dizzy. If you feel real uncomfortable or dizzy, just focus on the front of your body to stop the free fall. The deeper you free fall, the deeper your trance state and the easier it is to work with your mind.
When you have reached a deep trance state, visualize yourself walking towards a door in your mind. As you walk towards the door, tell yourself when you walk through the door, you will enter into your past life. This should be the life that preceded your life now. Walk through the door, look around at your environment.
To go back several lifetimes, just visualize the door and tell yourself you are going back to whatever year you wish to regress to. To go forward in any past life, will yourself forward by asking your mind to take you to a specific stage of your life or year. Take the time to look around and ask your mind questions. To regress further through each past life, will yourself backwards by telling your mind to take you back further until you can regress no more, and again, walk through another door, telling yourself you are entering the lifetime before this life you are observing. You will be further back in time. To go foreword into your next life- use the same technique, only be aware this is only one of many possible futures. To bring yourself out, walk back through the door into now.
Hemi Sync - William Buhlman - Exploring Your Past LIves - ( I to 5) - (Complete)
Conspiracy Central | XBNBT File Info
The Hemi-Sync Gateway to experience if you can find it or get it, do so it is very good.
It is here,but the link looks unactive. - Got Torrent?
lief en vriendelijke,
TOTAL focus is essential in all magickal workings. It doesn’t matter if the environment is full of distractions, one should always maintain total focus. This comes with having a trained mind.
Total focus should always be maintained regardless of how intense distractions may be. Just keep doing what you are doing without letting outside distractions interfere. Of course, any doors should always be locked.
When we focus and concentrate to where we are not even aware of anything going on around us, this is when we have the most power.
Conspiracy Central | XBNBT File Info
Well, that is it for the freebees.
Pyrokinesis is the ability to control, ignite and extinguish fire, using the powers of one's mind.
This is dangerous. One should be adept and very experienced in handling and directing energy, as inexperience can cause dangerous burns to yourself, even though you may have a powerful aura. An exceptionally powerful aura is necessary for pyrokinetic ability.
1. Begin by lighting a candle.
2. In order to do this safely, you should be adept at putting fires out before igniting them. Position both of your hands, palms facing inward about half an inch from each side of the candle flame and direct your energy into the flame, willing it to die out. This is extremely advanced and you must have a powerful aura. Try concentrating on black energy between your palms where the flame should be.
3. To ignite a flame: perform the Heat Meditation, and direct the energy you produce to your palm chakras.
4. Blow out the candle. Position both of your hands, palms facing inward about half an inch from each side of the candle wick, which should be an ember.
5. Direct energy from your palm chakras and concentrate intense heat on the ember and will it to ignite. Try concentrating on white hot energy, between your palms. The ember, with practice will begin to glow brighter and eventually, will ignite.
6. Put out the flame, concentrate the energy between your palms on the ember of the wick and direct it to ignite the flame again. With enough palm chakra energy and concentration, it will relight.
7. As you advance, move your palms farther and farther apart.
8. When you are proficient with your palms 2-3 feet apart, concentrate on lighting the wick of the candle without the ember. Ignite the cold wick.
In addition to using the energy from your palm chakras, you are using the powers from your third eye. The third eye has a direct line of energy to the physical eyes where the energy projects. Once you are adept at the above exercise, try using less and less of your hands. Again, it is important to put fires out before learning to ignite them.
Expand your aura to connect with the candle flame. The candle should be a foot or less in front of you. Connect your aura and put out the flame.
Once you are adept, do the same and ignite the ember.
When you are able to use only your aura to light the candle flame, expand your aura to connect with an object a foot or less in front of you and project the heat as you did with your palms. As you progress, keep moving the object farther and farther away.
Instead of just doing void meditation, the above exercises can be substituted as they require intense, unwavering concentration.
The High Priest/ess can guide the group through a meditation. This can be self empowerment, chakra work or even rehearsing before a working is done. Everyone should be in a trance state and relaxed. Members can sit or lie on the floor. The High Priest/ess can work with and raise everyone’s energy in this manner as well. Remember, a preplanned course here is essential so as not to break the energy flow.
Timing is everything and doing something at the wrong time can screw up everything. The universe is working either for you, or against you. Knowing this can enhance your power.
It was once believed that:
1. The shadowed areas of the Moon were forests where the Goddess Diana hunted,
and the bright areas were plains.
2. That the Moon was a spinning wheel, upon which the Goddess spun the lives of
Men and Women.
3. That the Moon was a gem worn by the Goddess, and that the stars were
decorations upon Her gown.
The accumulation and direction of the subtle forces of the moon, is one of the
arts of Witchcraft. Moon magic is a personal art, even though there are basic
guidelines. In ancient times, witches held the position of the Moon
priestesses/priests. In coastal regions, and upon islands, witches were also Sea
Priestesses/Priests. The use of water from the sea was an important aspect in
Moon Magic (salt being a crystal form). The "charging" of water, and the release
of the "charge" through evaporation, was an important aspect. So too was the
soaking of woods and herbs in sea water, which were later dried, and burned as
incenses and offerings. Two excellent books on this subject are MOON MAGIC and
THE SEA PRIESTESS by Dion Fortune.
The use of Portals to gain access to the Lunar Realms, and the building of
magical images there, is a very important aspect of Moon Magic. The actual
"essence" of the power used in Moon Magic, originates out among the stars. The
Sun draws in the stellar influences and transmits them into our Solar System.
The Planets within our System absorb this energy which then merges with their
own vibrations or energies. The Planets, in turn, then emanate a composite
energy within our Solar System. Each Planet's energy or vibratory pattern is
unique, and influences other planetary bodies and forces, within each planet's
sphere of influence. This is the basis of Astrology and Planetary
correspondences in Magic (this is how and why it works). The Moon is the focal
point of power upon the Earth. The Moon absorbs, condenses, and channels all of
these forces, which are then carried to our Planet, upon the Lunar Light
Agrippa, a 15th Century magician, understood these principles when he wrote
"...but the Moon, the nearest to the heavenly influences, by the swiftness of
her course, is joined to the sun, and the other planets and stars, as a
conception, bringing them forth to the inferior world, as being next to itself,
for all the stars have influence on it, being the last receiver, which
afterwards communicates the influence of all superiors to these inferiors, and
pours them forth upon the Earth..."
Aradia, the Holy Strega, told her followers to seek the Moon above all others,
for the purposes of Magic. In the closing prayer of the Full Moon Ritual, we
find these words which Aradia's followers were later to have written :
" O' Goddess of the Moon...teach us your ancient mysteries.-
.. that the Holy Strega spoke of, for I believe the Strega's
story, when she told us to entreat Thee, told us when we
seek for Knowledge, to seek and find Thee above all others".
Agrippa understood this also, when he wrote, "Therefore. her (the moon) motion
is to be observed before the others, as the parent of all conception......hence
it is, that without the Moon intermediating, we cannot at any time attract the
power of the superiors..." What Agrippa spoke of, is what witches have known for
Ages: The Moon is the focal point of power upon the Earth. Without the Moon we
cannot make use of the Universal Forces beyond her.
In Moon Magic, the ritual altar is the focal point for the Lunar forces which
are drawn upon. Women are the vessels for Lunar Energy, receiving and directing
the magical force. Men can also become lunar vessels, but women are much better
suited (as their biology is more attuned to the Moon's Cycles, than are men's
biology). The method used by both women and men will be given in another note
(part 4 or 5, depending upon available space).
The Moon altar is placed facing the West Quarter. The altar itself should be
round, but a square or a rectangle is OK. In the center of the altar, place a
bowl of saltwater. A white sea shell is then set into the center of the bowl. As
this is done, whisper the name of the Goddess who rules the current phase of the
Moon, under which you are working. The new moon belongs to Diana (De-ah-nah),
the Full Moon to Jana (Jah-nah) and the waning Moon to Umbrea. Around the bottom
of the bowl. set nine white shells, forming a crescent (horns upward, as in a
smile). If the magic is for the gain of something, place the shells from right
to left. If the magic is for the removal, or loss of something, then place the
shells from left to right.
As each shell is placed, chant the name of the Goddess who presides over the
goal of the magical influence you desire. Matters concerning "beginnings" are
under Diana. Matters involving "forces", energies, or powers are under the
influence of Jana. Matters of Death, decline, and stagnation are ruled by
Censers of Moon Incense are placed around the bowl, upon the altar, forming a
triangle (so you have 3 incense containers forming a triangle, with the Moon
Bowl in its center). A reversed triangle (V) is formed for manifestations
desired upon the physical plane. Upright triangles (A) are formed for
manifestation upon the astral plane.
During the magical work, the energy is focused into the altar bowl (or moon
bowl, as it is often called). This can be done in several different ways. In
group rituals, members may point their ritual blades at the Priestess, who
stands before the altar. The members visualize their energy flowing from their
themselves, through their blades, and into the aura of the Priestess. The
Priestess then visualizes this collective energy flowing from herself, through
her own blade, into the moon bowl. Or she may simply place her palms over the
bowl and focus the energy out through her hands. During this technique, she may
recite an incantation, stating the purpose of the "charge", or the group may
chant the spell's intent. One of the ways in which energy can be raised for this
technique, is through deep breathing. Each person draws in air slowly and
deeply, and exhales as they visualize the energy flowing outward through their
ritual blades, or their hands. Eastern Mystics teach that the Ether of our
planet can be drawn in through the breath, and condensed as pure energy. This
they call "Prana".
Another method is to "enchant" the water. Begin by passing your right hand, palm
down, over the bowl in a clockwise manner. Perform nine passes, then do the same
with your left hand. You will need to create a Chant which will serve to
describe your intent. It can be a simple rhyme, or whatever you want. As you
chant, blow gently upon the water slightly disturbing the surface. Formulate the
incantation to be as descriptive as you can, about what you desire.
Once you have spoken the incantation into the bowl, it is time to release the
"charge". One technique for this is to boil the water, and observe the steam as
it evaporates. Boil it until all of the water is gone. As the steam rises up,
repeat your incantation, and watch the steam as it moves upward. It is carrying
off your magic, so that it may take effect. Think this as you watch it (thoughts
ARE things).
Another very old method is to pour out the contents of the bowl into a stream,
or river. As you do this, you recite a simple rhyme spell, such as :
"Water to water
a witch's spell
I give this stream
to speed it well"
Receiving the Moon's Light: (for women)
The Priestess receiving the Full Moon, will need an assistant. The assistant
will require a silver disk, smooth and highly polished. If absolutely necessary,
a small hand mirror may be used in its place. The Priestess will stand or kneel
before the altar, with her head bowed down. The assistant will part her hair at
the base of the skull, using water or oil to help separate the hair, if it is
While the priestess visualizes the form of the Goddess merging from behind, into
her own form, the assistant will reflect the Moon's light upon the base of the
skull, using the silver disk. You will find that this is quite difficult in city
light pollution, and works best in a country setting, or a desert. Once the
Priestess receives the Moon she can channel it into the Moon bowl, or she can
"store" it within her Being for seven days. This light is pure Lunar energy, and
can be "impregnated" with whatever "thoughtform" the priestess desires.
Receiving the Moon's light: (for men)
The Priest receiving the Full Moon, does not need an assistant, but may choose
one if he desires. Men cannot receive the Moon in the same manner as women, nor
should they visualize the Goddess merging with them. The Priest will stand, or
kneel, before the altar with his head slightly bowed. Using a polished brass
disk, the Moon's light is reflected upon his forehead. At this point the Priest
will visualize himself as the Full Moon itself.
Once the light is received, the Priest can channel it into the bowl. Men do not
"hold" Moon Light very well, and it is best to channel it off before the seven
day period, which the Priestess enjoys.
There are several ways for a woman to receive the Moon's Light, without any
assistant. The technique I gave in this subject note, is just one of the magical
techniques. The Moon may also be received in a religious setting (no magic
intended, just a blessing or a union with Deity). In these modern times, you can
set up a mirror behind you, and angle it so that it reflects down upon you, if
you desire to try the magical technique. One of the old ways of non-magical
union, was for the woman to lay nude beneath the Full Moon in the Full Moon
Goddess Posture. This posture is also referred to as the Star Goddess Posture,
and is an X formation, arms and legs spread out wide. The woman anoints herself
with an oil of the Moon, just below her navel (forming a crescent with the oil).
As she lays upon the earth, she will look up into the Moon, and slowly draw in
the muscles of her abdomen, as she mentally pictures that she is drawing down
the light of the Moon, into herself. Just as men draw power into themselves
through the solar plexus, a woman draws power into herself through the navel
region ("pit of the stomach" kind of thing. This is the center of a woman).
This is just one method, but it can be a powerful experience.
It was once believed that:
1. The shadowed areas of the Moon were forests where the Goddess Diana hunted,
and the bright areas were plains.
2. That the Moon was a spinning wheel, upon which the Goddess spun the lives of
Men and Women.
3. That the Moon was a gem worn by the Goddess, and that the stars were
decorations upon Her gown.
The names by which the Moon was called, as she appeared in each month of the
year, varied with the significance of the seasonal month. In October and
November we see the need for preparations for Winter. In February, the wolves
were drawing closer to the villages looking for food. In March the sounds of
ravens signaled the coming of Spring. April through June we see the signs of
growing things. In July, the Moon marks the signs of horns and antlers upon
young animals. In September, of course, we find that the time is marked to reap
the Harvest.
Names of the Moon:
October: Hunter's Moon
November: Larder Moon
December: Long Night Moon
January: Winter Moon
February: Wolf Moon
March: Raven Moon
April: Meadow Moon
May: Flower Moon
June: Rose Moon
July: Antler Moon
August: Piscary Moon
September: Harvest Moon
The accumulation and direction of the subtle forces of the moon, is one of the
arts of Witchcraft. Moon magic is a personal art, even though there are basic
guidelines. In ancient times, witches held the position of the Moon
priestesses/priests. In coastal regions, and upon islands, witches were also Sea
Priestesses/Priests. The use of water from the sea was an important aspect in
Moon Magic (salt being a crystal form). The "charging" of water, and the release
of the "charge" through evaporation, was an important aspect. So too was the
soaking of woods and herbs in sea water, which were later dried, and burned as
incenses and offerings. Two excellent books on this subject are MOON MAGIC and
THE SEA PRIESTESS by Dion Fortune.
The use of Portals to gain access to the Lunar Realms, and the building of
magical images there, is a very important aspect of Moon Magic. The actual
"essence" of the power used in Moon Magic, originates out among the stars. The
Sun draws in the stellar influences and transmits them into our Solar System.
The Planets within our System absorb this energy which then merges with their
own vibrations or energies. The Planets, in turn, then emanate a composite
energy within our Solar System. Each Planet's energy or vibratory pattern is
unique, and influences other planetary bodies and forces, within each planet's
sphere of influence. This is the basis of Astrology and Planetary
correspondences in Magic (this is how and why it works). The Moon is the focal
point of power upon the Earth. The Moon absorbs, condenses, and channels all of
these forces, which are then carried to our Planet, upon the Lunar Light
Agrippa, a 15th Century magician, understood these principles when he wrote
"...but the Moon, the nearest to the heavenly influences, by the swiftness of
her course, is joined to the sun, and the other planets and stars, as a
conception, bringing them forth to the inferior world, as being next to itself,
for all the stars have influence on it, being the last receiver, which
afterwards communicates the influence of all superiors to these inferiors, and
pours them forth upon the Earth..."
Aradia, the Holy Strega, told her followers to seek the Moon above all others,
for the purposes of Magic. In the closing prayer of the Full Moon Ritual, we
find these words which Aradia's followers were later to have written :
" O' Goddess of the Moon...teach us your ancient mysteries.-
.. that the Holy Strega spoke of, for I believe the Strega's
story, when she told us to entreat Thee, told us when we
seek for Knowledge, to seek and find Thee above all others".
Agrippa understood this also, when he wrote, "Therefore. her (the moon) motion
is to be observed before the others, as the parent of all conception......hence
it is, that without the Moon intermediating, we cannot at any time attract the
power of the superiors..." What Agrippa spoke of, is what witches have known for
Ages: The Moon is the focal point of power upon the Earth. Without the Moon we
cannot make use of the Universal Forces beyond her.
In Moon Magic, the ritual altar is the focal point for the Lunar forces which
are drawn upon. Women are the vessels for Lunar Energy, receiving and directing
the magical force. Men can also become lunar vessels, but women are much better
suited (as their biology is more attuned to the Moon's Cycles, than are men's
biology). The method used by both women and men will be given in another note
(part 4 or 5, depending upon available space).
The Moon altar is placed facing the West Quarter. The altar itself should be
round, but a square or a rectangle is OK. In the center of the altar, place a
bowl of saltwater. A white sea shell is then set into the center of the bowl. As
this is done, whisper the name of the Goddess who rules the current phase of the
Moon, under which you are working. The new moon belongs to Diana (De-ah-nah),
the Full Moon to Jana (Jah-nah) and the waning Moon to Umbrea. Around the bottom
of the bowl. set nine white shells, forming a crescent (horns upward, as in a
smile). If the magic is for the gain of something, place the shells from right
to left. If the magic is for the removal, or loss of something, then place the
shells from left to right.
As each shell is placed, chant the name of the Goddess who presides over the
goal of the magical influence you desire. Matters concerning "beginnings" are
under Diana. Matters involving "forces", energies, or powers are under the
influence of Jana. Matters of Death, decline, and stagnation are ruled by
Censers of Moon Incense are placed around the bowl, upon the altar, forming a
triangle (so you have 3 incense containers forming a triangle, with the Moon
Bowl in its center). A reversed triangle (V) is formed for manifestations
desired upon the physical plane. Upright triangles (A) are formed for
manifestation upon the astral plane.
During the magical work, the energy is focused into the altar bowl (or moon
bowl, as it is often called). This can be done in several different ways. In
group rituals, members may point their ritual blades at the Priestess, who
stands before the altar. The members visualize their energy flowing from their
themselves, through their blades, and into the aura of the Priestess. The
Priestess then visualizes this collective energy flowing from herself, through
her own blade, into the moon bowl. Or she may simply place her palms over the
bowl and focus the energy out through her hands. During this technique, she may
recite an incantation, stating the purpose of the "charge", or the group may
chant the spell's intent. One of the ways in which energy can be raised for this
technique, is through deep breathing. Each person draws in air slowly and
deeply, and exhales as they visualize the energy flowing outward through their
ritual blades, or their hands. Eastern Mystics teach that the Ether of our
planet can be drawn in through the breath, and condensed as pure energy. This
they call "Prana".
Another method is to "enchant" the water. Begin by passing your right hand, palm
down, over the bowl in a clockwise manner. Perform nine passes, then do the same
with your left hand. You will need to create a Chant which will serve to
describe your intent. It can be a simple rhyme, or whatever you want. As you
chant, blow gently upon the water slightly disturbing the surface. Formulate the
incantation to be as descriptive as you can, about what you desire.
Once you have spoken the incantation into the bowl, it is time to release the
"charge". One technique for this is to boil the water, and observe the steam as
it evaporates. Boil it until all of the water is gone. As the steam rises up,
repeat your incantation, and watch the steam as it moves upward. It is carrying
off your magic, so that it may take effect. Think this as you watch it (thoughts
ARE things).
Another very old method is to pour out the contents of the bowl into a stream,
or river. As you do this, you recite a simple rhyme spell, such as :
"Water to water
a witch's spell
I give this stream
to speed it well"
Receiving the Moon's Light: (for women)
The Priestess receiving the Full Moon, will need an assistant. The assistant
will require a silver disk, smooth and highly polished. If absolutely necessary,
a small hand mirror may be used in its place. The Priestess will stand or kneel
before the altar, with her head bowed down. The assistant will part her hair at
the base of the skull, using water or oil to help separate the hair, if it is
While the priestess visualizes the form of the Goddess merging from behind, into
her own form, the assistant will reflect the Moon's light upon the base of the
skull, using the silver disk. You will find that this is quite difficult in city
light pollution, and works best in a country setting, or a desert. Once the
Priestess receives the Moon she can channel it into the Moon bowl, or she can
"store" it within her Being for seven days. This light is pure Lunar energy, and
can be "impregnated" with whatever "thoughtform" the priestess desires.
Receiving the Moon's light: (for men)
The Priest receiving the Full Moon, does not need an assistant, but may choose
one if he desires. Men cannot receive the Moon in the same manner as women, nor
should they visualize the Goddess merging with them. The Priest will stand, or
kneel, before the altar with his head slightly bowed. Using a polished brass
disk, the Moon's light is reflected upon his forehead. At this point the Priest
will visualize himself as the Full Moon itself.
Once the light is received, the Priest can channel it into the bowl. Men do not
"hold" Moon Light very well, and it is best to channel it off before the seven
day period, which the Priestess enjoys.
There are several ways for a woman to receive the Moon's Light, without any
assistant. The technique I gave in this subject note, is just one of the magical
techniques. The Moon may also be received in a religious setting (no magic
intended, just a blessing or a union with Deity). In these modern times, you can
set up a mirror behind you, and angle it so that it reflects down upon you, if
you desire to try the magical technique. One of the old ways of non-magical
union, was for the woman to lay nude beneath the Full Moon in the Full Moon
Goddess Posture. This posture is also referred to as the Star Goddess Posture,
and is an X formation, arms and legs spread out wide. The woman anoints herself
with an oil of the Moon, just below her navel (forming a crescent with the oil).
As she lays upon the earth, she will look up into the Moon, and slowly draw in
the muscles of her abdomen, as she mentally pictures that she is drawing down
the light of the Moon, into herself. Just as men draw power into themselves
through the solar plexus, a woman draws power into herself through the navel
region ("pit of the stomach" kind of thing. This is the center of a woman).
This is just one method, but it can be a powerful experience.
It was once believed that:
1. The shadowed areas of the Moon were forests where the Goddess Diana hunted,
and the bright areas were plains.
2. That the Moon was a spinning wheel, upon which the Goddess spun the lives of
Men and Women.
3. That the Moon was a gem worn by the Goddess, and that the stars were
decorations upon Her gown.
The names by which the Moon was called, as she appeared in each month of the
year, varied with the significance of the seasonal month. In October and
November we see the need for preparations for Winter. In February, the wolves
were drawing closer to the villages looking for food. In March the sounds of
ravens signaled the coming of Spring. April through June we see the signs of
growing things. In July, the Moon marks the signs of horns and antlers upon
young animals. In September, of course, we find that the time is marked to reap
the Harvest.
Names of the Moon:
October: Hunter's Moon
November: Larder Moon
December: Long Night Moon
January: Winter Moon
February: Wolf Moon
March: Raven Moon
April: Meadow Moon
May: Flower Moon
June: Rose Moon
July: Antler Moon
August: Piscary Moon
September: Harvest Moon
The accumulation and direction of the subtle forces of the moon, is one of the
arts of Witchcraft. Moon magic is a personal art, even though there are basic
guidelines. In ancient times, witches held the position of the Moon
priestesses/priests. In coastal regions, and upon islands, witches were also Sea
Priestesses/Priests. The use of water from the sea was an important aspect in
Moon Magic (salt being a crystal form). The "charging" of water, and the release
of the "charge" through evaporation, was an important aspect. So too was the
soaking of woods and herbs in sea water, which were later dried, and burned as
incenses and offerings. Two excellent books on this subject are MOON MAGIC and
THE SEA PRIESTESS by Dion Fortune.
The use of Portals to gain access to the Lunar Realms, and the building of
magical images there, is a very important aspect of Moon Magic. The actual
"essence" of the power used in Moon Magic, originates out among the stars. The
Sun draws in the stellar influences and transmits them into our Solar System.
The Planets within our System absorb this energy which then merges with their
own vibrations or energies. The Planets, in turn, then emanate a composite
energy within our Solar System. Each Planet's energy or vibratory pattern is
unique, and influences other planetary bodies and forces, within each planet's
sphere of influence. This is the basis of Astrology and Planetary
correspondences in Magic (this is how and why it works). The Moon is the focal
point of power upon the Earth. The Moon absorbs, condenses, and channels all of
these forces, which are then carried to our Planet, upon the Lunar Light
Agrippa, a 15th Century magician, understood these principles when he wrote
"...but the Moon, the nearest to the heavenly influences, by the swiftness of
her course, is joined to the sun, and the other planets and stars, as a
conception, bringing them forth to the inferior world, as being next to itself,
for all the stars have influence on it, being the last receiver, which
afterwards communicates the influence of all superiors to these inferiors, and
pours them forth upon the Earth..."
Aradia, the Holy Strega, told her followers to seek the Moon above all others,
for the purposes of Magic. In the closing prayer of the Full Moon Ritual, we
find these words which Aradia's followers were later to have written :
" O' Goddess of the Moon...teach us your ancient mysteries.-
.. that the Holy Strega spoke of, for I believe the Strega's
story, when she told us to entreat Thee, told us when we
seek for Knowledge, to seek and find Thee above all others".
Agrippa understood this also, when he wrote, "Therefore. her (the moon) motion
is to be observed before the others, as the parent of all conception......hence
it is, that without the Moon intermediating, we cannot at any time attract the
power of the superiors..." What Agrippa spoke of, is what witches have known for
Ages: The Moon is the focal point of power upon the Earth. Without the Moon we
cannot make use of the Universal Forces beyond her.
In Moon Magic, the ritual altar is the focal point for the Lunar forces which
are drawn upon. Women are the vessels for Lunar Energy, receiving and directing
the magical force. Men can also become lunar vessels, but women are much better
suited (as their biology is more attuned to the Moon's Cycles, than are men's
biology). The method used by both women and men will be given in another note
(part 4 or 5, depending upon available space).
The Moon altar is placed facing the West Quarter. The altar itself should be
round, but a square or a rectangle is OK. In the center of the altar, place a
bowl of saltwater. A white sea shell is then set into the center of the bowl. As
this is done, whisper the name of the Goddess who rules the current phase of the
Moon, under which you are working. The new moon belongs to Diana (De-ah-nah),
the Full Moon to Jana (Jah-nah) and the waning Moon to Umbrea. Around the bottom
of the bowl. set nine white shells, forming a crescent (horns upward, as in a
smile). If the magic is for the gain of something, place the shells from right
to left. If the magic is for the removal, or loss of something, then place the
shells from left to right.
As each shell is placed, chant the name of the Goddess who presides over the
goal of the magical influence you desire. Matters concerning "beginnings" are
under Diana. Matters involving "forces", energies, or powers are under the
influence of Jana. Matters of Death, decline, and stagnation are ruled by
Censers of Moon Incense are placed around the bowl, upon the altar, forming a
triangle (so you have 3 incense containers forming a triangle, with the Moon
Bowl in its center). A reversed triangle (V) is formed for manifestations
desired upon the physical plane. Upright triangles (A) are formed for
manifestation upon the astral plane.
During the magical work, the energy is focused into the altar bowl (or moon
bowl, as it is often called). This can be done in several different ways. In
group rituals, members may point their ritual blades at the Priestess, who
stands before the altar. The members visualize their energy flowing from their
themselves, through their blades, and into the aura of the Priestess. The
Priestess then visualizes this collective energy flowing from herself, through
her own blade, into the moon bowl. Or she may simply place her palms over the
bowl and focus the energy out through her hands. During this technique, she may
recite an incantation, stating the purpose of the "charge", or the group may
chant the spell's intent. One of the ways in which energy can be raised for this
technique, is through deep breathing. Each person draws in air slowly and
deeply, and exhales as they visualize the energy flowing outward through their
ritual blades, or their hands. Eastern Mystics teach that the Ether of our
planet can be drawn in through the breath, and condensed as pure energy. This
they call "Prana".
Another method is to "enchant" the water. Begin by passing your right hand, palm
down, over the bowl in a clockwise manner. Perform nine passes, then do the same
with your left hand. You will need to create a Chant which will serve to
describe your intent. It can be a simple rhyme, or whatever you want. As you
chant, blow gently upon the water slightly disturbing the surface. Formulate the
incantation to be as descriptive as you can, about what you desire.
Once you have spoken the incantation into the bowl, it is time to release the
"charge". One technique for this is to boil the water, and observe the steam as
it evaporates. Boil it until all of the water is gone. As the steam rises up,
repeat your incantation, and watch the steam as it moves upward. It is carrying
off your magic, so that it may take effect. Think this as you watch it (thoughts
ARE things).
Another very old method is to pour out the contents of the bowl into a stream,
or river. As you do this, you recite a simple rhyme spell, such as :
"Water to water
a witch's spell
I give this stream
to speed it well"
Receiving the Moon's Light: (for women)
The Priestess receiving the Full Moon, will need an assistant. The assistant
will require a silver disk, smooth and highly polished. If absolutely necessary,
a small hand mirror may be used in its place. The Priestess will stand or kneel
before the altar, with her head bowed down. The assistant will part her hair at
the base of the skull, using water or oil to help separate the hair, if it is
While the priestess visualizes the form of the Goddess merging from behind, into
her own form, the assistant will reflect the Moon's light upon the base of the
skull, using the silver disk. You will find that this is quite difficult in city
light pollution, and works best in a country setting, or a desert. Once the
Priestess receives the Moon she can channel it into the Moon bowl, or she can
"store" it within her Being for seven days. This light is pure Lunar energy, and
can be "impregnated" with whatever "thoughtform" the priestess desires.
Receiving the Moon's light: (for men)
The Priest receiving the Full Moon, does not need an assistant, but may choose
one if he desires. Men cannot receive the Moon in the same manner as women, nor
should they visualize the Goddess merging with them. The Priest will stand, or
kneel, before the altar with his head slightly bowed. Using a polished brass
disk, the Moon's light is reflected upon his forehead. At this point the Priest
will visualize himself as the Full Moon itself.
Once the light is received, the Priest can channel it into the bowl. Men do not
"hold" Moon Light very well, and it is best to channel it off before the seven
day period, which the Priestess enjoys.
There are several ways for a woman to receive the Moon's Light, without any
assistant. The technique I gave in this subject note, is just one of the magical
techniques. The Moon may also be received in a religious setting (no magic
intended, just a blessing or a union with Deity). In these modern times, you can
set up a mirror behind you, and angle it so that it reflects down upon you, if
you desire to try the magical technique. One of the old ways of non-magical
union, was for the woman to lay nude beneath the Full Moon in the Full Moon
Goddess Posture. This posture is also referred to as the Star Goddess Posture,
and is an X formation, arms and legs spread out wide. The woman anoints herself
with an oil of the Moon, just below her navel (forming a crescent with the oil).
As she lays upon the earth, she will look up into the Moon, and slowly draw in
the muscles of her abdomen, as she mentally pictures that she is drawing down
the light of the Moon, into herself. Just as men draw power into themselves
through the solar plexus, a woman draws power into herself through the navel
region ("pit of the stomach" kind of thing. This is the center of a woman).
This is just one method, but it can be a powerful experience.
FULL MOON: The full moon is the most powerful time to perform a spell or ritual. Your psychic powers are at their peak and you are at your most energetic time. This is a good time to perform lunar goddess invocations, fertility rituals, transformations, spirit conjurations and spells that increase psychic abilities and prophetic dreams.
WANING MOON: The time from the Full Moon to the New Moon is the proper time to perform destructive magick and spells that remove curses, hexes and jinxes, end bad relationships, reverse love spells and aphrodisiacs, undo negative influences and decrease fevers and pains.
Timing your Magick with the Moon
Timing your magick with the phases of the Moon is essential for success. A rule of thumb is to remember for white magick, this is best done while the moon is waxing (increasing in light; new to full). The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. Love spells, acquiring a new job, wealth success, and so forth.
When the moon is waning (decreasing in light; full to new), this is the best time for success in black magick and works of destruction, the best time being as close to the new moon as possible. The waning moon is also a good time for ending things, banishing spells and ending personal bad habits, losing weight.
Moon in Aries
Projects begun when the moon is in Aries often begin with much enthusiasm, but tend not to last. This is a good time for inciting conflicts, high energy, me, mine, war, knives, weapons, guns, quick but not lasting results, fire, sharp things, metals, daring, sticking up for yourself, risk taking, independence and inciting accidents. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the head or face at this time. Magick ruled by Mars has the best outcome at this time.
Moon in Taurus
Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, especially when performed in when the moon is in the first ten degrees of the sign. Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the neck or throat at this time. Magick ruled by the Earth and Venus are successful at this time.
Moon in Gemini
Communications, short distance travel, a Gemini Moon is dualistic in nature and rules over thievery, trickery, pulling a fast one, relatives, siblings and neighbors, and computers. Gemini lacks staying power and projects begun when moon is in this sign tend to change. Not a good sign for black magickal workings. More neutral in nature. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the shoulders, arms, hands, or nerves at this time. Magick ruled by Mercury has the best outcome at this time.
Moon in Cancer
Cancer rules over anything to do with the home, family, food, nurturing, the mother, women in general. Things tend to last, as Cancer is a clingy sign. Good for love spells, weather spells, altar consecration, blessing the home, mediumship, psychic endeavors, inciting over-emotionalism. Spells for the success in buying land, purchasing real estate, a decent place to live, and reconciling family members are best performed when the Moon is in this sign. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the stomach at this time. With love relationships or marriages begun when the moon is in Cancer, if the parties break up, they often tend to reunite. Magick corresponding to the Moon is successful at this time.
Moon in Leo
Good for anything having to do with children, creativity, good for casting love spells; romance, success in gambling, winning, attracting center stage, personal charisma, men in general, the father, hobbies, speculation, risk taking, investments, stocks and bonds, authority and spells for gaining positions of power and authority over others. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the heart, spine, or back at this time. Leo is a fixed sign and projects begun when the moon is in this sign tend to last. Magickal workings ruled by the Sun are successful at this time.
Moon in Virgo
Health, sickness, wellness, things that require precision and perfection, hygiene, nutrition, herbs, vitamins, the armed forces, clothing, the work place, co-workers, workings of white magick and healing for others, service to others. Things that involve details. Hospitals, healing, the medical profession, institutions, bureaucracy, red tape, attention to detail. Virgo tends towards change. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the intestines, anus, or digestive system at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Mercury are successful at this time.
Moon in Libra
Good time to form love relationships, marriages, partnerships of all kinds or cast spells to ensure the success of or to incite these. Peace, diplomacy, negotiation, legal matters, workings with two people, contracts, getting people to do what you want them to do easily and peacefully. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the kidneys or lower back at this time. Best for love spells.
Moon in Scorpio
This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Moon in Sagittarius
Religion, Universities, travel, higher education, gambling, good luck, good for ceremonial magick, best for white magick, publishing, sports, the outdoors, the law. Pulling off something big. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the hips or thighs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Jupiter are successful at this time.
Moon in Capricorn
When the moon is in Capricorn, this is another excellent time for black magickal workings. Depression, ruthlessness, using people viciously, long-term results. Honors, social standing, responsibility, authority, structure, setting long-term goals and plans for the future. NOT a good time to seek favors from those in authority. Magickal workings and spells that feature a time delay or are lasting, wasting, manipulating people, business, banishing. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the bones/skeletal system, teeth, or knees at this time. This is a "ruthless" moon sign. Workings ruled by the malefic planet Saturn are favored at this time.
Moon in Aquarius
Friends, groups, platonic relationships, society, electricity, workings within a coven, computers, technology, individuality, originality, freedom, independence, humanity, anarchy, the unexpected, bolt out of the blue, genius, revelation, goals and ideals, shocking people. This is the best moon sign for spells of independence and breaking away from restrictive situations. Freedom and coming into your own. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the calves or ankles at this time. Workings ruled by Uranus are favored.
Moon in Pisces
Poison, drugs, self-undoing, deception, sorrow, depression, isolation, insanity, very deep psychic stuff. Good for success in meditation and all psychic pursuits. Spells to deceive people, secrets, swindles, vulnerability. Secret enemies, altered states. This is the one of best times for endings, especially when the moon is in 20-30 degrees of the sign (make sure it is not void). Psychic healing can be done. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the feet at this time.
Go to the Living with the moon calendar on link:
baby's on another trip to the moon,
look the moon is full,
Once the Spell is Broken
It is all too blatant once the spell is broken, how the Jews have wrested control of, and abused occult power in their quest to become "God."
If one does the necessary research and studying, one can blatantly see the correlation between the Judeo-Christian Bible, Communism, and the Jewish version of the New World Order.
There is a lot of confusion concerning Freemasonry, The New World Order, The United States, and where these all stand in regards to True Satanism.
The reason for the confusion is because of infiltration, like AIPAC of the US CONGRESS for a very good example.
The ORIGINAL Freemasons who were mainly responsible for establishing the United States of America, designing Washington DC and many other US Cities where the architecture is specially designed and geographically arranged for a future goal, using occult knowledge, had a completely different idea of a New World Order.
This NWO that our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles. The goals of this NWO were:
1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.
2. The United States was to be “The New Atlantis” and was meant to set a precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual knowledge.
3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she could be.
4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the United States.
Now, what happened to the above and where this *other* NWO, which is of the Jews is going today is another story.
Though the book: "Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders" by by James D. Shaw and Tom C. McKenney, was written from a Christian perpective, it contains much useful information regarding Modern Freemasonry.
Upon reaching the 33rd degree (this now a days is much different from the original rank where spiritual knowledge was obtained and the 33 degrees represented the spinal column and the kundalni), the Freemason is usually invited to join the Illuminati, a communist organization with the goals of a Jewish run New World Order.
The Judeo-Christian Bible is, like the goal of the modern day Jew infiltrated Freemasonry, "All religions are one."
The forefathers of the USA are rolling over in their graves.
Once the Spell is Broken
It is all too blatant once the spell is broken, how the Jews have wrested control of, and abused occult power in their quest to become "God."
If one does the necessary research and studying, one can blatantly see the correlation between the Judeo-Christian Bible, Communism, and the Jewish version of the New World Order.
There is a lot of confusion concerning Freemasonry, The New World Order, The United States, and where these all stand in regards to True Satanism.
The reason for the confusion is because of infiltration, like AIPAC of the US CONGRESS for a very good example.
The ORIGINAL Freemasons who were mainly responsible for establishing the United States of America, designing Washington DC and many other US Cities where the architecture is specially designed and geographically arranged for a future goal, using occult knowledge, had a completely different idea of a New World Order.
This NWO that our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles. The goals of this NWO were:
1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.
2. The United States was to be “The New Atlantis” and was meant to set a precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual knowledge.
3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she could be.
4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the United States.
Now, what happened to the above and where this *other* NWO, which is of the Jews is going today is another story.
Though the book: "Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders" by by James D. Shaw and Tom C. McKenney, was written from a Christian perpective, it contains much useful information regarding Modern Freemasonry.
Upon reaching the 33rd degree (this now a days is much different from the original rank where spiritual knowledge was obtained and the 33 degrees represented the spinal column and the kundalni), the Freemason is usually invited to join the Illuminati, a communist organization with the goals of a Jewish run New World Order.
The Judeo-Christian Bible is, like the goal of the modern day Jew infiltrated Freemasonry, "All religions are one."
The forefathers of the USA are rolling over in their graves.
Our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles.
The goals of this NWO were:
1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.
2. The United States was to be “The New Atlantis” and was meant to set a precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual knowledge.
3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she could be.
4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the United States.
Our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles.
The goals of this NWO were:
1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.
2. The United States was to be “The New Atlantis” and was meant to set a precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual knowledge.
3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she could be.
4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the United States.
Our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles.
The goals of this NWO were:
1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.
2. The United States was to be “The New Atlantis” and was meant to set a precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual knowledge.
3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she could be.
4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the United States.
Christmas will come again next year, no matter what the little girl in Wal-Mart says.
Old Thing,
Here's a helpful hint: Enlightened Beings don't normally go around spewing insults and hate. Nor are they normally to be found engaging in condescension or forkings of the tongue ("that was irony--I didn't really mean it"). How, pray tell, are dumbasses like us supposed to infer that you're being ironic when the entire tone of all your comments reeks with such unrelenting smugness, such imagined superiority, such blatant hostility? (But make sure to end each of your refined missives with some holy incantations & ululations--that'll convince the idiots you're really the rarefied spiritual being you present yourself as.)
Btw, Kötke does not in any way advocate Malthusian or Darwinian mechanics. In fact, that's kind of the point of his outlook--that this kind of elitist, self-serving rationale for empire is just the thing that has been so readily discredited by the facts. Of course, since you are of the spiritual and cultural elite (nice doggerel--did you pay for that education, or did it just rub off on you from your time with the Dalai Lama?), I can see why you would be reluctant to accept something that goes against the grain of your empowerment.
Clearly, highly evolved persons such as yourself don't really need to consider the efforts of people who would change the world; it obviously suits your purposes just fine to attack those lesser beings who are attracted to Jeff's and Kötke's writings. What were your contributions again, exactly? Just sum it up for us, if you're busy passing through higher realms of awareness. I'd even settle for just one golden nugget--what have you done here that was not an attack on some hapless Untermensch? Just one example that you're on humanity's side?
IC, point taken although I do detect a bit of sarcasm with wit, that is cool and we all need to laugh, I did.
IC, i like you writing.
I am possessed by a demon when i write.
She is confrontational, controversial and argumentive, but for a good reason.
When I do retaliate and that is most unchristian and unlady i agree (in mine world it is a positve attribute).
Regardless it detracts from my goal of informing the uninformed, and the ones who bully me and i stand up and slap back, deserve it.
Ignoring them will not make them go away, acknowledgement has its problems too.
I was doing so well in the beginning of this particular thread till the disrespectfulbrat came around with his barbs.
At that point I was psychically attacked, I sent it all back in a psi ball, after forcing his third eyes open and shattering the ball inside him.
The demons are watching out for us.
Protecting us but that does not mean the enemy has no power, they want war, not me.
They would leave me alone if I was not hitting a nerve.
Spiritual Warfare is VERY REAL.
Anyway that was yesterday.We cannot cry over spilt milk.
Let the dead bury the dead.
Marchosias the Combative Warrior says:
When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
I literally interpet that as a signal to open fire, in a literal sense.
Some things are worth fighting for.
It takes away fron us learning in a positive atmosphere.
Truelly that is what they want, to blot out, keep the occult hidden.
Heres how you know if a demon is in you having gone through the process of INVOCATION.
Demons have powerful energy, way beyond the average human. When we invoke them or have close intimate contact with them, a variety of effects can happen. The Demon's bioelectricity merges with our own. We are all individuals and our life force is individual, operating on different levels of intensity. What one person may experience, another may or may not. This depends on many different things, such as previous levels of the energy of our soul. The more powerful your own energy, the more energy you can withstand, with little or no unsettling effects. One’s present physical strength and constitution also determine the amount of energy we can handle. People who are built up or stronger physically can withstand more from their own workings or that from an outside source.
Common sensations after invoking a Demon/ess are skin sensitivity, tingling, your insides vibrating or tingling; aching in the joints (for those with lower levels of bioelectricity), feeling like you are glowing and/or floating, sometimes anxiety, feeling heat or cold, exhilaration, intense dreams, feeling hyperactive or nervous, insomnia and others. The lower your own levels of life energy, the more effects you may experience. None of this is anything to be concerned about, as it will pass. The above also depends on the closeness of contact with the Demon/ess. Plain telepathic communication rarely produces the effects having sexual intercourse does.
Invoking Demons before sleep can cause insomnia, as the energy of the Demon/ess can keep you awake, as it is intense and powerful. With self-empowerment and increasing our own bioelectricity, we will always be able to feel a Demon and have some after effects, but they will be minimal as we become stronger.
Feeling a kundalini surge when one is not meditating often indicates a Demon/ess is present. Demonic energy feels much like our own. This takes experience in determining whether a Demon/ess is present or whether we are just feeling our own energy. This comes in time and with repeated contact with the Demons.
I love the feeling and never have I been harmed.
They are free and treated with the respect they deserve.I have learned much.
see you later,
IC, you are right, go on the attack.
They started it.
On the Foundation of the United States, the Constitutional Coup, and other Important Points for Understanding USA Trajectory
Sabrina-it froths:
To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.
There were lots of different wings of this movement, so erroneous. Some actually Stuart (masonic) royalists. Others highly Christian. Others simply merchant profiteers and economic. In short, sign of your weak (cut-and-pasting) mind, Sabrina-it, is attempting to lump everything into one category. History is always full of intercompeting subjective interests contending for hegemony or alliance.
(Moreover, the U.S. Constitution was actually illegally established, given that the Congress body from the Articles of Confederation didn't have the power to write a Constitution. Just a case of elites, basically state criminals in many cases, the whole world around. Though that's a separate issue from what Sabrina-it thinks she knows something about, the 'anti-Christian federal government' of the USA, which she thinks anachronistically was automatically created).
Sabrina-it, most U.S. states had Christian state churches in your supposed 'secular' U.S.
Yes, Sabrina-it is right though right with heavy omission and oversimplification, which is typical with what she posts to conform to her reductionist orthodoxy.
What was 'secular' was the federal government, however it was mostly 'secular by default' instead of intention--simply because out of politics the different state elites, of which there were widely different state-corporatist cultures and religious views (see Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America, by David Hackett Fischer):
"This cultural history explains the European settlement of the United States as voluntary migrations from four English cultural centers. Families of zealous, literate Puritan yeomen and artisans from urbanized East Anglia established a religious community in Massachusetts (1629-40); royalist cavaliers headed by Sir William Berkeley and young, male indentured servants from the south and west of England built a highly stratified agrarian way of life in Virginia (1640-70); egalitarian Quakers of modest social standing from the North Midlands resettled in the Delaware Valley and promoted a social pluralism (1675-1715); and, in by far the largest migration (1717-75), poor borderland families of English, Scots, and Irish fled a violent environment to seek a better life in a similarly uncertain American backcountry. These four cultures, reflected in regional patterns of language, architecture, literacy, dress, sport, social structure, religious beliefs, and familial ways, persisted in the American settlements. The final chapter shows the significance of these regional cultures for American history up to the present. Insightful, fresh, interesting, and well-written, this synthesis of traditional and more current historical scholarship provides a model for interpretations of the American character. Subsequent volumes of this promised multivolume work will be eagerly awaited. Highly recommended for the general reader and the scholar."
Albion's Seed is an excellent read. Out of that little thumbnail sketch, mostly, they were unable to decide on a singular denomination to sponsor. However, it is true that many of the Founding Fathers 'religiously' wished that, being highly Unitarian and 'Christian masonic' minded. The U.S. male aristocratic elite was basically Christian-Masonic well into the 1820s, when it started to break down and started the beginning of the party system in the U.S (all out of the fact that Jackson, once Masonic Grandmaster of Tennessee, ran for the Presidency, then he felt he "was cheated" out of the Presidency by Adams' dealmaking when it was thrown to the House in 1824 (Adams, Unitarian, son of previous president Adams). Jackson started breaking taboos by actually attempting to appeal to larger segments of the population as a whole in running for elections. He was the first to actually 'campaign'.
(It is true however that ex-Grandmaster of Tennessee Andrew Jackson in in later Presidential runs was mired into one wing of the Anglo-American treasonous elites that disliked national state developmentalism and supported Jackson's attempt to dismantle the national bank, for crony international lender's interests. There was another wing that wanted to keep maintaining this, for equally crony national private bank families and interests.
All this 'intra-elite' contention started up the party system in the U.S. in the late 1820s and 1830s, as elites appealed to 'lower and lower' ranks of the population. Behold, by the late 1800s, elites in the US really had a form of mass Progressivism on their hands that all the elite led parties disliked. Then they started to crack down and close ranks by the 1896 election, the last election where large portion of the U.S. population felt appealed to in elections.
After that, the party agreements were to appeal to very shallow electorates and find 'legal engineering' ways to destroy and pre-rig 'democracy' their way, as well as demote urban representation of lower class cities.
That has been the case from 1896-2007 (the present).
If the 'secular by default' theme is far more accurate, then this framework was increasingly taken over by those with a particular Illuminati bent, particularly around the Skull and Bones sub groups of this movement, some aware they were being used and sponsored, others unaware.(Brotherhood of the Bell may be the 'classic' exploration in film of how people can be sponsored and be kept in the dark about it).
This expansion of Skull and Bones networks (which were the connect to the international Anglo-American drug lords and treasonous family hereditary elites of the New England Connecticut areas) particularly occurred out of corruption of war profiteering of the Lincoln-abolitionist-British elite traitors generated Civil War, which was really a combined alliance: (Bones) Southern elite and (Bones) Northern pro-British treasonous Anglo-elite agreeing to split the United States up in the Civil War, and working together both in the North and the South to accomplish it, because both disliked populist democracy, and because both Southern elites and Northern elites got along like a house on fire.
However, there's the economic issues of "Lincoln's war" to consider as well: The north first started with the popular premise of "let the south go, good riddance", though then with most of federal finances coming from tariffs and most of these coming through the South and the north dependent upon the south in raw materials, suddenly the Civil War agreement became a war of Northern Conquest, hardly to "preserve" the Union, more to rescue the federal (Northern) budget.
The U.S. occupied South is probably the first place in the world where these Northern Anglo-American elites practiced their imperialism. The South was reintegrated into the U.S. though in a sense as the first banana republic territory (in this case, "cotton republic") of the coming up "Third World" dominated by banking cliques of the U.S. North.
And their are the international geopolitical aspects of the U.S. Civil War as well, particularly when Lincoln allied privately (and extra-Constitutionally/illegally without Congressional authorization of such a treaty) with the Russian Czar for using the Russian imperial navy as a 'mercenary fleet' protecting the U.S. California area as well as positioned on the East Coast as well. This was to keep Europe ([1] mostly hard-right Catholic Napoleon III's France; and [2] Britain, a royalist, democracy-hating and American financial competition hating state that disliked any crimp in the global British Empire). Both were set to intervene and take over northern and southern territory in the United States proper, splitting up the territory once more. Most of the U.S. remember was actually only 50 years earlier mostly French (Louisiana Purchase and all that, to pay for Napoleon's side of the Napoleonic-British wars of late 1790s-1815, as well as give up a territory to friendly anti-British ally, the USA, a territory that it was unable to keep given that the French just lost some Caribbean areas to the British, areas that were to be intimately connected geopolitically with providing and stationing French troops to protect French Louisiana Territory; The war of 1812 had a lot of U.S. treason supporting the British as well, who almost successfully took over the Mississippi River, from the Great Lakes to Louisiana. The families involved in this treason were still around and instrumental in working on fomenting the divisions of the U.S. Civil War once more.)
So, the "U.S. Civil war" was hardly a domestic phenomena, and it was even an example of "internal imperialism" for financial gain and to destroy any potential competition for development afterwards (Shermans war crime "March to the Sea" and all that--General Sherman, though not Skull and Bones himself, is part of the largest cluster of interbred families in Skull and Bones, the Sherman-Baldwin-Evarts-etc. group).
So the U.S. Civil war was an international war, run by internal treasonous families cooperating on the outside, for splitting up the U.S. through exacerbating and playing on its already pronounced cultural divisions, particularly on the issue of aboltionism.
You have to remember that the radical abolitionists funded by these Northern hyperrich families wanted to split up the Union as well. They weren't pro unionists! This was fine with the South that wanted to go its own way.
However, the vast majority of the South disliked the secession and formation of the Confederacy (and never voted on their state's seceding), and a vast majority of the north didn't support the "pro-abolitionist and split the Union" policy of these hyperrich Northerers, either.
(However, the North was as equally racist as the South anyway as seen in the North's treatment of 'free blacks' [read about it in The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War.]. However, even that book fails to cover how Lincoln was not really cooperating with the 'split the Union' motif of his sponsors, and got himself assassinated after the Civil War because of it and because he came out of the Whig Party and simply utilized that policy of national development during the war, which was NOT what the fomenters of the war wanted: to weaken and destroy the U.S. Instead after the Civil War, was when the U.S. North really took over and started to impinge on British financial domination of the world. Another point is that Lincoln for instance without Congressional authorization (i.e., Northern 'split the union traitors') made the Union-protecting alliance with Russia, as insurance that the French troops intentionally stationed in Mexico, and the British troops built up and intentionally waiting by the border in "Canada" (which wasn't a separate country yet), and his own "Northern allies" would stay out of manipulating the U.S. Civil War to lead to general collapse of the USA.
That made the Anglo-American 'split the union abolitionist sponsors' hopping mad that instead of breaking up the Union, it was stronger than ever after the Civil War. Then they killed Lincoln (actually Stanton organized it, and then ripped out the key pages of Booth's diary on connecting the Northern-side of the conspiracy to kill Lincoln (the Wilkes Booth diary evidence), which unsurprisingly ended up in Stanton's attic, discovered by his ancestors. Stanton lied that the diary was "found with those pages ripped out of it."
Even though lots of British inclined internationalists failed to split the United States in the Civil War, the groups simply increasingly strategized to take it over instead--as the "best run" they could after several failed attempts to split up the U.S.
Instead, they would from post Civil War convert it into an aristocratic corporatist-fascist state, with a dumbed down population, privately financed government debt anyway (which Lincoln had rejected), and serious federal criminality and high repression (from unConstitutional organs like the IRS and the Federal Reserve as a 'financial monitoring version of a rogue police state', which they have mostly achieved.)
Back to Sabrina-it's point.
Increasingly, from after the U.S. Civil War, and then into the early early 20th century, there was an occult infiltration in the 'secular by default' federal government run from a handful of hyperrich families whose commonality was they were an Anglo-American aristocratic, democracy-hating, world empire leadership.
This is where "Sabrina-it" comes in, as a low worker bee of this state cult church--who will be chewed up and spit out on their schedule. And she knows it.
The oppression from her mouth instead of freedom is just the state Satanic church--taking over the informal policy directions of a once 'secular by default' federal framework.
It is hardly freedom from repression of religion, and is only another form of cloaked state religion of repression--with "Sabrinaesque" Inquisition.
The U.S. federal government has almost completely become the "Satanic Catholic Church" of which "Ms. Sabrina-who-does-not-exist" is so fond of. Nothing to do with freedom at all.
This is why the more Christian-Unitarian inclined Founding Fathers found themselves murdered simultaneously back to back on July 4, 1826 (ex-President Jefferson and his close friend ex-President Adams). The side sponsoring Jackson was pissed someone so 'renegade' to such plans could still get power as President in 1824 with House of Representatives popularity.
So they killed President Adams father ex-President Adams two years later on Independence Day, 1826, along with Jefferson on the same day.
If "Sabrina-it" actually believed in what she preached, the following would be her motto: that it isn't--should explain everything to IC and others what is really going on---
"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts as are only injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." -Thomas Jefferson
That it does "pick her pocket and break her leg" to Sabrina shows how state church repressive she is.
"Sabrina-it"'s freedom is one of freedom to repress others, and she knows it. She's just playing with slogan words like "freedom of the individual" in a twisting way, which makes her exactly like Bush's neocons who are basically Satanist as well. Sabrina doesn't really believe in freedom of the individual.
Though as for her repressive anti-freedom clique, yes, it's there: do we have to show the massive 2000 and 2004 coterie of devil's hand signs, of Bush and his whole damn family, at the Inaugural Parade to prove it once more?
I believe!
I believe!
I believe!.....that we in the West are nutjobs. Look at that Interactive Map. Where are all the sightings? That's correct, the West. Now, let's do an Interactive Map showing degree of Pharmaceutical Usage....I bet we it looks just like the UFO Interactive Map.
We're a bunch of diseased fuckups, folks! We're out of touch! We're psychotic!
Or, maybe...just maybe...the UFO Craze is a Chinese Strategy. Look at the Interactive sightings in China. Watch out for those China Men...they're very sneaky.
Instead of hailing Satan,
maybe you can hail a cab and get
the fuck off this blog.
It boggles the mind...really! What with all the madness and misery being foisted on this world by some corrupt, inept and murderous "leaders" and our impotence to do anything about it, the "cunning linguists" here are so preoccupied with a "Sap for Satan". All the hanky twisting and panty knotting over this troll is beyond belief. If you can't solve the problem with her, how in hell will you even attempt any change with our miserable gov't.?
One, don't feed her insatiable desire for attention , and two, while scrolling, just IGNORE her screeds every time you see her name! Is that simple enough? It works for me...give it a go!
"But before then, photographs of Fields' lights were analyzed by "digital-production expert" Mark Kirby, president and CEO of EIC Research. "I was kind of surprised," Kirby said. From a black-and-white analysis of an image of yellow light, he saw what "looks like a clean silhouette of someone sitting behind a console or flight control." Analysis of the orange light was "a bit scary.... You could literally see two eyes and a mouth," Kirby said. "It looked like someone looking at you."
So, did you happen to look at those digitally enhanced pictures of the chill inducing pilot?
Christ, talk about your Rorshach ink blots.
"Clean silhouette" my ass.
If this is the shit that passes for evidence in internet la-la land, I can see why it's ignored.
I can also see why some people see aliens while some people see angels and, I've no doubt, that if you showed that photo to someone convinced we were being invaded by Smurfs, they would have seen a big blue Smurf staring back at them.
I met a gent about 20 years back who thought Wayne Newton was God the Father. He used to carry a 45 rpm single of ol Waynes inside his shirt, close to his heart, as he told me, "For protection."
Did he have evidence of Wayne's stature as a deity? No doubt, at least in his mind that is.
Was he nuts? Most likely. But he obviously wasn't any nuttier than anyone else.
Belief is an interesting thing . Once you acquire it it just magically shapes ones perceptions, doesn't it?
"There are conspiracy theorists, and there are theorists about conspiracies; these are two very different groups of people. For the former, 911 (or ufos, for that matter) simply shoehorns itself into the grand narrative, an empirical verification of a universal fantasy. For the latter, the anomalies of 911 are interesting and provocative in themselves; the meaning of the event is not assumed.
Moreover, 'conspiracy theorist' corrals people with very different, often opposing, worldviews and ideologies into one camp. The right and left, Christians and Muslims, true believers and confused existentialists have all, of course, mined the same seam (albeit their brandished gems have had very different lustres). As for responsibility, virtually (and this is an operative term) everybody has been accused of involvement; virtually everybody did it, in fact. The roster of nominated perpetrators may, by now, outnumber the casualty list."
Noel Rooney
Don't take this as condemnation, because it really isn't.
I have no idea what any of this means.
I just don't think that anyone here does either.
Just because you're aware of the concepts 'reality tunnel' & 'belief system' doesn't automatically release you from being trapped in one.
But hey, I'm just a sociopathic/psychopathic/split personality/CIA disinfo agent/female Satanist troll, right?
To add to this:
"There were lots of different wings of this movement, so erroneous. Some actually Stuart (masonic) royalists. Others highly Christian. Others simply merchant profiteers and economic. In short, sign of your weak (cut-and-pasting) mind, Sabrina-it, is attempting to lump everything into one category. History is always full of intercompeting subjective interests contending for hegemony or alliance.
Contradicting Sabrina's theme, I could add that some groups came to establish British colonies in North America because they WANTED to be MORE REPRESSIVE than Britain or the Dutch allowed, instead of to be free. They wanted freedom to repress instead of freedom of the individual. These were the Calvinistic/Congregationalists of Massachusetts Bay Colony, and some were even unsatisfied with that regimen and wanted it more extreme theocracy so they illegally founded their own side colony that came to be Connecticut. (These were the very bloodlines that later contributed to founding Yale as well as Skull and Bones--and they ran the American arm of the British international opium mafia as "puritanical Yankee international drug dealers" who see a sign of the denigration of others by drugs and the wealth that they can generate out of it from them, as a sign of their own Election. This is why the Puritan Yalies in Bones were so enthused about funding eugenics by the late 1800s as well--it fits right into their sense of Election, that increasingly took on a racial internationalist tone.)
These international Puritanical drug dealing elite were the original ugly Americans, north of Long Island, the uber-Puritans, the "Puritan-Shiite"--and they were full of a wholehearted belief in Satan as much as God both equally to them as real as the other; as well as the purpose of their version of America to be a state church to repressive control every facet of one's life and only the church Elect had a say in public policy, and everyone else didn't; and Connecticut was run like a theocracy well after the 'secular by accident' federal government by judicious overlaps of heads of political parties, being judges, and being heads of state churches as well; earlier, before the Articles of Confederation or the U.S. Constitution, Puritans started the first anti-Indian wars intentionally, enjoying burning people alive in their sealed up Indian compounds as they did; and were amazed "God delivered plagues" that decimated the natives as well, that contributed to their sense of Election; other European 'whites' were far more intergrationist and welcoming, particularly the French, and some of the other colonies of British America--though Puritans and their mercantile international wealth set the tone of violence more and more [cite: Forgotten Founders: How the Iroquois Helped Shape Democracy]
"Now largely forgotten, the massacres of 1675 to 1676, known as King Philip's War, ended the harmonious relations that had existed between native Americans and the colonists since their arrival at Plymouth Rock in 1620. Tensions had been rising as the number of settlers grew, and the pillaging of an outlying farm by affronted young braves escalated into open hostilities. Pitched battles were fought from Rhode Island to Maine. Hundreds of English died as farmers fled and cowered behind stockades or in the few port towns. Thousands of natives were slaughtered and the rest dispersed or sold into slavery in the West Indies. The savagery resulted in the clearing of the native populations from southern New England and the unopposed expansion of the New England colonies. It also became the brutal model on which the United States came to deal with its native peoples. King Philip's War tells the story with such close attention to detail that each ambush, each burned-out farm, becomes a vivid image. The authors make abundant use of maps and photographs of old sites to enable the reader to follow the course of the war: the book forms an exhaustive guide for the armchair historian or anyone wishing to visit the monuments and battlefields today. The terror and bitterness of the period live again in the book's illustrations of old woodcuts and lithographs and in quotations from contemporary narratives. That King Philip, whose head was paraded around the streets of Plymouth in a barbarous show of triumph, was the son of the Wampanoag chief who celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims in 1621 adds to the irony and tragedy of the events, whose memory this well-researched book deservedly keeps alive."
Who remembers that the Puritans joyously carried around a severed head of the son of the very Indian chief from their first Thanksgiving? Very few I'm sure.
Connecticut Puritans had some really nasty bloodlines in them as well that are still powerful today in the USA, propped up by their inherited drug wealth. As Tarpley writes, in his co-written George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography:
Observers of Skull and Bones, apologists and critics alike, have accepted various deceptive notions about the order. There are two outstanding, among these falsehoods:
1) that it is essentially an American group, an assembly of wealthy, elite ``patriots''; it is in fact, an agency for British Empire penetration and subversion of the American republic; and
2) that it is somehow the unique center of conspiratorial control over the United States. This misconception is certainly understandable, given the rather astonishing number of powerful, historically important and grotesquely anti-human individuals, who have come out of Skull and Bones. But there are in fact congruent organizations at other Ivy League colleges, which reflect, as does Skull and Bones, the over-arching oligarchical power of several heavily intermarried financier families.
The mistaken, speculative notions may be corrected by examining the history of Skull and Bones, viewed within the reality of the American Eastern Establishment.
Skull and Bones--the Russell Trust Association--was first established among the class graduating from Yale in 1833. Its founder was William Huntington Russell of Middletown, Connecticut. The Russell family was the master of incalculable wealth derived from the largest U.S. criminal organization of the nineteenth century: Russell and Company, the great opium syndicate.
There was at that time a deep suspicion of, and national revulsion against, freemasonry and secret organizations in the United States, fostered in particular by the anti-masonic writings of former U.S. President John Quincy Adams. Adams stressed that those who take oaths to politically powerful international secret societies cannot be depended on for loyalty to a democratic republic.
But [before Bones even existed, there was a tightly bred network:] the Russells were protected as part of the multiply-intermarried grouping of families then ruling Connecticut (see accompanying chart). The blood-proud members of the Russell, Pierpont, Edwards, Burr, Griswold, Day, Alsop and Hubbard families were prominent in the pro-British party within the state. Many of their sons would be among the members chosen for the Skull and Bones Society over the years.
The background to Skull and Bones is a story of Opium and Empire, and a bitter struggle for political control over the new U.S. republic.
Samuel Russell, second cousin to Bones founder William H., established Russell and Company in 1823. Its business was to acquire opium from Turkey and smuggle it into China, where it was strictly prohibited, under the armed protection of the British Empire.
The prior, predominant American gang in this field had been the syndicate created by Thomas Handasyd Perkins of Newburyport, Massachusetts, an aggregation of the self-styled ``blue bloods'' or Brahmins of Boston's north shore. Forced out of the lucrative African slave trade by U.S. law and Caribbean slave revolts, leaders of the Cabot, Lowell, Higginson, Forbes, Cushing and Sturgis families had married Perkins siblings and children. The Perkins opium syndicate made the fortune and established the power of these families. By the 1830s, the Russells had bought out the Perkins syndicate and made Connecticut the primary center of the U.S. opium racket. Massachusetts families (Coolidge, Sturgis, Forbes and Delano) joined Connecticut (Alsop) and New York (Low) smuggler-millionaires under the Russell auspices.
** Certain of the prominent Boston opium families, such as Cabot and Weld, did not affiliate directly with Russell, Connecticut and Yale, but were identified instead with Harvard.
John Quincy Adams and other patriots had fought these men for a quarter century by the time the Russell Trust Association was set up with its open pirate emblem--Skull and Bones.
With British ties of family, shipping and merchant banking, the old New England Tories had continued their hostility to American independence after the Revolutionary War of 1775-83. These pretended conservative patriots proclaimed Thomas Jefferson's 1801 presidential inauguration ``radical usurpation.''
The Massachusetts Tories (``Essex Junto'') joined with Vice President Aaron Burr, Jr. (a member of the Connecticut Edwards and Pierpont families) and Burr's cousin and law partner Theodore Dwight, in political moves designed to break up the United States and return it to British allegiance.
The U.S. nationalist leader, former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, exposed the plan in 1804. Burr shot him to death in a duel, then led a famous abortive conspiracy to form a new empire in the Southwest, with territory to be torn from the U.S.A. and Spanish Mexico. For the ``blue bloods,'' the romantic figure of Aaron Burr was ever afterwards the symbol of British feudal revenge against the American republic.
The Connecticut Tory families hosted the infamous Hartford Convention in 1815, toward the end of the second war between the U.S. and Britain (the War of 1812). Their secessionist propaganda was rendered impotent by America's defensive military victory. This faction then retired from the open political arena, pursuing instead entirely private and covert alliances with the British Empire. The incestuously intermarried Massachusetts and Connecticut families associated themselves with the British East India Company in the criminal opium traffic into China. These families made increased profits as partners and surrogates for the British during the bloody 1839-42 Opium War, the race war of British forces against Chinese defenders.
Samuel and William Huntington Russell were quiet, wary builders of their faction's power.
An intimate colleague of opium gangster Samuel Russell wrote this about him:
"While he lived, no friend of his would venture to mention his name in print. While in China, he lived for about twenty-five years almost as a hermit, hardly known outside of his factory [the Canton warehouse compound] except by the chosen few who enjoyed his intimacy, and by his good friend, Hoqua [Chinese security director for the British East India Company], but studying commerce in its broadest sense, as well as its minutest details. Returning home with well-earned wealth he lived hospitably in the midst of his family, and a small circle of intimates. Scorning words and pretensions from the bottom of his heart, he was the truest and staunchest of friends; hating notoriety, he could always be absolutely counted on for every good work which did not involve publicity."
The Russells' Skull and Bones Society was the most important of their domestic projects ``which did not involve publicity.''
A police-blotter type review of Russell's organization will show why the secret order, though powerful, was not the unique organ of ``conspiracy'' for the U.S. Eastern Establishment. The following gentlemen were among Russells' partners:
# Augustine Heard (1785-1868): ship captain and pioneer U.S. opium smuggler.
# John Cleve Green (1800-75): married to Sarah Griswold; gave a fortune in opium profits to Princeton University, financing three Princeton buildings and four professorships; trustee of the Princeton Theological Seminary for 25 years.
# Abiel Abbott Low (1811-93): his opium fortune financed the construction of the Columbia University New York City campus; father of Columbia's president Seth Low.
# John Murray Forbes (1813-98): his opium millions financed the career of author Ralph Waldo Emerson, who married Forbes's daughter, and bankrolled the establishment of the Bell Telephone Company, whose first president was Forbes's son.
# Joseph Coolidge: his Augustine Heard agency got $10 million yearly as surrogates for the Scottish dope-runners Jardine Matheson during the fighting in China; his son organized the United Fruit Company; his grandson, Archibald Cary Coolidge, was the founding executive officer of the Anglo-Americans' Council on Foreign Relations.
# Warren Delano, Jr.: chief of Russell and Co. in Canton; grandfather of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
# Russell Sturgis: his grandson by the same name was chairman of the Baring Bank in England, financiers of the Far East opium trade.
[The U.S. has been run by international criminal drug lords for generations.]
Such persons as John C. Green and A.A. Low, whose names adorn various buildings at Princeton and Columbia Universities, made little attempt to hide the criminal origin of their influential money. Similarly with the Cabots, the Higginsons and the Welds for Harvard. The secret groups at other colleges are analogous and closely related to Yale's Skull and Bones.
Princeton has its ``eating clubs,'' especially Ivy Club and Cottage Club, whose oligarchical tradition runs from Jonathan Edwards and Aaron Burr through the Dulles brothers. At Harvard there is the ultra-blue-blooded Porcelian (known also as the Porc or Pig club); Theodore Roosevelt bragged to the German Kaiser of his membership there; Franklin Roosevelt was a member of the slightly ``lower'' Fly Club.
A few of the early initiates in Skull and Bones went on to careers in obvious defiance of the order's oligarchical character; two such were the scientists Benjamin Silliman, Jr. (Skull and Bones 1837), and William Chauvenet (Skull and Bones 1840). This reflects the continued importance of republican factions at Yale, Harvard and other colleges during the middle three decades of the nineteenth century. Silliman and Chauvenet became enemies of everything Skull and Bones stood for, while the Yale secret group rapidly conformed to the Russells' expectations.
Yale was the northern college favored by southern slaveowning would-be aristocrats. Among Yale's southern students were John C. Calhoun, later the famous South Carolina defender of slavery against nationalism, and Judah P. Benjamin, later Secretary of State for the slaveowners' Confederacy.
That's really the heritage of the Puritans. Churchgoers burning people alive and beheading them in calm sereneness, and simultaneously running international illegal drug trades and the global eugenics movement. Yale really is part of INTERNATIONAL history.
If anything comes through here it is Sabrina as Puritan instead of Satanist. Her puritanical mind is appropriately part of this "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God/Angry Satan" belief structure, with its sense of "Self-Election", hierarchy, hatred of the masses, sex obsessed, repressive minded, and damnation for everyone else who doesn't believe like her. She may say she believes something else, though her social interaction gives her away.
I haven't looked into this though some claim that there were intergenerational Satanists in some families of the Puritans. I would believe it.
Actually some threads here a while back came from someone who said that Amish had such a double-mindset in some families, in her opinion.
I hear you Shrub, drugs and general good old American stupidity, eh?
My new African buddy Lawrence was telling me about this young guy at his other job. The kid wanted to join the Marines. He asked Lawrence, "Hey man, do I need a passport to leave the state."
Lawrence said, "Gee whiz, I wanted to cry. How can anyone in this country be that ignorant?"
I told him not to worry. He'd get used to it.
Although you can see why giving this guy a gun and a license to use it would be a really good idea, don't you?
We had a great discussion. I learned a hell of a lot about Africa. The sad thing was that I couldn't tell him anything about America that he didn't already know.
Peace pal.
To the anonymous Civil War myth debunker: bravo! A fine grasp of the behind the scenes machinations is displayed in your comment. I especially admire the way you handle the Skull & Bones/Illuminati angle without succumbing to the panic with which most Pikesters have been programmed to respond. It's always about money & control in politics; the question becomes one of how much those actors representing the real interests really believe their own propaganda.
Take this Bonesmen vs. the eternal Jewish conspiracy meme. Obviously, both platforms have been heavily propped by historical "events," "personages," etc, (nearly enough to give these theories some sort of plausibility among the overly trusting), but to buy too much into these things is to trapped by the "action" on the stage and to ignore the fact that someone is writing the scripts. Chris Floyd got some bad press from the "Left" for the following statements in this regard:
If the neo-cons all hopped a spaceship for the Hale-Bopp comet tomorrow--indeed, if the cult had never arisen at all--we would still be right where we are today: neck-deep in the Big Muddy.
That's not to say, of course, that we weren't misled into Iraq, or that strings aren't being pulled for a war on Iran, or that flames aren't being fanned to widen the Middle East war--or that the gaggle of third-rate thinkers and first-class troublemakers loosely grouped under the rubric "neo-con" aren't intimately involved in all of these affairs. They are, in spades. But to accuse them of playing the central role in America's on-going Götterdämmerung gives them an importance they don't deserve--and unduly mitigates the guilt of the true culprits: the good old-fashioned Anglo-Saxon boardroom buccaneers of the American Establishment, bred for generations to feast on war and rumors of war, and to regard the hoi polloi as mere cannon fodder and cash cows to be mulched and milked as needed.
For what's the underlying implication of the "neo-cons über alles" meme? It's that hard-core, down-and-dirty inside operators like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld--who have spent their entire adult lives at the dark heart of the government-corporate-warbiz-spygame power nexus--are actually innocent lambkins led astray by the wicked blandishments of Richard Perle. It's that the world-striding oil barons, Wall Street dynasts and CIA scions of the Bush Faction are just wide-eyed rubes bamboozled into acting against their own interests by the dazzling sophistry of William Kristol and Michael Leeden. It's that no U.S. administration would ever undertake the kind of rapacious policies we've seen in the last five years--unless they'd been tricked into it by wily Zionists and their ideological outriders. It is, in short, our old friend "American exceptionalism," decked out in dissident drag.
Of course we have our comic villains, our bumbling war criminals and the rest of what passes for history, but let's please not forget that it's our deeply ingrained (alright, programmed) fears & prejudices which make the drama seem real. Why is it a surprise that Bush is a Nazi when the system that put him "in power" is the same one that gave Uncle Adolf his cultural immortality?
While I'm personally fascinated by clear-headed attempts to unravel this crap they sell as history in most outlets, I also think it's even more important to seek the connection between how the show has always been run and how we might upstage it. Here's a case in point. I've many times linked two highly insightful excursions into the past, specifically the 1930s, where most of the current world stage was decorated (Dave West's Low, Dishonest Decade and Chris Floyd/Jules Archers' Bonus Army page), and now I'm pushing some efforts that seek to provide new models, so that we're not just tearing down the old guard and leaving them the opportunity to repackage themselves.
One of my new heroes is Brian O' Leary of New Energy Movement fame. Brian's got a new book out, Re Inheriting the Earth: Awakening to Sustainable Solutions and Greater Truths in which he gives an awesome overview of what we need to do. In one of the interviews on the new book, he talks about what he discovered when he started to research the potential role of free energy in freeing us:
"...then I grew to realize that just as in the history of science, bold new ideas are ridiculed and suppressed at first. Few people realize the enormous potential we have to develop energy sources that are clean, cheap, decentralized and safe. Then I became very disillusion, as I discovered that these sources of energy had been suppressed, sometimes violently."
He call it the classical fundamentalism of science. The more important the discovery, the more the resistance.
It's a difficult task, acknowledges O'Leary: "There are two superpowers on the planet - the United States government and their multinational cronies - and everybody else. I identify with everybody else."
The problem with "everybody else" is that we are still squabbling over the conflicting views, histories (realities, really) that were given to us by our masters in the first place.
Speaking of which, Sabrina, darling, while I'm flattered that you've chosen to speak with me, I have to ask you something. Do you like Jeff's work? Have you been here before, and do you encourage the sort of mindbending to which we aspire in our better moments? If so, then why are you doing this?
Do you see what effect you're having here? You've driven off most of the folks who come here to vent and get bent or unbent. Is preaching your BS (belief system) more important than the functioning of this schizoid community (such as it is)? Listen, if you believe any of the things you've said about free will, etc, why would you sacrifice all of us just to fulfill your own ambition, whatever that might be? Do you not see the effect you've had here? Will you not acknowledge this? Go back to Jeff's archives from the summer of '06 (a time when we were fairly functional) and see what you've destroyed: is this your goal?
I'm not attacking you or your views--I'm just asking that you acknowledge what you're doing here. Better yet, ask Jeff. There's a contact address. Ask him if he appreciates your efforts. While it's true that he hasn't censored you yet (kind of a time/principle thing, I guess), I'm sure he'll be candid in his reply. Will you at least be honest here?
To the Anon who told me not to feed Sabrina: sorry! I know, I's just that she actually addressed me, so I thought that just maybe she might engage in a little honesty. We'll see how that experiment turns out.
Sounder's not the only philosopher around here:
Just because you're aware of the concepts 'reality tunnel' & 'belief system' doesn't automatically release you from being trapped in one.
That's genius. The fact is that it's very, very difficult not to step into a conveniently crafted tunnel just waiting for you once you've "escaped" your old one. It's like those guys trying to avoid saying "is" about everything--you end up not quite believing your own perceptions, much less anyone else's. Maybe that is the goal. I just finished a book by a guy named Charles Douglas Hayes, Portals in a Northern Sky, in which a new technology allows everyone to view the last billion years in real time (you just put in the desired time & place coordinates and then watch what really happened on your monitor screen...)
Turns out, of course, that everyone is pretty much wrong about everything. It's not so much that there isn't an objective truth as just that we're not quite capable of knowing it (without our handy past-viewer, anyway.) The real point of the book, however, is that the old Lion King "circle of life" meme is far truer than anyone would have guessed--history turns out to be riddled with strange concidences and inexplicable path-crossings (even when there's not outright conspiracy!) You know, your grandfather probably tried to pick up my grandmother, who nailed him in the head with the homesteader's skillet she kept her prayer book in, so that's why...kind-of-thing. (Not that we don't have a beautiful relationship based on all of Shrub's favorite values.)
(Not that we don't have a beautiful relationship based on all of Shrub's favorite values.)
I know you were just being funny, but you would be surprised at just how closely my values resemble your's. Where we tend to disagree is that you seem to think that most people's values resemble your's...and I don't think they do.
Of course I was being funny; of course we have similar values. I think you're right about where our views start to diverge, though. I think most of us here have very similar views, while you think the world is full of evil bastards and that even this little club is festering with things that, well, fester. Hence our dislocation on the optimism/pessimism scale. Much respect, Mr. Shrub.
A fascinating read & post albeit within the grip of war hysteria.
I also felt despondent and depressed for a long while just soaking in the utter evil (for wont of a better word) pervading everything around us that has power.Especially my cell phone provider, or lack thereof.
But we can feel helpless and still feel happiness at the same time.A paradox.
Keep up the good work, and I, too, am waiting for your new book.
Rome was'nt built in day
But it did'nt take long to go up in flames.
Burn your cities to the ground,
Bring the hammer crushing down,
Our Father who art in Hell,
Hallowed be thy name,
Give us the power to purify with your whirlwind Flame.
Your world will be destroyed,
have a nice ride,
Safe Satanism for TPTB
Satanism is just fine for the Jewish powers and their Christian cohorts as long as:
* Satanists believe in the Christian concept of Satan
* Satan is just an "archetype" or a "force."
* Satan isn't taken seriously
* The Goetic Demons are "just different aspects of one's own mind"
* Satanists are kept small in number, thus they are easy to control
* Most are the weirdo types who commit occult crimes and such that the Jewish media can broadcast as examples to keep the general populace away.
* Satan is all about horror, gore and spooks
The examples above are SAFE SATANISM. What the enemy fears the most is our *knowing* that SATAN IS A REAL BEING and our communicating with him.
Satanic organizations who promote that "Satan is only an archetype" or the Christian concept of Satan, that he is an "archangel" or and/under the power of the Judeo/Christian God are the ones who get the most support and publicity, no different from the Christian Churches.
It is acceptable to believe in the Judeo/Christian "God" but if you really believe in Satan as your God, it becomes a whole different matter.
The biggest fear the Jews have is that of the Gentiles waking up to their lies and crimes against humanity and worst of all, our accessing the powers of the mind known as "BLACK MAGICK."
If Satan and/or his Demons have helped you in some way, you can repay their generosity and kindness by working to destroy the enemy through psychic means.
Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists
Hail Satan
Anon 2;03 said;
"Who remembers that the Puritans joyously carried around a severed head of the son of the very Indian chief from their first Thanksgiving? Very few I'm sure."
Nope, I did not know that. Wow!
"That's really the heritage of the Puritans. Churchgoers burning people alive and beheading them in calm sereneness, and simultaneously running international illegal drug trades and the global eugenics movement. Yale really is part of INTERNATIONAL history.
If anything comes through here it is Sabrina as Puritan instead of Satanist. Her puritanical mind is appropriately part of this "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God/Angry Satan" belief structure, with its sense of "Self-Election", hierarchy, hatred of the masses, sex obsessed, repressive minded, and damnation for everyone else who doesn't believe like her. She may say she believes something else, though her social interaction gives her away.
I haven't looked into this though some claim that there were intergenerational Satanists in some families of the Puritans. I would believe it."
Hey anon 2:03, I wonder what you may think of this stuff in context with the writing on my blogspot. The connection may seem elliptical at first, but similar observations drive the structuring of my ideas
To IC who thinks I care about what people think, say or write about me.
What a laugh.
Fuck you, you fucking fuck losers.
Go ahead and laugh but when the shit hits the fan remember me as another Cassandra.
20/20 hindsight
IC, whining about how good the nostalgic summer of 2006.
You think you are so highbrow and belittle things you understand not.
You and Shrub should start your own Blog, asshole.
If I am so scary, why are you still here?
As for the comments thread being sabbotaged by idiots doing long blank data dumps to stifle and oppress.
A reaction to me, but not me.
Fact is I am here.
First off I only listen to Satan,
As for achieving our goals in this life, we are nihilists who live for the day, we cannot harm ourselves, because nothing really matters anyway.
I was just writing a warning on the WALL.
You came into their world, now you come into our world.
IT IS COMING DOWN FAST, motherfuckers
You missed my point altogether. I was not asking whether you cared about what people think of you; I only wanted you to acknowledge what you're doing to this blog. If you would be honest enough to admit that you are in fact driving folks away, then the question is why? What is it about Jeff's quest that you hate so much?
Logic would suggest that the people who might be threatened by Jeff's examinations are those elites whose actions he so consistently follows. So, if you're bent on destroying what we have here--high, middle, or no brow--then logic would conclude that you are not Satan's minion afterall, but instead the tool of the dreaded PTB.
As for your truths and "shocking" views--you're not exactly educating, impressing or shocking anyone here. We don't really care. the only thing you're going to accomplish is to impede the flow of information that seeks to expose the workings of those elites I mentioned. If that is your purpose--and clearly there can be no other--then go ahead, but at least drop the pretense of fighting those whom you obviously aid.
Iridescent Cuttlefish's self-defining moment:
"the only thing you're going to accomplish is to impede the flow of information that seeks to expose the workings of those elites I mentioned. If that is your purpose--and clearly there can be no other--then go ahead, but at least drop the pretense of fighting those whom you obviously aid."
Spoken into the mirror.
Now, once more, with feeling!
Don't forget to click your heels together.
Tell me how it works, Boss. I'm all receptive-like. And that's all it is.
IC, you suffer from a mental block, as you only see things through you special rose-colored glasses clearly.
What you need is a pair of THEY LIVE eyeglasses to prove my point.
I tried and make it simple but that just made it impossible for you to make sense of it all.
Perhaps I shall complicate matters and win you over, hahaha.
I am not here for you.
Please ignore me then?
As for the shrew, cunt SAMANTHA STEVENS I would first rip your top off and let everyone see your tits, the guys love a cat fight.Then grind my.......
FUCK YOU WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time to be reborn, see you all on the dark side of the moon.
Anyone done much looking into the Neo-Nazi connections to 9-11, Oklahoma City, WTC93, WTC01?
Seems like always just beneath the surface of 9/11 and a bunch of other American weirdness research there is an Israeli/Nazi/Muslim struggle that has been raging for decades now.
Neo-Nazis, Neocons, UFO Space Brother Racial Supremacist Intel Cult whackos, Iraq/Iran exiles... all of them scurrying around making up bullshit and injecting it into the American media SHITSTREAM to hide the truth. It's been like this since JFK got killed. You know Lebanese Fred Crisman, New Orleans, Barry Seal, New Orleans, UFOs, Iran, the Ayatollah, Iran/Contra, Iraq, Israel, more Iran, Israel, same pissing contest on and on it goes. Neo-Nazis in Oklahoma, Israelis (Nick Berg) in Oklahoma, Muslim "hijackers" in Oklahoma. Oklahoma->WTC 93, Oklahoma->9/11. Neo-Nazis in Ohio? Stolen elections in Ohio. Racist pricks purging voter rolls in Florida? Stolen Elections in Florida. Muslim hijackers in Florida? Iran/Contra drugs/arms runners and Israeli spies in Florida.
This cancer just keeps creeping under the American skin wrecking our country one city at a time.
WTF is going on?
WTF is going on:
Neocons=neoNazis=Skull&Bones=Luciferian Freemasons, all of whom are the "upper level management" / CEOs / COOs / CFOs for the Central Bankers and Corporatist/Fascist perpetrators of the New World Order
Muslims=patsies=useful idiots=Mossad black ops
Christian Zionists=patsies=useful idiots
Vatican=Luciferian / Satanist pederasts, like S&Boners, last refuge cover story for the Bankers who created Israel as their privately held mercenary state.
Probably half of all the Jews in Israel, if not 2/3 to 3/4, and an equal or greater number in the US are all patsies/useful idiots as well.
Useful idiots (after they have played out their roles)= Useless Eaters [See Henry Kissinger for details]
sabrina said;
"If I am so scary, why are you still here?"
Nobody said you are scary, fat sab.
Uglyness is the tool you use to drive people away.
So why does our collective examination upset you so, that you must download the whole fucking Vatican library in a pathetic attempt to distract from our word play?
Soundie, I love passionate men, even you at times say things that I myself agree with, but not now.
I am learning and share too.
easy 123,
You have almost all the cards in the deck, but you are not playing with all the cards getting very warm though
There are more factions vying for Control than you list.
This goes into the spiritual realm also because all
is of THE MIND
sas, mi5/6, cia, MK, screams of rabbits as a audio operation with bright lights, vcr tapes with bugs,
Head shots, bulldozers.
FUCKING WAKE UP, they did that as the trial RUN.
When did it hit you like a BRICK?
"A massive movement of people spending the absolute minimum to survive for a single month would rock the corporate world to it's foundations... several months could well kill the beast. The monster has an insatiable appetite and must be fed constantly to survive. I think its position as apex carnivore of dreams makes it so precarious that even a single day of non-consumerism would send out strong vibrations of pain."
YES! We need to organize a strike. That is the greatest non-violent tool at our disposal.
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn whatever state I am in, therin to be content
Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.
People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.
Helen Keller
US blind & deaf educator (1880 - 1968)
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
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