Blackshirts and Skins

Well, I fin'ly started thinkin' straight
When I run outa things to investigate.
Couldn't imagine doin' anything else,
So now I'm sittin' home investigatin' myself!
Hope I don't find out anything . . . hmm, great God! - Bob Dylan
I always get a rush from The Ghosts of Cable Street and the story of London's eastenders beating back the blackshirts. But it's not 1936 anymore (it's not even 1986, I tell myself sometimes, still listening to the Men They Couldn't Hang), and fascists wear all colours these days. They don't make it as easy for us. These days, some days, we even need to check the labels on our own shirts.
Post-war covert history has largely been one of de-legitimizing and destroying leftist and even moderate governments and opposition groups. We've seen the assassinations, the coups and wars; the economic arm-twisting; the corruption and blackmail. Since the murder of Rabin, "Israeli society, despairing of peace, has undergone a rightward radicalization." In the Arab world the process has been compounded by the elimination of even secular options, creating conditions in which the only effective vehicle for change is aligned with individuals, ideologies and finances indebted to international fascism.
This shouldn't be news to anyone here. The Muslim Brotherhood, which has spawned most "Jihadist" groups, was founded by Hassan al-Banna, an admirer of Hitler, and became a wartime Nazi intelligence asset. Post-war, like many such assets, it was rolled into the Western intelligence matrix. Swiss Nazi Ahmed Huber established the Al Taqwa Bank, which dispersed to bin Laden and others CIA monies seeded in the financial proxy of international terror and intelligence, BCCI.
Now where does antisemitism, and legitimate critique of Israel, fit in this complex picture?
There are at least two levels at play here for us. First to consider is politics and activism. The second is conspiracy theory.
Unapologetically I'm on the left, and I expect, to some degree or another and regardless of whether you even acknowledge it, you are as well. Broadly, or perhaps rather, ideally, taking the left implies an identification with the oppressed, the poor and the workers against the concentration of power and capital in the hands of an exploiting few. Israeli politics have taken a sharp right turn in the past 40 years, and the policies and consequences of occupation have been tragic and criminal. Perversely, and I believe intentionally for the right, the perpetuation of misery and exacerbation of tension has driven large numbers of both Palestinians and Israelis to rightward extremes. And it has carried many in the left along with it, unconsciously and uncritically, because the progressive options have already been eliminated by the fascists who play both sides.
Not all on the left lose their way on this. For instance:
The Alliance for Workers' Liberty, a Trotskyite faction in the Stop The War Coalition, objected to working with the Muslim Association of Britain due to its links to the Muslim Brotherhood, and argued that the left should be working with secular, progressive Muslim groups instead. The Weekly Worker newspaper took a similar stand, pointing out in one article that "At the same time as our secularist and Marxist comrades are being murdered by groups allied to the MAB, we are lining ourselves up as co-sponsors of demonstrations. This is like communists lining up with Nazis sympathisers on demonstrations during World War II, because we are both against British imperialism."
Then there's conspiracy theory. It was 9/11 that caused many on the left to immerse themselves in it for the first time. There we found a thriving subculture, welcoming us with literature and semi-familiar jargon, telling us that "left" and "right" were fictions that divided us from together fighting the "real enemy." They too believed 9/11 was an "inside job," so even though we didn't start out from the same place, we were now on the same side - weren't we? We could learn much from them, even from the "former insiders" and veterans of the CIA and MI6 who were happy to help us find our footing, even if we weren't always sure what they meant by "international bankers" and "New World Order" - right?
Think of how warmly David Duke was received by some supposed progressives after his CNN appearance with Wolf Blitzer. Consider what Tom Metzger, founder of White Aryan Resistance, says here: "Recruit radical people. Some of the best are on the left.... in most cases I am closer to the left. Anti-war, Anti Capitalist, pro environment and Nature, hate for the lying super rich or the lumkin proletariat, hatred of all present politicians..."
There is a subtle campaign of co-option within the subculture of conspiracy to lead nearly every issue of suppressed history and high crime back to a Jewish root. This is why the operational Arab element of the international fascist Mafia has, for many, been totally eradicated from the equation of "9/11 Truth," and the "smoking gun" has become a case of "insurance fraud" for a grasping New York Jew. If it's successful, the left option will again have been eliminated, and the only effective opposition to fascist power will be a fascist populism.
Antisemitism is as objectionable as any hate directed towards any people for simply being. But antisemitism has a special pedigree, not because Jews are special, but because they are the historic and still-favoured scapegoats of fascists. (Some of whom, of course, are themselves Jewish, but whose allegiance is rather to criminal power.) And sometimes, when we don't reflect on the pedigree of our own influences, we're unconsciously doing their bidding. And I'd rather do nothing, and it would be better if I did, than do that.
It is clear that liberals and intellectuals are the gatekeepers when it comes to outright racist or genocidal policy implementation. If there was suddenly less of the left, through silencing, imprisonment, decree or (shudder) death, who would be next?
The Gestapo set their sights on liberals first. Communists, liberals, leftists. When they got away with that, they set their sights on homosexuals and Jews. Does anyone really believe that this cannot happen here?
Great post Jeff, this is the only "meta" analysis of Conspiracy Theories that makes any sense. It does put a burr in the saddle of CTers though.
Putting another bullseye on your back, eh?
I can't wait for the avalanche of malicious caterwauling that will arise at this little nugget.
Not that I disagree with you Mr. Wells, I just enjoy it when the faithful turn hostile. I particular enjoy when they accuse you of being a "gatekeeper" or, in extreme cases, of not being the same Mr. Wells who started this site. I seem to have a vague memory of your wife verifying your identity or some such.
On topic, my first encounters with the phrase "The New World Order" came from rabid racist right leaning white power groups.
When it was suddenly adopted more recently by the left, I couldn't really understand how it could possibly have any meaning whatsoever, given that both left & right appeared to be at opposite ends of the spectrum.
But, given your Metzger quote, maybe the spectrum isn't as wide as I thought.
Are you also familiar with the rightist leaning groups, pre-911, who were attempting to interest radical Muslims in their cause since they both shared a common hatred of the Jews?
Interestingly enough, some of these same racist groups, post 911, changed their tune to a sort of mish-mash of 'I told you so,' coupled with a rabid hatred of multi-culturalism & immigration, & then covered with a thin layer of jingoistic patriotism.
I'd provide references but I read most of this on a friends computer years ago & I have no idea how I got there.
Putting another bullseye on your back, eh?
I can't wait for the avalanche of malicious caterwauling that will arise at this little nugget.
There are layers within layers. Jeff is railing against CT culture here, who is ready to defend that? I doubt IC is..?
More specifically, say *every* conspiracy theory were true, especially the popular ones. Hell, say Shakespeare was secretly King James I.
What would be missing from that analysis, what IS missing, is recognizing that the Matrix isn't a metaphor any more than Mad Max is.
The Matrix we live in is at once more mundane and more unfathomably horiffic than we think. I don't know who Mojo is so I'll keep calling him Omni, but hes right about that.
The Matrix is totally desensitized - it has its own Geist, a Geist In The Machine if you'll pardon the pun.
The misery index isn't denominated as "post apocalyptic" its "post-industrial".
Conspiracy theory can't get you there, its immanent to the Box we're in. And "thinking outside the Box", obviously, see the point.
All of you guys need to read some Hegel and study'll help unmuddle your thinking :)
sorry "desensitized" should read "decentralized"..there is no sinister boardrom with a Round Table full of shadowy suits who craft the direction and fate of the planet per se.
Most of this CT stuff is so contradictory. Which organization represents the NWO? Bilderbergs? CFR? Rothschilds? Rockefellers?
Its exactly like Marx and his dissonance over whether man never landed on the Moon of if man did land on the Moon but got expelled by extraterrestrials. They're both just so compelling..
"Not that I disagree with you Mr. Wells, I just enjoy it when the faithful turn hostile. I particular enjoy when they accuse you of being a "gatekeeper" or, in extreme cases, of not being the same Mr. Wells who started this site. I seem to have a vague memory of your wife verifying your identity or some such."
I just can't help myself.
But you know, in a real sense I'm not the same Mr Wells. Writing the blog is an ongoing education for myself, so I hope my take on things now is better informed and more nuanced than it was when I began. It feels like it is.
They were booted off the moon but it happened so long ago that they lost all the footage and had to makeafake.
I actually have some experience where a website was taken over by the red team. It was called Don't go there. They will follow you around for weeks.
Reminds me of that song "On the Cover of the Rolling Stone" All these cats with their shit eatin grin. "Not a worry not a care, and along comes jr. swingin his little axe."
Jeff.. The BCCI and all of it's records are tucked away in the UAE along with the Halliburton head office and of course they have a Tesla shield, TDRSS, sex slaves, time machines, anti-grav, and Superman's fortress, but...they don't got you. Hang on...
"But you know, in a real sense I'm not the same Mr Wells. Writing the blog is an ongoing education for myself, so I hope my take on things now is better informed and more nuanced than it was when I began."
I understand your point, but I seriously doubt their accusations were so philosophical. I think they came more from an 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' sort of place.
man, this is really sad. One of my least favorite posts of yours.
I take personal exception with your assertion that anti-semitism is where the cards seem to fall in this community. Eric Hufschimdt is a great example of someone who has found himself completely ostresized and ousted from the community on whole, after his nonsensical rants about Jewish cabals.
I just wonder, due to what seems to be a confounded and conflated position that you take, what exactly are we to think of the "arab" terror teams of 9/11? I find it thoroughly confusing what position you are taking.
Are they a machination of the jewish state? An offshoot of the Hitlerian Muslim Brotherhood? perhaps Qtab-esque, anti-liberals? Al-Cia-da operatives, who studied at the Defense Language School? What exactly are you suggesting the situation is, when you make a claim as broad as (to paraphrase) "9/11 conspiracy theorists are conveniently anti-semitic"?
I hope i dont sound like im taking a position on this topic, because I am undecided as to what happened.
Just eager to see a rigorous discussion of this topic!
Compute Oh: you're question is sort of facile IMO. When much of these NWO stories trace back to The Protocols of Zion, yes, I think its fair to question the motivations of the people behind the curtain selling these wares.
The "Jewish Question" is now being repeated as the "Eurabia Factor" by the way. Its not true in this case (Muslims are not taking over Europe) but does that matter?
Anyway, as I read it, Jeff is trying to make a macro-analysis of CT and you are wanting him to clarify WHICH theory he subscribes too..ummmmmmm..
"What exactly are you suggesting the situation is, when you make a claim as broad as (to paraphrase) '9/11 conspiracy theorists are conveniently anti-semitic'?"
Well, those are your words. What I'm saying, and have been for a while, is that there's a good deal of gamesplaying in "9/11 Truth" by the far right, both in power and in populist opposition. From power, you see on the one hand "former intelligence agents" assigning ultimate blame to Israel and even citing the Protocols, and on the other the State Dept and media assets conflating "9/11 Truth" with antisemitism. From populist opposition, you see dissemination of right-wing jargon and ideologies to hijack the movement and win converts, sometimes unaware, on the left.
I couldn't agree with you more, Jeff. I came to CT by way of ET. When you check out some of the wilder ET theories, that's where you end up. I love nothing better than a well thought out CT, unfortunately, most times you end up in a pit of anti-semitism. Sometimes it is subtle- even denied, like David Icke claiming that he is not anti-semitic, only anti-Zionist, but it's still there. I wonder, though, if that is thrown into the mix to off-put people against other ideas in these theories that might be based in truth.
How do you always find the perfect Dylan? I think yer back with this one, half-way anyway, i think we all need to check our shit, it does stink, and I'm damn glad yer not talkin' about little men in tam-o-shanters that want my dog.
Every time I discuss CT with my Jewish friends, they are too afraid to go there, knowing where it usually leads. When I tell them it doesn't lead to Jews but to English and American blue-bloods, they start to get it, and will at least listen for awhile. English and American dope runners, slave traders and war profiteers. Read Sora's "Secret Societies and America's Elite"
Sure there are jews in the cabal, just as there are muslims. But that don't mean their shit don't stink.
Yale lets in anybody these days. wink wink
Why aren't you mentioning all the recent pedophile scandals? And Dave McGowan?
My belief is the bastards have synthesized the anti-Eleusian Mystery School, through sick ritual pedophilia, creating a deep psychic bond amongst themselves that usually transcends their petty egos. The Roman Catholic Church destroyed the ELYSIAN FIELDS, and have risen up a dark chamber to replace it, WASHED IN OUR CHILDREN'S BLOOD, and molding the human group ego INTO A NEW FORM, to create a new empire for a new age.
Call it what you will. It will answer to many names.
"...and I'm damn glad yer not talkin' about little men in tam-o-shanters that want my dog."
Thanks, you gave me a good laugh with that. (Which isn't to say your dog is safe from the little men in tam-o-shanters.)
"Why aren't you mentioning all the recent pedophile scandals? And Dave McGowan?"
This post happened because there's been a recent flap on the RI board on this topic. I was going to do something else entirely. There's always too much going on. It'd be nice to have the time to write about more of them.
Yep, all the blood, the bananas, the coke, the heroin, the chopped off heads of Salvadoran infants put an poles and set around the tables for their families to see: it's all because Muslims, Jews, and Christians can't seem to figure out who Jesus Christ was. And my ass is plaid.
Well, there are some things about all Judeo-Christian religions that beg for clarification, and no one of them is a sacred cow, no matter how much their culture and heritage became inextricably linked to the holocaust. Like, who thinks that there should be a day of atonement (practiced by Jews and ended by Christians with their final sacrifice, Jesus) for "sins" invented by the ruling class to make me feel guilty?
Sorry to any superstitious believers out there, but...screw Jesus in the ass with broomstick all I care. I don't need to be forgiven.
I do need to find a nice bunker to take pot shots at Conspiracy Inc. while they try to scapegoat the individual for smaller crimes than they commit systematically.
In reality, no one out there who ever speaks to us is resisting the set-up that always nails the patsy, that always pulls out that old cross, and calls out the villagers to come see the freak.
Damn you're simple omnimental. You think Jeff says its all about anti-semitism at its root? Was Nazi Germany?
See you are SO married to your brand of conspiracy theory -- sort of an omni-present open conspiracy, yours -- that you aren't digging into the nitty-gritty. And then chiding others for having their head in the clouds.
Sure, Nazi Germany was "a Western conspiracy for [insert whatever nefarious elite purpose you happen to think it was started for here]" but you definitely can't paint history with only that broad a brush or such distant ruminations-cum-insinuations.
Sure, its important to trace out the Big Picture (which happens in hindsight more than less) but you just sound like a dilettante railing against "The Man" who you've reified as some contrived holistic narrative of a loose collection of collaborative psy-ops.
Point being, your fantasy camp is just a little different than others, not any great departure or badge of honor. So maybe you should lay off the sanctimony and lectures a bit?
Is this an adequate exposition of the Civil War? If not why? Is it "wrong"? Ideologically incomplete? Oversimplified? What? IfI believe this, internalize this, KNOW this can I skip the Ken Burns documentary they're re-airing on public television? Can I just roll my eyes at everyone else's opinion whenever the Civil War comes up, content and comlacent in my knowingness? Because that's what you've been doing on RI as far as I can tell..
Any discussion of the Civil War must begin with a discussion of slavery. What were the origins of slavery? What accounts for the unprecedented brutality and pathological hatreds that arose from it?
Slavery arose as a labor system because there was no other reliable source of labor. It arose first as a system of indentured servitude and matured as a racially justified system of chattel slavery.
Slavery and the slave trade became not only the foundation of the economy of the US, it was the foundation upon which arose Europe's capitalist system. Its great naval and shipping fleets, its universities and industry was directly connected to the maintenance and expansion of slavery.
The slave system in the United States was a hybrid system. The slaves were slaves in the worst sense of the word. Their masters were bourgeois. This combination condemned the slave to the unregulated exploitation for profit on the international market rather than previously tolerable slave systems confined to providing for the immediate wants of the master.
Because of slavery, the United States and all its institutions developed as a southern country. The Presidency, the Supreme Court and Congress were firmly in the hands of the slave owning elite. Naturally, these institutions strengthened and protected the productive relationship between slave and master. The nature of the state militia, the police patrols, the nature of the of institutions from the army to the church had but one central purpose - the defense and propagation of slavery.
As a result, the North developed as a manufacturing and shipping adjunct that serviced slavery. As long as it played this economic role, it was a staunch and militant defender of the slave system. The free black in the South had more "rights" than the free black in the North.
Massachusetts became wealthy because it dominated the slave trade. She built the ships and carried on the commerce. Small wonder that Massachusetts along with South Carolina (the largest slave holding state) held out against the abolition of slavery at the Continental Congress and made the Civil War inevitable.
The point is that so long as the central means of production was the plow and the hoe, the nation was united to defend the productive relations of slavery. The double acting steam engine was perfected and widely applied to industry by about 1832. It was an event of historic proportions. Suddenly, the manufactures were handed the stable source of power they needed to utilize all the gears and other instruments of industrial equipment that was already perfected. As manufacturing declined and industry developed, production expanded very rapidly. Soon the productive capacity of the North out ran the consuming power of the South. At that point political antagonism began to replace the former contradictions. The Southern elite imported its luxury goods from England, and much of their foodstuffs and farm implements from the North. Tariffs between England and the United States were practically unknown. Fledging Northern industry needed protection from advanced British production in order to get on its feet. Every proposal for tariffs was blocked by the South. The North needed a government-sponsored infrastructure such as harbors and railroads. The South blocked the funding.
The turning point came with the explosive growth of the Northwest (Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota). What caused that growth and why did it tip the balance against what had become known as the "Slave power?"
A look at the map will show that large-scale migration and commerce between the east and west was almost impossible. The Allegheny Mountains were an insurmountable barrier. Therefore, all trade and migration was between north and south. Consequently, the Northwest was sparsely settled by Southerners. Since the rivers in the US run north to south, their trade was with the South. This combination made the Northwest a political reserve for the slave owners.
The construction of the Erie Canal changed all that. Suddenly the markets of New York were open to the rich farmlands of the area. Democratic-minded immigrants flooded into the Northwest. There was more money to be made trading with the east than with south. The area needed more canals, more roads and a railroad. The Southern dominated Congress, understanding the potential political danger refused to grant funds. On this basis the Northwest became a hotbed of anti-Southern and finally anti-slavery sentiment. Just as important, the rich farmlands of the Northwest wrecked the commercial farming of the Northeast. With farming and commercial slavery abolished, the Northeast turned to industry. They need expanded harbors and a tariff to assist them. Again the South, sensing the danger of an economically and hence politically independent North refused to allocate funds. Suddenly Massachusetts went from the most pro-slave to the most anti-slave state in the Union.
The economic antagonism set the stage for the introduction of new ideas. This came about with the murder of Rev. Elijah Lovejoy to stop his anti-slave propaganda. Propagandists planted the seeds in fertile soil -- the slave power is destroying the right of free speech and intends to take away the liberties of a free people. This was the actual beginning of the war.
What, then, was the Civil War? It was a struggle for political power between two antagonistic wings of the bourgeoisie. The aim of the new financial industrial oligarchy of the North was to reduce the South to a reserve of industry. The aim of the Southern elite was to transform the entire country and eventually the hemisphere into a slave empire.
Neither side intended to abolish slavery since cotton was indispensable and there was no productive force to take the place of the slave. The slaves themselves made the abolition of slavery a military, political and moral necessity. With emancipation, the war became revolutionary and it was won.
The war ended with a pro-slavery president in office, and with all the Southern legislators who had resigned their seats showing up to legally claim them. What the South had lost on the battlefield they were about to win politically. The radical wing of the Republicans looked frantically for a way to outvote the Southern elite. They came to the conclusion that they must enfranchise the freedmen. Thus reconstruction was born.
The aim of reconstruction was, on the one hand, to politically crush the Southern elite, and, on the other hand, to contain the revolutionary forces that would be unleashed by this process.
By 1875 this was accomplished and Reconstruction came to an end. Between 1875 and 1890, the political scene was re mapped. The interests of the Southern elite merged with the financial industrial oligarchy. This was the foundation for the emergence of modern American imperialism.
Northern industry was dependent upon cotton. There was no more productive energy to take the place of the slave, so the "freedmen", along with an equal number of destitute whites were driven back to the cotton fields. Real emancipation came with the invention of a more productive way to pick cotton. This came about with the perfection of the cotton-picking machine. With the economic base in place, the modern Freedom Movement was born. The social struggle for liberation broke out, ending with the de jure equality of the Civil Rights Act.
You think Jeff says its all about anti-semitism at its root?
Nope. I am making a point. Don't like it, oh well.
I happen to very aware and personally effected by the faceless, nameless conspiracy that is, more or less, one organized entity when the men are separated from the boys. I think that I took Jeff's point that many people are being radicalized by a fake division that is being drawn between Jews and whomever.
Just like middleground said, after saying that the con was very much just as anglo as Jewish:
Sure there are jews in the cabal, just as there are muslims. But that don't mean their shit don't stink.
You and I have been affected in the same way: we're both chronic fucking malcontents. Claiming anymore is borderline persecution complex.
You rant like there's some Boogieman that needs to be be summoned up from the seemy underbelly of reality he wallows in and then somehow magically exorcised (I'm giving you credit for not being totally fatalistic here). But that's really all just a thin veneer serving as a soapbox behind which lies som pretty pedestrian scientism and secularism. I don't think you've considered or addressed these things seriously at all.
Your reply was the height of irony by the way
Me: your nameless, faceless conspiracy shit is as unserious as you accuse the average RIer of being (an oxymoron lol)
You: oh no the nameless faceless conspiracy is much deeper and broader than you think! Its evvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyywhere!!!
Bitch, please.
Um...acl, what did your post about the "Civil War" have to do with anything that I have said?
Here's something real, real simple for you acl:
The civil war was set up to create false divisions between two factions of the Bourgeoisie, and to placate concededly disgruntled workers in an increasingly industrial world who wanted a silver-backed currency. A war was supposed to create a sense of finality and also to beat jingoism into the heads of Americans. Besides, any Civil War history that doesn't mention the currency issue is totally bogus, especially when it says that it was about slaver.
Tell me, acl, what do the rulers care wether or not they pay you in money or in housing and food, i.e., what makes them shudder at the idea of wage-slavery as opposed to outright slavery? The Civil War was ruse that sacrificed any who would be nationalist fodder and that is all.
La, la, la, la
You and I have been affected in the same way: we're both chronic fucking malcontents. Claiming anymore is borderline persecution complex.
Wow, how do you have such a detailed description of my whole past? That's amazing. You and I are exactly alike? I am on a "soapbox" about some "boogeyman" kind of like all "conspiracy nuts" are just totally undeserving of answers to their investigations, right? And you are just like me? Is that why you are here at RI?
Let me get this straight now:
I bitch. Whereas you camly report your analysis with the cold austerity of the amoral universe, like a U.S. News and Report jounalist with a mission for both-sides-of-the-story reporting
Actually, your response sort of validates WHY I posted the Civil War material (that and I've been watching the Ken Burns special today). Yet another superficial rendering by you, so much so that I'm starting to question your sincerity. Your view is more teleological than the NWOers (everything was concoted in advance to produce some desired sociological hear you tell it, they have a 100% success rate too..uh huh)
Anyway, look I AGREE with you in the main. Yes, there is an open conspiracy where the "right hand knoweth not.." but you are making a fatal mistake.
Its all interconnected one way or another, moreso today than ever. In our "global economy" how could it be otherwise. That does NOT mean it is totally centralized..think about it. If it was it would have to be a bureaucracy ;)
So get with it, stop with the half-wit insights into things that are much to complicated to summarize in a single book let alone a single paragraph and starting talking straight. I think you are exactly the right jab RI sometimes needs but not if you're going to go all hippie-dippie at the drop of a hat.
Hey acl,
find my IP address, find out who I am, then come and ring my doorbell. You better bring some brass knuckles though, kay? I'm ready anytime you are, kay? Better yet, just get my local police in on the mix. Oh yeah, they could never be part of a nameless, faceless conspiracy to control all unafilliated slaves, no, they are just trying to uphold due process and habeus corpus, in between steroid doses that is. So you'll just have to come get me yourself (I guess I don't have anything to worry about now; phew, I thought I was being targeted by COINTELPEO type Gangstalkers untill acl cleared things up for me.).
Is that better than my sanctimonious rants? Methinks there is something you don't like in my observations. Huh. Funny, I have NEVER dealt with distracters like you before.
Let me get this straight now:
I bitch. Whereas you camly report your analysis with the cold austerity of the amoral universe, like a U.S. News and Report jounalist with a mission for both-sides-of-the-story reporting
Give me a break, this isn't animosity. What it is is a much-needed reality check. Everything I wrote to you was half for-real, half-goof.
You're the type of guy who has an elaborate, too-easy (but convoluted) theory of the geo-politics of the Middle East which inevitably boils down to some pretty warmed-over mainstream recitations (oil, Isreal, New Crusades, MIC, NWO and so) but if I asked you to talk about the Turkish response to Kurds and native Armenians you'd like as not draw a total blank.
See the incongruity?
acl plausibly denied thusly:Its all interconnected one way or another, moreso today than ever. In our "global economy" how could it be otherwise. That does NOT mean it is totally centralized..think about it. If it was it would have to be a bureaucracy ;)
I know for a fact that it is, FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, centalized. I know it is for a fact. I have physically witnessed that it is. I cannot explain how I have witnessed it without sounding like I am insane, so I won't. I just know it is, and others on this site will have to take my word, that I KNOW it is centralized.
Well, there's conspiracy theory, and there's conspiracy theory. The generic variety does feature all manner of sensationalist clap-trap, from Illumined Seers to kabbalist cant...but the vast majority of it does have a rightwing flavor to it. Jeff has been hinting that the symbols employed by any group promoting some agenda, view or "hidden secrets" might provide a picture of that group than the agenda it purports to promote.
This sort of study might be helpful, but basic definitions and the all too obvious facts of life might work even better, I think, in evaporating the mists of obfuscation. In the last real thread, Muddy (I think) reminded me that life wasn't fair. I will leave that seed growing while I take a quick look at those definitions I mentioned.
At a place called The Hemperor we find a history of the meanings of the word "liberal" (along with the obligatory quote from H.L. Mencken to get the ball rolling:
"I believe in only one thing: liberty; But I do not believe in liberty enough to force it upon anyone."
The Hemperor then starts off with the 1853 Webster's definition, where we find general meanings like:
1. Of a FREE heart; FREE to give or bestow; not close or contracted; munificent; bountiful; generous; giving largely... 2. Generous; ample; large; as, a liberal donation; a liberal allowance. 3. Not selfish, narrow, or contracted; catholic; enlarged; embracing other interests than one's own; as, liberal sentiments or views; a liberal mind; liberal policy. 4. General; extensive; embracing literature and the sciences generally; as, a liberal education. This phrase is often, but not necessarily, synonymous with COLLEGIATE; as, a collegiate education. 5. FREE; open; candid; as, a liberal communication of thoughts. 6. Large; profuse; as, a liberal discharge of matter by secretions or excretions. 7. FREE; not literal or strict; as, a liberal construction of law. 8. Not mean; not low in birth or mind. 9. Licentious; FREE to excess. Shak. Liberal arts, as distinguished from mechanical arts, are such as depend more on the exertion of the mind than on the labor of the hands, and regard amusement, curiosity, or intellectual improvement, rather than the necessity of subsistence, or manual skill. Such are grammar, rhetoric, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, &c. Liberal has of before the thing bestowed, and to before the person or object on which any thing is bestowed; as, to be liberal of praise or censure; liberal to the poor.
Then we get to the political meaning:
LIB'ER-AL, n. One who advocates greater freedom from restraint, especially in political institutions.
The Hemperor then goes through umpteen subsequent dictionaries and finds...that the word has not really changed its meaning at all. even more interesting, the antonyms have remained essentially unchanged as well:
Uneducated, unintellectual, closed of heart, selfish, narrow, contracted, mean, small, fascist, racist - bigoted, homo phobic, stingy, closed-minded, supportive of monarchies and slavery, against freedom of religion-expression & speech, low in birth & mind, anti-American.
Now, I'm with Jeff and the Hemperor so far, 'cuz who wouldn't be? Who would sign up for "mean-spirited" and "fascist"? Well, okay; that was kind of Jeff's point here--the CT industry is yet another front in the War On Liberals. But then we have that notion I metioned at the top about life not being fair...why isn't it, exactly?
Because we don't have enough food to feed the poor? (Not true--ask Mark.)
Because there are limits to growth and if we share the resources equally Malthus's rat-humans will just exponentially multiply, eating us out of house & home? (No, Malthus never lived to see what happens when an impovershed country's standard of living is sufficiently raised--the birth rate falls, along with crime and violence of every sort. Except in America, of course, but that's another story altogether.)
No, none of these answers work (don't bother with Hobbes, either, since he was writing for the newly restored Crown and didn't know man's state of nature from a Dickensian textile mill.)
The answer is the other sort of conspiracy theory--the liberal version. Toss out the magic; forget the rituals and the bloodlines (just for conversation's sake). Concentrate instead on the very obvious.
When GM was on trial for conspiring to destroy public transportation and replace it with individually owned internal combustion cars, Charles E. Wilson, CEO of GM for eleven years (including WWII) was asked whether it ever occurred to him that destroying public transport would be against the interest of the citizenry. Wilson scratched his head and (famously) said:
"What is good for the country is good for General Motors, and what's good for General Motors is good for the country."
GM was found guilty in the end, given a $1000 fine and told to keep on protecting America's interests because Wilson's remark opened too wide a chasm for the good Americans to leap: that this was not indeed the case. That scarcity and conspiracy (another quick definition: "operations and decisions undertaken in secrecy") were not in anyone's interests except those who profit from them.
For more, see Quotes About Corporations.
My point in all this is something that Richard brought up recently when he was talking about a book by a guy named Cialdini on the power of persuasive psychology. When our most basic assumptions are false, we are not motivated to change them, but instead to continue down the path we're on in order to justify having taken that path in the first place.
The real conspiracy is too vast & deep to even see anymore. It's in the belief that life isn't fair and we can't afford to help the poor. It's the belief that freedom means freedom from social responsibility, freedom to make a buck.
Now, what would the antonym of that belief be?
I know for a fact that it is, FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, centalized. I know it is for a fact. I have physically witnessed that it is. I cannot explain how I have witnessed it without sounding like I am insane, so I won't. I just know it is, and others on this site will have to take my word, that I KNOW it is centralized.
Dude, I think we are all beholden to the political and legal and economic superstructures we live under. That people will then work at enforcing, solidifying, maintaining those "norms" -- in a very coordinated manenr even -- is a moot point. When is that not true? This can be overt or not, knowing or not, purposeful or not.
What your analysis (conveniently) misses is a grounded examination of said superstructures. Where do they come from? What factors would/do determine how people relate to each other, both in an individual sense and as collectives?
These questions are not reducible in the slightest to asking what psy-ops have been employed against us or what agent is pulling our strings. Its the old "If aspartame is dangerous, then why does Rummy still drink Diet Coke" stumbling block.
(oil, Isreal, New Crusades, MIC, NWO and so [on?]) if I asked you to talk about the Turkish response to Kurds and native Armenians you'd like as not draw a total blank.
I don't even know what the mainstream line is on this subject. I don't own the Propaganda Index, 2007 - Turkey. What I suspect is that native Armenians and Kurds are wanting to farm vegetables (you know ones that you eat, like squash and stuff) but the Turkish govt. is forcing them to grow opium and to make hashish with tactics exactly like those used in Columbia once the brigade armies were co-opted in the late 70's to create para-militaries, paramilitaries that had total immunity from being accused of government war-crimes just by the fact that they were para-government and there was no declaration of war.
Incidentally, tell one of the hundreds of campasinos that didn't get tortured to death there that there was no war.
Incidentally, tell me that there is only one war going on in the world right now: Iraq.
Then qualify that there are two wars going on: Iraq and Afghanistan. Then I will tell you that Afghanistan is some of the same: from Mujahadeen, to Taliban to Northern Alliance. Meanwhile,you tell me that the biggest, most powerful military force on the planet, with satellites that can see the detail in a human hair, cannot stop 5000 metric tons of heroin from being exported from Afghanistan every year. Yep, tell me another one.
Then you tell me that when exactly zero low-ranking soldiers--some of whom must understand, when they see the endless poppy fields of Afghanistan, what the war is all about--are able to come home and expose what they have seen, that somehow there is not some system of overt control so that thousands of soldiers from all over the U.S. cannot spill the beans. You say they are all so brainwashed that all of them can perfectly fight the urge to see reality
Actually, I did write, on paper unfortunately, a treatise concerning how the web stays integral. I can sum it up now though
No one wants to lose their position in the athashastra-type circles of power. They see what happens to whistle-blowers like the one who outed dynecorp for flying off 200,000 women and children for sale in the black market. If most people had a choice, they would sooner keep my cushie $500,000 a year, or even my &50,000 per year job, than never seeing daylight, or even "never working in this town again."
Most people don't have the fortitude to buck the system; they live in dread of their Grand Master every day.
OMG, I left off drugs in my laundry list and you promptly jumped on it. Good show!
I am not defending the mainstream view at all or denying any particular conspiracy exists. What I am saying is that there is a raison d'etre behind these things a recognition you are seriously hurting for want of.
And it can't be the CEO who wakes up in the morning and wonders "how much pollution can I cause today?" or Henry Kissinger asking "how many people will we kill with this operation"
Actually, I did write, on paper unfortunately, a treatise concerning how the web stays integral. I can sum it up now though
No one wants to lose their position in the athashastra-type circles of power. They see what happens to whistle-blowers like the one who outed dynecorp for flying off 200,000 women and children for sale in the black market. If most people had a choice, they would sooner keep my cushie $500,000 a year, or even my &50,000 per year job, than never seeing daylight, or even "never working in this town again."
Most people don't have the fortitude to buck the system; they live in dread of their Grand Master every day.
Ok, ok this will be my last post about this but was the paper titled Shit Floats?
I don't know everything, but i...wait, are you just baiting me? are you really my friend in disguise?
Then what is wrong with my trying to wake people up and get them "to put the glasses on?" Whay is this a bad idea? I personally don't think most people that read Jeff's posts probably really get it.
What is "it"?
The movie 'They Live' is pwobly the most accurate analogy one could ever make, and if truth is stranger than fiction, then, GODDAMIT, PUT ON THE GLASSES or we will have a five-minute-long scuffle in an ally. No kidding.
BTW, my essay didn't have a name. If it did, darn it, it might be Shit Floats! Those at the top, who weave the very interesting webs, indeed do sometimes stink up the place with lots of gaseous vapours. We'll see acl, we'll see. If you make me proud, I'll take your suggestion and call it just that.
In the movie They Live, John Nada says to a woman he was holding sort of hostage, "Look lady, they're everywhere. You can only see them with these special glasses. I don't know who they are or where they came from."
He was telling the truth as he saw it.
The truth: to which Holly Thompson, assistant program director of Cable 54 mockingly returned, "Okay. You're fighting the forces of evil that no one can see without sunglasses. I'll put on the glasses, but if I don't see what you see, I'm gonna see it anyway [since you have a gun and are in charge]."
Y'know Oms, you're completely certifiable.
Since you obviously fear any little anti-pebble tossed your way, you must live in one fragile, easily shattered house of mirrors.
I, on the other hand, enjoy reading shit that I don't agree with. I enjoy reading shit that does a little more than gently stroke my carefully constructed belief system.
If you don't like that, all I can say is tough fucking titty pal.
I also love how you initially attacked my post, which wasn't aimed at you or anyone in particular, but because those little raisin balls of yours obviously shrivel when confronted with opposing views, you chose to sputter on about dick smashing & then, in a round -about way, accused me of being a disinfo agent.
BTW, here's a precious bit of posting revisionism:
"The new age stuff about tetrahedral geometry was given to me first by a known disinformation artist."
I don't care.
Didn't care when you said it, hence my complete & utter silence on the subject.
My guffawing was brought on by you blaming a conspiracy of new agey others for your inability to get laid.
With your utter lack of reading comprehension & your ham handed ability to attack & then preen & whine when someone bitch slaps your bullshit back down your throat, you fit in here far better than I do.
Sad to say though, I ain't going anywhere.
I will give you two things though, you are one self-esteem challenged, insecure & self-pitying ____-Mental case & you've done far more to demonstrate how the idea of "notional moles" is sheer fucking genius because there will alway be delusional dipshits like you who think they have the skinny on how to spot a real one.
Take a bit of advice champ, girls, as Cyndi Lauper said, just wanna have fun.
They can spot an overly needy bundle of male insecurities a mile away.
Trust me, they find that a total turn-off.
Of course, they also find unwarranted egoism coupled with a barking mad tough guy wanna-be-ness a turn off too, so I suppose you're in a bit of lose-lose bind.
If you're interested in taking pot shots at the conspiracy I suggest you take to the streets. Typing tough here is doing little more than making me laugh out loud a lot.
That would be the laughing at you, not with you ,kind of guffawing.
Good luck at finding a permanent docking area for your willy.
The floor is now yours since,from what I can see, you need to have the last word waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
fucking more than I do.
Dammit Richard if you don't take him seriously he might stop bloviating..ok, check that.
I can only assume (and we know what that does) that your quest into the "fairness" of life is a rhetorical question.
I know I keep harping about the signifigance of our underlying motives but, like Omni, I'm sticking to my own ego-emotional agenda.
The answer is just more questions, dammit. And that is fine with me. Jeff's intro photo almagamation/Dylan quote is to me more meaningful than the post that follows. Again:
Well, I fin'ly started thinkin' straight
When I run outa things to investigate.
Couldn't imagine doin' anything else,
So now I'm sittin' home investigatin' myself!
Hope I don't find out anything . . . hmm, great God! - Bob Dylan
What is it? This Creature that Walks Among Us?
I guess I had better tie in my last few posts to the original topic so my hypocritical house of cards doesn’t come crashing down in a mocking frenzy of uncontrolled group-hate, where people take an asinine argument from the last thread and continue it here, even though I’ve totally stopped that track, and then accuse me of needing to have the last word after calling me 11 names in one post:
The Israeli Defense Forces are the number one recipient of U.S. funded intelligence/military aid in the world. Their special forces have blood on their hands from every continent in God’s green Earth. The former School of the Americas is just the tip of the iceberg in the indoctrination system that people have to go through to commit the acts of atrocious terror committed by allied (with U.S.) armies. You can’t take a suburban kid with no previous exposure to murder, trained on a flight simulator, and make him rape and torture children. That is what, I rigorously intuit, the mind control/ritual abuse system is for: breaking people into accepting things that are far from common evolutionary tendencies, then making loyalty compulsory. Thus, a perfectly compliant army of assassins can be assured; and with the IDF involved, if anyone cries fowl, they can be labeled anti-Semites and have the AICAP, one brick in the pyramid, swiftly and efficiently come down hard on them.
Richard: Are you going to comment on this post of Jeff's or... so far you have kept this crap going, and you have reduced it to such personal nonsense, that I don't even need to respond. But I will say, in defense of my self-esteem, my endless qualifications to every derogatory post that comes my way are not because my ego or self esteem is in question. My tireless qualifications and answers are to show you that I, unlike you and the rest of the crowd that puts up organized resistance to anything that plants seeds whose fruit is too dangeroius, can follow a train of thought to its conclusion without being tempted to resort to divide and conquer, the last bastion of a coward. You have kept up with the PERSONAL insults after all I have said (still) is that your having posted some jackass's quote was wasteful of space. I then accused you "in a roundabout way" to be a disinfo agent? This is where I say that you are paranoid since your deluded mind thought that I was saying you were a disinfo agent. Then you say some other stuff, until this thread is wasted such that no one wants to read any of it. Good Job.
It will be very difficult for you to get rid of me too. Very difficult.
when someone completely shreds my credibility with personal insults, I always tell them truthfully what I am capable of, what my talents are: innocent white magic to turn their black magic on its head. I still know I am a very, very good guitar player, which is the only thing I have said that could be construed as conceit. I however do not call others conceited when they recognize their own starkly obvious achievments. Why should I? Why should they give me some false humilty bullshit when they know damn right well they are good at what they do?
They shouldn't ever be falsely humble or intentionally falsely anything else, unless they want me to call them out on it over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, every single time.
For Richard to claim that I, totally unprovoked, started telling the world how amazing I am is such obvious derision designed to make me out to be as unsavory as possible; no one likes a braggard.
Richard, when will you start calling me a dead-beat, child-molesting, rapist, serial- killing ego maniac? Then all of the really un-gullible people out there in the e-ether will really be on my side, as they will see how persecuted I have become here (uh oh, now I have a persecution "complex") and thus want to then see what I've written to deserve such treatment (it must be good) and how obviously sadistic you have been all along.
muddy said:
like Omni, I'm sticking to my own ego-emotional agenda.
Yeah right. Some of you control the debate with me, ignoring the substance of every one of my most pertinent arguments and comments by reducing it (the "debate") to personal insults and then accuse me of an ego-emotional agenda. Typical. Yawn.
We'll see what in reality I am "all about." One week of one-sided gestapo-style intimidation and my defense thereto for the purpose of justifying my presence and opinion in the first place (rather than allowing antiquated ideas like seniority and hierarchy to justify my legitimacy) is really not long enough for anyone to say that I am entirely ego-emotional. I just want to warn anyone: if you take seriously any source that comes from academia, the net or anywhere else that bears very clear slant and say that it is the final answer on any subject, I will remind you of the proverbial onion that information has become. I will do this without end.
This is the last comment I will ever post that defends my personal credibility. If anyone decides that my questions and challenges of their thoughts are worthy of no answer--then a huge mass of insults--I will ignore you and just try to keep posting more and more really thought provoking stuff.
No, The Truth was Holly Thompson was working for the aliens. Exactly when she joined (before or after kicking Nada out her living room window) is an interesting point of debate.
Glad the discourse here has moved onto the issues that matter...
I thought you made it abundantly clear that you were a human like the rest of us with an ego and emotions. that's all. And I hope I've made it clear that I appreciate and try to digest and understand the viewpoints here, intransigent polemics and all.
"I don't think the human stomach can eat everything, and I'm not quite sure my mind can understand everything, so I don't pretend that it can."-RAW
I have to tell you that I really enjoy your questions & the way your mind works. Especially your suggestion that the "answer" will doubtlessly be another question. I, too, believe in infinity.
That we have such a hard time even imagining infinity is, I think, the wall we've run into with our science and our societal structures. As a species, we're far more agoraphobic than claustrophobic. Everyone likes limits, don't they?
All the educational & child behavior experts tell us that kids instinctively need limits--that's why they test us. To find out where the boundaries are, so that they can be comfortably constrained.
Maybe there's some sort of evolutionary environment reason for this, but I think it's also probably a swindle, part of the conditioning of Scarcity. I wonder if Jared Diamond has looked into the psychology of limits...
If we might fearlessly speculate a bit more on this, let's assume (again, for the sake of argument) that the universe is infinite and that Nature is quite naturally abundant. How might this viewpoint affect our thinking? Our science? Our societal organization?
Entropy and the closed system would be cast off as ill-fitting corsets of the mind. "Liberal" might have room to have meaning.
Jeff talked about how the old school conspiracy heads were always telling the newbies that there was no difference between Left & Right on the political spectrum--a notion that Jeff finds unpleasant, it would seem. But were they wrong? I'm not saying I agree with their reasoning--that Bill Clinton was illuminated when he was a Rhodes Scholar, etc--but given the system we have (the rigidly controlled two-party set up which processes candidates on the basis of their corporate funding) and the mindscape we share (limits, limits everywhere!), can a real liberal actually be elected?
I'm talking about someone who bases his platform on MLK's Beyond Vietnam speech and the repudiation of imperialism. Someone who can envision a world without money that's far richer than this hardscrabble rat race run by penguin-suited bankers. Someone who can use Eugene V. Debs' immortal prison cell campaign speech:
While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Someone who can talk about Deb's mentor, the last American liberal, as a role model, or at least some sort of precedent...
Although concededly another ex-military insider, John Stockwell of the CIA said "[take any book in the library on the Vietnam war. There is an 80% chance it was written by some CIA asset or affiliate]" (Stockwell, John. The Praetorian Guard. Boston: South End. 1991) .
Who wrote the other 20%? The Heritage Foundation, the Ad Council, the AIPAC, or some other hugely powerful thinktank. Powerful, that is, if what Jeff says is right: that if we let others set our agendas with their symbols and such that we are falling right into their hands. I contend that he is right; I have been saying the same thing for years.
Another book that cites Stockwell goes on at length to expose Low Intensity Conflict strategy, which is supposed to have been the result of policy makers' having seen the results of Huge troop deployments in Vietnam. The needed a new regime.
A heavily relied upon tool of this new military is extreme information control, attests Nelson-Pallmeyer. In fact, if one needed a crash course in disinformation strategies, this book would definitely open some mental doors.
Now Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer is a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary in New York. He is obviously in service of the left gatekeeper media, especially since he quotes them left and right. Another stark sign is that he says that journalists' seeing other journalists "get[] transferred to the financial pages" for reporting on Real issues in El Salvador, is what has a chilling effect on them, what prevents the U.S. press from covering the real issues.
My contention is that the U.S. press doesn't need this kind of "chilling effect" on their honest reporting. Since birth they have been being mind controlled into perfect acquiescent utility; by the time they get to be writing for the New York Times they are such robots, they actually believe in eugenics, they actually believe their own megalomaniacal sense of entitlement.
athanor said:
No, The Truth was Holly Thompson was working for the aliens. Exactly when she joined (before or after kicking Nada out her living room window) is an interesting point of debate.
Glad the discourse here has moved onto the issues that matter...
Well, in the underground auditorium the alien at the podium tells the "Human Power Elite" that their income has increased "in the last year alone, and average of thirty-nine percent." This implies that many people were already working for them, people presumably smaller than the Assistant Program Director of a major news station.
My theory is that she used the glasses to gain access to their meeting, the one where John and his sidekick got their contact lenses--the same meeting which had obvioulsy been infiltrated as evidenced by the show of force by the police (they killed almost everyone, including the leaders) at a location that should have been unknown to them.
She was in on it from the moment she refused to put on the glasses and derided his "crazy conspiracy theory" with a mere brush.
"Jeff talked about how the old school conspiracy heads were always telling the newbies that there was no difference between Left & Right on the political spectrum--a notion that Jeff finds unpleasant, it would seem. But were they wrong? I'm not saying I agree with their reasoning--that Bill Clinton was illuminated when he was a Rhodes Scholar, etc--but given the system we have (the rigidly controlled two-party set up which processes candidates on the basis of their corporate funding) and the mindscape we share (limits, limits everywhere!), can a real liberal actually be elected?"
Oh, but see, I didn't mean to suggest there was anything "left" to Clinton or to America's two-party/one-oligarchy system. The American left, as I recognize it, is virtually unrepresented in electoral office.
"We've got one that can see."--lady alien character in They Live in need of a Brazillian plastic surgeon whose head looked as though it fell in the cheese dip back in 1957.
Well....conspiracy, or no conspiracy, it still comes down to the common man to quit falling for it........and that's really at the heart of Jeff's post. A little introspection goes a long way....too much paralyzes you.
How can you convince The Masses to read Cialdini in Unison and understand, once and for all, how the Beast they help perpetuate persuades them to do so, relentlessly?
We are all part of this thing (The Conspiracy we call Western Imperialism...or better yet, Civilization) here.....and there. It doesn't happen without our cooperation, witting, or unwitting. Instead of reading Cialdini to remove the self-imposed restraints, we read Cialdini to restrain our neighbor. We can't blame that one on the Elite...that's pure, fucking, unadulterated, cold-blooded power mongering on the part of common man. There doesn't need to be a grand conspiracy which requires constant surveillance and calibration...all that's needed is a Catalyst here and a Catalyst there using Cialdini's methods and the fuck knob commoners will do the rest. They love nothing more than to gnaw off their own limbs.
Rule #1: Don't fight the wars, don't support those who do and support those who refuse. Most lefties can't get themselves to do that and Cialdini tells us why if you care to read him.
Omni, how do you feel about Rule #1? Are you willing to abide by it? If so, let me hear you say it.
I guess I'll have to say it till I'm blue in the face, Jeff:
There is no "Left"
There is no "Right"
There is only "Up" and "Down"
There is Power, and those who have it, and those who don't. There are several kinds of power -- and have vs. have not is the only meaningful distinction. "Left" and "Right" say nothing.
Like "left" and "right," "Antisemitism" is impossible to analyze since it's impossible to define.
First, the users of the tag define "Semite" to exclude the large majority of actual Semites -- just as Hitler defined "Master Race" to exclude all non-Aryans.
Second, the tag is more often used to smear "people whom we hate" or "people who dare criticize or disagree with us" rather than "people who hate us." Enough candid and introspective Jews can be found who have bravely spoken out on this point.
Third, the tag, being used almost exclusively as a propaganda smear term to preclude legitimate debate -- the nuclear weapon of propaganda -- it should be eschewed by honest persons wishing to engage in thoughtful discussion.
So much more could be said, but my time has run out for tonight.
The American left, as I recognize it, is virtually unrepresented in electoral office.
No, it's not, but I think I was getting at something a little deeper than why this is so. It's not just that the system wouldn't allow such a thing to happen--I think that there really is no Left, at least in the form of the sort of antidote to the all-encompassing Right that would be needed to bring about meaningful change.
You're a writer, Jeff--have you ever noticed how absolutely rare it is for even our most imaginative minds to think beyond the market system? Even Marx was far better at describing the flaws of capitalism than dreaming up an alternative.
The most paradoxical thing about our collective inability to think outside this nearly hardwired box is that a moneyless society is not really all that fantastic a proposition. Once we finally get there, we're going to have a truly profound sensation of finding an impossible solution right under our noses (and wondering why we couldn't see it before.) If the following three things were to happen, the economy of abundance I'm always blathering about would take root overnight:
a.) unlocking the patent office, where many thousands of alternative method and/or source energy generators languish (although we wouldn't really need any "new" forms of energy if positive energy coefficient housing were built in place of the rotting cities and toxic suburbs)
b.) breaking the raw materials regime monopoly so that Dr. Carver's science of Chemurgy could once more flourish
c.) print money (only during the transitional period) for value produced--things of value to the earth & human society, like reforestation, land reclamation, sustainable habitat construction, teaching and learning, taking care of the sick, the elderly & the young, etc, etc.
This last idea is, on the surface, somewhat radical, but once you realize just how arbitrary today's concept of the creation of wealth is, it would work far better than what we have now. Only bankers can create a run on the banks; only markets can scarcify a commodity.
We don't need either of these anymore. (Not that we ever did n the first place, mind you.)
Now, maybe my way of looking at this is something very different from the traditional Left/Right model, but who needs either when they're both tied to that scarcity engine? People could still choose to be generous or mean-spirited, as long as it didn't affect anyone else and everyone was fed & housed and given the opportunity to do something meaningful.
IC..Scare-city is measured in a time is money is basic needs equation. Everything else is left.
If you read the Mueller doc I sent you, you might recall the conversation between Mueller, Skorzeny and the hitman where they talk about the Protocols being something in the order of 500 years old.
"Don't fight the wars, don't support those who do and support those who refuse. Most lefties can't get themselves to do that and Cialdini tells us why if you care to read him."
I agree Shrub.
& people are resisting, it just doesn't matter anymore.
The conditioning or acculturation or whatever you want to call it has done its job too fucking well.
Even the existence of resistance is off-handedly dealt with by Cialdini.
Most of the persuasion techniques he describes all have a small percentage of those folk who are immune to those techniques.
I found that, in the techniques I could correlate with personal experience, I was immune.
I suspect a lot of people here who were suspicious from the get-go would find the same results.
The phrase he uses for blind compliance is his "Click-Wrrrrr" response, where people automatically exhibit personally detrimental compliance as if a switch toggles closed inside them.
These blind responses are the culmination of a myriad of different social factors which I won't bore you with but Cialdini says that in most cases it works because, generally, following the crowd is a good thing.
Now, correct or not, I've always thought the exact opposite, that following the crowd was probably going to be detrimental to any personal growth I may aspire to.
Now that I've patted myself on the back for being an "independent thinker," whatever the fuck that is, it still leaves me in the minority.
Even though a case can be made for an apparent political tide turning, to some degree anyway, what fucking good is it if it takes 6-7 years, & a plethora of fuck ups, lies & bullshit to convince the majority that they were wrong.
So they do another obvious "click-wrrrr" & blame Bush. And all that social conditioning that allows them to make quick decisions at the grocery store, at work, etc.,that left them susceptible to such a massive, yet avoidable fuck-up, will continue coursing through their system, lying in wait to shove them over another, as yet unrealized, cliff edge.
Will they change that conditioning?
Will they change the nature of the society that causes them to need such blind compliance for survival?
Fuck no.
What they'll do is change presidents or parties or, more exactly, they'll decline the plate of excrement because they've decided to sup on the bowl of vomit instead, thank you very much.
I mean, how the fuck could anyone think George W. Bush should be president in the first place?
Why would anyone think Gore would have been better?
It all escapes me.
It is interesting to hear you say "the American left, as I recognize it, is virtually unrepresented in electoral office" I cautiously agree, on the shaky grounds that my recognized "left" is analogous to your "ideal" definition.
The phrase "might makes right" carries a double meaning then and that will be a problem that will take a very very long time to flush out of our meme infested systems and instead of offering anything that might be an actual solution I'll just relate this story although it may seem completely out of place:
a Zen master's monastery was overrun by marauding soldiers. When the Zen master did not appear frightened, the soldiers captain said, "Don't you know who I am? I could run my sword through you and not think twice about it." The Zen master replied, "Don't you know who I am? You could run your sword through me and I wouldn't think twice about it.
It seems your other point is that anti-semitism is not so much the 800 pound gorilla but the slyly camoflauged slippery slope. And if I'm reading you right, them dammit, I guess I have to go ahead and agree with you again. (Disagreeing is just a lot more fun). But where you fall short here is in your explanations of this phenomenon. (Maybe your "still favoured" hypertext led to the wrong link?)
Case in point--The Dave Rich article vs. the Tom Metzger interview. In the eyes of the--let's say undecided masses--which article do you think is going to win more converts? Or at least more passionate converts? Like "might makes right" the fascists know which strings to pull. In the battlescape of the mind all of the intellectual firepower in the world cannot defeat one well placed ideological landmine.
I've had too much time on my hands lately, and launching more into these is keeping me a bit more sane, I think, so thanks. Your mind bogglingly endless well of links are keeping me busy... for years to come. I can't help but to qoute from your latest offering:
R. Buckminster Fuller believed that humanity’s seemingly intractable resistance to the idea of abundance is because scarcity has been the human reality for so long that the zero-sum-game is virtually cemented into human consciousness.
Good frickin luck tryin to change that in this millenium. Or on the other hand, maybe things will change quickly and for the better which is why the whole Mayan calendar business is attractive to say the least.
you say: A little introspection goes a long way....too much paralyzes you.
Aye--a horrible thing it is... from one who knows. But throw a shot or two of pessimism in that mixer and it is gonna be one helluva long night. You might not have guessed but the above libation is one of my favorites and man I gotta quit--but its just so damn tasty.
Well said shrub, and yet we are still left with what 'it' is. (ref. 1st paragraph)
"How can you convince The Masses to read Cialdini in Unison and understand, once and for all, how the Beast they help perpetuate persuades them to do so, relentlessly?"
I know... I know..,says the geeky kid in the second row.
Ah, the knot tightens and comes undone in those special, nodal moments, those consequence-laden synchronicities (unlike their paler cousins, the empty apophenias) moments like these.
You're crypting me again, although I think I see what your flashing in your personal semaphore. And, yes, I'll go back and read that pdf conversation between your proto-panoptic thugs again...
Likewise, on all counts. I have to confess that stretching myself (and my fragile health) between too many bloody interesting projects has left me incapable (thus far) of putting my scattered links together on my link compendium, but that's right up there on the things I really have to do list. Right after my final word on Schauberger, Abundance and the Road Ahead (coming to a blog near you soon...) Having survived both my recent harrowing surgery and Drew Hempel's revelations of the coming coup of the Pseudo-Pythagoreans, I might just find the energy to accomplish all of the above (and a few things I haven't mentioned).
Richard, Jeff and the rest of y'all:
Isn't it possible that Cialdini's expose could be boiled down to its salient points in the space of, say, 5 pages? Thus armed, the unsuspecting masses might discover the mechanisms of their manipulation, no? I know all about the difficulty of making horses drink the damned water once you've dragged their stubborn asses over to it...but what if they got all thirsty-like at the thought of a surprising treat?
Here's what I'm thinking. Dangle the prize, that the eyes might be drawn to it and the soul thirst for it. Minds can be opened in this way.
One vision of this is in a great, great book I just discovered: Julian May's Intervention. Written in 1987, it foretells a way forward, a path out of the morass that involves all manner of things we've discussed here. The intervention is by inscrutable alien entities (the CIA and other such entities are disarmed by us, however), and the path is not painless, but we discover many things about ourselves along the way. The true intersection of matter and consciousness, for one. Bibhas De's "source-less photon" for another. Parapsychology even. And, it's only vaguely sci-fi, for those who haven't yet acquired that taste.
Another, more immediate bit less full description is in a post from three years ago over at WorldChanging by Alex Steffen--Beyond Sustainability--in which he discusses an essay written by David Schaller called Beyond Sustainability: From Scarcity to Abundance. The pragmatic approach
Here's Steffen's take (I'm reprinting it here because the format is screwed up at WorldChanging, the original link doesn't seem to be working, and it's worth it--I'm leaving out the italics because it's so much easier to read. Sorry about the dump):
One of the central premises of my work is that a quiet revolution is spreading in our understanding of what "sustainability" means and demands of us - that the dangerous lack of sustainability in our industrial systems is as more a product of our failure to think clearly about the future and to design our systems to work with nature than any wrongness in our desires for prosperity.
So I should have gotten this up weeks ago. Six different people I respect have all recommended David Schaller's essay Beyond Sustainability: From Scarcity to Abundance. If you're at all interested in the future of sustainability, it's provocative, insightful and worth reading.
"Conversations on sustainability can often be quite depressing. You know the story: ecosystems in decline, species loss, water scarcity, climate chaos, spread of diseases, and then all of the social and economic turmoil that results from these conditions.
There is a common thread to these grim stories as you might expect, and this thread carries over to the solutions we often find ourselves seeking. I believe it is also the reason we find ourselves so discouraged over our chances for turning things around in some sustainable fashion.
This common thread has been referred to in words such as scarcity and limits, and in themes such as entropy, closed systems, and carrying capacity.
We've all been drilled in the absoluteness of limits. A lot of very good science is telling us more and more precisely just how little there is left, just how much we have to cut back, just how prone to decay and unraveling our natural world is, and just how austere our future will have to be compared to the extravagant present.
Our policy tools reflect this sense of austerity: we strive to reduce, reuse and recycle as if keeping all those molecules of fiber, glass, metal, and such out of the landfill a few extra months is what it is all about. We encourage resource efficiency, as if getting another few percent out of our throughput of these materials somehow is enough. We struggle to add a few more jobs as we make these reuse, recycle, and efficiency measures stretch our resources a while longer.
But when we settle for a higher recycling rate, or reduced industrial emissions, or a few more jobs (usually low paying), or a little less of a rate of decline in ecosystem integrity, we are really just postponing our own collapse.
Meanwhile, the more we stretch our resources through efficiency gains, the faster others seek to use them up - as if our savings become their withdrawals. It all looks like a cruel zero-sum game that we are destined tolose in the end. No wonder there is talk of austerity and apocalypse. Who can be cheerful or encouraged about any of this?
I believe there is an austerity all right, but it is an austerity of imagination. All of it is fueled by the premise of scarcity in nature.
I propose that there is an abundance to nature that, in our ignorance and even arrogance, we are only beginning to fathom. In fact, it would be arrogance to claim even that much. Our microbiologists, botanists,biologists, mycologists, wood chemists and geneticists are only now scratchingthe surface of this great diversity and plenty. What we don't understand, we can't possibly explain, value, or protect.
We have identified only the smallest fraction of the species of the world, particularly in the fungi, algae, and bacteria kingdoms. Much less do we understand all of the wealth embodied in these mystery species - which by the way dominate the living world. We don't exactly have the plant kingdom figured out either. Taxonomically speaking, we aren't playing with a full deck. And even with the cards we have in our hand, we're not using them very wisely.
A typical coffee business uses 0.2 percent of the coffee bean to produce a cup of coffee. This means 99.8 percent of the coffee bush becomes
When we make a so-called green detergent from palm oil, we use only 5 percent of the biomass from the plantation; the rest is treated as waste.
When we ferment barley and hops to make beer, we take out only 8 percent of the sugars. the rest is treated as waste; the same for the proteins and fibers.
Something less than 3 percent of the original Btu value of a lump of coal makes it out as usable light in our lamps, similarly low percentages exist for energy conversion in transportation and industry.
Studies show that between a half and three-fourths of the materials used in our industrial economy are generated and treated as waste before ever entering the economy. They are not seen or treated as commodities and aren't valued as such.
Where else can we get away with such foolishness?
Imagine being a dancer and told you could only use 10 percent of the stage to perform! What if writers could only use declarative sentences and no more than three parts of speech? What if you were a homebuilder and were limited to only a hammer and a saw to do your work? Foolish, right! Why? Because we know we have so much more available to us to practice these arts and tasks.
When it comes to seeing the abundance available to us in nature, we are simply not there yet. Until we do we will be no closer to sustainability than we were a decade ago.
The key to the challenge is this. When we fail to see all of the wealth that nature gives us, we quite readily see ourselves with less.
When we see ourselves with less, we find it easy to believe in scarcity and limits.
When we admit to scarcity, we create economic and social and political conditions that allow some to have and many to go without.
And when many go without, we create a damaged and sad - not to mention dangerous - world.
Solutions grounded in the premise of scarcity will never result in sustainability.
Through clever resource efficiency and technology substitutions we may do a better job - for a while - of managing scarcity, but we will not even come close to sustainability. We can only get there, and beyond, by seeing our circumstances through the lens of abundance.
So, how do we begin to see and then capture this abundance? It begins with nature and with seeing the system of nature. But few of us operate with a systems view of the world. Instead, we routinely compartmentalize and optimize the individual sub-components of nature.
We optimize corn production, for example, all the while poisoning our soils and leaving the groundwater in Iowa undrinkable. All because we refuse to put the same effort in to understanding soil health that we do into developing stronger pesticides or genetically engineered strains of corn.
We don't consider the system of soils and their nutrients, bacteria, fungi, soil pH, lignin chemistry, not to mention worker safety, aquifer integrity, farm community security and more because for the most part we aren't even looking for it. Worse, we may not even care. We are only concerned with the abundance of one thing, in this instance, bushels of corn. Meanwhile we create scarcity in so many other ways by refusing to value the other components of the system.
And this leads to even further scarcities being created, for our systems are all themselves interconnected. Our agricultural system and our water systems are connected to our industrial meat production system, in turn connected to our transportation system. And on and on.
Moreover, while we are optimizing the output of feed corn for cattle; they themselves are being optimized at the cost of growth hormones and antibiotic resistance in consumers, water and air quality degradation, nutrient loss and damage to distant ecosystems.
Our inefficiencies and manufactured scarcities cascade through and across systems of systems. And we want to teach this to the rest of the world?
The economic model that makes all this not only possible but necessary is failing us. While we focus on higher yields of single crops or single industrial products, we cling to the core business model to get us there. We are in the beef business, the corn business, the aluminum business, and the timber business. Many of these businesses even say they want to become sustainable businesses. I don't think so.
We forget that nature does not have a core business, except that of diversity, abundance, and continuance. We cannot see abundance when we are purposely generating scarcity with our intentional optimizing of individual products and processes.
Looking carefully, the abundance of nature is staggering. So-called waste biomass, biomass of all kinds, contains nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, anti-oxidants, and more. Creative entrepreneurs are accessing and valorizing these constituents through simple separation and reformation processes, yielding additives for food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, dyes, and hundreds of other end uses. We haven't begun to tap the wealth of even a fraction of the biomass abundance nature provides.
People in Morocco have struggled to find a way to keep their native argan forests from disappearing under the relentless pressure of firewood harvesting. The key has been to find value-added uses for the tree that give people a stake in its survival. Researchers first found that they could extract an oil for use in cooking and traditional medicine. Exports to Europe followed. But they now know that the tree contains more than this. It offers extraction residues that have value! as anti-microbial agents and antioxidants. The potential is just unfolding.
The perception that the tree was useful only as firewood created an artificial scarcity that overlooked the abundance of value added-products produced by the tree. A women's cooperative is now helping stabilize the forest ecosystem and deriving income, jobs, and hope in a setting that previously had little of any of these. Scarcity becomes abundance when we see more clearly what we have in front of us.
In the industrial setting, the issue is put to us differently. We have a perceived scarcity problem of elements and materials only because we aren't very good at taking things apart. We have mastered the creation of alloys, polymers, synthetics, and composites of all type and combination. The simplest of these lend themselves to capture and reuse with comparatively little entropic loss, aluminum for instance. The more complex of our manufactured products we bury and burn or if we are clever perhaps turn into some temporary product - that in a few years itself must be buried or burned.
Where we have failed and where the abundance of this non-organic world awaits is in the development of separation technologies. We need to free up for reuse the constituent elements of the most complex compounds and composites that we have created.
A glimmer of hope in this area comes from Japan where scientists are now working on methods for separating tricky composites such as DVDs, CDs, and printed circuit boards into their constituent elements: polycarbonates, aluminum, chromium, gold, plastics and more.
What is most intriguing about these separation advances is that the processes being developed are conducted at ambient pressure and temperature using combinations of algae, bacteria and enzymes. This is a far cry from what is normally used in materials separation - physical and chemical destruction using strong acids and bases, high temperatures, and high pressures.
Nature takes things apart every day (and puts them back together) at ambient pressure and temperature. We must learn how to do the same.
Biological separation provides one solution. Another way is to design our materials and products in a way to ease separation and recovery of valuable input materials.
Imagine recovery technologies so effective and complete that all the necessary elemental material for industry could be recaptured from the disassembly of end-of-life products, buildings, machinery, vehicles, furniture, etc. We could continually harvest these technical, inorganic nutrients, integrate them into all the wonderful products we care to design, and then separate them at the end of product life to where they can be used again and again.
Suddenly and hopefully, all of the once-gospel conditions of scarcity, limits, and closed systems are turned upside down. Nature will give us nothing more. That much we know. Instead we must do more with what nature has already given us.
But we can only get there if we seek and embrace abundance. For only then will we be motivated to seek out all that is possible and not be satisfied until we find it. When we concede to others the issue of scarcity, we cannot expect solutions that do anything but allocate that scarcity. And the allocation of scarcity is not sustainable.
Frances Moore and Anna Lappe wrote in their book~Hope's Edge~that 'To question ideas that have long given our lives coherence and meaning is just about the scariest thing that any human can do.'
So it is up to us. What will it be? Will we settle for scarcity or seek out and embrace abundance? How much of the stage will we use?
Thanks for your patience, all.
Shrub said:
Rule #1: Don't fight the wars, don't support those who do and support those who refuse. Most lefties can't get themselves to do that and Cialdini tells us why if you care to read him.
Omni, how do you feel about Rule #1? Are you willing to abide by it? If so, let me hear you say it.
I am very cautious about making promises to never be physically violent. I firmly believe in person's right to defend himself, especially if he is pursuing the kind of self-responsible solutions that IC is pursuing, i.e. he is trying to envison a world where he can be proud of not erecting a confusing edifice that forces him to step on other toes. I'm all for his getting tough to fight for it, physically if necessary. On the emotional or mental front, with respect to the hearts and minds, I think it productive to be as logical as possible and become as powerful as you can with knowledge and wisdom, so when they fight you, they end up looking stupid in the end.
I definitely do not support the enless war with its ignoble cause that Orwell talked about in 1984. "War" is and ambiguous term. I cannot promise you anything, but I do resist war unless I find it to be completely necessary, at which time I will be the first one to strap on the boots and kick some shit.
Not to dreg up the shit that was going on yesterday (I promised I would never post anything that directly and solely defends my worth as a human being) or anything but I just want to say something, very succinctly, not provocingly, just to get to the bottom of things and defend myself as a contributer to the polluted river internet thought.
Does everyone that disagrees fundamentally with someone else’s comment have to go through days of self-defense, or is it just the people who are the thorniest in the sides of the controllers here? It seems to me that every other person on this site has something to say, some qualification to make, if they aren’t completely lambasting someone’s thoughts. Here I come, raising some objections, and I have to face the Limbaugh style onslaught of a bunch honed, spit-shined provocateurs. Geesh.
Just when we thought it was safe; just when we thought we could escape the program that so insidiously creeps into our consciousnesses and commands us to act out the mores (c’mon, flaming: gimme a break, take your macho, group-think, mob-justified “gamesmanship” back to usenet) so common to others like us in our social strata, others who had our type of upbringing (indoctrination). Now we find out that, no, we can’t escape; we must join the team, listen to the coach, not bitch, and pay our dues before we can play. Sounds creepily like some right-wing college football squad to me. When do we get to rape the sorority girls, Jeff? Ooh, I can’t wait to assert my male superiority over those stupid bitches, show them who runs this shit! Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah.
I am not bitching, I am just refusing to allow extremely chaotic nonsense that distracted from my at least somewhat intelligent posts which still haven't been answered by the way.
Have you ever read Listen Little Man, by Wilhelm Reich. If you haven’t, now would be a very apposite time. Here is and excerpt from its preface:
LISTEN LITTLE MAN is a human, not a scientific document…. It reflects the inner turmoil of a scientist and physician who had observed the little man for many years and seen first with astonishment, then with horror what he does to himself; how he suffers, rebels, honors his enemies and murders his friends; how, wherever he acquires power “in the name of the people,” he misuses it and transforms it into something more cruel than the tyranny he had previously suffered at the hands of upper-class sadists.
This appeal to the little man was a silent response to gossip and slander…. The decision to publish it was made in 1947, when the emotional plague conspired to kill orgone research (n.b., not prove it unsound but to kill it by defamation). It was felt that the “common man” must learn what a scientist and psychiatrist actually is and what he, the little man, looks like…. He must be made acquainted with the reality which alone can counteract his ruinous craving for authority and be told very clearly what a grave responsibility he bears in everything he does, whether he is working, loving, hating, or just talking. He must learn how he gets to be a black or red fascist. Anyone who is fighting for the safeguard of life and the protection of our children must necessarily oppose red as well as black fascism. Not because the red fascists, like the black fascists in their day, have a murderous ideology but because they make cripples, puppets, and moral idiots of living healthy children; because they exalt state over justice, lies over truth, and war over life….
This appeal does not ask to be taken as a guide to life. It describes the emotional storms of a productive individual who loves life…. It is a hard working scientist’s protest against the secret, unavowed design of the emotional plague to destroy him with poison arrows shot from a secure hiding place. It shows what the emotional plague is, how it functions and how it obstructs progress….
Those who are truly alive are kindly and unsuspecting in their human relationships and consequently endangered under present conditions. They assume that others think and act generously, kindly, and helpfully, in accordance with the laws of life. This natural attitude, fundamental to healthy children as well as to primitive man, inevitably represents a great danger in the struggle for a rational way of life as long as the emotional plague subsists, because the plague ridden impute their own manner of thinking and acting to their fellow men. A kindly man believes that all men are kindly, while one infected with the plague believes that all men lie and cheat and are hungry for power. In such a situation the living are at an obvious disadvantage. When they give to the plague-ridden, they are sucked dry, then ridiculed or betrayed.
This has always been true. It is high time for the living to get tough, for toughness is indispensable in the struggle to safeguard and develop the life-force; this will not detract form their goodness, as long as they stand courageously by the truth. There is ground for hope in the fact that among millions of decent, hard-working people there are only a few plague-ridden individuals, who do untold harm by appealing to the dark, dangerous drives of the armored average man and mobilizing him for political murder. There is but one antidote to the average man’s predisposition to plague: his own feeling for true life….
Anyone who wants to safeguard the life-force from the emotional plague must learn to make at least as much use of the right to free speech that we enjoy in America for good ends as the emotional plague does for evil ones. Granted equal opportunity for expression, rationality is bound to win out in the end. That is our great hope.
Well, Reich is dead, but I figure the guy had a good point, and I’m here, in my own facetious mocking of the emotional plague, fighting nuclear fire with a bic lighter. I don’t plan on quitting anytime soon either.
That should answer your question Shrubby; I will support who Reich was sympathizing with and help who he was empathizing with. No one else deserves my help, especially those with the emotional plague. Those guns I will stick to until death. BTW, about the tasers and billy-clubs. I have already spent 9 months in jail for civil disobedience. Does that qualify me to "act like a tough guy" or merely act as though I am the zen master of muddy's quote: "Don't you know who I am, I am the guy whom you can gangstalk on the streets of my hometown, whom you can use electronic weapons against, and whom you can intimidate over and over and over and again and I would think twice about it, but forcing me to think about danger to my person is not necessarily totally obsessing without fail."
Hope this helps everyone.
Ignoring the whole left vs. right dichotomy completely, has anyone here considered (rhetorical question) that masonry is full of muslim symbolism, that masons practice rituals and belief systems from all world religions, although outwardly, to deflect criticism of such heresy, they claim to be Christian? Well, that; then we have the fact that there was only one non-mason president in the history of the United States....and he was assissinated, ahem, by a lone gunman. Hmmm.
No one answer this post.
Or, is the supposedly heated rift between the Catholic Church (to which Kennedy belonged) and masonry just a ruse to draw false divisions between two powers that both are trying to do essentially the same thing: mass control through indoctrination?
Omni..Reich really isn't quite dead yet. He put a codicil in his will that all of his work should be made public 50 years after his demise which is November of this year.
IC..I consider myself to be one of those biological entities that can take man's brica brac home and do something with it. My logic tends to my belief in the scarcity of BTU's or the more energy it takes to make it, the more value it has. This biological entity is generally referred to as the "dumpster diver" I prey on government dumpsters as they tend to take the greatest interest in my work.
The farcical way in which the mass media portrays the Palestinian/Israeli issue is on its face irrelevant. To say that you support the Palestinians’ right to autonomous life and land and freedom from atrocious tyranny in the form of imperialist invasion makes you anti-Semitic. But to claim that Israelis have a right to exist without the threat of “suicide bombings” is totally innocent and even noble, although you are simultaneously accusing Arabs of being suicide bombers, and somehow of being the only aggressors in the mix, Arabs, incidentally, who are also of a Semitic bloodline (direct lineage to Shem). In fact, in Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, the first definition of Semite is: Those of the Middle East of Caucasian stock comprising chiefly the Jews and Arabs, but in ancient times also including the Babylonians, Assyrians, Canaanites, Arameans, and Phoenicians. Now we define Semitic: Semitic - 1. Of or pertaining to the Semites, esp. Jewish or Arabic. 2. Of, pertaining to, or comprising a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic.
Both the Arabs and the Jews use the same ancient text as the basis for their religions; one major difference: the Jews think that a messiah will come, who they will slaughter as the final atonement, and the Arabs think that rubbing dirt on their hands and faces to atone does the trick.
I guess our memes here have gotten us into some trouble again.
ericswan: yeah, I heard about Reich's intellectual property being released after 50 years but wasn't aware of the date being so close until just now. Wow, so what do you think will be done with it? Where can I find it to inspect the orgone claim? I'd love to look at it. I am not at all skeptical that we as humans have not found all forms of "energy," but I do remain healthfully skeptical about some of Reich's claims...although they must have killed him by imprisonment (in my hometown, actually) for some reason other than he was "practicing medicine" without a license.
In fact my old, outwardly unassuming landlord had some old money kicking around and so had access to certain social circles. He told me that a local mason/magician he knew of enjoyed tinkering with very "strange" things in his basement. So far, no complaints about this guy. hmmm
Here's the link to the Reich library..
I could never get into fascism cause I couldn't spell it.
July 31, 2004: “More info about Ashcroft’s desire to put us all in camps for “reeducation as loyal Americans and true Christians.” I mentioned Ashcroft’s “ideas” about “neutralizing” evil influences in the United States. Here is more. Special U.S. Army units are trained for putting down any kind of civil insurrection. These units are small, very well-equipped and are considered to be the most elite units the Army now possesses. They have not seen any foreign combat duty: They are designed solely as domestic control units. I can give you some interesting specifics and there is a lot more where this comes from.
There are centers around the United States where these units are based. For instance, Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois is one such base. These units have an interesting form of rapid deployment command centers. These consist of what appear to be commercial tractor trailers with such things as the names of well-known moving van companies, or other major corporations such as Wal-Mart or Radio Shack on the sides. These units are not for transporting goods but are prefab command centers. The special units can move these via the highways in perfect safety from a base of operations to a “hot” area where “domestic terrorists” might be operating. These “domestic terrorists” might be peace groups, irate farmers, angry union workers and so on. The mobile command centers move into an area disguised, as I have said, like standard commercial vehicles. Then, when a defense perimeter has been established, the units are put together in squares, four to a side, and these are, in turn, linked together, forming a large, fully-equipped Army center, complete with all electronic gear needed to supervise the command of troops that will be airlifted into the secured area by helicopters. Targets in the “main areas of resistance” will have been identified previously and the incoming troops will be directed to these areas, preferably at night. I want to point out that there are sixteen such bases throughout the United States to include Hawaii but not Alaska. There are standing orders on file, and some have been leaked, as to how to deal with “civil disobedience” in general. Specific orders about individual targets are prepared on an as-needed basis.
Also, “Regional Detention Centers” have been designated and prepared for use if and when they are needed. These lie in remote areas such as northern Maine, west Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Montana and eastern Washington state. There are eleven such Regional Detention Centers now prepared for immediate use with prefab barracks, wire perimeters and military positions constructed on any approaches to these very easily supervised camps. Urban areas have been excluded from this program because civilians are under no circumstances to be aware of their existence nor will access from the civilian sector be easy or permitted. (Here, I am quoting from an official overview but minus the weird military terminology) I may move to Israel if this keeps up! Now in all objectivity, merely setting these things up does not mean they will be used…but they can if the circumstances warrant it and Ashcroft and other are bending the President’s ear about this. Not everyone is happy about this sort of thing and probably the strongest detractors are, oddly enough, the professional military. That is why Bush is having so much friction with the Pentagon people and others. I am sure Powell doesn’t know about this or he would resign. There are many decent men among the military and a very significant number of the senior ones do not like Bush. For one thing, having a Commander in Chief who was a chronic drunk and druggie does not go over very well and Bush has not been making things easier by hectoring and harassing his senior military people.
Land mines upon land mines, Jeff. CT cult-sure seems always to have been full of land mines and some of them are people. And crypto-fascists, both Reich's red and black varieties, seem to frequently be among them. So what to do? Some of those fascists are very much anti-semites (some even are Jewish anti-semites) and others of them are not anti-semitic in the commonly accepted mainstream sense, but scapegoat some other group (arabs, for example--who yes, are a semitic people). To compound things, some of these crypto-fascist CTers provide good leads and good research from time to time, if you can get through the pejorative, fear-mongering language they couch it in, not to mention the direction they'd like your conclusions on those matters to move. How do you treat these folks or engage with them? Or do you simply not do it at all for fear of contracting "emotional plague" and the virus of fascist thought?
I'm glad you've treated this issue here, Jeff. I hope to discuss it further at some point, too.
And particularly this crypto-fascist creep element seems to cross the very poroous boundaries that exist among the right-libertarian (including the big L market-idolaters and the small l variety who don't necessarily worship capitalism)CT folks I've mainly frequented.
Among these folks you'll find lots of use of a reality map wherein the "Hegelian Dialectic" is the method used by the "elites" (whoever that entangled mass of cooperating individuals might be). And while I think there is some usefulness to that map, I also recognize that these CTers are often caught operating within the all-spooky Hegelian Dialectic themselves. It has me questioning how CT can remain of any existential, spiritual and community benefit...
And so I'm temporarily stuck.
I do not consider myself of the "left" because that which is represented to us as being the left has long been co-opted, corrupted and turned into just the Vichy-party of this Society of the Hyper-Spectacle we inhabit here in the west. Hell, I do have sympathies with the tradition of individualist anarchism, so that makes me distrust the collectivist baggage of most left ideologies, including anarcho-communism. Yet, because I do care about the poor and downtrodden, I'd be on the left by your view, Jeff. I've no problem with that. Yet, I don't really know exactly what to do with that.
I think many of us have travelled quite a few mental-ideological miles in our journeys, but perhaps without the equal number of spiritual and active ones.
I actually appreciated that analysis of the civil war, acl, and likewise the old-school definitions of liberal, IC.
Glad to see someone name check Cialdini's work. Just an understanding of social proof and an awareness of its use and manipulation would be of immense practical benefit. (Though, I do have some reservations about Cialdini's book when he cites the authority of Louis Jolyon West on Jonestown with not an inkling of that man's MK-Ultra connections. I guess I'm bearing my perceptual biases there, yes?)
Omnimental: Listen Little Man is one my favorites of Reich's books, though the few friends I've gotten to read it usually just describe it as being "cranky." But then, I like the other "late Reich" books that usually get called cranky--The Murder of Christ, People in Trouble and Ether, God and Devil.
If you want to check out his papers, I believe they'll be released from the Reich Museum in Maine (what used to be Organon). I hope to make a sojourn up there before year's end.
Peace, all.
What will you reveal to
us next? That you shot a man in
Reno...just to watch him die?
You make some good points, but your
lack of conviction in your own
intellect compels you to spend far
to much time defending your positions instead of making them...
That being said, perhaps there is
somewhere on the web where I might
be able to hear some of your music?
Dr. Bombay said:
What will you reveal to
us next? That you shot a man in
Reno...just to watch him die?
You make some good points, but your
lack of conviction in your own
intellect compels you to spend far
to much time defending your positions instead of making them...
I could jsut as well say that you and 3 other people have spent way, way, way too much time ignoring my arguments with your focusing on the more superficial aspects of my personality during a severe roasting (wickerman style) during my first week here at RI. The irony is is that about 3 or 4 people here have attempted to provoke me out of wanting come back by totally ingnoring my "positions," just as you are doing now, which is not exactly showing how dedicated they are to their intellects...but you have nothing to say to them, eh. Go Fuck yourself. I guess I can take this as a compliment; it is well known in group psychology that a group will always target the guy that threatens them most. If you think you can refute that reality, then you are mega-delusional; it is a psychological reality that plagues many a radical, I'm sure.
Why don't answer the questions I DO ASK???????? The theology of semitism isn't enough "Inellect[ual]" "conviction" for you? The point about religious wars being a bogus front for imperialism, the point about the false division between the Catholic Church and the Masons: these are irrelevant? Bullshit, I just don't think you have an answer.
You assholes (and you know who you are) are the ones getting personal. You have drawn first blood every time. Go Fuck yourselves.
If you want to feel really inadeqaute as a human being, I will try to upload to my blog a rough, unmixed song that was recorded in 1999, the last time anyone had the balls to let me shine in the studio and make them look like apes.
Here is that song I promised.
Have fun.
The song, Zig-Zag Man, now on my blog for your listening pleasure, sort of Pokes fun at the under-handed drug pushing in America, just by subculture Icons and such, in case anyone here is actually considering I'm pushing drugs.
BTW, that's me on lead guitar
Hey there Oms the whiner bitch....thanks loads for proving my points about your psychosis.
2 days of you alternating between 'why they always picking on me' self-pity & 'why won't anyone talk to me cause my ideas are soooooooooooooooooooooo fucking original' insecurity has left me & mine guffawing heartily, so I thank you for that.
Nice song. What is that genre? Derivative noodling?
Here's a hint champ, the world is filled with failed musicians with delusions of grandeur who'd rather blame everyone else for their failings rather than deal with the harsh truths of their own unoriginal shortcomings.
BTW, when you said this:
"I will ignore you and just try to keep posting more and more really thought provoking stuff."
Were you speaking metaphorically about some future "really thought provoking stuff" that you haven't got around to posting yet, or am I missing something?
Or are all your ideas as boring as your music?
I mean seriously duuuuuuuuuuuuude, They Live & Listen, Little Man.....wowze-wowze-woo-woo champ.
Give me a fucking break.
I also like this one:
"Here I come, raising some objections, and I have to face the Limbaugh style onslaught of a bunch honed, spit-shined provocateurs."
a. Limbaugh doesn't allow dissent skip, soooooooooo Mr. Omni-Mental & Mr. Limbaugh have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more in common than Mr. Omnimental would have the self awareness or the balls to ever admit.
There was no "bunch" skip, there was just me.
I know in your world, when 1 guy beats the shit out of ya, it has to magically transform into a gang beating just so you can keep those shriveled little raisin balls intact, but again, give me a fucking break.
Okay Oms, let The Further Adventures of Omniman the Girlyboy Whiner begin again.
Not that you need any encouragement to boo-hoo all over your keyboard.
& ACL, you have my apologies. Although your advice is sound I just can't resist prodding the posturing windbag with a stick.
Here's a question for you?
If some victim-playing whining cunt like Jackie McGauly had another interview, or Kathleen Sullivan, would it be okay to threaten them with rape or perhaps a beating in a comment? Just asking? Or maybe invite either one to a frat party or military barracks?
I live two hours from Rangely.
why won't anyone talk to me
Your talking to me.
And despite that you are definitely a provacateur and that you would rather no one read my posts because you are very afraid of having more and more people on this planet see through the onion to the kernel, and despite that Google and Blogger do what they can to weed out any content in their search engines that they feel is dangerous, I am going to continue to call you (them) out on it. And there will be many, many people reading my posts, since you have now made me into a martyr. Macho, idiots like you can't see the subtle pychological results of their own statements though. You'll see, Richard.
; > }>#
"And despite that you are definitely a provacateur and that you would rather no one read my posts because you are very afraid of having more and more people on this planet see through the onion to the kernel, and despite that Google and Blogger do what they can to weed out any content in their search engines that they feel is dangerous, I am going to continue to call you (them) out on it."
Ok Oms,even though you're kind of one trick pony, you have my solemn word that, no matter how much of a fool you make out of yourself, no matter how many times you blow your own horn & then back it up with tripe, I won't say a fucking word to ya.
Promise, promise, promise.
I'd imagine that you're quite adept at having one sided conversations with yourself anyway.
While most folk would see this as a sign of mental illness, you & I know it's just another sign of your unrequited & unrecognized genius.
Right Oms?
Although I suspect you've done way more to sentence yourself to everyone's "scroll by without reading" dungeon than I could ever do
I do reserve the right to privately laugh at your immature shenanigans, though.
I also reserve the right to respond to comments directed at me.
Otherwise your free to "enlighten" everyone over & over & over.
Ok omsy?
Is that fair enough for ya?
I am convinced, no matter what I believe or hear or 'learn', it is some form of propaganda being used by someone, or something, or some unknowable...
I am feeling the deepest despair over just how soon this enforced ignorance (of what is real, and who is "on our side") will be used against us. It seems inevitable that we will be set up to have yet another "World War" which will leave millions dead. It's time, there are too many of us, and there's too much money to be made.
As soon as one set of conspiracy theory brings about some degree of fury in the population, it is co-opted and corrupted, and becomes a tool for those unknown puppet-masters that we all sense out there. We just can't ever determine who they are, which side is which, or who it is we're fighting for or against. It's all smoke and mirrors.
In past historical events, proles like me really had little or no knowledge of what was going on, they were steered by the propaganda of the day, too. Why would I be any different? The ones pulling the strings pull them in all directions. The history we know was just what was told to us - not what really happened, or who was really making it happen.
I am ready to bolt for the wilderness. Wherever that may exist, which is to say, I don't know where to go, because everywhere is equally unknown and unknowable.
Michael Moore’s Sicko being pirated is a beautiful multi-pronged publicity stunt. On the one hand it simply gives the movie more exposure, on another it shows that since it is so anticipated as to make people want to see even before it is even released it must be good, and on another hand (this beast has more than two) it legitimates its underground, leftist appeal. The fact that Michael Moore is not being ignored by the mass media has to make folks wonder if he is really as radical as he seems. He is even questioning the initial success of the movie now that it has been pirated, saying that if too many people can watch it before the opening weekend, the movie industry might not give it as wide a distribution.
Yeah, right. The distribution and sale of a propaganda film that has been made by the phony left to contain the debate on the medical industry is going to be scoffed at by individual theatres? Well maybe, but if the powers that be on top, the spindoctors, can’t invent controversies like this piracy crap to make people curious, to trick more victims of this soulless propaganda into thinking that the only problem with the medical system is that it fails sometimes to cure everyone and sometimes insurance policies are hard to enforce by policy holders.
The movie does nothing but tell us what we already know.
Michael Moore. Yawn.
Meanwhile, we have all of the conservative and “liberal” news hounds barking about it. The conservatives call Michael Moore a liberal hack, and the liberals call him a refreshing voice, a voice for the common man.
And that is exactly what he is: a voice for the common man. His work is a prepackaged, sterile, contrived, tool of big business to 1) give a vent to common frustration; 2) to give the illusion that the mass media does allow dissent; 3) to contain the debate; 4) possibly to manufacture consent for a socialized healthcare system which would make it mandatory for mothers to give their babies shots and infant formula and many other totalitarian pressures to the people it chooses to “treat.” The new socialized healthcare system can suck people into the vortex of the medical mafia where they can be tagged and sterilized with any one of thousands of fancy new killer pharmaceuticals.
I'd be careful of letting your vulnerabilities show here on this site. There are some sick predators who will take you to their cell and break your anus.
IC said:
"We optimize corn production, for example, all the while poisoning our soils and leaving the groundwater in Iowa undrinkable. All because we refuse to put the same effort in to understanding soil health that we do into developing stronger pesticides or genetically engineered strains of corn.
We don't consider the system of soils and their nutrients, bacteria, fungi, soil pH, lignin chemistry, not to mention worker safety, aquifer integrity, farm community security and more because for the most part we aren't even looking for it. Worse, we may not even care. We are only concerned with the abundance of one thing, in this instance, bushels of corn. Meanwhile we create scarcity in so many other ways by refusing to value the other components of the system.
And this leads to even further scarcities being created, for our systems are all themselves interconnected. Our agricultural system and our water systems are connected to our industrial meat production system, in turn connected to our transportation system. And on and on.
Moreover, while we are optimizing the output of feed corn for cattle; they themselves are being optimized at the cost of growth hormones and antibiotic resistance in consumers, water and air quality degradation, nutrient loss and damage to distant ecosystems."
Illustration of corn being denutrified over the years in this graph I posted.
You might check out there how it has been known for most of the 20th century, that industrialized models of supply-side agriculture turn out poor products and denutrified food.
Even 'corn' is not the same because of such treatment.
Besides corn, there are some other charts I put up there showing why I would consider a 'supply versus demand' model of commodity politics makes more sense than supply equals demand (though supply versus demand only starts to appear seriously and dangerously with widened scale; that is, it doesn't have to be opposed to each other, it's not some categorical imperative, just a tendency and one that is always highly political as well instead of just hollowed out economics views).
And if you 'like' that link, you'll love to hate the people mentioned at this link dominating the global commodity markets.
Surprisingly for the past 200 years, the global commodity markets can be traced to a handful of families that held these corporations very tightly. Some of which link back to minor European royals, and others founded by Bonesmen. It's hard to know what 'founded by' when he's right out of college and founds a global commodity framework with government contracts already given to him. Then he's mostly a global diplomat for the U.S. federal goverment instead of really a CEO his whole life. That's Archer Daniels Midland for you though. Cargill and Bunge histories are very strange as well.
And if you 'like' that link, you'll love the stories and data in this book: The Subsidy Scandal: How Your Government Wastes Your Money to Wreck Your Environment (2002).
Please read Listen Little Man. It has done me well. I think it will do you well.
If you don't think you will get around to it, please read the excerpt from its preface that I posted. I'm sure you missed it.
Here it is again:
LISTEN LITTLE MAN is a human, not a scientific document…. It reflects the inner turmoil of a scientist and physician who had observed the little man for many years and seen first with astonishment, then with horror what he does to himself; how he suffers, rebels, honors his enemies and murders his friends; how, wherever he acquires power “in the name of the people,” he misuses it and transforms it into something more cruel than the tyranny he had previously suffered at the hands of upper-class sadists.
This appeal to the little man was a silent response to gossip and slander…. The decision to publish it was made in 1947, when the emotional plague conspired to kill orgone research (n.b., not prove it unsound but to kill it by defamation). It was felt that the “common man” must learn what a scientist and psychiatrist actually is and what he, the little man, looks like…. He must be made acquainted with the reality which alone can counteract his ruinous craving for authority and be told very clearly what a grave responsibility he bears in everything he does, whether he is working, loving, hating, or just talking. He must learn how he gets to be a black or red fascist. Anyone who is fighting for the safeguard of life and the protection of our children must necessarily oppose red as well as black fascism. Not because the red fascists, like the black fascists in their day, have a murderous ideology but because they make cripples, puppets, and moral idiots of living healthy children; because they exalt state over justice, lies over truth, and war over life….
This appeal does not ask to be taken as a guide to life. It describes the emotional storms of a productive individual who loves life…. It is a hard working scientist’s protest against the secret, unavowed design of the emotional plague to destroy him with poison arrows shot from a secure hiding place. It shows what the emotional plague is, how it functions and how it obstructs progress….
Those who are truly alive are kindly and unsuspecting in their human relationships and consequently endangered under present conditions. They assume that others think and act generously, kindly, and helpfully, in accordance with the laws of life. This natural attitude, fundamental to healthy children as well as to primitive man, inevitably represents a great danger in the struggle for a rational way of life as long as the emotional plague subsists, because the plague ridden impute their own manner of thinking and acting to their fellow men. A kindly man believes that all men are kindly, while one infected with the plague believes that all men lie and cheat and are hungry for power. In such a situation the living are at an obvious disadvantage. When they give to the plague-ridden, they are sucked dry, then ridiculed or betrayed.
This has always been true. It is high time for the living to get tough, for toughness is indispensable in the struggle to safeguard and develop the life-force; this will not detract form their goodness, as long as they stand courageously by the truth. There is ground for hope in the fact that among millions of decent, hard-working people there are only a few plague-ridden individuals, who do untold harm by appealing to the dark, dangerous drives of the armored average man and mobilizing him for political murder. There is but one antidote to the average man’s predisposition to plague: his own feeling for true life….
Anyone who wants to safeguard the life-force from the emotional plague must learn to make at least as much use of the right to free speech that we enjoy in America for good ends as the emotional plague does for evil ones. Granted equal opportunity for expression, rationality is bound to win out in the end. That is our great hope.
Well Richie Rich this is going to stink so just bear with me for a bit. Behind every great man is a great secret society with secret handshakes and a smoke and mirrors agenda. Bush is the man for our times. We couldn't have done any better. When George says "They hate our freedoms" he couldn't possibly have said it any better. That's not to say he's right only that he couldn't have said it any better.
Shrub.. your fairly minded question to Omni was interesting. Sort of the karmic wheel and his twin sister the ego out there to battle in the galactic nothingness of how to get back to the future. This is my take on it. It's sort of a big bang theory of time/space but it doesn't go in a straight line. More like an egg and back through the vortex to regenerate itself endlessly and without end. The solutions you find for that secular humanist that is you will eventually recycle through the eye of the needle and all that survives the trip is the knowing of all the wrong answers you (or me) realized any number of times with the hope and expectation that a refinement is taking place and that truth will prevail. To answer the question, "do you pick up your gun..." sort of depends doesn't it? It depends on the balance of love versus torment in that karmic turning and turning.
As long as you realize that every other interraction in your lives was unfinished business, there is hope and that's better than waiting for Godiva.
I just went to this guy Cialdini's site.
I don't know why. All he is a nice veneer for the mainstream to wheel out and show us how innocent (not sinister) they are in their advertising strategies, which include informing businesses about how they can ethically use the latest in social psychology research to their advantage.
On the page
it claims:
The Inside Influence Report is a brief monthly report that provides a summary of selected Social Psychology research and how smart businesses can use this science ethically. If you would like to receive this insightful look at the business applications of the science, please enter your e-mail address below.
What it doesn't say is how mega-business unethically uses social psychology theory that nobody but people with ultra-top secret clearance will ever see to: kill off entire continents of people; mobilize hysterical mobs; undermine the innate curiosity in humans; erect giant straw men in place of reality; with television brainwash children from birth into perpetual alpha states of consumerism, hatred, jingoism, mob-mentality, genital-guilt, contemtpt for non-conormity, ambivalence toward capital punishment for non-conformity; and like I said, many things whose cause I cannot see but whose effects plague us all.
Oh, come on mark, you can't tell me that a human being can't live on NPK fertilizer alone. Gimme a break. What do you and IC think you are Jesus Christ; out to save the world with your, tsh, nutrition? I've been mainlining that NPK stuff for years. Aside from the slight pallor and the broken hip (3 times), I feel fine...oh and the brain tumor, uh, and the MS/wasting disease.
BRAWNDO - It's got what plants crave!
Guys, no way does Omni believe his own shit.
But on the off chance
Meanwhile, we have all of the conservative and “liberal” news hounds barking about it. The conservatives call Michael Moore a liberal hack, and the liberals call him a refreshing voice, a voice for the common man.
And that is exactly what he is: a voice for the common man. His work is a prepackaged, sterile, contrived, tool of big business to 1) give a vent to common frustration; 2) to give the illusion that the mass media does allow dissent; 3) to contain the debate; 4) possibly to manufacture consent for a socialized healthcare system which would make it mandatory for mothers to give their babies shots and infant formula and many other totalitarian pressures to the people it chooses to “treat.” The new socialized healthcare system can suck people into the vortex of the medical mafia where they can be tagged and sterilized with any one of thousands of fancy new killer pharmaceuticals.
Dude, you need to seriously buy a fucking clue. You have so many goddamn delusions floating around in your head, you can't seem to find room for them all at once. So you shit down on the shitter and pop out a few out for us I guess.
Your grasp of nuance is extremely..not fucking there. You deal entirely in superficialities that has a certain blithe way of spilling all over the place.
You are also way too thin-skinned, not just for RI but the internet in general. If Richard hadn't, I'd have to tell you to grow a pair.
I'll just reprint this very good post from cadeveo lest it get drowned out by all your kvetching
And particularly this crypto-fascist creep element seems to cross the very poroous boundaries that exist among the right-libertarian (including the big L market-idolaters and the small l variety who don't necessarily worship capitalism)CT folks I've mainly frequented.
Among these folks you'll find lots of use of a reality map wherein the "Hegelian Dialectic" is the method used by the "elites" (whoever that entangled mass of cooperating individuals might be). And while I think there is some usefulness to that map, I also recognize that these CTers are often caught operating within the all-spooky Hegelian Dialectic themselves. It has me questioning how CT can remain of any existential, spiritual and community benefit...
And so I'm temporarily stuck.
And, yes, I'm a total fucking disinfo agent. I work for Cointelpro and I abso-posi-fucking-lutely must shut you up before you let the cat out of the bag. I tell you this because no one will believe it anyway. Hahahahahhhahahahahahha..
acl said:
You are also way too thin-skinned, not just for RI but the internet in general. If Richard hadn't, I'd have to tell you to grow a pair.
I know acl, you and shrub and Richard run this cell-block you call the internet, and I'm a punk. You guys are mutha fuckin' gangstas, runnin this joint. Yeeuh. I bet you ride around in your cars listening to gangsta rap thinkng it's you, eh. I bet all of the other people on the internet researching ritual abuse would love to have you and Richard around; so healthy, so refreshing. It's nice to have something new for a change, isn't everybody?
cadeveo said:
It has me questioning how CT can remain of any existential, spiritual and community benefit...
And so I'm temporarily stuck.
Then why are you here? Why don't you go talk to fucking CNN or Rupert Murdock or Fucking Tom Brokaw...and make sure and take JAD, Shrub, and ACL with you. I'm sure they all have the nuance of the old wordsmiths such that they could be making money working for the mainstream; Lord knows they have the stomach for it.
If they respond to this, they are thinned-skinned bitches.
because I expose you for avoiding real argument, the first tactic of a provocateur, you accuse me, the second tactic of a provocateur, of being thin skinned and lacking nuance? Huh. How can I be nuanced when there is no vernacular in place, except sparce ideas like the hegelian dialectic, that can describe the kind of occult that rules the minds of billions? You believe your own shit?
Were you "anonymous" that kept posting, denying that McMartin happened, after the Jackie McGauley Part one interview? No, that couldn't be. All of those assholes left a long time ago and decided, "Even though we like raping babies, we aren't going to let those jerks over at Rigorous Intuition get us down. We'll just ignore them and not worry about them exploding our front as indignant moralists that allows us our house-of-cards authority."
I tell you what fuck head. Why don't you find my IP address, come find me, and try to physically stop me from exposing the whole fucking shit-hole for what it is? Go fuck yourself, cuntface. You and your gang of half-assed flatheads are being entrapped and destroyed as we speak. I have your number and so do a few others. How's that for thin skinned?
in lieu of broken link in previous post. Jackie McGauley Interview
quesion: How do yo drown out others' posts??
answer: by being relevant, stupid
cadeveo's point was that the mythical "Hegelian dialectic" has hilariously been turned into yet another RW ploy, while (contradictorily) being demonized as the "tool" of the Leftist plot to create some top-down NOW wet-dream.
That seems to actually BE your understanding of it. Which is to say you don't understand it at all. Not surprising anymore, just amusing.
Anyway I think you need to cut down on the soy in your diet, you seem to be growing a vagina.
Your droning in this thread actually perfectly makes Jeff's point IMO. No one could hold more ludicrous views while simultaneously considering themselves to be 'through the looking glass'.
I am not looking to fight you, I could give a shit about you. I am not following you around, I think you are a tool who's good for an occasional laugh.
As for charges of gangsterism (much different from gangstaism by the way), go back and check it out. I rarely post here..I just ghost so you'll have to play that card on somebody else.
question: How do you drown out others' post??
answer: Its quality and quantity, stupid, i.e. more of what is better is definitely better than any of what sucks ass.
question: JAD, what does caterwauling mean?
answer: You are the such a dispicable douche bag with no grasp on reality. Your delusional nonsense just sends me into uncontrollable laughte...(Richard takes out his thesaurus to appear legit)...jollity.
No, I din't ask for a demonstration, I asked for a definition. Well, I guess sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, huh Richard?
You fucking total piece of fucking shit acl. hahahaha. I was making a point by acting just like you and you missed it, or should I say failed to catch it: hook, line, and sinker.
Taking one of cadeveo's sentences out of context to totally dismiss him...and you by your twisted conditioning actually interpreted my total facetiousness as serious.
You suck. You should post even less frequently then you do.
I'm not going to let you ruin my relationship with Eve. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bush, and in order to grow full and lush I need to be firmly planted in fertile soil. There is no more fertile soil than in Eve's garden.
How do you feel about Allah, Omni? Also, your answer to my question about Rule #1 was not an answer, at all. It was more of an ambiguous deflection.....but I expected nothing less. Of course, I surmize you are not a lefty.....more of a Libertarian, perhaps. Libertarians attract the militant, head-bangin types.
It's also of interest that you mention prison. Have you done some time yourself, Omni? Are you still there and feigning to be on the "outside?"
for the record, not that it matters, but, it kind of does maybe to you: I do understand your post and agree with it fundamentally. I have been looking at CT sites on the net for years, took a break for a while after getting to that same point: "kind of stuck." Now I am bored, I can't own a gun legally to really do what I should to defend me and mine, so there is nothing else to do but read and write. I too wish there was something worth reading. Fuck an A, don't I hear ya!
To anyone who says that violence is not the only answer: tell that to the fathers from the Presidio day care case who said they would like to bomb the Army base on which their children were raped in the asshole. Words, exposure, media coverage, law enforcement and judicial involvement: these did not one fucking thing of value for the victims. The first instinct of the victims: kill the fucking scumbags, dead! I totally agree. That is why CT bullshit leads to nowhere. In the 90's we had the militias, which were purposefully shown to us then made unfashionable (not that blood and war should ever be approached as a mere fashion statement). War has zero in common with fashion, I can guarantee you that. Like the founding fathers commanded us to do, we should all be rising up violently against the tyranny of an ever more violent totalitarian nightmare.
I finally say this: if violence, back in 1776 was the command, back when the British were equipped with muskets and knives, why not now, when our oppressors have a whole fucking array of terrorists weapons? This is an unbelievable oversight, and to not answer this question is to have your head so far up the TV's ass that you are hopeless.
Shrub, I know you and st.eve are real, real close. That's nice. Does she have a big one? Don't worry, I can probably get my own piece of ASS if I really try hard. The nearest gay bar maybe.
Although, in some ways, yes I am in a certain, new kind of Prison for the Too Intelligent for the Good of the New Social Engineering. This new prison complex seeks to keep people away from others like them but at the same time to look innocent enough, you know, not actually putting them in prison for being non-conformists, which would look really mean, bad for PR. It's kind of like The Trial, by Kafka...not actual aquittal, ostensible aquittal, after which the trial can start all over again. You know?
Shrubbydubba sqealed:
Of course, I surmize you are not a lefty.....more of a Libertarian, perhaps. Libertarians attract the militant, head-bangin types.
I am not "a" any-fucking-thing, you narrow minded, divide-and-rule label-maker. I am a person with no stifling ideology to keep me in your institutional modality prison, shitfuck asscunt ballsdick.
On the other hand you would mold nicely, as shit is much like clay or injection-moldable polymers that way.
Omnimental asks:
Or, is the supposedly heated rift between the Catholic Church (to which Kennedy belonged) and masonry just a ruse to draw false divisions between two powers that both are trying to do essentially the same thing: mass control through indoctrination?
Or how about "one power secretly using another to further its aims, while claiming to oppose it"?
Hmmm acl… stands for
A Cop Listening
Ancillary Command Lookout
Asshole Cunt-Ling
Another COINTELPRO Lughead
Ant Colony Life
Acrid Culinary Load
Array Culling Littleman
Administrative Company Lackey
Annoying Cock Licker
Added Colonel Lieutenant
Anticipate Catching Leader
Aryan Chaos Labyrinth
The Author said:
Or how about "one power secretly using another to further its aims, while claiming to oppose it"?
But don't you think that both institutions are so old as to be aware of all of the Machiavillian/Arthashastra tricks of the other and thus somewhat immune to such simple manipulation?
So Oms, am I to take your vacuous signifying as a 'no' to my offer.
I suppose that any attention, even negative & insulting, is better than none, eh Oms?
Because I'm pretty sure that being ignored has been the essence of your life story up to this point, eh?
Ignored by the ladies, ignored by the music industry...
...your imaginary "genius" left to wallow & rot until the only note you can hit with any consistency is shrill & annoying & unlistenable.
I almost pity you.
BTW, you keep suggesting a variance of this for acl:
"Why don't you find my IP address, come find me, and try to physically stop me from exposing the whole fucking shit-hole for what it is?"
Now Oms, why would anyone go to such trouble to swat a pesky fly like you?
Having you in a continual state of hysterics as you stew in your own dysfunctional juices is much more fun.
One more thing, are you just a tad bit disappointed that no one seems to feel inclined to worship at the imaginary guitar god throne you've built in your own head?
I mean, I'm sure you've practiced guitar playing for hours & hours, so it must be more than a little painful to know that all that work only served to elevate you to the "mediocre" category, no?
Like I said, almost pity you...
...but not quite.
More comments about "left" and "right" and "conspiracy theory":
1) Seems to me there are a lot more folks who are paranoid about conspiracy theorists than about conspiracies. To hear the gatekeepers tell it, there are conspiracists under every bed. A dark ... erm ... conspiracy of conspiracists which, to hear them tell it, is some sort of grave threat to our safety. A global threat, even! A global conspiracy of conspiracists! But Big Brother looooooves you and will save you from those nasty conspiracymongers! Bow down to Big Brother!
It's the classic projection of one's own evils upon one's opponents -- although not unconscious at all in this case; it is a deliberate tactic.
Cadeveo said:
And while I think there is some usefulness to that map, I also recognize that these CTers are often caught operating within the all-spooky Hegelian Dialectic themselves.
Bingo. But not just conspiracy theorists; almost everyone’s operating within the dialectic. If you’re a Democrat or a Republican, a “left” collectivist or a “right” collectivist, a “liberal” or a “conservative,” a “communist” or a “fascist,” YOU ARE CAUGHT IN THE dialectic (which incidentally, I’m not sure that Hegel actually intended the dialectic to serve this purpose, but it’s being used in that fashion regardless). And you cannot escape it unless you recognize it, unless you have a vocabulary for it. And until you recognize that all the boxes that have been ready-made for you to fit into are creations of the Powers That Be in their game of controlling you.
Without recognizing the documented conspiracy fact (and by God, there’s MOUNTAINS of it out there -- and it's easier to access than ever), and being flexible enough to theorize a little bit to fill in the gaps in information, you have no frickin’ chance of having the slightest idea of what is going on in this world.
More comments about "left" and "right" and "conspiracy theory":
1) Seems to me there are a lot more folks who are paranoid about conspiracy theorists than about conspiracies. To hear the gatekeepers tell it, there are conspiracists under every bed. A dark ... erm ... conspiracy of conspiracists which, to hear them tell it, is some sort of grave threat to our safety. A global threat, even! A global conspiracy of conspiracists! But Big Brother looooooves you and will save you from those nasty conspiracymongers! Bow down to Big Brother!
It's the classic projection of one's own evils upon one's opponents -- although not unconscious at all in this case; it is a deliberate tactic.
Cadeveo said:
And while I think there is some usefulness to that map, I also recognize that these CTers are often caught operating within the all-spooky Hegelian Dialectic themselves.
Bingo. But not just conspiracy theorists; almost everyone’s operating within the dialectic. If you’re a Democrat or a Republican, a “left” collectivist or a “right” collectivist, a “liberal” or a “conservative,” a “communist” or a “fascist,” YOU ARE CAUGHT IN THE dialectic (which incidentally, I’m not sure that Hegel actually intended the dialectic to serve this purpose, but it’s being used in that fashion regardless). And you cannot escape it unless you recognize it, unless you have a vocabulary for it. And until you recognize that all the boxes that have been ready-made for you to fit into are creations of the Powers That Be in their game of controlling you.
Without recognizing the documented conspiracy fact (and by God, there’s MOUNTAINS of it out there -- and it's easier to access than ever), and being flexible enough to theorize a little bit to fill in the gaps in information, you have no frickin’ chance of having the slightest idea of what is going on in this world.
More comments about "left" and "right" and "conspiracy theory":
1) Seems to me there are a lot more folks who are paranoid about conspiracy theorists than about conspiracies. To hear the gatekeepers tell it, there are conspiracists under every bed. A dark ... erm ... conspiracy of conspiracists which, to hear them tell it, is some sort of grave threat to our safety. A global threat, even! A global conspiracy of conspiracists! But Big Brother looooooves you and will save you from those nasty conspiracymongers! Bow down to Big Brother!
It's the classic projection of one's own evils upon one's opponents -- although not unconscious at all in this case; it is a deliberate tactic.
Cadeveo said:
And while I think there is some usefulness to that map, I also recognize that these CTers are often caught operating within the all-spooky Hegelian Dialectic themselves.
Bingo. But not just conspiracy theorists; almost everyone’s operating within the dialectic. If you’re a Democrat or a Republican, a “left” collectivist or a “right” collectivist, a “liberal” or a “conservative,” a “communist” or a “fascist,” YOU ARE CAUGHT IN THE dialectic (which incidentally, I’m not sure that Hegel actually intended the dialectic to serve this purpose, but it’s being used in that fashion regardless). And you cannot escape it unless you recognize it, unless you have a vocabulary for it. And until you recognize that all the boxes that have been ready-made for you to fit into are creations of the Powers That Be in their game of controlling you.
Without recognizing the documented conspiracy fact (and by God, there’s MOUNTAINS of it out there -- and it's easier to access than ever), and being flexible enough to theorize a little bit to fill in the gaps in information, you have no frickin’ chance of having the slightest idea of what is going on in this world.
I just checked out your
tune Zig-Zag Man. Nice tone on the
guitar, sounds like your using a
wah-wah pedal at some points.
Strat or Les Paul? Like a lot of
guitarist's you do have a tendency
to overplay. It reminds me of
something someone once said about
Miles Davis: "Miles could say more
with three notes than most players
could say with a hundred". You just
have to find those three notes dig?
africkinamerican: thats really the point I wanted to make and that I think cadeveo was making as well:
the Hegelian dialectic as its typically cast -- thesis-antithesis-synthesis -- has virtually no relation to Hegelian philosophy at all. Its so oversimplified as to be facile and dishonest in the extreme.
It thus ends up just being a contrivance to "liberate" people from and, not surprisingly, this enlightenment isn't very liberating at all..
Along the lines of:
"My God, I see the Light! There's no difference between the Democrats and Republicans". Socialists are just fascists with a different agenda!"
If you extend this far enough, you end up with omnimen..errr, I mean a raving lunatic.
Its a bizarre kind of relativism..NOTHING is what it seems and so you spiral into an endless loop-de-loop that hits hardrock bottom and keeps digging. Someone else can drink that cup of shit, thanks.
The thing to remember is Garbage In, Garbage Out.
It’s funny that Richard assumed I was a failed musician and that failed musicians are a dime a dozen; it totally shows what kind of min-control trip he’s on.
First, if anyone can still say I am a disgruntled failure after listening to the song I posted on which I play lead guitar, taking note that I have very successfully avoided getting involved with the grease-ball music industry and also have very successfully become a meditator on and teacher of music he obviously has a very conforming idea of what success is. Success is that of the spirit. Because Richard listens to corporate radio and watches corporate TV and visits corporate websites and reads corporate media, his idea of success is some cheesy American Idol vision.
Second of all, failed musicians are a dime a dozen? That is an oxymoron. Do you play an instrument Richard? Artistically inclined at all? If you were a mason, Richard, what level do you think you would ascend to? Would you be like Michelangelo, an Illuminati?
If you were at all artistically inclined Richard, you would know that to be able to express your emotions and visions can only be a blessing.
As for being ignored by the music industry, that is not true and I can only say that without proof. There are 1 1/2 degrees of separation between me and the music business. However, when one like me comes to know that Rockstars and Roadies frequently have sex with children and I find it out before I even get the chance go backstage to see it for myself, I am not exactly welcomed by the grease-balls who run the shit, nor am I very excited to get involved with that kind of sadistic, viscious, creepy mafia? You, Richard?
And your verbal punishment of my guitar playing after hearing one song, is, I don't know.
Well just 5 days ago, it took me 1 hour to figure out Jimi Hendrix's studio version of Red House. Now I can play it "album-perfect." Now I'm not saying that is good. It is only saying that I did it. Others will have to judge that for themselves. I guarantee you, it was as close or closer to any Jimi Hendrix cover that has ever been attempted, especially Stevie Ray; I know because I know when a piece of music is close to the original; I have been playing music for 25 years. I am just saying I did it and can do it with just about any rock, blues, delta blues, bluegrass, metal, folk song there is without the aid of sheet music or tablature, which I can read. Anyone that knows me can testify to that.
Incidentally, my brother's friend who recorded Zig-Zag Man, hates me secretly and has for a long time. He won't record me. My old best friend from high school who I taught how to play, who is now in a successful band in my home town, admitted to me one night when he was drunk that one of the reasons he split up with me as a friend was because he was frustrated and jealous of me. I don't know what all of this means. Perhaps that alpha males have to constantly prove it and some of them are killed for doing just that. I know I am not the only alpha male who is being sytematically tired out and run out of town, just a convenient anthropological case study.
Jimi Hendrix was killed by the mafia, icnidentally. One week before he died, he was threatened in a limosine by thugs working for his record label. He wanted to start working with an orchestra and getting more into jazz to explore more intellectual music. His handlers thought differently. So they killed him, dead.
acl said:
the Hegelian dialectic as its typically cast -- thesis-antithesis-synthesis -- has virtually no relation to Hegelian philosophy at all. Its so oversimplified as to be facile and dishonest in the extreme.
Okay then call it something else. Uh oh, the semantics/etymology nazi is here. Now that the Hegelian Dialectic doesn't mean "problem, reaction, solution" we don't need to consider it. Why? Because it either is not supported by the pillar that is accepted academic philosophy, or because since Hegelian Dialectic is being misused as the meaning, there is no proper terminology we can use to define the animal. Sounds like that loop-de-loop you were referring to acl, except this time it your train of "logic."
Dr. Bombay said:
[Something trite about effective lead guitar]
Actually Bombay, my brother, who wrote the song, asked me to play like that, in the spirit of Maggot Brain by Funkadelic. He now says its one of his favorite recorded pieces of music ever. Um, so where do you get that I over-played? No one ever said Eddie Hazel, or Bootsy Collins over played. What gives?
I think now that fewer and fewer children can actually take the time to learn musical instruments, combined with the fact that everyone wants to be in a band to get laid, music is now infected with this enforced minimalism (lack of skill). Yes, I know, lead guitar playing is considered self-absorbed nowadays. In my day, it wasn't.
Yeah I heard that about Miles Davis too. Then I heard Bitches Brew and realized he was either really, super hypocritical, or by that statement you quoted he was indeed saying nothing about quantity, just that if you do play fast, you have to make it mean it. Bitches Brew features one of the most mental, freaky, super-fast guitar players there is. If you don't like the style of that one song of mine, that's cool, but that isn't all I can do by any means!
I did play a wah pedal, and had this other effect that did a bad job at simulating an echo-plex.
(Eddie Hazel had that set-up on the original studio recording of Maggot Brain.) I played a no-name brand guitar actually, with two more like some kind of Gibson. A real nice Guitar actually. I don't own it anymore
: (
Y'know Oms, I really don't care. I had a buddy at 19 who figured out oodles of album perfect renditions of Hendrix tunes.
He just wasn't as amazed at himself as you appear to be.
Something about his belief in the holiness of music or some such.
Now, since I'm such an a-hole for judging your talent on only one song, how can you be any less of an a-hole for judging me on one post.
At least I judged you on your playing. You, on the other hand, spit at me for someone else's words.
I do hate to disappoint you though, don't listen to the radio or watch much tv...don't listen to much at all any more besides old old blues & jazz.
I'd rather listen to John Lee Hooker ride one note while pounding on a plank of wood than all the self-styled "virtuosos" in all the world.
My opinion may have been insulting, but it was honest.
You do manage to pepper your bullshit with some truths though; this is starting to look like a gangbang.
I preferred this much more when it was just you & I. So, in abstentia (yours), I'm going to accept my offer & leave you to your enlightening ways.
Whatever insult you can hurl at me has probably been done to death anyway.
You really should thank me, our little tiff has caused you to actually put sentences together into paragraphs thereby, maybe inadvertantly, making you a bit more lucid than those ranty little snippets about stickin it to the man you seemed to favor.
If you ain't figured it out yet,
"If I'm the man
then you're the man
& he's the man as well,
so you can point
that fucking finger
up your ass."
Or, more along your line, if your line is more than bullshit that is,
"Yeah. I get so tired of all the drama. I get so tired of all the drama. I get so tired of all the fakes jumping up and making it. Hard to see all the people who really believe in the soul power of music, standing on the side and getting run over by those with pert breasts, dyed hair, and wonderful cheek-bones. So tired. At this point all I'd like is the truth. At this point all I'd like is the truth. I get so tired of hearing the stories of people who worked years and years, and their lives are nothing but pain and burning tears, falling into their shoes as they wait on the boulevard for the bus as the man with no talent drives by in a brand new BMW 540i. Yeah. Disgusting. Disgusting on an epic scale. Disgusting like huge Godzilla-size disgusting. Obscene the way they go to the bank with it. Obscene the way they stretch it out. Obscene the way they're so self-satisfied. As the real soul goes down the drain. As the one triple nine rolls over to the two triple zero. You'll see that the only heroes left, are the ones who are wailing in the dust, punching their fist to the sky, still burning with soul intensity. As the smirking fakes just say: "Whatever, man. It's cool." Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
For years I've waited. For years I've waited for the real thing to come along. For years I've waited, for nights I sweated. And in all the small rooms I occupied, I thought to myself: "It can't last for long. This facade can't stay up forever. Someone's gonna come along and knock it down." Well, many tried and many fell away. Many tried and many left with nothing to say. And they were seen as losers, and they crashed and burned into the sea. Or went up north and vanished or slid back to the midwest. Or were burned and scattered in the south or smashed to bits by the brutality of the east. Yeah. Yeah.
Now I don't mean to sound like they beat us or anything, but sometimes I think it's all over. Sometimes I think it's all over. No more Coltrane. No more Duke. No more Monk, Jimi, Otis, Aretha, Daisy, or Sly. And no one seems to stop and wonder why. And I turn on the radio and it makes me wanna cry. Because I know it's never gonna come around again. And it makes me cry because I know that there's so many people who'll never get to hear Mahalia Jackson, Mississippi Fred McDowell, Lightening, Lemmon, Curtis, Marvin, and the Reverend Al Green.
The airways are clogged, and it's not looking good. In fact it's looking pretty mediocre out there, but I digress..."
The Author thrice said:
It's the classic projection of one's own evils upon one's opponents -- although not unconscious at all in this case; it is a deliberate tactic.
Can I get an Amen?
And he thrice showered us with this musing:
Without recognizing the documented conspiracy fact (and by God, there’s MOUNTAINS of it out there -- and it's easier to access than ever), and being flexible enough to theorize a little bit to fill in the gaps in information, you have no frickin’ chance of having the slightest idea of what is going on in this world.
Thanks afrikanamerikan, my brother from another mother.
p.s. You should read the first three chapters of Carroll Quigley's Evolution of Civilizations. It goes into the interpolation of history, provides logical justification for its total necessity, and chides acedemia for not using the scientific method in history cirriculae.
Yeah, just_another_shapeshifter, if any one of those artist you mentioned in your last piece knew you now, they would ignore you as the duck you are.
And now you are going to concede to me, and start backing down so that you can still remain somewhat respectable here. I am hearing a little reticence in your voice now, saying my words are actually making sense at this point-- on account of your inspiration?!? HOLY SHIT!! I have been waiting for you to slip up freudian style and you finally did. Now who is the raging egomaniac?
No, seriously Richard, thanks for the tutelage--though I hadn't noticed a change much at all untill you mentioned it. ; > }>#
You really should thank me, our little tiff has caused you to actually put sentences together into paragraphs thereby, maybe inadvertantly, making you a bit more lucid than those ranty little snippets about stickin it to the man you seemed to favor.
Really though? Please. Read what I said, if you want, from July 6th through the present. Then sit there and tell me we have anything in common. Then tell me, if you can honestly, that I am just an immature malcontent with a bone to pick, whereas you all here are polished intellects with the austere precision of a eugenisist.
You have a rather extreme, dualistic way of percieving you and me, eh my humblest einstein?
1. If you were just testing me with your quote, I am not sorry, since my tearing apart the quote was just what it was: me tearing apart your words that were not yours, words that you didn't really agree were at the level of the current debate.
2. If you did think that anyone here should read that quote for any reason other than to remind themselves of some of the most clever tactics in disinformation theory, then I am definitely not sorry for judging you by the words you quoted. (I must thank you for the inspiration from that one quote; the avoidant ideology, plausible denial, was illustrated beautifully in that quote. Again, if you know that, fine, we can have discussions that don't reek of distracting sensation and emotion.)
Just so you know, if it was the one quote I could choose to represent me entirely I, incidentally, would allow, even encourage, anyone here to judge me by my Reich quote.
Tell you the truth Richard, it is sometimes indeed a lot harder being an enemy than a friend, but just so you know, I have a lot of practice at being the enemy.
; > }>#
"And now you are going to concede to me, and start backing down so that you can still remain somewhat respectable here. I am hearing a little reticence in your voice now, saying my words are actually making sense at this point-- on account of your inspiration?!? "
Jesus Fucking Christ you're a dumbfuck.
All I want is to not have to read my name being typed by a greasy immature neurotic half-baked revolutionary whose had his head shoved so far up his own asshole for so fucking long and he's learned to love the smell so much that he feels compelled to interest everyone else in sticking their heads up his asshole cause he's just positive they'll love the smell too.
I'm afraid your ideas, just like your guitar licks, are little more than badly cribbed plagiarism.
If labia lipped wank jobs like you are at the forefront of "da Revolution" it's already doomed.
So instead of passing off twaddle as "really interesting" thought, you should just head back to mom.
If she's dead, all the better.
Now fuck off boy & go back to regurgitating other peoples guitar licks, ideas &, of course, your own repetitive bullshit.
Just for you Oms:
"Conspiracies like these are retrospective constructions. All anomalies and coincidences are analysed, the minutiæ of evidence pored over. But searching for the single grassy knoll shot in the hundreds of hours of 9/11 footage becomes redundant. Delving again and again through raw data – whether looking for mysterious flashes on seconds of video or deconstructing single comments by terrified onlookers or shocked officials – becomes pointless. What is so often missing is the cold, clinical rigour of investigative journalism.
Further, these conspiracies are beholden to a grand-narrative that explains everything – so every gap in the official story, every piece of film, and every contradictory statement becomes utilised as evidence for conspiracy, rather than evidence of the impossibility of an absolutely coherent narrative. For example, 9/11 In Plane Site devotes time to one person shouting: “That was not an American plane!” and allegations that the plane had no windows. This is not evidence of a plane switch; more likely, it is a shocked response to seeing a plane from a distance crashing at speed into a building. It is not a statement worthy of serious investigation. Simply put, not all events are worthy of equal investigation, but with no inquiry there is no informational hierarchy.
In viewing events retrospectively and searching for a single, true narrative, conspiracy theorists are effectively stuck within rigid frameworks that seek verification for a hypothesis already presumed true, effectively replacing one orthodoxy with another, when actually it is the events that exist beyond the rigid framework that demand investigation. Focusing on the specific nature of singular events of one day in September, rather than previous or subsequent events, effectively negates any wider political, social, cultural or historical analysis, reducing everything to one spectacular moment rather than a continual, ongoing process.
However, these videos represent a more profound change. It is not the web of alleged conspiracies that matters, or whether we believe them or not: these videos are important because they reveal something about their audience and wider socio-cultural responses to 9/11. With national and global media ownership dominated by a handful of powerful multinational companies, critical or dissenting voices are marginalised and rarely heard. 89 per cent of respondents to a 2004 CNN Poll believed that the US government was covering up information regarding 9/11, yet their concerns are only rarely reflected in the mainstream media, and demands that investigations be opened and evidence released are ignored. Clearly many viewers are profoundly dissatisfied by most broadcast news, and this means that they will turn to other sources for their information. 9/11 has emerged as a focus because it has been used politically by some governments to introduce potentially repressive legislation and to justify the increasingly unpopular War on Terror. With so many people feeling disenfranchised and distrust of such governments becoming more widespread, there is little chance of the voices that now find expression in 9/11 videos being silenced.
Allegations and Objections
The central allegations proposed by 9/11 conspiracy theorists [1] are:
There was advanced knowledge of the attacks, and some public figures (supposedly including Salman Rushdie) were warned not to travel on 9/11.
The planes that hit World Trade Center 1 and 2 were, variously, unmarked planes or remote-controlled guided planes or were guided in following a homing-beacon.
Some suggest that the plane that hit the South Tower had a mysterious pod underneath it and fired something prior to crashing into the building.
American Airlines Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon, which was hit by either a missile or a small drone aircraft. Strangely, the only footage released of this from Pentagon security cameras shows no plane and is dated 12 September.
The collapse of the Twin Towers was due to reasons beyond the impact of the planes and the ensuing fire. Some have suggested that charges were planted in the buildings. This explains the demolition-style collapse of the buildings and numerous reports of people saying they heard explosions prior to the collapse.
Although appearing largely undamaged, save for a small fire, World Trade Centre 7 collapsed at 5:30pm on 9/11, in what many consider a controlled explosion. Coincidentally, the NYC Office of Emergency Management, the CIA, and the Department of Defense all had offices in this building.
The hijackers’ behaviour was contradictory to their faith and even risked exposing the plot.
Some suggest that United Flight 93 – the “let’s roll” flight – was shot down.
Cell phones do not work well at an altitude of 33,000 ft (10,000m), raising the question of how passengers called relatives.
Interceptor planes were not launched in time, despite the four hijacked planes’ transponders being turned off and despite the previously successful interception of planes flying off course.
The comparatively rapid removal of rubble effectively destroyed evidence of a crime scene.
Hijacker Satam Sugami’s passport was found undamaged in the street in downtown Manhattan; in contrast, the black box flight recorders for American Airlines Flight 11 and United Flight 175 were never found.
Some of the named 19 hijackers are allegedly still alive in the Middle East.
Reportedly, the hijackers comparatively poor flying skills suggest that they would have been unable to perform the actions needed to crash into their targets.
There was a large-scale military training exercise happening simultaneously with the hijackings, leading some to speculate that this caused confusion and enabled the hijacked planes to reach their targets.
There are, of course, arguments against all of these allegations, but these are largely made by journalists or those individuals or groups out to debunk conspiracies. In contrast, the official report is deafening in its silence when addressing these claims. Despite the overwhelming number of alleged conspiracies the report fails to adequately address any of the anomalies and thus directly feeds the idea of an official cover-up.
But, while there may be gaps within the official version of events, what would be the reason for such a conspiracy? Al-Qaeda was already viewed as dangerous following the attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. If the US government wanted an excuse to attack Iraq then why, amongst the advance planning the organisation of such events would presumably demand, didn’t they manufacture any evidence directly linking the attacks to Iraq?
Subsequent events, such as the flooding of New Orleans, have revealed a government that lacked the organisational skills to evacuate a few hundred people from a sports stadium, despite the press repeatedly demanding action; it seems unlikely that this same government could organise 9/11. Moreover, an event like 9/11 would have needed numerous conspirators and co-conspirators to make sure that it would work according to plan. With such a large number of people involved, surely somebody would eventually, even accidentally, spill the beans.
In viewing a cabal of either American secret agencies or the New World Order as responsible for the attacks there is a wilful blindness to the very real dangers presented by fundamentalist Islamist terrorism and its stated aims and operational tactics. The truth is that Islamist terrorists do advocate and perform suicide attacks and do see America as the Evil Empire; viewing the attacks as the work of the West avoids asking uncomfortable questions about some interpretations of Islam and repressive Islamic governments, many of which have been supported, both overtly and covertly, by the West."
"Conspiracy Theory
A CONSPIRACY THEORY is a hypothesis that some events were caused by the intractable secret machinations of undemocratic individuals. A prime example is to explain Irancontra as the secret rogue actions of Oliver North and co-conspirators. Likewise, another conspiracy theory explains the hostage-holding in Carter's last presidential year as the machinations of a "secret team" helping Reagan win the presidency. A conspiracy theory of Karen Silkwood's murder would uncover the names of people who secretly planned and carried out the murder. Bending usage, we could even imagine a conspiracy theory of patriarchy as men uniting to deny women status, or a conspiracy theory of the U.S. government as competing groups seeking power for their own ends.
Conspiracies exist. Groups regularly do things without issuing press releases and this becomes a conspiracy whenever their actions transcend of "normal" behavior. We don't talk of a conspiracy to win an election if the suspect activity includes only candidates and their handlers working privately to develop effective strategy. We do talk about a conspiracy if the resulting action involves stealing the other team's plans, spiking their Whiskey Sours, or other exceptional activity. When a conspiracy cause's some outcome, the outcome would not have happened had not the particular people with their particular inclinations come together.
Conspiracy theories may or may not identify real coteries with real influence. Conspiracy theories:
(a) Claim that a particular group acted outside usual norms in a rogue and generally secretive fashion.
(b) Disregard the structural features of institutions.
Personalities, personal timetables, secret meetings, and conspirators' joint actions, claim attention. Institutional relations drop from view. We ask, did North meet with Bush before or after the meeting between MacFarlane and Mr. X? Do we have a document that reveals the plan in advance? Do phone conversations implicate so and so? How credible is that witness?
Institutional Theory
IN AN INSTITUTIONAL theory, personalities and personal motivations enter the discussion only as results of more basic factors. The personal actions culminating in some event do not serve as explanation. The theory explains phenomena via roles, incentives, and dynamics of underlying institutions. An institutional theory doesn't ignore human actions, but the point of an institutional explanation is to move from personal factors to institutional ones. If the particular people hadn't been there to do it, most likely someone else would have.
An institutional theory of Irancontra and the October surprise would explain how and why these activities arose in a society with our political, social, and economic forms. An institutional theory of Karen Silkwood's murder would reveal nuclear industry and larger societal pressures that provoked her murder. An institutional theory of patriarchy explains gender relations in terms of marriage, the church, the market, socialization, etc. An institutional theory of government emphasizes the control and dissemination of information, the dynamics of bureaucracy, and the role of subservience to class, race, and gender interests.
Institutions exist. Whenever they have sufficient impact on events, developing an institutional theory makes sense. However, when an event arises from a unique conjuncture of particular people and opportunities, while institutions undoubtedly play a role, it may not be generalized and an institutional theory may be out of place or even impossible to construct.
Institutional theories may or may not identify real relationships with real influence on the events they explain. Institutional theories:
(a) Claim that the normal operations of some institutions generate the behaviors and motivations leading to the events in question.
(b) Address personalities, personal interests, personal timetables, and meetings only as facts about the events needing explanation, not as explanations themselves.
Organizational, motivational, and behavioral implications of institutions gain most attention. Particular people, while not becoming mere ciphers, are not accorded priority as causal agents.
The Difference
TO SEE THE operational difference between conspiracy theory and institutional theory we can compare a smattering of the views of two currently popular critics of U.S. foreign policy, Noam Chomsky and Craig Hulet. Here is an indicative passage from each.
HULET: "This isn't about Kuwait. This isn't about oil. It has nothing to do with those things. And it certainly doesn't have anything to do with reinstalling a legitimate government [in Kuwait] when for the first time we're trying to install a legitimate government which is a non-military despotism listed by Amnesty International as committing the same heinous crimes against his people [as Hussein]... What I am suggesting is that for the first time we're going to expend American lives to put in a tyrant of only a smaller stature because of the size of his country...there is a foreign policy that is being orchestrated in violation of U.S. law, international law, and the U.S. constitution. Should that surprise anyone after Watergate, the Kennedy assassination?...
"Why should Americans die to restore a dictator invaded by another dictator? First it was to protect Saudi Arabia. Everybody now knows he [Hussein] had no intention of going any further than Kuwait. So they dropped that as a reason. They came up with the next one, that this is about oil. Then all of a sudden oil prices, right in the midst of the war, drop to $21 a barrel, which was where it was before the war. So it obviously can't be about oil. So it can't be our vital interests at stake. Is it about a legitimate government? If it's about a legitimate government, then we're putting back in power a despot under the Breshnev doctrine, not the Truman doctrine. The Breshnev doctrine being that we treat all nations as sovereign equalities regardless of how despotic they are, and we keep them in power. So for the first time George Bush is now acting out the Breshnev doctrine rather than installing a free republic or keeping a free people free. [There follows a long discussion of the U.S. holdings and influence of the Al Sabah ruling Kuwaiti family, followed by listener questions primarily focused on the efficacy of impeaching George Bush to which Hulet's response is:] It's going to be up to the public whether or not George Bush--and I agree, it's a ruling Junta--is impeached. It won't be just up to Senators and Congressmen to make this decision. They won't make the decision unless public opinion supports this kind of action." [emphasis mine, M.A.]
CHOMSKY: "If we hope to understand anything about the foreign policy of any state, it is a good idea to begin by investigating the domestic social structure: Who sets foreign policy? What interests do these people represent? What is the domestic source of their power? It is a reasonable surmise that the policy that evolves will reflect the special interests of those who design it. An honest study of history will reveal that this natural expectation is quite generally fulfilled. The evidence is overwhelming, in my opinion, that the United States is no exception to the general rule--a thesis that is often characterized as a `radical critique'...
"Some attention to the historical record, as well as common sense, leads to a second reasonable expectation: In every society there will emerge a caste of propagandists who labor to disguise the obvious, to conceal the actual workings of power, and to spin a web of mythical goals and purposes, utterly benign, that allegedly guide national policy... any horror, any atrocity will be explained away as an unfortunate--or sometimes tragic--deviation from the national purpose....
"Since World War II there has been a continuing process of centralization of decision-making in the state executive, certainly with regard to foreign policy. Secondly, there has been a tendency through much of this period toward domestic economic concentration. Furthermore, these two processes are closely related, because of the enormous corporate influence over the state executive..."
THE COMMONALTY OFTEN evidenced in these two thinkers is distaste for U.S. foreign policy. The difference is that Hulet generally understands policy as the preferences of particular groups of people--in this case, "a junta" and the Al Sabah family--barely referring to institutions at all. Chomsky always understands the policies as arising from particular institutions--for example, "the state executive" and corporations.
For Hulet, the implicit problem is to punish or "impeach" the immediate culprits, a general point applicable to all conspiracy theory. The modis operendi of the conspiracy theorist therefore makes sense whenever the aim is to attribute proximate personal blame for some occurrence. If we want to prosecute someone for a political assassination to extract retribution or to set a precedent that makes it harder to carry out such actions, the approach of the conspiracy theorist is critical. But the conspiracy approach is beside the point for understanding the cause of political assassinations to develop a program to prevent all policies that thwart popular resistance. Conspiracy theorizing mimics the personality/ dates/times approach to history. It is a sports fans' or voyeur's view of complex circumstances. It can manipulate facts or present them accurately. When it's done honestly, it has its place, but it is not always the best approach.
For Chomsky, the problem is to discern the underlying institutional causes of foreign policy. The modus operandi of the institutional theorist would not make much sense for discovering which individuals conceived and argued for a policy, or who in particular decided to bomb a civilian shelter. To understand why these things happen, however, and under what conditions they will or will not continue to happen, institutional theory is indispensable and the motives, methods, and timetables of the actual perpetrators are beside the point.
Take the media. A conspiracy approach will highlight the actions of some coterie of editors, writers, newscasters, particular owners, or even a lobby. An institutional approach will mention the actions of these actors as evidence, but will highlight the corporate and ideological pressures giving rise to those influences. A person inclined toward finding conspiracies will listen to evidence of media subservience to power and see a cabal of bad guys, perhaps corporate, perhaps religious, perhaps federal, censoring the media from doing its proper job. The conspiracist will then want to know about the cabal and how people succumb to its will, etc. A person inclined toward institutional analysis will listen to evidence of media subservience to power and see that the media's internal bureaucracy, socialization processes, and interests of its owners engender these results as part of the media succeeding at its job. The institutionalist will then want to know about the media's structural features and how they work, and about the guiding interests and what they imply.
The conspiracy approach will lead people to believe that either:
(a) They should educate the malefactors to change their motives, or
(b) They should get rid of the malefactors and back new editors, writers, newscasters, or owners.
The institutional approach will note the possible gains from changes in personnel, but explain how limited these changes will be. It will incline people
(a) Toward a campaign of constant pressure to offset the constant institutional pressures for obfuscation, or
(b) Toward the creation of new media free from the institutional pressures of the mainstream.
The Appeal of Conspiracy Theory
NATURALLY CONSPIRACY THEORY and its associated personalistic methodology appeals to prosecutors and lawyers, since they must identify proximate causes and human actors. But why does it appeal to people concerned to change society?
There are a many possible answers that probably all operate, to varying degrees, on people who favor conspiracy theory. First, conspiracy theory is often compelling and the evidence conspiracy theories reveal is often useful. More, description of the detailed entwinements become addictive. One puzzle and then another and another need analysis. Conspiracy theory has the appeal of a mystery--it is dramatic, compelling, vivid, and human. Finally, the desire for retribution helps fuel continuing forays into personal details.
Second, conspiracy theories have manageable implications. They imply that all was well once and that it can be okay again if only the conspirators can be pushed aside. Conspiracy theories therefore explain ills without forcing us to disavow society's underlying institutions. They allow us to admit horrors, and express our indignation and anger without rejecting the basic norms of society. We can even confine our anger to the most blatant perpetrators. That government official or corporate lawyer is bad, but many others are good and the government and law per se are okay. We need to get rid of the bad apples. All this is convenient and seductive. We can reject specific candidates but not government, specific CEOs but not capitalism, specific writers, editors, and even owners of periodicals, but not all mainstream media. We reject some vile manipulators, but not society's basic institutions. We can therefore continue to appeal to the institutions for recognition, status, or payment.
Third, conspiracy theory provides an easy and quick outlet for pent up passion withheld from targets that seem unassailable or that might strike back. This is conspiracy theory turned into scapegoat theory.
Where Are Conspiracy Theories Taking Us
IT WOULD BE bad enough if endless personalistic attention to Irancontra, the October Surprise, Inslaw, etc., were just attuning people to search after coteries while ignoring institutions. This was the effect, for example, of the many Kennedy Assassination theorists of past decades. At least the values at play would be progressive and we could hope that people would soon gravitate toward real explanation of more structural phenomena.
But the fact is, the values inspiring conspiratorial ways of trying to explain events are beginning to drastically diverge from progressive values. Even some sectors of left activists have become so hungry for quick-fix conspiracy explanations they are beginning to gravitate toward any conspiracy claim, no matter how ridiculous.
Thus the field of conspiracy theorizing has become attractive and new entrants are no longer always progressive and sometimes even tilt toward reaction or downright fascism. The presentation of conspiracy theories has moved from little newsletters and journals to large audience radio talk shows and magazines and, at the same time, from identifying "secret teams" of CIA operatives to all-powerful networks of Arab financiers and worldwide Jewish bankers' fraternities.
There is an ironic analogy here to some recent analysis of national Republican Party politics. In that arena, many journalists now claim that the Republican Party's manipulations of race in prior years paved the way for David Duke by reacclimating the public to racial stereotyping and increasing its appetite for more. In somewhat the same way, isn't it plausible that the relatively huge resources thrown into progressive conspiracy writing, organizing, and proselytizing over the past decade is now coming home to roost? Of course, the changing times are partly responsible for growing public interest in conspiracies, but doesn't past behavior by progressives bear a share of responsibility as well?"
Richard -- do you have a link for that?
Nevermind, I found it with a quick Google search..its here if anyone else wants it:
According to the Sept. 11, 2001 Globe and Mail, (published and delivered prior to the WTC attacks,) Salmon Rushdie was removed from a flight on Sept 10 and drove across the border from the U.S. to Toronto, Canada.
What surprises me the most is this great reverence being held out to these so called PTB. They simply ain't that smart. All that you have are lightning rods that attract and when you get that critical mass, the snowball picks up enough momentum and mass to look like a freight train.
Yeah, great source guys, real, real, indy...oh, accept the huge amount of funding by big business.
Here's one you might be interested in too.
We here are not interested in coincidences and anomalies. I for one am interested in events, circumstances, and eveidence--kind of like a detective. To say that the dragnet full of assholes like you at the corner knots, combined with the oligopoly that leaves no story untarnished merely "leaves a few gaps" is an extreme understatement.
Actually, come to think of it, I'm leaving. These guys are right. But first let's look at this from a detectives point of view...ya know, like CSI.
1. There is no motive for the individual members of the global oligopoly to conspire since everything they do is ethical and legal.
2. There is no evidence of conspiracy...well except when they have armed guards and snipers to kill anyone who enters the perimeter at the site of a Bilderberger meeting, you know, because important legislation cannot be drafted in public forum, so much so that if it is, the public must be killed. It is not enough to just re-draft the legislation after it is polluted with the inexperience of a...cough...citizen; they must rout out the influence of the citizen with a bullet before such pollution even happens.
I must say, this doesn't bode very well for the attendees of Bilderberg, that they are so weak-minded as to be so afraid of mere ideas that they must kill citizens who try to infiltrate.
3. There are no witnesses. Ahem, actually, there are. But the thousands of ex-police, ex-CIA, and ex-FBI that speak of cocaine dealing, child dealing and such are just a faction of pissed of ex-intelligence that have made a giant conspiracy to make all kinds of stuff up.
Talking about 9/11 as an example of whether or not the government had inside information or not is totally ridiculous. This is our prime example of conspiracy theory, when the Bush administration basically got up on national television with an air of disregard for all Americans and pretty much gave us the finger?
I will have you know that I had known that China was brought into the WTO only 2 days after 9/11; I read the paper on 9/13. In my local paper, there was only about 50 words written about the hugest consolidation of global business cooperation in history, when over a billion jobs are "created" with a stroke of the pen. Yes, only 50 words, and 2 days after 9/11. hmmm.
I was thinking that part of the MANY strategies of 9/11 was to drown out other important news while the media focused our attention on mindless jingoism and patriotism, Guerring stlye. But not anymore, now that Richard has cleared things up for me.
Having China's labor pool being brought into the world market, much less regulated and much more free to Western interests, should have been talked about for as long as 9/11. That is a huge change in the world economy. There was no national dialogue on the subject, which had implications that effect EVERY SINGLE MIDDLECLASS HOUSEHOLD IN AMERICA.
I'm sure you guys can find something on zmag. Nuh uh, Mother Jones said that the Nation said...oh, go blow it out your ass.
The Left establishment's attack on 9/11 skeptics
(this page originally published July 2002)
Soon after revelations concerning Bush administration prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks ("Memogate"), a number of well-known media "liberals" and "progressives" launched a heavy-handed series of broadsides against independent 9/11 researchers who had been developing alternative theories in response to the deeply flawed and fraudulent official story. Why would they do this, at precisely the point that the Bush administration was clearly sweating bullets and in deep trouble? This question is particularly important in light of the fact that the anti-conspiracy critics have not been able (nor apparently willing) to articulate their own theory of what happened on 9/11 (and why) which can explain the devastating evidence and contradictions that have been exposed by independent researchers. Instead of offering a credible explanation, the gatekeepers merely saw fit to pathologize 9/11 skeptics as "paranoid conspiracy nuts" and "a danger to our movement."
Not surprisingly, the rank and file didn't buy into the hype—nor were many convinced by the gatekeepers' offhand, passionless calls for an official investigation. Interest in alternative 9/11 reporting continued to grow, and by the time that members of 9/11 victim's families began publicly demanding an end to the government coverup and even mainstream media outlets such as the NY Times were admitting that the lack of an independent investigatory commission was "extraordinary," the Left media gatekeepers backed down and adopted a new tactic of silent stonewalling and tacit support for the official story.
Here's and excerpt
Acceptance of the official narrative of what happened on September 11, 2001 has become widespread, not merely on the right, but also on the left. In this paper, I take issue with the writings of several commentators who attempt to forcefully argue firstly that acceptance of the official narrative is justified, and secondly that certain kinds of inquiry into anomalies and inconsistencies in that narrative are illegitimate and unnecessary. The main bulk of this writing is available online at a new section at the well-known progressive website ZNet, and is somewhat representative of the mainstream approach to 9/11.[1]
In reviewing the work of these commentators on 9/11, I analyse in detail the failure of the U.S. intelligence community in preventing the Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks; the casual repression and/or misrepresentation of facts related to 9/11; the failure of U.S. defence measures on 9/11; the historic and institutional basis for skepticism about the official narrative; and some salient facts which illustrate the need for proper research into the linkages between U.S. government, military, intelligence, and corporate policy, and the ease with which the September 11 terrorist attacks went ahead.
This is just one more source that in itself is not the final answer.
The fact that Mossadeq mentions Al quaeda as even existing leaves his credibility in question. It is safe to say that anyone who knows anything about the M.O. of Western Intelligence work know that Al quaeda is an imaginary demon conjured up by PR and that is all. The U.S.S. Cole bombing, whatever: all pretexts. No Al Quaeda. None. Zero. Zilch. Muslim "extremist groups/" Definitely, but much like any of the hundreds of proxy armies set up by Western forces in the 20th century to kill the 100+ million that were killed by direct combat (not counting the billions that have died due to starvation and disease, aftermath of armed conflict.
On another note, in the case of 9/11, the point is not whether the U.S. knew about it ahead of time and could of stopped it-- although the mainstream left argument and the CT argument often harps on that idea--it is whether it is plausible to think that despite their capabilities of monitoring the airspace of America and their capabilities to intercept any airplane that goes off course for 1 1/2 hours, they were unwilling of unable to do it on 9/11, despite the convenient loacation of Andrews AFB.
This is not a mere gap in the story, it is severe negligence and malice on the part of our government, as such obvious ignorance of errant flights attests to. Thus the government should be exposed.
Here's something. Listen to Cynthia McKinney ask Rumsfeld why Dyncorps is allowed to continue contracting for the U.S. despite having been caught red-handed flying 200,000 women and children off in jets for sale in the black market.
Oh, come on Omni. Everyone knows that Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney is schizophrenic...and a nigger, right Richard and Acrid Culinary Load
"Pathologizing" protest: An exploration of "conspiracy phobia."
By Carolyn Baker
Online Journal Contributing Writer
June 17, 2002
In April, when mainstream media reported Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's call for an investigation of the events of September 11, I was surprised, yet not at all shocked to hear pejorative comments from the likes of Ari Fleischer, alleging that McKinney must be competing in a contest for "The Grassy Knoll Society." However, I was and continue to be viscerally astounded with the inordinate terror of "conspiracy theory" within mainstream, and yes, even progressive, media.
A lifetime of psychological training immediately kicked in, and rather than feeling defensive of McKinney's assertions, with which I happen to thoroughly agree, I felt compelled to reflect upon what I have come to believe is "conspiracy phobia" among some of the greatest minds in media. I find no other way to account for a perception of anything even remotely resembling conspiracy paradigms as a kind of intellectual leprosy. What is so tragic about this dread and loathing is not the irrationality of it all, but the enmity and polarization it is creating within what could and should be a consistent, collaborative, congenial left-liberal alliance in a time of unprecedented corruption, criminality and constitutional degradation in American government.
JFK Conspiracy: The Intellectual Dishonesty and Cowardice of Alexander Cockburn and Noam Chomsky,
by Michael Worsham
As reported in the Washington Post, a top-notch scientific study of audio recordings from the JFK assasination recently presented its findings: it is more than 99% certain that shots were fired by at least one additional gunman from the notorious "grassy knoll." So how does it look now, seeing that Chomsky and Cockburn have stood behind the Warren Commission's findings of a lone gunman and "magic bullet" and, as you will read below, have simply refused to become acquainted with the mountains of evidence to the contrary?
Does "America's leading dissident" have anything to say?
In any case, Parenti's writing affirms for me a disturbing conclusion at which I had already arrived some time ago: that the adamant, knee-jerk critics of "conspiracy theory" on the old ideological Left are, under the sly rubric of guarding against "extremism" and "captivating populist myths," waging war on real truthseeking. I have personally seen, over and over, what Parenti laments here: those who most loudly disparage "conspiracy theory" are most often the ones with the least knowledge of the actual evidence being presented. A second issue which Parenti deals with here is the tired canard of a simplistic "conspiracy theory vs. structural / institutional analysis" dichotomy which is constantly hammered out by the...foes of conspiracy investigation, who then turn around and offer little of their preferred "institutional analysis" at all, instead usually engaging in typical headline-chasing [or namecalling and schoolyard bully/mob mentality 'jounalism'].
The situation would almost be funny if it weren't so pathetic. And dangerous.
From Dirty Truths by Michael Parenti
(1996, City Lights Books) (Pages 172 - 191)
Conspiracy is a legitimate concept in law: the collusion of two or more people pursuing illegal means to effect some illegal or immoral end. People go to jail for committing conspiratorial acts. Conspiracies are a matter of public record, and some are of real political significance. The Watergate break-in was a conspiracy, as was the Watergate cover-up, which led to Nixon's downfall. Iran-contra was a conspiracy of immense scope, much of it still uncovered. The savings and loan scandal was described by the Justice Department as "a thousand conspiracies of fraud, theft, and bribery," the greatest financial crime in history.
Yeah, and the only two conspiracies that ever were attmpted, Watergate, the Savings and Loan/Iran Contra were both found out and investigated to the fullest.
If you talk to any criminologist, they would tell you that for every, maybe, 1000 crimes that are committed by organized crime, 1 is prosecuted. With the endless resources of the our federal government, I would venture to say that it is more like 1 in 10,000.
More from
...Often the term "conspiracy" is applied dismissively whenever one suggests that people who occupy positions of political and economic power are consciously dedicated to advancing their elite interests. Even when they openly profess their designs, there are those who deny that intent is involved. In 1994, the officers of the Federal Reserve announced they would pursue monetary policies designed to maintain a high level of unemployment in order to safeguard against "overheating" the economy. Like any creditor class, they preferred a deflationary course. When an acquaintance of mine mentioned this to friends, he was greeted skeptically, "Do you think the Fed bankers are deliberately trying to keep people unemployed?" In fact, not only did he think it, it was announced on the financial pages of the press. Still, his friends assumed he was imagining a conspiracy because he ascribed self-interested collusion to powerful people.
At a World Affairs Council meeting in San Francisco, I remarked to a participant that U.S. leaders were pushing hard for the reinstatement of capitalism in the former communist countries. He said, "Do you really think they carry it to that level of conscious intent?" I pointed out it was not a conjecture on my part. They have repeatedly announced their commitment to seeing that "free-market reforms" are introduced in Eastern Europe. Their economic aid is channeled almost exclusively into the private sector. The same policy holds for the monies intended for other countries. Thus, as of the end of 1995, "more than $4.5 million U.S. aid to Haiti has been put on hold because the Aristide government has failed to make progress on a program to privatize state-owned companies" (New York Times 11/25/95).
Those who suffer from conspiracy phobia are fond of saying: "Do you actually think there's a group of people sitting around in a room plotting things?" For some reason that image is assumed to be so patently absurd as to invite only disclaimers. But where else would people of power get together - on park benches or carousels?...
Yuck, people, yuck!
This thread is frayed & decayed to the point of unreadability.
I'm not really sure who or what's to blame, but this just sucks.
Now, I realize that I've gotten into some rather inflamed discussions from time to time here--Richard & I have cut each other pretty deeply over that very central argument about what is in our nature and the nature of Nature, for example--but it seems to me that we were at least still talking about the thing that got us so up in arms.
I also regretted any verbal violence & hostility I might have unleashed in my "opponent's" direction, for two reasons. First, it's not going to change anyone's mind to be berated, and secondly, it kills the spirit of dialogue and renders the medium useless. No one will bother to read this kind of crap.
I'm not suggesting any sort of fixed code of etiquette or anything, but could we at least make an attempt to talk about the subject rather than ourselves and each other?
We've had some really brilliant discussions here, and not all of them were in the sympathetic vibration mode, either. The one thing that those great, great threads didn't have was this childish talk of testicles and disinformation.
(In case you might brave the elements, or fecal-storms [whatever might best characterize them]), the next step in the dialogue of how to fix our fatal farming should really include some attention to the better returns to be had from permaculture, right?
I'm sure you have lots of material on this, which I'd like to read, but I was also wondering if you've ever read any of the more "esoteric" sounding approaches, such as that branch of Biodynamism to which Steiner and then Schauberger contributed their understanding of how Nature works.
The article from EarthPulse called Life-Enhancing Agriculture I've posted a few times, but it's well worth another look in this context. One relevant passage was this:
The double legacy of big agribusiness (factory farming) is chemically-fried soil that sloughs off into rivers and oceans with a load of pesticides, and consumers whose health is also going down the drain. And the good news? The better methods of farming (biological agriculture) are also the cost-effective methods, according to many researchers and experimenters, including a British researcher who lives in Australia Callum Coats. After nearly two decades of research, he wrote the fascinating book Living Energies, which includes a section on " biological agriculture."
Living Energies focuses on the concepts of Viktor Schauberger (1885 - 1958). Schauberger was an Austrian genius who began his study of nature's motions while he working as a forester observing pristine ecosystems. His later inventions harnessed nature's simplicity for a variety of technologies:
*water purification,
*river and flood management,
*soil fertility,
*propulsion, and even
*home power generation ("free energy").
An increasing number of today's scientists are acknowledging that his apparently radical concepts are actually quite brilliant. Schauberger's motto of "comprehend and copy nature" points our way out of the insanely destructive technologies of the 20th-century.
Just one example of the results of destructive technology mentioned in Coats' book is the loss of topsoil. Ever since the first metal plow sliced through it, the living skin of Earth (topsoil) has been turning to powder and blowing in the wind. Today's massive machinery has accelerated the loss. There are, however, methods for rebuilding a healthy, crumbly, juicy soil that will at the same time produce vitalized (and tasty) food.
Callum Coats cites a spectrum of Schauberger's improvements to agriculture, and also touches on the work of other researchers such as John Hamaker, who wrote a book called the Survival of Civilization with Don Weaver. Hamaker is an engineer who pioneered soil remineralization with rockdust. This has nothing to do with chemical fertilizers. Instead, igneous rocks which contain a broad range of minerals are crushed into finely ground dust through a relatively cold process. As Schauberger often pointed out, hot processes dissipate energies, but certain cold processes can actually enhance energy in a substance. Quality rather than quantity is crucial; the energetic effect enhances life processes that build soil. For example, one man who used a light dusting of rockdust for a decade increased the depth of his topsoil from four inches to about four feet.
There are lots of other, seemingly nuttoer aspects to biodynamism, but it turns out you don't really need the cowhorns at all (it's in the article); the whole "spookiness" of it is, I think, just a measure of what David Schaller was talking about in Beyond Sustainability: From Scarcity to Abundance when he says:
I propose that there is an abundance to nature that, in our ignorance and even arrogance, we are only beginning to fathom. In fact, it would be arrogance to claim even that much. Our microbiologists, botanists,biologists, mycologists, wood chemists and geneticists are only now scratchingthe surface of this great diversity and plenty. What we don't understand, we can't possibly explain, value, or protect.
We have identified only the smallest fraction of the species of the world, particularly in the fungi, algae, and bacteria kingdoms. Much less do we understand all of the wealth embodied in these mystery species - which by the way dominate the living world. We don't exactly have the plant kingdom figured out either. Taxonomically speaking, we aren't playing with a full deck. And even with the cards we have in our hand, we're not using them very wisely.
It seems to me that ericswan also had some interesting things to say about this stuff, from his organic gardening perspective...or maybe it was the role of that amazing zeolite (about which we haven't heard much recently) in soil reclamation. I have found a few recent references in scientific journals about that other wacky idea I mentioned, ericswan--that zeolite is one of those substances whose lattice structure can be used in directed crystallization know, crystal ships & houses, etc.
So anyway, Mark, I just thought I'd ask about that and whether our friend Dave had anything of interest to say about reviving chemurgy--a move which might just put all this permaculture stuff in a new and better light altogether.
Whether or not it includes all the Nazis hiding in the corn. (Or the Nazi/I.G. Farben patents buried in nearby fields.)
here is a nice long version of the McKinney "Grilling."
Sorry for the name of the site. But only a real ignoramus would attack the message because of the messenger
IC said:
I'm not suggesting any sort of fixed code of etiquette or anything, but could we at least make an attempt to talk about the subject rather than ourselves and each other?
I had the opportunity to spend the day on a biodynamic farm. Huge, healthy, lovely veggies. Wow, I said.
The thing about biodynamic is that organic standards are being eroded more and more so that a new word needs to be invented to mean old-fashioned food, like it was done prior to NPK and DDT.
Soon we might, by permissionof the USDA, have allowed on the National List a "natural" pesticide chemical, Sulfuryl Fluoride, manufactured by Dow Chemical.
The only thing you guys can hope to do is to DIY. No one is going to change the planned eugenics program that sterilizes and renders useless much of the world population unless a full scale violent insurection ensues. Period...and if that happened, there would be a swift and scary end to it. No?
IC, for the record, if you actually fell into Dick's trap, which entrapped me into defending myself with rather innocent self-inflation for the purpose of showing that I was merely not born yesterday, then you are in question as a man.
I can see that the last bastion of conspiracy research has been successfully infiltrated and ruined.
Fuck you guys. You give true spirituality a bad name. Bunch of phony actors. You guys sit their and posture, and the only thing missing from your dialogue and your being here giving "selflessly" of your opinions, which you assume by your egos are worthy, that sets you apart from me is that you didn't come out and directly say that you think highly of yourselves. At least I have the balls to admit it. You fucking phonies. I hope the man fucks you all so hard in the ass, you and your children. You are all my enemies, enemies of life itself. You have proven that. I hope your bloodlines are extinguished forever. You are not worthy of your creator, as you squander its gift flippantly, with your proclamations and pronouncements about personalities. You are all being led down roads, into separate darknesses. I am glad.
You don't think I know it is bad form to talk about myself? I was just seeing if you guys merely pay lip service to new paradigms or if you really mean it. Now you have thrown the baby out with the bathwater like a bunch of military-style authoritarians. Now that is all you deserve: military authoritarianism. Fuck you. You couldn't save your own ass if the world depended on it.
Have fun when the shit hits the fan again. 9/11 was just the beginning. I'll be watching from my perch like the tyrant king, taking pleasure in watching you and your families run in fear. Phonies. ptui.
Geez Oms, you're kind of like a trout...just use the right bait & you'll flop around on the hook all fucking day.
So, ever think about putting down the ol' axe & getting a real job?
Since you mistook my attempt to politely get you to fuck off as some olive branch/concession, & since you're now calling me a racist, I'm gonna play 'fuck with the mental case' before I toddle off to 4 days of double shifts.
Oms says, "Well just 5 days ago, it took me 1 hour to figure out Jimi Hendrix's studio version of Red House. Now I can play it "album-perfect.""
So you're a 40 year old guy learning Red House, eh?
That doesn't mean you're in one of those classic rock bar bands does it?
Cause I got to tell ya Omsy,one thing the world doesn't need is another cover version of a Hendrix song. Or another cover of Stairway to Heaven or Comfortably Numb, etc.
Considering all that classic rock crap has been overplayed to fucking death &, from what I can see, all its really given us, in the end, is an army of pudgy receding hairlined fruity pony tail wearing middle aged guys playing air guitar in their fucking minivans at stop lights, I think the world could have done just fine without the originals.
I will admit to being fool enough, at one time, to buying that shitty excuse for music, but about 5 years ago I took my kids & all that rancidly overplayed self-indulgent noodle rock, in both cd & album form, out into the yard. We made a nice bullseye, hung it from a tree, & played classic rock frisbee darts. & while albums were great for the splatter shrapnel effect, cds, especially on sunny days, had a nice shiny glittery ufo effect as they hurtled to there doom.
Personally, if I could go the rest of my life without hearing another Zeppelin song or another Hendrix song or another Pink Floyd song I'd die a happy man. The problem is that I live in a world where perpetual adolescence has somehow been miscontrued as being a good thing & everyones musical taste seems frozen at about their teens or early 20's.
My only regret, after seeing the new fat incarnation of the Stooges on Henry Rollins website where Iggy looked like he was constipated with 4 or 5 turds stuck in his ass, is that I didn't include them in the smash & giggle.
"Incidentally, my brother's friend who recorded Zig-Zag Man, hates me secretly and has for a long time. He won't record me. My old best friend from high school who I taught how to play, who is now in a successful band in my home town, admitted to me one night when he was drunk that one of the reasons he split up with me as a friend was because he was frustrated and jealous of me."
You should actually consider yourself lucky, if that 40 year old tag is true, that no one will record you.
40 year old rockers just look fucking silly...wait let me rephrase that...40 year old rockers with a string of hits from their 20's look silly chugging it out on stage; 40 year old rockers who never attained enough fame to even be forgotten just look pathetic.
I mean duuuuuuuuuuude, if you made a record tomorrow, do you seriously think anyone in their right mind would buy it?
But this way you get to blame it all on jealousy, real or delusionally imagined, & you get to put off that hard hard look in the mirror for another 20 years or so.
"I have been playing music for 25 years."
So, does it just chap your ass that someone like Sid Vicious, who couldn't play 2 notes in key on the bass has attained his little slice of rock & roll immortality, while you, with all that hard work, are left to sputter on about your "genius" to people like me who, even if it were true, just don't give a fuck?
"Jimi Hendrix was killed by the mafia, icnidentally. One week before he died, he was threatened in a limosine by thugs working for his record label. He wanted to start working with an orchestra and getting more into jazz to explore more intellectual music. His handlers thought differently. So they killed him, dead."
Hendrix should thank them. Or at least his estate should cut them in for a share of his car ad jingle revenue.
After all, Jimi got to live fast, die young, & leave a good looking corpse.
Frankly, the idea of a 60 year old pot bellied Hendrix bumping & grinding for an audience of waaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the hill hippy chicks just gives me the creeps.
It ranks up there with watching a 60 year old pot bellied Jim Morrison puke on himself as he tries to mutter his way through L.A. Woman for the 5,000,000th time.
Or watching a geriatric Roger Daltry belt out another unneeded version of "hope I die before I get old" between Viagra injections for an audience of oldsters who just can't handle the fact that yes their youth is really dead & should lie buried rather than constantly being resurrected like some mouldy old zombie.
" Everyone knows that Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney is schizophrenic...and a nigger, right Richard and Acrid Culinary Load"
Yep, ol' Omsy boy, I thought she was such a schizophrenic nigger that I wrote her in for president during that last election.
I've since learned my lesson.
I now will only vote for Ben Dover & Mike Hunt right up until I keel over with a coronary.
I suppose, given your inability to get laid in your 20's, you've developed a certain fondness for Jack MeOff as your presidential pick.
Oh well Omsy, like they say, all good things must come to an end.
But, look on the bright side, you have 4 days to sputter on & on about what a nasty fucking shit I am.
& acl, sorry, no link. I just enter debunked conspiracy theory in my search engine & then posted whatever came up.
After all, trout are pretty fucking stupid & they don't actually require quality bait in order to hook.
As you can see, I suppose.
Heywood Jablome for Vice President.
Omni.. I have to agree with you on your take vis a vis "organic". Faberge patented the name "organics" then let it slide whereupon, it was picked up by mainstream bot foods which inevitably led to the erosion of what the Organic community was all about. IC.. I got the original grass roots people to recognise "Zeolite" as an organic soil conditioner. It's now being reported (this week) that soil treated with manure passes the anitbiotics on to the foodstuff.
Now back to your CT perspective OMNI.. I suggest you visit where you will find that 911 was a conspiracy and that this "groupe" controlled the war games that were scheduled over North America and that it was this "groupe" that was responsible for the "stand down" that day.
Richard..When I was a kid, they wouldn't play Led or Hendrix on the only AM station we had access to. It sucks that they play it now and play it for background on car commercial really bugs me. the was being suppressed.
And finally, Omni..don't think we take your "treats of insurrection" lightly. You have been short-listed for more em treatment and we can only "hope" that you will finally run for the fence. We need you and your friends to justify me and mine.
Well, the Z Magazine article does a great job of setting up a false dichotomy between "conspiracy theory" and "institutional analysis." The boundary simply isn't there in the way the writer wants to frame it. Nor is his blanket characterization of CT accurate when he implies it only encourages a prosecutor's outlook for going after particular "bad apples" while ignoring the institutions and the structures that feed the corruption. Has this guy really read any CT? Like, say for instance the stuff Jeff writes?
Yes, there are people working the CT field who only point at "this" particular "individual" villain or "that" particular "villainous group."(For instance, cryptofascists, and those who are "consumers" of conspiracy-entertainment, which category the Z piece seems to lump every CT-minded person under). The best CT researchers/practitioners focus on individuals AND institutions as well as underlying philosophies and spirit,etc. Sure there are the scapegoaters, but to say that the more relevant CT and deep political research isn't interested in both individual players And institutions is false. I simply wonder whether the writer is ignorant of that fact or simply wants to bait CTists into assuming the tidy, little role he's "framed" for them.
As for the rampant CT-phobia talked about in some of the excerpts in other postings, my sense is that it comes down to this. While the cryptofascist and mere-entertainment styles of CT theory may cater to scapegoating to the detriment of "institutional analysis," the supposedly more "reasonable" institutional analysts seek to just create organized pressures on these institutions to hinder the worse excesses. That is to say, in the practice of mere "institutional analysis" is an implicit acceptance of the belief that our society's institutional structures are legitimate so long as they can be kept in line via "public pressure:" it's reformist in intent--scrub the rotten apple, cut out a piece here and there, but for Dobbs sake don't throw it away! That's their line of B.S. (belief system).
Perhaps what really scares the Z crowd as well as the cryptofascists outside of and within CT circles and the CT-phobic public in general is that the most cutting CT maps might lead people to cease to recognize the legitimacy of our societal institutions at all. Moreover, this CT may lead them to take the most taboo of actions at all--and I ain't talkin' about violent revolution. I'm talking about the act of turning your back on the entire spectacle: bad apples, bad institutions and all. But, I suspect the fear is that the taboo breaking won't end there. It might lead people to actually do for themselves, creating their own structures and own communities outside the control mechanisms that even progressive magazines like Z require in order to continue to exist. THAT, I'd hazard to guess, is what really scares the shit out of people about CT more than the mob-mentality of the CT cryptofascists; after all, as destructive as a mob can be, it's easy to direct one where you want because its mindless or, at least, the person "leading" the mob can always be bought off, killed or used to serve the same old interests. That's not so much the case when you talk about individuals, cooperating together on their own terms, with their eyes wide open and their minds and hearts working with clarity, purpose and zen-like simplicity.
So, Omni, your take on biodynamism is "big fake organics are muddying the waters..." and then right back to the fecal fun? Dude, weren't you the one who complained that suspicious persons were "inflitrating" Jeff's blog with comments that diverted from the true quest?
My manhood, Omni? That's some issue-focused commentary, alright! (Richard, when we were tearing out each other's throats in our eternal struggle, were you questioning my virility? I don't recall that part...)
And what exactly is the relevance of your guitar playing, Om?
More to the point, how does all this "fuck you and your children" stuff help any discussion of ideas?
To the rest of you then, what's all this about Zmag? I assume that's part of Michael Zezima's network, right? I understand where some of those outfits labeled "progressive" are like the "organic" milk that WalMart sells, since they don't recognize the complicity of the so-called Left or the true level of corruption in our institutions, but I'm not sure that Mickey Z is really such a blind tool. His book Saving Private Power is conspiracy theory in the tradition of R. William Davis' Shadow Of The Swastika that looks at the historical hijinks going on behind the political stage at the institutional level. It's a great read and well documented to boot. (Well, both are, actually.)
I don't really follow his web stuff at all, although I did find this article by Jerome Scott and Walda Katz-Fishman called Popular Democracy – a vision for our movement (What should popular democracy look like?) that talks about the crucial role that scarcity plays in the rule of the many by the few:
Today’s new technology – automation, robotics, computers, digitization, etc. – makes it possible to have an abundance of all the goods and services we need – food, housing, education, health care, transportation, cultural expressions and time for family and friends. The technology is also available to do this in a safe and sustainable way that respects the total environment we live in and share with nature. This abundance means an end to scarcity and an end to the inequality and power domination that comes with it and that we have known too long.
For us popular democracy – equality, participatory decision-making, struggle and liberation – is an essential set of organizing and educating principles and processes for growing our movement for justice, equality and liberation and for transforming our society and reconstructing the new world we are visioning and fighting for.
I think they're giving digital technology far too much credit here in the cornucopia revolution, but at least they're acknowledging the point that as long as we have "markets" and economies of scarcity, we'll never be free.
I also don't know if this article is typical for these guys, but in all of the many pages you've written here Omni, what have you said? I mean, aside from all the personal stuff that has nothing to do with anything outside the confines of your skull?
I do recall sort of agreeing with something you wrote when you first stopped by, but it's been swallowed by this other crap to the point where I can't even remember what it was.
So, tell you what. Get us all back on track. Zero in on that topic and see if we can't follow your example. (I think it had to do with Liberals [generous, tolerant, fair-minded, etc] and their opposites...)
I like your analysis of that article, but is that piece representative? Is there some kind of company line enforced over there? I was reading some stuff on a blog there where they were throwing chairs at each other just like here, so...
You got any links on that zeolite news?
I think they're giving digital technology far too much credit here in the cornucopia revolution, but at least they're acknowledging the point that as long as we have "markets" and economies of scarcity, we'll never be free.
Yes and no IMO regarding the "Digital Revolution". I think you've linked to McKenzie Wark before who argues the very point that digital media IS abundant in that it can be reproduced for, essentially, free.
I think thats a vital part of the equation. To say it has a down-side (garbage in, garbage out, garbage everywhere) is an understatement, but its an undeniable force.
If you are talking about automation, the way it works is this. If value is ultimately derived from labor investment, and everything is automated to the point that it requires almost no labor, what price can be sustained for things produced in this way?
So it is more of a "forcing" towards abundance, not some horn of plenty daydream. Obviously it doesn't work out so rosily in the Real World, but I think the argument is hard to refute.
No, what I mean is, none of you can disconnect from your egos long enough to simply defend the deepest intuition and feeling in your souls. You are possessed. You suck. And being imperfect as such, you have tried to pollute me without questioning your right to do so, without making damn sure you were right to say what you said about me. Instead of feeling any responsibility about your judgments of me as a person, you judged me for talking about myself. I will remind you that my talking about myself is far better than me making pronouncements about you. But you, in your spiritual infancy, do not understand that; yet you still find it totally acceptable to spread your disease as far and wide as you can. That is why I want all of you who are so plagued with the reactionary pronouncements of convention to die and to be extinguished from the gene pool. I will have my way. My way of thinking will be the one that survives and is purified through evolution—maybe not this time around, with this race, but eventually people will consider compassion and prescience as strengths, emotional and intellectual intelligence as essential qualities of the successful at living. You are dead inside. You are George Romero’s zombies.
Dealing with reality is not a game. It is not a wacky exercise to be disconnected from, like every other superficial internet jaunt. It is life and death. You’ll see. While you sit here and judge people like me for bad form and encourage others into cruel malice, kill the message in lieu of the messenger, and treat your lives, your hearts and souls with pop culture slogans, knee-jerk defenses, and mores of destruction, I’ll be honing myself for the big one, readying myself for extreme deprivation and depravity. You? You will be shit out of luck; I will be content. Fuck you and all of your children, says the universe itself! I can’t wait for the next cataclysm. I have met millions of you little bastards. You’ll agree with friends and disagree with enemies as a rule, leaving the idea, the point, reality itself, alone, without adherents. For the sake of popularity, you’ll sell out your own brother and agree with what you know in your hearts to be erroneous. Fuck you. I will go to my grave wondering whether the powers that rule this world don’t have a point: that the ingrates, idolaters, sloths, cheaters, bigots, and thugs should be enslaved, subdued, or if not, killed off in droves. I will for now sit here and wait for the parade of flesh, while it goes by my window in all its narcissistic glory, to kill itself, then to wonder why it is dying? I will sit here and revel in the deep hate that is brewing in the hearts of billions, as they forget the sound of their own heartbeat. You are soulless beasts. You will perish as such. Fuck you and don't come crying to me.
I also don't know if this article is typical for these guys, but in all of the many pages you've written here Omni, what have you said? I mean, aside from all the personal stuff that has nothing to do with anything outside the confines of your skull?
I would reckon about 1% tops of what I've said has anything to do with what is in my own skull. 39% is in response to what Richared and acl said, provocateurs whether freelance or on the job no matter what any of you fucking phony fucks say (they certainly provoked me, and I gave them a run for their money few could ever conjure). The other 60% was stuff that all of you poseurs can't answer. You will always lose. You have no soul. All you have are lies, deceit, and all of their many cousins. I have wonder, beauty, curiosity, brilliance, love, honor, bravery, hppiness, inspiration, empathy and best of all and most pertinent to you shitbags, singlemindedness to kill that which is diseased.
That's right. If I can do one thing right in my life, it will be to destroy every vestige of the existence of the little man. IC, don't go anywhere near Rangely, Maine. You will tear a hole so large in the orgone field there that it will take years to heal. You are a cancer. Fuck you and all your fake hippy shit. Anyone who can look me in the face and tell me I'm the problem and still act cordial toward pieces of shit like Richard is a piece of shit as well. Die, you fucking beknighted demon. I will will you dead with every intent of my mind, body and soul.
You give people trying to survive this mess a bad name.
Incidentally, why don't you go chide Paul Bonacci for talking about himself. You fucking pig. I would kill you and with a total blank look on my face, with absolute resolve.
I will be praying for your deaths here at RI, with your self-righteous posturing as the keepers of the torch in a world so blighted by unreason. You are presuming a sensational position in world politics and you have very little with which to back it up. May the omnipotent powers of Earth swiftly and silently end your farcical reign.
I have put a serious dent in your credibility here as any kind of supporters of the underclass of hapless workers. You are dead in the water. I have told it on the mountain. "Rigorous Intuition is nothing but a front, a trap. Saty away. It's cancer. Read all you like with discriminating intelligence, but DO NOT POST.
Why do you keep using that filthy language? Eve asked us to keep it PG 13....and I've done my best to abide by her reasonable request, but you're out of the charts. I'm not going to let you come between Eve and me...she and I have come too far to be derailed by your Tom Foolery.
May I ask you a personal question? What's your favorite dessert? Mine is Chocolate Cherry Cake....but Coconut Cream Pie is a close second.
Illa Lalla Poop Allah
The WisWas
PS: How could no one have taken note that Omni looks to the early leaders of the USA as some sort of noble and lofty individuals considering his stance on Conspiracy? He even referred to them orthodoxically as the "Founding Father." It's either a major contradiction on his part, or Omni's just not serious. I think it's the latter.
So basically you are capable of appearing lucid for about three days tops before you become totally unhinged?
If you are talking about automation, the way it works is this. If value is ultimately derived from labor investment, and everything is automated to the point that it requires almost no labor, what price can be sustained for things produced in this way?
Yeah, that is the premise of both Wark’s radical digital anarchy and of that Long Tail economic argument by Chris Anderson who writes, in The Tragically Neglected Economics of Abundance:
More than a decade ago George Gilder, the apostle of abundance, offered a good way to think about all this. In an interview (in Wired, as it happens) he said:
"In every industrial revolution, some key factor of production is drastically reduced in cost. Relative to the previous cost to achieve that function, the new factor is virtually free. Physical force in the industrial revolution became virtually free compared to its expense when it derived from animal muscle power and human muscle power. Suddenly you could do things you could not afford to do before. You could make a factory work 24 hours a day churning out products in a way that was just incomprehensible before the industrial era. It really did mean that physical force became virtually free in a sense. The whole economy had to reorganize itself to exploit this physical force. You had to "waste" the power of the steam engine and its derivatives in order to prevail, whether in war or in peace."
Anderson then goes on to talk about how the same long tail of lessening costs of production phenomenon can occur outside the digital environment, which is where the whole thing gets really interesting, of course.
Switching gears to a less pleasant level of "life"...
…what I mean is, none of you can disconnect from your egos long enough to simply defend the deepest intuition and feeling in your souls. You are possessed. You suck. And being imperfect as such, you have tried to pollute me without questioning your right to do so…
What we write is not the “deepest intuition and feeling in our souls”? How would you know this? What’s the point of making a pronouncement like this? Or, even worse, all this “you suck, you pollute me” crap, when you’re the one spewing bile? Relax, dude—you’re looking at a computer screen. (It’s fairly harmless, you know.) The worst of it is that you’re still talking about your anger and your fear and all this unimportant personal drivel.
What about the ideas? No, we can’t talk about those things with you, because you get all hysterical. You ask how I can be civil to Richard if I disagreed with him—why shouldn’t I be? How do you imagine that you’re going to convince someone on the other side of that illusory Left/Right line of the righteousness of your positions when you say stuff like:
I will go to my grave wondering whether the powers that rule this world don’t have a point: that the ingrates, idolaters, sloths, cheaters, bigots, and thugs should be enslaved, subdued, or if not, killed off in droves.
You fucking pig. I would kill you and with a total blank look on my face, with absolute resolve.
I will be praying for your deaths here at RI…
Omni, you’ve gone and done just the thing you were complaining about with your infantile accusations of infiltration—you’ve clogged this blog with your pointless hostility and lunatic ravings to the point where it’s unreadable. Why can’t you just talk about things without reveling in your violent fantasies?
In case you do come up from the pit and wipe the foam from your fingertips enough to type, what exactly were those profound insights of yours that we couldn’t wrap our heads around?
Have some pity on the lesser beings—give us another chance to snuffle up the pearls of your wisdom. It’s awfully hard to find them among all that other crap, the pages and pages of Manson-screed.
I did have to chuckle, I will admit, over a few things you wrote, like:
I would reckon about 1% tops of what I've said has anything to do with what is in my own skull.
Really? All that hate, all that stuff about your musicianship? If anyone cared enough to make a quantatative analysis, your figures would just be off, oh, just a little, anyway. My favorite is this part:
I have wonder, beauty, curiosity, brilliance, love, honor, bravery, hppiness, inspiration, empathy and best of all and most pertinent to you shitbags, singlemindedness to kill that which is diseased.
This does bring us back to the definition of “liberal” and its opposite (fascist) doesn’t it?
You do present an interesting conundrum to those of us who really believe all this “fake hippy shit”—if we want to create a just society where people are free to do as they please as long as they don’t hurt anyone else, what would we do with you? If we put you in a padded cell, are we not prisoners ourselves? If we euthanised you, are we not purifiers of the blood like you?
I guess you have contributed something after all. When you were talking about embracing violence a few screeds ago, I was going to interject that this was insane (despite your protestations of your advanced spiritual progression and our stunted development) because the ends can never justify the means. This is the moral shortcut of the fascists, the militarists, the supposedly well-intentioned do-gooders and the controlling elite. It doesn’t work because you become the means you employ.
This is very, very simple, really. You do good, you are good. Where it gets tricky is when you have delusional madmen who think they’re doing good by carrying out a little eugenic cleansing to purify the race. What we do with these pathological lunatics defines who and what we are. Did stringing up Mussolini on a meathook heal him, or us?
I suppose there’s always exile, when all attempts to heal have failed. This may not be terribly practical, however—how far away is safe enough from someone who would kill us for his vision of truth & justice? Would it be fair to those Martian life forms to let you stomp them into dust with your lead boots?
What do we do with the bankers once we’ve obsoleted money?
I come to bring some nice Glade air freshner in this stinking locker room.
So pssssst......... some nice summer rain and scent of roses.
For being such a group of smart guys you are ALL so damn dumb.
And sorta poetic that it ends up here with this last post of Jeff's. Left, Right, Hate!
And Jeff you telling us that if we think about it, we are all probably left too. Well sorry but I take a BIG exception to that remark. I need my right side as much as my leftt side. If I spend my life driving around only making left turns or right turns I don't go anywhere except that neverending square.
I entered this comment section asking the question why are movies showing up on my TV with a theme that shows exactly whatever my left brain/right brain happened to be thinking of and now I'm gonna leave it with the same theme -
This movie showed up for me yesterday The Postman,
It is 2013. War has crippled the Earth. Technology has been erased. Our only hope is an unlikely hero.
In the year 2013 civilization has all but destroyed itself. After a war that decimated the government and most of the population of the United States (possibly the world) people struggle to survive against starvation and rogue groups of armed men. One such group is called the Holnists. This group is bigger than any other and their leader, General Bethlehem, has delusions of ruling the country. A drifter (Costner) is captured by the group and forced to join. He escapes at the first chance and happens on a mail jeep with a skeleton in it. The skeleton is wearing a postal uniform and the drifter takes it to keep him warm. He also finds a mailbag and starts conning people with old letters. The hope he sees in the people he delivers to changes his plans and he decides that he must help bring the Holnists down. Written by {}
Set in 2013, after the war has destroyed most of USA, including the government. A solitary traveler (played by Kevin Costner) is captured by a fascist military group called the Holnists led by Hitler-like General Bethlehem. When he escapes from the Holnists he finds an abandoned mail Jeep and uniform, and starts to travel through small cities, telling them he is a postman, a representative of the restored United States. No one believes him at first, but soon he has followers, and they start to prepare a revolt against Holnists. Written by Gustaf Molin {}
And when the people so hungry for order and the old government ask The Postman for news, he lies and tells them we have a new President he's from Maine. The people ask is he Republican or Democrat?
NO, no you don't understand says the Postman, there are no more left, right or Republicans or Democrats, there are only individuals helping each other!
Only individuals.
Now I will be the first one to admit that I am probably bona fide certified crazy. But crazy is so much more damn fun I think. And Richard or just another Dick (how appropo) you worry me with your snide hateful remarks of the crazies that you say you take care of. Shades of One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. Are you a Nurse Ratchet?
And Omni, hell I just give up trying to figure you out. And by the way, I don't think you are real, I think you are just another layer of someone's onion. Course I'm sure you don't give a damn what I think. And that's ok too. I do like your music though. But that photo on your blog says everything I need to know.
And Shrub, you do make me smile. You are so very witty and I think you might be hiding a heart of gold. Why hide it?
Mark, I miss you and never got to comment back to you, yes I love all the stories of The Knights of the Golden Circle, and yes I am from Arkansas, hicksville or is it? Strange place Arkansas. Lot's of hidden in plain site sorta stuff. And it is a Rockefeller state. Oh my -
And rumors have it that the movie The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly had sly little hints to the treasure that the Knights of the Golden Circle had accumulated and hidden to use when the South would rise again. Old Sergio Leone, what secrets did he really know?
I live in Chicago now. The CENTER of this great country. The heart. The part that pumps life into the left, the right, the head and the feet.
IC, you most assuredly have a heart of gold and keep dreaming. But you need to break on through to the other side brother. You are so very close. Get crazy!
ericswan, I think you have broken through to the other side, but you couldn't believe it and zig zag back and forth. Better than waiting for a Godiva on a horse you say?
I have read all of your blogs, what there are. And ericswan please say hello to an old acquaintance of mine that you share a joint blog with. SunKing. Tell him an old lady acquaintance from Etemenanki said hello. My internet name is Summer Wine. Someone mentioned to me, you do know that is a stripper's name? Go figure!
And many of us old lost Etemenankians are here
Men, Men, Men, Men
So sad that you just don't get it.
You so very much need that Godiva on a horse. And you always have. From the very beginning a lie.
But that Godiva on a horse is gonna rock your world boys! But I think you're gonna like it. I mean you men have done such a good job? Haven't you?
(I was being witty there in case you missed it)
Big Bang Theory? Only a man could have coined that phrase. How about multi-orgastic constantly evolving universe?
Spewing words and conspiracy theories and put downs and sword jabs and now death threats?.
And accomplishing......... what?
All the while Mama is in the kitchen taking care of business.
Tupac Shakur
» Dear Mama
When I was young me and my mama had beef
Seventeen years old kicked out on the streets
Though back at the time, I never thought I'd see her face
Ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place
Suspended from school; and scared to go home, I was a fool
with the big boys, breakin all the rules
I shed tears with my baby sister
Over the years we was poorer than the other little kids
And even though we had different daddy's, the same drama
When things went wrong we'd blame mama
I reminice on the stress I caused, it was hell
Huggin on my mama from a jail cell
And who'd think in elementary?
Heeey! I see the penitentiary, one day
And runnin from the police, that's right
Mama catch me, put a whoopin to my backside
And even as a crack fiend, mama
You always was a black queen, mama
I finally understand
for a woman it ain't easy tryin to raise a man
You always was committed
A poor single mother on welfare, tell me how ya did it
There's no way I can pay you back
But the plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated
Don't cha know we love ya? Sweet lady
Dear mama
Place no one above ya, sweet lady
You are appreciated
Don't cha know we love ya?
Astronomy & Mythology of Leo
Leo Major, the great Lion, is a very bright and easy to see constellation of the northern skies. It lies between the stars of Cancer on the west and those of Virgo on the east. Its most recognizable feature is the Lion's mane, which looks like an inverted question mark. In the midst of this cosmic sickle is Regulus, the Royal Star of the Northern Heavens, the Heart of the Lion. The Lion is easy to find in the northern hemisphere night sky during the months of November through June, as Leo's head is located just under the ladle of the Big Dipper.
In antiquity when the Zodiac only consisted of 10 constellations, Leo and Virgo were one. The great mystery of the Sphinx might be explained in this union as we have the lion and the woman’s head, along with the symbol of the lion or kingly soul, and its relation to matter or the Mother aspect. Virgo and Leo together stand for the whole man, for the God-man as well as for spirit-matter.
When the two become one.
Left - Right
Mother - Father
Sister - Brother
Up - Down
Black - White
Yin - Yang
It's been fun here, sorry it has degenerated into this.
And my crazy side, well I just have to leave you with a crazy puzzle
Ismail Axe written in red on his arm. (Ishmael the son of Abraham who's father god said kill your son to prove you honor me)
And John Travolta playing a woman in his new movie Hairspray. And the tomb of Queen Hatsheput - The Queen who would be King.
pssst........ some more Glade air freshner before I leave.
love you boys, maybe I'll see you on the road!
stripping off my clothes
and riding a horse.
Splendid, Movie Girl, splendid! Quite boffo, even! I will have you know that I did break on through, oh, 30 years ago or so, right in that enigmatic heart of the country where you live.
Very quick story about it.
I was standing near the War Memorial in Glenview where my unfortunate uncle's name was mispelled after they took him out of the seminary because he spoke German...and ended up mysteriously dead in an infantry unit (vast conspiracy story hidden in there) sneaking through the woods just outside the town his great-grandfather had left after the revolution had failed 96 years earlier...
The memorial was overgrown and untended, so it was a perfect place to blow a fatty while the bicentennial parade lurched down the main drag.
My own destiny was made manifest in that moment, although the threads are still unwinding quite unpredictably.
Much love for your psychedelic sobriety.
Hey Movie Girl...passed your message on to the big guy. I'm sure he will be visiting your site as may I (with permission of course).
It's hard to explain but the zig zagging was a conscious decision. The one time I tried to astral..I got as far as my neck and started choking on my Moroccan money beads.
Who knew?
I'm willing to trust women's intuition and hold out for the recursive Godiva. She's been gone a long time but what is that in the scheme of things.
IC..I'm not sure what it is you think I was saying about zeolite. The research I was referring is that plants take up antibiotics from animal waste. The zeolite information was based on some lobbying I did a decade or so back where zeolite was included in the construct we called "organic". It's hard to say if zeolite is being suppressed as it has been used for thousands of years but it's scientific history for the natural occuring mineral is only 22 years old.
Omni... I have been sort of unhappy with Reich and orgonite based on the wild claims made by it's proponents. Cloud busting and mind control busting just doesn't seem realistic. I am, however, a bit more open minded given what I see as truly destructive human interaction and that Reich was well aware of what and who was involved. This link on mind control and Reich's work is an eyeopener nonetheless.
Movie Girl,
I wanted to throw these links by you to gauge your reaction. They’re from the Opoid Circle and they don’t shy away from the negative connotations of Huxley’s soma (in fact, they take on the role of morphine in Brave New World in an essay of that name). The first link is where you’ll find that one--Paradise Engineering--while the second one lays out the foundations of what they call The Hedonistic Imperative, which is not exactly what it sounds like. If nothing else, it’s very thought-provoking stuff, chockfull of all those splintered meanings, as we saw with the LSD/CIA/consciousness expansion circus.
My friend at NewHeadNews also just happens to be running/linking a story on Owsley which is connected with this idea.
I’m not sure where I’m going with that whole zeolite thing. I never heard of it before you started talking about all its wonderful properties, but since I’ve been looking into it, some very different applications & implications have caught my eye. This first one--Zeolite Mysteries--mostly features the sorts of applications you had in mind, while the scientific journals tend to talk about it as a unique substance because it can be used to cross the bridge between the micro & macro worlds.
I don’t know if there’s really any suppression going on here, but if they were already publishing papers back in ’94 on the potential of zeolite and other crystal lattice structures as the basis for a “revolution” in materials sciences (a sort of nanotech without the runaway 'genes' and assemblers), then the ensuing silence is a bit peculiar, especially when you consider how such a Wundertech would challenge the reigning raw materials regimes.
If you care to look at any of this stuff, here you go:
Lawrence Livermore’s The Secrets of Crystal Growth
the 1997 Alun Bowen Industrial Lecture, CINE-CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Professor Paul Barnes. (“Cine-cystallography implies (primarily) a time-dependent element to observation, whereas the plus refers to the use, simultaneous or otherwise, of more than one structural probe…examples of applications appear in the following three areas:
1. synthesis of ceramics.
2. zeolite ion-exchange and dehydration.
3. hydration of cements.)
And then there’s the Nazi secret patent connection to this thing, which I’ve talked about from that 1946 "Thousands of Secrets" article in Harper's, which described German wartime mica production where they used "orthogonal magnetic fields" to produce synthetic mica that was far superior to the naturally occurring variety ( in large sheets, I believe).
The most elusive story in this area is the little known story of Jan Czochralski (the Polish scientist accused of collaborating with the Nazis) which, according to one source, goes like this:
The application of the Czochralski method exclusively as a technique for obtaining single crystals is due to W. von Wartenberg (Verhandlungen der Deutsche Phys. Gesellschaft 20, 113 (1918)). Thus, the Czochralski method was a method of producing large single crystals by inserting a small seed crystal into a crucible filled with molten material, then slowly pulling the seed up from the melt with its simultaneous rotation. Later modifications of this method have also been reported. It is interesting to note that in his own investigations Czochralski obtained single crystals by the Bridgman method.
The Czochralski method was completely forgotten after the II World War. However, increasing demand for semiconductor electronic materials in 1950 led the Americans G.K. Teal and J.B. Little from Bell Telephone Laboratories rediscovered and widely apply this growth method, giving it a world-wide fame as the Czochralski method for growing large single crystals on an industrial scale (Growth of germanium single crystals, Phys. Rev. 78, 647 (1950) and Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 25, 16 (1950)).
At the present time no other crystal growth method can compete with the Czochralski method…Many of Czochralski's works were military secrets (later even in Poland) and have never been published. It is known, however, that during this Frankfurt period he authored reports containing more than two thousand pages.
It all sounds more than a little fishy to me. Czochralski's method is used in more than 95% of the semiconductors made today and no one knows who he was or what exactly he came up with in those 2,000 pages of “military secrets"?!
The fact that almost no information is available on this guy whom the Poles call one of their greatest scientists suggests that there is a very deep, but well hidden story here. Since he wasn’t nabbed in Paperclip or Overcast, we can only guess who might have those secret papers now.
As you say, zeolite is not "new," but none of these stories really is, either. They're just very little known.
Your nuttier than
squirrel shit...
Damn...I said four posts ago that
Shrub was "witty" and then Movie
Girl steals my line and I don't
even get a mention in her terrific
rant...Whats a brother to do??
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
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